shithub: openh264

ref: dac13639c9404333300f0962f2fe1dc53ae5dbc1
dir: /codec/encoder/core/x86/sample_sc.asm/

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;* \copy
;*     Copyright (c)  2009-2013, Cisco Systems
;*     All rights reserved.
;*     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
;*     modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
;*     are met:
;*        * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
;*          notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
;*        * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
;*          notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
;*          the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
;*          distribution.
%include "asm_inc.asm"

; Local Data (Read Only)
SECTION .rodata align=16

mv_x_inc_x4		dw	0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10
mv_y_inc_x4		dw	0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04
mx_x_offset_x4	dw	0x00, 0x04, 0x08, 0x0C

%ifdef X86_32
;void SumOf8x8BlockOfFrame_sse2(uint8_t* pRefPicture, const int32_t kiWidth, const int32_t kiHeight, const int32_t kiRefStride,
;                             uint16_t* pFeatureOfBlock, uint32_t pTimesOfFeatureValue[]);
WELS_EXTERN SumOf8x8BlockOfFrame_sse2
%define		pushsize		16
%define		localsize		4
%define		ref				esp + pushsize + localsize + 4
%define		sum_ref			esp + pushsize + localsize + 20
%define		times_of_sum	esp + pushsize + localsize + 24
%define		width			esp + pushsize + localsize + 8
%define		height			esp + pushsize + localsize + 12
%define		linesize		esp + pushsize + localsize + 16
%define		tmp_width		esp + 0
    push	ebx
    push	ebp
    push	esi
    push	edi
    sub		esp,	localsize

    pxor	xmm0,	xmm0
    mov		esi,	[ref]
    mov		edi,	[sum_ref]
    mov		edx,	[times_of_sum]
    mov		ebx,	[linesize]
    mov		eax,	[width]
    lea		ecx,	[ebx+ebx*2]	; 3*linesize

    mov		[tmp_width],	eax
    lea		ebp,	[esi+ebx*4]
    movq	xmm1,	[esi]
    movq	xmm2,	[esi+ebx]
    movq	xmm3,	[esi+ebx*2]
    movq	xmm4,	[esi+ecx]

    shufps	xmm1,	xmm2,	01000100b
    shufps	xmm3,	xmm4,	01000100b
    psadbw	xmm1,	xmm0
    psadbw	xmm3,	xmm0
    paddd	xmm1,	xmm3

    movq	xmm2,	[ebp]
    movq	xmm3,	[ebp+ebx]
    movq	xmm4,	[ebp+ebx*2]
    movq	xmm5,	[ebp+ecx]

    shufps	xmm2,	xmm3,	01000100b
    shufps	xmm4,	xmm5,	01000100b
    psadbw	xmm2,	xmm0
    psadbw	xmm4,	xmm0
    paddd	xmm2,	xmm4

    paddd	xmm1,	xmm2
    pshufd	xmm2,	xmm1,	00001110b
    paddd	xmm1,	xmm2
    movd	eax,	xmm1
    mov		[edi],	ax
    inc		dword [edx+eax*4]

    inc		esi
    inc		ebp
    add		edi,	2

    dec		dword [tmp_width]
    jg		FIRST_ROW

    mov		esi,	[ref]
    mov		edi,	[sum_ref]
    mov		ebp,	[width]
    dec		dword [height]
    mov		[tmp_width],	ebp
    movq	xmm1,	[esi+ebx*8]
    movq	xmm2,	[esi]
    psadbw	xmm1,	xmm0
    psadbw	xmm2,	xmm0
    psubd	xmm1,	xmm2
    movd	eax,	xmm1
    mov		cx,		[edi]
    add		eax,	ecx

    mov		[edi+ebp*2],	ax
    inc		dword [edx+eax*4]

    inc		esi
    add		edi,	2

    dec		dword [tmp_width]
    jg		WIDTH_LOOP

    add		esi,	ebx
    sub		esi,	ebp

    dec		dword [height]

    add		esp,	localsize
    pop		edi
    pop		esi
    pop		ebp
    pop		ebx
%undef		pushsize
%undef		localsize
%undef		ref
%undef		sum_ref
%undef		times_of_sum
%undef		width
%undef		height
%undef		linesize
%undef		tmp_width

%macro COUNT_SUM 3
%define xmm_reg %1
%define tmp_reg %2
    movd	tmp_reg,	xmm_reg
    inc		dword [edx+tmp_reg*4]
%if %3 == 1
    psrldq	xmm_reg,	4

; requires:  width % 8 == 0 && height > 1
;void SumOf8x8BlockOfFrame_sse4(uint8_t* pRefPicture, const int32_t kiWidth, const int32_t kiHeight, const int32_t kiRefStride,
;                             uint16_t* pFeatureOfBlock, uint32_t pTimesOfFeatureValue[]);
; read extra (16 - (width % 8) ) mod 16 bytes of every line
; write extra (16 - (width % 8)*2 ) mod 16 bytes in the end of sum_ref
WELS_EXTERN SumOf8x8BlockOfFrame_sse4
%define		pushsize		16
%define		localsize		4
%define		ref				esp + pushsize + localsize + 4
%define		sum_ref			esp + pushsize + localsize + 20
%define		times_of_sum	esp + pushsize + localsize + 24
%define		width			esp + pushsize + localsize + 8
%define		height			esp + pushsize + localsize + 12
%define		linesize		esp + pushsize + localsize + 16
%define		tmp_width		esp + 0
    push	ebx
    push	ebp
    push	esi
    push	edi
    sub		esp,	localsize

    pxor	xmm0,	xmm0
    mov		esi,	[ref]
    mov		edi,	[sum_ref]
    mov		edx,	[times_of_sum]
    mov		ebx,	[linesize]
    mov		eax,	[width]
    lea		ecx,	[ebx+ebx*2]	; 3*linesize

    mov		[tmp_width],	eax
    lea		ebp,	[esi+ebx*4]
    movdqu	xmm1,	[esi]
    movdqu	xmm3,	[esi+ebx]
    movdqu	xmm5,	[esi+ebx*2]
    movdqu	xmm7,	[esi+ecx]

    movdqa	xmm2,	xmm1
    mpsadbw	xmm1,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm2,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm1,	xmm2			; 8 sums of line1

    movdqa	xmm4,	xmm3
    mpsadbw	xmm3,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm4,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm3,	xmm4			; 8 sums of line2

    movdqa	xmm2,	xmm5
    mpsadbw	xmm5,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm2,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm5,	xmm2			; 8 sums of line3

    movdqa	xmm4,	xmm7
    mpsadbw	xmm7,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm4,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm7,	xmm4			; 8 sums of line4

    paddw	xmm1,	xmm3
    paddw	xmm5,	xmm7
    paddw	xmm1,	xmm5			; sum the upper 4 lines first

    movdqu	xmm2,	[ebp]
    movdqu	xmm3,	[ebp+ebx]
    movdqu	xmm4,	[ebp+ebx*2]
    movdqu	xmm5,	[ebp+ecx]

    movdqa	xmm6,	xmm2
    mpsadbw	xmm2,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm6,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm2,	xmm6

    movdqa	xmm7,	xmm3
    mpsadbw	xmm3,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm7,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm3,	xmm7

    movdqa	xmm6,	xmm4
    mpsadbw	xmm4,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm6,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm4,	xmm6

    movdqa	xmm7,	xmm5
    mpsadbw	xmm5,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm7,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm5,	xmm7

    paddw	xmm2,	xmm3
    paddw	xmm4,	xmm5
    paddw	xmm1,	xmm2
    paddw	xmm1,	xmm4			; sum of lines 1- 8

    movdqu	[edi],	xmm1

    movdqa	xmm2,	xmm1
    punpcklwd	xmm1,	xmm0
    punpckhwd	xmm2,	xmm0

    COUNT_SUM	xmm1,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm1,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm1,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm1,	eax,	0
    COUNT_SUM	xmm2,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm2,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm2,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm2,	eax,	0

    lea		esi,	[esi+8]
    lea		ebp,	[ebp+8]
    lea		edi,	[edi+16]		; element size is 2

    sub		dword [tmp_width], 8
    jg		near FIRST_ROW_SSE4

    mov		esi,	[ref]
    mov		edi,	[sum_ref]
    mov		ebp,	[width]
    dec		dword [height]
    mov		ecx,	ebp
    movdqu	xmm1,	[esi+ebx*8]
    movdqu	xmm2,	[esi]
    movdqu	xmm7,	[edi]

    movdqa	xmm3,	xmm1
    mpsadbw	xmm1,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm3,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm1,	xmm3

    movdqa	xmm4,	xmm2
    mpsadbw	xmm2,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm4,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm2,	xmm4

    paddw	xmm7,	xmm1
    psubw	xmm7,	xmm2
    movdqu	[edi+ebp*2], xmm7

    movdqa	xmm6,	xmm7
    punpcklwd	xmm7,	xmm0
    punpckhwd	xmm6,	xmm0

    COUNT_SUM	xmm7,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm7,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm7,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm7,	eax,	0
    COUNT_SUM	xmm6,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm6,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm6,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm6,	eax,	0

    lea		esi,	[esi+8]
    lea		edi,	[edi+16]

    sub		ecx,	8
    jg		near WIDTH_LOOP_SSE4

    lea		esi,	[esi+ebx]
    sub		esi,	ebp

    dec		dword [height]
    jg		near HEIGHT_LOOP_SSE4

    add		esp,	localsize
    pop		edi
    pop		esi
    pop		ebp
    pop		ebx
%undef		pushsize
%undef		localsize
%undef		ref
%undef		sum_ref
%undef		times_of_sum
%undef		width
%undef		height
%undef		linesize
%undef		tmp_width

;void SumOf16x16BlockOfFrame_sse2(uint8_t* pRefPicture, const int32_t kiWidth, const int32_t kiHeight, const int32_t kiRefStride,
;                             uint16_t* pFeatureOfBlock, uint32_t pTimesOfFeatureValue[]);
WELS_EXTERN SumOf16x16BlockOfFrame_sse2
%define		pushsize		16
%define		localsize		4
%define		ref				esp + pushsize + localsize + 4
%define		sum_ref			esp + pushsize + localsize + 20
%define		times_of_sum	esp + pushsize + localsize + 24
%define		width			esp + pushsize + localsize + 8
%define		height			esp + pushsize + localsize + 12
%define		linesize		esp + pushsize + localsize + 16
%define		tmp_width		esp
    push	ebx
    push	ebp
    push	esi
    push	edi
    sub		esp,	localsize

    pxor	xmm0,	xmm0
    mov		esi,	[ref]
    mov		edi,	[sum_ref]
    mov		edx,	[times_of_sum]
    mov		ebx,	[linesize]
    mov		eax,	[width]

    lea		ecx,	[ebx+ebx*2]
    mov		[tmp_width],	eax
    movdqu	xmm1,	[esi]
    movdqu	xmm2,	[esi+ebx]
    movdqu	xmm3,	[esi+ebx*2]
    movdqu	xmm4,	[esi+ecx]

    psadbw  xmm1,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm2,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm3,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm4,	xmm0
    paddw	xmm1,	xmm2
    paddw	xmm3,	xmm4
    paddw	xmm1,	xmm3

    lea		ebp,	[esi+ebx*4]
    movdqu	xmm2,	[ebp]
    movdqu	xmm3,	[ebp+ebx]
    movdqu	xmm4,	[ebp+ebx*2]
    movdqu	xmm5,	[ebp+ecx]

    psadbw  xmm2,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm3,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm4,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm5,	xmm0
    paddw	xmm2,	xmm3
    paddw	xmm4,	xmm5
    paddw	xmm2,	xmm4

    paddw	xmm1,	xmm2

    lea		ebp,	[ebp+ebx*4]
    movdqu	xmm2,	[ebp]
    movdqu	xmm3,	[ebp+ebx]
    movdqu	xmm4,	[ebp+ebx*2]
    movdqu	xmm5,	[ebp+ecx]

    psadbw  xmm2,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm3,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm4,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm5,	xmm0
    paddw	xmm2,	xmm3
    paddw	xmm4,	xmm5
    paddw	xmm2,	xmm4

    paddw	xmm1,	xmm2

    lea		ebp,	[ebp+ebx*4]
    movdqu	xmm2,	[ebp]
    movdqu	xmm3,	[ebp+ebx]
    movdqu	xmm4,	[ebp+ebx*2]
    movdqu	xmm5,	[ebp+ecx]

    psadbw  xmm2,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm3,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm4,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm5,	xmm0
    paddw	xmm2,	xmm3
    paddw	xmm4,	xmm5
    paddw	xmm2,	xmm4

    paddw	xmm1,	xmm2
    movdqa	xmm2,	xmm1
    punpckhwd xmm2, xmm0
    paddw xmm1, xmm2
    movd	eax,	xmm1
    mov		[edi],	ax
    inc		dword [edx+eax*4]

    inc		esi
    lea		edi,	[edi+2]

    dec		dword [tmp_width]
    jg		near FIRST_ROW_X16H

    mov		esi,	[ref]
    mov		edi,	[sum_ref]
    mov		ebp,	[width]
    dec		dword [height]

    mov		ecx,	ebx
    sal		ecx,	4		; succeeded 16th line
    mov		[tmp_width],	ebp
    movdqu	xmm1,	[esi+ecx]
    movdqu	xmm2,	[esi]
    psadbw	xmm1,	xmm0
    psadbw	xmm2,	xmm0
    psubw	xmm1,	xmm2
    movdqa	xmm2,	xmm1
    punpckhwd xmm2, xmm0
    paddw	xmm1,	xmm2
    movd	eax,	xmm1
    add		ax,	word [edi]
    mov		[edi+ebp*2],	ax
    inc		dword [edx+eax*4]

    inc		esi
    add		edi,	2

    dec		dword [tmp_width]
    jg		near WIDTH_LOOP_X16

    add		esi,	ebx
    sub		esi,	ebp

    dec		dword [height]
    jg		near HEIGHT_LOOP_X16

    add		esp,	localsize
    pop		edi
    pop		esi
    pop		ebp
    pop		ebx
%undef		pushsize
%undef		localsize
%undef		ref
%undef		sum_ref
%undef		times_of_sum
%undef		width
%undef		height
%undef		linesize
%undef		tmp_width

; requires:  width % 16 == 0 && height > 1
;void SumOf16x16BlockOfFrame_sse4(uint8_t* pRefPicture, const int32_t kiWidth, const int32_t kiHeight, const int32_t kiRefStride,
;                             uint16_t* pFeatureOfBlock, uint32_t pTimesOfFeatureValue[]);
; try 8 mv via offset
%macro   SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41  5	; ref, dst0, dst1, tmp0, tmp1
    movdqu	%2,	[%1]
    movdqu	%3,	[%1+8h]
    movdqa	%4,	%2
    movdqa	%5,	%3

    mpsadbw	%2,	xmm0,	0	; 000 B
    mpsadbw	%4,	xmm0,	5	; 101 B
    mpsadbw	%3,	xmm0,	2	; 010 B
    mpsadbw	%5,	xmm0,	7	; 111 B
    paddw	%2,	%4
    paddw	%3, %5
    paddw	%2,	%3	; accumulate cost
%endmacro	; end of SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41

WELS_EXTERN SumOf16x16BlockOfFrame_sse4
%define		pushsize		16
%define		localsize		4
%define		ref				esp + pushsize + localsize + 4
%define		sum_ref			esp + pushsize + localsize + 20
%define		times_of_sum	esp + pushsize + localsize + 24
%define		width			esp + pushsize + localsize + 8
%define		height			esp + pushsize + localsize + 12
%define		linesize		esp + pushsize + localsize + 16
%define		tmp_width		esp
    push	ebx
    push	ebp
    push	esi
    push	edi
    sub		esp,	localsize

    pxor	xmm0,	xmm0
    mov		esi,	[ref]
    mov		edi,	[sum_ref]
    mov		edx,	[times_of_sum]
    mov		ebx,	[linesize]
    mov		eax,	[width]

    lea		ecx,	[ebx+ebx*2]
    mov		[tmp_width],	eax
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	esi,		xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	esi+ebx,	xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	esi+ebx*2,	xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	esi+ecx,	xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    paddw	xmm3, xmm4
    paddw	xmm1, xmm3

    lea		ebp,	[esi+ebx*4]
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	ebp,		xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	ebp+ebx,	xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	ebp+ebx*2,	xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	ebp+ecx,	xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2

    lea		ebp,	[ebp+ebx*4]
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	ebp,		xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	ebp+ebx,	xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	ebp+ebx*2,	xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	ebp+ecx,	xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2

    lea		ebp,	[ebp+ebx*4]
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	ebp,		xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	ebp+ebx,	xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	ebp+ebx*2,	xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	ebp+ecx,	xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2

    movdqa	[edi],	xmm1
    movdqa	xmm2,	xmm1
    punpcklwd	xmm1,	xmm0
    punpckhwd	xmm2,	xmm0

    COUNT_SUM	xmm1,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm1,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm1,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm1,	eax,	0
    COUNT_SUM	xmm2,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm2,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm2,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm2,	eax,	0

    lea		esi,	[esi+8]
    lea		edi,	[edi+16]	; element size is 2

    sub		dword [tmp_width], 8
    jg		near FIRST_ROW_X16_SSE4

    mov		esi,	[ref]
    mov		edi,	[sum_ref]
    mov		ebp,	[width]
    dec		dword [height]

    mov		ecx,	ebx
    sal		ecx,	4		; succeeded 16th line

    mov		[tmp_width],	ebp
    movdqa	xmm7,	[edi]
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	esi+ecx, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	esi, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5

    paddw	xmm7,	xmm1
    psubw	xmm7,	xmm2
    movdqa	[edi+ebp*2], xmm7

    movdqa	xmm6,	xmm7
    punpcklwd	xmm7,	xmm0
    punpckhwd	xmm6,	xmm0

    COUNT_SUM	xmm7,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm7,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm7,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm7,	eax,	0
    COUNT_SUM	xmm6,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm6,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm6,	eax,	1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm6,	eax,	0

    lea		esi,	[esi+8]
    lea		edi,	[edi+16]

    sub		dword [tmp_width], 8
    jg		near WIDTH_LOOP_X16_SSE4

    add		esi,	ebx
    sub		esi,	ebp

    dec		dword [height]
    jg		near HEIGHT_LOOP_X16_SSE4

    add		esp,	localsize
    pop		edi
    pop		esi
    pop		ebp
    pop		ebx
%undef		pushsize
%undef		localsize
%undef		ref
%undef		sum_ref
%undef		times_of_sum
%undef		width
%undef		height
%undef		linesize
%undef		tmp_width

; void FillQpelLocationByFeatureValue_sse2(uint16_t* pFeatureOfBlock, const int32_t kiWidth, const int32_t kiHeight, uint16_t** pFeatureValuePointerList)
WELS_EXTERN FillQpelLocationByFeatureValue_sse2
    push	esi
    push	edi
    push	ebx
    push	ebp

    %define _ps			16				; push size
    %define	_ls			4				; local size
    %define	sum_ref		esp+_ps+_ls+4
    %define	pos_list	esp+_ps+_ls+16
    %define width		esp+_ps+_ls+8
    %define height		esp+_ps+_ls+12
    %define	i_height	esp
    sub		esp,	_ls

    mov		esi,	[sum_ref]
    mov		edi,	[pos_list]
    mov		ebp,	[width]
    mov		ebx,	[height]
    mov		[i_height],	ebx

    movq	xmm7,	[mv_x_inc_x4]		; x_qpel inc
    movq	xmm6,	[mv_y_inc_x4]		; y_qpel inc
    movq	xmm5,	[mx_x_offset_x4]	; x_qpel vector
    pxor	xmm4,	xmm4
    pxor	xmm3,	xmm3				; y_qpel vector
    movdqa	xmm2,	xmm5	; x_qpel vector
    mov		ecx,	ebp
    movq	xmm0,	[esi]			; load x8 sum
    punpcklwd	xmm0,	xmm4
    movdqa		xmm1,	xmm2
    punpcklwd	xmm1,	xmm3
%rep	3
    movd	edx,	xmm0
    lea		ebx,	[edi+edx*4]
    mov		eax,	[ebx]
    movd	[eax],	xmm1
    mov		edx,	[eax+4]	; explictly load eax+4 due cache miss from vtune observation
    lea		eax,	[eax+4]
    mov		[ebx],	eax
    psrldq	xmm1,	4
    psrldq	xmm0,	4
    movd	edx,	xmm0
    lea		ebx,	[edi+edx*4]
    mov		eax,	[ebx]
    movd	[eax],	xmm1
    mov		edx,	[eax+4]	; explictly load eax+4 due cache miss from vtune observation
    lea		eax,	[eax+4]
    mov		[ebx],	eax

    paddw	xmm2,	xmm7
    lea		esi,	[esi+8]
    sub		ecx,	4
    jnz near HASH_WIDTH_LOOP_SSE2
    paddw	xmm3,	xmm6
    dec	dword [i_height]
    jnz	near HASH_HEIGHT_LOOP_SSE2

    add		esp,	_ls
    %undef	_ps
    %undef	_ls
    %undef	sum_ref
    %undef	pos_list
    %undef	width
    %undef	height
    %undef	i_height
    pop		ebp
    pop		ebx
    pop		edi
    pop		esi

; void InitializeHashforFeature_sse2( uint32_t* pTimesOfFeatureValue, uint16_t* pBuf, const int32_t kiListSize,
;                        uint16_t** pLocationOfFeature, uint16_t** pFeatureValuePointerList )
WELS_EXTERN InitializeHashforFeature_sse2
    push	ebx
    push	esi
    push	edi
    push	ebp
    %define	_ps	16	; push size
    mov		edi,	[esp+_ps+16]	; pPositionOfSum
    mov		ebp,	[esp+_ps+20]	; sum_idx_list
    mov		esi,	[esp+_ps+4]     ; pTimesOfSum
    mov		ebx,	[esp+_ps+8]     ; pBuf
    mov		edx,	[esp+_ps+12]	; list_sz
    sar		edx,	2
    mov		ecx,	0
    pxor	xmm7,	xmm7
    movdqa	xmm0,	[esi+ecx]
    pslld	xmm0,	2

    movdqa	xmm1,	xmm0
    pcmpeqd	xmm1,	xmm7
    movmskps	eax,	xmm1
    cmp eax, 0x0f
    je	near hash_assign_with_copy_sse2

%assign x	0
%rep 4
    lea		eax,	[edi+ecx+x]
    mov		[eax],	ebx
    lea		eax,	[ebp+ecx+x]
    mov		[eax],	ebx
    movd	eax,	xmm0
    add		ebx,	eax
    psrldq	xmm0,	4
%assign	x	x+4
    jmp near assign_next_sse2

    movd	xmm1,	ebx
    pshufd	xmm2,	xmm1,	0
    movdqa	[edi+ecx], xmm2
    movdqa	[ebp+ecx], xmm2

    add		ecx,	16
    dec		edx
    jnz		near hash_assign_loop_x4_sse2

    mov		edx,	[esp+_ps+12]	; list_sz
    and		edx,	3
    jz		near hash_assign_no_rem_sse2
    lea		eax,	[edi+ecx]
    mov		[eax],	ebx
    lea		eax,	[ebp+ecx]
    mov		[eax],	ebx
    mov		eax,	[esi+ecx]
    sal		eax,	2
    add		ebx,	eax
    add		ecx,	4
    dec		edx
    jnz		near hash_assign_loop_x4_rem_sse2

    %undef	_ps
    pop		ebp
    pop		edi
    pop		esi
    pop		ebx

;void SumOf8x8BlockOfFrame_sse2(uint8_t* pRefPicture, const int32_t kiWidth, const int32_t kiHeight, const int32_t kiRefStride,
;                             uint16_t* pFeatureOfBlock, uint32_t pTimesOfFeatureValue[]);
WELS_EXTERN SumOf8x8BlockOfFrame_sse2
    %assign  push_num 0
    PUSH_XMM 6
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r1, r1d
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r2, r2d
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r3, r3d
    push r12
    push r13
    push r0
    push r2
    push r4

    pxor	xmm0,	xmm0
    lea     r6, [r3+r3*2]

    mov		r12,	r1              ;r12:tmp_width
    lea		r13,	[r0+r3*4]       ;rbp:r13
    movq	xmm1,	[r0]
    movq	xmm2,	[r0+r3]
    movq	xmm3,	[r0+r3*2]
    movq	xmm4,	[r0+r6]

    shufps	xmm1,	xmm2,	01000100b
    shufps	xmm3,	xmm4,	01000100b
    psadbw	xmm1,	xmm0
    psadbw	xmm3,	xmm0
    paddd	xmm1,	xmm3

    movq	xmm2,	[r13]
    movq	xmm3,	[r13+r3]
    movq	xmm4,	[r13+r3*2]
    movq	xmm5,	[r13+r6]

    shufps	xmm2,	xmm3,	01000100b
    shufps	xmm4,	xmm5,	01000100b
    psadbw	xmm2,	xmm0
    psadbw	xmm4,	xmm0
    paddd	xmm2,	xmm4

    paddd	xmm1,	xmm2
    pshufd	xmm2,	xmm1,	00001110b
    paddd	xmm1,	xmm2
    movd	r2d,	xmm1
    mov		[r4],	r2w
    inc		dword [r5+r2*4]

    inc		r0
    inc		r13
    add		r4,	2

    dec		r12
    jg		FIRST_ROW

    pop r4
    pop r2
    pop r0
    mov r13, r2
    dec r13
    mov		r12,	r1
    movq	xmm1,	[r0+r3*8]
    movq	xmm2,	[r0]
    psadbw	xmm1,	xmm0
    psadbw	xmm2,	xmm0
    psubd	xmm1,	xmm2
    movd	r2d,	xmm1
    mov		r6w,	[r4]
    add		r2d,	r6d
    mov		[r4+r1*2],	r2w
    inc		dword [r5+r2*4]

    inc		r0
    add		r4,	2

    dec		r12
    jg		WIDTH_LOOP

    add		r0,	r3
    sub		r0,	r1

    dec		r13

    pop		r13
    pop		r12

%macro COUNT_SUM 4
%define xmm_reg %1
%define tmp_dreg %2
%define tmp_qreg %3
    movd	tmp_dreg,	xmm_reg
    inc		dword [r5+tmp_qreg*4]
%if %4 == 1
    psrldq	xmm_reg,	4

; requires:  width % 8 == 0 && height > 1
;void SumOf8x8BlockOfFrame_sse4(uint8_t* pRefPicture, const int32_t kiWidth, const int32_t kiHeight, const int32_t kiRefStride,
;                             uint16_t* pFeatureOfBlock, uint32_t pTimesOfFeatureValue[]);
; read extra (16 - (width % 8) ) mod 16 bytes of every line
; write extra (16 - (width % 8)*2 ) mod 16 bytes in the end of sum_ref
WELS_EXTERN SumOf8x8BlockOfFrame_sse4
    %assign  push_num 0
    PUSH_XMM 8
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r1, r1d
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r2, r2d
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r3, r3d
    push r12
    push r13
    push r0
    push r2
    push r4

    pxor	xmm0,	xmm0
    lea     r6, [r3+r3*2]

    mov		r12,	r1              ;r12:tmp_width
    lea		r13,	[r0+r3*4]       ;rbp:r13
    movdqu	xmm1,	[r0]
    movdqu	xmm3,	[r0+r3]
    movdqu	xmm5,	[r0+r3*2]
    movdqu	xmm7,	[r0+r6]

    movdqa	xmm2,	xmm1
    mpsadbw	xmm1,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm2,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm1,	xmm2			; 8 sums of line1

    movdqa	xmm4,	xmm3
    mpsadbw	xmm3,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm4,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm3,	xmm4			; 8 sums of line2

    movdqa	xmm2,	xmm5
    mpsadbw	xmm5,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm2,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm5,	xmm2			; 8 sums of line3

    movdqa	xmm4,	xmm7
    mpsadbw	xmm7,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm4,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm7,	xmm4			; 8 sums of line4

    paddw	xmm1,	xmm3
    paddw	xmm5,	xmm7
    paddw	xmm1,	xmm5			; sum the upper 4 lines first

    movdqu	xmm2,	[r13]
    movdqu	xmm3,	[r13+r3]
    movdqu	xmm4,	[r13+r3*2]
    movdqu	xmm5,	[r13+r6]

    movdqa	xmm6,	xmm2
    mpsadbw	xmm2,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm6,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm2,	xmm6

    movdqa	xmm7,	xmm3
    mpsadbw	xmm3,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm7,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm3,	xmm7

    movdqa	xmm6,	xmm4
    mpsadbw	xmm4,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm6,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm4,	xmm6

    movdqa	xmm7,	xmm5
    mpsadbw	xmm5,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm7,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm5,	xmm7

    paddw	xmm2,	xmm3
    paddw	xmm4,	xmm5
    paddw	xmm1,	xmm2
    paddw	xmm1,	xmm4			; sum of lines 1- 8

    movdqu	[r4],	xmm1

    movdqa	xmm2,	xmm1
    punpcklwd	xmm1,	xmm0
    punpckhwd	xmm2,	xmm0

    COUNT_SUM	xmm1,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm1,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm1,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm1,	r2d, r2, 0
    COUNT_SUM	xmm2,	r2d, r2 ,1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm2,	r2d, r2 ,1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm2,	r2d, r2 ,1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm2,	r2d, r2 ,0

    lea		r0,     [r0+8]
    lea		r13,	[r13+8]
    lea		r4,     [r4+16]		; element size is 2

    sub		r12, 8
    jg		near FIRST_ROW_SSE4

    pop r4
    pop r2
    pop r0
    mov r13, r2
    dec r13
    mov		r12,	r1
    movdqu	xmm1,	[r0+r3*8]
    movdqu	xmm2,	[r0]
    movdqu	xmm7,	[r4]

    movdqa	xmm3,	xmm1
    mpsadbw	xmm1,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm3,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm1,	xmm3

    movdqa	xmm4,	xmm2
    mpsadbw	xmm2,	xmm0,	000b
    mpsadbw	xmm4,	xmm0,	100b
    paddw	xmm2,	xmm4

    paddw	xmm7,	xmm1
    psubw	xmm7,	xmm2
    movdqu	[r4+r1*2], xmm7

    movdqa	xmm6,	xmm7
    punpcklwd	xmm7,	xmm0
    punpckhwd	xmm6,	xmm0

    COUNT_SUM	xmm7,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm7,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm7,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm7,	r2d, r2, 0
    COUNT_SUM	xmm6,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm6,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm6,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm6,	r2d, r2, 0

    lea		r0,	[r0+8]
    lea		r4,	[r4+16]

    sub		r12,	8
    jg		near WIDTH_LOOP_SSE4

    lea		r0,	[r0+r3]
    sub		r0,	r1

    dec		r13
    jg		near HEIGHT_LOOP_SSE4

    pop		r13
    pop		r12

;void SumOf16x16BlockOfFrame_sse2(uint8_t* pRefPicture, const int32_t kiWidth, const int32_t kiHeight, const int32_t kiRefStride,
;                             uint16_t* pFeatureOfBlock, uint32_t pTimesOfFeatureValue[]);
WELS_EXTERN SumOf16x16BlockOfFrame_sse2
    %assign  push_num 0
    PUSH_XMM 6
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r1, r1d
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r2, r2d
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r3, r3d
    push r12
    push r13
    push r0
    push r2
    push r4

    pxor	xmm0,	xmm0
    lea     r6, [r3+r3*2]

    mov		r12,	r1              ;r12:tmp_width
    movdqu	xmm1,	[r0]
    movdqu	xmm2,	[r0+r3]
    movdqu	xmm3,	[r0+r3*2]
    movdqu	xmm4,	[r0+r6]

    psadbw  xmm1,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm2,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm3,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm4,	xmm0
    paddw	xmm1,	xmm2
    paddw	xmm3,	xmm4
    paddw	xmm1,	xmm3

    lea		r13,	[r0+r3*4]       ;ebp:r13
    movdqu	xmm2,	[r13]
    movdqu	xmm3,	[r13+r3]
    movdqu	xmm4,	[r13+r3*2]
    movdqu	xmm5,	[r13+r6]

    psadbw  xmm2,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm3,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm4,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm5,	xmm0
    paddw	xmm2,	xmm3
    paddw	xmm4,	xmm5
    paddw	xmm2,	xmm4

    paddw	xmm1,	xmm2

    lea		r13,	[r13+r3*4]
    movdqu	xmm2,	[r13]
    movdqu	xmm3,	[r13+r3]
    movdqu	xmm4,	[r13+r3*2]
    movdqu	xmm5,	[r13+r6]

    psadbw  xmm2,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm3,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm4,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm5,	xmm0
    paddw	xmm2,	xmm3
    paddw	xmm4,	xmm5
    paddw	xmm2,	xmm4

    paddw	xmm1,	xmm2

    lea		r13,	[r13+r3*4]
    movdqu	xmm2,	[r13]
    movdqu	xmm3,	[r13+r3]
    movdqu	xmm4,	[r13+r3*2]
    movdqu	xmm5,	[r13+r6]

    psadbw  xmm2,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm3,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm4,	xmm0
    psadbw  xmm5,	xmm0
    paddw	xmm2,	xmm3
    paddw	xmm4,	xmm5
    paddw	xmm2,	xmm4

    paddw	xmm1,	xmm2
    movdqa	xmm2,	xmm1
    punpckhwd xmm2, xmm0
    paddw xmm1, xmm2
    movd	r2d,	xmm1
    mov		[r4],	r2w
    inc		dword [r5+r2*4]

    inc		r0
    lea		r4,	[r4+2]

    dec		r12
    jg		near FIRST_ROW_X16H

    pop r4
    pop r2
    pop r0
    mov r13, r2
    dec r13
    mov		r6,	r3
    sal		r6,	4		; succeeded 16th line
    mov		r12,	r1
    movdqu	xmm1,	[r0+r6]
    movdqu	xmm2,	[r0]
    psadbw	xmm1,	xmm0
    psadbw	xmm2,	xmm0
    psubw	xmm1,	xmm2
    movdqa	xmm2,	xmm1
    punpckhwd xmm2, xmm0
    paddw	xmm1,	xmm2
    movd	r2d,	xmm1
    add		r2w,	word [r4]
    mov		[r4+r1*2],	r2w
    inc		dword [r5+r2*4]

    inc		r0
    add		r4,	2

    dec		r12
    jg		near WIDTH_LOOP_X16

    add		r0,	r3
    sub		r0,	r1

    dec		r13
    jg		near HEIGHT_LOOP_X16

    pop		r13
    pop		r12

; requires:  width % 16 == 0 && height > 1
;void SumOf16x16BlockOfFrame_sse4(uint8_t* pRefPicture, const int32_t kiWidth, const int32_t kiHeight, const int32_t kiRefStride,
;                             uint16_t* pFeatureOfBlock, uint32_t pTimesOfFeatureValue[]);
; try 8 mv via offset
%macro   SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41  5	; ref, dst0, dst1, tmp0, tmp1
    movdqu	%2,	[%1]
    movdqu	%3,	[%1+8h]
    movdqa	%4,	%2
    movdqa	%5,	%3

    mpsadbw	%2,	xmm0,	0	; 000 B
    mpsadbw	%4,	xmm0,	5	; 101 B
    mpsadbw	%3,	xmm0,	2	; 010 B
    mpsadbw	%5,	xmm0,	7	; 111 B
    paddw	%2,	%4
    paddw	%3, %5
    paddw	%2,	%3	; accumulate cost
%endmacro	; end of SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41

WELS_EXTERN SumOf16x16BlockOfFrame_sse4
    %assign  push_num 0
    PUSH_XMM 8
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r1, r1d
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r2, r2d
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r3, r3d
    push r12
    push r13
    push r0
    push r2
    push r4

    pxor	xmm0,	xmm0
    lea     r6, [r3+r3*2]

    mov		r12,	r1              ;r12:tmp_width
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	r0,		xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	r0+r3,	xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	r0+r3*2,xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	r0+r6,	xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    paddw	xmm3, xmm4
    paddw	xmm1, xmm3

    lea		r13,	[r0+r3*4]
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	r13,		xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	r13+r3,     xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	r13+r3*2,	xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	r13+r6,     xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2

    lea		r13,	[r13+r3*4]
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	r13,		xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	r13+r3,     xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	r13+r3*2,	xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	r13+r6,     xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2

    lea		r13,	[r13+r3*4]
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	r13,		xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	r13+r3,     xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	r13+r3*2,	xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	r13+r6,     xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5
    paddw	xmm1, xmm2

    movdqa	[r4],	xmm1
    movdqa	xmm2,	xmm1
    punpcklwd	xmm1,	xmm0
    punpckhwd	xmm2,	xmm0

    COUNT_SUM	xmm1,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm1,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm1,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm1,	r2d, r2, 0
    COUNT_SUM	xmm2,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm2,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm2,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm2,	r2d, r2, 0

    lea		r0,	[r0+8]
    lea		r4,	[r4+16]	; element size is 2

    sub		r12, 8
    jg		near FIRST_ROW_X16_SSE4

    pop r4
    pop r2
    pop r0
    mov r13, r2
    dec r13
    mov		r6,	r3
    sal		r6,	4		; succeeded 16th line

    mov		r12,	r1
    movdqa	xmm7,	[r4]
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	r0+r6, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4
    SUM_LINE_X16_SSE41	r0, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5

    paddw	xmm7,	xmm1
    psubw	xmm7,	xmm2
    movdqa	[r4+r1*2], xmm7

    movdqa	xmm6,	xmm7
    punpcklwd	xmm7,	xmm0
    punpckhwd	xmm6,	xmm0

    COUNT_SUM	xmm7,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm7,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm7,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm7,	r2d, r2, 0
    COUNT_SUM	xmm6,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm6,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm6,	r2d, r2, 1
    COUNT_SUM	xmm6,	r2d, r2, 0

    lea		r0,	[r0+8]
    lea		r4,	[r4+16]

    sub		r12, 8
    jg		near WIDTH_LOOP_X16_SSE4

    add		r0,	r3
    sub		r0,	r1

    dec		r13
    jg		near HEIGHT_LOOP_X16_SSE4

    pop		r13
    pop		r12

; void FillQpelLocationByFeatureValue_sse2(uint16_t* pFeatureOfBlock, const int32_t kiWidth, const int32_t kiHeight, uint16_t** pFeatureValuePointerList)
WELS_EXTERN FillQpelLocationByFeatureValue_sse2
    %assign  push_num 0
    PUSH_XMM 8
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r1, r1d
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r2, r2d
    push r12
    push r13
    mov     r12,    r2

    movq	xmm7,	[mv_x_inc_x4]		; x_qpel inc
    movq	xmm6,	[mv_y_inc_x4]		; y_qpel inc
    movq	xmm5,	[mx_x_offset_x4]	; x_qpel vector
    pxor	xmm4,	xmm4
    pxor	xmm3,	xmm3				; y_qpel vector
    movdqa	xmm2,	xmm5	; x_qpel vector
    mov		r4,	r1
    movq	xmm0,	[r0]			; load x8 sum
    punpcklwd	xmm0,	xmm4
    movdqa		xmm1,	xmm2
    punpcklwd	xmm1,	xmm3
%rep	3
    movd	r2d,	xmm0        ;edx:r3
    lea		r5,     [r3+r2*8]   ;ebx:r5
    mov		r6,     [r5]        ;eax:r6
    movd	[r6],	xmm1
    mov		r13,    [r6+4]	; explictly load eax+4 due cache miss from vtune observation
    lea		r6,     [r6+4]
    mov		[r5],	r6
    psrldq	xmm1,	4
    psrldq	xmm0,	4
    movd	r2d,	xmm0
    lea		r5,     [r3+r2*8]   ;ebx:r5
    mov		r6,     [r5]        ;eax:r6
    movd	[r6],	xmm1
    mov		r13,    [r6+4]	; explictly load eax+4 due cache miss from vtune observation
    lea		r6,     [r6+4]
    mov		[r5],	r6

    paddw	xmm2,	xmm7
    lea		r0,     [r0+8]
    sub		r4,     4
    jnz near HASH_WIDTH_LOOP_SSE2
    paddw	xmm3,	xmm6
    dec	r12
    jnz	near HASH_HEIGHT_LOOP_SSE2

    pop		r13
    pop		r12

; void InitializeHashforFeature_sse2( uint32_t* pTimesOfFeatureValue, uint16_t* pBuf, const int32_t kiListSize,
;                                 uint16_t** pLocationOfFeature, uint16_t** pFeatureValuePointerList);
;uint16_t** pPositionOfSum, uint16_t** sum_idx_list, uint32_t* pTimesOfSum, uint16_t* pBuf, const int32_t list_sz )
WELS_EXTERN InitializeHashforFeature_sse2
    %assign  push_num 0
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r2, r2d
    push r12
    push r13
    mov     r12,    r2
    sar		r2,     2
    mov		r5,     0       ;r5:ecx
    xor     r6,     r6
    pxor	xmm3,	xmm3
    movdqa	xmm0,	[r0+r5]
    pslld	xmm0,	2

    movdqa	xmm1,	xmm0
    pcmpeqd	xmm1,	xmm3
    movmskps	r6,	xmm1
    cmp     r6,     0x0f
    jz	near hash_assign_with_copy_sse2

%assign x	0
%rep 4
    lea		r13,	[r3+r5*2+x]
    mov		[r13],	r1
    lea		r13,	[r4+r5*2+x]
    mov		[r13],	r1
    movd	r6d,	xmm0
    add		r1,     r6
    psrldq	xmm0,	4
%assign	x	x+8
    jmp near assign_next_sse2

    movq	xmm1,	r1
    pshufd	xmm2,	xmm1,	01000100b
    movdqa	[r3+r5*2], xmm2
    movdqa	[r4+r5*2], xmm2
    movdqa	[r3+r5*2+16], xmm2
    movdqa	[r4+r5*2+16], xmm2

    add		r5,	16
    dec		r2
    jnz		near hash_assign_loop_x4_sse2

    and		r12,	3
    jz		near hash_assign_no_rem_sse2
    lea		r13,	[r3+r5*2]
    mov		[r13],	r1
    lea		r13,	[r4+r5*2]
    mov		[r13],	r1
    mov		r6d,	[r0+r5]
    sal		r6,     2
    add		r1,     r6
    add		r5,     4
    dec		r12
    jnz		near hash_assign_loop_x4_rem_sse2

    pop     r13
    pop	    r12


;	int32_t SumOf8x8SingleBlock_sse2(uint8_t* ref0, int32_t linesize)
WELS_EXTERN SumOf8x8SingleBlock_sse2
    %assign  push_num 0
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r1, r1d

    pxor xmm0, xmm0
    movq xmm1, [r0]
    movhps xmm1, [r0+r1]
    lea r0, [r0+2*r1]
    movq xmm2, [r0]
    movhps xmm2, [r0+r1]
    lea r0, [r0+2*r1]
    movq xmm3, [r0]
    movhps xmm3, [r0+r1]
    lea r0, [r0+2*r1]
    movq xmm4, [r0]
    movhps xmm4, [r0+r1]

    psadbw xmm1, xmm0
    psadbw xmm2, xmm0
    psadbw xmm3, xmm0
    psadbw xmm4, xmm0
    paddw xmm1, xmm2
    paddw xmm3, xmm4
    paddw xmm1, xmm3

    movdqa xmm2, xmm1
    punpckhwd xmm2, xmm0
    paddw xmm1, xmm2

    movd retrd, xmm1

;	int32_t SumOf16x16SingleBlock_sse2(uint8_t* ref0, int32_t linesize)
WELS_EXTERN SumOf16x16SingleBlock_sse2
    %assign  push_num 0
    PUSH_XMM 6
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r1, r1d

    pxor xmm0, xmm0
    movdqa xmm1, [r0]
    movdqa xmm2, [r0+r1]
    lea r0, [r0+2*r1]
    movdqa xmm3, [r0]
    movdqa xmm4, [r0+r1]
    psadbw xmm1, xmm0
    psadbw xmm2, xmm0
    psadbw xmm3, xmm0
    psadbw xmm4, xmm0
    paddw xmm1, xmm2
    paddw xmm3, xmm4
    paddw xmm1, xmm3

    lea r0, [r0+2*r1]
    movdqa xmm2, [r0]
    movdqa xmm3, [r0+r1]
    lea r0, [r0+2*r1]
    movdqa xmm4, [r0]
    movdqa xmm5, [r0+r1]
    psadbw xmm2, xmm0
    psadbw xmm3, xmm0
    psadbw xmm4, xmm0
    psadbw xmm5, xmm0
    paddw xmm2, xmm3
    paddw xmm4, xmm5
    paddw xmm2, xmm4

    paddw xmm1, xmm2

    lea r0, [r0+2*r1]
    movdqa xmm2, [r0]
    movdqa xmm3, [r0+r1]
    lea r0, [r0+2*r1]
    movdqa xmm4, [r0]
    movdqa xmm5, [r0+r1]
    psadbw xmm2, xmm0
    psadbw xmm3, xmm0
    psadbw xmm4, xmm0
    psadbw xmm5, xmm0
    paddw xmm2, xmm3
    paddw xmm4, xmm5
    paddw xmm2, xmm4

    paddw xmm1, xmm2

    lea r0, [r0+2*r1]
    movdqa xmm2, [r0]
    movdqa xmm3, [r0+r1]
    lea r0, [r0+2*r1]
    movdqa xmm4, [r0]
    movdqa xmm5, [r0+r1]
    psadbw xmm2, xmm0
    psadbw xmm3, xmm0
    psadbw xmm4, xmm0
    psadbw xmm5, xmm0
    paddw xmm2, xmm3
    paddw xmm4, xmm5
    paddw xmm2, xmm4

    paddw xmm1, xmm2

    movdqa xmm2, xmm1
    punpckhwd xmm2, xmm0
    paddw xmm1, xmm2

    movd retrd, xmm1

;   uint32_t SampleSad16x16Hor8_sse41( uint8_t *src, int32_t stride_src, uint8_t *ref, int32_t stride_ref, uint16 base_cost[8], int32_t *index_min_cost )
;   \note:
;       src need align with 16 bytes, ref is optional
;   \return value:
;       return minimal SAD cost, according index carried by index_min_cost
; try 8 mv via offset
; xmm7 store sad costs
%macro SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41  4  ; src, ref, stride_src, stride_ref
    movdqa      xmm0, [%1]
    movdqu      xmm1, [%2]
    movdqu      xmm2, [%2+8h]
    movdqa      xmm3, xmm1
    movdqa      xmm4, xmm2

    mpsadbw     xmm1, xmm0, 0   ; 000 B
    paddw       xmm7, xmm1      ; accumulate cost

    mpsadbw     xmm3, xmm0, 5   ; 101 B
    paddw       xmm7, xmm3      ; accumulate cost

    mpsadbw     xmm2, xmm0, 2   ; 010 B
    paddw       xmm7, xmm2      ; accumulate cost

    mpsadbw     xmm4, xmm0, 7   ; 111 B
    paddw       xmm7, xmm4      ; accumulate cost

    add         %1, %3
    add         %2, %4
%endmacro   ; end of SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41
%macro SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41E  4 ; src, ref, stride_src, stride_ref
    movdqa      xmm0, [%1]
    movdqu      xmm1, [%2]
    movdqu      xmm2, [%2+8h]
    movdqa      xmm3, xmm1
    movdqa      xmm4, xmm2

    mpsadbw     xmm1, xmm0, 0   ; 000 B
    paddw       xmm7, xmm1      ; accumulate cost

    mpsadbw     xmm3, xmm0, 5   ; 101 B
    paddw       xmm7, xmm3      ; accumulate cost

    mpsadbw     xmm2, xmm0, 2   ; 010 B
    paddw       xmm7, xmm2      ; accumulate cost

    mpsadbw     xmm4, xmm0, 7   ; 111 B
    paddw       xmm7, xmm4      ; accumulate cost
%endmacro   ; end of SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41E

WELS_EXTERN SampleSad16x16Hor8_sse41
    ;push ebx
    ;push esi
    ;mov eax, [esp+12]  ;   src
    ;mov ecx, [esp+16]  ;   stride_src
    ;mov ebx, [esp+20]  ;   ref
    ;mov edx, [esp+24]  ;   stride_ref
    ;mov esi, [esp+28]  ;   base_cost
    %assign  push_num 0
    PUSH_XMM 8
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r1, r1d
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r3, r3d
    pxor    xmm7,   xmm7

    SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41    r0, r2, r1, r3
    SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41    r0, r2, r1, r3
    SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41    r0, r2, r1, r3
    SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41    r0, r2, r1, r3

    SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41    r0, r2, r1, r3
    SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41    r0, r2, r1, r3
    SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41    r0, r2, r1, r3
    SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41    r0, r2, r1, r3

    SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41    r0, r2, r1, r3
    SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41    r0, r2, r1, r3
    SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41    r0, r2, r1, r3
    SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41    r0, r2, r1, r3

    SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41    r0, r2, r1, r3
    SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41    r0, r2, r1, r3
    SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41    r0, r2, r1, r3
    SAD_16x16_LINE_SSE41E   r0, r2, r1, r3

    pxor    xmm0,   xmm0
    movdqa  xmm6,   xmm7
    punpcklwd   xmm6,   xmm0
    punpckhwd   xmm7,   xmm0

    movdqa  xmm5,   [r4]
    movdqa  xmm4,   xmm5
    punpcklwd   xmm4,   xmm0
    punpckhwd   xmm5,   xmm0

    paddd   xmm4,   xmm6
    paddd   xmm5,   xmm7
    movdqa  xmm3,   xmm4
    pminud  xmm3,   xmm5
    pshufd  xmm2,   xmm3,   01001110B
    pminud  xmm2,   xmm3
    pshufd  xmm3,   xmm2,   10110001B
    pminud  xmm2,   xmm3
    movd    retrd,  xmm2
    pcmpeqd xmm4,   xmm2
    movmskps    r2d, xmm4
    bsf     r1d,    r2d
    jnz near WRITE_INDEX

    pcmpeqd xmm5,   xmm2
    movmskps    r2d, xmm5
    bsf     r1d,    r2d
    add     r1d,    4

    mov     [r5],   r1d

;   uint32_t SampleSad8x8Hor8_sse41( uint8_t *src, int32_t stride_src, uint8_t *ref, int32_t stride_ref, uint16_t base_cost[8], int32_t *index_min_cost )
;   \note:
;       src and ref is optional to align with 16 due inter 8x8
;   \return value:
;       return minimal SAD cost, according index carried by index_min_cost
; try 8 mv via offset
; xmm7 store sad costs
%macro SAD_8x8_LINE_SSE41  4    ; src, ref, stride_src, stride_ref
    movdqu      xmm0, [%1]
    movdqu      xmm1, [%2]
    movdqa      xmm2, xmm1

    mpsadbw     xmm1, xmm0, 0   ; 000 B
    paddw       xmm7, xmm1      ; accumulate cost

    mpsadbw     xmm2, xmm0, 5   ; 101 B
    paddw       xmm7, xmm2      ; accumulate cost

    add         %1, %3
    add         %2, %4
%endmacro   ; end of SAD_8x8_LINE_SSE41
%macro SAD_8x8_LINE_SSE41E  4   ; src, ref, stride_src, stride_ref
    movdqu      xmm0, [%1]
    movdqu      xmm1, [%2]
    movdqa      xmm2, xmm1

    mpsadbw     xmm1, xmm0, 0   ; 000 B
    paddw       xmm7, xmm1      ; accumulate cost

    mpsadbw     xmm2, xmm0, 5   ; 101 B
    paddw       xmm7, xmm2      ; accumulate cost
%endmacro   ; end of SAD_8x8_LINE_SSE41E

WELS_EXTERN SampleSad8x8Hor8_sse41
    %assign  push_num 0
    PUSH_XMM 8
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r1, r1d
    SIGN_EXTENSION  r3, r3d
    movdqa xmm7, [r4]   ;   load base cost list

    SAD_8x8_LINE_SSE41  r0, r2, r1, r3
    SAD_8x8_LINE_SSE41  r0, r2, r1, r3
    SAD_8x8_LINE_SSE41  r0, r2, r1, r3
    SAD_8x8_LINE_SSE41  r0, r2, r1, r3

    SAD_8x8_LINE_SSE41  r0, r2, r1, r3
    SAD_8x8_LINE_SSE41  r0, r2, r1, r3
    SAD_8x8_LINE_SSE41  r0, r2, r1, r3
    SAD_8x8_LINE_SSE41E r0, r2, r1, r3

    phminposuw  xmm0, xmm7  ; horizon search the minimal sad cost and its index
    movd    retrd, xmm0 ; for return: DEST[15:0] <- MIN, DEST[31:16] <- INDEX
    mov     r1d, retrd
    and     retrd, 0xFFFF
    sar     r1d, 16
    mov     [r5], r1d
