ref: a8f16082b8883e33567f6c83828096b7993258b9
dir: /codec/encoder/core/inc/wels_preprocess.h/
/*! * \copy * Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Cisco Systems * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * * \file wels_preprocess.h * * \brief interface of video pre-process plugins * * \date 03/15/2011 * * \description : this class is designed as an interface to unify video pre-processing * class implement sets such as denoise,colorspace conversion etc... * ************************************************************************************* */ #ifndef WELS_PREPROCESS_H #define WELS_PREPROCESS_H #include "typedefs.h" #include "picture.h" #include "wels_const.h" #include "IWelsVP.h" #include "param_svc.h" namespace WelsEnc { typedef struct TagWelsEncCtx sWelsEncCtx; typedef struct { SPicture* pScaledInputPicture; int32_t iScaledWidth[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER]; int32_t iScaledHeight[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER]; } Scaled_Picture; typedef struct { int64_t iMinFrameComplexity; int64_t iMinFrameComplexity08; int64_t iMinFrameComplexity11; int32_t iMinFrameNumGap; int32_t iMinFrameQp; } SRefJudgement; typedef struct { SPicture* pRefPicture; int32_t iSrcListIdx; //idx in h->spatial_pic[base_did]; bool bSceneLtrFlag; unsigned char* pBestBlockStaticIdc; } SRefInfoParam; typedef struct TagVAAFrameInfo { SVAACalcResult sVaaCalcInfo; SAdaptiveQuantizationParam sAdaptiveQuantParam; SComplexityAnalysisParam sComplexityAnalysisParam; int32_t iPicWidth; // maximal iWidth of picture in samples for svc coding int32_t iPicHeight; // maximal iHeight of picture in samples for svc coding int32_t iPicStride; //luma int32_t iPicStrideUV; uint8_t* pRefY; //pRef uint8_t* pCurY; //cur uint8_t* pRefU; //pRef uint8_t* pCurU; //cur uint8_t* pRefV; //pRef uint8_t* pCurV; //cur int8_t* pVaaBackgroundMbFlag; uint8_t uiValidLongTermPicIdx; uint8_t uiMarkLongTermPicIdx; ESceneChangeIdc eSceneChangeIdc; bool bSceneChangeFlag; bool bIdrPeriodFlag; } SVAAFrameInfo; typedef struct SVAAFrameInfoExt_t: public SVAAFrameInfo { SComplexityAnalysisScreenParam sComplexityScreenParam; SScrollDetectionParam sScrollDetectInfo; SRefInfoParam sVaaStrBestRefCandidate[MAX_REF_PIC_COUNT]; SRefInfoParam sVaaLtrBestRefCandidate[MAX_REF_PIC_COUNT]; int32_t iNumOfAvailableRef; int32_t iVaaBestRefFrameNum; uint8_t* pVaaBestBlockStaticIdc;//pointer uint8_t* pVaaBlockStaticIdc[16];//real memory, } SVAAFrameInfoExt; class CWelsPreProcess { public: CWelsPreProcess (sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx); virtual ~CWelsPreProcess(); static CWelsPreProcess* CreatePreProcess (sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx); virtual SPicture* GetCurrentOrigFrame (int32_t iDIdx) = 0; public: int32_t WelsPreprocessReset (sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx, int32_t iWidth, int32_t iHeight); int32_t AllocSpatialPictures (sWelsEncCtx* pCtx, SWelsSvcCodingParam* pParam); void FreeSpatialPictures (sWelsEncCtx* pCtx); int32_t BuildSpatialPicList (sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx, const SSourcePicture* kpSrcPic); int32_t AnalyzeSpatialPic (sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx, const int32_t kiDIdx); int32_t UpdateSpatialPictures (sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx, SWelsSvcCodingParam* pParam, const int8_t iCurTid, const int32_t d_idx); int32_t GetRefFrameInfo (int32_t iRefIdx, bool bCurrentFrameIsSceneLtr, SPicture*& pRefOri); void AnalyzePictureComplexity (sWelsEncCtx* pCtx, SPicture* pCurPicture, SPicture* pRefPicture, const int32_t kiDependencyId, const bool kbCalculateBGD); int32_t UpdateBlockIdcForScreen (uint8_t* pCurBlockStaticPointer, const SPicture* kpRefPic, const SPicture* kpSrcPic); void UpdateSrcList (SPicture* pCurPicture, const int32_t kiCurDid, SPicture** pShortRefList, const uint32_t kuiShortRefCount); void UpdateSrcListLosslessScreenRefSelectionWithLtr (SPicture* pCurPicture, const int32_t kiCurDid, const int32_t kuiMarkLongTermPicIdx, SPicture** pLongRefList); protected: bool GetSceneChangeFlag (ESceneChangeIdc eSceneChangeIdc); virtual ESceneChangeIdc DetectSceneChange (SPicture* pCurPicture, SPicture* pRefPicture = NULL) = 0; void InitPixMap (const SPicture* pPicture, SPixMap* pPixMap); int32_t GetCurPicPosition (const int32_t kiDidx); private: int32_t WelsPreprocessCreate(); int32_t WelsPreprocessDestroy(); int32_t InitLastSpatialPictures (sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx); private: int32_t SingleLayerPreprocess (sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx, const SSourcePicture* kpSrc, Scaled_Picture* m_sScaledPicture); void BilateralDenoising (SPicture* pSrc, const int32_t iWidth, const int32_t iHeight); int32_t DownsamplePadding (SPicture* pSrc, SPicture* pDstPic, int32_t iSrcWidth, int32_t iSrcHeight, int32_t iShrinkWidth, int32_t iShrinkHeight, int32_t iTargetWidth, int32_t iTargetHeight, bool bForceCopy); void VaaCalculation (SVAAFrameInfo* pVaaInfo, SPicture* pCurPicture, SPicture* pRefPicture, bool bCalculateSQDiff, bool bCalculateVar, bool bCalculateBGD); void BackgroundDetection (SVAAFrameInfo* pVaaInfo, SPicture* pCurPicture, SPicture* pRefPicture, bool bDetectFlag); void AdaptiveQuantCalculation (SVAAFrameInfo* pVaaInfo, SPicture* pCurPicture, SPicture* pRefPicture); void Padding (uint8_t* pSrcY, uint8_t* pSrcU, uint8_t* pSrcV, int32_t iStrideY, int32_t iStrideUV, int32_t iActualWidth, int32_t iPaddingWidth, int32_t iActualHeight, int32_t iPaddingHeight); void SetRefMbType (sWelsEncCtx* pCtx, uint32_t** pRefMbTypeArray, int32_t iRefPicType); int32_t ColorspaceConvert (SWelsSvcCodingParam* pSvcParam, SPicture* pDstPic, const SSourcePicture* kpSrc, const int32_t kiWidth, const int32_t kiHeight); void WelsMoveMemoryWrapper (SWelsSvcCodingParam* pSvcParam, SPicture* pDstPic, const SSourcePicture* kpSrc, const int32_t kiWidth, const int32_t kiHeight); /*! * \brief exchange two picture pData planes * \param ppPic1 picture pointer to picture 1 * \param ppPic2 picture pointer to picture 2 * \return none */ void WelsExchangeSpatialPictures (SPicture** ppPic1, SPicture** ppPic2); SPicture* GetBestRefPic (EUsageType iUsageType, bool bSceneLtr, EWelsSliceType eSliceType, int32_t kiDidx, int32_t iRefTemporalIdx); SPicture* GetBestRefPic (const int32_t kiDidx, const int32_t iRefTemporalIdx); protected: IWelsVP* m_pInterfaceVp; sWelsEncCtx* m_pEncCtx; uint8_t m_uiSpatialLayersInTemporal[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER]; private: Scaled_Picture m_sScaledPicture; SPicture* m_pLastSpatialPicture[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER][2]; bool m_bInitDone; uint8_t m_uiSpatialPicNum[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER]; protected: /* For Downsampling & VAA I420 based source pictures */ SPicture* m_pSpatialPic[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER][MAX_REF_PIC_COUNT + 1]; // need memory requirement with total number of num_of_ref + 1, "+1" is for current frame int32_t m_iAvaliableRefInSpatialPicList; }; class CWelsPreProcessVideo : public CWelsPreProcess { public: CWelsPreProcessVideo (sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx) : CWelsPreProcess (pEncCtx) {}; virtual SPicture* GetCurrentOrigFrame (int32_t iDIdx); virtual ESceneChangeIdc DetectSceneChange (SPicture* pCurPicture, SPicture* pRefPicture = NULL); }; class CWelsPreProcessScreen : public CWelsPreProcess { public: CWelsPreProcessScreen (sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx) : CWelsPreProcess (pEncCtx) {}; virtual SPicture* GetCurrentOrigFrame (int32_t iDIdx); virtual ESceneChangeIdc DetectSceneChange (SPicture* pCurPicture, SPicture* pRefPicture = NULL); private: SPicture** GetReferenceSrcPicList(int32_t iTargetDid); void GetAvailableRefListLosslessScreenRefSelection (SPicture** pSrcPicList, uint8_t iCurTid, const int32_t iClosestLtrFrameNum, SRefInfoParam* pAvailableRefList, int32_t& iAvailableRefNum, int32_t& iAvailableSceneRefNum); void GetAvailableRefList (SPicture** pSrcPicList, uint8_t iCurTid, const int32_t iClosestLtrFrameNum, SRefInfoParam* pAvailableRefList, int32_t& iAvailableRefNum, int32_t& iAvailableSceneRefNum); void InitRefJudgement (SRefJudgement* pRefJudgement); bool JudgeBestRef (SPicture* pRefPic, const SRefJudgement& sRefJudgement, const int64_t iFrameComplexity, const bool bIsClosestLtrFrame); void SaveBestRefToJudgement (const int32_t iRefPictureAvQP, const int64_t iComplexity, SRefJudgement* pRefJudgement); void SaveBestRefToLocal (SRefInfoParam* pRefPicInfo, const SSceneChangeResult& sSceneChangeResult, SRefInfoParam* pRefSaved); void SaveBestRefToVaa (SRefInfoParam& sRefSaved, SRefInfoParam* pVaaBestRef); }; } #endif