ref: 863ec74f0d6629368ca86c0f7fc150c88226b962
dir: /codec/encoder/core/inc/encoder_context.h/
/*! * \copy * Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Cisco Systems * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * * \file encoder_context.h * * \brief Main pData to be operated over Wels encoder all modules * * \date 2/4/2009 Created * ************************************************************************************* */ #ifndef WELS_ENCODER_CONTEXT_H__ #define WELS_ENCODER_CONTEXT_H__ #include <stdio.h> #include "typedefs.h" #include "param_svc.h" #include "nal_encap.h" #include "picture.h" #include "dq_map.h" #include "stat.h" #include "macros.h" #include "rc.h" #include "as264_common.h" #include "wels_preprocess.h" #include "wels_func_ptr_def.h" #include "crt_util_safe_x.h" #include "utils.h" #include "mt_defs.h" // for multiple threadin, #include "WelsThreadLib.h" namespace WelsSVCEnc { /* * reference list for each quality layer in SVC */ typedef struct TagRefList { SPicture* pShortRefList[1 + MAX_SHORT_REF_COUNT]; // reference list 0 - int16_t SPicture* pLongRefList[1 + MAX_REF_PIC_COUNT]; // reference list 1 - int32_t SPicture* pNextBuffer; SPicture* pRef[1 + MAX_REF_PIC_COUNT]; // plus 1 for swap intend uint8_t uiShortRefCount; uint8_t uiLongRefCount; // dependend on pRef pic module } SRefList; typedef struct TagLTRState { // LTR mark feedback uint32_t uiLtrMarkState; // LTR mark state, indicate whether there is a LTR mark feedback unsolved int32_t iLtrMarkFbFrameNum;// the unsolved LTR mark feedback, the marked iFrameNum feedback from decoder // LTR used as recovery reference int32_t iLastRecoverFrameNum; // reserve the last LTR or IDR recover iFrameNum int32_t iLastCorFrameNumDec; // reserved the last correct position in decoder side, use to select valid LTR to recover or to decide the LTR mark validation int32_t iCurFrameNumInDec; // current iFrameNum in decoder side, use to select valid LTR to recover or to decide the LTR mark validation // LTR mark int32_t iLTRMarkMode; // direct mark or delay mark int32_t iLTRMarkSuccessNum; //successful marked num, for mark mode switch int32_t iCurLtrIdx;// current int32_t term reference index to mark int32_t iLastLtrIdx[MAX_TEMPORAL_LAYER_NUM]; int32_t iSceneLtrIdx;// related to Scene LTR, used by screen content uint32_t uiLtrMarkInterval;// the interval from the last int32_t term pRef mark bool bLTRMarkingFlag; //decide whether current frame marked as LTR bool bLTRMarkEnable; //when LTR is confirmed and the interval is no smaller than the marking period bool bReceivedT0LostFlag; // indicate whether a t0 lost feedback is recieved, for LTR recovery } SLTRState; typedef struct TagSpatialPicIndex { SPicture* pSrc; // I420 based and after color space converted int32_t iDid; // dependency id } SSpatialPicIndex; typedef struct TagStrideTables { int32_t* pStrideDecBlockOffset[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER][2]; // [iDid][tid==0][24 x 4]: luma+chroma= 24 x 4 int32_t* pStrideEncBlockOffset[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER]; // [iDid][24 x 4]: luma+chroma= 24 x 4 int16_t* pMbIndexX[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER]; // [iDid][iMbX]: map for iMbX in each spatial layer coding int16_t* pMbIndexY[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER]; // [iDid][iMbY]: map for iMbY in each spatial layer coding } SStrideTables; typedef struct TagWelsEncCtx { SLogContext sLogCtx; // Input SWelsSvcCodingParam* pSvcParam; // SVC parameter, WelsSVCParamConfig in svc_param_settings.h SWelsSliceBs* pSliceBs; // bitstream buffering for various slices, [uiSliceIdx] int32_t* pSadCostMb; /* MVD cost tables for Inter MB */ int32_t iMvRange; uint16_t* pMvdCostTableInter; //[52]; // adaptive to spatial layers SMVUnitXY* pMvUnitBlock4x4; // (*pMvUnitBlock4x4[2])[MB_BLOCK4x4_NUM]; // for store each 4x4 blocks' mv unit, the two swap after different d layer int8_t* pRefIndexBlock4x4; // (*pRefIndexBlock4x4[2])[MB_BLOCK8x8_NUM]; // for store each 4x4 blocks' pRef index, the two swap after different d layer int8_t* pNonZeroCountBlocks; // (*pNonZeroCountBlocks)[MB_LUMA_CHROMA_BLOCK4x4_NUM]; int8_t* pIntra4x4PredModeBlocks; // (*pIntra4x4PredModeBlocks)[INTRA_4x4_MODE_NUM]; //last byte is not used; the first 4 byte is for the bottom 12,13,14,15 4x4 block intra mode, and 3 byte for (3,7,11) SMB** ppMbListD; // [MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER]; SStrideTables* pStrideTab; // stride tables for internal coding used SWelsFuncPtrList* pFuncList; SSliceThreading* pSliceThreading; // SSlice context SSliceCtx* pSliceCtxList;// slice context table for each dependency quality layer // pointers SPicture* pEncPic; // pointer to current picture to be encoded SPicture* pDecPic; // pointer to current picture being reconstructed SPicture* pRefPic; // pointer to current reference picture SDqLayer* pCurDqLayer; // DQ layer context used to being encoded currently, for reference base layer to refer: pCurDqLayer->pRefLayer if applicable SDqLayer** ppDqLayerList; // overall DQ layers encoded for storage SRefList** ppRefPicListExt; // reference picture list for SVC SPicture* pRefList0[16]; SLTRState* pLtr;//[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER]; bool bCurFrameMarkedAsSceneLtr; // Derived int32_t iCodingIndex; int32_t iFrameIndex; // count how many frames elapsed during coding context currently int32_t iFrameNum; // current frame number coding int32_t iPOC; // frame iPOC EWelsSliceType eSliceType; // currently coding slice type EWelsNalUnitType eNalType; // NAL type EWelsNalRefIdc eNalPriority; // NAL_Reference_Idc currently EWelsNalRefIdc eLastNalPriority; // NAL_Reference_Idc in last frame uint8_t iNumRef0; uint8_t uiDependencyId; // Idc of dependecy layer to be coded uint8_t uiTemporalId; // Idc of temporal layer to be coded bool bNeedPrefixNalFlag; // whether add prefix nal bool bEncCurFrmAsIdrFlag; // Rate control routine SWelsSvcRc* pWelsSvcRc; int32_t iSkipFrameFlag; //_GOM_RC_ int32_t iGlobalQp; // global qp // VAA SVAAFrameInfo* pVaa; // VAA information of reference CWelsPreProcess* pVpp; SWelsSPS* pSpsArray; // MAX_SPS_COUNT by standard compatible SWelsSPS* pSps; SWelsPPS* pPPSArray; // MAX_PPS_COUNT by standard compatible SWelsPPS* pPps; /* SVC only */ SSubsetSps* pSubsetArray; // MAX_SPS_COUNT by standard compatible SSubsetSps* pSubsetSps; int32_t iSpsNum; // number of pSps used int32_t iPpsNum; // number of pPps used // Output SWelsEncoderOutput* pOut; // for NAL raw pData (need allocating memory for sNalList internal) uint8_t* pFrameBs; // restoring bitstream pBuffer of all NALs in a frame int32_t iFrameBsSize; // count size of frame bs in bytes allocated int32_t iPosBsBuffer; // current writing position of frame bs pBuffer SSpatialPicIndex sSpatialIndexMap[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER]; bool bLongTermRefFlag[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER][MAX_TEMPORAL_LEVEL + 1/*+LONG_TERM_REF_NUM*/]; int16_t iMaxSliceCount;// maximal count number of slices for all layers observation int16_t iActiveThreadsNum; // number of threads active so far /* * DQ layer idc map for svc encoding, might be a better scheme than that of design before, * can aware idc of referencing layer and that idc of successive layer to be coded */ /* SVC only */ SDqIdc* pDqIdcMap; // overall DQ map of full scalability in specific frame (All full D/T/Q layers involved) // pDqIdcMap[dq_index] for each SDqIdc pData SParaSetOffset sPSOVector; CMemoryAlign* pMemAlign; #if defined(STAT_OUTPUT) // overall stat pData, refer to SStatData in stat.h, in case avc to use stat[0][0] SStatData sStatData [ MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER ] [ MAX_QUALITY_LEVEL ]; SStatSliceInfo sPerInfo; #endif//STAT_OUTPUT int32_t iEncoderError; WELS_MUTEX mutexEncoderError; int32_t iDropNumber; } sWelsEncCtx/*, *PWelsEncCtx*/; } #endif//sWelsEncCtx_H__