ref: 3789d4e69a7753dee3287f0794d9bbf66c6f4d44
dir: /codec/api/svc/codec_app_def.h/
/*! * \copy * Copyright (c) 2013, Cisco Systems * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #ifndef WELS_VIDEO_CODEC_APPLICATION_DEFINITION_H__ #define WELS_VIDEO_CODEC_APPLICATION_DEFINITION_H__ ////////////////Data and /or structures introduced in Cisco OpenH264 application//////////////// /* Constants */ #define MAX_TEMPORAL_LAYER_NUM 5 #define MAX_SPATIAL_LAYER_NUM 4 #define MAX_QUALITY_LAYER_NUM 4 #define MAX_LAYER_NUM_OF_FRAME 128 #define MAX_NAL_UNITS_IN_LAYER 128 // predetermined here, adjust it later if need #define MAX_RTP_PAYLOAD_LEN 1000 #define AVERAGE_RTP_PAYLOAD_LEN 800 #define SAVED_NALUNIT_NUM_TMP ( (MAX_SPATIAL_LAYER_NUM*MAX_QUALITY_LAYER_NUM) + 1 + MAX_SPATIAL_LAYER_NUM ) //SPS/PPS + SEI/SSEI + PADDING_NAL #define MAX_SLICES_NUM_TMP ( ( MAX_NAL_UNITS_IN_LAYER - SAVED_NALUNIT_NUM_TMP ) / 3 ) typedef enum { /* Errors derived from bitstream parsing */ dsErrorFree = 0x00, /* Bitstream error-free */ dsFramePending = 0x01, /* Need more throughput to generate a frame output, */ dsRefLost = 0x02, /* layer lost at reference frame with temporal id 0 */ dsBitstreamError = 0x04, /* Error bitstreams(maybe broken internal frame) the decoder cared */ dsDepLayerLost = 0x08, /* Dependented layer is ever lost */ dsNoParamSets = 0x10, /* No parameter set NALs involved */ /* Errors derived from logic level */ dsInvalidArgument = 0x1000, /* Invalid argument specified */ dsInitialOptExpected = 0x2000, /* Initializing operation is expected */ dsOutOfMemory = 0x4000, /* Out of memory due to new request */ /* ANY OTHERS? */ dsDstBufNeedExpand = 0x8000 /* Actual picture size exceeds size of dst pBuffer feed in decoder, so need expand its size */ } DECODING_STATE; /* Option types introduced in SVC encoder application */ typedef enum { ENCODER_OPTION_DATAFORMAT = 0, ENCODER_OPTION_IDR_INTERVAL, ENCODER_OPTION_SVC_ENCODE_PARAM, ENCODER_OPTION_FRAME_RATE, ENCODER_OPTION_iBitRate, ENCODER_OPTION_INTER_SPATIAL_PRED, ENCODER_OPTION_RC_MODE, ENCODER_PADDING_PADDING, ENCODER_LTR_RECOVERY_REQUEST, ENCODER_LTR_MARKING_FEEDBACK, ENCOCER_LTR_MARKING_PERIOD, ENCODER_OPTION_LTR, ENCODER_OPTION_ENABLE_SSEI, //disable SSEI: true--disable ssei; false--enable ssei ENCODER_OPTION_ENABLE_PREFIX_NAL_ADDING, //enable prefix: true--enable prefix; false--disable prefix ENCODER_OPTION_ENABLE_SPS_PPS_ID_ADDITION, //disable pSps/pPps id addition: true--disable pSps/pPps id; false--enable pSps/pPps id addistion ENCODER_OPTION_CURRENT_PATH } ENCODER_OPTION; /* Option types introduced in SVC decoder application */ typedef enum { DECODER_OPTION_DATAFORMAT = 0, /* Set color space of decoding output frame */ DECODER_OPTION_TRUNCATED_MODE, /* Used in decoding bitstream of non integrated frame, only truncated working mode is supported by tune, so skip it */ DECODER_OPTION_END_OF_STREAM, /* Indicate bitstream of the final frame to be decoded */ DECODER_OPTION_VCL_NAL, //feedback whether or not have VCL NAL in current AU for application layer DECODER_OPTION_TEMPORAL_ID, //feedback temporal id for application layer DECODER_OPTION_MODE, // indicates the decoding mode DECODER_OPTION_OUTPUT_PROPERTY, DECODER_OPTION_FRAME_NUM, //feedback current decoded frame number DECODER_OPTION_IDR_PIC_ID, // feedback current frame belong to which IDR period DECODER_OPTION_LTR_MARKING_FLAG, // feedback wether current frame mark a LTR DECODER_OPTION_LTR_MARKED_FRAME_NUM, // feedback frame num marked by current Frame DECODER_OPTION_DEVICE_INFO, } DECODER_OPTION; typedef enum { //feedback that whether or not have VCL NAL in current AU FEEDBACK_NON_VCL_NAL = 0, FEEDBACK_VCL_NAL, FEEDBACK_UNKNOWN_NAL } FEEDBACK_VCL_NAL_IN_AU; typedef enum { //feedback the iTemporalId in current AU if have VCL NAL FEEDBACK_TEMPORAL_ID_0 = 0, FEEDBACK_TEMPORAL_ID_1, FEEDBACK_TEMPORAL_ID_2, FEEDBACK_TEMPORAL_ID_3, FEEDBACK_TEMPORAL_ID_4, FEEDBACK_UNKNOWN_TEMPORAL_ID } FEEDBACK_TEMPORAL_ID; /* Type of layer being encoded */ typedef enum { NON_VIDEO_CODING_LAYER = 0, VIDEO_CODING_LAYER = 1 } LAYER_TYPE; /* SVC Encoder/Decoder Initializing Parameter Types */ typedef enum { INIT_TYPE_PARAMETER_BASED = 0, // For SVC DEMO Application INIT_TYPE_CONFIG_BASED, // For SVC CONSOLE Application } INIT_TYPE; //enumerate the type of video bitstream which is provided to decoder typedef enum { VIDEO_BITSTREAM_AVC = 0, VIDEO_BITSTREAM_SVC = 1, VIDEO_BITSTREAM_DEFAULT = VIDEO_BITSTREAM_SVC, } VIDEO_BITSTREAM_TYPE; typedef enum { NO_RECOVERY_REQUSET = 0, LTR_RECOVERY_REQUEST = 1, IDR_RECOVERY_REQUEST = 2, NO_LTR_MARKING_FEEDBACK = 3, LTR_MARKING_SUCCESS = 4, LTR_MARKING_FAILED = 5, } KEY_FRAME_REQUEST_TYPE; typedef struct { unsigned int uiFeedbackType; //IDR request or LTR recovery request unsigned int uiIDRPicId; // distinguish request from different IDR int iLastCorrectFrameNum; int iCurrentFrameNum; //specify current decoder frame_num. } SLTRRecoverRequest; typedef struct { unsigned int uiFeedbackType; //mark failed or successful unsigned int uiIDRPicId; // distinguish request from different IDR int iLTRFrameNum; //specify current decoder frame_num } SLTRMarkingFeedback; #pragma pack(1) typedef struct { //# 0 SM_SINGLE_SLICE | SliceNum==1 //# 1 SM_FIXEDSLCNUM_SLICE | according to SliceNum | Enabled dynamic slicing for multi-thread //# 2 SM_RASTER_SLICE | according to SlicesAssign | Need input of MB numbers each slice. In addition, if other constraint in SSliceArgument is presented, need to follow the constraints. Typically if MB num and slice size are both constrained, re-encoding may be involved. //# 3 SM_ROWMB_SLICE | according to PictureMBHeight | Typical of single row of mbs each slice?+ slice size constraint which including re-encoding //# 4 SM_DYN_SLICE | according to SliceSize | Dynamic slicing (have no idea about slice_nums until encoding current frame) unsigned int uiSliceMode; //by default, uiSliceMode will be 0 struct { unsigned int uiSliceMbNum[MAX_SLICES_NUM_TMP]; //here we use a tmp fixed value since MAX_SLICES_NUM is not defined here and its definition may be changed; unsigned int uiSliceNum; unsigned int uiSliceSizeConstraint; } sSliceArgument;//not all the elements in this argument will be used, how it will be used depends on uiSliceMode; see below } SSliceConfig; typedef struct { int iVideoWidth; // video size in cx specified for a layer int iVideoHeight; // video size in cy specified for a layer float fFrameRate; // frame rate specified for a layer int iQualityLayerNum; // layer number at quality level int iSpatialBitrate; // target bitrate for a spatial layer int iCgsSnrRefined; // 0: SNR layers all MGS; 1: SNR layers all CGS int iInterSpatialLayerPredFlag; // 0: diabled [independency spatial layer coding]; 1: enabled [base spatial layer dependency coding] int iQualityBitrate[MAX_QUALITY_LAYER_NUM]; // target bitrate for a quality layer SSliceConfig sSliceCfg; } SSpatialLayerConfig; /* SVC Encoding Parameters */ typedef struct { int iPicWidth; // width of picture in samples int iPicHeight; // height of picture in samples int iTargetBitrate; // target bitrate desired int iTemporalLayerNum; // layer number at temporal level int iSpatialLayerNum; // layer number at spatial level float fFrameRate; // input maximal frame rate int iInputCsp; // color space of input sequence int iKeyPicCodingMode;// mode of key picture coding int iIntraPeriod; // period of Intra frame bool bEnableSpsPpsIdAddition; bool bPrefixNalAddingCtrl; bool bEnableDenoise; // denoise control bool bEnableBackgroundDetection; // background detection control //VAA_BACKGROUND_DETECTION //BGD cmd bool bEnableAdaptiveQuant; // adaptive quantization control bool bEnableCropPic; // enable cropping source picture. 8/25/2010 // FALSE: Streaming Video Sharing; TRUE: Video Conferencing Meeting; bool bEnableLongTermReference; // 0: on, 1: off int iLtrMarkPeriod; int iRCMode; // RC mode int iTemporalBitrate[MAX_TEMPORAL_LAYER_NUM]; // target bitrate specified for a temporal level int iPaddingFlag; // 0:disable padding;1:padding SSpatialLayerConfig sSpatialLayers[MAX_SPATIAL_LAYER_NUM]; } SVCEncodingParam, *PSVCEncodingParam; //Define a new struct to show the property of video bitstream. typedef struct { unsigned int size; //size of the struct VIDEO_BITSTREAM_TYPE eVideoBsType; } SVideoProperty; /* SVC Decoding Parameters, reserved here and potential applicable in the future */ typedef struct TagSVCDecodingParam { char* pFileNameRestructed; // File name of restructed frame used for PSNR calculation based debug int iOutputColorFormat; // color space format to be outputed, EVideoFormatType specified in codec_def.h unsigned int uiCpuLoad; // CPU load unsigned char uiTargetDqLayer; // Setting target dq layer id unsigned char uiEcActiveFlag; // Whether active error concealment feature in decoder SVideoProperty sVideoProperty; } SDecodingParam, *PDecodingParam; /* Bitstream inforamtion of a layer being encoded */ typedef struct { unsigned char uiTemporalId; unsigned char uiSpatialId; unsigned char uiQualityId; unsigned char uiPriorityId; //ignore it currently unsigned char uiLayerType; int iNalCount; // Count number of NAL coded already int iNalLengthInByte[MAX_NAL_UNITS_IN_LAYER]; // Length of NAL size in byte from 0 to iNalCount-1 unsigned char* pBsBuf; // Buffer of bitstream contained } SLayerBSInfo, *PLayerBSInfo; typedef struct { int iTemporalId; // Temporal ID unsigned char uiFrameType; int iLayerNum; SLayerBSInfo sLayerInfo[MAX_LAYER_NUM_OF_FRAME]; } SFrameBSInfo, *PFrameBSInfo; typedef struct Source_Picture_s { int iColorFormat; // color space type int iStride[4]; // stride for each plane pData unsigned char* pData[4]; // plane pData int iPicWidth; // luma picture width in x coordinate int iPicHeight; // luma picture height in y coordinate } SSourcePicture; #pragma pack() #endif//WELS_VIDEO_CODEC_APPLICATION_DEFINITION_H__