shithub: openh264

ref: c441f6f390badb14e1e4e1d66ca5d9033be1dc83
dir: /test/encoder_binary_comparison/AboutTest/

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  1.This file is about how to run encoder binary comparison test.
    Binary comparison is the comparison between target encoder and benchmark encoder.

  2.As SHA1 string is unique for bit stream file. so in current test, we only  compare
    the SHA1 string of bit stream. If the SHA1 string of target bit stream is the same
    with benchmark's, the related test case can be verified as pass status.

  3.SHA1 table files for each test bit stream are pre-generated.
    For how to update SHA1 tables, please go to below part "how to update SHA1 table"

  4.SHA1 tables can be found in folder ./SHA1Table/

  5.Test bit streams are  those xxx.264 files in folder openh264/res/
    --If you want to change the test bit stream on travis test,
      please go to part "for travis test"
    --If you want to run test locally, please to go part "for local test"

how to update SHA1 table
  If there is something change in bit stream due to your encoder design;
  you need to update the SHA1 tables in ./SHA1Table.As the SHA1 string is unique, once the
  bit stream change, the SHA1 string will also change.

  If you want to update SHA1 table files in ./SHA1Tabel, please run below command under
    ./   UpdateSHA1Table

for travis test
  Currently, travis only allow 5 jobs on parallel status, and 2 jobs are for
  unit test with g++ and clang compiler. So there will be only 3 jobs left for encoder
  binary comparison test, which means that 3 of 27 bit stream in ./res folder are chosen for test.

  Actually, you can use all of test bit streams in ./res folder, but it will take
  a long time to wait for the test result. So we do not suggest to do so.
  If you want to test all cases for all test bit steams in ./res,you need to generate related
  SHA1 table files before you add those bit streams into below setting.

  To change the test bit steam in travis, you can edit file .travis.yml.
  For example,if you want to add  CVPCMNL1_SVA_C.264 as test bit stream, you can add on line and
  change the TestParameter value to CVPCMNL1_SVA_C.264
     - TASK=BinaryCompare; TestParameter=CVPCMNL1_SVA_C.264;

  Below is the example for adding CVPCMNL1_SVA_C.264 into test list.
    - TASK=UnitTest;      TestParameter=""
    - TASK=BinaryCompare; TestParameter=BA_MW_D.264;
    - TASK=BinaryCompare; TestParameter=MR2_MW_A.264;
    - TASK=BinaryCompare; TestParameter=CVPCMNL1_SVA_C.264;

for local test
  If you want to run the test locally,you can run below command:
    ./  LocalTest

  All SHA1 tables in ./SHA1Table/ folder will be tested.
  And the final result can be found in folder ./FinalResult, which include:
    --console log for each test bit stream (XXXX.TestLog)
    --pass status for each case each bit stream (xxx_AllCaseOutput.csv)
    --pass status for each case each bit stream (xxx_unpassCaseOutput.csv)