ref: 4c66d9c6c71735bdddd8a79c5342f15502bfc748
dir: /codec/encoder/core/src/utils.cpp/
/*! * \copy * Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Cisco Systems * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * * \file utils.c * * \brief common tool/function utilization * * \date 03/10/2009 Created * ************************************************************************************* */ #if defined(_WIN32) #include <windows.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/timeb.h> #ifndef _MSC_VER #include <sys/time.h> #endif #else #include <sys/time.h> #endif #include "utils.h" #include "property.h" #include "encoder_context.h" #include "property.h" #include "crt_util_safe_x.h" // Safe CRT routines like utils for cross platforms namespace WelsSVCEnc { void WelsLogDefault (void* pCtx, const int32_t kiLevel, const char* kpFmtStr, va_list argv); void WelsLogNil (void* pCtx, const int32_t kiLevel, const char* kpFmtStr, va_list argv); float WelsCalcPsnr (const void* kpTarPic, const int32_t kiTarStride, const void* kpRefPic, const int32_t kiRefStride, const int32_t kiWidth, const int32_t kiHeight); // to fill default routines #ifdef ENABLE_TRACE_FILE PWelsLogCallbackFunc wlog = WelsLogDefault; #else PWelsLogCallbackFunc wlog = WelsLogNil; #endif iWelsLogLevel g_iLevelLog = WELS_LOG_DEFAULT; // default log iLevel int32_t g_iSizeLogBuf = 1024; // pBuffer size for each log output /* * Log output routines */ /*! * \brief get log tag * \param kiLevel log iLevel * \return tag of log iLevel */ static inline char* GetLogTag (const int32_t kiLevel, int32_t* pBit) { int32_t iShift = 0; int32_t iVal = 0; bool bFound = false; if (kiLevel <= 0 || kiLevel > (1 << (WELS_LOG_LEVEL_COUNT - 1)) || NULL == pBit) return NULL; for (;;) { if (iShift >= WELS_LOG_LEVEL_COUNT) break; iVal = (1 << iShift); if (iVal == kiLevel) { bFound = true; break; } ++ iShift; } if (bFound) { *pBit = iShift; return (char*)g_sWelsLogTags[iShift]; } return NULL; } /*! ************************************************************************************* * \brief System trace log output in Wels * * \param pCtx instance pointer * \param kiLevel log iLevel ( WELS_LOG_QUIET, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG ) * \param kpFmtStr formated string to mount * \param argv pData string argument * * \return NONE * * \note N/A ************************************************************************************* */ void WelsLogDefault (void* pCtx, const int32_t kiLevel, const char* kpFmtStr, va_list argv) { sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx = (sWelsEncCtx*)pCtx; iWelsLogLevel iVal = (kiLevel & g_iLevelLog); if (0 == iVal || NULL == pEncCtx) { // such iLevel not enabled return; } else { char pBuf[WELS_LOG_BUF_SIZE + 1] = {0}; const int32_t kiBufSize = sizeof (pBuf) / sizeof (pBuf[0]) - 1; int32_t iCurUsed = 0; int32_t iBufUsed = 0; int32_t iBufLeft = kiBufSize - iBufUsed; if (pEncCtx) { SWelsTime tTime; WelsGetTimeOfDay(&tTime); iCurUsed = WelsSnprintf (&pBuf[iBufUsed], iBufLeft, "[0x%p @ ", pEncCtx); // confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage if (iCurUsed >= 0) { iBufUsed += iCurUsed; iBufLeft -= iCurUsed; } if (iBufLeft > 0) { iCurUsed = GetCodeName (&pBuf[iBufUsed], iBufLeft); if (iCurUsed > 0) { iBufUsed += iCurUsed; iBufLeft -= iCurUsed; } pBuf[iBufUsed] = ' '; ++ iBufUsed; -- iBufLeft; iCurUsed = GetLibName (&pBuf[iBufUsed], iBufLeft); if (iCurUsed > 0) { iBufUsed += iCurUsed; iBufLeft -= iCurUsed; } pBuf[iBufUsed] = ' '; ++ iBufUsed; -- iBufLeft; pBuf[iBufUsed] = 'v'; ++ iBufUsed; -- iBufLeft; iCurUsed = GetVerNum (&pBuf[iBufUsed], iBufLeft); if (iCurUsed > 0) { iBufUsed += iCurUsed; iBufLeft -= iCurUsed; } pBuf[iBufUsed] = ' '; ++ iBufUsed; -- iBufLeft; } if (iBufLeft > 0) { iCurUsed = WelsStrftime (&pBuf[iBufUsed], iBufLeft, "%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tTime); if (iCurUsed > 0) { iBufUsed += iCurUsed; iBufLeft -= iCurUsed; } } else { return; } if (iBufLeft > 0) { iCurUsed = WelsSnprintf (&pBuf[iBufUsed], iBufLeft, ".%3.3u]: ", tTime.millitm); // confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage if (iCurUsed >= 0) { iBufUsed += iCurUsed; iBufLeft -= iCurUsed; } } else { return; } } // fixed stack corruption issue on vs2008 if (iBufLeft > 0) { int32_t i_shift = 0; char* pStr = NULL; pStr = GetLogTag (kiLevel, &i_shift); if (NULL != pStr) { iCurUsed = WelsSnprintf (&pBuf[iBufUsed], iBufLeft, "%s ", pStr); if (iCurUsed >= 0) { iBufUsed += iCurUsed; iBufLeft -= iCurUsed; } } } if (iBufLeft > 0) { iCurUsed = WelsVsnprintf (&pBuf[iBufUsed], iBufLeft, kpFmtStr, argv); // confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage if (iCurUsed > 0) { iBufUsed += iCurUsed; iBufLeft -= iCurUsed; } } #ifdef ENABLE_TRACE_FILE if (NULL != pEncCtx && NULL != pEncCtx->pFileLog) { if (pEncCtx->uiSizeLog > MAX_TRACE_LOG_SIZE) { if (0 == WelsFseek (pEncCtx->pFileLog, 0L, SEEK_SET)) pEncCtx->uiSizeLog = 0; } if (iBufUsed > 0 && iBufUsed < WELS_LOG_BUF_SIZE) { iCurUsed = WelsFwrite (pBuf, 1, iBufUsed, pEncCtx->pFileLog); WelsFflush (pEncCtx->pFileLog); if (iCurUsed == iBufUsed) pEncCtx->uiSizeLog += iBufUsed; } } else { #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG) OutputDebugStringA (pBuf); #endif } #endif//ENABLE_TRACE_FILE } } void WelsLogNil (void* pCtx, const int32_t kiLevel, const char* kpFmtStr, va_list argv) { // NULL implementation } /*! ************************************************************************************* * \brief reopen log file when finish setting current path * * \param pCtx context pCtx * \param pCurPath current path string * * \return NONE * * \note N/A ************************************************************************************* */ void WelsReopenTraceFile (void* pCtx, char* pCurPath) { #ifdef ENABLE_TRACE_FILE sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx = (sWelsEncCtx*)pCtx; if (wlog == WelsLogDefault) { if (pEncCtx->pFileLog != NULL) { WelsFclose (pEncCtx->pFileLog); pEncCtx->pFileLog = NULL; } pEncCtx->uiSizeLog = 0; pEncCtx->pFileLog = WelsFopen ("wels_encoder_trace.txt", "wt+"); // confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage } #endif//ENABLE_TRACE_FILE } /*! ************************************************************************************* * \brief set log iLevel from external call * * \param iLevel iLevel of log * * \return NONE * * \note can be able to control log iLevel dynamically ************************************************************************************* */ void WelsSetLogLevel (const int32_t kiLevel) { iWelsLogLevel iVal = 0; if (kiLevel & WELS_LOG_ERROR) { iVal |= WELS_LOG_ERROR; } if (kiLevel & WELS_LOG_WARNING) { iVal |= WELS_LOG_WARNING; } if (kiLevel & WELS_LOG_INFO) { iVal |= WELS_LOG_INFO; } if (kiLevel & WELS_LOG_DEBUG) { iVal |= WELS_LOG_DEBUG; } g_iLevelLog = iVal; } /*! ************************************************************************************* * \brief get log iLevel from external call * * \param N/A * * \return current iLevel of log used in codec internal * * \note can be able to get log iLevel of internal codec applicable ************************************************************************************* */ int32_t WelsGetLogLevel (void) { return g_iLevelLog; } /*! ************************************************************************************* * \brief set log callback from external call * * \param _log log function routine * * \return NONE * * \note N/A ************************************************************************************* */ void WelsSetLogCallback (PWelsLogCallbackFunc _log) { wlog = _log; } void WelsLogCall (void* pCtx, int32_t iLevel, const char* kpFmt, va_list vl) { wlog (pCtx, iLevel, kpFmt, vl); } void WelsLog (void* pCtx, int32_t iLevel, const char* kpFmt, ...) { va_list vl; va_start (vl, kpFmt); WelsLogCall (pCtx, iLevel, kpFmt, vl); va_end (vl); } #ifndef CALC_PSNR #define CONST_FACTOR_PSNR (10.0 / log(10.0)) // for good computation #define CALC_PSNR(w, h, s) ((float)(CONST_FACTOR_PSNR * log( 65025.0 * w * h / iSqe ))) #endif//CALC_PSNR /* * PSNR calculation routines */ /*! ************************************************************************************* * \brief PSNR calculation utilization in Wels * * \param pTarPic target picture to be calculated in Picture pData format * \param iTarStride stride of target picture pData pBuffer * \param pRefPic base referencing picture samples * \param iRefStride stride of reference picture pData pBuffer * \param iWidth picture iWidth in pixel * \param iHeight picture iHeight in pixel * * \return actual PSNR result; * * \note N/A ************************************************************************************* */ float WelsCalcPsnr (const void* kpTarPic, const int32_t kiTarStride, const void* kpRefPic, const int32_t kiRefStride, const int32_t kiWidth, const int32_t kiHeight) { int64_t iSqe = 0; int32_t x, y; uint8_t* pTar = (uint8_t*)kpTarPic; uint8_t* pRef = (uint8_t*)kpRefPic; if (NULL == pTar || NULL == pRef) return (-1.0f); for (y = 0; y < kiHeight; ++ y) { // OPTable !! for (x = 0; x < kiWidth; ++ x) { const int32_t kiT = pTar[y * kiTarStride + x] - pRef[y * kiRefStride + x]; iSqe += kiT * kiT; } } if (0 == iSqe) { return (99.99f); } return CALC_PSNR (kiWidth, kiHeight, iSqe); } }