shithub: libvpx

ref: 12a14913947b510514746389319b49a188a53579
dir: /tools/non_greedy_mv/

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##  Copyright (c) 2020 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
##  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
##  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
##  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
##  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
##  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.

import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from matplotlib import colors as mcolors
import numpy as np
import math

def draw_mv_ls(axis, mv_ls, mode=0):
  colors = np.array([(1., 0., 0., 1.)])
  segs = np.array([
      np.array([[ptr[0], ptr[1]], [ptr[0] + ptr[2], ptr[1] + ptr[3]]])
      for ptr in mv_ls
  line_segments = LineCollection(
      segs, linewidths=(1.,), colors=colors, linestyle='solid')
  if mode == 0:
    axis.scatter(mv_ls[:, 0], mv_ls[:, 1], s=2, c='b')
        mv_ls[:, 0] + mv_ls[:, 2], mv_ls[:, 1] + mv_ls[:, 3], s=2, c='b')

def draw_pred_block_ls(axis, mv_ls, bs, mode=0):
  colors = np.array([(0., 0., 0., 1.)])
  segs = []
  for ptr in mv_ls:
    if mode == 0:
      x = ptr[0]
      y = ptr[1]
      x = ptr[0] + ptr[2]
      y = ptr[1] + ptr[3]
    x_ls = [x, x + bs, x + bs, x, x]
    y_ls = [y, y, y + bs, y + bs, y]

    segs.append(np.column_stack([x_ls, y_ls]))
  line_segments = LineCollection(
      segs, linewidths=(.5,), colors=colors, linestyle='solid')

def read_frame(fp, no_swap=0):
  plane = [None, None, None]
  for i in range(3):
    line = fp.readline()
    word_ls = line.split()
    word_ls = [int(item) for item in word_ls]
    rows = word_ls[0]
    cols = word_ls[1]

    line = fp.readline()
    word_ls = line.split()
    word_ls = [int(item) for item in word_ls]

    plane[i] = np.array(word_ls).reshape(rows, cols)
    if i > 0:
      plane[i] = plane[i].repeat(2, axis=0).repeat(2, axis=1)
  plane = np.array(plane)
  if no_swap == 0:
    plane = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(plane, 0, 1), 1, 2)
  return plane

def yuv_to_rgb(yuv):
  #mat = np.array([
  #    [1.164,   0   , 1.596  ],
  #    [1.164, -0.391, -0.813],
  #    [1.164, 2.018 , 0     ] ]
  #               )
  #c = np.array([[ -16 , -16 , -16  ],
  #              [ 0   , -128, -128 ],
  #              [ -128, -128,   0  ]])

  mat = np.array([[1, 0, 1.4075], [1, -0.3445, -0.7169], [1, 1.7790, 0]])
  c = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, -128, -128], [-128, -128, 0]])
  mat_c =, c)
  v = np.array([mat_c[0, 0], mat_c[1, 1], mat_c[2, 2]])
  mat = mat.transpose()
  rgb =, mat) + v
  rgb = rgb.astype(int)
  rgb = rgb.clip(0, 255)
  return rgb / 255.

def read_feature_score(fp, mv_rows, mv_cols):
  line = fp.readline()
  word_ls = line.split()
  feature_score = np.array([math.log(float(v) + 1, 2) for v in word_ls])
  feature_score = feature_score.reshape(mv_rows, mv_cols)
  return feature_score

def read_mv_mode_arr(fp, mv_rows, mv_cols):
  line = fp.readline()
  word_ls = line.split()
  mv_mode_arr = np.array([int(v) for v in word_ls])
  mv_mode_arr = mv_mode_arr.reshape(mv_rows, mv_cols)
  return mv_mode_arr

def read_frame_dpl_stats(fp):
  line = fp.readline()
  word_ls = line.split()
  frame_idx = int(word_ls[1])
  mi_rows = int(word_ls[3])
  mi_cols = int(word_ls[5])
  bs = int(word_ls[7])
  ref_frame_idx = int(word_ls[9])
  rf_idx = int(word_ls[11])
  gf_frame_offset = int(word_ls[13])
  ref_gf_frame_offset = int(word_ls[15])
  mi_size = bs / 8
  mv_ls = []
  mv_rows = int((math.ceil(mi_rows * 1. / mi_size)))
  mv_cols = int((math.ceil(mi_cols * 1. / mi_size)))
  for i in range(mv_rows * mv_cols):
    line = fp.readline()
    word_ls = line.split()
    row = int(word_ls[0]) * 8.
    col = int(word_ls[1]) * 8.
    mv_row = int(word_ls[2]) / 8.
    mv_col = int(word_ls[3]) / 8.
    mv_ls.append([col, row, mv_col, mv_row])
  mv_ls = np.array(mv_ls)
  feature_score = read_feature_score(fp, mv_rows, mv_cols)
  mv_mode_arr = read_mv_mode_arr(fp, mv_rows, mv_cols)
  img = yuv_to_rgb(read_frame(fp))
  ref = yuv_to_rgb(read_frame(fp))
  return rf_idx, frame_idx, ref_frame_idx, gf_frame_offset, ref_gf_frame_offset, mv_ls, img, ref, bs, feature_score, mv_mode_arr

def read_dpl_stats_file(filename, frame_num=0):
  fp = open(filename)
  line = fp.readline()
  width = 0
  height = 0
  data_ls = []
  while (line):
    if line[0] == '=':
    line = fp.readline()
    if frame_num > 0 and len(data_ls) == frame_num:
  return data_ls

if __name__ == '__main__':
  filename = sys.argv[1]
  data_ls = read_dpl_stats_file(filename, frame_num=5)
  for rf_idx, frame_idx, ref_frame_idx, gf_frame_offset, ref_gf_frame_offset, mv_ls, img, ref, bs, feature_score, mv_mode_arr in data_ls:
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2)

    draw_mv_ls(axes[0][0], mv_ls)
    draw_pred_block_ls(axes[0][0], mv_ls, bs, mode=0)
    #axes[0].grid(color='k', linestyle='-')
    axes[0][0].set_ylim(img.shape[0], 0)
    axes[0][0].set_xlim(0, img.shape[1])

    if ref is not None:
      draw_mv_ls(axes[0][1], mv_ls, mode=1)
      draw_pred_block_ls(axes[0][1], mv_ls, bs, mode=1)
      #axes[1].grid(color='k', linestyle='-')
      axes[0][1].set_ylim(ref.shape[0], 0)
      axes[0][1].set_xlim(0, ref.shape[1])

    #feature_score_arr = feature_score.flatten()
    #feature_score_max = feature_score_arr.max()
    #feature_score_min = feature_score_arr.min()
    #step = (feature_score_max - feature_score_min) / 20.
    #feature_score_bins = np.arange(feature_score_min, feature_score_max, step)
    #axes[1][1].hist(feature_score_arr, bins=feature_score_bins)
    im = axes[1][1].imshow(mv_mode_arr)
    #axes[1][1].figure.colorbar(im, ax=axes[1][1])

    print rf_idx, frame_idx, ref_frame_idx, gf_frame_offset, ref_gf_frame_offset, len(mv_ls)

    flatten_mv_mode = mv_mode_arr.flatten()
    zero_mv_count = sum(flatten_mv_mode == 0);
    new_mv_count = sum(flatten_mv_mode == 1);
    ref_mv_count = sum(flatten_mv_mode == 2) + sum(flatten_mv_mode == 3);
    print zero_mv_count, new_mv_count, ref_mv_count