dsp: use thread funcs
dsp: turn more functions static
make Auxdsp private
cfg: used wrong checkbox state pointer
cfg: smaller (on axis Y) controls
move ui glue and aux to base
dsp: FAUSTFLOAT -> float
add license, apparently forgot about it
cfg: better labeling when executed deeper than the top of an instance
add "repeat" util to loop over raw data
build and install "sample" command by default
add daw/sample command, which converts raw "data" into a finite sample file
dsp: regenerate C code from within 9front through host os interface
gen: add a dummy field to empty structs (some DSPs are generated with those)
uiglue: allow ui controls without prior declarations
fix gen.sh and print a warning when dsp file changed
Merge commit '0ac294decc984c7c3b0272db4de45728dadc38c5' as 'microui'
Squashed 'microui/' content from commit 664a525
rename and update the readme
automatically resize and align windows on start
button/checkbox: stick to 0/1
regenerate using faust v2.20.2
cfg: fix a crash in a dir with no children
kick drum: impulsify gate to reset A's phase
kick drum: reset osc phase on gate ON
cfg: fix button state on press/release, fixes gate not working
kick drum: add gain and gate
math.h: add more definitions
cfg: remove stupid fabs
kick drum: add unit to B frequency
readme: update instructions
cfg: configuring DSPs through a GUI
remove nuklear stuff
uiglue: take the value as it is for button and checkbox
uiglue: ctl write: return an error if failed to parse float
uiglue: button/checkbox ctl reader: read as float
kick drum: rename/rearrange controls and remove the gate button
fs: set ofcall.count properly
circle: fix wrong offset
beginning of DSP configuration GUI tool
gen.sh: print an error if can't figure out class name
split out ui types to use for gui
reword internal data structures, keep generated code in
increase kick drum's afreq and brelease maximum values; update example
make kick drum provide just one channel, better example
forgot about the gate
call clear() on seek to 0, update example in the readme
instance ctl: clear/reset/init commands
fix out of range checks
forgot one extra sleep; update readme
readme: a more interesting example
gen.sh: fix for more SIG* variants
use hard syncing oscillator
use %g instead of %f
rename ui element types and update readme
proper ui metadata handling
add more todo and clean up readme a bit
update readme again
remove generated code
update the description
somewhat first working version
a bit more description
put generation into a single file