shithub: lwext4

ref: a3d928e3777ab612ead4b903b4916558bffb040b
dir: /demos/stm32f429_disco/stm/stm32f429/stm32f429i_discovery_sdram.h/

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  * @file    stm32f429i_discovery_sdram.h
  * @author  MCD Application Team
  * @version V1.0.1
  * @date    28-October-2013
  * @brief   This file contains all the functions prototypes for the 
  *          stm324x9i_disco_sdram.c driver.
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2013 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
  * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.

/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __STM32429I_DISCO_SDRAM_H
#define __STM32429I_DISCO_SDRAM_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32f429i_discovery.h"

/** @addtogroup Utilities
  * @{
/** @addtogroup STM32F4_EVAL
  * @{

/** @addtogroup STM32F429I_DISCOVERY
  * @{
/** @addtogroup STM32F429I_DISCOVERY_SDRAM
  * @{
/** @defgroup STM32429I_DISCO_SDRAM_Private_Defines
  * @{

  * @brief  FMC SDRAM Bank address
#define SDRAM_BANK_ADDR     ((uint32_t)0xD0000000)
  * @brief  FMC SDRAM Memory Width
/* #define SDRAM_MEMORY_WIDTH   FMC_SDMemory_Width_8b  */
#define SDRAM_MEMORY_WIDTH    FMC_SDMemory_Width_16b 

  * @brief  FMC SDRAM CAS Latency
/* #define SDRAM_CAS_LATENCY   FMC_CAS_Latency_2  */
#define SDRAM_CAS_LATENCY    FMC_CAS_Latency_3

  * @brief  FMC SDRAM Memory clock period
#define SDCLOCK_PERIOD    FMC_SDClock_Period_2        /* Default configuration used with LCD */
/* #define SDCLOCK_PERIOD    FMC_SDClock_Period_3 */

  * @brief  FMC SDRAM Memory Read Burst feature
#define SDRAM_READBURST    FMC_Read_Burst_Disable    /* Default configuration used with LCD */
/* #define SDRAM_READBURST    FMC_Read_Burst_Enable  */

  * @brief  FMC SDRAM Bank Remap
/* #define SDRAM_BANK_REMAP */   

 * @brief Uncomment the line below if you want to use user defined Delay function
 *        (for precise timing), otherwise default _delay_ function defined within
 *         this driver is used (less precise timing).  
/* #define USE_Delay */

#ifdef USE_Delay
  #define __Delay     Delay      /*  User can provide more timing precise __Delay function
                                    (with 10ms time base), using SysTick for example */
  #define __Delay     delay      /*  Default __Delay function with less precise timing */

  * @brief  FMC SDRAM Mode definition register defines
#define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_LENGTH_1             ((uint16_t)0x0000)
#define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_LENGTH_2             ((uint16_t)0x0001)
#define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_LENGTH_4             ((uint16_t)0x0002)
#define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_LENGTH_8             ((uint16_t)0x0004)
#define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_TYPE_SEQUENTIAL      ((uint16_t)0x0000)
#define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_TYPE_INTERLEAVED     ((uint16_t)0x0008)
#define SDRAM_MODEREG_CAS_LATENCY_2              ((uint16_t)0x0020)
#define SDRAM_MODEREG_CAS_LATENCY_3              ((uint16_t)0x0030)
#define SDRAM_MODEREG_OPERATING_MODE_STANDARD    ((uint16_t)0x0000)
#define SDRAM_MODEREG_WRITEBURST_MODE_SINGLE     ((uint16_t)0x0200)      

  * @}

/** @defgroup STM32429I_DISCO_SDRAM_Exported_Functions
  * @{
void  SDRAM_Init(void);
void  SDRAM_GPIOConfig(void);
void  SDRAM_InitSequence(void);
void  SDRAM_WriteBuffer(uint32_t* pBuffer, uint32_t uwWriteAddress, uint32_t uwBufferSize);
void  SDRAM_ReadBuffer(uint32_t* pBuffer, uint32_t uwReadAddress, uint32_t uwBufferSize);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __STM32429I_DISCO_SDRAM_H */

  * @}
  * @}

  * @}

  * @}

  * @}

/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/