Merge pull request #268 from mstorsjo/consistent-inline
Consistently use inline instead of __inline
Merge pull request #267 from mstorsjo/install
Add a "make install" target
Build one large static library containing both decoder and encoder
Merge pull request #266 from mstorsjo/remove-null-define
Remove fallback defines for NULL
Merge pull request #265 from mstorsjo/fix-tests-windows
Include <algorithm> for std::min
Open output files in binary mode in the testsuite
Merge pull request #264 from jwwang/add_gtests
Remove temp files using the iterator pattern
Fix incomplete decocder output for not flushing the temp file
refactor and add decode_encode_test to pipeline decoder outoput to encoder test
Merge pull request #262 from orbitcowboy/master
cleanup variable initializations.
cleanup unused variable in codec/common/deblocking_common.cpp.
Merge pull request #260 from mstorsjo/quiet-make
Add a make option for silencing the commands run
Merge pull request #257 from mstorsjo/simplify-endian-func
Simplify the implementation of GetValueOf4Bytes
Merge pull request #256 from mstorsjo/bigendian
Fix shifting tricks in deblocking for big endian
Don't read an uint8_t array as an uint32_t
Merge pull request #255 from mstorsjo/unify-stack-align-macros
Remove the array_stack_align.h header from the encoder lib
Merge pull request #254 from mstorsjo/directory-typofix
Fix a typo in a directory name
Merge pull request #253 from varunbpatil/help_update
updated README - make options
Merge pull request #198 from mstorsjo/makefile-deps
Merge pull request #246 from varunbpatil/detect_arch
Updated travis.yml to explicitly build for 32bit architecture
Attempt to detect OS arch(32/64 bit) on most platforms
Merge pull request #249 from mstorsjo/encconsole-arg-parsing-ifdef
Fix parsing of the -drec option if ENABLE_FRAME_DUMP isn't set
Merge pull request #247 from mstorsjo/simplify-missed-inline-asm-macro
Merge pull request #252 from mstorsjo/share-processing-asm
Remove an unused assembly source file
Remove sad.asm from the processing lib, move satd_sad from the encoder to the common lib
Unify the codepaths for WELS_GET_PERFIX_BITS at the second place
Merge pull request #251 from mstorsjo/crt-string-cleanup
Remove the now unused STRCAT macro
Use WelsStrcat instead of the STRCAT macro
Implement WelsStrcat based on WelsStrncpy
Remove the now unused count parameter to WelsStrncpy
Fix the implementations of WelsStrncpy
Remove the now unused STRNCPY macro
Use WelsStrncpy instead of STRNCPY
Use WelsSnprintf instead of a combination of strlen and STRNCAT
Check the right pointer for being non-null in WelsLogDefault
Remove the STRNLEN/WelsStrnlen compatibility functions
Use strlen instead of WelsStrnlen/STRNLEN for known null terminated strings
Use strlen() instead of WelsStrnlen/STRNLEN for string constants
Remove an unused and unnecessary string length calculation
Merge pull request #248 from mstorsjo/msvc-proj-cleanup
Remove an unused global variable and commented out code
Don't pass /LTCG to the linker for the console front end binary
Enable incremental linking in debug configurations of WelsDecPlus
Merge pull request #250 from mstorsjo/format-string-fix
Fix a format string to use the correct type
Automatically track per-file dependencies
Merge pull request #245 from varunbpatil/remove_unused
Remove autoclean script (Linux)
Merge pull request #222 from mstorsjo/enable-threading
Merge pull request #229 from mstorsjo/make-link-space
Merge pull request #235 from mstorsjo/merge-ls-defines
Merge the ls_defines.h headers into the common sub-library
Merge pull request #237 from mstorsjo/simplify-make-lib-rules
Simplify the make rules for creating libraries
Merge pull request #240 from mstorsjo/simplify-inline-asm
Unify the fallback codepath for getting prefix bits into a macro
Merge pull request #242 from mstorsjo/simplify-debug-file-locations
Remove the now meaningless field sTracePath
Simplify debugging code - always write debug trace files to the cur directory
Merge pull request #244 from mstorsjo/remove-unused-files
Removed an unused pair of files generated by MSVC project wizards
Merge pull request #243 from mstorsjo/use-stdio-wrappers
Consistently use the compat wrappers for file IO
Merge pull request #241 from mstorsjo/remove-unused-function
Remove an unused function for byte order swapping
Merge pull request #239 from mstorsjo/remove-unnecessary-calls
Remove some unnecessary STRNCPY/WelsStrncpy calls and intermediate buffers
Merge pull request #223 from mstorsjo/typedef-cleanup
Merge pull request #238 from mstorsjo/merge-snprintf-strftime-wrappers
Use WelsGetTimeOfDay and WelsStrftime instead of LOCALTIME/FTIME/strftime
Fix a typo Millsecond -> Millisecond
Use WelsVsnprintf instead of VSPRINTF
Use WelsSnprintf instead of SNPRINTF
Merge pull request #234 from mstorsjo/merge-measure-time
Move the measure_time.h header to the common library
Merge pull request #208 from mstorsjo/remove-unused-mk-field
Merge pull request #232 from mstorsjo/merge-fopen-wrappers
Remove the FOPEN macro, use WelsFopen instead
Merge pull request #233 from mstorsjo/snprintf-fixes
Make sure the buffer is null terminated after strftime
Make sure the buffer always is null terminated in the *snprintf calls for old MSVC
Use vsnprintf in the old MSVC version of WelsSnprintf as well