shithub: openh264

ref: ae2326c1f3384094ad5cca6a7ab240414a4630db
dir: /test/api/decode_api_test.cpp/

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#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "codec_def.h"
#include "utils/BufferedData.h"
#include "utils/FileInputStream.h"
#include "BaseDecoderTest.h"
#include "BaseEncoderTest.h"
#include "wels_common_defs.h"
#include "utils/HashFunctions.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "encode_decode_api_test.h"
using namespace WelsCommon;

static void TestOutPutTrace (void* ctx, int level, const char* string) {
  STraceUnit* pTraceUnit = (STraceUnit*) ctx;
  EXPECT_LE (level, pTraceUnit->iTarLevel);

TEST_P (EncodeDecodeTestAPI, DecoderVclNal) {
  EncodeDecodeFileParamBase p = GetParam();
  prepareParamDefault (1, p.slicenum, p.width, p.height, p.frameRate, &param_);
  int rv = encoder_->InitializeExt (&param_);
  ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);

  int32_t iTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_QUIET;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
  decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);

  ASSERT_TRUE (InitialEncDec (p.width, p.height));

  int iIdx = 0;
  while (iIdx <= p.numframes) {

    EncodeOneFrame (0);

    //decoding after each encoding frame
    int vclNal, len = 0;
    encToDecData (info, len);
    unsigned char* pData[3] = { NULL };
    memset (&dstBufInfo_, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf, len, pData, &dstBufInfo_);
    ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);
    rv = decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_VCL_NAL, &vclNal);
    EXPECT_EQ (vclNal, FEEDBACK_UNKNOWN_NAL); //no reconstruction, unknown return
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (NULL, 0, pData, &dstBufInfo_); //reconstruction
    ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);
    rv = decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_VCL_NAL, &vclNal);
  } //while
  //ignore last frame

TEST_P (EncodeDecodeTestAPI, GetOptionFramenum) {
  EncodeDecodeFileParamBase p = GetParam();
  prepareParamDefault (1, p.slicenum,  p.width, p.height, p.frameRate, &param_);
  int rv = encoder_->InitializeExt (&param_);
  ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);

  int32_t iTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_QUIET;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
  decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);

  ASSERT_TRUE (InitialEncDec (p.width, p.height));

  int32_t iEncFrameNum = -1;
  int32_t iDecFrameNum;
  int iIdx = 0;
  while (iIdx <= p.numframes) {
    EncodeOneFrame (0);
    //decoding after each encoding frame
    int len = 0;
    encToDecData (info, len);
    unsigned char* pData[3] = { NULL };
    memset (&dstBufInfo_, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf, len, pData, &dstBufInfo_);
    ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);
    decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_FRAME_NUM, &iDecFrameNum);
    EXPECT_EQ (iDecFrameNum, -1);
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (NULL, 0, pData, &dstBufInfo_); //reconstruction
    ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);
    decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_FRAME_NUM, &iDecFrameNum);
    EXPECT_EQ (iEncFrameNum, iDecFrameNum);
  } //while
  //ignore last frame

TEST_P (EncodeDecodeTestAPI, GetOptionIDR) {
  EncodeDecodeFileParamBase p = GetParam();
  prepareParamDefault (1, p.slicenum,  p.width, p.height, p.frameRate, &param_);
  int rv = encoder_->InitializeExt (&param_);
  ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);

  //init for encoder
  // I420: 1(Y) + 1/4(U) + 1/4(V)
  int32_t iTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_QUIET;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
  decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);

  ASSERT_TRUE (InitialEncDec (p.width, p.height));

  int32_t iEncCurIdrPicId = 0;
  int32_t iDecCurIdrPicId;
  int32_t iIDRPeriod = 1;
  int32_t iSpsPpsIdAddition = 0;
  int iIdx = 0;
  while (iIdx <= p.numframes) {
    iSpsPpsIdAddition = rand() %
                        2; //the current strategy supports more than 2 modes, but the switch between the modes>2 is not allowed
    iIDRPeriod = (rand() % 150) + 1;
    encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_IDR_INTERVAL, &iIDRPeriod);
    encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_SPS_PPS_ID_STRATEGY, &iSpsPpsIdAddition);

    EncodeOneFrame (0);

    if (info.eFrameType == videoFrameTypeIDR) {
      iEncCurIdrPicId = iEncCurIdrPicId + 1;
    //decoding after each encoding frame
    int len = 0;
    encToDecData (info, len);
    unsigned char* pData[3] = { NULL };
    memset (&dstBufInfo_, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf, len, pData, &dstBufInfo_);
    ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);
    decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_IDR_PIC_ID, &iDecCurIdrPicId);
    EXPECT_EQ (iDecCurIdrPicId, iEncCurIdrPicId);
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (NULL, 0, pData, &dstBufInfo_); //reconstruction
    ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);
    decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_IDR_PIC_ID, &iDecCurIdrPicId);
    EXPECT_EQ (iDecCurIdrPicId, iEncCurIdrPicId);
  } //while
  //ignore last frame

TEST_P (EncodeDecodeTestAPI, InOutTimeStamp) {
  EncodeDecodeFileParamBase p = GetParam();
  prepareParamDefault (1, p.slicenum,  p.width, p.height, p.frameRate, &param_);
  int rv = encoder_->InitializeExt (&param_);
  ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);

  ASSERT_TRUE (InitialEncDec (p.width, p.height));
  int32_t iTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_QUIET;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
  decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
  int32_t iSpsPpsIdAddition = 1;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_SPS_PPS_ID_STRATEGY, &iSpsPpsIdAddition);
  int32_t iIDRPeriod = 60;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_IDR_INTERVAL, &iIDRPeriod);
  SLTRConfig sLtrConfigVal;
  sLtrConfigVal.bEnableLongTermReference = 1;
  sLtrConfigVal.iLTRRefNum = 1;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_LTR, &sLtrConfigVal);
  int32_t iLtrPeriod = 2;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_LTR_MARKING_PERIOD, &iLtrPeriod);
  int iIdx = 0;
  int iSkipedBytes;
  unsigned long long uiEncTimeStamp = 100;
  while (iIdx <= p.numframes) {
    EncodeOneFrame (1);
    //decoding after each encoding frame
    int len = 0;
    encToDecData (info, len);
    unsigned char* pData[3] = { NULL };
    memset (&dstBufInfo_, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
    decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_ERROR_CON_IDC, &uiEcIdc);
    dstBufInfo_.uiInBsTimeStamp = uiEncTimeStamp;
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf, len, pData, &dstBufInfo_);
    memset (&dstBufInfo_, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
    dstBufInfo_.uiInBsTimeStamp = uiEncTimeStamp;
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (NULL, 0, pData, &dstBufInfo_); //reconstruction
    if (dstBufInfo_.iBufferStatus == 1) {
      EXPECT_EQ (uiEncTimeStamp, dstBufInfo_.uiOutYuvTimeStamp);
  (void) iSkipedBytes;

TEST_P (EncodeDecodeTestAPI, GetOptionIsRefPic) {
  EncodeDecodeFileParamBase p = GetParam();
  prepareParamDefault (1, p.slicenum, p.width, p.height, p.frameRate, &param_);
  int rv = encoder_->InitializeExt (&param_);
  ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);

  ASSERT_TRUE (InitialEncDec (p.width, p.height));
  int32_t iTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_QUIET;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
  decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
  int iIdx = 0;
  int iSkipedBytes;
  int iIsRefPic;
  decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_IS_REF_PIC, &iIsRefPic);
  ASSERT_EQ (iIsRefPic, -1);

  while (iIdx <= p.numframes) {
    EncodeOneFrame (1);
    //decoding after each encoding frame
    int len = 0;
    encToDecData (info, len);
    unsigned char* pData[3] = { NULL };
    memset (&dstBufInfo_, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf, len, pData, &dstBufInfo_);
    memset (&dstBufInfo_, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
    decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_IS_REF_PIC, &iIsRefPic);
    ASSERT_EQ (iIsRefPic, -1);
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (NULL, 0, pData, &dstBufInfo_); //reconstruction
    if (dstBufInfo_.iBufferStatus == 1) {
      decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_IS_REF_PIC, &iIsRefPic);
      ASSERT_TRUE (iIsRefPic >= 0);

TEST_P (EncodeDecodeTestAPI, GetOptionTid_AVC_NOPREFIX) {
  SLTRMarkingFeedback m_LTR_Marking_Feedback;
  SLTRRecoverRequest m_LTR_Recover_Request;
  m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiIDRPicId = 0;
  m_LTR_Recover_Request.iLayerId = 0;
  m_LTR_Marking_Feedback.iLayerId = 0;
  EncodeDecodeFileParamBase p = GetParam();
  prepareParamDefault (1, p.slicenum,  p.width, p.height, p.frameRate, &param_);
  param_.bPrefixNalAddingCtrl = false;
  param_.iTemporalLayerNum = (rand() % 4) + 1;
  int rv = encoder_->InitializeExt (&param_);
  ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);
  m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiFeedbackType = NO_RECOVERY_REQUSET;
  ASSERT_TRUE (InitialEncDec (p.width, p.height));
  int32_t iTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_QUIET;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
  decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
  int32_t iSpsPpsIdAddition = 1;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_SPS_PPS_ID_STRATEGY, &iSpsPpsIdAddition);
  int32_t iIDRPeriod = 60;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_IDR_INTERVAL, &iIDRPeriod);
  SLTRConfig sLtrConfigVal;
  sLtrConfigVal.bEnableLongTermReference = 1;
  sLtrConfigVal.iLTRRefNum = 1;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_LTR, &sLtrConfigVal);
  int32_t iLtrPeriod = 2;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_LTR_MARKING_PERIOD, &iLtrPeriod);
  int iIdx = 0;
  int iLossIdx = 0;
  bool bVCLLoss = false;
  while (iIdx <= p.numframes) {
    EncodeOneFrame (1);
    if (m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiFeedbackType == IDR_RECOVERY_REQUEST) {
      ASSERT_TRUE (info.eFrameType == videoFrameTypeIDR);
    //decoding after each encoding frame
    int len = 0;
    encToDecData (info, len);
    unsigned char* pData[3] = { NULL };
    memset (&dstBufInfo_, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
    SimulateNALLoss (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf, len, &m_SLostSim, p.pLossSequence, p.bLostPara, iLossIdx, bVCLLoss);
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf, len, pData, &dstBufInfo_);
    int iTid = -1;
    decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TEMPORAL_ID, &iTid);
    if (iTid != -1) {
      ASSERT_EQ (iTid, 0);
    m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiFeedbackType = NO_RECOVERY_REQUSET;
    LTRRecoveryRequest (decoder_, encoder_, &m_LTR_Recover_Request, rv, true);
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (NULL, 0, pData, &dstBufInfo_); //reconstruction
    decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TEMPORAL_ID, &iTid);
    std::vector<SLostSim>::iterator iter = m_SLostSim.begin();
    bool bHasVCL = false;
    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < m_SLostSim.size(); k++) {
      if (IS_VCL_NAL (iter->eNalType, 0) && iter->isLost == false) {
        bHasVCL = true;
    (void) bHasVCL;
    if (iTid != -1) {
      ASSERT_EQ (iTid, 0);
    LTRRecoveryRequest (decoder_, encoder_, &m_LTR_Recover_Request, rv, true);
    LTRMarkFeedback (decoder_, encoder_, &m_LTR_Marking_Feedback, rv);

TEST_P (EncodeDecodeTestAPI, GetOptionTid_AVC_WITH_PREFIX_NOLOSS) {
  SLTRMarkingFeedback m_LTR_Marking_Feedback;
  SLTRRecoverRequest m_LTR_Recover_Request;
  m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiIDRPicId = 0;
  m_LTR_Recover_Request.iLayerId = 0;
  m_LTR_Marking_Feedback.iLayerId = 0;
  EncodeDecodeFileParamBase p = GetParam();
  prepareParamDefault (1, p.slicenum,  p.width, p.height, p.frameRate, &param_);
  param_.bPrefixNalAddingCtrl = true;
  param_.iTemporalLayerNum = (rand() % 4) + 1;
  param_.iSpatialLayerNum = 1;
  int rv = encoder_->InitializeExt (&param_);
  ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);
  m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiFeedbackType = NO_RECOVERY_REQUSET;

  ASSERT_TRUE (InitialEncDec (p.width, p.height));
  int32_t iTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_QUIET;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
  decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
  int32_t iSpsPpsIdAddition = 1;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_SPS_PPS_ID_STRATEGY, &iSpsPpsIdAddition);
  int32_t iIDRPeriod = 60;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_IDR_INTERVAL, &iIDRPeriod);
  SLTRConfig sLtrConfigVal;
  sLtrConfigVal.bEnableLongTermReference = 1;
  sLtrConfigVal.iLTRRefNum = 1;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_LTR, &sLtrConfigVal);
  int32_t iLtrPeriod = 2;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_LTR_MARKING_PERIOD, &iLtrPeriod);
  int iIdx = 0;
  while (iIdx <= p.numframes) {
    EncodeOneFrame (1);
    if (m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiFeedbackType == IDR_RECOVERY_REQUEST) {
      ASSERT_TRUE (info.eFrameType == videoFrameTypeIDR);
    //decoding after each encoding frame
    int len = 0;
    encToDecData (info, len);
    unsigned char* pData[3] = { NULL };
    memset (&dstBufInfo_, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
    ExtractDidNal (&info, len, &m_SLostSim, 0);
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf, len, pData, &dstBufInfo_);
    int iTid = -1;
    decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TEMPORAL_ID, &iTid);
    ASSERT_EQ (iTid, -1);
    m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiFeedbackType = NO_RECOVERY_REQUSET;
    LTRRecoveryRequest (decoder_, encoder_, &m_LTR_Recover_Request, rv, true);
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (NULL, 0, pData, &dstBufInfo_); //reconstruction
    decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TEMPORAL_ID, &iTid);
    ASSERT_EQ (iTid, info.sLayerInfo[0].uiTemporalId);
    LTRRecoveryRequest (decoder_, encoder_, &m_LTR_Recover_Request, rv, true);
    LTRMarkFeedback (decoder_, encoder_, &m_LTR_Marking_Feedback, rv);

TEST_P (EncodeDecodeTestAPI, GetOptionTid_SVC_L1_NOLOSS) {
  SLTRMarkingFeedback m_LTR_Marking_Feedback;
  SLTRRecoverRequest m_LTR_Recover_Request;
  m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiIDRPicId = 0;
  m_LTR_Recover_Request.iLayerId = 0;
  m_LTR_Marking_Feedback.iLayerId = 0;
  EncodeDecodeFileParamBase p = GetParam();
  prepareParamDefault (2, p.slicenum,  p.width, p.height, p.frameRate, &param_);
  param_.iTemporalLayerNum = (rand() % 4) + 1;
  param_.iSpatialLayerNum = 2;
  int rv = encoder_->InitializeExt (&param_);
  ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);
  m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiFeedbackType = NO_RECOVERY_REQUSET;

  ASSERT_TRUE (InitialEncDec (p.width, p.height));
  int32_t iTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_QUIET;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
  decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
  int32_t iSpsPpsIdAddition = 1;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_SPS_PPS_ID_STRATEGY, &iSpsPpsIdAddition);
  int32_t iIDRPeriod = 60;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_IDR_INTERVAL, &iIDRPeriod);
  SLTRConfig sLtrConfigVal;
  sLtrConfigVal.bEnableLongTermReference = 1;
  sLtrConfigVal.iLTRRefNum = 1;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_LTR, &sLtrConfigVal);
  int32_t iLtrPeriod = 2;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_LTR_MARKING_PERIOD, &iLtrPeriod);
  int iIdx = 0;
  while (iIdx <= p.numframes) {
    EncodeOneFrame (1);
    if (m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiFeedbackType == IDR_RECOVERY_REQUEST) {
      ASSERT_TRUE (info.eFrameType == videoFrameTypeIDR);
    //decoding after each encoding frame
    int len = 0;
    encToDecData (info, len);
    unsigned char* pData[3] = { NULL };
    memset (&dstBufInfo_, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
    ExtractDidNal (&info, len, &m_SLostSim, 1);
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf, len, pData, &dstBufInfo_);
    int iTid = -1;
    decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TEMPORAL_ID, &iTid);
    ASSERT_EQ (iTid, -1);
    m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiFeedbackType = NO_RECOVERY_REQUSET;
    LTRRecoveryRequest (decoder_, encoder_, &m_LTR_Recover_Request, rv, true);
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (NULL, 0, pData, &dstBufInfo_); //reconstruction
    decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TEMPORAL_ID, &iTid);
    ASSERT_EQ (iTid, info.sLayerInfo[0].uiTemporalId);
    LTRRecoveryRequest (decoder_, encoder_, &m_LTR_Recover_Request, rv, true);
    LTRMarkFeedback (decoder_, encoder_, &m_LTR_Marking_Feedback, rv);

TEST_P (EncodeDecodeTestAPI, SetOption_Trace) {
  SLTRMarkingFeedback m_LTR_Marking_Feedback;
  SLTRRecoverRequest m_LTR_Recover_Request;
  m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiIDRPicId = 0;
  m_LTR_Recover_Request.iLayerId = 0;
  m_LTR_Marking_Feedback.iLayerId = 0;
  EncodeDecodeFileParamBase p = GetParam();
  prepareParamDefault (1, p.slicenum,  p.width, p.height, p.frameRate, &param_);
  param_.iSpatialLayerNum = 1;

  int rv = encoder_->InitializeExt (&param_);
  ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);
  m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiFeedbackType = NO_RECOVERY_REQUSET;

  ASSERT_TRUE (InitialEncDec (p.width, p.height));
  int32_t iTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_QUIET;
  pFunc = TestOutPutTrace;
  pTraceInfo = &sTrace;
  sTrace.iTarLevel = iTraceLevel;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
  decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_CALLBACK, &pFunc);
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_CALLBACK_CONTEXT, &pTraceInfo);
  decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_CALLBACK, &pFunc);
  decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_CALLBACK_CONTEXT, &pTraceInfo);

  int32_t iSpsPpsIdAddition = 1;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_SPS_PPS_ID_STRATEGY, &iSpsPpsIdAddition);
  int32_t iIDRPeriod = 60;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_IDR_INTERVAL, &iIDRPeriod);
  SLTRConfig sLtrConfigVal;
  sLtrConfigVal.bEnableLongTermReference = 1;
  sLtrConfigVal.iLTRRefNum = 1;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_LTR, &sLtrConfigVal);
  int32_t iLtrPeriod = 2;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_LTR_MARKING_PERIOD, &iLtrPeriod);
  int iIdx = 0;
  int iLossIdx = 0;
  bool bVCLLoss = false;
  while (iIdx <= p.numframes) {
    iTraceLevel = rand() % 33;
    sTrace.iTarLevel = iTraceLevel;
    encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
    decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
    EncodeOneFrame (1);
    if (m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiFeedbackType == IDR_RECOVERY_REQUEST) {
      ASSERT_TRUE (info.eFrameType == videoFrameTypeIDR);
    //decoding after each encoding frame
    int len = 0;
    encToDecData (info, len);
    unsigned char* pData[3] = { NULL };
    memset (&dstBufInfo_, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
    ExtractDidNal (&info, len, &m_SLostSim, 0);
    SimulateNALLoss (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf, len, &m_SLostSim, p.pLossSequence, p.bLostPara, iLossIdx, bVCLLoss);
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf, len, pData, &dstBufInfo_);
    m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiFeedbackType = NO_RECOVERY_REQUSET;
    LTRRecoveryRequest (decoder_, encoder_, &m_LTR_Recover_Request, rv, true);
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (NULL, 0, pData, &dstBufInfo_); //reconstruction
    LTRRecoveryRequest (decoder_, encoder_, &m_LTR_Recover_Request, rv, true);
    LTRMarkFeedback (decoder_, encoder_, &m_LTR_Marking_Feedback, rv);

TEST_P (EncodeDecodeTestAPI, SetOption_Trace_NULL) {
  SLTRMarkingFeedback m_LTR_Marking_Feedback;
  SLTRRecoverRequest m_LTR_Recover_Request;
  m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiIDRPicId = 0;
  m_LTR_Recover_Request.iLayerId = 0;
  m_LTR_Marking_Feedback.iLayerId = 0;
  EncodeDecodeFileParamBase p = GetParam();
  prepareParamDefault (1, p.slicenum,  p.width, p.height, p.frameRate, &param_);
  param_.iSpatialLayerNum = 1;
  int rv = encoder_->InitializeExt (&param_);
  ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);
  m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiFeedbackType = NO_RECOVERY_REQUSET;

  ASSERT_TRUE (InitialEncDec (p.width, p.height));

  int32_t iTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_QUIET;
  pFunc = NULL;
  pTraceInfo = NULL;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_CALLBACK, &pFunc);
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_CALLBACK_CONTEXT, &pTraceInfo);
  decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_CALLBACK, &pFunc);
  decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_CALLBACK_CONTEXT, &pTraceInfo);
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
  decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);

  int32_t iSpsPpsIdAddition = 1;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_SPS_PPS_ID_STRATEGY, &iSpsPpsIdAddition);
  int32_t iIDRPeriod = 60;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_IDR_INTERVAL, &iIDRPeriod);
  SLTRConfig sLtrConfigVal;
  sLtrConfigVal.bEnableLongTermReference = 1;
  sLtrConfigVal.iLTRRefNum = 1;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_LTR, &sLtrConfigVal);
  int32_t iLtrPeriod = 2;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_LTR_MARKING_PERIOD, &iLtrPeriod);
  int iIdx = 0;
  int iLossIdx = 0;
  bool bVCLLoss = false;
  while (iIdx <= p.numframes) {
    iTraceLevel = rand() % 33;
    encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
    decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
    EncodeOneFrame (1);
    if (m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiFeedbackType == IDR_RECOVERY_REQUEST) {
      ASSERT_TRUE (info.eFrameType == videoFrameTypeIDR);
    //decoding after each encoding frame
    int len = 0;
    encToDecData (info, len);
    unsigned char* pData[3] = { NULL };
    memset (&dstBufInfo_, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
    ExtractDidNal (&info, len, &m_SLostSim, 0);
    SimulateNALLoss (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf, len, &m_SLostSim, p.pLossSequence, p.bLostPara, iLossIdx, bVCLLoss);
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf, len, pData, &dstBufInfo_);
    m_LTR_Recover_Request.uiFeedbackType = NO_RECOVERY_REQUSET;
    LTRRecoveryRequest (decoder_, encoder_, &m_LTR_Recover_Request, rv, true);
    rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (NULL, 0, pData, &dstBufInfo_); //reconstruction
    LTRRecoveryRequest (decoder_, encoder_, &m_LTR_Recover_Request, rv, true);
    LTRMarkFeedback (decoder_, encoder_, &m_LTR_Marking_Feedback, rv);

class DecodeCrashTestAPI : public ::testing::TestWithParam<EncodeDecodeFileParamBase>, public EncodeDecodeTestBase {
  void SetUp() {
    ucBuf_ = NULL;
    ucBuf_ = new unsigned char [1000000];
    ASSERT_TRUE (ucBuf_ != NULL);

  void TearDown() {
    if (NULL != ucBuf_) {
      delete[] ucBuf_;
      ucBuf_ = NULL;
    ASSERT_TRUE (ucBuf_ == NULL);

  void prepareParam (int iLayerNum, int iSliceNum, int width, int height, float framerate, SEncParamExt* pParam) {
    memset (pParam, 0, sizeof (SEncParamExt));
    EncodeDecodeTestBase::prepareParam (iLayerNum, iSliceNum,  width, height, framerate, pParam);

  void EncodeOneFrame() {
    int frameSize = EncPic.iPicWidth * EncPic.iPicHeight * 3 / 2;
    memset (, iRandValue, (frameSize >> 2));
    memset ( + (frameSize >> 2), rand() % 256, (frameSize - (frameSize >> 2)));
    int rv = encoder_->EncodeFrame (&EncPic, &info);
    ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess || rv == cmUnknownReason);
  unsigned char* ucBuf_;

struct EncodeDecodeParamBase {
  int width;
  int height;
  float frameRate;
  int iTarBitrate;

static const EncodeDecodeParamBase kParamArray[] = {
  {160, 90, 6.0f, 250000},
  {90, 160, 6.0f, 250000},
  {320, 180, 12.0f, 500000},
  {180, 320, 12.0f, 500000},
  {480, 270, 12.0f, 600000},
  {270, 480, 12.0f, 600000},
  {640, 360, 24.0f, 800000},
  {360, 640, 24.0f, 800000},
  {1280, 720, 24.0f, 1000000},

TEST_F (DecodeCrashTestAPI, DecoderCrashTest) {
  uint32_t uiGet;

  //do tests until crash
  unsigned int uiLoopRound = 0;
  unsigned char* pucBuf = ucBuf_;
  int iDecAuSize;
  //open file to save tested BS
  FILE* fDataFile = fopen ("test_crash.264", "wb");
  FILE* fLenFile = fopen ("test_crash_len.log", "w");
  int iFileSize = 0;

  //set eCurStrategy for one test
  EParameterSetStrategy eCurStrategy = CONSTANT_ID;
  switch (rand() % 7) {
  case 1:
    eCurStrategy = INCREASING_ID;
  case 2:
    eCurStrategy = SPS_LISTING;
  case 3:
  case 6:
    eCurStrategy = SPS_PPS_LISTING;
    //using the initial value

  do {
    int iTotalFrameNum = (rand() % 100) + 1;
    int iSeed = rand() % NUM_OF_POSSIBLE_RESOLUTION;
    EncodeDecodeParamBase p = kParamArray[iSeed];
    printf ("using param set %d in loop %d\n", iSeed, uiLoopRound);
    //Initialize Encoder
    prepareParam (1, 1, p.width, p.height, p.frameRate, &param_);
    param_.iRCMode = RC_TIMESTAMP_MODE;
    param_.iTargetBitrate = p.iTarBitrate;
    param_.uiIntraPeriod = 0;
    param_.eSpsPpsIdStrategy = eCurStrategy;
    param_.bEnableBackgroundDetection = true;
    param_.bEnableSceneChangeDetect = (rand() % 3) ? true : false;
    param_.bPrefixNalAddingCtrl = (rand() % 2) ? true : false;
    param_.iEntropyCodingModeFlag = 0;
    param_.bEnableFrameSkip = true;
    param_.iMultipleThreadIdc = 0;
    param_.sSpatialLayers[0].iSpatialBitrate = p.iTarBitrate;
    param_.sSpatialLayers[0].iMaxSpatialBitrate = p.iTarBitrate << 1;
    param_.sSpatialLayers[0].sSliceArgument.uiSliceMode = (rand() % 2) ? SM_SIZELIMITED_SLICE : SM_SINGLE_SLICE;
    if (param_.sSpatialLayers[0].sSliceArgument.uiSliceMode == SM_SIZELIMITED_SLICE) {
      param_.sSpatialLayers[0].sSliceArgument.uiSliceSizeConstraint = 1400;
      param_.uiMaxNalSize = 1400;
    } else {
      param_.sSpatialLayers[0].sSliceArgument.uiSliceSizeConstraint = 0;
      param_.uiMaxNalSize = 0;

    int rv = encoder_->InitializeExt (&param_);
    ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);
    decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_ERROR_CON_IDC, &uiGet);
    EXPECT_EQ (uiGet, (uint32_t) ERROR_CON_SLICE_COPY); //default value should be ERROR_CON_SLICE_COPY
    int32_t iTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_QUIET;
    encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
    decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);

    //Start for enc/dec
    int iIdx = 0;
    unsigned char* pData[3] = { NULL };

    EncodeDecodeFileParamBase pInput; //to conform with old functions
    pInput.width =  p.width;
    pInput.height = p.height;
    pInput.frameRate = p.frameRate;
    ASSERT_TRUE (prepareEncDecParam (pInput));
    while (iIdx++ < iTotalFrameNum) { // loop in frame
      //reset file if file size large
      if ((info.eFrameType == videoFrameTypeIDR) && (iFileSize >= (1 << 25))) {
        fclose (fDataFile);
        fDataFile = fopen ("test_crash.264", "wb");
        iFileSize = 0;

        SDecodingParam decParam;
        memset (&decParam, 0, sizeof (SDecodingParam));
        decParam.uiTargetDqLayer = UCHAR_MAX;
        decParam.eEcActiveIdc = ERROR_CON_SLICE_COPY;
        decParam.sVideoProperty.eVideoBsType = VIDEO_BITSTREAM_DEFAULT;

        rv = decoder_->Initialize (&decParam);
        ASSERT_EQ (0, rv);
      if (info.eFrameType == videoFrameTypeSkip)
      //deal with packets
      unsigned char* pBsBuf;
      iDecAuSize = 0;
      pucBuf = ucBuf_; //init buf start pos for decoder usage
      for (int iLayerNum = 0; iLayerNum < info.iLayerNum; iLayerNum++) {
        SLayerBSInfo* pLayerBsInfo = &info.sLayerInfo[iLayerNum];
        pBsBuf = info.sLayerInfo[iLayerNum].pBsBuf;
        int iTotalNalCnt = pLayerBsInfo->iNalCount;
        for (int iNalCnt = 0; iNalCnt < iTotalNalCnt; iNalCnt++) {  //loop in NAL
          int iPacketSize = pLayerBsInfo->pNalLengthInByte[iNalCnt];
          //packet loss
          int iLossRateRange = (uiLoopRound % 100) + 1; //1-100
          int iLossRate = (rand() % iLossRateRange);
          bool bPacketLost = (rand() % 101) > (100 -
                                               iLossRate);   // [0, (100-iLossRate)] indicates NO LOSS, (100-iLossRate, 100] indicates LOSS
          if (!bPacketLost) { //no loss
            memcpy (pucBuf, pBsBuf, iPacketSize);
            pucBuf += iPacketSize;
            iDecAuSize += iPacketSize;
          else {
            printf ("lost packet size=%d at frame-type=%d at loss rate %d (%d)\n", iPacketSize, info.eFrameType, iLossRate,
          //update bs info
          pBsBuf += iPacketSize;
        } //nal
      } //layer

      //save to file
      fwrite (ucBuf_, 1, iDecAuSize, fDataFile);
      fflush (fDataFile);
      iFileSize += iDecAuSize;

      //save to len file
      unsigned long ulTmp[4];
      ulTmp[0] = ulTmp[1] = ulTmp[2] = iIdx;
      ulTmp[3] = iDecAuSize;
      fwrite (ulTmp, sizeof (unsigned long), 4, fLenFile); // index, timeStamp, data size
      fflush (fLenFile);

      pData[0] = pData[1] = pData[2] = 0;
      memset (&dstBufInfo_, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));

      rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (ucBuf_, iDecAuSize, pData, &dstBufInfo_);
      rv = decoder_->DecodeFrame2 (NULL, 0, pData, &dstBufInfo_); //reconstruction
      //guarantee decoder EC status
      decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_ERROR_CON_IDC, &uiGet);
      EXPECT_EQ (uiGet, (uint32_t) ERROR_CON_SLICE_COPY);
    } //frame
    uiLoopRound ++;
    if (uiLoopRound >= (1 << 30))
      uiLoopRound = 0;
    if (uiLoopRound % 100 == 0)
      printf ("run %d times.\n", uiLoopRound);
  } while (1); //while (iLoopRound<100);
  fclose (fDataFile);
  fclose (fLenFile);
  while (uiLoopRound < 10);


const uint32_t kiTotalLayer = 3; //DO NOT CHANGE!
const uint32_t kiSliceNum = 2; //DO NOT CHANGE!
const uint32_t kiWidth = 160; //DO NOT CHANGE!
const uint32_t kiHeight = 96; //DO NOT CHANGE!
const uint32_t kiFrameRate = 12; //DO NOT CHANGE!
const uint32_t kiFrameNum = 100; //DO NOT CHANGE!
const char* const pHashStr[][2] = { //DO NOT CHANGE!
  // Allow for different output depending on whether averaging is done
  // vertically or horizontally first when downsampling.
  { "d5fb6d72f8cc0ea4b037e883598c162fd32b475d", "0fc7e06d0d766ac911730da2aa9e953bc858a161" },
  { "17203f07486e895aef7c1bf94133fd731caba572", "1d47de674c9c44d8292ee00fa053a42bb9383614" },
  { "86bf890aef2abe24abe40ebe3d9ec76a25ddebe7", "43eaac708413c109ca120c5d570176f1c9b4036c" }

class DecodeParseAPI : public ::testing::TestWithParam<EncodeDecodeFileParamBase>, public EncodeDecodeTestBase {
  DecodeParseAPI() {
    memset (&BsInfo_, 0, sizeof (SParserBsInfo));
    fYuv_ = NULL;
    iWidth_ = 0;
    iHeight_ = 0;
    memset (&ctx_, 0, sizeof (SHA1Context));
  void SetUp() {
    SHA1Reset (&ctx_);

    if (decoder_)
    SDecodingParam decParam;
    memset (&decParam, 0, sizeof (SDecodingParam));
    decParam.uiTargetDqLayer = UCHAR_MAX;
    decParam.eEcActiveIdc = ERROR_CON_SLICE_COPY;
    decParam.bParseOnly = true;
    decParam.sVideoProperty.eVideoBsType = VIDEO_BITSTREAM_DEFAULT;

    int rv = decoder_->Initialize (&decParam);
    ASSERT_EQ (0, rv);
    memset (&BsInfo_, 0, sizeof (SParserBsInfo));
    const char* sFileName = "res/CiscoVT2people_160x96_6fps.yuv";
#if defined(ANDROID_NDK)
    std::string filename = std::string ("/sdcard/") + sFileName;
    ASSERT_TRUE ((fYuv_ = fopen (filename.c_str(), "rb")) != NULL);
    ASSERT_TRUE ((fYuv_ = fopen (sFileName, "rb")) != NULL);
    iWidth_ = kiWidth;
    iHeight_ = kiHeight;
  void TearDown() {
    if (fYuv_ != NULL) {
      fclose (fYuv_);
      fYuv_ = NULL;

  bool prepareEncDecParam (const EncodeDecodeFileParamBase p) {
    if (!EncodeDecodeTestBase::prepareEncDecParam (p))
      return false;
    unsigned char* pTmpPtr = BsInfo_.pDstBuff; //store for restore
    memset (&BsInfo_, 0, sizeof (SParserBsInfo));
    BsInfo_.pDstBuff = pTmpPtr;
    return true;

  void MockInputData (uint8_t* pData, int32_t iSize) {
    int32_t iCurr = 0;
    while (iCurr < iSize) {
      * (pData + iCurr) = (* (pData + iCurr) + (rand() % 20) + 256) & 0x00ff;

  void EncodeOneFrame (bool bMock) {
    int iFrameSize = iWidth_ * iHeight_ * 3 / 2;
    int iSize = (int) fread (, sizeof (char), iFrameSize, fYuv_);
    if (feof (fYuv_) || iSize != iFrameSize) {
      rewind (fYuv_);
      iSize = (int) fread (, sizeof (char), iFrameSize, fYuv_);
      ASSERT_TRUE (iSize == iFrameSize);
    if (bMock) {
      MockInputData (, iWidth_ * iHeight_);
    int rv = encoder_->EncodeFrame (&EncPic, &info);
    ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess || rv == cmUnknownReason);

  void prepareParam (int iLayerNum, int iSliceNum, int width, int height, float framerate, SEncParamExt* pParam) {
    memset (pParam, 0, sizeof (SEncParamExt));
    EncodeDecodeTestBase::prepareParam (iLayerNum, iSliceNum,  width, height, framerate, pParam);

  SParserBsInfo BsInfo_;
  FILE* fYuv_;
  int iWidth_;
  int iHeight_;
  SHA1Context ctx_;

TEST_F (DecodeParseAPI, ParseOnly_General) {
  EncodeDecodeFileParamBase p;
  p.width = iWidth_;
  p.height = iHeight_;
  p.frameRate = kiFrameRate;
  p.numframes = kiFrameNum;
  prepareParam (kiTotalLayer, kiSliceNum, p.width, p.height, p.frameRate, &param_);
  param_.iSpatialLayerNum = kiTotalLayer;
  int rv = encoder_->InitializeExt (&param_);
  ASSERT_TRUE (rv == 0);
  int32_t iTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_QUIET;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
  decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
  uint32_t uiTargetLayerId = rand() % kiTotalLayer; //run only once
  FILE* fDec = fopen ("output.264", "wb");
  FILE* fEnc = fopen ("enc.264", "wb");
  FILE* fExtract = fopen ("extract.264", "wb");
  if (uiTargetLayerId < kiTotalLayer) { //should always be true
    //Start for enc
    int iLen = 0;
    ASSERT_TRUE (prepareEncDecParam (p));
    int iFrame = 0;

    while (iFrame < p.numframes) {
      EncodeOneFrame (0);
      //extract target layer data
      encToDecData (info, iLen);
      fwrite (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf, iLen, 1, fEnc);
      ExtractDidNal (&info, iLen, &m_SLostSim, uiTargetLayerId);
      fwrite (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf, iLen, 1, fExtract);
      //BsInfo_.pDstBuff = new unsigned char [1000000];
      rv = decoder_->DecodeParser (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf, iLen, &BsInfo_);
      EXPECT_TRUE (rv == 0);
      EXPECT_TRUE (BsInfo_.iNalNum == 0);
      rv = decoder_->DecodeParser (NULL, 0, &BsInfo_);
      EXPECT_TRUE (rv == 0);
      EXPECT_TRUE (BsInfo_.iNalNum != 0);
      //get final output bs
      iLen = 0;
      int i = 0;
      while (i < BsInfo_.iNalNum) {
        iLen += BsInfo_.pNalLenInByte[i];
      fwrite (BsInfo_.pDstBuff, iLen, 1, fDec);
      SHA1Input (&ctx_, BsInfo_.pDstBuff, iLen);
    //calculate final SHA1 value
    unsigned char digest[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    SHA1Result (&ctx_, digest);
    if (!HasFatalFailure()) {
      CompareHashAnyOf (digest, pHashStr[uiTargetLayerId], sizeof * pHashStr / sizeof** pHashStr);
  } //while
  fclose (fEnc);
  fclose (fExtract);
  fclose (fDec);

//This case is for one layer only, for incomplete frame input
//First slice is loss for random one picture with 2 slices per pic
TEST_F (DecodeParseAPI, ParseOnly_SpecSliceLoss) {
  int32_t iLayerNum = 1;
  int32_t iSliceNum = 2;
  EncodeDecodeFileParamBase p;
  p.width = iWidth_;
  p.height = iHeight_;
  p.frameRate = kiFrameRate;
  p.numframes = 5;
  prepareParam (iLayerNum, iSliceNum, p.width, p.height, p.frameRate, &param_);
  param_.iSpatialLayerNum = iLayerNum;
  int rv = encoder_->InitializeExt (&param_);
  ASSERT_TRUE (rv == 0);
  int32_t iTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_QUIET;
  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
  decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);

  int32_t iMissedPicNum = rand() % (p.numframes - 1) + 1; //IDR no loss
  //Start for enc
  int iLen = 0;
  uint32_t uiGet;
  ASSERT_TRUE (prepareEncDecParam (p));
  int iFrame = 0;

  while (iFrame < p.numframes) {
    EncodeOneFrame (0);
    if (iFrame == iMissedPicNum) { //make current frame partly missing
      //Frame: P, first slice loss
      int32_t iTotalSliceSize = 0;
      encToDecSliceData (0, 0, info, iTotalSliceSize); //slice 1 lost
      encToDecSliceData (0, 1, info, iLen); //slice 2
      decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_ERROR_CON_IDC, &uiGet);
      EXPECT_EQ (uiGet, (uint32_t) ERROR_CON_DISABLE);
      rv = decoder_->DecodeParser (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf + iTotalSliceSize, iLen, &BsInfo_);
      EXPECT_TRUE (rv == 0);
      EXPECT_TRUE (BsInfo_.iNalNum == 0);
      rv = decoder_->DecodeParser (NULL, 0, &BsInfo_);
      EXPECT_TRUE (rv != 0);
    } else { //normal frame, complete
      encToDecData (info, iLen);
      rv = decoder_->DecodeParser (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf, iLen, &BsInfo_);
      EXPECT_TRUE (rv == 0); //parse correct
      EXPECT_TRUE (BsInfo_.iNalNum == 0);
      rv = decoder_->DecodeParser (NULL, 0, &BsInfo_);
      if (iFrame < iMissedPicNum) { //correct frames, all OK with output
        EXPECT_TRUE (rv == 0);
        EXPECT_TRUE (BsInfo_.iNalNum != 0);
      } else { //(iFrame > iMissedPicNum), should output nothing as error
        EXPECT_TRUE (rv != 0);
        EXPECT_TRUE (BsInfo_.iNalNum == 0);
  } //while

TEST_F (DecodeParseAPI, ParseOnly_SpecStatistics) {
  //set params
  int32_t iLayerNum = 1;
  int32_t iSliceNum = 1;
  EncodeDecodeFileParamBase p;
  const int iLoopNum = 10;
  p.frameRate = kiFrameRate;
  p.numframes = 2;  //encode 2 frames in each test
  p.width = iWidth_ = 16;
  p.height = iHeight_ = 16; //default start width/height = 16, will be modified each time
  int iTotalFrmCnt = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < iLoopNum; ++i) {
    prepareParam (iLayerNum, iSliceNum, p.width, p.height, p.frameRate, &param_);
    param_.iSpatialLayerNum = iLayerNum;
    param_.sSpatialLayers[0].iDLayerQp = 40; //to revent size too limited to encoding fail
    int rv = encoder_->InitializeExt (&param_);
    ASSERT_TRUE (rv == 0);
    int32_t iTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_QUIET;
    rv = encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
    ASSERT_TRUE (rv == 0);
    rv = decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
    ASSERT_TRUE (rv == 0);
    //Start for enc
    int iLen = 0;
    ASSERT_TRUE (prepareEncDecParam (p));
    int iFrame = 0;
    while (iFrame < p.numframes) {
      EncodeOneFrame (0);
      encToDecData (info, iLen);
      rv = decoder_->DecodeParser (info.sLayerInfo[0].pBsBuf, iLen, &BsInfo_);
      ASSERT_TRUE (rv == 0);
      ASSERT_TRUE (BsInfo_.iNalNum == 0);
      rv = decoder_->DecodeParser (NULL, 0, &BsInfo_);
      ASSERT_TRUE (rv == 0);
      ASSERT_TRUE (BsInfo_.iNalNum != 0);
      SDecoderStatistics sDecStat;
      rv = decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_GET_STATISTICS, &sDecStat);
      ASSERT_TRUE (rv == 0);
      uint32_t uiProfile, uiLevel;
      rv = decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_PROFILE, &uiProfile);
      ASSERT_TRUE (rv == 0);
      rv = decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_LEVEL, &uiLevel);
      ASSERT_TRUE (rv == 0);

      ASSERT_EQ (sDecStat.uiWidth, (unsigned int) p.width);
      ASSERT_EQ (sDecStat.uiHeight, (unsigned int) p.height);
      ASSERT_EQ (sDecStat.uiResolutionChangeTimes, (unsigned int) (i + 1));
      EXPECT_EQ (sDecStat.iCurrentActiveSpsId, 0);
      EXPECT_EQ (sDecStat.iCurrentActivePpsId, 0);
      ASSERT_EQ (sDecStat.uiDecodedFrameCount, (unsigned int) iTotalFrmCnt);
      ASSERT_EQ (sDecStat.uiProfile, uiProfile);
      ASSERT_EQ (sDecStat.uiLevel, uiLevel);
      EXPECT_TRUE (sDecStat.fActualAverageFrameSpeedInMs != 0.);
      EXPECT_TRUE (sDecStat.fAverageFrameSpeedInMs != 0.);
      EXPECT_TRUE (sDecStat.iAvgLumaQp != 0);
      EXPECT_EQ (sDecStat.uiIDRCorrectNum, (unsigned int) (i + 1));
    //set next width & height
    p.width += 16;
    p.height += 16;
    if ((unsigned int) p.width > kiWidth) //exceeds max frame size
      p.width = 16;
    if ((unsigned int) p.height > kiHeight)
      p.height = 16;
    iWidth_ = p.width;
    iHeight_ = p.height;

//Test parseonly crash cases
class DecodeParseCrashAPI : public DecodeParseAPI {
  DecodeParseCrashAPI() {
  void SetUp() {
    iWidth_ = 1280;
    iHeight_ = 720;

    ucBuf_ = NULL;
    ucBuf_ = new unsigned char[1000000];
    ASSERT_TRUE (ucBuf_ != NULL);

  void TearDown() {
    if (NULL != ucBuf_) {
      delete[] ucBuf_;
      ucBuf_ = NULL;
    ASSERT_TRUE (ucBuf_ == NULL);

  unsigned char* ucBuf_;

TEST_F (DecodeParseCrashAPI, ParseOnlyCrash_General) {
  if (fYuv_)
    fclose (fYuv_);
  const char* sFileName = "res/Cisco_Absolute_Power_1280x720_30fps.yuv";
#if defined(ANDROID_NDK)
  std::string filename = std::string ("/sdcard/") + sFileName;
  ASSERT_TRUE ((fYuv_ = fopen (filename.c_str(), "rb")) != NULL);
  ASSERT_TRUE ((fYuv_ = fopen (sFileName, "rb")) != NULL);
  uint32_t uiGet;
  //do tests until crash
  unsigned int uiLoopRound = 0;
  unsigned char* pucBuf = ucBuf_;
  int iDecAuSize;
  //open file to save tested BS
  FILE* fDataFile = fopen ("test_parseonly_crash.264", "wb");
  FILE* fLenFile = fopen ("test_parseonly_crash_len.log", "w");
  int iFileSize = 0;

  do {
    int iTotalFrameNum = (rand() % 1200) + 1;
    int iTotalFrameNum = (rand() % 100) + 1;
    EncodeDecodeParamBase p = kParamArray[8]; //720p by default

    //Initialize Encoder
    prepareParam (1, 4, p.width, p.height, p.frameRate, &param_);
    param_.iRCMode = RC_TIMESTAMP_MODE;
    param_.iTargetBitrate = p.iTarBitrate;
    param_.uiIntraPeriod = 0;
    param_.eSpsPpsIdStrategy = CONSTANT_ID;
    param_.bEnableBackgroundDetection = true;
    param_.bEnableSceneChangeDetect = (rand() % 3) ? true : false;
    param_.bPrefixNalAddingCtrl = 0;// (rand() % 2) ? true : false;
    param_.iEntropyCodingModeFlag = 0;
    param_.bEnableFrameSkip = true;
    param_.iMultipleThreadIdc = 0;
    param_.sSpatialLayers[0].iSpatialBitrate = p.iTarBitrate;
    param_.sSpatialLayers[0].iMaxSpatialBitrate = p.iTarBitrate << 1;
    param_.sSpatialLayers[0].sSliceArgument.uiSliceMode =
    if (param_.sSpatialLayers[0].sSliceArgument.uiSliceMode == SM_SIZELIMITED_SLICE) {
      param_.sSpatialLayers[0].sSliceArgument.uiSliceSizeConstraint = 1400;
      param_.uiMaxNalSize = 1400;
    } else {
      param_.sSpatialLayers[0].sSliceArgument.uiSliceSizeConstraint = 0;
      param_.uiMaxNalSize = 0;

    int rv = encoder_->InitializeExt (&param_);
    ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);
    decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_ERROR_CON_IDC, &uiGet);
    EXPECT_EQ (uiGet, (uint32_t)ERROR_CON_DISABLE); //default value should be ERROR_CON_SLICE_COPY
    int32_t iTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_QUIET;
    encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);
    decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &iTraceLevel);

    //Start for enc/dec
    int iIdx = 0;
    unsigned char* pData[3] = { NULL };

    EncodeDecodeFileParamBase pInput; //to conform with old functions
    pInput.width = p.width;
    pInput.height = p.height;
    pInput.frameRate = p.frameRate;
    prepareEncDecParam (pInput);
    while (iIdx++ < iTotalFrameNum) { // loop in frame
      EncodeOneFrame (1);
      //reset file if file size large
      if ((info.eFrameType == videoFrameTypeIDR) && (iFileSize >= (1 << 25))) {
        fclose (fDataFile);
        fclose (fLenFile);
        fDataFile = fopen ("test_parseonly_crash.264", "wb");
        fLenFile = fopen ("test_parseonly_crash_len.log", "w");
        iFileSize = 0;

        SDecodingParam decParam;
        memset (&decParam, 0, sizeof (SDecodingParam));
        decParam.uiTargetDqLayer = UCHAR_MAX;
        decParam.eEcActiveIdc = ERROR_CON_DISABLE;
        decParam.bParseOnly = true;
        decParam.sVideoProperty.eVideoBsType = VIDEO_BITSTREAM_DEFAULT;

        rv = decoder_->Initialize (&decParam);
        ASSERT_EQ (0, rv);
      if (info.eFrameType == videoFrameTypeSkip)
      //deal with packets
      unsigned char* pBsBuf;
      iDecAuSize = 0;
      pucBuf = ucBuf_; //init buf start pos for decoder usage
      for (int iLayerNum = 0; iLayerNum < info.iLayerNum; iLayerNum++) {
        SLayerBSInfo* pLayerBsInfo = &info.sLayerInfo[iLayerNum];
        pBsBuf = info.sLayerInfo[iLayerNum].pBsBuf;
        int iTotalNalCnt = pLayerBsInfo->iNalCount;
        for (int iNalCnt = 0; iNalCnt < iTotalNalCnt; iNalCnt++) {  //loop in NAL
          int iPacketSize = pLayerBsInfo->pNalLengthInByte[iNalCnt];
          //packet loss
          int iLossRateRange = (uiLoopRound % 20) + 1; //1-100
          int iLossRate = (rand() % iLossRateRange);
          bool bPacketLost = (rand() % 101) > (100 -
                                               iLossRate);   // [0, (100-iLossRate)] indicates NO LOSS, (100-iLossRate, 100] indicates LOSS
          if (!bPacketLost) { //no loss
            memcpy (pucBuf, pBsBuf, iPacketSize);
            pucBuf += iPacketSize;
            iDecAuSize += iPacketSize;
          //update bs info
          pBsBuf += iPacketSize;
        } //nal
      } //layer

      //save to file
      if (iDecAuSize != 0) {
        fwrite (ucBuf_, 1, iDecAuSize, fDataFile);
        fflush (fDataFile);
        iFileSize += iDecAuSize;

      //save to len file
      unsigned long ulTmp[4];
      ulTmp[0] = ulTmp[1] = ulTmp[2] = iIdx;
      ulTmp[3] = iDecAuSize;
      fwrite (ulTmp, sizeof (unsigned long), 4, fLenFile); // index, timeStamp, data size
      fflush (fLenFile);

      pData[0] = pData[1] = pData[2] = 0;
      memset (&BsInfo_, 0, sizeof (SParserBsInfo));

      rv = decoder_->DecodeParser (ucBuf_, iDecAuSize, &BsInfo_);
      rv = decoder_->DecodeParser (NULL, 0, &BsInfo_); //reconstruction
      //guarantee decoder EC status
      decoder_->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_ERROR_CON_IDC, &uiGet);
      EXPECT_EQ (uiGet, (uint32_t)ERROR_CON_DISABLE);
    } //frame
    if (uiLoopRound >= (1 << 30))
      uiLoopRound = 0;
    if (uiLoopRound % 10 == 0)
      printf ("run %d times.\n", uiLoopRound);
  } while (1);
  fclose (fDataFile);
  fclose (fLenFile);
  while (0);
