ref: c5a4376aed2ef26665343853a8f8a1a94bea1b77
dir: /vpx_dsp/psnr.c/
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include <math.h> #include <assert.h> #include "./vpx_dsp_rtcd.h" #include "vpx_dsp/psnr.h" #include "vpx_scale/yv12config.h" double vpx_sse_to_psnr(double samples, double peak, double sse) { if (sse > 0.0) { const double psnr = 10.0 * log10(samples * peak * peak / sse); return psnr > MAX_PSNR ? MAX_PSNR : psnr; } else { return MAX_PSNR; } } /* TODO(yaowu): The block_variance calls the unoptimized versions of variance() * and highbd_8_variance(). It should not. */ static void encoder_variance(const uint8_t *a, int a_stride, const uint8_t *b, int b_stride, int w, int h, unsigned int *sse, int *sum) { int i, j; *sum = 0; *sse = 0; for (i = 0; i < h; i++) { for (j = 0; j < w; j++) { const int diff = a[j] - b[j]; *sum += diff; *sse += diff * diff; } a += a_stride; b += b_stride; } } #if CONFIG_VP9_HIGHBITDEPTH static void encoder_highbd_variance64(const uint8_t *a8, int a_stride, const uint8_t *b8, int b_stride, int w, int h, uint64_t *sse, int64_t *sum) { int i, j; uint16_t *a = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(a8); uint16_t *b = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(b8); *sum = 0; *sse = 0; for (i = 0; i < h; i++) { for (j = 0; j < w; j++) { const int diff = a[j] - b[j]; *sum += diff; *sse += diff * diff; } a += a_stride; b += b_stride; } } static void encoder_highbd_8_variance(const uint8_t *a8, int a_stride, const uint8_t *b8, int b_stride, int w, int h, unsigned int *sse, int *sum) { uint64_t sse_long = 0; int64_t sum_long = 0; encoder_highbd_variance64(a8, a_stride, b8, b_stride, w, h, &sse_long, &sum_long); *sse = (unsigned int)sse_long; *sum = (int)sum_long; } #endif // CONFIG_VP9_HIGHBITDEPTH static int64_t get_sse(const uint8_t *a, int a_stride, const uint8_t *b, int b_stride, int width, int height) { const int dw = width % 16; const int dh = height % 16; int64_t total_sse = 0; unsigned int sse = 0; int sum = 0; int x, y; if (dw > 0) { encoder_variance(&a[width - dw], a_stride, &b[width - dw], b_stride, dw, height, &sse, &sum); total_sse += sse; } if (dh > 0) { encoder_variance(&a[(height - dh) * a_stride], a_stride, &b[(height - dh) * b_stride], b_stride, width - dw, dh, &sse, &sum); total_sse += sse; } for (y = 0; y < height / 16; ++y) { const uint8_t *pa = a; const uint8_t *pb = b; for (x = 0; x < width / 16; ++x) { vpx_mse16x16(pa, a_stride, pb, b_stride, &sse); total_sse += sse; pa += 16; pb += 16; } a += 16 * a_stride; b += 16 * b_stride; } return total_sse; } #if CONFIG_VP9_HIGHBITDEPTH static int64_t highbd_get_sse_shift(const uint8_t *a8, int a_stride, const uint8_t *b8, int b_stride, int width, int height, unsigned int input_shift) { const uint16_t *a = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(a8); const uint16_t *b = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(b8); int64_t total_sse = 0; int x, y; for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) { int64_t diff; diff = (a[x] >> input_shift) - (b[x] >> input_shift); total_sse += diff * diff; } a += a_stride; b += b_stride; } return total_sse; } static int64_t highbd_get_sse(const uint8_t *a, int a_stride, const uint8_t *b, int b_stride, int width, int height) { int64_t total_sse = 0; int x, y; const int dw = width % 16; const int dh = height % 16; unsigned int sse = 0; int sum = 0; if (dw > 0) { encoder_highbd_8_variance(&a[width - dw], a_stride, &b[width - dw], b_stride, dw, height, &sse, &sum); total_sse += sse; } if (dh > 0) { encoder_highbd_8_variance(&a[(height - dh) * a_stride], a_stride, &b[(height - dh) * b_stride], b_stride, width - dw, dh, &sse, &sum); total_sse += sse; } for (y = 0; y < height / 16; ++y) { const uint8_t *pa = a; const uint8_t *pb = b; for (x = 0; x < width / 16; ++x) { vpx_highbd_8_mse16x16(pa, a_stride, pb, b_stride, &sse); total_sse += sse; pa += 16; pb += 16; } a += 16 * a_stride; b += 16 * b_stride; } return total_sse; } #endif // CONFIG_VP9_HIGHBITDEPTH int64_t vpx_get_y_sse(const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *a, const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *b) { assert(a->y_crop_width == b->y_crop_width); assert(a->y_crop_height == b->y_crop_height); return get_sse(a->y_buffer, a->y_stride, b->y_buffer, b->y_stride, a->y_crop_width, a->y_crop_height); } #if CONFIG_VP9_HIGHBITDEPTH int64_t vpx_highbd_get_y_sse(const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *a, const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *b) { assert(a->y_crop_width == b->y_crop_width); assert(a->y_crop_height == b->y_crop_height); assert((a->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH) != 0); assert((b->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH) != 0); return highbd_get_sse(a->y_buffer, a->y_stride, b->y_buffer, b->y_stride, a->y_crop_width, a->y_crop_height); } #endif // CONFIG_VP9_HIGHBITDEPTH #if CONFIG_VP9_HIGHBITDEPTH void vpx_calc_highbd_psnr(const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *a, const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *b, PSNR_STATS *psnr, uint32_t bit_depth, uint32_t in_bit_depth) { const int widths[3] = { a->y_crop_width, a->uv_crop_width, a->uv_crop_width }; const int heights[3] = { a->y_crop_height, a->uv_crop_height, a->uv_crop_height }; const uint8_t *a_planes[3] = { a->y_buffer, a->u_buffer, a->v_buffer }; const int a_strides[3] = { a->y_stride, a->uv_stride, a->uv_stride }; const uint8_t *b_planes[3] = { b->y_buffer, b->u_buffer, b->v_buffer }; const int b_strides[3] = { b->y_stride, b->uv_stride, b->uv_stride }; int i; uint64_t total_sse = 0; uint32_t total_samples = 0; const double peak = (double)((1 << in_bit_depth) - 1); const unsigned int input_shift = bit_depth - in_bit_depth; for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { const int w = widths[i]; const int h = heights[i]; const uint32_t samples = w * h; uint64_t sse; if (a->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH) { if (input_shift) { sse = highbd_get_sse_shift(a_planes[i], a_strides[i], b_planes[i], b_strides[i], w, h, input_shift); } else { sse = highbd_get_sse(a_planes[i], a_strides[i], b_planes[i], b_strides[i], w, h); } } else { sse = get_sse(a_planes[i], a_strides[i], b_planes[i], b_strides[i], w, h); } psnr->sse[1 + i] = sse; psnr->samples[1 + i] = samples; psnr->psnr[1 + i] = vpx_sse_to_psnr(samples, peak, (double)sse); total_sse += sse; total_samples += samples; } psnr->sse[0] = total_sse; psnr->samples[0] = total_samples; psnr->psnr[0] = vpx_sse_to_psnr((double)total_samples, peak, (double)total_sse); } #endif // !CONFIG_VP9_HIGHBITDEPTH void vpx_calc_psnr(const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *a, const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *b, PSNR_STATS *psnr) { static const double peak = 255.0; const int widths[3] = { a->y_crop_width, a->uv_crop_width, a->uv_crop_width }; const int heights[3] = { a->y_crop_height, a->uv_crop_height, a->uv_crop_height }; const uint8_t *a_planes[3] = { a->y_buffer, a->u_buffer, a->v_buffer }; const int a_strides[3] = { a->y_stride, a->uv_stride, a->uv_stride }; const uint8_t *b_planes[3] = { b->y_buffer, b->u_buffer, b->v_buffer }; const int b_strides[3] = { b->y_stride, b->uv_stride, b->uv_stride }; int i; uint64_t total_sse = 0; uint32_t total_samples = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { const int w = widths[i]; const int h = heights[i]; const uint32_t samples = w * h; const uint64_t sse = get_sse(a_planes[i], a_strides[i], b_planes[i], b_strides[i], w, h); psnr->sse[1 + i] = sse; psnr->samples[1 + i] = samples; psnr->psnr[1 + i] = vpx_sse_to_psnr(samples, peak, (double)sse); total_sse += sse; total_samples += samples; } psnr->sse[0] = total_sse; psnr->samples[0] = total_samples; psnr->psnr[0] = vpx_sse_to_psnr((double)total_samples, peak, (double)total_sse); }