ref: 217246c6b3aa54a3e1b2a9306cd2da979f24a361
dir: /LEAF_JUCEPlugin/Source/UIComponent.cpp/
/* ============================================================================== UIComponent.c Created: 18 Jan 2017 11:19:15am Author: Michael R Mulshine ============================================================================== */ #include "UIComponent.h" #include "LEAFLink.h" UIComponent::UIComponent() { for (int i = 0; i < cSliderNames.size(); i++) { sliders.set(i, new Slider()); sliders[i]->setSliderStyle(Slider::SliderStyle::LinearVertical); sliders[i]->setRange(0.0, 1.0, 1.0/50000.0); sliders[i]->setName(cSliderNames[i]); sliders[i]->setComponentID(String(i)); sliders[i]->addListener(this); addAndMakeVisible(sliders[i]); sliderLabels.set(i, new Label()); sliderLabels[i]->setName(cSliderNames[i]); sliderLabels[i]->setColour(Label::textColourId, Colours::aliceblue); sliderLabels[i]->setText(cSliderNames[i], NotificationType::dontSendNotification); addAndMakeVisible(sliderLabels[i]); textFields.set(i, new TextEditor()); textFields[i]->addListener(this); textFields[i]->setName(cSliderNames[i]); textFields[i]->setEnabled(false); addAndMakeVisible(textFields[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < cButtonNames.size(); i++) { buttons.set(i, new TextButton(cButtonNames[i])); buttons[i]->changeWidthToFitText(); buttons[i]->setButtonText(cButtonNames[i]); buttons[i]->addListener(this); addAndMakeVisible(buttons[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < cComboBoxNames.size(); i++) { comboBoxes.set(i, new ComboBox()); comboBoxes[i]->setName(cComboBoxNames[i]); comboBoxes[i]->addSeparator(); comboBoxes[i]->addListener(this); addAndMakeVisible(comboBoxes[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < cComboBoxNames.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cWaveformTypes.size(); j++) { comboBoxes[i]->addItem(cWaveformTypes[j], j+1); } comboBoxes[i]->setSelectedItemIndex(0); } startTimerHz(20); } void UIComponent::timerCallback(void) { for (int i = 0; i < cSliderNames.size(); i++) textFields[i]->setText(String(cSliderModelValues[i]), false); } void UIComponent::textEditorTextChanged (TextEditor& tf) { } UIComponent::~UIComponent() { } void UIComponent::paint (Graphics& g) { /* This demo code just fills the component's background and draws some placeholder text to get you started. You should replace everything in this method with your own drawing code.. */ g.fillAll (Colours::slategrey); // clear the background g.setColour (Colours::aliceblue); g.drawRect (getLocalBounds(), 1); // draw an outline around the component } void UIComponent::resized() { for (int i = 0; i < cSliderNames.size(); i++) { sliders[i] ->setBounds(cLeftOffset + ((cSliderWidth + cXSpacing) * i), cTopOffset, cSliderWidth, cSliderHeight); textFields[i] ->setBounds(sliders[i]->getX() - (cSliderNames[i].length() * 2.0f), sliders[i]->getBottom() + cYSpacing, 75, 20); sliderLabels[i] ->setBounds(sliders[i]->getX() - (cSliderNames[i].length() * 2.0f), textFields[i]->getBottom() + cYSpacing, cLabelWidth, cLabelHeight); } for (int i = 0; i < cButtonNames.size(); i++) { buttons[i] ->setBounds(cLeftOffset + ((cButtonWidth + cXSpacing) * i), 500, cButtonWidth, cButtonHeight); } for (int i = 0; i < cComboBoxNames.size(); i++) { comboBoxes[i] ->setBounds( cLeftOffset + ((cButtonWidth + cXSpacing) * i), cTopOffset + cSliderHeight + cLabelHeight + cButtonHeight + 3 * cYSpacing, cBoxWidth, cBoxHeight ); } } void UIComponent::sliderValueChanged(Slider* s) { setSliderValue(s->getName(), s->getValue()); } void UIComponent::buttonStateChanged (Button* b) { setButtonState(b->getName(), b->getState()); } void UIComponent::comboBoxChanged (ComboBox* cb) { setComboBoxState(cb->getName(), cb->getSelectedId() - 1); }