ref: 5f3987b8e5f4c1ce992e5f9caff744af822bcba2
dir: /setup/SPCNFGGL.i/
/* SPCNFGGL.i Copyright (C) 2007 Paul C. Pratt You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of the license along with this file; see the file COPYING. This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license for more details. */ /* program SPecific CoNFiGuration GLobals */ LOCALPROC WriteAppSpecificCNFGGLOBoptions(void) { WriteBlankLineToDestFile(); WriteCompCondBool("MySoundRecenterSilence", falseblnr); WriteDefineUimr("kLn2SoundSampSz", cur_SoundSampSz); WriteBlankLineToDestFile(); #if 0 /* not used currently */ WriteCompCondBool("Debug", gbk_dbg_off != gbo_dbg); #endif WriteCompCondBool("dbglog_HAVE", DbgLogHAVE); WriteCompCondBool("WantAbnormalReports", gbo_AbnormalReports); WriteBlankLineToDestFile(); WriteDefineUimr("NumDrives", cur_numdrives); WriteCompCondBool("IncludeSonyRawMode", (! WantMinExtn) && (gbk_apifam_nds != gbo_apifam)); WriteCompCondBool("IncludeSonyGetName", (! WantMinExtn) && (gbk_apifam_gtk != gbo_apifam) && (gbk_apifam_nds != gbo_apifam) && (gbk_apifam_sdl != gbo_apifam) && (gbk_apifam_sd2 != gbo_apifam)); WriteCompCondBool("IncludeSonyNew", (! WantMinExtn) && (gbk_apifam_gtk != gbo_apifam) && (gbk_apifam_sdl != gbo_apifam) && (gbk_apifam_sd2 != gbo_apifam) && (gbk_apifam_nds != gbo_apifam)); WriteCompCondBool("IncludeSonyNameNew", (! WantMinExtn) && (gbk_apifam_gtk != gbo_apifam) && (gbk_apifam_sdl != gbo_apifam) && (gbk_apifam_sd2 != gbo_apifam) && (gbk_apifam_nds != gbo_apifam)); WriteBlankLineToDestFile(); WriteDefineUimr("vMacScreenHeight", cur_vres); WriteDefineUimr("vMacScreenWidth", cur_hres); WriteDefineUimr("vMacScreenDepth", cur_ScrnDpth); WriteBlankLineToDestFile(); WriteBgnDestFileLn(); WriteCStrToDestFile("#define kROM_Size "); WriteCStrToDestFile("0x"); WriteHexLongToOutput(1UL << cur_RomSize); WriteEndDestFileLn(); WriteBlankLineToDestFile(); WriteCompCondBool("IncludePbufs", 1 /* ((! WantMinExtn) || WantActvCode || WantDemoMsg) */ && (gbk_apifam_gtk != gbo_apifam) && (gbk_apifam_nds != gbo_apifam)); WriteDefineUimr("NumPbufs", 4); WriteBlankLineToDestFile(); WriteCompCondBool("EnableMouseMotion", MyMouseMotion); WriteBlankLineToDestFile(); WriteCompCondBool("IncludeHostTextClipExchange", 1 /* ((! WantMinExtn) || WantActvCode || WantDemoMsg) */ && (gbk_apifam_gtk != gbo_apifam) && (gbk_apifam_sdl != gbo_apifam) && (gbk_apifam_nds != gbo_apifam)); WriteDestFileLn("#define EnableAutoSlow 1"); WriteCompCondBool("EmLocalTalk", WantLocalTalk); WriteCompCondBool("AutoLocation", WantAutoLocation); WriteCompCondBool("AutoTimeZone", WantAutoTimeZone); }