ref: 74e5f814dd6404ee4fde1e6e5be6fa8b8c7da48a
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C engine for the ORCΛ programming environment, with a commandline interpreter. ## Prerequisites POSIX, C99 compiler, `bash` for the build script. Tested to build on Linux and Mac with GCC and clang. No native Windows port yet, but it will probably already build under cygwin. ## Build You can use the build script directly, or with the `make` wrapper. ### Make ```sh make [debug or release, default is debug] ``` The built binary will be placed at `build/[debug or release]/orca` Clean: ```sh make clean ``` Removes `build/` ### Build Script Run `./tool --help` to see usage info. ## Run ```sh orca [-t timesteps] infile ``` You can also make orca read from stdin: ```sh echo -e "...\na34\n..." | orca /dev/stdin ```