ref: 9dffd7c97f0263f5207db0a08dd4ab2d6af5b21d
dir: /LEAF/Src_cpp/leaf-formant.cpp/
/* ============================================================================== leaf-formant.cpp Created: 30 Nov 2018 11:03:30am Author: airship ============================================================================== */ #if _WIN32 || _WIN64 #include "..\Inc\leaf-formant.h" #else #include "../Inc/leaf-formant.h" #endif void tFormantShifter_init(tFormantShifter* const fs) { fs->ford = FORD; fs->falph = powf(0.001f, 80.0f / (leaf.sampleRate)); fs->flamb = -(0.8517f*sqrt(atanf(0.06583f*leaf.sampleRate))-0.1916f); fs->fhp = 0.0f; fs->flp = 0.0f; fs->flpa = powf(0.001f, 10.0f / (leaf.sampleRate)); fs->fmute = 1.0f; fs->fmutealph = powf(0.001f, 1.0f / (leaf.sampleRate)); fs->cbi = 0; } void tFormantShifter_free(tFormantShifter* const fs) { leaf_free(fs); } float tFormantShifter_tick(tFormantShifter* fs, float in, float fwarp) { return tFormantShifter_add(fs, tFormantShifter_remove(fs, in), fwarp); } float tFormantShifter_remove(tFormantShifter* fs, float in) { float fa, fb, fc, foma, falph, ford, flpa, flamb, tf, fk, tf2, f0resp, f1resp, frlamb; int outindex = 0; int ti4; ford = fs->ford; falph = fs->falph; foma = (1.0f - falph); flpa = fs->flpa; flamb = fs->flamb; tf = in; ti4 = fs->cbi; fa = tf - fs->fhp; fs->fhp = tf; fb = fa; for(int i = 0; i < ford; i++) { fs->fsig[i] = fa*fa*foma + fs->fsig[i]*falph; fc = (fb - fs->fc[i])*flamb + fs->fb[i]; fs->fc[i] = fc; fs->fb[i] = fb; fk = fa*fc*foma + fs->fk[i]*falph; fs->fk[i] = fk; tf = fk/(fs->fsig[i] + 0.000001f); tf = tf*foma + fs->fsmooth[i]*falph; fs->fsmooth[i] = tf; fs->fbuff[i][ti4] = tf; fb = fc - tf*fa; fa = fa - tf*fc; } fs->cbi++; if(fs->cbi >= FORMANT_BUFFER_SIZE) { fs->cbi = 0; } return fa; } float tFormantShifter_add(tFormantShifter* fs, float in, float fwarp) { float fa, fb, fc, foma, falph, ford, flpa, flamb, tf, fk, tf2, f0resp, f1resp, frlamb; int outindex = 0; int ti4; ford = fs->ford; falph = fs->falph; foma = (1.0f - falph); flpa = fs->flpa; flamb = fs->flamb; tf = exp2(fwarp/2.0f) * (1+flamb)/(1-flamb); frlamb = (tf-1)/(tf+1); ti4 = fs->cbi; tf2 = in; fa = 0; fb = fa; for (int i=0; i<ford; i++) { fc = (fb-fs->frc[i])*frlamb + fs->frb[i]; tf = fs->fbuff[i][ti4]; fb = fc - tf*fa; fs->ftvec[i] = tf*fc; fa = fa - fs->ftvec[i]; } tf = -fa; for (int i=ford-1; i>=0; i--) { tf = tf + fs->ftvec[i]; } f0resp = tf; // second time: compute 1-response fa = 1; fb = fa; for (int i=0; i<ford; i++) { fc = (fb-fs->frc[i])*frlamb + fs->frb[i]; tf = fs->fbuff[i][ti4]; fb = fc - tf*fa; fs->ftvec[i] = tf*fc; fa = fa - fs->ftvec[i]; } tf = -fa; for (int i=ford-1; i>=0; i--) { tf = tf + fs->ftvec[i]; } f1resp = tf; // now solve equations for output, based on 0-response and 1-response tf = (float)2*tf2; tf2 = tf; tf = ((float)1 - f1resp + f0resp); if (tf!=0) { tf2 = (tf2 + f0resp) / tf; } else { tf2 = 0; } // third time: update delay registers fa = tf2; fb = fa; for (int i=0; i<ford; i++) { fc = (fb-fs->frc[i])*frlamb + fs->frb[i]; fs->frc[i] = fc; fs->frb[i] = fb; tf = fs->fbuff[i][ti4]; fb = fc - tf*fa; fa = fa - tf*fc; } tf = tf2; tf = tf + flpa * fs->flp; // lowpass post-emphasis filter fs->flp = tf; // Bring up the gain slowly when formant correction goes from disabled // to enabled, while things stabilize. if (fs->fmute>0.5) { tf = tf*(fs->fmute - 0.5)*2; } else { tf = 0; } tf2 = fs->fmutealph; fs->fmute = (1-tf2) + tf2*fs->fmute; // now tf is signal output // ...and we're done messing with formants return tf; }