ref: ff9c19c3d8d2774746827b65242e3fe78943e613
dir: /demos/stm32f429_disco/main.c/
/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Grzegorz Kostka ([email protected]) * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <config.h> #include <hw_init.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <usb_msc_lwext4.h> #include <ext4.h> /**@brief Read-write size*/ #define READ_WRITE_SZIZE 1024 * 8 /**@brief Delay test (slower LCD scroll)*/ #define TEST_DELAY_MS 2000 /**@brief Input stream name.*/ char input_name[128] = "ext2"; /**@brief Read-write size*/ static int rw_szie = READ_WRITE_SZIZE; /**@brief Read-write size*/ static int rw_count = 100; /**@brief Directory test count*/ static int dir_cnt = 500; /**@brief Static or dynamic cache mode*/ static bool cache_mode = false; /**@brief Cleanup after test.*/ static bool cleanup_flag = false; /**@brief Block device stats.*/ static bool bstat = false; /**@brief Superblock stats.*/ static bool sbstat = false; /**@brief File write buffer*/ static uint8_t wr_buff[READ_WRITE_SZIZE]; /**@brief File read buffer.*/ static uint8_t rd_buff[READ_WRITE_SZIZE]; /**@brief Block device handle.*/ static struct ext4_blockdev *bd; /**@brief Block cache handle.*/ static struct ext4_bcache *bc; static char* entry_to_str(uint8_t type) { switch(type){ case EXT4_DIRENTRY_UNKNOWN: return "[UNK] "; case EXT4_DIRENTRY_REG_FILE: return "[FIL] "; case EXT4_DIRENTRY_DIR: return "[DIR] "; case EXT4_DIRENTRY_CHRDEV: return "[CHA] "; case EXT4_DIRENTRY_BLKDEV: return "[BLK] "; case EXT4_DIRENTRY_FIFO: return "[FIF] "; case EXT4_DIRENTRY_SOCK: return "[SOC] "; case EXT4_DIRENTRY_SYMLINK: return "[SYM] "; default: break; } return "[???]"; } static void dir_ls(const char *path) { int j = 0; char sss[255]; ext4_dir d; ext4_direntry *de; printf("********************\n"); ext4_dir_open(&d, path); de = ext4_dir_entry_get(&d, j++); printf("ls %s\n", path); while(de){ memcpy(sss, de->name, de->name_length); sss[de->name_length] = 0; printf("%s", entry_to_str(de->inode_type)); printf("%s", sss); printf("\n"); de = ext4_dir_entry_get(&d, j++); } printf("********************\n"); ext4_dir_close(&d); } static void mp_stats(void) { struct ext4_mount_stats stats; ext4_mount_point_stats("/mp/", &stats); printf("********************\n"); printf("ext4_mount_point_stats\n"); printf("inodes_count = %u\n", stats.inodes_count); printf("free_inodes_count = %u\n", stats.free_inodes_count); printf("blocks_count = %u\n", (uint32_t)stats.blocks_count); printf("free_blocks_count = %u\n", (uint32_t)stats.free_blocks_count); printf("block_size = %u\n", stats.block_size); printf("block_group_count = %u\n", stats.block_group_count); printf("blocks_per_group= %u\n", stats.blocks_per_group); printf("inodes_per_group = %u\n", stats.inodes_per_group); printf("volume_name = %s\n", stats.volume_name); printf("********************\n"); } static void block_stats(void) { uint32_t i; printf("********************\n"); printf("ext4 blockdev stats\n"); printf("bdev->bread_ctr = %u\n", bd->bread_ctr); printf("bdev->bwrite_ctr = %u\n", bd->bwrite_ctr); printf("bcache->ref_blocks = %u\n", bc->ref_blocks); printf("bcache->max_ref_blocks = %u\n", bc->max_ref_blocks); printf("bcache->lru_ctr = %u\n", bc->lru_ctr); printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < bc->cnt; ++i) { printf("bcache->refctr[%d]= %u\n", i, bc->refctr[i]); } printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < bc->cnt; ++i) { printf("bcache->lru_id[%d] = %u\n", i, bc->lru_id[i]); } printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < bc->cnt; ++i) { printf("bcache->free_delay[%d] = %d\n", i, bc->free_delay[i]); } printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < bc->cnt; ++i) { printf("bcache->lba[%d] = %u\n", i, (uint32_t)bc->lba[i]); } printf("********************\n"); } static clock_t get_ms(void) { return hw_get_ms(); } static bool dir_test(int len) { ext4_file f; int r; int i; char path[64]; clock_t diff; clock_t stop; clock_t start; start = get_ms(); printf("Directory create: /mp/dir1\n"); r = ext4_dir_mk("/mp/dir1"); if(r != EOK){ printf("Unable to create directory: /mp/dir1\n"); return false; } printf("Add files to: /mp/dir1\n"); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { sprintf(path, "/mp/dir1/f%d", i); r = ext4_fopen(&f, path, "wb"); if(r != EOK){ printf("Unable to create file in directory: /mp/dir1 r = %d\n", r); return false; } } stop = get_ms(); diff = stop - start; dir_ls("/mp/dir1"); printf("dir_test time: %d ms\n", (int)diff); return true; } static bool file_test(void) { int r; uint32_t size; ext4_file f; int i; clock_t start; clock_t stop; clock_t diff; uint32_t kbps; uint64_t size_bytes; /*Add hello world file.*/ r = ext4_fopen(&f, "/mp/hello.txt", "wb"); r = ext4_fwrite(&f, "Hello World !\n", strlen("Hello World !\n"), 0); r = ext4_fclose(&f); printf("ext4_fopen: test1\n"); start = get_ms(); r = ext4_fopen(&f, "/mp/test1", "wb"); if(r != EOK){ printf("ext4_fopen ERROR = %d\n", r); return false; } printf("ext4_write: %d * %d ...\n" , rw_szie, rw_count); for (i = 0; i < rw_count; ++i) { memset(wr_buff, i % 10 + '0', rw_szie); r = ext4_fwrite(&f, wr_buff, rw_szie, &size); if((r != EOK) || (size != rw_szie)) break; if(!(i % (rw_count >> 3))){ printf("*"); fflush(stdout); } } if(i != rw_count){ printf("ERROR: rw_count = %d\n", i); return false; } printf(" OK\n"); stop = get_ms(); diff = stop - start; size_bytes = rw_szie * rw_count; size_bytes = (size_bytes * 1000) / 1024; kbps = (size_bytes) / (diff + 1); printf("file_test write time: %d ms\n", (int)diff); printf("file_test write speed: %d KB/s\n", (int)kbps); r = ext4_fclose(&f); printf("ext4_fopen: test1\n"); start = get_ms(); r = ext4_fopen(&f, "/mp/test1", "r+"); if(r != EOK){ printf("ext4_fopen ERROR = %d\n", r); return false; } printf("ext4_read: %d * %d ...\n" , rw_szie, rw_count); for (i = 0; i < rw_count; ++i) { memset(wr_buff, i % 10 + '0', rw_szie); r = ext4_fread(&f, rd_buff, rw_szie, &size); if((r != EOK) || (size != rw_szie)) break; if(memcmp(rd_buff, wr_buff, rw_szie)) break; if(!(i % (rw_count >> 3))) printf("*"); } if(i != rw_count){ printf("ERROR: rw_count = %d\n", i); return false; } printf(" OK\n"); stop = get_ms(); diff = stop - start; size_bytes = rw_szie * rw_count; size_bytes = (size_bytes * 1000) / 1024; kbps = (size_bytes) / (diff + 1); printf("file_test read time: %d ms\n", (int)diff); printf("file_test read speed: %d KB/s\n", kbps); r = ext4_fclose(&f); return true; } static void cleanup(void) { clock_t start; clock_t stop; clock_t diff; ext4_fremove("/mp/hello.txt"); printf("cleanup: remove /mp/test1\n"); start = get_ms(); ext4_fremove("/mp/test1"); stop = get_ms(); diff = stop - start; printf("cleanup: time: %d ms\n", (int)diff); printf("cleanup: remove /mp/dir1\n"); start = get_ms(); ext4_dir_rm("/mp/dir1"); stop = get_ms(); diff = stop - start; printf("cleanup: time: %d ms\n", (int)diff); } static bool open_filedev(void) { bd = ext4_usb_msc_get(); bc = ext4_usb_msc_cache_get(); if(!bd || !bc){ printf("Block device ERROR\n"); return false; } return true; } static bool mount(void) { int r; if(!open_filedev()) return false; ext4_dmask_set(EXT4_DEBUG_ALL); r = ext4_device_register(bd, cache_mode ? 0 : bc, "ext4_filesim"); if(r != EOK){ printf("ext4_device_register ERROR = %d\n", r); return false; } r = ext4_mount("ext4_filesim", "/mp/"); if(r != EOK){ printf("ext4_mount ERROR = %d\n", r); return false; } return true; } static bool umount(void) { int r = ext4_umount("/mp/"); if(r != EOK){ printf("ext4_umount: FAIL %d", r); return false; } return true; } int main(void) { hw_init(); setbuf(stdout, 0); printf("Connect USB drive...\n"); while(!hw_usb_connected()) hw_usb_process(); printf("USB drive connected\n"); while(!hw_usb_enum_done()) hw_usb_process(); printf("USB drive enum done\n"); hw_led_red(1); printf("Test conditions:\n"); printf("Imput name: %s\n", input_name); printf("RW size: %d\n", rw_szie); printf("RW count: %d\n", rw_count); printf("Cache mode: %s\n", cache_mode ? "dynamic" : "static"); hw_wait_ms(TEST_DELAY_MS); if(!mount()) return EXIT_FAILURE; ext4_cache_write_back("/mp/", 1); cleanup(); if(sbstat){ hw_wait_ms(TEST_DELAY_MS); mp_stats(); } hw_wait_ms(TEST_DELAY_MS); dir_ls("/mp/"); if(!dir_test(dir_cnt)) return EXIT_FAILURE; hw_wait_ms(TEST_DELAY_MS); if(!file_test()) return EXIT_FAILURE; dir_ls("/mp/"); if(sbstat){ hw_wait_ms(TEST_DELAY_MS); mp_stats(); } if(cleanup_flag){ hw_wait_ms(TEST_DELAY_MS); cleanup(); } if(bstat){ hw_wait_ms(TEST_DELAY_MS); block_stats(); } ext4_cache_write_back("/mp/", 0); if(!umount()) return EXIT_FAILURE; printf("\nTest finished: OK\n"); printf("Press RESET to restart\n"); while (1) { hw_wait_ms(500); hw_led_green(1); hw_wait_ms(500); hw_led_green(0); } }