ref: d311c8e87038a48dc4162df0e2821c04dc0f6fa3
dir: /src/OSGLUCCO.m/
/* OSGLUCCO.m Copyright (C) 2012 Paul C. Pratt, SDL by Sam Lantinga and others You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of the license along with this file; see the file COPYING. This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license for more details. */ /* Operating System GLUe for mac os CoCOa All operating system dependent code for the Mac OS Cocoa should go here. Originally derived from Cocoa port of SDL Library by Sam Lantinga (but little trace of that remains). */ #include "CNFGRAPI.h" #include "SYSDEPNS.h" #include "ENDIANAC.h" #include "MYOSGLUE.h" #include "STRCONST.h" /* --- adapting to API/ABI version differences --- */ #ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 #define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 1050 #endif #ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 #define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 1060 #endif #ifndef WantGraphicsSwitching #define WantGraphicsSwitching 0 #endif #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 > MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED typedef unsigned long NSUInteger; typedef long NSInteger; typedef struct __CFError * CFErrorRef; #if WantGraphicsSwitching #define NSOpenGLPFAAllowOfflineRenderers \ (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)96 #endif #endif #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 > MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED @protocol NSWindowDelegate <NSObject> @end @protocol NSApplicationDelegate <NSObject> @end #endif LOCALVAR CFBundleRef AppServBunRef; LOCALVAR blnr DidApplicationServicesBun = falseblnr; LOCALFUNC blnr HaveApplicationServicesBun(void) { if (! DidApplicationServicesBun) { AppServBunRef = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier( CFSTR("")); DidApplicationServicesBun = trueblnr; } return (AppServBunRef != NULL); } #if MayFullScreen LOCALVAR CFBundleRef HIToolboxBunRef; LOCALVAR blnr DidHIToolboxBunRef = falseblnr; LOCALFUNC blnr HaveHIToolboxBunRef(void) { if (! DidHIToolboxBunRef) { HIToolboxBunRef = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier( CFSTR("")); DidHIToolboxBunRef = trueblnr; } return (HIToolboxBunRef != NULL); } #endif #if MayFullScreen /* SetSystemUIModeProcPtr API always not available */ typedef UInt32 MySystemUIMode; typedef OptionBits MySystemUIOptions; enum { MykUIModeNormal = 0, MykUIModeAllHidden = 3 }; enum { MykUIOptionAutoShowMenuBar = 1 << 0, MykUIOptionDisableAppleMenu = 1 << 2, MykUIOptionDisableProcessSwitch = 1 << 3, MykUIOptionDisableForceQuit = 1 << 4, MykUIOptionDisableSessionTerminate = 1 << 5, MykUIOptionDisableHide = 1 << 6 }; typedef OSStatus (*SetSystemUIModeProcPtr) (MySystemUIMode inMode, MySystemUIOptions inOptions); LOCALVAR SetSystemUIModeProcPtr MySetSystemUIMode = NULL; LOCALVAR blnr DidSetSystemUIMode = falseblnr; LOCALFUNC blnr HaveMySetSystemUIMode(void) { if (! DidSetSystemUIMode) { if (HaveHIToolboxBunRef()) { MySetSystemUIMode = (SetSystemUIModeProcPtr) CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName( HIToolboxBunRef, CFSTR("SetSystemUIMode")); } DidSetSystemUIMode = trueblnr; } return (MySetSystemUIMode != NULL); } #endif typedef Boolean (*CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKeyProcPtr) ( CFURLRef url, CFStringRef key, void *propertyValueTypeRefPtr, CFErrorRef *error ); LOCALVAR CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKeyProcPtr MyCFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey = NULL; LOCALVAR blnr DidCFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey = falseblnr; LOCALFUNC blnr HaveMyCFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey(void) { if (! DidCFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey) { if (HaveApplicationServicesBun()) { MyCFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey = (CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKeyProcPtr) CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName( AppServBunRef, CFSTR("CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey")); } DidCFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey = trueblnr; } return (MyCFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey != NULL); } LOCALVAR const CFStringRef *MykCFURLIsAliasFileKey = NULL; LOCALVAR blnr DidkCFURLIsAliasFileKey = falseblnr; LOCALFUNC blnr HaveMykCFURLIsAliasFileKey(void) { if (! DidkCFURLIsAliasFileKey) { if (HaveApplicationServicesBun()) { MykCFURLIsAliasFileKey = (const CFStringRef *) CFBundleGetDataPointerForName( AppServBunRef, CFSTR("kCFURLIsAliasFileKey")); } DidkCFURLIsAliasFileKey = trueblnr; } return (MykCFURLIsAliasFileKey != NULL); } LOCALVAR const CFStringRef *MykCFURLIsSymbolicLinkKey = NULL; LOCALVAR blnr DidkCFURLIsSymbolicLinkKey = falseblnr; LOCALFUNC blnr HaveMykCFURLIsSymbolicLinkKey(void) { if (! DidkCFURLIsSymbolicLinkKey) { if (HaveApplicationServicesBun()) { MykCFURLIsSymbolicLinkKey = (const CFStringRef *) CFBundleGetDataPointerForName( AppServBunRef, CFSTR("kCFURLIsSymbolicLinkKey")); } DidkCFURLIsSymbolicLinkKey = trueblnr; } return (MykCFURLIsSymbolicLinkKey != NULL); } typedef CFDataRef (*CFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFileProcPtr) ( CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFURLRef fileURL, CFErrorRef *errorRef); LOCALVAR CFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFileProcPtr MyCFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFile = NULL; LOCALVAR blnr DidCFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFile = falseblnr; LOCALFUNC blnr HaveMyCFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFile(void) { if (! DidCFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFile) { if (HaveApplicationServicesBun()) { MyCFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFile = (CFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFileProcPtr) CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(AppServBunRef, CFSTR("CFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFile")); } DidCFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFile = trueblnr; } return (MyCFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFile != NULL); } typedef CFOptionFlags MyCFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions; typedef CFURLRef (*CFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkDataProcPtr) ( CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFDataRef bookmark, MyCFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions options, CFURLRef relativeToURL, CFArrayRef resourcePropertiesToInclude, Boolean* isStale, CFErrorRef* error); LOCALVAR CFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkDataProcPtr MyCFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData = NULL; LOCALVAR blnr DidCFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData = falseblnr; LOCALFUNC blnr HaveMyCFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData(void) { if (! DidCFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData) { if (HaveApplicationServicesBun()) { MyCFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData = (CFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkDataProcPtr) CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(AppServBunRef, CFSTR("CFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData")); } DidCFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData = trueblnr; } return (MyCFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData != NULL); } typedef boolean_t (*CGCursorIsVisibleProcPtr)(void); LOCALVAR CGCursorIsVisibleProcPtr MyCGCursorIsVisible = NULL; LOCALVAR blnr DidCGCursorIsVisible = falseblnr; LOCALFUNC blnr HaveMyCGCursorIsVisible(void) { if (! DidCGCursorIsVisible) { if (HaveApplicationServicesBun()) { MyCGCursorIsVisible = (CGCursorIsVisibleProcPtr) CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName( AppServBunRef, CFSTR("CGCursorIsVisible")); } DidCGCursorIsVisible = trueblnr; } return (MyCGCursorIsVisible != NULL); } /* --- some simple utilities --- */ GLOBALOSGLUPROC MyMoveBytes(anyp srcPtr, anyp destPtr, si5b byteCount) { (void) memcpy((char *)destPtr, (char *)srcPtr, byteCount); } /* --- control mode and internationalization --- */ #define NeedCell2UnicodeMap 1 #include "INTLCHAR.h" /* --- sending debugging info to file --- */ LOCALVAR NSString *myAppName = nil; LOCALVAR NSString *MyDataPath = nil; #if dbglog_HAVE #define dbglog_ToStdErr 0 #if ! dbglog_ToStdErr LOCALVAR FILE *dbglog_File = NULL; #endif LOCALFUNC blnr dbglog_open0(void) { #if dbglog_ToStdErr return trueblnr; #else NSString *myLogPath = [MyDataPath stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"dbglog.txt"]; const char *path = [myLogPath fileSystemRepresentation]; dbglog_File = fopen(path, "w"); return (NULL != dbglog_File); #endif } LOCALPROC dbglog_write0(char *s, uimr L) { #if dbglog_ToStdErr (void) fwrite(s, 1, L, stderr); #else if (NULL != dbglog_File) { (void) fwrite(s, 1, L, dbglog_File); } #endif } LOCALPROC dbglog_close0(void) { #if ! dbglog_ToStdErr if (NULL != dbglog_File) { fclose(dbglog_File); dbglog_File = NULL; } #endif } #endif /* --- information about the environment --- */ #define WantColorTransValid 1 #include "COMOSGLU.h" #define WantKeyboard_RemapMac 1 #include "PBUFSTDC.h" #include "CONTROLM.h" /* --- text translation --- */ LOCALPROC UniCharStrFromSubstCStr(int *L, unichar *x, char *s) { int i; int L0; ui3b ps[ClStrMaxLength]; ClStrFromSubstCStr(&L0, ps, s); for (i = 0; i < L0; ++i) { x[i] = Cell2UnicodeMap[ps[i]]; } *L = L0; } LOCALFUNC NSString * NSStringCreateFromSubstCStr(char *s) { int L; unichar x[ClStrMaxLength]; UniCharStrFromSubstCStr(&L, x, s); return [NSString stringWithCharacters:x length:L]; } #if IncludeSonyNameNew LOCALFUNC blnr MacRomanFileNameToNSString(tPbuf i, NSString **r) { ui3p p; void *Buffer = PbufDat[i]; ui5b L = PbufSize[i]; p = (ui3p)malloc(L /* + 1 */); if (p != NULL) { NSData *d; ui3b *p0 = (ui3b *)Buffer; ui3b *p1 = (ui3b *)p; if (L > 0) { ui5b j = L; do { ui3b x = *p0++; if (x < 32) { x = '-'; } else if (x >= 128) { } else { switch (x) { case '/': case '<': case '>': case '|': case ':': x = '-'; default: break; } } *p1++ = x; } while (--j > 0); if ('.' == p[0]) { p[0] = '-'; } } #if 0 *p1 = 0; *r = [NSString stringWithCString:(char *)p encoding:NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding]; /* only as of OS X 10.4 */ free(p); #endif d = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:p length:L]; *r = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:d encoding:NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding] autorelease]; [d release]; return trueblnr; } return falseblnr; } #endif #if IncludeSonyGetName || IncludeHostTextClipExchange LOCALFUNC tMacErr NSStringToRomanPbuf(NSString *string, tPbuf *r) { tMacErr v = mnvm_miscErr; NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; #if 0 const char *s = [s0 cStringUsingEncoding: NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding]; ui5r L = strlen(s); /* only as of OS X 10.4 */ #endif #if 0 NSData *d0 = [string dataUsingEncoding: NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding]; #endif NSData *d0 = [string dataUsingEncoding: NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding allowLossyConversion: YES]; const void *s = [d0 bytes]; NSUInteger L = [d0 length]; if (NULL == s) { v = mnvm_miscErr; } else { ui3p p = (ui3p)malloc(L); if (NULL == p) { v = mnvm_miscErr; } else { /* memcpy((char *)p, s, L); */ ui3b *p0 = (ui3b *)s; ui3b *p1 = (ui3b *)p; int i; for (i = L; --i >= 0; ) { ui3b v = *p0++; if (10 == v) { v = 13; } *p1++ = v; } v = PbufNewFromPtr(p, L, r); } } [pool release]; return v; } #endif /* --- drives --- */ LOCALFUNC blnr FindNamedChildPath(NSString *parentPath, char *ChildName, NSString **childPath) { blnr v = falseblnr; #if 0 NSString *ss = [NSString stringWithCString:s encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; /* only as of OS X 10.4 */ #endif #if 0 NSData *d = [NSData dataWithBytes: ChildName length: strlen(ChildName)]; NSString *ss = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:d encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding] autorelease]; #endif NSString *ss = NSStringCreateFromSubstCStr(ChildName); if (nil != ss) { NSString *r = [parentPath stringByAppendingPathComponent: ss]; if (nil != r) { *childPath = r; v = trueblnr; } } return v; } LOCALFUNC NSString *MyResolveAlias(NSString *filePath, Boolean *targetIsFolder) { NSString *resolvedPath = nil; CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFStringRef)filePath, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, NO); if (url != NULL) { if (HaveMyCFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey() && HaveMykCFURLIsAliasFileKey() && HaveMykCFURLIsSymbolicLinkKey() && HaveMyCFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFile() && HaveMyCFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData()) { BOOL isDir; Boolean isStale; CFBooleanRef is_alias_file = NULL; CFBooleanRef is_symbolic_link = NULL; CFDataRef bookmark = NULL; CFURLRef resolvedurl = NULL; if (MyCFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey(url, *MykCFURLIsAliasFileKey, &is_alias_file, NULL)) if (CFBooleanGetValue(is_alias_file)) if (MyCFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey(url, *MykCFURLIsSymbolicLinkKey, &is_symbolic_link, NULL)) if (! CFBooleanGetValue(is_symbolic_link)) if (NULL != (bookmark = MyCFURLCreateBookmarkDataFromFile( kCFAllocatorDefault, url, NULL))) if (NULL != (resolvedurl = MyCFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData( kCFAllocatorDefault, bookmark, 0 /* MyCFURLBookmarkResolutionOptions options */, NULL /* relativeToURL */, NULL /* resourcePropertiesToInclude */, &isStale, NULL /* error */))) if (nil != (resolvedPath = (NSString *)CFURLCopyFileSystemPath( resolvedurl, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle))) { if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath: resolvedPath isDirectory: &isDir]) { *targetIsFolder = isDir; } else { *targetIsFolder = FALSE; } [resolvedPath autorelease]; } if (NULL != resolvedurl) { CFRelease(resolvedurl); } if (NULL != bookmark) { CFRelease(bookmark); } if (NULL != is_alias_file) { CFRelease(is_alias_file); } if (NULL != is_symbolic_link) { CFRelease(is_symbolic_link); } } else { FSRef fsRef; Boolean wasAliased; if (CFURLGetFSRef(url, &fsRef)) { /* FSResolveAliasFile deprecated in 10.8 */ if ((FSResolveAliasFile(&fsRef, TRUE /*resolveAliasChains*/, targetIsFolder, &wasAliased) == noErr) && wasAliased) { CFURLRef resolvedurl = CFURLCreateFromFSRef(kCFAllocatorDefault, &fsRef); if (resolvedurl != NULL) { resolvedPath = (NSString *)CFURLCopyFileSystemPath( resolvedurl, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle); [resolvedPath autorelease]; CFRelease(resolvedurl); } } } } CFRelease(url); } return resolvedPath; } LOCALFUNC blnr FindNamedChildDirPath(NSString *parentPath, char *ChildName, NSString **childPath) { NSString *r; BOOL isDir; Boolean isDirectory; blnr v = falseblnr; if (FindNamedChildPath(parentPath, ChildName, &r)) if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:r isDirectory: &isDir]) { if (isDir) { *childPath = r; v = trueblnr; } else { NSString *RslvPath = MyResolveAlias(r, &isDirectory); if (nil != RslvPath) { if (isDirectory) { *childPath = RslvPath; v = trueblnr; } } } } return v; } LOCALFUNC blnr FindNamedChildFilePath(NSString *parentPath, char *ChildName, NSString **childPath) { NSString *r; BOOL isDir; Boolean isDirectory; blnr v = falseblnr; if (FindNamedChildPath(parentPath, ChildName, &r)) if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:r isDirectory: &isDir]) { if (! isDir) { NSString *RslvPath = MyResolveAlias(r, &isDirectory); if (nil != RslvPath) { if (! isDirectory) { *childPath = RslvPath; v = trueblnr; } } else { *childPath = r; v = trueblnr; } } } return v; } #define NotAfileRef NULL LOCALVAR FILE *Drives[NumDrives]; /* open disk image files */ #if IncludeSonyGetName || IncludeSonyNew LOCALVAR NSString *DriveNames[NumDrives]; #endif LOCALPROC InitDrives(void) { /* This isn't really needed, Drives[i] and DriveNames[i] need not have valid values when not vSonyIsInserted[i]. */ tDrive i; for (i = 0; i < NumDrives; ++i) { Drives[i] = NotAfileRef; #if IncludeSonyGetName || IncludeSonyNew DriveNames[i] = nil; #endif } } GLOBALOSGLUFUNC tMacErr vSonyTransfer(blnr IsWrite, ui3p Buffer, tDrive Drive_No, ui5r Sony_Start, ui5r Sony_Count, ui5r *Sony_ActCount) { tMacErr err = mnvm_miscErr; FILE *refnum = Drives[Drive_No]; ui5r NewSony_Count = 0; if (0 == fseek(refnum, Sony_Start, SEEK_SET)) { if (IsWrite) { NewSony_Count = fwrite(Buffer, 1, Sony_Count, refnum); } else { NewSony_Count = fread(Buffer, 1, Sony_Count, refnum); } if (NewSony_Count == Sony_Count) { err = mnvm_noErr; } } if (nullpr != Sony_ActCount) { *Sony_ActCount = NewSony_Count; } return err; /*& figure out what really to return &*/ } GLOBALOSGLUFUNC tMacErr vSonyGetSize(tDrive Drive_No, ui5r *Sony_Count) { tMacErr err = mnvm_miscErr; FILE *refnum = Drives[Drive_No]; long v; if (0 == fseek(refnum, 0, SEEK_END)) { v = ftell(refnum); if (v >= 0) { *Sony_Count = v; err = mnvm_noErr; } } return err; /*& figure out what really to return &*/ } #ifndef HaveAdvisoryLocks #define HaveAdvisoryLocks 1 #endif /* What is the difference between fcntl(fd, F_SETLK ... and flock(fd ... ? */ #if HaveAdvisoryLocks LOCALFUNC blnr MyLockFile(FILE *refnum) { blnr IsOk = falseblnr; #if 0 struct flock fl; int fd = fileno(refnum); fl.l_start = 0; /* starting offset */ fl.l_len = 0; /* len = 0 means until end of file */ /* fl.pid_t l_pid; */ /* lock owner, don't need to set */ fl.l_type = F_WRLCK; /* lock type: read/write, etc. */ fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET; /* type of l_start */ if (-1 == fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, &fl)) { MacMsg(kStrImageInUseTitle, kStrImageInUseMessage, falseblnr); } else { IsOk = trueblnr; } #else int fd = fileno(refnum); if (-1 == flock(fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) { if (EWOULDBLOCK == errno) { /* already locked */ MacMsg(kStrImageInUseTitle, kStrImageInUseMessage, falseblnr); } else { /* Failed for other reasons, such as unsupported for this volume. Don't prevent opening. */ IsOk = trueblnr; } } else { IsOk = trueblnr; } #endif return IsOk; } #endif #if HaveAdvisoryLocks LOCALPROC MyUnlockFile(FILE *refnum) { #if 0 struct flock fl; int fd = fileno(refnum); fl.l_start = 0; /* starting offset */ fl.l_len = 0; /* len = 0 means until end of file */ /* fl.pid_t l_pid; */ /* lock owner, don't need to set */ fl.l_type = F_UNLCK; /* lock type: read/write, etc. */ fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET; /* type of l_start */ if (-1 == fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, &fl)) { /* an error occurred */ } #else int fd = fileno(refnum); if (-1 == flock(fd, LOCK_UN)) { } #endif } #endif LOCALFUNC tMacErr vSonyEject0(tDrive Drive_No, blnr deleteit) { FILE *refnum = Drives[Drive_No]; DiskEjectedNotify(Drive_No); #if HaveAdvisoryLocks MyUnlockFile(refnum); #endif fclose(refnum); Drives[Drive_No] = NotAfileRef; /* not really needed */ #if IncludeSonyGetName || IncludeSonyNew { NSString *filePath = DriveNames[Drive_No]; if (NULL != filePath) { if (deleteit) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; const char *s = [filePath fileSystemRepresentation]; remove(s); [pool release]; } [filePath release]; DriveNames[Drive_No] = NULL; /* not really needed */ } } #endif return mnvm_noErr; } GLOBALOSGLUFUNC tMacErr vSonyEject(tDrive Drive_No) { return vSonyEject0(Drive_No, falseblnr); } #if IncludeSonyNew GLOBALOSGLUFUNC tMacErr vSonyEjectDelete(tDrive Drive_No) { return vSonyEject0(Drive_No, trueblnr); } #endif LOCALPROC UnInitDrives(void) { tDrive i; for (i = 0; i < NumDrives; ++i) { if (vSonyIsInserted(i)) { (void) vSonyEject(i); } } } #if IncludeSonyGetName GLOBALOSGLUFUNC tMacErr vSonyGetName(tDrive Drive_No, tPbuf *r) { tMacErr v = mnvm_miscErr; NSString *filePath = DriveNames[Drive_No]; if (NULL != filePath) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSString *s0 = [filePath lastPathComponent]; v = NSStringToRomanPbuf(s0, r); [pool release]; } return v; } #endif LOCALFUNC blnr Sony_Insert0(FILE *refnum, blnr locked, NSString *filePath) { tDrive Drive_No; blnr IsOk = falseblnr; if (! FirstFreeDisk(&Drive_No)) { MacMsg(kStrTooManyImagesTitle, kStrTooManyImagesMessage, falseblnr); } else { /* printf("Sony_Insert0 %d\n", (int)Drive_No); */ #if HaveAdvisoryLocks if (locked || MyLockFile(refnum)) #endif { Drives[Drive_No] = refnum; DiskInsertNotify(Drive_No, locked); #if IncludeSonyGetName || IncludeSonyNew DriveNames[Drive_No] = [filePath retain]; #endif IsOk = trueblnr; } } if (! IsOk) { fclose(refnum); } return IsOk; } LOCALFUNC blnr Sony_Insert1(NSString *filePath, blnr silentfail) { /* const char *drivepath = [filePath UTF8String]; */ const char *drivepath = [filePath fileSystemRepresentation]; blnr locked = falseblnr; /* printf("Sony_Insert1 %s\n", drivepath); */ FILE *refnum = fopen(drivepath, "rb+"); if (NULL == refnum) { locked = trueblnr; refnum = fopen(drivepath, "rb"); } if (NULL == refnum) { if (! silentfail) { MacMsg(kStrOpenFailTitle, kStrOpenFailMessage, falseblnr); } } else { return Sony_Insert0(refnum, locked, filePath); } return falseblnr; } LOCALFUNC blnr Sony_Insert2(char *s) { NSString *sPath; if (! FindNamedChildFilePath(MyDataPath, s, &sPath)) { return falseblnr; } else { return Sony_Insert1(sPath, trueblnr); } } LOCALFUNC tMacErr LoadMacRomPath(NSString *RomPath) { FILE *ROM_File; int File_Size; tMacErr err = mnvm_fnfErr; const char *path = [RomPath fileSystemRepresentation]; ROM_File = fopen(path, "rb"); if (NULL != ROM_File) { File_Size = fread(ROM, 1, kROM_Size, ROM_File); if (kROM_Size != File_Size) { if (feof(ROM_File)) { MacMsgOverride(kStrShortROMTitle, kStrShortROMMessage); err = mnvm_eofErr; } else { MacMsgOverride(kStrNoReadROMTitle, kStrNoReadROMMessage); err = mnvm_miscErr; } } else { err = ROM_IsValid(); } fclose(ROM_File); } return err; } LOCALFUNC blnr Sony_Insert1a(NSString *filePath) { blnr v; if (! ROM_loaded) { v = (mnvm_noErr == LoadMacRomPath(filePath)); } else { v = Sony_Insert1(filePath, falseblnr); } return v; } LOCALPROC Sony_ResolveInsert(NSString *filePath) { Boolean isDirectory; NSString *RslvPath = MyResolveAlias(filePath, &isDirectory); if (nil != RslvPath) { if (! isDirectory) { (void) Sony_Insert1a(RslvPath); } } else { (void) Sony_Insert1a(filePath); } } LOCALFUNC blnr Sony_InsertIth(int i) { blnr v; if ((i > 9) || ! FirstFreeDisk(nullpr)) { v = falseblnr; } else { char s[] = "disk?.dsk"; s[4] = '0' + i; v = Sony_Insert2(s); } return v; } LOCALFUNC blnr LoadInitialImages(void) { if (! AnyDiskInserted()) { int i; for (i = 1; Sony_InsertIth(i); ++i) { /* stop on first error (including file not found) */ } } return trueblnr; } #if IncludeSonyNew LOCALFUNC blnr WriteZero(FILE *refnum, ui5b L) { #define ZeroBufferSize 2048 ui5b i; ui3b buffer[ZeroBufferSize]; memset(&buffer, 0, ZeroBufferSize); while (L > 0) { i = (L > ZeroBufferSize) ? ZeroBufferSize : L; if (fwrite(buffer, 1, i, refnum) != i) { return falseblnr; } L -= i; } return trueblnr; } #endif #if IncludeSonyNew LOCALPROC MakeNewDisk0(ui5b L, NSString *sPath) { blnr IsOk = falseblnr; const char *drivepath = [sPath fileSystemRepresentation]; FILE *refnum = fopen(drivepath, "wb+"); if (NULL == refnum) { MacMsg(kStrOpenFailTitle, kStrOpenFailMessage, falseblnr); } else { if (WriteZero(refnum, L)) { IsOk = Sony_Insert0(refnum, falseblnr, sPath); refnum = NULL; } if (refnum != NULL) { fclose(refnum); } if (! IsOk) { (void) remove(drivepath); } } } #endif /* --- ROM --- */ LOCALFUNC tMacErr LoadMacRomFrom(NSString *parentPath) { NSString *RomPath; tMacErr err = mnvm_fnfErr; if (FindNamedChildFilePath(parentPath, RomFileName, &RomPath)) { err = LoadMacRomPath(RomPath); } return err; } LOCALFUNC tMacErr LoadMacRomFromAppDir(void) { return LoadMacRomFrom(MyDataPath); } LOCALFUNC tMacErr LoadMacRomFromPrefDir(void) { NSString *PrefsPath; NSString *GryphelPath; NSString *RomsPath; tMacErr err = mnvm_fnfErr; NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains( NSLibraryDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); if ((nil != paths) && ([paths count] > 0)) { NSString *LibPath = [paths objectAtIndex:0]; if (FindNamedChildDirPath(LibPath, "Preferences", &PrefsPath)) if (FindNamedChildDirPath(PrefsPath, "Gryphel", &GryphelPath)) if (FindNamedChildDirPath(GryphelPath, "mnvm_rom", &RomsPath)) { err = LoadMacRomFrom(RomsPath); } } return err; } LOCALFUNC tMacErr LoadMacRomFromGlobalDir(void) { NSString *GryphelPath; NSString *RomsPath; tMacErr err = mnvm_fnfErr; NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains( NSApplicationSupportDirectory, NSLocalDomainMask, NO); if ((nil != paths) && ([paths count] > 0)) { NSString *LibPath = [paths objectAtIndex:0]; if (FindNamedChildDirPath(LibPath, "Gryphel", &GryphelPath)) if (FindNamedChildDirPath(GryphelPath, "mnvm_rom", &RomsPath)) { err = LoadMacRomFrom(RomsPath); } } return err; } LOCALFUNC blnr LoadMacRom(void) { tMacErr err; if (mnvm_fnfErr == (err = LoadMacRomFromAppDir())) if (mnvm_fnfErr == (err = LoadMacRomFromPrefDir())) if (mnvm_fnfErr == (err = LoadMacRomFromGlobalDir())) { } return trueblnr; /* keep launching Mini vMac, regardless */ } #if IncludeHostTextClipExchange GLOBALOSGLUFUNC tMacErr HTCEexport(tPbuf i) { void *Buffer; ui5r L; tMacErr err = mnvm_miscErr; PbufKillToPtr(&Buffer, &L, i); if (L > 0) { int j; ui3b *p = (ui3b *)Buffer; for (j = L; --j >= 0; ) { ui3b v = *p; if (13 == v) { *p = 10; } ++p; } } { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSData *d = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy: Buffer length: L]; /* NSData *d = [NSData dataWithBytes: Buffer length: L]; */ NSString *ss = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:d encoding:NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding] autorelease]; NSPasteboard *pasteboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; NSArray *newTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObject: NSStringPboardType]; (void) [pasteboard declareTypes: newTypes owner: nil]; if ([pasteboard setString: ss forType: NSStringPboardType]) { err = mnvm_noErr; } [d release]; [pool release]; } return err; } #endif #if IncludeHostTextClipExchange GLOBALOSGLUFUNC tMacErr HTCEimport(tPbuf *r) { tMacErr err = mnvm_miscErr; NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSPasteboard *pasteboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; NSArray *supportedTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObject: NSStringPboardType]; NSString *available = [pasteboard availableTypeFromArray: supportedTypes]; if (nil != available) { NSString *string = [pasteboard stringForType: NSStringPboardType]; if (nil != string) { err = NSStringToRomanPbuf(string, r); } } [pool release]; return err; } #endif #if EmLocalTalk #include "BPFILTER.h" #endif #define UseCGContextDrawImage 0 LOCALVAR NSWindow *MyWindow = nil; LOCALVAR NSView *MyNSview = nil; #if UseCGContextDrawImage LOCALVAR NSGraphicsContext *MyNSgfxContext = nil; LOCALVAR CGContextRef MyCGcontext = nil; LOCALVAR void *MyPixels = NULL; LOCALVAR ui4b MyPitch; LOCALVAR ui3b MyBytesPerPixel; #endif LOCALVAR NSOpenGLContext *MyNSOpnGLCntxt = nil; LOCALVAR short GLhOffset; LOCALVAR short GLvOffset; /* OpenGL coordinates of upper left point of drawing area */ LOCALPROC MyHideCursor(void) { [NSCursor hide]; } LOCALPROC MyShowCursor(void) { if (nil != MyWindow) { [MyWindow invalidateCursorRectsForView: MyNSview]; } #if 0 [cursor->nscursor performSelectorOnMainThread: @selector(set) withObject: nil waitUntilDone: NO]; #endif #if 0 [[NSCursor arrowCursor] set]; #endif [NSCursor unhide]; } #if EnableMoveMouse LOCALFUNC CGPoint QZ_PrivateSDLToCG(NSPoint *p) { CGPoint cgp; *p = [MyNSview convertPoint: *p toView: nil]; p->y = [MyNSview frame].size.height - p->y; *p = [MyWindow convertBaseToScreen: *p]; cgp.x = p->x; cgp.y = CGDisplayPixelsHigh(kCGDirectMainDisplay) - p->y; return cgp; } #endif LOCALPROC QZ_GetMouseLocation(NSPoint *p) { /* incorrect while window is being dragged */ *p = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; /* global coordinates */ if (nil != MyWindow) { *p = [MyWindow convertScreenToBase: *p]; } *p = [MyNSview convertPoint: *p fromView: nil]; p->y = [MyNSview frame].size.height - p->y; } /* --- keyboard --- */ LOCALVAR NSUInteger MyCurrentMods = 0; /* Apple documentation says: "The lower 16 bits of the modifier flags are reserved for device-dependent bits." observed to be: */ #define My_NSLShiftKeyMask 0x0002 #define My_NSRShiftKeyMask 0x0004 #define My_NSLControlKeyMask 0x0001 #define My_NSRControlKeyMask 0x2000 #define My_NSLCommandKeyMask 0x0008 #define My_NSRCommandKeyMask 0x0010 #define My_NSLOptionKeyMask 0x0020 #define My_NSROptionKeyMask 0x0040 /* Avoid using the above unless it is really needed. */ LOCALPROC MyUpdateKeyboardModifiers(NSUInteger newMods) { NSUInteger changeMask = MyCurrentMods ^ newMods; if (0 != changeMask) { if (0 != (changeMask & NSAlphaShiftKeyMask)) { Keyboard_UpdateKeyMap2(MKC_formac_CapsLock, 0 != (newMods & NSAlphaShiftKeyMask)); } #if MKC_formac_RShift == MKC_formac_Shift if (0 != (changeMask & NSShiftKeyMask)) { Keyboard_UpdateKeyMap2(MKC_formac_Shift, 0 != (newMods & NSShiftKeyMask)); } #else if (0 != (changeMask & My_NSLShiftKeyMask)) { Keyboard_UpdateKeyMap2(MKC_formac_Shift, 0 != (newMods & My_NSLShiftKeyMask)); } if (0 != (changeMask & My_NSRShiftKeyMask)) { Keyboard_UpdateKeyMap2(MKC_formac_RShift, 0 != (newMods & My_NSRShiftKeyMask)); } #endif #if MKC_formac_RControl == MKC_formac_Control if (0 != (changeMask & NSControlKeyMask)) { Keyboard_UpdateKeyMap2(MKC_formac_Control, 0 != (newMods & NSControlKeyMask)); } #else if (0 != (changeMask & My_NSLControlKeyMask)) { Keyboard_UpdateKeyMap2(MKC_formac_Control, 0 != (newMods & My_NSLControlKeyMask)); } if (0 != (changeMask & My_NSRControlKeyMask)) { Keyboard_UpdateKeyMap2(MKC_formac_RControl, 0 != (newMods & My_NSRControlKeyMask)); } #endif #if MKC_formac_RCommand == MKC_formac_Command if (0 != (changeMask & NSCommandKeyMask)) { Keyboard_UpdateKeyMap2(MKC_formac_Command, 0 != (newMods & NSCommandKeyMask)); } #else if (0 != (changeMask & My_NSLCommandKeyMask)) { Keyboard_UpdateKeyMap2(MKC_formac_Command, 0 != (newMods & My_NSLCommandKeyMask)); } if (0 != (changeMask & My_NSRCommandKeyMask)) { Keyboard_UpdateKeyMap2(MKC_formac_RCommand, 0 != (newMods & My_NSRCommandKeyMask)); } #endif #if MKC_formac_ROption == MKC_formac_Option if (0 != (changeMask & NSAlternateKeyMask)) { Keyboard_UpdateKeyMap2(MKC_formac_Option, 0 != (newMods & NSAlternateKeyMask)); } #else if (0 != (changeMask & My_NSLOptionKeyMask)) { Keyboard_UpdateKeyMap2(MKC_formac_Option, 0 != (newMods & My_NSLOptionKeyMask)); } if (0 != (changeMask & My_NSROptionKeyMask)) { Keyboard_UpdateKeyMap2(MKC_formac_ROption, 0 != (newMods & My_NSROptionKeyMask)); } #endif MyCurrentMods = newMods; } } /* --- mouse --- */ /* cursor hiding */ LOCALVAR blnr WantCursorHidden = falseblnr; #if MayFullScreen LOCALVAR short hOffset; /* number of pixels to left of drawing area in window */ LOCALVAR short vOffset; /* number of pixels above drawing area in window */ #endif #if MayFullScreen LOCALVAR blnr GrabMachine = falseblnr; #endif #if VarFullScreen LOCALVAR blnr UseFullScreen = (0 != WantInitFullScreen); #endif #if EnableMagnify LOCALVAR blnr UseMagnify = (0 != WantInitMagnify); #endif LOCALVAR blnr gBackgroundFlag = falseblnr; LOCALVAR blnr CurSpeedStopped = trueblnr; #if EnableMagnify #define MaxScale MyWindowScale #else #define MaxScale 1 #endif LOCALVAR blnr HaveCursorHidden = falseblnr; LOCALPROC ForceShowCursor(void) { if (HaveCursorHidden) { HaveCursorHidden = falseblnr; MyShowCursor(); } } /* cursor moving */ #if EnableMoveMouse LOCALFUNC blnr MyMoveMouse(si4b h, si4b v) { NSPoint p; CGPoint cgp; #if VarFullScreen if (UseFullScreen) #endif #if MayFullScreen { h -= ViewHStart; v -= ViewVStart; } #endif #if EnableMagnify if (UseMagnify) { h *= MyWindowScale; v *= MyWindowScale; } #endif #if VarFullScreen if (UseFullScreen) #endif #if MayFullScreen { h += hOffset; v += vOffset; } #endif p = NSMakePoint(h, v); cgp = QZ_PrivateSDLToCG(&p); /* this is the magic call that fixes cursor "freezing" after warp */ CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition(0); CGWarpMouseCursorPosition(cgp); CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition(1); #if 0 if (noErr != CGSetLocalEventsSuppressionInterval(0.0)) { /* don't use MacMsg which can call MyMoveMouse */ } if (noErr != CGWarpMouseCursorPosition(cgp)) { /* don't use MacMsg which can call MyMoveMouse */ } #endif return trueblnr; } #endif #if EnableFSMouseMotion LOCALPROC AdjustMouseMotionGrab(void) { #if MayFullScreen if (GrabMachine) { /* if magnification changes, need to reset, even if HaveMouseMotion already true */ if (MyMoveMouse(ViewHStart + (ViewHSize / 2), ViewVStart + (ViewVSize / 2))) { SavedMouseH = ViewHStart + (ViewHSize / 2); SavedMouseV = ViewVStart + (ViewVSize / 2); HaveMouseMotion = trueblnr; } } else #endif { if (HaveMouseMotion) { (void) MyMoveMouse(CurMouseH, CurMouseV); HaveMouseMotion = falseblnr; } } } #endif #if EnableFSMouseMotion LOCALPROC MyMouseConstrain(void) { si4b shiftdh; si4b shiftdv; if (SavedMouseH < ViewHStart + (ViewHSize / 4)) { shiftdh = ViewHSize / 2; } else if (SavedMouseH > ViewHStart + ViewHSize - (ViewHSize / 4)) { shiftdh = - ViewHSize / 2; } else { shiftdh = 0; } if (SavedMouseV < ViewVStart + (ViewVSize / 4)) { shiftdv = ViewVSize / 2; } else if (SavedMouseV > ViewVStart + ViewVSize - (ViewVSize / 4)) { shiftdv = - ViewVSize / 2; } else { shiftdv = 0; } if ((shiftdh != 0) || (shiftdv != 0)) { SavedMouseH += shiftdh; SavedMouseV += shiftdv; if (! MyMoveMouse(SavedMouseH, SavedMouseV)) { HaveMouseMotion = falseblnr; } } } #endif /* cursor state */ LOCALPROC MousePositionNotify(int NewMousePosh, int NewMousePosv) { blnr ShouldHaveCursorHidden = trueblnr; #if VarFullScreen if (UseFullScreen) #endif #if MayFullScreen { NewMousePosh -= hOffset; NewMousePosv -= vOffset; } #endif #if EnableMagnify if (UseMagnify) { NewMousePosh /= MyWindowScale; NewMousePosv /= MyWindowScale; } #endif #if VarFullScreen if (UseFullScreen) #endif #if MayFullScreen { NewMousePosh += ViewHStart; NewMousePosv += ViewVStart; } #endif #if EnableFSMouseMotion if (HaveMouseMotion) { MyMousePositionSetDelta(NewMousePosh - SavedMouseH, NewMousePosv - SavedMouseV); SavedMouseH = NewMousePosh; SavedMouseV = NewMousePosv; } else #endif { if (NewMousePosh < 0) { NewMousePosh = 0; ShouldHaveCursorHidden = falseblnr; } else if (NewMousePosh >= vMacScreenWidth) { NewMousePosh = vMacScreenWidth - 1; ShouldHaveCursorHidden = falseblnr; } if (NewMousePosv < 0) { NewMousePosv = 0; ShouldHaveCursorHidden = falseblnr; } else if (NewMousePosv >= vMacScreenHeight) { NewMousePosv = vMacScreenHeight - 1; ShouldHaveCursorHidden = falseblnr; } #if VarFullScreen if (UseFullScreen) #endif #if MayFullScreen { ShouldHaveCursorHidden = trueblnr; } #endif /* if (ShouldHaveCursorHidden || CurMouseButton) */ /* for a game like arkanoid, would like mouse to still move even when outside window in one direction */ MyMousePositionSet(NewMousePosh, NewMousePosv); } WantCursorHidden = ShouldHaveCursorHidden; } LOCALPROC CheckMouseState(void) { /* incorrect while window is being dragged so only call when needed. */ NSPoint p; QZ_GetMouseLocation(&p); MousePositionNotify((int) p.x, (int) p.y); } LOCALVAR blnr gTrueBackgroundFlag = falseblnr; LOCALVAR ui3p ScalingBuff = nullpr; LOCALVAR ui3p CLUT_final; #define CLUT_finalsz1 (256 * 8) #if (0 != vMacScreenDepth) && (vMacScreenDepth < 4) #define CLUT_finalClrSz (256 << (5 - vMacScreenDepth)) #define CLUT_finalsz ((CLUT_finalClrSz > CLUT_finalsz1) \ ? CLUT_finalClrSz : CLUT_finalsz1) #else #define CLUT_finalsz CLUT_finalsz1 #endif #define ScrnMapr_DoMap UpdateBWLuminanceCopy #define ScrnMapr_Src GetCurDrawBuff() #define ScrnMapr_Dst ScalingBuff #define ScrnMapr_SrcDepth 0 #define ScrnMapr_DstDepth 3 #define ScrnMapr_Map CLUT_final #include "SCRNMAPR.h" #if (0 != vMacScreenDepth) && (vMacScreenDepth < 4) #define ScrnMapr_DoMap UpdateMappedColorCopy #define ScrnMapr_Src GetCurDrawBuff() #define ScrnMapr_Dst ScalingBuff #define ScrnMapr_SrcDepth vMacScreenDepth #define ScrnMapr_DstDepth 5 #define ScrnMapr_Map CLUT_final #include "SCRNMAPR.h" #endif #if vMacScreenDepth >= 4 #define ScrnTrns_DoTrans UpdateTransColorCopy #define ScrnTrns_Src GetCurDrawBuff() #define ScrnTrns_Dst ScalingBuff #define ScrnTrns_SrcDepth vMacScreenDepth #define ScrnTrns_DstDepth 5 #define ScrnTrns_DstZLo 1 #include "SCRNTRNS.h" #endif LOCALPROC UpdateLuminanceCopy(si4b top, si4b left, si4b bottom, si4b right) { int i; #if 0 != vMacScreenDepth if (UseColorMode) { #if vMacScreenDepth < 4 if (! ColorTransValid) { int j; int k; ui5p p4; p4 = (ui5p)CLUT_final; for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { for (k = 1 << (3 - vMacScreenDepth); --k >= 0; ) { j = (i >> (k << vMacScreenDepth)) & (CLUT_size - 1); *p4++ = (((long)CLUT_reds[j] & 0xFF00) << 16) | (((long)CLUT_greens[j] & 0xFF00) << 8) | ((long)CLUT_blues[j] & 0xFF00); } } ColorTransValid = trueblnr; } UpdateMappedColorCopy(top, left, bottom, right); #else UpdateTransColorCopy(top, left, bottom, right); #endif } else #endif { if (! ColorTransValid) { int k; ui3p p4 = (ui3p)CLUT_final; for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { for (k = 8; --k >= 0; ) { *p4++ = ((i >> k) & 0x01) - 1; } } ColorTransValid = trueblnr; } UpdateBWLuminanceCopy(top, left, bottom, right); } } LOCALPROC MyDrawWithOpenGL(ui4r top, ui4r left, ui4r bottom, ui4r right) { if (nil == MyNSOpnGLCntxt) { /* oops */ } else { si4b top2; si4b left2; #if VarFullScreen if (UseFullScreen) #endif #if MayFullScreen { if (top < ViewVStart) { top = ViewVStart; } if (left < ViewHStart) { left = ViewHStart; } if (bottom > ViewVStart + ViewVSize) { bottom = ViewVStart + ViewVSize; } if (right > ViewHStart + ViewHSize) { right = ViewHStart + ViewHSize; } if ((top >= bottom) || (left >= right)) { goto label_exit; } } #endif top2 = top; left2 = left; #if VarFullScreen if (UseFullScreen) #endif #if MayFullScreen { left2 -= ViewHStart; top2 -= ViewVStart; } #endif #if EnableMagnify if (UseMagnify) { top2 *= MyWindowScale; left2 *= MyWindowScale; } #endif [MyNSOpnGLCntxt makeCurrentContext]; UpdateLuminanceCopy(top, left, bottom, right); glRasterPos2i(GLhOffset + left2, GLvOffset - top2); #if 0 != vMacScreenDepth if (UseColorMode) { glDrawPixels(right - left, bottom - top, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8, ScalingBuff + (left + top * vMacScreenWidth) * 4 ); } else #endif { glDrawPixels(right - left, bottom - top, GL_LUMINANCE, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ScalingBuff + (left + top * vMacScreenWidth) ); } #if 0 /* a very quick and dirty check of where drawing */ glDrawPixels(right - left, 1, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ScalingBuff + (left + top * vMacScreenWidth) ); glDrawPixels(1, bottom - top, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ScalingBuff + (left + top * vMacScreenWidth) ); #endif glFlush(); } #if MayFullScreen label_exit: ; #endif } #if UseCGContextDrawImage LOCALPROC SDL_UpdateRect(si5b x, si5b y, ui5b w, ui5b h) { if ([MyWindow isMiniaturized]) { /* Do nothing if miniaturized */ } else { NSGraphicsContext *ctx = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext]; if (ctx != MyNSgfxContext) { /* uhoh, you might be rendering from another thread... */ [NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext: MyNSgfxContext]; ctx = MyNSgfxContext; } CGContextRef cgc = (CGContextRef) [ctx graphicsPort]; CGContextFlush(MyCGcontext); CGImageRef image = CGBitmapContextCreateImage( MyCGcontext); CGRect rectangle = CGRectMake(0, 0, [MyNSview frame].size.width, [MyNSview frame].size.height); CGContextDrawImage(cgc, rectangle, image); CGImageRelease(image); CGContextFlush(cgc); } } #endif /* --- time, date, location --- */ #define dbglog_TimeStuff (0 && dbglog_HAVE) LOCALVAR ui5b TrueEmulatedTime = 0; LOCALVAR NSTimeInterval LatestTime; LOCALVAR NSTimeInterval NextTickChangeTime; #define MyTickDuration (1.0 / 60.14742) LOCALVAR ui5b NewMacDateInSeconds; LOCALVAR blnr EmulationWasInterrupted = falseblnr; LOCALPROC UpdateTrueEmulatedTime(void) { NSTimeInterval TimeDiff; LatestTime = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; TimeDiff = LatestTime - NextTickChangeTime; if (TimeDiff >= 0.0) { if (TimeDiff > 16 * MyTickDuration) { /* emulation interrupted, forget it */ ++TrueEmulatedTime; NextTickChangeTime = LatestTime + MyTickDuration; EmulationWasInterrupted = trueblnr; #if dbglog_TimeStuff dbglog_writelnNum("emulation interrupted", TrueEmulatedTime); #endif } else { do { #if 0 && dbglog_TimeStuff dbglog_writeln("got next tick"); #endif ++TrueEmulatedTime; TimeDiff -= MyTickDuration; NextTickChangeTime += MyTickDuration; } while (TimeDiff >= 0.0); } } else if (TimeDiff < (-16 * MyTickDuration)) { /* clock set back, reset */ #if dbglog_TimeStuff dbglog_writeln("clock set back"); #endif NextTickChangeTime = LatestTime + MyTickDuration; } } LOCALVAR ui5b MyDateDelta; LOCALFUNC blnr CheckDateTime(void) { NewMacDateInSeconds = ((ui5b)LatestTime) + MyDateDelta; if (CurMacDateInSeconds != NewMacDateInSeconds) { CurMacDateInSeconds = NewMacDateInSeconds; return trueblnr; } else { return falseblnr; } } LOCALPROC StartUpTimeAdjust(void) { LatestTime = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; NextTickChangeTime = LatestTime; } LOCALFUNC blnr InitLocationDat(void) { NSTimeZone *MyZone = [NSTimeZone localTimeZone]; ui5b TzOffSet = (ui5b)[MyZone secondsFromGMT]; #if AutoTimeZone BOOL isdst = [MyZone isDaylightSavingTime]; #endif MyDateDelta = TzOffSet - 1233815296; LatestTime = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; NewMacDateInSeconds = ((ui5b)LatestTime) + MyDateDelta; CurMacDateInSeconds = NewMacDateInSeconds; #if AutoTimeZone CurMacDelta = (TzOffSet & 0x00FFFFFF) | ((isdst ? 0x80 : 0) << 24); #endif return trueblnr; } /* --- sound --- */ #if MySoundEnabled #define kLn2SoundBuffers 4 /* kSoundBuffers must be a power of two */ #define kSoundBuffers (1 << kLn2SoundBuffers) #define kSoundBuffMask (kSoundBuffers - 1) #define DesiredMinFilledSoundBuffs 3 /* if too big then sound lags behind emulation. if too small then sound will have pauses. */ #define kLnOneBuffLen 9 #define kLnAllBuffLen (kLn2SoundBuffers + kLnOneBuffLen) #define kOneBuffLen (1UL << kLnOneBuffLen) #define kAllBuffLen (1UL << kLnAllBuffLen) #define kLnOneBuffSz (kLnOneBuffLen + kLn2SoundSampSz - 3) #define kLnAllBuffSz (kLnAllBuffLen + kLn2SoundSampSz - 3) #define kOneBuffSz (1UL << kLnOneBuffSz) #define kAllBuffSz (1UL << kLnAllBuffSz) #define kOneBuffMask (kOneBuffLen - 1) #define kAllBuffMask (kAllBuffLen - 1) #define dbhBufferSize (kAllBuffSz + kOneBuffSz) #define dbglog_SoundStuff (0 && dbglog_HAVE) #define dbglog_SoundBuffStats (0 && dbglog_HAVE) LOCALVAR tpSoundSamp TheSoundBuffer = nullpr; static volatile ui4b ThePlayOffset; static volatile ui4b TheFillOffset; static volatile ui4b MinFilledSoundBuffs; #if dbglog_SoundBuffStats LOCALVAR ui4b MaxFilledSoundBuffs; #endif LOCALVAR ui4b TheWriteOffset; LOCALPROC MySound_Start0(void) { /* Reset variables */ ThePlayOffset = 0; TheFillOffset = 0; TheWriteOffset = 0; MinFilledSoundBuffs = kSoundBuffers + 1; #if dbglog_SoundBuffStats MaxFilledSoundBuffs = 0; #endif } GLOBALOSGLUFUNC tpSoundSamp MySound_BeginWrite(ui4r n, ui4r *actL) { ui4b ToFillLen = kAllBuffLen - (TheWriteOffset - ThePlayOffset); ui4b WriteBuffContig = kOneBuffLen - (TheWriteOffset & kOneBuffMask); if (WriteBuffContig < n) { n = WriteBuffContig; } if (ToFillLen < n) { /* overwrite previous buffer */ #if dbglog_SoundStuff dbglog_writeln("sound buffer over flow"); #endif TheWriteOffset -= kOneBuffLen; } *actL = n; return TheSoundBuffer + (TheWriteOffset & kAllBuffMask); } #if 4 == kLn2SoundSampSz LOCALPROC ConvertSoundBlockToNative(tpSoundSamp p) { int i; for (i = kOneBuffLen; --i >= 0; ) { *p++ -= 0x8000; } } #else #define ConvertSoundBlockToNative(p) #endif LOCALPROC MySound_WroteABlock(void) { #if (4 == kLn2SoundSampSz) ui4b PrevWriteOffset = TheWriteOffset - kOneBuffLen; tpSoundSamp p = TheSoundBuffer + (PrevWriteOffset & kAllBuffMask); #endif #if dbglog_SoundStuff dbglog_writeln("enter MySound_WroteABlock"); #endif ConvertSoundBlockToNative(p); TheFillOffset = TheWriteOffset; #if dbglog_SoundBuffStats { ui4b ToPlayLen = TheFillOffset - ThePlayOffset; ui4b ToPlayBuffs = ToPlayLen >> kLnOneBuffLen; if (ToPlayBuffs > MaxFilledSoundBuffs) { MaxFilledSoundBuffs = ToPlayBuffs; } } #endif } LOCALFUNC blnr MySound_EndWrite0(ui4r actL) { blnr v; TheWriteOffset += actL; if (0 != (TheWriteOffset & kOneBuffMask)) { v = falseblnr; } else { /* just finished a block */ MySound_WroteABlock(); v = trueblnr; } return v; } LOCALPROC MySound_SecondNotify0(void) { if (MinFilledSoundBuffs <= kSoundBuffers) { if (MinFilledSoundBuffs > DesiredMinFilledSoundBuffs) { #if dbglog_SoundStuff dbglog_writeln("MinFilledSoundBuffs too high"); #endif NextTickChangeTime += MyTickDuration; } else if (MinFilledSoundBuffs < DesiredMinFilledSoundBuffs) { #if dbglog_SoundStuff dbglog_writeln("MinFilledSoundBuffs too low"); #endif ++TrueEmulatedTime; } #if dbglog_SoundBuffStats dbglog_writelnNum("MinFilledSoundBuffs", MinFilledSoundBuffs); dbglog_writelnNum("MaxFilledSoundBuffs", MaxFilledSoundBuffs); MaxFilledSoundBuffs = 0; #endif MinFilledSoundBuffs = kSoundBuffers + 1; } } typedef ui4r trSoundTemp; #define kCenterTempSound 0x8000 #define AudioStepVal 0x0040 #if 3 == kLn2SoundSampSz #define ConvertTempSoundSampleFromNative(v) ((v) << 8) #elif 4 == kLn2SoundSampSz #define ConvertTempSoundSampleFromNative(v) ((v) + kCenterSound) #else #error "unsupported kLn2SoundSampSz" #endif #if 3 == kLn2SoundSampSz #define ConvertTempSoundSampleToNative(v) ((v) >> 8) #elif 4 == kLn2SoundSampSz #define ConvertTempSoundSampleToNative(v) ((v) - kCenterSound) #else #error "unsupported kLn2SoundSampSz" #endif LOCALPROC SoundRampTo(trSoundTemp *last_val, trSoundTemp dst_val, tpSoundSamp *stream, int *len) { trSoundTemp diff; tpSoundSamp p = *stream; int n = *len; trSoundTemp v1 = *last_val; while ((v1 != dst_val) && (0 != n)) { if (v1 > dst_val) { diff = v1 - dst_val; if (diff > AudioStepVal) { v1 -= AudioStepVal; } else { v1 = dst_val; } } else { diff = dst_val - v1; if (diff > AudioStepVal) { v1 += AudioStepVal; } else { v1 = dst_val; } } --n; *p++ = ConvertTempSoundSampleToNative(v1); } *stream = p; *len = n; *last_val = v1; } struct MySoundR { tpSoundSamp fTheSoundBuffer; volatile ui4b (*fPlayOffset); volatile ui4b (*fFillOffset); volatile ui4b (*fMinFilledSoundBuffs); volatile trSoundTemp lastv; blnr enabled; blnr wantplaying; blnr HaveStartedPlaying; AudioUnit outputAudioUnit; }; typedef struct MySoundR MySoundR; LOCALPROC my_audio_callback(void *udata, void *stream, int len) { ui4b ToPlayLen; ui4b FilledSoundBuffs; int i; MySoundR *datp = (MySoundR *)udata; tpSoundSamp CurSoundBuffer = datp->fTheSoundBuffer; ui4b CurPlayOffset = *datp->fPlayOffset; trSoundTemp v0 = datp->lastv; trSoundTemp v1 = v0; tpSoundSamp dst = (tpSoundSamp)stream; #if kLn2SoundSampSz > 3 len >>= (kLn2SoundSampSz - 3); #endif #if dbglog_SoundStuff dbglog_writeln("Enter my_audio_callback"); dbglog_writelnNum("len", len); #endif label_retry: ToPlayLen = *datp->fFillOffset - CurPlayOffset; FilledSoundBuffs = ToPlayLen >> kLnOneBuffLen; if (! datp->wantplaying) { #if dbglog_SoundStuff dbglog_writeln("playing end transistion"); #endif SoundRampTo(&v1, kCenterTempSound, &dst, &len); ToPlayLen = 0; } else if (! datp->HaveStartedPlaying) { #if dbglog_SoundStuff dbglog_writeln("playing start block"); #endif if ((ToPlayLen >> kLnOneBuffLen) < 8) { ToPlayLen = 0; } else { tpSoundSamp p = datp->fTheSoundBuffer + (CurPlayOffset & kAllBuffMask); trSoundTemp v2 = ConvertTempSoundSampleFromNative(*p); #if dbglog_SoundStuff dbglog_writeln("have enough samples to start"); #endif SoundRampTo(&v1, v2, &dst, &len); if (v1 == v2) { #if dbglog_SoundStuff dbglog_writeln("finished start transition"); #endif datp->HaveStartedPlaying = trueblnr; } } } if (0 == len) { /* done */ if (FilledSoundBuffs < *datp->fMinFilledSoundBuffs) { *datp->fMinFilledSoundBuffs = FilledSoundBuffs; } } else if (0 == ToPlayLen) { #if dbglog_SoundStuff dbglog_writeln("under run"); #endif for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { *dst++ = ConvertTempSoundSampleToNative(v1); } *datp->fMinFilledSoundBuffs = 0; } else { ui4b PlayBuffContig = kAllBuffLen - (CurPlayOffset & kAllBuffMask); tpSoundSamp p = CurSoundBuffer + (CurPlayOffset & kAllBuffMask); if (ToPlayLen > PlayBuffContig) { ToPlayLen = PlayBuffContig; } if (ToPlayLen > len) { ToPlayLen = len; } for (i = 0; i < ToPlayLen; ++i) { *dst++ = *p++; } v1 = ConvertTempSoundSampleFromNative(p[-1]); CurPlayOffset += ToPlayLen; len -= ToPlayLen; *datp->fPlayOffset = CurPlayOffset; goto label_retry; } datp->lastv = v1; } LOCALFUNC OSStatus audioCallback( void *inRefCon, AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags, const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp, UInt32 inBusNumber, UInt32 inNumberFrames, AudioBufferList *ioData) { AudioBuffer *abuf; UInt32 i; UInt32 n = ioData->mNumberBuffers; #if dbglog_SoundStuff dbglog_writeln("Enter audioCallback"); dbglog_writelnNum("mNumberBuffers", n); #endif for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { abuf = &ioData->mBuffers[i]; my_audio_callback(inRefCon, abuf->mData, abuf->mDataByteSize); } return 0; } LOCALVAR MySoundR cur_audio; LOCALPROC ZapAudioVars(void) { memset(&cur_audio, 0, sizeof(MySoundR)); } LOCALPROC MySound_Stop(void) { #if dbglog_SoundStuff dbglog_writeln("enter MySound_Stop"); #endif if (cur_audio.wantplaying) { OSStatus result; ui4r retry_limit = 50; /* half of a second */ cur_audio.wantplaying = falseblnr; label_retry: if (kCenterTempSound == cur_audio.lastv) { #if dbglog_SoundStuff dbglog_writeln("reached kCenterTempSound"); #endif /* done */ } else if (0 == --retry_limit) { #if dbglog_SoundStuff dbglog_writeln("retry limit reached"); #endif /* done */ } else { /* give time back, particularly important if got here on a suspend event. */ struct timespec rqt; struct timespec rmt; #if dbglog_SoundStuff dbglog_writeln("busy, so sleep"); #endif rqt.tv_sec = 0; rqt.tv_nsec = 10000000; (void) nanosleep(&rqt, &rmt); goto label_retry; } if (noErr != (result = AudioOutputUnitStop( cur_audio.outputAudioUnit))) { #if dbglog_HAVE dbglog_writeln("AudioOutputUnitStop fails"); #endif } } #if dbglog_SoundStuff dbglog_writeln("leave MySound_Stop"); #endif } LOCALPROC MySound_Start(void) { OSStatus result; if ((! cur_audio.wantplaying) && cur_audio.enabled) { #if dbglog_SoundStuff dbglog_writeln("enter MySound_Start"); #endif MySound_Start0(); cur_audio.lastv = kCenterTempSound; cur_audio.HaveStartedPlaying = falseblnr; cur_audio.wantplaying = trueblnr; if (noErr != (result = AudioOutputUnitStart( cur_audio.outputAudioUnit))) { #if dbglog_HAVE dbglog_writeln("AudioOutputUnitStart fails"); #endif cur_audio.wantplaying = falseblnr; } #if dbglog_SoundStuff dbglog_writeln("leave MySound_Start"); #endif } } LOCALPROC MySound_UnInit(void) { if (cur_audio.enabled) { OSStatus result; struct AURenderCallbackStruct callback; cur_audio.enabled = falseblnr; /* Remove the input callback */ callback.inputProc = 0; callback.inputProcRefCon = 0; if (noErr != (result = AudioUnitSetProperty( cur_audio.outputAudioUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &callback, sizeof(callback)))) { #if dbglog_HAVE dbglog_writeln("AudioUnitSetProperty fails" "(kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback)"); #endif } if (noErr != (result = CloseComponent( cur_audio.outputAudioUnit))) { #if dbglog_HAVE dbglog_writeln("CloseComponent fails in MySound_UnInit"); #endif } } } #define SOUND_SAMPLERATE 22255 /* = round(7833600 * 2 / 704) */ LOCALFUNC blnr MySound_Init(void) { OSStatus result = noErr; Component comp; ComponentDescription desc; struct AURenderCallbackStruct callback; AudioStreamBasicDescription requestedDesc; cur_audio.fTheSoundBuffer = TheSoundBuffer; cur_audio.fPlayOffset = &ThePlayOffset; cur_audio.fFillOffset = &TheFillOffset; cur_audio.fMinFilledSoundBuffs = &MinFilledSoundBuffs; cur_audio.wantplaying = falseblnr; desc.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Output; desc.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_DefaultOutput; desc.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple; desc.componentFlags = 0; desc.componentFlagsMask = 0; requestedDesc.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM; requestedDesc.mFormatFlags = kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsPacked #if 3 != kLn2SoundSampSz | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsSignedInteger #endif ; requestedDesc.mChannelsPerFrame = 1; requestedDesc.mSampleRate = SOUND_SAMPLERATE; requestedDesc.mBitsPerChannel = (1 << kLn2SoundSampSz); #if 0 requestedDesc.mFormatFlags |= kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsSignedInteger; #endif #if 0 requestedDesc.mFormatFlags |= kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsBigEndian; #endif requestedDesc.mFramesPerPacket = 1; requestedDesc.mBytesPerFrame = (requestedDesc.mBitsPerChannel * requestedDesc.mChannelsPerFrame) >> 3; requestedDesc.mBytesPerPacket = requestedDesc.mBytesPerFrame * requestedDesc.mFramesPerPacket; callback.inputProc = audioCallback; callback.inputProcRefCon = &cur_audio; if (NULL == (comp = FindNextComponent(NULL, &desc))) { #if dbglog_HAVE dbglog_writeln("Failed to start CoreAudio: " "FindNextComponent returned NULL"); #endif } else if (noErr != (result = OpenAComponent( comp, &cur_audio.outputAudioUnit))) { #if dbglog_HAVE dbglog_writeln("Failed to start CoreAudio: OpenAComponent"); #endif } else if (noErr != (result = AudioUnitInitialize( cur_audio.outputAudioUnit))) { #if dbglog_HAVE dbglog_writeln( "Failed to start CoreAudio: AudioUnitInitialize"); #endif } else if (noErr != (result = AudioUnitSetProperty( cur_audio.outputAudioUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &requestedDesc, sizeof(requestedDesc)))) { #if dbglog_HAVE dbglog_writeln("Failed to start CoreAudio: " "AudioUnitSetProperty(kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat)"); #endif } else if (noErr != (result = AudioUnitSetProperty( cur_audio.outputAudioUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &callback, sizeof(callback)))) { #if dbglog_HAVE dbglog_writeln("Failed to start CoreAudio: " "AudioUnitSetProperty(kAudioUnitProperty_SetInputCallback)" ); #endif } else { cur_audio.enabled = trueblnr; MySound_Start(); /* This should be taken care of by LeaveSpeedStopped, but since takes a while to get going properly, start early. */ } return trueblnr; /* keep going, even if no sound */ } GLOBALOSGLUPROC MySound_EndWrite(ui4r actL) { if (MySound_EndWrite0(actL)) { } } LOCALPROC MySound_SecondNotify(void) { if (cur_audio.enabled) { MySound_SecondNotify0(); } } #endif LOCALPROC FinishSubMenu(NSMenu *theMenu, NSMenu *parentMenu, NSString *sTitle) { NSMenuItem *menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: sTitle action: nil keyEquivalent: @""]; [menuItem setSubmenu: theMenu]; [parentMenu addItem: menuItem]; [menuItem release]; } LOCALFUNC NSMenu *setApplicationMenu(NSMenu *mainMenu) { NSMenuItem *menuItem; NSString *sAppName = NSStringCreateFromSubstCStr("^p"); /* doesn't matter though, OS X replaces this */ NSString *sAbout = NSStringCreateFromSubstCStr(kStrMenuItemAbout); NSString *sHide = NSStringCreateFromSubstCStr(kStrAppMenuItemHide); NSString *sHideOthers = NSStringCreateFromSubstCStr(kStrAppMenuItemHideOthers); NSString *sShowAll = NSStringCreateFromSubstCStr(kStrAppMenuItemShowAll); NSString *sQuit = NSStringCreateFromSubstCStr(kStrAppMenuItemQuit); NSMenu *appleMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle: sAppName]; /* Add menu items */ menuItem = [appleMenu addItemWithTitle: sAbout action: @selector(performApplicationAbout:) keyEquivalent: @"a"]; [menuItem setKeyEquivalentModifierMask: NSControlKeyMask]; [appleMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; [appleMenu addItemWithTitle: sHide action: @selector(hide:) keyEquivalent: @""]; [appleMenu addItemWithTitle: sHideOthers action: @selector(hideOtherApplications:) keyEquivalent: @""]; [appleMenu addItemWithTitle: sShowAll action: @selector(unhideAllApplications:) keyEquivalent: @""]; [appleMenu addItem: [NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; menuItem = [appleMenu addItemWithTitle: sQuit action: @selector(terminate:) keyEquivalent: @"q"]; [menuItem setKeyEquivalentModifierMask: NSControlKeyMask]; FinishSubMenu(appleMenu, mainMenu, sAppName); [appleMenu release]; return appleMenu; } /* Create File menu */ LOCALPROC setupFileMenu(NSMenu *mainMenu) { NSMenu *fileMenu; NSMenuItem *menuItem; NSString *sFile = NSStringCreateFromSubstCStr(kStrMenuFile); NSString *sOpen = NSStringCreateFromSubstCStr(kStrMenuItemOpen ";ll"); fileMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle: sFile]; menuItem = [fileMenu addItemWithTitle: sOpen action: @selector(performFileOpen:) keyEquivalent: @"o"]; [menuItem setKeyEquivalentModifierMask: NSControlKeyMask]; FinishSubMenu(fileMenu, mainMenu, sFile); [fileMenu release]; } /* Create Special menu */ LOCALPROC setupSpecialMenu(NSMenu *mainMenu) { NSMenu *specialMenu; NSString *sSpecial = NSStringCreateFromSubstCStr(kStrMenuSpecial); NSString *sMore = NSStringCreateFromSubstCStr(kStrMenuItemMore ";ll"); specialMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle: sSpecial]; [specialMenu addItemWithTitle: sMore action: @selector(performSpecialMoreCommands:) keyEquivalent: @""]; FinishSubMenu(specialMenu, mainMenu, sSpecial); [specialMenu release]; } LOCALPROC MyMenuSetup(void) { NSMenu *mainMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] init]; NSMenu *appleMenu = setApplicationMenu(mainMenu); setupFileMenu(mainMenu); setupSpecialMenu(mainMenu); [NSApp setMainMenu: mainMenu]; /* Tell the application object that this is now the application menu, if this unsupported call actually exists. Doesn't seem to be needed anyway, at least in OS X 10.7 */ if([NSApp respondsToSelector:@selector(setAppleMenu:)]) { /* [NSApp setAppleMenu: appleMenu]; */ [NSApp performSelector: @selector(setAppleMenu:) withObject:appleMenu]; } [mainMenu release]; } /* --- video out --- */ #if ! UseCGContextDrawImage LOCALPROC HaveChangedScreenBuff(ui4r top, ui4r left, ui4r bottom, ui4r right) { if ([MyNSview lockFocusIfCanDraw]) { MyDrawWithOpenGL(top, left, bottom, right); [MyNSview unlockFocus]; } } #else LOCALPROC HaveChangedScreenBuff(ui4r top, ui4r left, ui4r bottom, ui4r right) { int i; int j; ui3b *the_data = (ui3b *)GetCurDrawBuff(); ui3b *p; ui5b color; ui5b black_color = 0; /* SDL_MapRGB(cur_video.format, 0, 0, 0) */ ui5b white_color = 0; /* SDL_MapRGB(cur_video.format, 255, 255, 255) */ switch (MyBytesPerPixel) { case 2: /* (1)-5-5-5 RGB */ #if 0 rmask = 0x7C00; gmask = 0x03E0; bmask = 0x001F; #endif break; case 4: #if LittleEndianUnaligned #if 0 rmask = 0x0000FF00; gmask = 0x00FF0000; bmask = 0xFF000000; #endif black_color = 0x000000FF; white_color = 0xFFFFFFFF; #else #if 0 rmask = 0x00FF0000; gmask = 0x0000FF00; bmask = 0x000000FF; #endif black_color = 0xFF000000; white_color = 0xFFFFFFFF; #endif break; } #if EnableMagnify if (UseMagnify) { for (i = top * MyWindowScale; i < bottom * MyWindowScale; ++i) { for (j = left * MyWindowScale; j < right * MyWindowScale; ++j) { p = the_data + (((i / MyWindowScale) * vMacScreenWidth + (j / MyWindowScale)) / 8); if (0 != (*p & (1 << ((~ (j / MyWindowScale)) & 0x7)))) { color = black_color; } else { color = white_color; } switch (MyBytesPerPixel) { case 2: { /* Probably 15-bpp or 16-bpp */ ui4b *bufp; bufp = (ui4b *)MyPixels + i * MyPitch / 2 + j; *bufp = color; } break; case 4: { /* Probably 32-bpp */ ui5b *bufp; bufp = (ui5b *)MyPixels + i * MyPitch / 4 + j; *bufp = color; } break; } } } } else #endif { for (i = top; i < bottom; ++i) { for (j = left; j < right; ++j) { p = the_data + ((i * vMacScreenWidth + j) / 8); if (0 != (*p & (1 << ((~ j) & 0x7)))) { color = black_color; } else { color = white_color; } switch (MyBytesPerPixel) { case 2: { /* Probably 15-bpp or 16-bpp */ ui4b *bufp; bufp = (ui4b *)MyPixels + i * MyPitch / 2 + j; *bufp = color; } break; case 4: { /* Probably 32-bpp */ ui5b *bufp; bufp = (ui5b *)MyPixels + i * MyPitch / 4 + j; *bufp = color; } break; } } } } #if EnableMagnify if (UseMagnify) { SDL_UpdateRect(left * MyWindowScale, top * MyWindowScale, (right - left) * MyWindowScale, (bottom - top) * MyWindowScale); } else #endif { SDL_UpdateRect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top); } } #endif LOCALPROC MyDrawChangesAndClear(void) { if (ScreenChangedBottom > ScreenChangedTop) { HaveChangedScreenBuff(ScreenChangedTop, ScreenChangedLeft, ScreenChangedBottom, ScreenChangedRight); ScreenClearChanges(); } } GLOBALOSGLUPROC DoneWithDrawingForTick(void) { #if EnableFSMouseMotion if (HaveMouseMotion) { AutoScrollScreen(); } #endif MyDrawChangesAndClear(); } /* --- keyboard input --- */ LOCALPROC DisableKeyRepeat(void) { } LOCALPROC RestoreKeyRepeat(void) { } LOCALPROC ReconnectKeyCodes3(void) { } LOCALPROC DisconnectKeyCodes3(void) { DisconnectKeyCodes2(); MyMouseButtonSet(falseblnr); } /* --- basic dialogs --- */ LOCALPROC CheckSavedMacMsg(void) { /* called only on quit, if error saved but not yet reported */ if (nullpr != SavedBriefMsg) { NSString *briefMsg0 = NSStringCreateFromSubstCStr(SavedBriefMsg); NSString *longMsg0 = NSStringCreateFromSubstCStr(SavedLongMsg); NSString *quitMsg0 = NSStringCreateFromSubstCStr(kStrCmdQuit); (void) NSRunAlertPanel(briefMsg0, @"%@", quitMsg0, nil, nil, longMsg0); SavedBriefMsg = nullpr; } } /* --- hide/show menubar --- */ enum { MyNSApplicationPresentationDefault = 0, MyNSApplicationPresentationAutoHideDock = (1 << 0), MyNSApplicationPresentationHideDock = (1 << 1), MyNSApplicationPresentationAutoHideMenuBar = (1 << 2), MyNSApplicationPresentationHideMenuBar = (1 << 3), MyNSApplicationPresentationDisableAppleMenu = (1 << 4), MyNSApplicationPresentationDisableProcessSwitching = (1 << 5), MyNSApplicationPresentationDisableForceQuit = (1 << 6), MyNSApplicationPresentationDisableSessionTermination = (1 << 7), MyNSApplicationPresentationDisableHideApplication = (1 << 8), MyNSApplicationPresentationDisableMenuBarTransparency = (1 << 9), MyNSApplicationPresentationFullScreen = (1 << 10), MyNSApplicationPresentationAutoHideToolbar = (1 << 11) }; typedef NSUInteger MyNSApplicationPresentationOptions; @interface MyNSApplication : NSObject - (void)setPresentationOptions: (MyNSApplicationPresentationOptions)newOptions; @end #if MayFullScreen LOCALPROC My_HideMenuBar(void) { if ([NSApp respondsToSelector:@selector(setPresentationOptions:)]) { [((MyNSApplication *)NSApp) setPresentationOptions: MyNSApplicationPresentationHideDock | MyNSApplicationPresentationHideMenuBar #if GrabKeysFullScreen | MyNSApplicationPresentationDisableProcessSwitching #if GrabKeysMaxFullScreen /* dangerous !! */ | MyNSApplicationPresentationDisableForceQuit | MyNSApplicationPresentationDisableSessionTermination #endif #endif ]; } else if (HaveMySetSystemUIMode()) { (void) MySetSystemUIMode(MykUIModeAllHidden, MykUIOptionDisableAppleMenu #if GrabKeysFullScreen | MykUIOptionDisableProcessSwitch #if GrabKeysMaxFullScreen /* dangerous !! */ | MykUIOptionDisableForceQuit | MykUIOptionDisableSessionTerminate #endif #endif ); } else { } } #endif #if MayFullScreen LOCALPROC My_ShowMenuBar(void) { if ([NSApp respondsToSelector:@selector(setPresentationOptions:)]) { [((MyNSApplication *)NSApp) setPresentationOptions: MyNSApplicationPresentationDefault]; } else if (HaveMySetSystemUIMode()) { (void) MySetSystemUIMode(MykUIModeNormal, 0); } else { } } #endif /* --- event handling for main window --- */ LOCALPROC MyBeginDialog(void) { DisconnectKeyCodes3(); ForceShowCursor(); } LOCALPROC MyEndDialog(void) { [MyWindow makeKeyWindow]; EmulationWasInterrupted = trueblnr; } LOCALPROC InsertADisk0(void) { NSOpenPanel *panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel]; [panel setAllowsMultipleSelection: YES]; MyBeginDialog(); if (NSOKButton == [panel runModal]) { int i; NSArray *a = [panel URLs]; int n = [a count]; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { NSURL *fileURL = [a objectAtIndex: i]; NSString* filePath = [fileURL path]; (void) Sony_Insert1a(filePath); } } MyEndDialog(); } /* --- main window creation and disposal --- */ LOCALFUNC blnr Screen_Init(void) { #if 0 if (noErr != Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &cur_video.system_version)) { cur_video.system_version = 0; } #endif #if 0 #define MyCGMainDisplayID CGMainDisplayID CGDirectDisplayID CurMainDisplayID = MyCGMainDisplayID(); cur_video.width = (ui5b) CGDisplayPixelsWide(CurMainDisplayID); cur_video.height = (ui5b) CGDisplayPixelsHigh(CurMainDisplayID); #endif InitKeyCodes(); return trueblnr; } #if MayFullScreen LOCALPROC AdjustMachineGrab(void) { #if EnableFSMouseMotion AdjustMouseMotionGrab(); #endif } #endif #if MayFullScreen LOCALPROC UngrabMachine(void) { GrabMachine = falseblnr; AdjustMachineGrab(); } #endif LOCALPROC MyAdjustGLforSize(int h, int v) { [MyNSOpnGLCntxt makeCurrentContext]; glClearColor (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); #if 1 glViewport(0, 0, h, v); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(0, h, 0, v, -1.0, 1.0); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); #endif glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); #if EnableMagnify if (UseMagnify) { glPixelZoom(MyWindowScale, - MyWindowScale); } else #endif { glPixelZoom(1, -1); } glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, vMacScreenWidth); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); [NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext]; ScreenChangedAll(); } LOCALVAR blnr WantScreensChangedCheck = falseblnr; LOCALPROC MyUpdateOpenGLContext(void) { if (nil != MyNSOpnGLCntxt) { [MyNSOpnGLCntxt makeCurrentContext]; [MyNSOpnGLCntxt update]; } } LOCALPROC CloseMyOpenGLContext(void) { if (nil != MyNSOpnGLCntxt) { [NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext]; /* Only because MyDrawWithOpenGL doesn't bother to do this. No one uses the current context without settting it first. */ } } LOCALFUNC blnr GetOpnGLCntxt(void) { blnr v = falseblnr; if (nil == MyNSOpnGLCntxt) { NSRect NewWinRect = [MyNSview frame]; NSOpenGLPixelFormat *fmt; #if WantGraphicsSwitching { NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attr0[] = { NSOpenGLPFAAllowOfflineRenderers, 0}; fmt = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:attr0]; } if (nil != fmt) { /* ok */ } else #endif { NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attr[] = { 0}; fmt = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:attr]; if (nil == fmt) { #if dbglog_HAVE dbglog_writeln("Could not create fmt"); #endif goto label_exit; } } MyNSOpnGLCntxt = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:fmt shareContext:nil]; [fmt release]; if (nil == MyNSOpnGLCntxt) { #if dbglog_HAVE dbglog_writeln("Could not create MyNSOpnGLCntxt"); #endif goto label_exit; } /* fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "Got OpenGL context"); */ [MyNSOpnGLCntxt setView: MyNSview]; [MyNSOpnGLCntxt update]; MyAdjustGLforSize(NewWinRect.size.width, NewWinRect.size.height); #if 0 != vMacScreenDepth ColorModeWorks = trueblnr; #endif } v = trueblnr; label_exit: return v; } typedef NSUInteger (*modifierFlagsProcPtr) (id self, SEL cmd); /* Subclass of NSWindow to fix genie effect and support resize events */ @interface MyClassWindow : NSWindow @end @implementation MyClassWindow #if MayFullScreen - (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow { return #if VarFullScreen (! UseFullScreen) ? [super canBecomeKeyWindow] : #endif YES; } #endif #if MayFullScreen - (BOOL)canBecomeMainWindow { return #if VarFullScreen (! UseFullScreen) ? [super canBecomeMainWindow] : #endif YES; } #endif #if MayFullScreen - (NSRect)constrainFrameRect:(NSRect)frameRect toScreen:(NSScreen *)screen { #if VarFullScreen if (! UseFullScreen) { return [super constrainFrameRect:frameRect toScreen:screen]; } else #endif { return frameRect; } } #endif - (NSDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender { /* NSPasteboard *pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard]; */ NSDragOperation sourceDragMask = [sender draggingSourceOperationMask]; NSDragOperation v = NSDragOperationNone; if (0 != (sourceDragMask & NSDragOperationGeneric)) { return NSDragOperationGeneric; } return v; } - (void)draggingExited:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender { /* remove hilighting */ } - (BOOL)prepareForDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender { return YES; } - (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender { BOOL v = NO; NSPasteboard *pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard]; /* NSDragOperation sourceDragMask = [sender draggingSourceOperationMask]; */ if ([[pboard types] containsObject:NSFilenamesPboardType]) { int i; NSArray *file_names = [pboard propertyListForType: NSFilenamesPboardType]; int n = [file_names count]; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { NSString *filePath = [file_names objectAtIndex:i]; Sony_ResolveInsert(filePath); } v = YES; } else if ([[pboard types] containsObject: NSURLPboardType]) { NSURL *fileURL = [NSURL URLFromPasteboard: pboard]; NSString* filePath = [fileURL path]; Sony_ResolveInsert(filePath); v = YES; } if (v && gTrueBackgroundFlag) { { SEL sel = @selector(modifierFlags); if ([NSEvent respondsToSelector:sel]) { modifierFlagsProcPtr imp = (modifierFlagsProcPtr) [NSEvent methodForSelector:sel]; MyUpdateKeyboardModifiers(imp([NSEvent class], sel)); } } [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps: YES]; } return v; } - (void) concludeDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)the_sender { } @end @interface MyClassWindowDelegate : NSObject <NSWindowDelegate> @end @implementation MyClassWindowDelegate - (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender { RequestMacOff = trueblnr; return NO; } - (void)windowDidBecomeKey:(NSNotification *)aNotification { gTrueBackgroundFlag = falseblnr; } - (void)windowDidResignKey:(NSNotification *)aNotification { gTrueBackgroundFlag = trueblnr; } @end @interface MyClassView : NSView @end @implementation MyClassView - (void)resetCursorRects { [self addCursorRect: [self visibleRect] cursor: [NSCursor arrowCursor]]; } - (BOOL)isOpaque { return YES; } - (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect { /* Called upon makeKeyAndOrderFront. Create our OpenGL context here, because can't do so before makeKeyAndOrderFront. And if create after then our content won't be drawn initially, resulting in flicker. */ if (GetOpnGLCntxt()) { MyDrawWithOpenGL(0, 0, vMacScreenHeight, vMacScreenWidth); } } @end #if UseCGContextDrawImage /* absent in 10.3.9. */ CG_EXTERN CGImageRef CGBitmapContextCreateImage(CGContextRef); #endif LOCALVAR MyClassWindowDelegate *MyWinDelegate = nil; LOCALPROC CloseMainWindow(void) { if (nil != MyWinDelegate) { [MyWinDelegate release]; MyWinDelegate = nil; } if (nil != MyWindow) { [MyWindow close]; MyWindow = nil; } if (nil != MyNSview) { [MyNSview release]; MyNSview = nil; } #if UseCGContextDrawImage if (nil != MyCGcontext) { CGContextFlush(MyCGcontext); CGContextRelease(MyCGcontext); MyCGcontext = nil; } if (NULL != MyPixels) { free(MyPixels); MyPixels = NULL; } #endif if (nil != MyNSOpnGLCntxt) { [MyNSOpnGLCntxt release]; MyNSOpnGLCntxt = nil; } } LOCALPROC QZ_SetCaption(void) { #if 0 NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String: kStrAppName]; #endif [MyWindow setTitle: myAppName /* string */]; #if 0 [string release]; #endif } enum { kMagStateNormal, #if EnableMagnify kMagStateMagnifgy, #endif kNumMagStates }; #define kMagStateAuto kNumMagStates #if MayNotFullScreen LOCALVAR int CurWinIndx; LOCALVAR blnr HavePositionWins[kNumMagStates]; LOCALVAR NSPoint WinPositionWins[kNumMagStates]; #endif LOCALVAR NSRect SavedScrnBounds; LOCALFUNC blnr CreateMainWindow(void) { #if UseCGContextDrawImage CGColorSpaceRef cgColorspace; #endif unsigned int style; NSRect MainScrnBounds; NSRect AllScrnBounds; NSRect NewWinRect; NSPoint botleftPos; int NewWindowHeight = vMacScreenHeight; int NewWindowWidth = vMacScreenWidth; blnr v = falseblnr; #if VarFullScreen if (UseFullScreen) { My_HideMenuBar(); } else { My_ShowMenuBar(); } #else #if MayFullScreen My_HideMenuBar(); #endif #endif MainScrnBounds = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame]; SavedScrnBounds = MainScrnBounds; { int i; NSArray *screens = [NSScreen screens]; int n = [screens count]; AllScrnBounds = MainScrnBounds; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { AllScrnBounds = NSUnionRect(AllScrnBounds, [[screens objectAtIndex:i] frame]); } } #if EnableMagnify if (UseMagnify) { NewWindowHeight *= MyWindowScale; NewWindowWidth *= MyWindowScale; } #endif botleftPos.x = MainScrnBounds.origin.x + floor((MainScrnBounds.size.width - NewWindowWidth) / 2); botleftPos.y = MainScrnBounds.origin.y + floor((MainScrnBounds.size.height - NewWindowHeight) / 2); if (botleftPos.x < MainScrnBounds.origin.x) { botleftPos.x = MainScrnBounds.origin.x; } if (botleftPos.y < MainScrnBounds.origin.y) { botleftPos.y = MainScrnBounds.origin.y; } #if VarFullScreen if (UseFullScreen) #endif #if MayFullScreen { ViewHSize = MainScrnBounds.size.width; ViewVSize = MainScrnBounds.size.height; #if EnableMagnify if (UseMagnify) { ViewHSize /= MyWindowScale; ViewVSize /= MyWindowScale; } #endif if (ViewHSize >= vMacScreenWidth) { ViewHStart = 0; ViewHSize = vMacScreenWidth; } else { ViewHSize &= ~ 1; } if (ViewVSize >= vMacScreenHeight) { ViewVStart = 0; ViewVSize = vMacScreenHeight; } else { ViewVSize &= ~ 1; } } #endif #if VarFullScreen if (UseFullScreen) #endif #if MayFullScreen { NewWinRect = AllScrnBounds; GLhOffset = botleftPos.x - AllScrnBounds.origin.x; GLvOffset = (botleftPos.y - AllScrnBounds.origin.y) + ((NewWindowHeight < MainScrnBounds.size.height) ? NewWindowHeight : MainScrnBounds.size.height); hOffset = GLhOffset; vOffset = AllScrnBounds.size.height - GLvOffset; style = NSBorderlessWindowMask; } #endif #if VarFullScreen else #endif #if MayNotFullScreen { int WinIndx; #if EnableMagnify if (UseMagnify) { WinIndx = kMagStateMagnifgy; } else #endif { WinIndx = kMagStateNormal; } if (! HavePositionWins[WinIndx]) { WinPositionWins[WinIndx].x = botleftPos.x; WinPositionWins[WinIndx].y = botleftPos.y; HavePositionWins[WinIndx] = trueblnr; NewWinRect = NSMakeRect(botleftPos.x, botleftPos.y, NewWindowWidth, NewWindowHeight); } else { NewWinRect = NSMakeRect(WinPositionWins[WinIndx].x, WinPositionWins[WinIndx].y, NewWindowWidth, NewWindowHeight); } GLhOffset = 0; GLvOffset = NewWindowHeight; style = NSTitledWindowMask | NSMiniaturizableWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask; CurWinIndx = WinIndx; } #endif /* Manually create a window, avoids having a nib file resource */ MyWindow = [[MyClassWindow alloc] initWithContentRect: NewWinRect styleMask: style backing: NSBackingStoreBuffered defer: YES]; if (nil == MyWindow) { #if dbglog_HAVE dbglog_writeln("Could not create the Cocoa window"); #endif goto label_exit; } /* [MyWindow setReleasedWhenClosed: YES]; */ /* no need to set current_video as it's the default for NSWindows */ QZ_SetCaption(); [MyWindow setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: YES]; [MyWindow setViewsNeedDisplay: NO]; [MyWindow registerForDraggedTypes: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: NSURLPboardType, NSFilenamesPboardType, nil]]; MyWinDelegate = [[MyClassWindowDelegate alloc] init]; if (nil == MyWinDelegate) { #if dbglog_HAVE dbglog_writeln("Could not create MyNSview"); #endif goto label_exit; } [MyWindow setDelegate: MyWinDelegate]; MyNSview = [[MyClassView alloc] init]; if (nil == MyNSview) { #if dbglog_HAVE dbglog_writeln("Could not create MyNSview"); #endif goto label_exit; } [MyWindow setContentView: MyNSview]; [MyWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront: nil]; /* just in case drawRect didn't get called */ if (! GetOpnGLCntxt()) { #if dbglog_HAVE dbglog_writeln("Could not GetOpnGLCntxt"); #endif goto label_exit; } #if UseCGContextDrawImage MyPitch = 4 * NewWindowWidth; MyPixels = malloc(NewWindowHeight * MyPitch); cgColorspace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); MyCGcontext = CGBitmapContextCreate(MyPixels, NewWindowWidth, NewWindowHeight, 8, MyPitch, cgColorspace, kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst); CGColorSpaceRelease(cgColorspace); MyNSgfxContext = [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithWindow: MyWindow]; [NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext: MyNSgfxContext]; MyBytesPerPixel = 4; #endif v = trueblnr; label_exit: return v; } #if EnableRecreateW LOCALPROC ZapMyWState(void) { MyWindow = nil; MyNSview = nil; MyWinDelegate = nil; #if UseCGContextDrawImage MyNSgfxContext = nil; MyCGcontext = nil; MyPixels = NULL; #endif MyNSOpnGLCntxt = nil; } #endif #if EnableRecreateW struct MyWState { #if MayFullScreen ui4r f_ViewHSize; ui4r f_ViewVSize; ui4r f_ViewHStart; ui4r f_ViewVStart; short f_hOffset; short f_vOffset; #endif #if VarFullScreen blnr f_UseFullScreen; #endif #if EnableMagnify blnr f_UseMagnify; #endif #if MayNotFullScreen int f_CurWinIndx; #endif NSWindow *f_MyWindow; NSView *f_MyNSview; MyClassWindowDelegate *f_MyWinDelegate; #if UseCGContextDrawImage NSGraphicsContext *f_MyNSgfxContext; CGContextRef f_MyCGcontext; void *f_MyPixels; ui4b f_MyPitch; ui3b f_MyBytesPerPixel; #endif NSOpenGLContext *f_MyNSOpnGLCntxt; short f_GLhOffset; short f_GLvOffset; }; typedef struct MyWState MyWState; #endif #if EnableRecreateW LOCALPROC GetMyWState(MyWState *r) { #if MayFullScreen r->f_ViewHSize = ViewHSize; r->f_ViewVSize = ViewVSize; r->f_ViewHStart = ViewHStart; r->f_ViewVStart = ViewVStart; r->f_hOffset = hOffset; r->f_vOffset = vOffset; #endif #if VarFullScreen r->f_UseFullScreen = UseFullScreen; #endif #if EnableMagnify r->f_UseMagnify = UseMagnify; #endif #if MayNotFullScreen r->f_CurWinIndx = CurWinIndx; #endif r->f_MyWindow = MyWindow; r->f_MyNSview = MyNSview; r->f_MyWinDelegate = MyWinDelegate; #if UseCGContextDrawImage r->f_MyNSgfxContext = MyNSgfxContext; r->f_MyCGcontext = MyCGcontext; r->f_MyPixels = MyPixels; r->f_MyPitch = MyPitch; r->f_MyBytesPerPixel = MyBytesPerPixel; #endif r->f_MyNSOpnGLCntxt = MyNSOpnGLCntxt; r->f_GLhOffset = GLhOffset; r->f_GLvOffset = GLvOffset; } #endif #if EnableRecreateW LOCALPROC SetMyWState(MyWState *r) { #if MayFullScreen ViewHSize = r->f_ViewHSize; ViewVSize = r->f_ViewVSize; ViewHStart = r->f_ViewHStart; ViewVStart = r->f_ViewVStart; hOffset = r->f_hOffset; vOffset = r->f_vOffset; #endif #if VarFullScreen UseFullScreen = r->f_UseFullScreen; #endif #if EnableMagnify UseMagnify = r->f_UseMagnify; #endif #if MayNotFullScreen CurWinIndx = r->f_CurWinIndx; #endif MyWindow = r->f_MyWindow; MyNSview = r->f_MyNSview; MyWinDelegate = r->f_MyWinDelegate; #if UseCGContextDrawImage MyNSgfxContext = r->f_MyNSgfxContext; MyCGcontext = r->f_MyCGcontext; MyPixels = r->f_MyPixels; MyPitch = r->f_MyPitch; MyBytesPerPixel = r->f_MyBytesPerPixel; #endif MyNSOpnGLCntxt = r->f_MyNSOpnGLCntxt; GLhOffset = r->f_GLhOffset; GLvOffset = r->f_GLvOffset; } #endif #if EnableRecreateW LOCALPROC ReCreateMainWindow(void) { MyWState old_state; MyWState new_state; blnr HadCursorHidden = HaveCursorHidden; #if VarFullScreen if (! UseFullScreen) #endif #if MayNotFullScreen { /* save old position */ NSRect r = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect: [MyWindow frame] styleMask: [MyWindow styleMask]]; WinPositionWins[CurWinIndx] = r.origin; } #endif #if MayFullScreen if (GrabMachine) { GrabMachine = falseblnr; UngrabMachine(); } #endif CloseMyOpenGLContext(); GetMyWState(&old_state); ZapMyWState(); #if EnableMagnify UseMagnify = WantMagnify; #endif #if VarFullScreen UseFullScreen = WantFullScreen; #endif if (! CreateMainWindow()) { CloseMainWindow(); SetMyWState(&old_state); #if VarFullScreen if (UseFullScreen) { My_HideMenuBar(); } else { My_ShowMenuBar(); } #endif /* avoid retry */ #if VarFullScreen WantFullScreen = UseFullScreen; #endif #if EnableMagnify WantMagnify = UseMagnify; #endif } else { GetMyWState(&new_state); SetMyWState(&old_state); CloseMainWindow(); SetMyWState(&new_state); if (HadCursorHidden) { (void) MyMoveMouse(CurMouseH, CurMouseV); } } } #endif #if VarFullScreen && EnableMagnify enum { kWinStateWindowed, #if EnableMagnify kWinStateFullScreen, #endif kNumWinStates }; #endif #if VarFullScreen && EnableMagnify LOCALVAR int WinMagStates[kNumWinStates]; #endif LOCALPROC ZapWinStateVars(void) { #if MayNotFullScreen { int i; for (i = 0; i < kNumMagStates; ++i) { HavePositionWins[i] = falseblnr; } } #endif #if VarFullScreen && EnableMagnify { int i; for (i = 0; i < kNumWinStates; ++i) { WinMagStates[i] = kMagStateAuto; } } #endif } #if VarFullScreen LOCALPROC ToggleWantFullScreen(void) { WantFullScreen = ! WantFullScreen; #if EnableMagnify { int OldWinState = UseFullScreen ? kWinStateFullScreen : kWinStateWindowed; int OldMagState = UseMagnify ? kMagStateMagnifgy : kMagStateNormal; int NewWinState = WantFullScreen ? kWinStateFullScreen : kWinStateWindowed; int NewMagState = WinMagStates[NewWinState]; WinMagStates[OldWinState] = OldMagState; if (kMagStateAuto != NewMagState) { WantMagnify = (kMagStateMagnifgy == NewMagState); } else { WantMagnify = falseblnr; if (WantFullScreen) { NSRect MainScrnBounds = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame]; if ((MainScrnBounds.size.width >= vMacScreenWidth * MyWindowScale) && (MainScrnBounds.size.height >= vMacScreenHeight * MyWindowScale) ) { WantMagnify = trueblnr; } } } } #endif } #endif /* --- SavedTasks --- */ LOCALPROC LeaveBackground(void) { ReconnectKeyCodes3(); DisableKeyRepeat(); EmulationWasInterrupted = trueblnr; } LOCALPROC EnterBackground(void) { RestoreKeyRepeat(); DisconnectKeyCodes3(); ForceShowCursor(); } LOCALPROC LeaveSpeedStopped(void) { #if MySoundEnabled MySound_Start(); #endif StartUpTimeAdjust(); } LOCALPROC EnterSpeedStopped(void) { #if MySoundEnabled MySound_Stop(); #endif } #if IncludeSonyNew && ! SaveDialogEnable LOCALFUNC blnr FindOrMakeNamedChildDirPath(NSString *parentPath, char *ChildName, NSString **childPath) { NSString *r; BOOL isDir; Boolean isDirectory; NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; blnr v = falseblnr; if (FindNamedChildPath(parentPath, ChildName, &r)) { if ([fm fileExistsAtPath:r isDirectory: &isDir]) { if (isDir) { *childPath = r; v = trueblnr; } else { NSString *RslvPath = MyResolveAlias(r, &isDirectory); if (nil != RslvPath) { if (isDirectory) { *childPath = RslvPath; v = trueblnr; } } } } else { if ([fm respondsToSelector:@selector( createDirectoryAtPath:withIntermediateDirectories:attributes:error: )]) { if ([fm createDirectoryAtPath:r withIntermediateDirectories:NO attributes:nil error:nil]) { *childPath = r; v = trueblnr; } } else if ([fm respondsToSelector: @selector(createDirectoryAtPath:attributes:)]) { if ([fm createDirectoryAtPath:r attributes:nil]) { *childPath = r; v = trueblnr; } } else { /* fail */ } } } return v; } #endif @interface MyNSSavePanel : NSObject - (NSInteger)runModalForDirectory:(NSString *)path file:(NSString *)filename; - (void)setNameFieldStringValue:(NSString *)value; @end #if IncludeSonyNew LOCALPROC MakeNewDisk(ui5b L, NSString *drivename) { #if SaveDialogEnable NSInteger result = NSCancelButton; NSSavePanel *panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel]; MyBeginDialog(); if ([panel respondsToSelector:@selector(setNameFieldStringValue:)]) { #if 0 [panel setNameFieldStringValue: drivename]; /* available as of OS X 10.6 */ #endif #if 0 [panel performSelector:@selector(setNameFieldStringValue:) withObject: drivename]; #endif [((MyNSSavePanel *)panel) setNameFieldStringValue: drivename]; result = [panel runModal]; } else if ([panel respondsToSelector: @selector(runModalForDirectory:file:)]) { #if 0 result = [panel runModalForDirectory: nil file: drivename]; /* compiler warns deprecated. To avoid warning, and to still work if removed from SDK, use NSInvocation. */ #endif #if 0 NSString *sDirName = nil; SEL sel = @selector(runModalForDirectory:file:); NSInvocation* invoc = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature: [panel methodSignatureForSelector: sel]]; [invoc setTarget:panel]; [invoc setSelector:sel]; [invoc setArgument:&sDirName atIndex:2]; [invoc setArgument:&drivename atIndex:3]; [invoc invoke]; [invoc getReturnValue: &result]; #endif /* an easier way ? seems to work */ result = [((MyNSSavePanel *)panel) runModalForDirectory: nil file: drivename]; } else { /* fail */ } MyEndDialog(); if (NSOKButton == result) { NSString* filePath = [[panel URL] path]; MakeNewDisk0(L, filePath); } #else /* SaveDialogEnable */ NSString *sPath; if (FindOrMakeNamedChildDirPath(MyDataPath, "out", &sPath)) { NSString *filePath = [sPath stringByAppendingPathComponent: drivename]; MakeNewDisk0(L, filePath); } #endif /* SaveDialogEnable */ } #endif #if IncludeSonyNew LOCALPROC MakeNewDiskAtDefault(ui5b L) { MakeNewDisk(L, @"untitled.dsk"); } #endif LOCALPROC CheckForSavedTasks(void) { if (MyEvtQNeedRecover) { MyEvtQNeedRecover = falseblnr; /* attempt cleanup, MyEvtQNeedRecover may get set again */ MyEvtQTryRecoverFromFull(); } if (RequestMacOff) { RequestMacOff = falseblnr; if (AnyDiskInserted()) { MacMsgOverride(kStrQuitWarningTitle, kStrQuitWarningMessage); } else { ForceMacOff = trueblnr; } } if (ForceMacOff) { return; } if (gTrueBackgroundFlag != gBackgroundFlag) { gBackgroundFlag = gTrueBackgroundFlag; if (gTrueBackgroundFlag) { EnterBackground(); } else { LeaveBackground(); } } if (EmulationWasInterrupted) { EmulationWasInterrupted = falseblnr; if (! gTrueBackgroundFlag) { CheckMouseState(); } } #if EnableFSMouseMotion if (HaveMouseMotion) { MyMouseConstrain(); } #endif #if VarFullScreen if (gTrueBackgroundFlag && WantFullScreen) { ToggleWantFullScreen(); } #endif if (WantScreensChangedCheck) { WantScreensChangedCheck = falseblnr; MyUpdateOpenGLContext(); #if VarFullScreen /* triggered on enter full screen for some reason in OS X 10.11. so check against saved rect. */ if ((WantFullScreen) && (! NSEqualRects(SavedScrnBounds, [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame]))) { ToggleWantFullScreen(); } #endif } if (CurSpeedStopped != (SpeedStopped || (gBackgroundFlag && ! RunInBackground #if EnableAutoSlow && 0 && (QuietSubTicks >= 4092) #endif ))) { CurSpeedStopped = ! CurSpeedStopped; if (CurSpeedStopped) { EnterSpeedStopped(); } else { LeaveSpeedStopped(); } } if ((nullpr != SavedBriefMsg) & ! MacMsgDisplayed) { MacMsgDisplayOn(); } #if EnableRecreateW if (0 #if EnableMagnify || (UseMagnify != WantMagnify) #endif #if VarFullScreen || (UseFullScreen != WantFullScreen) #endif ) { ReCreateMainWindow(); } #endif #if MayFullScreen if (GrabMachine != ( #if VarFullScreen UseFullScreen && #endif ! (gTrueBackgroundFlag || CurSpeedStopped))) { GrabMachine = ! GrabMachine; AdjustMachineGrab(); } #endif #if IncludeSonyNew if (vSonyNewDiskWanted) { #if IncludeSonyNameNew if (vSonyNewDiskName != NotAPbuf) { NSString *sNewDiskName; if (MacRomanFileNameToNSString(vSonyNewDiskName, &sNewDiskName)) { MakeNewDisk(vSonyNewDiskSize, sNewDiskName); } PbufDispose(vSonyNewDiskName); vSonyNewDiskName = NotAPbuf; } else #endif { MakeNewDiskAtDefault(vSonyNewDiskSize); } vSonyNewDiskWanted = falseblnr; /* must be done after may have gotten disk */ } #endif if (NeedWholeScreenDraw) { NeedWholeScreenDraw = falseblnr; ScreenChangedAll(); } if (! gTrueBackgroundFlag) { if (RequestInsertDisk) { RequestInsertDisk = falseblnr; InsertADisk0(); } } #if NeedRequestIthDisk if (0 != RequestIthDisk) { Sony_InsertIth(RequestIthDisk); RequestIthDisk = 0; } #endif if (HaveCursorHidden != ( #if MayNotFullScreen (WantCursorHidden #if VarFullScreen || UseFullScreen #endif ) && #endif ! (gTrueBackgroundFlag || CurSpeedStopped))) { HaveCursorHidden = ! HaveCursorHidden; if (HaveCursorHidden) { MyHideCursor(); } else { MyShowCursor(); } } #if 1 /* Check if actual cursor visibility is what it should be. If move mouse to dock then cursor is made visible, but then if move directly to our window, cursor is not hidden again. */ if (HaveMyCGCursorIsVisible()) { /* but only in OS X 10.3 and later */ /* deprecated in cocoa, but no alternative (?) */ if (MyCGCursorIsVisible()) { if (HaveCursorHidden) { MyHideCursor(); if (MyCGCursorIsVisible()) { /* didn't work, attempt undo so that hide cursor count won't get large */ MyShowCursor(); } } } else { if (! HaveCursorHidden) { MyShowCursor(); /* don't check if worked, assume can't decrement hide cursor count below 0 */ } } } #endif } /* --- main program flow --- */ GLOBALOSGLUFUNC blnr ExtraTimeNotOver(void) { UpdateTrueEmulatedTime(); return TrueEmulatedTime == OnTrueTime; } LOCALPROC ProcessEventModifiers(NSEvent *event) { NSUInteger newMods = [event modifierFlags]; MyUpdateKeyboardModifiers(newMods); } LOCALPROC ProcessEventLocation(NSEvent *event) { NSPoint p = [event locationInWindow]; NSWindow *w = [event window]; if (w != MyWindow) { if (nil != w) { p = [w convertBaseToScreen: p]; } p = [MyWindow convertScreenToBase: p]; } p = [MyNSview convertPoint: p fromView: nil]; p.y = [MyNSview frame].size.height - p.y; MousePositionNotify((int) p.x, (int) p.y); } LOCALPROC ProcessKeyEvent(blnr down, NSEvent *event) { ui3r scancode = [event keyCode]; ProcessEventModifiers(event); Keyboard_UpdateKeyMap2(Keyboard_RemapMac(scancode), down); } LOCALPROC ProcessOneSystemEvent(NSEvent *event) { switch ([event type]) { case NSLeftMouseDown: case NSRightMouseDown: case NSOtherMouseDown: /* int button = QZ_OtherMouseButtonToSDL( [event buttonNumber]); */ ProcessEventLocation(event); ProcessEventModifiers(event); if (([event window] == MyWindow) && (! gTrueBackgroundFlag) #if MayNotFullScreen && (WantCursorHidden #if VarFullScreen || UseFullScreen #endif ) #endif ) { MyMouseButtonSet(trueblnr); } else { /* doesn't belong to us */ [NSApp sendEvent: event]; } break; case NSLeftMouseUp: case NSRightMouseUp: case NSOtherMouseUp: /* int button = QZ_OtherMouseButtonToSDL( [event buttonNumber]); */ ProcessEventLocation(event); ProcessEventModifiers(event); if (! MyMouseButtonState) { /* doesn't belong to us */ [NSApp sendEvent: event]; } else { MyMouseButtonSet(falseblnr); } break; case NSMouseMoved: { ProcessEventLocation(event); ProcessEventModifiers(event); } break; case NSLeftMouseDragged: case NSRightMouseDragged: case NSOtherMouseDragged: if (! MyMouseButtonState) { /* doesn't belong to us ? */ [NSApp sendEvent: event]; } else { ProcessEventLocation(event); ProcessEventModifiers(event); } break; case NSKeyUp: ProcessKeyEvent(falseblnr, event); break; case NSKeyDown: ProcessKeyEvent(trueblnr, event); break; case NSFlagsChanged: ProcessEventModifiers(event); break; /* case NSScrollWheel: */ /* case NSSystemDefined: */ /* case NSAppKitDefined: */ /* case NSApplicationDefined: */ /* case NSPeriodic: */ /* case NSCursorUpdate: */ default: [NSApp sendEvent: event]; } } GLOBALOSGLUPROC WaitForNextTick(void) { NSDate *TheUntil; int i; NSEvent *event; NSAutoreleasePool *pool; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSDate *TheDistantFuture = [NSDate distantFuture]; NSDate *TheDistantPast = [NSDate distantPast]; #if 0 NSDate *TheNextTick = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: NextTickChangeTime]; #endif TheUntil = TheDistantPast; label_retry: i = 32; while ((--i >= 0) && (nil != (event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask: NSAnyEventMask untilDate: TheUntil inMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue: YES]))) { ProcessOneSystemEvent(event); TheUntil = TheDistantPast; } CheckForSavedTasks(); if (ForceMacOff) { goto label_exit; } if (CurSpeedStopped) { DoneWithDrawingForTick(); TheUntil = TheDistantFuture; goto label_retry; } if (ExtraTimeNotOver()) { #if 1 #if 0 && EnableAutoSlow if ((QuietSubTicks >= 16384) && (QuietTime >= 34) && ! WantNotAutoSlow) { TheUntil = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: (NextTickChangeTime + 0.50)]; } else #endif { NSTimeInterval inTimeout = NextTickChangeTime - LatestTime; if (inTimeout > 0.0) { struct timespec rqt; struct timespec rmt; rqt.tv_sec = 0; rqt.tv_nsec = inTimeout * 1000000000.0; (void) nanosleep(&rqt, &rmt); } TheUntil = TheDistantPast; } #else /* This has higher overhead. */ TheUntil = TheNextTick; #endif goto label_retry; } #if 0 if (! gTrueBackgroundFlag) { CheckMouseState(); } #endif if (CheckDateTime()) { #if MySoundEnabled MySound_SecondNotify(); #endif #if EnableDemoMsg DemoModeSecondNotify(); #endif } OnTrueTime = TrueEmulatedTime; #if dbglog_TimeStuff dbglog_writelnNum("WaitForNextTick, OnTrueTime", OnTrueTime); #endif label_exit: [pool release]; } typedef Boolean (*SecTranslocateIsTranslocatedURL_t)( CFURLRef path, bool *isTranslocated, CFErrorRef * error); typedef CFURLRef (*SecTranslocateCreateOriginalPathForURL_t)( CFURLRef translocatedPath, CFErrorRef * error); LOCALFUNC blnr setupWorkingDirectory(void) { NSString *myAppDir; NSString *contentsPath; NSString *dataPath; NSBundle *myBundle = [NSBundle mainBundle]; NSString *myAppPath = [myBundle bundlePath]; #if WantUnTranslocate { bool isTranslocated; void *sec_handle = NULL; SecTranslocateIsTranslocatedURL_t mySecTranslocateIsTranslocatedURL = NULL; CFURLRef url = NULL; SecTranslocateCreateOriginalPathForURL_t mySecTranslocateCreateOriginalPathForURL = NULL; CFURLRef untranslocatedURL = NULL; NSString *realAppPath = NULL; if (NULL == (sec_handle = dlopen( "/System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Security", RTLD_LAZY))) { /* fail */ } else if (NULL == (mySecTranslocateIsTranslocatedURL = dlsym(sec_handle, "SecTranslocateIsTranslocatedURL"))) { /* fail */ } else if (NULL == (url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFStringRef)myAppPath, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, NO))) { /* fail */ } else if (! mySecTranslocateIsTranslocatedURL(url, &isTranslocated, NULL)) { /* fail */ } else if (! isTranslocated) { /* done */ } else if (NULL == (mySecTranslocateCreateOriginalPathForURL = dlsym(sec_handle, "SecTranslocateCreateOriginalPathForURL"))) { /* fail */ } else if (NULL == (untranslocatedURL = mySecTranslocateCreateOriginalPathForURL(url, NULL))) { /* fail */ } else if (NULL == (realAppPath = (NSString *)CFURLCopyFileSystemPath( untranslocatedURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle))) { /* fail */ } else { myAppPath = realAppPath; } if (NULL != realAppPath) { [realAppPath autorelease]; } if (NULL != untranslocatedURL) { CFRelease(untranslocatedURL); } if (NULL != url) { CFRelease(url); } if (NULL != sec_handle) { if (0 != dlclose(sec_handle)) { /* dbglog_writeln("dlclose failed"); */ } } } #endif /* WantUnTranslocate */ myAppDir = [myAppPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]; myAppName = [[[myAppPath lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension] retain]; MyDataPath = myAppDir; if (FindNamedChildDirPath(myAppPath, "Contents", &contentsPath)) if (FindNamedChildDirPath(contentsPath, "mnvm_dat", &dataPath)) { MyDataPath = dataPath; } [MyDataPath retain]; return trueblnr; } @interface MyClassApplicationDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate> @end @implementation MyClassApplicationDelegate - (BOOL)application:(NSApplication *)theApplication openFile:(NSString *)filename { (void) Sony_Insert1a(filename); return TRUE; } - (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching: (NSNotification *) note { [NSApp stop: nil]; /* stop immediately */ { /* doesn't actually stop until an event, so make one. (As suggested by Michiel de Hoon in post.) */ NSEvent* event = [NSEvent otherEventWithType: NSApplicationDefined location: NSMakePoint(0, 0) modifierFlags: 0 timestamp: 0.0 windowNumber: 0 context: nil subtype: 0 data1: 0 data2: 0]; [NSApp postEvent: event atStart: true]; } } - (void)applicationDidChangeScreenParameters: (NSNotification *)aNotification { WantScreensChangedCheck = trueblnr; } - (IBAction)performSpecialMoreCommands:(id)sender { DoMoreCommandsMsg(); } - (IBAction)performFileOpen:(id)sender { RequestInsertDisk = trueblnr; } - (IBAction)performApplicationAbout:(id)sender { DoAboutMsg(); } @end LOCALVAR MyClassApplicationDelegate *MyApplicationDelegate = nil; LOCALFUNC blnr InitCocoaStuff(void) { NSApplication *MyNSApp = [NSApplication sharedApplication]; /* in Xcode 6.2, MyNSApp isn't the same as NSApp, breaks NSApp setDelegate */ MyMenuSetup(); MyApplicationDelegate = [[MyClassApplicationDelegate alloc] init]; [MyNSApp setDelegate: MyApplicationDelegate]; #if 0 [MyNSApp finishLaunching]; #endif /* If use finishLaunching, after Hide Mini vMac command, activating from Dock doesn't bring our window forward. Using "run" instead fixes this. As suggested by Hugues De Keyzer in post. SDL 2.0 doesn't use this technique. Was another solution found? */ [MyNSApp run]; /* our applicationDidFinishLaunching forces immediate halt. */ return trueblnr; } LOCALPROC UnInitCocoaStuff(void) { if (nil != MyApplicationDelegate) { [MyApplicationDelegate release]; } if (nil != myAppName) { [myAppName release]; } if (nil != MyDataPath) { [MyDataPath release]; } } /* --- platform independent code can be thought of as going here --- */ #include "PROGMAIN.h" LOCALPROC ZapOSGLUVars(void) { InitDrives(); ZapWinStateVars(); #if MySoundEnabled ZapAudioVars(); #endif } LOCALPROC ReserveAllocAll(void) { #if dbglog_HAVE dbglog_ReserveAlloc(); #endif ReserveAllocOneBlock(&ROM, kROM_Size, 5, falseblnr); ReserveAllocOneBlock(&screencomparebuff, vMacScreenNumBytes, 5, trueblnr); #if UseControlKeys ReserveAllocOneBlock(&CntrlDisplayBuff, vMacScreenNumBytes, 5, falseblnr); #endif ReserveAllocOneBlock(&ScalingBuff, vMacScreenNumPixels #if 0 != vMacScreenDepth * 4 #endif , 5, falseblnr); ReserveAllocOneBlock(&CLUT_final, CLUT_finalsz, 5, falseblnr); #if MySoundEnabled ReserveAllocOneBlock((ui3p *)&TheSoundBuffer, dbhBufferSize, 5, falseblnr); #endif EmulationReserveAlloc(); } LOCALFUNC blnr AllocMyMemory(void) { #if 0 /* for testing start up error reporting */ MacMsg(kStrOutOfMemTitle, kStrOutOfMemMessage, trueblnr); return falseblnr; #else uimr n; blnr IsOk = falseblnr; ReserveAllocOffset = 0; ReserveAllocBigBlock = nullpr; ReserveAllocAll(); n = ReserveAllocOffset; ReserveAllocBigBlock = (ui3p)calloc(1, n); if (NULL == ReserveAllocBigBlock) { MacMsg(kStrOutOfMemTitle, kStrOutOfMemMessage, trueblnr); } else { ReserveAllocOffset = 0; ReserveAllocAll(); if (n != ReserveAllocOffset) { /* oops, program error */ } else { IsOk = trueblnr; } } return IsOk; #endif } LOCALPROC UnallocMyMemory(void) { if (nullpr != ReserveAllocBigBlock) { free((char *) ReserveAllocBigBlock); } } LOCALFUNC blnr InitOSGLU(void) { blnr IsOk = falseblnr; NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; if (AllocMyMemory()) if (setupWorkingDirectory()) #if dbglog_HAVE if (dbglog_open()) #endif #if MySoundEnabled if (MySound_Init()) /* takes a while to stabilize, do as soon as possible */ #endif if (LoadMacRom()) if (LoadInitialImages()) if (InitCocoaStuff()) /* Can get openFile call backs here for initial files. So must load ROM, disk1.dsk, etc first. */ #if UseActvCode if (ActvCodeInit()) #endif #if EmLocalTalk if (InitLocalTalk()) #endif if (InitLocationDat()) if (Screen_Init()) if (CreateMainWindow()) if (WaitForRom()) { IsOk = trueblnr; } [pool release]; return IsOk; } #if dbglog_HAVE && 0 IMPORTPROC DumpRTC(void); #endif LOCALPROC UnInitOSGLU(void) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; #if dbglog_HAVE && 0 DumpRTC(); #endif if (MacMsgDisplayed) { MacMsgDisplayOff(); } RestoreKeyRepeat(); #if MayFullScreen UngrabMachine(); #endif #if MySoundEnabled MySound_Stop(); #endif #if MySoundEnabled MySound_UnInit(); #endif #if IncludePbufs UnInitPbufs(); #endif UnInitDrives(); ForceShowCursor(); #if dbglog_HAVE dbglog_close(); #endif CheckSavedMacMsg(); CloseMyOpenGLContext(); CloseMainWindow(); #if MayFullScreen My_ShowMenuBar(); #endif UnInitCocoaStuff(); UnallocMyMemory(); [pool release]; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ZapOSGLUVars(); if (InitOSGLU()) { ProgramMain(); } UnInitOSGLU(); return 0; }