ref: b603844126cdc285b169f60d62fa4fb00889a623
dir: /docs/
from __future__ import print_function import re, sys, os, time, glob, errno, tempfile, binascii, subprocess, shutil from lxml import etree from optparse import OptionParser import textwrap import string VERSION = '0.1' __all__ = ['DoxyGen2RST'] LINE_BREAKER = "\n" MAX_COLUMN = 80 def is_valid_uuid(uuid_string): uuid4hex = re.compile('[0-9a-f]{32}\Z', re.I) return uuid4hex.match(uuid_string) != None def get_page(refid): fields = refid.split("_") if(is_valid_uuid(fields[-1][-32:])): return ["_".join(fields[0:-1]), fields[-1]] return [refid, None] def mkdir_p(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: # Python >2.5 if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass else: raise def _glob(path, *exts): path = os.path.join(path, "*") if os.path.isdir(path) else path + "*" return [f for files in [glob.glob(path + ext) for ext in exts] for f in files] class DoxyGen2RST(object): """ Customize the Doxygen XML output into RST format, then it can be translated into all formats with the unified user interface. The Doxygen output itself is too verbose and not hard to be organized for a good documentation. """ def __init__(self, src, dst, missing_filename = "missing.rst", is_github = False, enable_uml = True, github_ext = ""): self.doxy_output_dir = os.path.join(src, "_doxygen", "xml") self.output_dir = dst self.rst_dir = src self.enable_uml = enable_uml mkdir_p(dst) self.is_github = is_github if(is_github): self.page_ext = github_ext self.anchor_prefix = "wiki-" else: self.anchor_prefix = "" self.page_ext = ".html" self.filter = ["*.rst", "*.rest"] self.re_doxy = "<doxygen2rst\s(\S*)=(\S*)>(.*?)</doxygen2rst>" self.index_root = etree.parse(os.path.join(self.doxy_output_dir, "index.xml")).getroot() self.references = {} self.missed_types_structs = {} self.name_refid_map = {} self.build_references() self.page_references = {} self.missing_filename = missing_filename self.temp_uml_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "uml_" + binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(15))) if os.path.exists(self.temp_uml_path): shutil.rmtree(self.temp_uml_path) os.mkdir(self.temp_uml_path) def _find_ref_id(self, kind, name): #print("_find_ref_id, %s - %s" %(kind, name)) if(kind == "function"): for comp in self.index_root.iter("member"): if(comp.attrib["kind"].lower() == kind.lower() and comp.findtext("name").lower() == name.lower()): return (comp.attrib["refid"]) pass else: for comp in self.index_root.iter("compound"): if(comp.attrib["kind"].lower() == kind.lower() and comp.findtext("name").lower() == name.lower()): return comp.attrib["refid"] return None def strip_title_ref(self, text): table = string.maketrans("","") retstr = text.translate(table, string.punctuation) words = retstr.split() retstr = "-".join(words) return retstr.lower() def build_references(self): for file in _glob(self.rst_dir, *self.filter): filename = os.path.basename(file) fin = open(file,'r') content = it = re.finditer(self.re_doxy, content, re.DOTALL) for m in it: ref_id = self._find_ref_id(m.groups()[0], m.groups()[1]) if(ref_id is None): #print("Reference is NOT found for: %s=%s" % (m.groups()[0], m.groups()[1])) continue page_name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] title_ref = self.strip_title_ref(m.groups()[2]) self.references[ref_id] = [m.groups()[0], m.groups()[1], page_name, filename, title_ref] self.name_refid_map[m.groups()[1]] = ref_id fin.close() #print(self.references) def call_plantuml(self): if(not self.enable_uml): return java_bin = os.path.join(os.environ['JAVA_HOME'], "bin", "java") output_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.output_dir, "images")) cmds = ["\"" + java_bin + "\"", "-jar", "plantuml.jar", self.temp_uml_path + "/", "-o", output_path] print(" ".join(cmds)) os.system(" ".join(cmds)) shutil.rmtree(self.temp_uml_path) def _build_uml(self, uml_name, content): uml_path = os.path.join(self.temp_uml_path, uml_name + ".txt") fuml = open(uml_path, "w+") fuml.write("@startuml\n") fuml.write(content) fuml.write("\n@enduml\n") fuml.close() return ".. image:: images/" + uml_name + ".png" + LINE_BREAKER def _build(self, m): retstr = "" if(m.groups()[0] == "uml"): retstr = self._build_uml(m.groups()[1], m.groups()[2]) elif(m.groups()[0] == "link"): link = m.groups()[1] + self.page_ext retstr = ("`%s <%s>`_" % (m.groups()[2], link)) else: if(m.groups()[0] != "function"): retstr += self._build_title(m.groups()[2]) retstr += self.convert_doxy(m.groups()[0], m.groups()[1]) return retstr def generate(self): for file in _glob(self.rst_dir, *self.filter): filename = os.path.basename(file) fin = open(file,'r') input_txt = fin.close() output_txt = re.sub(self.re_doxy, self._build, input_txt, 0, re.DOTALL) output_txt += self._build_page_ref_notes() fout = open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, filename), 'w+') fout.write(output_txt) fout.close() #print("%s --- %s" %( file, os.path.join(self.output_dir, filename))) self._build_missed_types_and_structs() self.call_plantuml() def make_para_title(self, title, indent = 4): retstr = LINE_BREAKER if(title): retstr += "".ljust(indent, " ") + "| **" + title + "**" + LINE_BREAKER return retstr def _build_title(self, title, flag = '=', ref = None): retstr = LINE_BREAKER if(ref): retstr += ".. _ref-" + ref + ":" + LINE_BREAKER + LINE_BREAKER retstr += title + LINE_BREAKER retstr += "".ljust(20, flag) + LINE_BREAKER retstr += LINE_BREAKER return retstr def _build_ref(self, node): text = node.text.strip() retstr = "" target = '`' + text + '`' retstr += target + "_ " if target in self.page_references: reflink = self.page_references[target] print("Link already added: %s == %s" % (reflink[0], node.attrib["refid"])) assert(reflink[0] == node.attrib["refid"]) pass else: self.page_references[target] = (node.attrib["refid"], node.attrib["kindref"], text) return retstr def _build_code_block(self, node): retstr = "::" + LINE_BREAKER + LINE_BREAKER for codeline in node.iter("codeline"): retstr += " " for phrases in codeline.iter("highlight"): if(phrases.text): retstr += phrases.text.strip() for child in phrases: if(child.text): retstr += child.text.strip() if(child.tag == "sp"): retstr += " " if(child.tag == "ref" and child.text): #escape the reference in the code block retstr += "" # self._build_ref(child) if(child.tail): retstr += child.tail.strip() retstr += LINE_BREAKER return retstr def _build_itemlist(self, node): retstr = "" for para in node: if(para.tag != "para"): continue if(para.text): retstr += para.text.strip() for child in para: if(child.tag == "ref" and child.text): retstr += self._build_ref(child) if(child.tail): retstr += child.tail.strip() return retstr def _build_itemizedlist(self, node): retstr = LINE_BREAKER if(node == None): return "" for item in node: if(item.tag != "listitem"): continue retstr += " - " + self._build_itemlist(item) retstr += LINE_BREAKER return retstr def _build_verbatim(self, node): retstr = LINE_BREAKER if(node.text): lines = node.text.splitlines() print(lines[0]) m ="{plantuml}\s(\S*)", lines[0]) if(m): uml_name = "uml_" + m.groups()[0] retstr += self._build_uml(uml_name, "\n".join(lines[1:])) else: retstr += "::" + LINE_BREAKER + LINE_BREAKER retstr += node.text return retstr def _build_para(self, para): retstr = "" no_new_line = False if(para.text): retstr += textwrap.fill(para.text.strip(), MAX_COLUMN) + LINE_BREAKER + LINE_BREAKER for child in para: no_new_line = False if(child.tag == "simplesect"): for child_para in child: if(child.attrib["kind"] == "return"): return_str = self._build_para(child_para) retstr += "".ljust(4, " ") + "| Return:" + LINE_BREAKER for line in return_str.splitlines(): retstr += "".ljust(4, " ") + "| " + line + LINE_BREAKER elif(child_para.tag == "title" and child_para.text): lf.make_para_title(child_para.text.strip(), 4) elif(child_para.tag == "para"): #for @see retstr += self._build_para(child_para) elif(child_para.text): retstr += "".ljust(4, " ") + "| " + child_para.text.strip() + LINE_BREAKER if(child.tag == "preformatted"): retstr += "::" + LINE_BREAKER + LINE_BREAKER if(child.text): for line in child.text.splitlines(): retstr += " " + line + LINE_BREAKER if(child.tag == "ref" and child.text): retstr = retstr.rstrip('\n') retstr += " " + self._build_ref(child) no_new_line = True if(child.tag == "programlisting"): retstr += self._build_code_block(child) if(child.tag == "itemizedlist"): retstr += self._build_itemizedlist(child) if(child.tag == "verbatim"): retstr += self._build_verbatim(child) if(not no_new_line): retstr += LINE_BREAKER if(child.tail): retstr += textwrap.fill(child.tail.strip(), MAX_COLUMN) + LINE_BREAKER + LINE_BREAKER return retstr def get_text(self, node): retstr = "" if(node == None): return "" for para in node: if(para.tag != "para"): continue retstr += self._build_para(para) return retstr def _find_text_ref(self, node): retstr = "" if(node.text): retstr += node.text.strip() for child in node: if(child.tag == "ref"): retstr += " " + self._build_ref(child) + " " if(child.tail): retstr += child.tail.strip() return retstr def _build_row_breaker(self, columns): retstr = "+" for column in columns: retstr += "".ljust(column, "-") + "+" return retstr + LINE_BREAKER def _wrap_cell(self, text, length = 30): newlines = [] for line in text.splitlines(): newlines.extend(textwrap.wrap(line, length)) return newlines def _build_row(self, row, columns): retstr = "" row_lines = [] max_line = 0 for i in range(3): row_lines.append(row[i].splitlines()) if(max_line < len(row_lines[i])): max_line = len(row_lines[i]) for i in range(max_line): for j in range(3): retstr += "|" if(len(row_lines[j]) > i): retstr += row_lines[j][i] retstr += "".ljust(columns[j] - len(row_lines[j][i]), " ") else: retstr += "".ljust(columns[j], " ") retstr += "|" + LINE_BREAKER return retstr def _build_table(self, rows): retstr = "" columns = [0, 0, 0] for row in rows: for i in range(3): for rowline in row[i].splitlines(): if(columns[i] < len(rowline) + 2): columns[i] = len(rowline) + 2 #columns[0] = 40 if(columns[0] > 40) else columns[0] #columns[1] = 40 if(columns[1] > 40) else columns[1] #columns[2] = MAX_COLUMN - columns[0] - columns[1] retstr += self._build_row_breaker(columns) for row in rows: retstr += self._build_row(row, columns) retstr += self._build_row_breaker(columns) return retstr; def build_param_list(self, params, paramdescs): retstr = "" param_descriptions = [] for desc in paramdescs: param_descriptions.append(desc) rows = [] rows.append(("Name", "Type", "Descritpion")) for param in params: declname = param.findtext("declname") paramdesc = None for desc in param_descriptions: paramname = desc.findtext("parameternamelist/parametername") if(paramname.lower() == declname.lower()): paramdesc = desc.find("parameterdescription") break decltype = self._find_text_ref(param.find("type")) rows.append((declname, decltype, self.get_text(paramdesc))) if(len(rows) > 1): retstr += self._build_table(rows) return retstr def _build_enum(self, member): enum_id = member.attrib["id"] file, tag = get_page(enum_id) retstr = self._build_title(member.findtext("name"), ref = tag) detail_node = self.get_desc_node(member) if(detail_node is not None): retstr += LINE_BREAKER retstr += self.get_text(detail_node) rows = [] rows.append(("Name", "Initializer", "Descritpion")) for enumvalue in member.iter("enumvalue"): name = enumvalue.findtext("name") initializer = enumvalue.findtext("initializer") if(not initializer): initializer = "" desc = self.get_text(enumvalue.find("briefdescription")) desc += self.get_text(enumvalue.find("detaileddescription")) if(not desc): desc = "" rows.append((name, initializer, desc)) if(len(rows) > 1): retstr += self._build_table(rows) return retstr def _build_struct(self, node): retstr = "" detail_node = self.get_desc_node(node) if(detail_node is not None): retstr += self.get_text(detail_node) + LINE_BREAKER rows = [] rows.append(("Name", "Type", "Descritpion")) for member in node.iter("memberdef"): if(member.attrib["kind"] == "variable"): name = member.findtext("name") type = self._find_text_ref(member.find("type")) desc = self.get_text(member.find("briefdescription")) desc += self.get_text(member.find("detaileddescription")) desc += self.get_text(member.find("inbodydescription")) if(not desc): desc = "" rows.append((name, type, desc)) if(len(rows) > 1): retstr += self._build_table(rows) return retstr def _build_class(self, node): retstr = "" for member in node.iter("memberdef"): if(member.attrib["kind"] == "function"): retstr += self.build_function(member) return retstr def get_desc_node(self, member): detail_node = member.find("detaileddescription") brief_node = member.find("briefdescription") detail_txt = "" if(detail_node == None and brief_node == None): return None if(detail_node is not None): detail_txt = detail_node.findtext("para") if(not detail_txt and brief_node != None): detail_txt = brief_node.findtext("para") detail_node = brief_node return detail_node def build_function(self, member): retstr = "" desc_node = self.get_desc_node(member) if(desc_node is None): return "" detail_txt = desc_node.findtext("para") if(not detail_txt or detail_txt.strip() == "{ignore}"): return "" func_id = member.attrib["id"] page_id, ref_id = get_page(func_id) retstr += self._build_title(member.findtext("name"), '-', ref = ref_id) retstr += self.get_text(desc_node) retstr += LINE_BREAKER detail_node = member.find("detaileddescription") if(desc_node != detail_node): retstr += self.get_text(detail_node) retstr += self.build_param_list(member.iter("param"), detail_node.iter("parameteritem")) return retstr def _build_missed_types_and_structs(self): fout = open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.missing_filename), 'w+') fout.write(".. contents:: " + LINE_BREAKER) fout.write(" :local:" + LINE_BREAKER) fout.write(" :depth: 2" + LINE_BREAKER + LINE_BREAKER) footnote = "" while (len(self.missed_types_structs) > 0): for key, value in self.missed_types_structs.iteritems(): fout.write(self.covert_item(value[0], key, value[1])) #print(value) self.missed_types_structs = {} footnote += self._build_page_ref_notes() fout.write(footnote) fout.close() def _build_page_ref_notes(self): retstr = LINE_BREAKER #TODO for key, value in self.page_references.iteritems(): page, tag = get_page(value[0]) m ="_8h_", page) if(m): continue; rstname = None anchor = value[2].lower() if not page in self.references: self.missed_types_structs[value[0]] = (page, tag) rstname = os.path.splitext(self.missing_filename)[0] else: rstname = self.references[page][2] anchor = self.references[page][4] #if(tag and not self.is_github): # anchor = self.anchor_prefix + "ref-" + tag retstr += ".. _" + key + ": " + rstname + self.page_ext + "#" + anchor retstr += LINE_BREAKER + LINE_BREAKER self.page_references = {} return retstr def _build_item_by_id(self, node, id): retstr = "" for member in node.iter("memberdef"): if(member.attrib["id"] != id): continue if(member.attrib["kind"] == "enum"): retstr += self._build_enum(member) return retstr def covert_item(self, compound, id, tag): xml_path = os.path.join(self.doxy_output_dir, "%s.xml" % compound) print("covert_item: id=%s, name=%s" % (id, xml_path)) obj_root = etree.parse(xml_path).getroot() retstr = "" compound = obj_root.find("compounddef") compound_kind = compound.attrib["kind"] if(not tag): retstr += self._build_title(compound.findtext("compoundname")) if(compound_kind == "class"): retstr += self._build_class(compound) elif(compound_kind == "struct"): retstr += self._build_struct(compound) else: retstr += self._build_item_by_id(compound, id) return retstr def _build_page(self, compound): retstr = "" retstr += self.get_text(compound.find("detaileddescription")) return retstr def _build_file(self, compound, type, ref_id, name): retstr = "" for member in compound.iter("memberdef"): if(member.attrib["kind"] == "function" and member.attrib["id"] == ref_id): retstr += self.build_function(member) return retstr def convert_doxy(self, type, name): #print(name) file = ref_id = self.name_refid_map[name] dst_kind = type if(type == "function"): file, tag = get_page(ref_id) dst_kind = "file" xml_path = os.path.join(self.doxy_output_dir, "%s.xml" % file) print("convert_doxy: type=%s, name=%s" % (type, xml_path)) obj_root = etree.parse(xml_path).getroot() compound = obj_root.find("compounddef") compound_kind = compound.attrib["kind"] assert(dst_kind == compound_kind) retstr = "" if(compound_kind == "class"): retstr += self._build_class(compound) elif(compound_kind == "struct"): retstr += self._build_struct(compound) elif(compound_kind == "page"): retstr += self._build_page(compound) elif(compound_kind == "group"): retstr += self._build_page(compound) elif(compound_kind == "file"): retstr += self._build_file(compound, type, ref_id, name) return retstr if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-g", "--github", action="store_true", help="Render the link in format of github wiki.") parser.add_argument("-e", "--ext", default="", help="extension for github wiki") parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", default="doxygen", help="Input file path of doxygen output and source rst file.") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", default="wikipage", help="Output converted restructured text files to path.") parser.add_argument("-s", "--struct", default="", help="Output of auto generated enum and structures.") parser.add_argument("-u", "--uml", action="store_true", help="Enable UML, you need to download plantuml.jar from Plantuml and put it to here.") args = parser.parse_args() ext = "" if(len(args.ext) > 0): ext = ("." + args.ext) agent = DoxyGen2RST(args.input, args.output, args.struct, is_github = True, enable_uml = args.uml, github_ext = ext) agent.generate()