ref: baa69f3cd02199ab726295835e6d2931c82829d7
dir: /codec/decoder/core/src/au_parser.cpp/
/*! * \copy * Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Cisco Systems * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * * \file au_parser.c * * \brief Interfaces introduced in Access Unit level based parser * * \date 03/10/2009 Created * ************************************************************************************* */ #include "codec_def.h" #include "au_parser.h" #include "decoder.h" #include "error_code.h" #include "memmgr_nal_unit.h" #include "decoder_core.h" #include "bit_stream.h" #include "memory_align.h" namespace WelsDec { /*! ************************************************************************************* * \brief Start Code Prefix (0x 00 00 00 01) detection * * \param pBuf bitstream payload buffer * \param pOffset offset between NAL rbsp and original bitsteam that * start code prefix is seperated from. * \param iBufSize count size of buffer * * \return RBSP buffer of start code prefix exclusive * * \note N/A ************************************************************************************* */ uint8_t* DetectStartCodePrefix (const uint8_t* kpBuf, int32_t* pOffset, int32_t iBufSize) { uint8_t* pBits = (uint8_t*)kpBuf; do { int32_t iIdx = 0; while ((iIdx < iBufSize) && (! (*pBits))) { ++ pBits; ++ iIdx; } if (iIdx >= iBufSize) break; ++ iIdx; ++ pBits; if ((iIdx >= 3) && ((* (pBits - 1)) == 0x1)) { *pOffset = (int32_t) (((uintptr_t)pBits) - ((uintptr_t)kpBuf)); return pBits; } iBufSize -= iIdx; } while (1); return NULL; } /*! ************************************************************************************* * \brief to parse nal unit * * \param pCtx decoder context * \param pNalUnitHeader parsed result of NAL Unit Header to output * \param pSrcRbsp bitstream buffer to input * \param iSrcRbspLen length size of bitstream buffer payload * \param pSrcNal * \param iSrcNalLen * \param pConsumedBytes consumed bytes during parsing * * \return decoded bytes payload, might be (pSrcRbsp+1) if no escapes * * \note N/A ************************************************************************************* */ uint8_t* ParseNalHeader (PWelsDecoderContext pCtx, SNalUnitHeader* pNalUnitHeader, uint8_t* pSrcRbsp, int32_t iSrcRbspLen, uint8_t* pSrcNal, int32_t iSrcNalLen, int32_t* pConsumedBytes) { PNalUnit pCurNal = NULL; uint8_t* pNal = pSrcRbsp; int32_t iNalSize = iSrcRbspLen; PBitStringAux pBs = NULL; bool bExtensionFlag = false; int32_t iErr = ERR_NONE; int32_t iBitSize = 0; SDataBuffer* pSavedData = &pCtx->sSavedData; SLogContext* pLogCtx = & (pCtx->sLogCtx); pNalUnitHeader->eNalUnitType = NAL_UNIT_UNSPEC_0;//SHOULD init it. because pCtx->sCurNalHead is common variable. //remove the consecutive ZERO at the end of current NAL in the reverse order.--2011.6.1 { int32_t iIndex = iSrcRbspLen - 1; uint8_t uiBsZero = 0; while (iIndex >= 0) { uiBsZero = pSrcRbsp[iIndex]; if (0 == uiBsZero) { --iNalSize; ++ (*pConsumedBytes); --iIndex; } else { break; } } } pNalUnitHeader->uiForbiddenZeroBit = (uint8_t) (pNal[0] >> 7); // uiForbiddenZeroBit if (pNalUnitHeader->uiForbiddenZeroBit) { //2010.4.14 pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError; return NULL; //uiForbiddenZeroBit should always equal to 0 } pNalUnitHeader->uiNalRefIdc = (uint8_t) (pNal[0] >> 5); // uiNalRefIdc pNalUnitHeader->eNalUnitType = (EWelsNalUnitType) (pNal[0] & 0x1f); // eNalUnitType ++pNal; --iNalSize; ++ (*pConsumedBytes); if (! (IS_SEI_NAL (pNalUnitHeader->eNalUnitType) || IS_SPS_NAL (pNalUnitHeader->eNalUnitType) || pCtx->bSpsExistAheadFlag)) { if (pCtx->bPrintFrameErrorTraceFlag && pCtx->iSpsErrorIgnored == 0) { WelsLog (pLogCtx, WELS_LOG_WARNING, "parse_nal(), no exist Sequence Parameter Sets ahead of sequence when try to decode NAL(type:%d).", pNalUnitHeader->eNalUnitType); } else { pCtx->iSpsErrorIgnored++; } pCtx->sDecoderStatistics.iSpsNoExistNalNum++; pCtx->iErrorCode = dsNoParamSets; return NULL; } pCtx->iSpsErrorIgnored = 0; if (! (IS_SEI_NAL (pNalUnitHeader->eNalUnitType) || IS_PARAM_SETS_NALS (pNalUnitHeader->eNalUnitType) || pCtx->bPpsExistAheadFlag)) { if (pCtx->bPrintFrameErrorTraceFlag && pCtx->iPpsErrorIgnored == 0) { WelsLog (pLogCtx, WELS_LOG_WARNING, "parse_nal(), no exist Picture Parameter Sets ahead of sequence when try to decode NAL(type:%d).", pNalUnitHeader->eNalUnitType); } else { pCtx->iPpsErrorIgnored++; } pCtx->sDecoderStatistics.iPpsNoExistNalNum++; pCtx->iErrorCode = dsNoParamSets; return NULL; } pCtx->iPpsErrorIgnored = 0; if ((IS_VCL_NAL_AVC_BASE (pNalUnitHeader->eNalUnitType) && ! (pCtx->bSpsExistAheadFlag || pCtx->bPpsExistAheadFlag)) || (IS_NEW_INTRODUCED_SVC_NAL (pNalUnitHeader->eNalUnitType) && ! (pCtx->bSpsExistAheadFlag || pCtx->bSubspsExistAheadFlag || pCtx->bPpsExistAheadFlag))) { if (pCtx->bPrintFrameErrorTraceFlag && pCtx->iSubSpsErrorIgnored == 0) { WelsLog (pLogCtx, WELS_LOG_WARNING, "ParseNalHeader(), no exist Parameter Sets ahead of sequence when try to decode slice(type:%d).", pNalUnitHeader->eNalUnitType); } else { pCtx->iSubSpsErrorIgnored++; } pCtx->sDecoderStatistics.iSubSpsNoExistNalNum++; pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsNoParamSets; return NULL; } pCtx->iSubSpsErrorIgnored = 0; switch (pNalUnitHeader->eNalUnitType) { case NAL_UNIT_AU_DELIMITER: case NAL_UNIT_SEI: if (pCtx->pAccessUnitList->uiAvailUnitsNum > 0) { pCtx->pAccessUnitList->uiEndPos = pCtx->pAccessUnitList->uiAvailUnitsNum - 1; pCtx->bAuReadyFlag = true; } break; case NAL_UNIT_PREFIX: pCurNal = &pCtx->sPrefixNal; pCurNal->uiTimeStamp = pCtx->uiTimeStamp; if (iNalSize < NAL_UNIT_HEADER_EXT_SIZE) { PAccessUnit pCurAu = pCtx->pAccessUnitList; uint32_t uiAvailNalNum = pCurAu->uiAvailUnitsNum; if (uiAvailNalNum > 0) { pCurAu->uiEndPos = uiAvailNalNum - 1; if (pCtx->eErrorConMethod == ERROR_CON_DISABLE) { pCtx->bAuReadyFlag = true; } } pCurNal->sNalData.sPrefixNal.bPrefixNalCorrectFlag = false; pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError; return NULL; } DecodeNalHeaderExt (pCurNal, pNal); if ((pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.uiQualityId != 0) || (pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.bUseRefBasePicFlag != 0)) { WelsLog (pLogCtx, WELS_LOG_WARNING, "ParseNalHeader() in Prefix Nal Unit:uiQualityId (%d) != 0, bUseRefBasePicFlag (%d) != 0, not supported!", pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.uiQualityId, pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.bUseRefBasePicFlag); PAccessUnit pCurAu = pCtx->pAccessUnitList; uint32_t uiAvailNalNum = pCurAu->uiAvailUnitsNum; if (uiAvailNalNum > 0) { pCurAu->uiEndPos = uiAvailNalNum - 1; if (pCtx->eErrorConMethod == ERROR_CON_DISABLE) { pCtx->bAuReadyFlag = true; } } pCurNal->sNalData.sPrefixNal.bPrefixNalCorrectFlag = false; pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError; return NULL; } pNal += NAL_UNIT_HEADER_EXT_SIZE; iNalSize -= NAL_UNIT_HEADER_EXT_SIZE; *pConsumedBytes += NAL_UNIT_HEADER_EXT_SIZE; pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.sNalUnitHeader.uiForbiddenZeroBit = pNalUnitHeader->uiForbiddenZeroBit; pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.sNalUnitHeader.uiNalRefIdc = pNalUnitHeader->uiNalRefIdc; pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.sNalUnitHeader.eNalUnitType = pNalUnitHeader->eNalUnitType; if (pNalUnitHeader->uiNalRefIdc != 0) { pBs = &pCtx->sBs; iBitSize = (iNalSize << 3) - BsGetTrailingBits (pNal + iNalSize - 1); // convert into bit iErr = DecInitBits (pBs, pNal, iBitSize); if (iErr) { WelsLog (pLogCtx, WELS_LOG_ERROR, "NAL_UNIT_PREFIX: DecInitBits() fail due invalid access."); pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError; return NULL; } ParsePrefixNalUnit (pCtx, pBs); } pCurNal->sNalData.sPrefixNal.bPrefixNalCorrectFlag = true; break; case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_EXT: bExtensionFlag = true; case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR: { PAccessUnit pCurAu = NULL; uint32_t uiAvailNalNum; pCurNal = MemGetNextNal (&pCtx->pAccessUnitList, pCtx->pMemAlign); if (NULL == pCurNal) { WelsLog (pLogCtx, WELS_LOG_ERROR, "MemGetNextNal() fail due out of memory."); pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsOutOfMemory; return NULL; } pCurNal->uiTimeStamp = pCtx->uiTimeStamp; pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.sNalUnitHeader.uiForbiddenZeroBit = pNalUnitHeader->uiForbiddenZeroBit; pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.sNalUnitHeader.uiNalRefIdc = pNalUnitHeader->uiNalRefIdc; pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.sNalUnitHeader.eNalUnitType = pNalUnitHeader->eNalUnitType; pCurAu = pCtx->pAccessUnitList; uiAvailNalNum = pCurAu->uiAvailUnitsNum; if (pNalUnitHeader->eNalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_EXT) { if (iNalSize < NAL_UNIT_HEADER_EXT_SIZE) { ForceClearCurrentNal (pCurAu); if (uiAvailNalNum > 1) { pCurAu->uiEndPos = uiAvailNalNum - 2; if (pCtx->eErrorConMethod == ERROR_CON_DISABLE) { pCtx->bAuReadyFlag = true; } } pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError; return NULL; } DecodeNalHeaderExt (pCurNal, pNal); if (pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.uiQualityId != 0 || pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.bUseRefBasePicFlag) { if (pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.uiQualityId != 0) WelsLog (pLogCtx, WELS_LOG_WARNING, "ParseNalHeader():uiQualityId (%d) != 0, MGS not supported!", pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.uiQualityId); if (pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.bUseRefBasePicFlag != 0) WelsLog (pLogCtx, WELS_LOG_WARNING, "ParseNalHeader():bUseRefBasePicFlag (%d) != 0, MGS not supported!", pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.bUseRefBasePicFlag); ForceClearCurrentNal (pCurAu); if (uiAvailNalNum > 1) { pCurAu->uiEndPos = uiAvailNalNum - 2; if (pCtx->eErrorConMethod == ERROR_CON_DISABLE) { pCtx->bAuReadyFlag = true; } } pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError; return NULL; } pNal += NAL_UNIT_HEADER_EXT_SIZE; iNalSize -= NAL_UNIT_HEADER_EXT_SIZE; *pConsumedBytes += NAL_UNIT_HEADER_EXT_SIZE; if (pCtx->bParseOnly) { pCurNal->sNalData.sVclNal.pNalPos = pSavedData->pCurPos; int32_t iTrailingZeroByte = 0; while (pSrcNal[iSrcNalLen - iTrailingZeroByte - 1] == 0x0) //remove final trailing 0 bytes iTrailingZeroByte++; int32_t iActualLen = iSrcNalLen - iTrailingZeroByte; pCurNal->sNalData.sVclNal.iNalLength = iActualLen - NAL_UNIT_HEADER_EXT_SIZE; //unify start code as 0x0001 int32_t iCurrStartByte = 4; //4 for 0x0001, 3 for 0x001 if (pSrcNal[0] == 0x0 && pSrcNal[1] == 0x0 && pSrcNal[2] == 0x1) { //if 0x001 iCurrStartByte = 3; pCurNal->sNalData.sVclNal.iNalLength++; } if (pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.bIdrFlag) { * (pSrcNal + iCurrStartByte) &= 0xE0; * (pSrcNal + iCurrStartByte) |= 0x05; } else { * (pSrcNal + iCurrStartByte) &= 0xE0; * (pSrcNal + iCurrStartByte) |= 0x01; } pSavedData->pCurPos[0] = pSavedData->pCurPos[1] = pSavedData->pCurPos[2] = 0x0; pSavedData->pCurPos[3] = 0x1; pSavedData->pCurPos[4] = * (pSrcNal + iCurrStartByte); pSavedData->pCurPos += 5; int32_t iOffset = iCurrStartByte + 1 + NAL_UNIT_HEADER_EXT_SIZE; memcpy (pSavedData->pCurPos, pSrcNal + iOffset, iActualLen - iOffset); pSavedData->pCurPos += iActualLen - iOffset; } } else { if (pCtx->bParseOnly) { pCurNal->sNalData.sVclNal.pNalPos = pSavedData->pCurPos; int32_t iTrailingZeroByte = 0; while (pSrcNal[iSrcNalLen - iTrailingZeroByte - 1] == 0x0) //remove final trailing 0 bytes iTrailingZeroByte++; int32_t iActualLen = iSrcNalLen - iTrailingZeroByte; pCurNal->sNalData.sVclNal.iNalLength = iActualLen; //unify start code as 0x0001 int32_t iStartDeltaByte = 0; //0 for 0x0001, 1 for 0x001 if (pSrcNal[0] == 0x0 && pSrcNal[1] == 0x0 && pSrcNal[2] == 0x1) { //if 0x001 pSavedData->pCurPos[0] = 0x0; iStartDeltaByte = 1; pCurNal->sNalData.sVclNal.iNalLength++; } memcpy (pSavedData->pCurPos + iStartDeltaByte, pSrcNal, iActualLen); pSavedData->pCurPos += iStartDeltaByte + iActualLen; } if (NAL_UNIT_PREFIX == pCtx->sPrefixNal.sNalHeaderExt.sNalUnitHeader.eNalUnitType) { if (pCtx->sPrefixNal.sNalData.sPrefixNal.bPrefixNalCorrectFlag) { PrefetchNalHeaderExtSyntax (pCtx, pCurNal, &pCtx->sPrefixNal); } } pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.bIdrFlag = (NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR == pNalUnitHeader->eNalUnitType) ? true : false; //SHOULD update this flag for AVC if no prefix NAL pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.iNoInterLayerPredFlag = 1; } pBs = &pCurAu->pNalUnitsList[uiAvailNalNum - 1]->sNalData.sVclNal.sSliceBitsRead; iBitSize = (iNalSize << 3) - BsGetTrailingBits (pNal + iNalSize - 1); // convert into bit iErr = DecInitBits (pBs, pNal, iBitSize); if (iErr) { ForceClearCurrentNal (pCurAu); if (uiAvailNalNum > 1) { pCurAu->uiEndPos = uiAvailNalNum - 2; if (pCtx->eErrorConMethod == ERROR_CON_DISABLE) { pCtx->bAuReadyFlag = true; } } WelsLog (pLogCtx, WELS_LOG_ERROR, "NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE: DecInitBits() fail due invalid access."); pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError; return NULL; } iErr = ParseSliceHeaderSyntaxs (pCtx, pBs, bExtensionFlag); if (iErr != ERR_NONE) { if ((uiAvailNalNum == 1) && (pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.bIdrFlag)) { //IDR parse error ResetActiveSPSForEachLayer (pCtx); } //if current NAL occur error when parsing, should clean it from pNalUnitsList //otherwise, when Next good NAL decoding, this corrupt NAL is considered as normal NAL and lead to decoder crash ForceClearCurrentNal (pCurAu); if (uiAvailNalNum > 1) { pCurAu->uiEndPos = uiAvailNalNum - 2; if (pCtx->eErrorConMethod == ERROR_CON_DISABLE) { pCtx->bAuReadyFlag = true; } } pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError; return NULL; } if ((uiAvailNalNum == 1) && CheckNextAuNewSeq (pCtx, pCurNal, pCurNal->sNalData.sVclNal.sSliceHeaderExt.sSliceHeader.pSps)) { ResetActiveSPSForEachLayer (pCtx); } if ((uiAvailNalNum > 1) && CheckAccessUnitBoundary (pCtx, pCurAu->pNalUnitsList[uiAvailNalNum - 1], pCurAu->pNalUnitsList[uiAvailNalNum - 2], pCurAu->pNalUnitsList[uiAvailNalNum - 1]->sNalData.sVclNal.sSliceHeaderExt.sSliceHeader.pSps)) { pCurAu->uiEndPos = uiAvailNalNum - 2; pCtx->bAuReadyFlag = true; pCtx->bNextNewSeqBegin = CheckNextAuNewSeq (pCtx, pCurNal, pCurNal->sNalData.sVclNal.sSliceHeaderExt.sSliceHeader.pSps); } } break; default: break; } return pNal; } bool CheckAccessUnitBoundaryExt (PNalUnitHeaderExt pLastNalHdrExt, PNalUnitHeaderExt pCurNalHeaderExt, PSliceHeader pLastSliceHeader, PSliceHeader pCurSliceHeader) { const PSps kpSps = pCurSliceHeader->pSps; //Sub-clause temporal_id if (pLastNalHdrExt->uiTemporalId != pCurNalHeaderExt->uiTemporalId) { return true; } // Subclause if (pLastSliceHeader->iRedundantPicCnt > pCurSliceHeader->iRedundantPicCnt) return true; // Subclause G7. if (pLastNalHdrExt->uiDependencyId > pCurNalHeaderExt->uiDependencyId) return true; if (pLastNalHdrExt->uiQualityId > pCurNalHeaderExt->uiQualityId) return true; // Subclause if (pLastSliceHeader->iFrameNum != pCurSliceHeader->iFrameNum) return true; if (pLastSliceHeader->iPpsId != pCurSliceHeader->iPpsId) return true; if (pLastSliceHeader->pSps->iSpsId != pCurSliceHeader->pSps->iSpsId) return true; if (pLastSliceHeader->bFieldPicFlag != pCurSliceHeader->bFieldPicFlag) return true; if (pLastSliceHeader->bBottomFiledFlag != pCurSliceHeader->bBottomFiledFlag) return true; if ((pLastNalHdrExt->sNalUnitHeader.uiNalRefIdc != NRI_PRI_LOWEST) != (pCurNalHeaderExt->sNalUnitHeader.uiNalRefIdc != NRI_PRI_LOWEST)) return true; if (pLastNalHdrExt->bIdrFlag != pCurNalHeaderExt->bIdrFlag) return true; if (pCurNalHeaderExt->bIdrFlag) { if (pLastSliceHeader->uiIdrPicId != pCurSliceHeader->uiIdrPicId) return true; } if (kpSps->uiPocType == 0) { if (pLastSliceHeader->iPicOrderCntLsb != pCurSliceHeader->iPicOrderCntLsb) return true; if (pLastSliceHeader->iDeltaPicOrderCntBottom != pCurSliceHeader->iDeltaPicOrderCntBottom) return true; } else if (kpSps->uiPocType == 1) { if (pLastSliceHeader->iDeltaPicOrderCnt[0] != pCurSliceHeader->iDeltaPicOrderCnt[0]) return true; if (pLastSliceHeader->iDeltaPicOrderCnt[1] != pCurSliceHeader->iDeltaPicOrderCnt[1]) return true; } if (memcmp (pLastSliceHeader->pPps, pCurSliceHeader->pPps, sizeof (SPps)) != 0 || memcmp (pLastSliceHeader->pSps, pCurSliceHeader->pSps, sizeof (SSps)) != 0) { return true; } return false; } bool CheckAccessUnitBoundary (PWelsDecoderContext pCtx, const PNalUnit kpCurNal, const PNalUnit kpLastNal, const PSps kpSps) { const PNalUnitHeaderExt kpLastNalHeaderExt = &kpLastNal->sNalHeaderExt; const PNalUnitHeaderExt kpCurNalHeaderExt = &kpCurNal->sNalHeaderExt; const SSliceHeader* kpLastSliceHeader = &kpLastNal->sNalData.sVclNal.sSliceHeaderExt.sSliceHeader; const SSliceHeader* kpCurSliceHeader = &kpCurNal->sNalData.sVclNal.sSliceHeaderExt.sSliceHeader; if (pCtx->pActiveLayerSps[kpCurNalHeaderExt->uiDependencyId] != NULL && pCtx->pActiveLayerSps[kpCurNalHeaderExt->uiDependencyId] != kpSps) { return true; // the active sps changed, new sequence begins, so the current au is ready } //Sub-clause temporal_id if (kpLastNalHeaderExt->uiTemporalId != kpCurNalHeaderExt->uiTemporalId) { return true; } if (kpLastSliceHeader->iFrameNum != kpCurSliceHeader->iFrameNum) return true; // Subclause if (kpLastSliceHeader->iRedundantPicCnt > kpCurSliceHeader->iRedundantPicCnt) return true; // Subclause G7. if (kpLastNalHeaderExt->uiDependencyId > kpCurNalHeaderExt->uiDependencyId) return true; // Subclause if (kpLastNalHeaderExt->uiDependencyId == kpCurNalHeaderExt->uiDependencyId && kpLastSliceHeader->iPpsId != kpCurSliceHeader->iPpsId) return true; if (kpLastSliceHeader->bFieldPicFlag != kpCurSliceHeader->bFieldPicFlag) return true; if (kpLastSliceHeader->bBottomFiledFlag != kpCurSliceHeader->bBottomFiledFlag) return true; if ((kpLastNalHeaderExt->sNalUnitHeader.uiNalRefIdc != NRI_PRI_LOWEST) != (kpCurNalHeaderExt->sNalUnitHeader.uiNalRefIdc != NRI_PRI_LOWEST)) return true; if (kpLastNalHeaderExt->bIdrFlag != kpCurNalHeaderExt->bIdrFlag) return true; if (kpCurNalHeaderExt->bIdrFlag) { if (kpLastSliceHeader->uiIdrPicId != kpCurSliceHeader->uiIdrPicId) return true; } if (kpSps->uiPocType == 0) { if (kpLastSliceHeader->iPicOrderCntLsb != kpCurSliceHeader->iPicOrderCntLsb) return true; if (kpLastSliceHeader->iDeltaPicOrderCntBottom != kpCurSliceHeader->iDeltaPicOrderCntBottom) return true; } else if (kpSps->uiPocType == 1) { if (kpLastSliceHeader->iDeltaPicOrderCnt[0] != kpCurSliceHeader->iDeltaPicOrderCnt[0]) return true; if (kpLastSliceHeader->iDeltaPicOrderCnt[1] != kpCurSliceHeader->iDeltaPicOrderCnt[1]) return true; } return false; } bool CheckNextAuNewSeq (PWelsDecoderContext pCtx, const PNalUnit kpCurNal, const PSps kpSps) { const PNalUnitHeaderExt kpCurNalHeaderExt = &kpCurNal->sNalHeaderExt; if (pCtx->pActiveLayerSps[kpCurNalHeaderExt->uiDependencyId] != NULL && pCtx->pActiveLayerSps[kpCurNalHeaderExt->uiDependencyId] != kpSps) return true; if (kpCurNalHeaderExt->bIdrFlag) return true; return false; } /*! ************************************************************************************* * \brief to parse NON VCL NAL Units * * \param pCtx decoder context * \param rbsp rbsp buffer of NAL Unit * \param src_len length of rbsp buffer * * \return 0 - successed * 1 - failed * ************************************************************************************* */ int32_t ParseNonVclNal (PWelsDecoderContext pCtx, uint8_t* pRbsp, const int32_t kiSrcLen, uint8_t* pSrcNal, const int32_t kSrcNalLen) { PBitStringAux pBs = NULL; EWelsNalUnitType eNalType = NAL_UNIT_UNSPEC_0; // make initial value as unspecified int32_t iPicWidth = 0; int32_t iPicHeight = 0; int32_t iBitSize = 0; int32_t iErr = ERR_NONE; if (kiSrcLen <= 0) return iErr; pBs = &pCtx->sBs; // SBitStringAux instance for non VCL NALs decoding iBitSize = (kiSrcLen << 3) - BsGetTrailingBits (pRbsp + kiSrcLen - 1); // convert into bit eNalType = pCtx->sCurNalHead.eNalUnitType; switch (eNalType) { case NAL_UNIT_SPS: case NAL_UNIT_SUBSET_SPS: if (iBitSize > 0) { iErr = DecInitBits (pBs, pRbsp, iBitSize); if (ERR_NONE != iErr) { if (pCtx->eErrorConMethod == ERROR_CON_DISABLE) pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsNoParamSets; else pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError; return iErr; } } iErr = ParseSps (pCtx, pBs, &iPicWidth, &iPicHeight, pSrcNal, kSrcNalLen); if (ERR_NONE != iErr) { // modified for pSps/pSubsetSps invalid, 12/1/2009 if (pCtx->eErrorConMethod == ERROR_CON_DISABLE) pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsNoParamSets; else pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError; return iErr; } break; case NAL_UNIT_PPS: if (iBitSize > 0) { iErr = DecInitBits (pBs, pRbsp, iBitSize); if (ERR_NONE != iErr) { if (pCtx->eErrorConMethod == ERROR_CON_DISABLE) pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsNoParamSets; else pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError; return iErr; } } iErr = ParsePps (pCtx, &pCtx->sPpsBuffer[0], pBs, pSrcNal, kSrcNalLen); if (ERR_NONE != iErr) { // modified for pps invalid, 12/1/2009 if (pCtx->eErrorConMethod == ERROR_CON_DISABLE) pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsNoParamSets; else pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError; return iErr; } pCtx->bPpsExistAheadFlag = true; break; case NAL_UNIT_SEI: break; case NAL_UNIT_PREFIX: break; case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_DPA: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_DPB: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_DPC: break; default: break; } return iErr; } int32_t ParseRefBasePicMarking (PBitStringAux pBs, PRefBasePicMarking pRefBasePicMarking) { uint32_t uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //adaptive_ref_base_pic_marking_mode_flag const bool kbAdaptiveMarkingModeFlag = !!uiCode; pRefBasePicMarking->bAdaptiveRefBasePicMarkingModeFlag = kbAdaptiveMarkingModeFlag; if (kbAdaptiveMarkingModeFlag) { int32_t iIdx = 0; do { WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //MMCO_base const uint32_t kuiMmco = uiCode; pRefBasePicMarking->mmco_base[iIdx].uiMmcoType = kuiMmco; if (kuiMmco == MMCO_END) break; if (kuiMmco == MMCO_SHORT2UNUSED) { WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //difference_of_base_pic_nums_minus1 pRefBasePicMarking->mmco_base[iIdx].uiDiffOfPicNums = 1 + uiCode; pRefBasePicMarking->mmco_base[iIdx].iShortFrameNum = 0; } else if (kuiMmco == MMCO_LONG2UNUSED) { WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //long_term_base_pic_num pRefBasePicMarking->mmco_base[iIdx].uiLongTermPicNum = uiCode; } ++ iIdx; } while (iIdx < MAX_MMCO_COUNT); } return ERR_NONE; } int32_t ParsePrefixNalUnit (PWelsDecoderContext pCtx, PBitStringAux pBs) { PNalUnit pCurNal = &pCtx->sPrefixNal; uint32_t uiCode; if (pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt.sNalUnitHeader.uiNalRefIdc != 0) { PNalUnitHeaderExt head_ext = &pCurNal->sNalHeaderExt; PPrefixNalUnit sPrefixNal = &pCurNal->sNalData.sPrefixNal; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //store_ref_base_pic_flag sPrefixNal->bStoreRefBasePicFlag = !!uiCode; if ((head_ext->bUseRefBasePicFlag || sPrefixNal->bStoreRefBasePicFlag) && !head_ext->bIdrFlag) { WELS_READ_VERIFY (ParseRefBasePicMarking (pBs, &sPrefixNal->sRefPicBaseMarking)); } WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //additional_prefix_nal_unit_extension_flag sPrefixNal->bPrefixNalUnitAdditionalExtFlag = !!uiCode; if (sPrefixNal->bPrefixNalUnitAdditionalExtFlag) { WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //additional_prefix_nal_unit_extension_data_flag sPrefixNal->bPrefixNalUnitExtFlag = !!uiCode; } } return ERR_NONE; } #define SUBSET_SPS_SEQ_SCALED_REF_LAYER_LEFT_OFFSET_MIN -32768 #define SUBSET_SPS_SEQ_SCALED_REF_LAYER_LEFT_OFFSET_MAX 32767 #define SUBSET_SPS_SEQ_SCALED_REF_LAYER_TOP_OFFSET_MIN -32768 #define SUBSET_SPS_SEQ_SCALED_REF_LAYER_TOP_OFFSET_MAX 32767 #define SUBSET_SPS_SEQ_SCALED_REF_LAYER_RIGHT_OFFSET_MIN -32768 #define SUBSET_SPS_SEQ_SCALED_REF_LAYER_RIGHT_OFFSET_MAX 32767 #define SUBSET_SPS_SEQ_SCALED_REF_LAYER_BOTTOM_OFFSET_MIN -32768 #define SUBSET_SPS_SEQ_SCALED_REF_LAYER_BOTTOM_OFFSET_MAX 32767 int32_t DecodeSpsSvcExt (PWelsDecoderContext pCtx, PSubsetSps pSpsExt, PBitStringAux pBs) { PSpsSvcExt pExt = NULL; uint32_t uiCode; int32_t iCode; pExt = &pSpsExt->sSpsSvcExt; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //inter_layer_deblocking_filter_control_present_flag pExt->bInterLayerDeblockingFilterCtrlPresentFlag = !!uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetBits (pBs, 2, &uiCode)); //extended_spatial_scalability_idc pExt->uiExtendedSpatialScalability = uiCode; if (pExt->uiExtendedSpatialScalability > 2) { WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, "DecodeSpsSvcExt():extended_spatial_scalability (%d) != 0, ESS not supported!", pExt->uiExtendedSpatialScalability); return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_INVALID_ESS); } pExt->uiChromaPhaseXPlus1Flag = 0; // FIXME: Incoherent with JVT X201 standard (= 1), but conformance to JSVM (= 0) implementation. pExt->uiChromaPhaseYPlus1 = 1; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //chroma_phase_x_plus1_flag pExt->uiChromaPhaseXPlus1Flag = uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetBits (pBs, 2, &uiCode)); //chroma_phase_y_plus1 pExt->uiChromaPhaseYPlus1 = uiCode; pExt->uiSeqRefLayerChromaPhaseXPlus1Flag = pExt->uiChromaPhaseXPlus1Flag; pExt->uiSeqRefLayerChromaPhaseYPlus1 = pExt->uiChromaPhaseYPlus1; memset (&pExt->sSeqScaledRefLayer, 0, sizeof (SPosOffset)); if (pExt->uiExtendedSpatialScalability == 1) { SPosOffset* const kpPos = &pExt->sSeqScaledRefLayer; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //seq_ref_layer_chroma_phase_x_plus1_flag pExt->uiSeqRefLayerChromaPhaseXPlus1Flag = uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetBits (pBs, 2, &uiCode)); //seq_ref_layer_chroma_phase_y_plus1 pExt->uiSeqRefLayerChromaPhaseYPlus1 = uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //seq_scaled_ref_layer_left_offset kpPos->iLeftOffset = iCode; WELS_CHECK_SE_BOTH_WARNING (kpPos->iLeftOffset, SUBSET_SPS_SEQ_SCALED_REF_LAYER_LEFT_OFFSET_MIN, SUBSET_SPS_SEQ_SCALED_REF_LAYER_LEFT_OFFSET_MAX, "seq_scaled_ref_layer_left_offset"); WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //seq_scaled_ref_layer_top_offset kpPos->iTopOffset = iCode; WELS_CHECK_SE_BOTH_WARNING (kpPos->iTopOffset, SUBSET_SPS_SEQ_SCALED_REF_LAYER_TOP_OFFSET_MIN, SUBSET_SPS_SEQ_SCALED_REF_LAYER_TOP_OFFSET_MAX, "seq_scaled_ref_layer_top_offset"); WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //seq_scaled_ref_layer_right_offset kpPos->iRightOffset = iCode; WELS_CHECK_SE_BOTH_WARNING (kpPos->iRightOffset, SUBSET_SPS_SEQ_SCALED_REF_LAYER_RIGHT_OFFSET_MIN, SUBSET_SPS_SEQ_SCALED_REF_LAYER_RIGHT_OFFSET_MAX, "seq_scaled_ref_layer_right_offset"); WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //seq_scaled_ref_layer_bottom_offset kpPos->iBottomOffset = iCode; WELS_CHECK_SE_BOTH_WARNING (kpPos->iBottomOffset, SUBSET_SPS_SEQ_SCALED_REF_LAYER_BOTTOM_OFFSET_MIN, SUBSET_SPS_SEQ_SCALED_REF_LAYER_BOTTOM_OFFSET_MAX, "seq_scaled_ref_layer_bottom_offset"); } WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //seq_tcoeff_level_prediction_flag pExt->bSeqTCoeffLevelPredFlag = !!uiCode; pExt->bAdaptiveTCoeffLevelPredFlag = false; if (pExt->bSeqTCoeffLevelPredFlag) { WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //adaptive_tcoeff_level_prediction_flag pExt->bAdaptiveTCoeffLevelPredFlag = !!uiCode; } WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //slice_header_restriction_flag pExt->bSliceHeaderRestrictionFlag = !!uiCode; return 0; } const SLevelLimits* GetLevelLimits (int32_t iLevelIdx, bool bConstraint3) { switch (iLevelIdx) { case 9: return &g_ksLevelLimits[1]; case 10: return &g_ksLevelLimits[0]; case 11: if (bConstraint3) return &g_ksLevelLimits[1]; else return &g_ksLevelLimits[2]; case 12: return &g_ksLevelLimits[3]; case 13: return &g_ksLevelLimits[4]; case 20: return &g_ksLevelLimits[5]; case 21: return &g_ksLevelLimits[6]; case 22: return &g_ksLevelLimits[7]; case 30: return &g_ksLevelLimits[8]; case 31: return &g_ksLevelLimits[9]; case 32: return &g_ksLevelLimits[10]; case 40: return &g_ksLevelLimits[11]; case 41: return &g_ksLevelLimits[12]; case 42: return &g_ksLevelLimits[13]; case 50: return &g_ksLevelLimits[14]; case 51: return &g_ksLevelLimits[15]; case 52: return &g_ksLevelLimits[16]; default: return NULL; } return NULL; } bool CheckSpsActive (PWelsDecoderContext pCtx, PSps pSps, bool bUseSubsetFlag) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LAYER_NUM; i++) { if (pCtx->pActiveLayerSps[i] == pSps) return true; } // Pre-active, will be used soon if (bUseSubsetFlag) { if (pSps->iMbWidth > 0 && pSps->iMbHeight > 0 && pCtx->bSubspsAvailFlags[pSps->iSpsId]) { if (pCtx->iTotalNumMbRec > 0) { return true; } if (pCtx->pAccessUnitList->uiAvailUnitsNum > 0) { int i = 0, iNum = (int32_t) pCtx->pAccessUnitList->uiAvailUnitsNum; while (i < iNum) { PNalUnit pNalUnit = pCtx->pAccessUnitList->pNalUnitsList[i]; if (pNalUnit->sNalData.sVclNal.bSliceHeaderExtFlag) { //ext data PSps pNextUsedSps = pNalUnit->sNalData.sVclNal.sSliceHeaderExt.sSliceHeader.pSps; if (pNextUsedSps->iSpsId == pSps->iSpsId) return true; } ++i; } } } } else { if (pSps->iMbWidth > 0 && pSps->iMbHeight > 0 && pCtx->bSpsAvailFlags[pSps->iSpsId]) { if (pCtx->iTotalNumMbRec > 0) { return true; } if (pCtx->pAccessUnitList->uiAvailUnitsNum > 0) { int i = 0, iNum = (int32_t) pCtx->pAccessUnitList->uiAvailUnitsNum; while (i < iNum) { PNalUnit pNalUnit = pCtx->pAccessUnitList->pNalUnitsList[i]; if (!pNalUnit->sNalData.sVclNal.bSliceHeaderExtFlag) { //non-ext data PSps pNextUsedSps = pNalUnit->sNalData.sVclNal.sSliceHeaderExt.sSliceHeader.pSps; if (pNextUsedSps->iSpsId == pSps->iSpsId) return true; } ++i; } } } } return false; } #define SPS_LOG2_MAX_FRAME_NUM_MINUS4_MAX 12 #define SPS_LOG2_MAX_PIC_ORDER_CNT_LSB_MINUS4_MAX 12 #define SPS_NUM_REF_FRAMES_IN_PIC_ORDER_CNT_CYCLE_MAX 255 #define SPS_MAX_NUM_REF_FRAMES_MAX 16 #define PPS_PIC_INIT_QP_QS_MIN 0 #define PPS_PIC_INIT_QP_QS_MAX 51 #define PPS_CHROMA_QP_INDEX_OFFSET_MIN -12 #define PPS_CHROMA_QP_INDEX_OFFSET_MAX 12 #define SCALING_LIST_DELTA_SCALE_MAX 127 #define SCALING_LIST_DELTA_SCALE_MIN -128 /*! ************************************************************************************* * \brief to parse Sequence Parameter Set (SPS) * * \param pCtx Decoder context * \param pBsAux bitstream reader auxiliary * \param pPicWidth picture width current Sps represented * \param pPicHeight picture height current Sps represented * * \return 0 - successed * 1 - failed * * \note Call it in case eNalUnitType is SPS. ************************************************************************************* */ int32_t ParseSps (PWelsDecoderContext pCtx, PBitStringAux pBsAux, int32_t* pPicWidth, int32_t* pPicHeight, uint8_t* pSrcNal, const int32_t kSrcNalLen) { PBitStringAux pBs = pBsAux; SSubsetSps sTempSubsetSps; PSps pSps = NULL; PSubsetSps pSubsetSps = NULL; SNalUnitHeader* pNalHead = &pCtx->sCurNalHead; ProfileIdc uiProfileIdc; uint8_t uiLevelIdc; int32_t iSpsId; uint32_t uiCode; int32_t iCode; bool bConstraintSetFlags[6] = { false }; const bool kbUseSubsetFlag = IS_SUBSET_SPS_NAL (pNalHead->eNalUnitType); WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetBits (pBs, 8, &uiCode)); //profile_idc uiProfileIdc = uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //constraint_set0_flag bConstraintSetFlags[0] = !!uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //constraint_set1_flag bConstraintSetFlags[1] = !!uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //constraint_set2_flag bConstraintSetFlags[2] = !!uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //constraint_set3_flag bConstraintSetFlags[3] = !!uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //constraint_set4_flag bConstraintSetFlags[4] = !!uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //constraint_set5_flag bConstraintSetFlags[5] = !!uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetBits (pBs, 2, &uiCode)); // reserved_zero_2bits, equal to 0 WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetBits (pBs, 8, &uiCode)); // level_idc uiLevelIdc = uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //seq_parameter_set_id if (uiCode >= MAX_SPS_COUNT) { // Modified to check invalid negative iSpsId, 12/1/2009 WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, " iSpsId is out of range! \n"); return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_SPS_ID_OVERFLOW); } iSpsId = uiCode; pSubsetSps = &sTempSubsetSps; pSps = &sTempSubsetSps.sSps; memset (pSubsetSps, 0, sizeof (SSubsetSps)); const SLevelLimits* pSLevelLimits = GetLevelLimits (uiLevelIdc, bConstraintSetFlags[3]); if (NULL == pSLevelLimits) { WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, "ParseSps(): level_idx (%d).\n", uiLevelIdc); return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_UNSUPPORTED_NON_BASELINE); } else pSps->pSLevelLimits = pSLevelLimits; // syntax elements in default pSps->uiChromaFormatIdc = 1; pSps->uiChromaArrayType = 1; pSps->uiProfileIdc = uiProfileIdc; pSps->uiLevelIdc = uiLevelIdc; pSps->iSpsId = iSpsId; if (PRO_SCALABLE_BASELINE == uiProfileIdc || PRO_SCALABLE_HIGH == uiProfileIdc || PRO_HIGH == uiProfileIdc || PRO_HIGH10 == uiProfileIdc || PRO_HIGH422 == uiProfileIdc || PRO_HIGH444 == uiProfileIdc || PRO_CAVLC444 == uiProfileIdc || 44 == uiProfileIdc) { WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //chroma_format_idc pSps->uiChromaFormatIdc = uiCode; // if (pSps->uiChromaFormatIdc != 1) { // WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, "ParseSps(): chroma_format_idc (%d) = 1 supported.", // pSps->uiChromaFormatIdc); // return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_UNSUPPORTED_NON_BASELINE); // } if (pSps->uiChromaFormatIdc > 1) { WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, "ParseSps(): chroma_format_idc (%d) <=1 supported.", pSps->uiChromaFormatIdc); return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_UNSUPPORTED_NON_BASELINE); }// To support 4:0:0; 4:2:0 pSps->uiChromaArrayType = pSps->uiChromaFormatIdc; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //bit_depth_luma_minus8 if (uiCode != 0) { WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, "ParseSps(): bit_depth_luma (%d) Only 8 bit supported.", 8 + uiCode); return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_UNSUPPORTED_NON_BASELINE); } pSps->uiBitDepthLuma = 8; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //bit_depth_chroma_minus8 if (uiCode != 0) { WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, "ParseSps(): bit_depth_chroma (%d). Only 8 bit supported.", 8 + uiCode); return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_UNSUPPORTED_NON_BASELINE); } pSps->uiBitDepthChroma = 8; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag pSps->bQpPrimeYZeroTransfBypassFlag = !!uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag pSps->bSeqScalingMatrixPresentFlag = !!uiCode; if (pSps->bSeqScalingMatrixPresentFlag) { WELS_READ_VERIFY (ParseScalingList (pSps, pBs, 0, pSps->bSeqScalingListPresentFlag, pSps->iScalingList4x4, pSps->iScalingList8x8)); } } WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //log2_max_frame_num_minus4 WELS_CHECK_SE_UPPER_ERROR (uiCode, SPS_LOG2_MAX_FRAME_NUM_MINUS4_MAX, "log2_max_frame_num_minus4", GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_INVALID_LOG2_MAX_FRAME_NUM_MINUS4)); pSps->uiLog2MaxFrameNum = LOG2_MAX_FRAME_NUM_OFFSET + uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //pic_order_cnt_type pSps->uiPocType = uiCode; if (0 == pSps->uiPocType) { WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 // log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 should be in range 0 to 12, inclusive. (sec. 7.4.3) WELS_CHECK_SE_UPPER_ERROR (uiCode, SPS_LOG2_MAX_PIC_ORDER_CNT_LSB_MINUS4_MAX, "log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4", GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_INVALID_LOG2_MAX_PIC_ORDER_CNT_LSB_MINUS4)); pSps->iLog2MaxPocLsb = LOG2_MAX_PIC_ORDER_CNT_LSB_OFFSET + uiCode; // log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 } else if (1 == pSps->uiPocType) { int32_t i; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag pSps->bDeltaPicOrderAlwaysZeroFlag = !!uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //offset_for_non_ref_pic pSps->iOffsetForNonRefPic = iCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //offset_for_top_to_bottom_field pSps->iOffsetForTopToBottomField = iCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle WELS_CHECK_SE_UPPER_ERROR (uiCode, SPS_NUM_REF_FRAMES_IN_PIC_ORDER_CNT_CYCLE_MAX, "num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle", GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_INVALID_NUM_REF_FRAME_IN_PIC_ORDER_CNT_CYCLE)); pSps->iNumRefFramesInPocCycle = uiCode; for (i = 0; i < pSps->iNumRefFramesInPocCycle; i++) { WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //offset_for_ref_frame[ i ] pSps->iOffsetForRefFrame[ i ] = iCode; } } if (pSps->uiPocType > 2) { WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, " illegal pic_order_cnt_type: %d ! ", pSps->uiPocType); return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_INVALID_POC_TYPE); } WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //max_num_ref_frames pSps->iNumRefFrames = uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag pSps->bGapsInFrameNumValueAllowedFlag = !!uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //pic_width_in_mbs_minus1 pSps->iMbWidth = PIC_WIDTH_IN_MBS_OFFSET + uiCode; if (pSps->iMbWidth > MAX_MB_SIZE || pSps->iMbWidth == 0) { WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_ERROR, "pic_width_in_mbs(%d) invalid!", pSps->iMbWidth); return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_INVALID_MAX_MB_SIZE); } if (((uint64_t)pSps->iMbWidth * (uint64_t)pSps->iMbWidth) > (uint64_t) (8 * pSLevelLimits->uiMaxFS)) { WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_ERROR, " the pic_width_in_mbs exceeds the level limits!"); return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_INVALID_MAX_MB_SIZE); } WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //pic_height_in_map_units_minus1 pSps->iMbHeight = PIC_HEIGHT_IN_MAP_UNITS_OFFSET + uiCode; if (pSps->iMbHeight > MAX_MB_SIZE || pSps->iMbHeight == 0) { WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_ERROR, "pic_height_in_mbs(%d) invalid!", pSps->iMbHeight); return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_INVALID_MAX_MB_SIZE); } if (((uint64_t)pSps->iMbHeight * (uint64_t)pSps->iMbHeight) > (uint64_t) (8 * pSLevelLimits->uiMaxFS)) { WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_ERROR, " the pic_height_in_mbs exceeds the level limits!"); return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_INVALID_MAX_MB_SIZE); } uint32_t uiTmp32 = pSps->iMbWidth * pSps->iMbHeight; if (uiTmp32 > (uint32_t)pSLevelLimits->uiMaxFS) { WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, " the total count of mb exceeds the level limits!"); } pSps->uiTotalMbCount = uiTmp32; WELS_CHECK_SE_UPPER_ERROR (pSps->iNumRefFrames, SPS_MAX_NUM_REF_FRAMES_MAX, "max_num_ref_frames", GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_INVALID_MAX_NUM_REF_FRAMES)); // here we check max_num_ref_frames uint32_t uiMaxDpbMbs = pSLevelLimits->uiMaxDPBMbs; uint32_t uiMaxDpbFrames = uiMaxDpbMbs / pSps->uiTotalMbCount; if (uiMaxDpbFrames > SPS_MAX_NUM_REF_FRAMES_MAX) uiMaxDpbFrames = SPS_MAX_NUM_REF_FRAMES_MAX; if ((uint32_t)pSps->iNumRefFrames > uiMaxDpbFrames) { WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, " max_num_ref_frames exceeds level limits!"); } WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //frame_mbs_only_flag pSps->bFrameMbsOnlyFlag = !!uiCode; if (!pSps->bFrameMbsOnlyFlag) { WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, "ParseSps(): frame_mbs_only_flag (%d) not supported.", pSps->bFrameMbsOnlyFlag); return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_UNSUPPORTED_MBAFF); } WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //direct_8x8_inference_flag pSps->bDirect8x8InferenceFlag = !!uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //frame_cropping_flag pSps->bFrameCroppingFlag = !!uiCode; if (pSps->bFrameCroppingFlag) { WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //frame_crop_left_offset pSps->sFrameCrop.iLeftOffset = uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //frame_crop_right_offset pSps->sFrameCrop.iRightOffset = uiCode; if ((pSps->sFrameCrop.iLeftOffset + pSps->sFrameCrop.iRightOffset) > ((int32_t)pSps->iMbWidth * 16 / 2)) { WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_ERROR, "frame_crop_left_offset + frame_crop_right_offset exceeds limits!"); return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_INVALID_CROPPING_DATA); } WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //frame_crop_top_offset pSps->sFrameCrop.iTopOffset = uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //frame_crop_bottom_offset pSps->sFrameCrop.iBottomOffset = uiCode; if ((pSps->sFrameCrop.iTopOffset + pSps->sFrameCrop.iBottomOffset) > ((int32_t)pSps->iMbHeight * 16 / 2)) { WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_ERROR, "frame_crop_top_offset + frame_crop_right_offset exceeds limits!"); return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_INVALID_CROPPING_DATA); } } else { pSps->sFrameCrop.iLeftOffset = 0; // frame_crop_left_offset pSps->sFrameCrop.iRightOffset = 0; // frame_crop_right_offset pSps->sFrameCrop.iTopOffset = 0; // frame_crop_top_offset pSps->sFrameCrop.iBottomOffset = 0; // frame_crop_bottom_offset } WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //vui_parameters_present_flag pSps->bVuiParamPresentFlag = !!uiCode; if (pCtx->bParseOnly) { if (kSrcNalLen >= SPS_PPS_BS_SIZE - 4) { //sps bs exceeds! pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsOutOfMemory; return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } if (!kbUseSubsetFlag) { //SPS SSpsBsInfo* pSpsBs = &pCtx->sSpsBsInfo [iSpsId]; pSpsBs->iSpsId = iSpsId; int32_t iTrailingZeroByte = 0; while (pSrcNal[kSrcNalLen - iTrailingZeroByte - 1] == 0x0) //remove final trailing 0 bytes iTrailingZeroByte++; int32_t iActualLen = kSrcNalLen - iTrailingZeroByte; pSpsBs->uiSpsBsLen = (uint16_t) iActualLen; //unify start code as 0x0001 int32_t iStartDeltaByte = 0; //0 for 0x0001, 1 for 0x001 if (pSrcNal[0] == 0x0 && pSrcNal[1] == 0x0 && pSrcNal[2] == 0x1) { //if 0x001 pSpsBs->pSpsBsBuf[0] = 0x0; //add 0 to form 0x0001 iStartDeltaByte++; pSpsBs->uiSpsBsLen++; } memcpy (pSpsBs->pSpsBsBuf + iStartDeltaByte, pSrcNal, iActualLen); } else { //subset SPS SSpsBsInfo* pSpsBs = &pCtx->sSubsetSpsBsInfo [iSpsId]; pSpsBs->iSpsId = iSpsId; pSpsBs->pSpsBsBuf [0] = pSpsBs->pSpsBsBuf [1] = pSpsBs->pSpsBsBuf [2] = 0x00; pSpsBs->pSpsBsBuf [3] = 0x01; pSpsBs->pSpsBsBuf [4] = 0x67; //re-write subset SPS to SPS SBitStringAux sSubsetSpsBs; CMemoryAlign* pMa = pCtx->pMemAlign; uint8_t* pBsBuf = static_cast<uint8_t*> (pMa->WelsMallocz (SPS_PPS_BS_SIZE + 4, "Temp buffer for parse only usage.")); //to reserve 4 bytes for UVLC writing buffer if (NULL == pBsBuf) { pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsOutOfMemory; return pCtx->iErrorCode; } InitBits (&sSubsetSpsBs, pBsBuf, (int32_t) (pBs->pEndBuf - pBs->pStartBuf)); BsWriteBits (&sSubsetSpsBs, 8, 77); //profile_idc, forced to Main profile BsWriteOneBit (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->bConstraintSet0Flag); // constraint_set0_flag BsWriteOneBit (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->bConstraintSet1Flag); // constraint_set1_flag BsWriteOneBit (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->bConstraintSet2Flag); // constraint_set2_flag BsWriteOneBit (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->bConstraintSet3Flag); // constraint_set3_flag BsWriteBits (&sSubsetSpsBs, 4, 0); //constraint_set4_flag, constraint_set5_flag, reserved_zero_2bits BsWriteBits (&sSubsetSpsBs, 8, pSps->uiLevelIdc); //level_idc BsWriteUE (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->iSpsId); //sps_id BsWriteUE (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->uiLog2MaxFrameNum - 4); //log2_max_frame_num_minus4 BsWriteUE (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->uiPocType); //pic_order_cnt_type if (pSps->uiPocType == 0) { BsWriteUE (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->iLog2MaxPocLsb - 4); //log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 } else if (pSps->uiPocType == 1) { BsWriteOneBit (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->bDeltaPicOrderAlwaysZeroFlag); //delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag BsWriteSE (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->iOffsetForNonRefPic); //offset_for_no_ref_pic BsWriteSE (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->iOffsetForTopToBottomField); //offset_for_top_to_bottom_field BsWriteUE (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->iNumRefFramesInPocCycle); //num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle for (int32_t i = 0; i < pSps->iNumRefFramesInPocCycle; ++i) { BsWriteSE (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->iOffsetForRefFrame[i]); //offset_for_ref_frame[i] } } BsWriteUE (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->iNumRefFrames); //max_num_ref_frames BsWriteOneBit (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->bGapsInFrameNumValueAllowedFlag); //gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag BsWriteUE (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->iMbWidth - 1); //pic_width_in_mbs_minus1 BsWriteUE (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->iMbHeight - 1); //pic_height_in_map_units_minus1 BsWriteOneBit (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->bFrameMbsOnlyFlag); //frame_mbs_only_flag if (!pSps->bFrameMbsOnlyFlag) { BsWriteOneBit (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->bMbaffFlag); //mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag } BsWriteOneBit (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->bDirect8x8InferenceFlag); //direct_8x8_inference_flag BsWriteOneBit (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->bFrameCroppingFlag); //frame_cropping_flag if (pSps->bFrameCroppingFlag) { BsWriteUE (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->sFrameCrop.iLeftOffset); //frame_crop_left_offset BsWriteUE (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->sFrameCrop.iRightOffset); //frame_crop_right_offset BsWriteUE (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->sFrameCrop.iTopOffset); //frame_crop_top_offset BsWriteUE (&sSubsetSpsBs, pSps->sFrameCrop.iBottomOffset); //frame_crop_bottom_offset } BsWriteOneBit (&sSubsetSpsBs, 0); //vui_parameters_present_flag BsRbspTrailingBits (&sSubsetSpsBs); //finished, rbsp trailing bit int32_t iRbspSize = (int32_t) (sSubsetSpsBs.pCurBuf - sSubsetSpsBs.pStartBuf); RBSP2EBSP (pSpsBs->pSpsBsBuf + 5, sSubsetSpsBs.pStartBuf, iRbspSize); pSpsBs->uiSpsBsLen = (uint16_t) (sSubsetSpsBs.pCurBuf - sSubsetSpsBs.pStartBuf + 5); if (pBsBuf) { pMa->WelsFree (pBsBuf, "pBsBuf for parse only usage"); } } } // Check if SPS SVC extension applicated if (kbUseSubsetFlag && (PRO_SCALABLE_BASELINE == uiProfileIdc || PRO_SCALABLE_HIGH == uiProfileIdc)) { if (DecodeSpsSvcExt (pCtx, pSubsetSps, pBs) != ERR_NONE) { return -1; } WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //svc_vui_parameters_present_flag pSubsetSps->bSvcVuiParamPresentFlag = !!uiCode; if (pSubsetSps->bSvcVuiParamPresentFlag) { } } if (PRO_SCALABLE_BASELINE == uiProfileIdc || PRO_SCALABLE_HIGH == uiProfileIdc) pCtx->bAvcBasedFlag = false; *pPicWidth = pSps->iMbWidth << 4; *pPicHeight = pSps->iMbHeight << 4; PSps pTmpSps = NULL; if (kbUseSubsetFlag) { pTmpSps = &pCtx->sSubsetSpsBuffer[iSpsId].sSps; } else { pTmpSps = &pCtx->sSpsBuffer[iSpsId]; } if (CheckSpsActive (pCtx, pTmpSps, kbUseSubsetFlag)) { // we are overwriting the active sps, copy a temp buffer if (kbUseSubsetFlag) { if (memcmp (&pCtx->sSubsetSpsBuffer[iSpsId], pSubsetSps, sizeof (SSubsetSps)) != 0) { if (pCtx->pAccessUnitList->uiAvailUnitsNum > 0) { memcpy (&pCtx->sSubsetSpsBuffer[MAX_SPS_COUNT], pSubsetSps, sizeof (SSubsetSps)); pCtx->bAuReadyFlag = true; pCtx->pAccessUnitList->uiEndPos = pCtx->pAccessUnitList->uiAvailUnitsNum - 1; pCtx->iOverwriteFlags |= OVERWRITE_SUBSETSPS; } else if ((pCtx->pSps != NULL) && (pCtx->pSps->iSpsId == pSubsetSps->sSps.iSpsId)) { memcpy (&pCtx->sSubsetSpsBuffer[MAX_SPS_COUNT], pSubsetSps, sizeof (SSubsetSps)); pCtx->iOverwriteFlags |= OVERWRITE_SUBSETSPS; } else { memcpy (&pCtx->sSubsetSpsBuffer[iSpsId], pSubsetSps, sizeof (SSubsetSps)); } } } else { if (memcmp (&pCtx->sSpsBuffer[iSpsId], pSps, sizeof (SSps)) != 0) { if (pCtx->pAccessUnitList->uiAvailUnitsNum > 0) { memcpy (&pCtx->sSpsBuffer[MAX_SPS_COUNT], pSps, sizeof (SSps)); pCtx->iOverwriteFlags |= OVERWRITE_SPS; pCtx->bAuReadyFlag = true; pCtx->pAccessUnitList->uiEndPos = pCtx->pAccessUnitList->uiAvailUnitsNum - 1; } else if ((pCtx->pSps != NULL) && (pCtx->pSps->iSpsId == pSps->iSpsId)) { memcpy (&pCtx->sSpsBuffer[MAX_SPS_COUNT], pSps, sizeof (SSps)); pCtx->iOverwriteFlags |= OVERWRITE_SPS; } else { memcpy (&pCtx->sSpsBuffer[iSpsId], pSps, sizeof (SSps)); } } } } // Not overwrite active sps, just copy to final place else if (kbUseSubsetFlag) { memcpy (&pCtx->sSubsetSpsBuffer[iSpsId], pSubsetSps, sizeof (SSubsetSps)); pCtx->bSubspsAvailFlags[iSpsId] = true; pCtx->bSubspsExistAheadFlag = true; } else { memcpy (&pCtx->sSpsBuffer[iSpsId], pSps, sizeof (SSps)); pCtx->bSpsAvailFlags[iSpsId] = true; pCtx->bSpsExistAheadFlag = true; } return 0; } /*! ************************************************************************************* * \brief to parse Picture Parameter Set (PPS) * * \param pCtx Decoder context * \param pPpsList pps list * \param pBsAux bitstream reader auxiliary * * \return 0 - successed * 1 - failed * * \note Call it in case eNalUnitType is PPS. ************************************************************************************* */ int32_t ParsePps (PWelsDecoderContext pCtx, PPps pPpsList, PBitStringAux pBsAux, uint8_t* pSrcNal, const int32_t kSrcNalLen) { PPps pPps = NULL; SPps sTempPps; uint32_t uiPpsId = 0; uint32_t iTmp; uint32_t uiCode; int32_t iCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBsAux, &uiCode)); //pic_parameter_set_id uiPpsId = uiCode; if (uiPpsId >= MAX_PPS_COUNT) { return ERR_INFO_PPS_ID_OVERFLOW; } pPps = &sTempPps; memset (pPps, 0, sizeof (SPps)); pPps->iPpsId = uiPpsId; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBsAux, &uiCode)); //seq_parameter_set_id pPps->iSpsId = uiCode; if (pPps->iSpsId >= MAX_SPS_COUNT) { return ERR_INFO_SPS_ID_OVERFLOW; } WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBsAux, &uiCode)); //entropy_coding_mode_flag pPps->bEntropyCodingModeFlag = !!uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBsAux, &uiCode)); //bottom_field_pic_order_in_frame_present_flag pPps->bPicOrderPresentFlag = !!uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBsAux, &uiCode)); //num_slice_groups_minus1 pPps->uiNumSliceGroups = NUM_SLICE_GROUPS_OFFSET + uiCode; if (pPps->uiNumSliceGroups > MAX_SLICEGROUP_IDS) { return ERR_INFO_INVALID_SLICEGROUP; } if (pPps->uiNumSliceGroups > 1) { WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBsAux, &uiCode)); //slice_group_map_type pPps->uiSliceGroupMapType = uiCode; if (pPps->uiSliceGroupMapType > 1) { WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, "ParsePps(): slice_group_map_type (%d): support only 0,1.", pPps->uiSliceGroupMapType); return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_UNSUPPORTED_FMOTYPE); } switch (pPps->uiSliceGroupMapType) { case 0: for (iTmp = 0; iTmp < pPps->uiNumSliceGroups; iTmp++) { WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBsAux, &uiCode)); //run_length_minus1[ iGroup ] pPps->uiRunLength[iTmp] = RUN_LENGTH_OFFSET + uiCode; } break; default: break; } } WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBsAux, &uiCode)); //num_ref_idx_l0_default_active_minus1 pPps->uiNumRefIdxL0Active = NUM_REF_IDX_L0_DEFAULT_ACTIVE_OFFSET + uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBsAux, &uiCode)); //num_ref_idx_l1_default_active_minus1 pPps->uiNumRefIdxL1Active = NUM_REF_IDX_L1_DEFAULT_ACTIVE_OFFSET + uiCode; if (pPps->uiNumRefIdxL0Active > MAX_REF_PIC_COUNT || pPps->uiNumRefIdxL1Active > MAX_REF_PIC_COUNT) { return ERR_INFO_REF_COUNT_OVERFLOW; } WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBsAux, &uiCode)); //weighted_pred_flag pPps->bWeightedPredFlag = !!uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetBits (pBsAux, 2, &uiCode)); //weighted_bipred_idc pPps->uiWeightedBipredIdc = uiCode; if (pPps->uiWeightedBipredIdc != 0) { WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, "ParsePps(): weighted_bipred_idc (%d) not supported.\n", pPps->uiWeightedBipredIdc); return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_UNSUPPORTED_WP); } WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBsAux, &iCode)); //pic_init_qp_minus26 pPps->iPicInitQp = PIC_INIT_QP_OFFSET + iCode; WELS_CHECK_SE_BOTH_ERROR (pPps->iPicInitQp, PPS_PIC_INIT_QP_QS_MIN, PPS_PIC_INIT_QP_QS_MAX, "pic_init_qp_minus26 + 26", GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_INVALID_PIC_INIT_QP)); WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBsAux, &iCode)); //pic_init_qs_minus26 pPps->iPicInitQs = PIC_INIT_QS_OFFSET + iCode; WELS_CHECK_SE_BOTH_ERROR (pPps->iPicInitQs, PPS_PIC_INIT_QP_QS_MIN, PPS_PIC_INIT_QP_QS_MAX, "pic_init_qs_minus26 + 26", GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_INVALID_PIC_INIT_QS)); WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBsAux, &iCode)); //chroma_qp_index_offset,cb pPps->iChromaQpIndexOffset[0] = iCode; WELS_CHECK_SE_BOTH_ERROR (pPps->iChromaQpIndexOffset[0], PPS_CHROMA_QP_INDEX_OFFSET_MIN, PPS_CHROMA_QP_INDEX_OFFSET_MAX, "chroma_qp_index_offset", GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_INVALID_CHROMA_QP_INDEX_OFFSET)); pPps->iChromaQpIndexOffset[1] = pPps->iChromaQpIndexOffset[0];//init cr qp offset WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBsAux, &uiCode)); //deblocking_filter_control_present_flag pPps->bDeblockingFilterControlPresentFlag = !!uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBsAux, &uiCode)); //constrained_intra_pred_flag pPps->bConstainedIntraPredFlag = !!uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBsAux, &uiCode)); //redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag pPps->bRedundantPicCntPresentFlag = !!uiCode; if (CheckMoreRBSPData (pBsAux)) { WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBsAux, &uiCode)); //transform_8x8_mode_flag pPps->bTransform8x8ModeFlag = !!uiCode; WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBsAux, &uiCode)); //pic_scaling_matrix_present_flag pPps->bPicScalingMatrixPresentFlag = !!uiCode; if (pPps->bPicScalingMatrixPresentFlag) { if (pCtx->bSpsAvailFlags[pPps->iSpsId]) { WELS_READ_VERIFY (ParseScalingList (&pCtx->sSpsBuffer[pPps->iSpsId], pBsAux, 1, pPps->bPicScalingListPresentFlag, pPps->iScalingList4x4, pPps->iScalingList8x8)); } else { pCtx->bSpsLatePps = true; WELS_READ_VERIFY (ParseScalingList (NULL, pBsAux, 1, pPps->bPicScalingListPresentFlag, pPps->iScalingList4x4, pPps->iScalingList8x8)); } } WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBsAux, &iCode)); //second_chroma_qp_index_offset pPps->iChromaQpIndexOffset[1] = iCode; WELS_CHECK_SE_BOTH_ERROR (pPps->iChromaQpIndexOffset[1], PPS_CHROMA_QP_INDEX_OFFSET_MIN, PPS_CHROMA_QP_INDEX_OFFSET_MAX, "chroma_qp_index_offset", GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_INVALID_CHROMA_QP_INDEX_OFFSET)); } if (pCtx->pPps != NULL && pCtx->pPps->iPpsId == pPps->iPpsId) { if (memcmp (pCtx->pPps, pPps, sizeof (*pPps)) != 0) { memcpy (&pCtx->sPpsBuffer[MAX_PPS_COUNT], pPps, sizeof (SPps)); pCtx->iOverwriteFlags |= OVERWRITE_PPS; pCtx->bAuReadyFlag = true; pCtx->pAccessUnitList->uiEndPos = (pCtx->pAccessUnitList->uiAvailUnitsNum > 0 ? (pCtx->pAccessUnitList->uiAvailUnitsNum - 1) : 0); } } else { memcpy (&pCtx->sPpsBuffer[uiPpsId], pPps, sizeof (SPps)); pCtx->bPpsAvailFlags[uiPpsId] = true; } if (pCtx->bParseOnly) { if (kSrcNalLen >= SPS_PPS_BS_SIZE - 4) { //pps bs exceeds pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsOutOfMemory; return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_PARAM_SETS, ERR_INFO_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } SPpsBsInfo* pPpsBs = &pCtx->sPpsBsInfo [uiPpsId]; pPpsBs->iPpsId = (int32_t) uiPpsId; int32_t iTrailingZeroByte = 0; while (pSrcNal[kSrcNalLen - iTrailingZeroByte - 1] == 0x0) //remove final trailing 0 bytes iTrailingZeroByte++; int32_t iActualLen = kSrcNalLen - iTrailingZeroByte; pPpsBs->uiPpsBsLen = (uint16_t) iActualLen; //unify start code as 0x0001 int32_t iStartDeltaByte = 0; //0 for 0x0001, 1 for 0x001 if (pSrcNal[0] == 0x0 && pSrcNal[1] == 0x0 && pSrcNal[2] == 0x1) { //if 0x001 pPpsBs->pPpsBsBuf[0] = 0x0; //add 0 to form 0x0001 iStartDeltaByte++; pPpsBs->uiPpsBsLen++; } memcpy (pPpsBs->pPpsBsBuf + iStartDeltaByte, pSrcNal, iActualLen); } return ERR_NONE; } /*! ************************************************************************************* * \brief to parse SEI message payload * * \param pSei sei message to be parsed output * \param pBsAux bitstream reader auxiliary * * \return 0 - successed * 1 - failed * * \note Call it in case eNalUnitType is NAL_UNIT_SEI. ************************************************************************************* */ int32_t ParseSei (void* pSei, PBitStringAux pBsAux) { // reserved Sei_Msg type return ERR_NONE; } /* ************************************************************************************* * \brief to parse scalinglist message payload * * \param pps sps scaling list matrix message to be parsed output * \param pBsAux bitstream reader auxiliary * * \return 0 - successed * 1 - failed * * \note Call it in case scaling list matrix present at sps or pps level ************************************************************************************* */ int32_t SetScalingListValue (uint8_t* pScalingList, int iScalingListNum, bool* bUseDefaultScalingMatrixFlag, PBitStringAux pBsAux) { // reserved Sei_Msg type int iLastScale = 8; int iNextScale = 8; int iDeltaScale; int32_t iCode; int32_t iIdx; for (int j = 0; j < iScalingListNum; j++) { if (iNextScale != 0) { WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBsAux, &iCode)); WELS_CHECK_SE_BOTH_ERROR_NOLOG (iCode, SCALING_LIST_DELTA_SCALE_MIN, SCALING_LIST_DELTA_SCALE_MAX, "DeltaScale", ERR_SCALING_LIST_DELTA_SCALE); iDeltaScale = iCode; iNextScale = (iLastScale + iDeltaScale + 256) % 256; *bUseDefaultScalingMatrixFlag = (j == 0 && iNextScale == 0); if (*bUseDefaultScalingMatrixFlag) break; } iIdx = iScalingListNum == 16 ? g_kuiZigzagScan[j] : g_kuiZigzagScan8x8[j]; pScalingList[iIdx] = (iNextScale == 0) ? iLastScale : iNextScale; iLastScale = pScalingList[iIdx]; } return ERR_NONE; } int32_t ParseScalingList (PSps pSps, PBitStringAux pBs, bool bPPS, bool* pScalingListPresentFlag, uint8_t (*iScalingList4x4)[16], uint8_t (*iScalingList8x8)[64]) { uint32_t uiScalingListNum; uint32_t uiCode; bool bUseDefaultScalingMatrixFlag4x4 = false; bool bUseDefaultScalingMatrixFlag8x8 = false; bool bInit = false; const uint8_t* defaultScaling[4]; if (pSps != NULL) { uiScalingListNum = (pSps->uiChromaFormatIdc != 3) ? 8 : 12; bInit = bPPS && pSps->bSeqScalingMatrixPresentFlag; } else uiScalingListNum = 12; //Init default_scaling_list value for sps or pps defaultScaling[0] = bInit ? pSps->iScalingList4x4[0] : g_kuiDequantScaling4x4Default[0]; defaultScaling[1] = bInit ? pSps->iScalingList4x4[3] : g_kuiDequantScaling4x4Default[1]; defaultScaling[2] = bInit ? pSps->iScalingList8x8[0] : g_kuiDequantScaling8x8Default[0]; defaultScaling[3] = bInit ? pSps->iScalingList8x8[1] : g_kuiDequantScaling8x8Default[1]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < uiScalingListNum; i++) { WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); pScalingListPresentFlag[i] = !!uiCode; if (!!uiCode) { if (i < 6) {//4x4 scaling list WELS_READ_VERIFY (SetScalingListValue (iScalingList4x4[i], 16, &bUseDefaultScalingMatrixFlag4x4, pBs)); if (bUseDefaultScalingMatrixFlag4x4) { bUseDefaultScalingMatrixFlag4x4 = false; memcpy (iScalingList4x4[i], g_kuiDequantScaling4x4Default[i / 3], sizeof (uint8_t) * 16); } } else { WELS_READ_VERIFY (SetScalingListValue (iScalingList8x8[i - 6], 64, &bUseDefaultScalingMatrixFlag8x8, pBs)); if (bUseDefaultScalingMatrixFlag8x8) { bUseDefaultScalingMatrixFlag8x8 = false; memcpy (iScalingList8x8[i - 6], g_kuiDequantScaling8x8Default[ (i - 6) & 1], sizeof (uint8_t) * 64); } } } else { if (i < 6) { if ((i != 0) && (i != 3)) memcpy (iScalingList4x4[i], iScalingList4x4[i - 1], sizeof (uint8_t) * 16); else memcpy (iScalingList4x4[i], defaultScaling[i / 3], sizeof (uint8_t) * 16); } else { if ((i == 6) || (i == 7)) memcpy (iScalingList8x8[i - 6], defaultScaling[ (i & 1) + 2], sizeof (uint8_t) * 64); else memcpy (iScalingList8x8[i - 6], iScalingList8x8[i - 8], sizeof (uint8_t) * 64); } } } return ERR_NONE; } /*! ************************************************************************************* * \brief reset fmo list due to got Sps now * * \param pCtx decoder context * * \return count number of fmo context units are reset ************************************************************************************* */ int32_t ResetFmoList (PWelsDecoderContext pCtx) { int32_t iCountNum = 0; if (NULL != pCtx) { // Fixed memory leak due to PPS_ID might not be continuous sometimes, 1/5/2010 UninitFmoList (&pCtx->sFmoList[0], MAX_PPS_COUNT, pCtx->iActiveFmoNum, pCtx->pMemAlign); iCountNum = pCtx->iActiveFmoNum; pCtx->iActiveFmoNum = 0; } return iCountNum; } } // namespace WelsDec