Merge pull request #359 from licaiguo/add-unit-test-cases
Merge pull request #356 from ruil2/cleanup
modify output help info and commands line input
Merge pull request #355 from licaiguo/check-sliceheader
Merge pull request #354 from zhilwang/arm-asm
Refine structure of iOS project to fix the issue.
add a check to parseSliceHeaderSyntaxes
Merge pull request #352 from mstorsjo/simplify-travis-32bit
Don't install 32 bit zlib in travis builds
Merge pull request #351 from mstorsjo/simplify-travis
Simplify the travis configuration now that OpenSSL isn't required any longer
Merge pull request #350 from mstorsjo/android-unittest
Link codec_unittest to the static android STL
Merge pull request #349 from mstorsjo/cleanup-ios-project
Remove unnecessary precompiled headers
Add the necessary directories to the include path within xcode
Merge pull request #344 from licaiguo/fix-level-check
Merge pull request #343 from huili2/cast_get_word
Merge pull request #342 from volvet/rm-unsupported-para
Merge pull request #341 from ruil2/cleanup
remove inter spatial layer prediction in parameters
Merge pull request #335 from licaiguo/decoder-syntax-checks
Merge pull request #340 from zhilwang/ios-support
Merge pull request #337 from mstorsjo/update-sample-configs
Merge pull request #339 from mstorsjo/console-trace-param
Merge pull request #338 from mstorsjo/use-encoder-params
Merge pull request #156 from mstorsjo/avoid-openssl
Merge pull request #348 from mstorsjo/darwin-dylib
Merge pull request #347 from huili2/active_sps_ref_size
Merge pull request #345 from licaiguo/fix-int-conversion-warning
Allow building tests on MSVC versions where stdint.h is missing
Wrap the library names in codec_unittest LDFLAGS, for use with MSVC
Set GTEST_HAS_TR1_TUPLE to 0 on msvc
Remove the now unused -Wno-deprecated-declarations on OS X
Use the local sha1 function names directly without compatibility defines
Use the bundled sha1 implementation instead of relying on openssl
Make the SHA1Result function write the output into a byte array
Make the SHA1 header compatible with C++
Add an SHA1 implementation by Paul Jones
Use -dynamiclib instead of -shared for building shared libraries on OS X
use active SPS parameters instead of other SPS.
fix int conversion warning, using LD32/ST32
cast to uint32_t in GET_WORD to prevent possible left shift error.
update according to review comments
Handle a -trace parameter for setting the trace level
Respect the iDLayerQp parameter in SEncParamExt
Respect the loop filter disabling encoder parameter
Set missed fields in ParamBaseTranscode
Use TemporalLayerNum instead of GOPSize in other encoder config files
Update the other example config files to work after restructuring encoder parameters
Merge pull request #334 from mstorsjo/cleanup-vp-interface
Merge pull request #322 from volvet/PreProcessExceptionHandle
Merge pull request #333 from volvet/remove-mgs-cgs
Modify copyright for some files
remove cgs/mgs related code, it is not supported
Merge pull request #332 from volvet/remove-q-layer-config
remove quality layer configuration. It is not supported
Remove the local declarations of the VP interface functions
Remove the WELSAPI definition
Merge pull request #325 from sijchen/writenal_refactor3
finish syntax checks in ParseSps
Merge pull request #330 from mstorsjo/android-build-fixes
Squashed merge from writenal_refactor2
init the spatial last spatial picture if excption
Move LDFLAGS specific to creating a shared library to SHLDFLAGS
Don't add C++ specific compiler flags to CFLAGS, add them to CXXFLAGS
Set the CC and AR tools when building for android as well
Fix building the gtest library when targeting android
Pass the right -mfpu flags for the armeabi-v7a target without NEON
Run ndk-build from the android project top level directory
Don't quote the android building commands in sh -c ''
Chain build commands using && instead of ;
Merge pull request #327 from mstorsjo/ignore-android-files
Merge pull request #326 from licaiguo/fix-allocate-large-memory
Merge pull request #324 from volvet/add-missed-namespace-for-encoder
Merge pull request #321 from licaiguo/add-android-target-option
add missed namespace for encoder, remove un-used file
Merge pull request #323 from huili2/check_bit_read
Merge pull request #320 from huili2/mb_residual_size_check
Merge pull request #319 from ruil2/encoder_update
Simplify encoder interface--remove EncoderFrame2 from interface