ref: 3cdd792aba0ee658ef5c61083a8a55fcb342105e
dir: /codec/encoder/plus/src/welsCodecTrace.cpp/
/*! * \copy * Copyright (c) 2013, Cisco Systems * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #ifdef _WIN32 #include <windows.h> #include <tchar.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include "crt_util_safe_x.h" // Safe CRT routines like utils for cross platforms #include "welsCodecTrace.h" #include "utils.h" #if defined LINUX || defined SOLARIS || defined UNIX || defined MACOS //LINUX/SOLARIS/UNIX #include <dlfcn.h> #endif #if defined(MACOS) #include <carbon/carbon.h> #include <CoreFoundation/CFBundle.h> #endif//MACOS #ifdef _WIN32 extern HANDLE g_hInstDll; #endif #include "logging.h" //#define CODEC_TRACE_ERROR 0 //#define CODEC_TRACE_WARNING 1 //#define CODEC_TRACE_INFO 2 //#define CODEC_TRACE_DEDBUG 3 using namespace WelsSVCEnc; #ifdef MACOS static CFBundleRef LoadLibrary (const str_t* lpszbundle) { // 1.get bundle path str_t cBundlePath[PATH_MAX]; memset (cBundlePath, 0, PATH_MAX); Dl_info dlInfo; static int32_t sDummy; dladdr ((void*)&sDummy, &dlInfo); strlcpy (cBundlePath, dlInfo.dli_fname, PATH_MAX); // confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage str_t* pPath = NULL; for (int32_t i = 4; i > 0; i--) { pPath = strrchr (cBundlePath, '/'); // confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage if (pPath) { *pPath = 0; } else { break; } } if (pPath) { strlcat (cBundlePath, "/", PATH_MAX); // confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage } else { return NULL; } strlcat (cBundlePath, lpszbundle, PATH_MAX); // confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage FSRef bundlePath; OSStatus iStatus = FSPathMakeRef ((uint8_t*)cBundlePath, &bundlePath, NULL); if (noErr != iStatus) return NULL; CFURLRef bundleURL = CFURLCreateFromFSRef (kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, &bundlePath); if (NULL == bundleURL) return NULL; // 2.get bundle pRef CFBundleRef bundleRef = CFBundleCreate (kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, bundleURL); CFRelease (bundleURL); // Boolean bReturn = FALSE; if (NULL != bundleRef) { // bReturn = CFBundleLoadExecutable(bundleRef); } return bundleRef; } static Boolean FreeLibrary (CFBundleRef bundle) { if (NULL != bundle) { // CFBundleUnloadExecutable(bundle); CFRelease (bundle); } return TRUE; } static void* GetProcessAddress (CFBundleRef bundle, const str_t* lpszprocname) { if (NULL == bundle) return NULL; CFStringRef cfprocname = CFStringCreateWithCString (NULL, lpszprocname, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()); void* processAddress = CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName (bundle, cfprocname); CFRelease (cfprocname); return processAddress; } #endif int32_t welsCodecTrace::m_iTraceLevel = WELS_LOG_DEFAULT; #if defined(_WIN32) CM_WELS_TRACE welsCodecTrace::m_fpDebugTrace = NULL; CM_WELS_TRACE welsCodecTrace::m_fpInfoTrace = NULL; CM_WELS_TRACE welsCodecTrace::m_fpWarnTrace = NULL; CM_WELS_TRACE welsCodecTrace::m_fpErrorTrace = NULL; #else CM_WELS_TRACE2 welsCodecTrace::m_fpDebugTrace = NULL; CM_WELS_TRACE2 welsCodecTrace::m_fpInfoTrace = NULL; CM_WELS_TRACE2 welsCodecTrace::m_fpWarnTrace = NULL; CM_WELS_TRACE2 welsCodecTrace::m_fpErrorTrace = NULL; #endif//WIN32 welsCodecTrace::welsCodecTrace() { m_hTraceHandle = NULL; m_fpDebugTrace = NULL; m_fpInfoTrace = NULL; m_fpWarnTrace = NULL; m_fpErrorTrace = NULL; m_WelsTraceExistFlag = false; #ifdef NO_DYNAMIC_VP m_fpDebugTrace = welsStderrTrace<WELS_LOG_DEBUG>; m_fpInfoTrace = welsStderrTrace<WELS_LOG_INFO>; m_fpWarnTrace = welsStderrTrace<WELS_LOG_WARNING>; m_fpErrorTrace = welsStderrTrace<WELS_LOG_ERROR>; m_WelsTraceExistFlag = true; #else #if defined _WIN32 HMODULE handle = ::GetModuleHandle ("welstrace.dll"); // HMODULE handle = ::GetModuleHandle("contrace.dll"); // for c7 if (NULL == handle) return; CHAR achPath[ _MAX_PATH] = {0}; GetModuleFileName ((HMODULE)handle, achPath, _MAX_PATH); m_hTraceHandle = ::LoadLibrary (achPath); OutputDebugStringA (achPath); if (m_hTraceHandle) { m_fpDebugTrace = (CM_WELS_TRACE)::GetProcAddress ((HMODULE)m_hTraceHandle, "WELSDEBUGA"); m_fpInfoTrace = (CM_WELS_TRACE)::GetProcAddress ((HMODULE)m_hTraceHandle, "WELSINFOA"); m_fpWarnTrace = (CM_WELS_TRACE)::GetProcAddress ((HMODULE)m_hTraceHandle, "WELSWARNA"); m_fpErrorTrace = (CM_WELS_TRACE)::GetProcAddress ((HMODULE)m_hTraceHandle, "WELSERRORA"); } #elif defined MACOS m_hTraceHandle = LoadLibrary ("welstrace.bundle"); if (m_hTraceHandle) { m_fpDebugTrace = (CM_WELS_TRACE2)GetProcessAddress ((CFBundleRef)m_hTraceHandle, "WELSDEBUG2"); m_fpInfoTrace = (CM_WELS_TRACE2)GetProcessAddress ((CFBundleRef)m_hTraceHandle, "WELSINFO2"); m_fpWarnTrace = (CM_WELS_TRACE2)GetProcessAddress ((CFBundleRef)m_hTraceHandle, "WELSWARN2"); m_fpErrorTrace = (CM_WELS_TRACE2)GetProcessAddress ((CFBundleRef)m_hTraceHandle, "WELSERROR2"); } #elif defined LINUX || defined SOLARIS || defined UNIX //#else // CCmString cmPath; str_t achPath[255] = {0}; Dl_info DlInfo; static int32_t nMmTPAddress; dladdr (&nMmTPAddress, &DlInfo); if (NULL == DlInfo.dli_fname) return; STRNCPY (achPath, 255, DlInfo.dli_fname, STRNLEN (DlInfo.dli_fname, 255)); // confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage str_t* p = strrchr (achPath, '/'); // confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage if (NULL == p) return; const int32_t kiLenTraceName = STRNLEN ("/", 15); // confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage const int32_t kiCurPos = p - achPath; if (kiCurPos + kiLenTraceName < 255) STRNCPY (p, 254 - kiCurPos, "/", kiLenTraceName); // confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage else return; m_hTraceHandle = dlopen (achPath, RTLD_LAZY); if (m_hTraceHandle == NULL) { FILE* fp = fopen ("/tmp/trace.txt", "a"); if (fp) { fprintf (fp, "welsCodecTrace::welsCodecTrace ===> dlopen %s fail, %s\n", achPath, dlerror()); fclose (fp); } return; } if (m_hTraceHandle) { m_fpDebugTrace = (CM_WELS_TRACE2)dlsym (m_hTraceHandle, "WELSDEBUG2"); m_fpInfoTrace = (CM_WELS_TRACE2)dlsym (m_hTraceHandle, "WELSINFO2"); m_fpWarnTrace = (CM_WELS_TRACE2)dlsym (m_hTraceHandle, "WELSWARN2"); m_fpErrorTrace = (CM_WELS_TRACE2)dlsym (m_hTraceHandle, "WELSERROR2"); if (m_fpDebugTrace == NULL) { FILE* fp = fopen ("/tmp/trace.txt", "a"); if (fp) { printf ("welsCodecTrace::welsCodecTrace ===> dlsym failed (WELSDEBUG2) , dlerror = %s\n", dlerror()); fclose (fp); } return; } } #endif if (m_hTraceHandle != NULL) { m_WelsTraceExistFlag = true; } #endif } welsCodecTrace::~welsCodecTrace() { #ifndef NO_DYNAMIC_VP #if defined _WIN32 if (m_hTraceHandle) { ::FreeLibrary ((HMODULE)m_hTraceHandle); } #elif defined MACOS if (m_hTraceHandle) { FreeLibrary ((CFBundleRef)m_hTraceHandle); } #elif defined LINUX || defined SOLARIS || defined UNIX if (m_hTraceHandle) { ::dlclose (m_hTraceHandle); } #endif #endif m_hTraceHandle = NULL; m_fpDebugTrace = NULL; m_fpInfoTrace = NULL; m_fpWarnTrace = NULL; m_fpErrorTrace = NULL; // g_bWelsLibLoaded = false; m_WelsTraceExistFlag = false; } int32_t welsCodecTrace::WelsTraceModuleIsExist() { return m_WelsTraceExistFlag; } void welsCodecTrace::TraceString (int32_t iLevel, const str_t* str) { #ifdef _WIN32 switch (iLevel) { case WELS_LOG_ERROR: if (m_fpErrorTrace) m_fpErrorTrace ("%s", str); break; case WELS_LOG_WARNING: if (m_fpWarnTrace) m_fpWarnTrace ("%s", str); break; case WELS_LOG_INFO: if (m_fpInfoTrace) m_fpInfoTrace ("%s", str); break; case WELS_LOG_DEBUG: if (m_fpDebugTrace) m_fpDebugTrace ("%s", str); break; default: if (m_fpDebugTrace) m_fpInfoTrace ("%s", str); break; } #else switch (iLevel) { case WELS_LOG_ERROR: if (m_fpErrorTrace) m_fpErrorTrace ("CODEC", "%s", str); break; case WELS_LOG_WARNING: if (m_fpWarnTrace) m_fpWarnTrace ("CODEC", "%s", str); break; case WELS_LOG_INFO: if (m_fpInfoTrace) m_fpInfoTrace ("CODEC", "%s", str); break; case WELS_LOG_DEBUG: if (m_fpInfoTrace) m_fpInfoTrace ("CODEC", "%s", str); break; default: if (m_fpInfoTrace) m_fpInfoTrace ("CODEC", "%s", str); break; } #endif } #define MAX_LOG_SIZE 1024 void welsCodecTrace::CODEC_TRACE (void* ignore, const int32_t iLevel, const str_t* Str_Format, va_list vl) { // if(g_traceLevel < iLevel) if (m_iTraceLevel < iLevel) { return; } str_t WStr_Format[MAX_LOG_SIZE] = {0}; str_t pBuf[MAX_LOG_SIZE] = {0}; str_t cResult[MAX_LOG_SIZE] = {0}; const int32_t len = STRNLEN ("[ENCODER]: ", MAX_LOG_SIZE); // confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage STRNCPY (WStr_Format, MAX_LOG_SIZE, Str_Format, STRNLEN (Str_Format, MAX_LOG_SIZE)); // confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage STRNCPY (pBuf, MAX_LOG_SIZE, "[ENCODER]: ", len); // confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage #if defined(_WIN32) #if defined(_MSC_VER) #if _MSC_VER>=1500 VSPRINTF (pBuf + len, MAX_LOG_SIZE - len, WStr_Format, vl); // confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage #else VSPRINTF (pBuf + len, WStr_Format, vl); // confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage #endif//_MSC_VER>=1500 #endif//_MSC_VER #else//__GNUC__ VSPRINTF (pBuf + len, WStr_Format, vl); // confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage #endif//WIN32 STRNCPY (cResult, MAX_LOG_SIZE, pBuf, STRNLEN (pBuf, MAX_LOG_SIZE)); // confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage // g_WelsCodecTrace.TraceString(iLevel, cResult); welsCodecTrace::TraceString (iLevel, cResult); } void welsCodecTrace::SetTraceLevel (const int32_t iLevel) { // g_traceLevel = iLevel; if (iLevel >= 0) m_iTraceLevel = iLevel; }