ref: 0f717b6a8ab9994ae7209077572e55b67d5685a1
dir: /LEAF/Src/leaf-dynamics.c/
/*============================================================================== leaf-dynamics.c Created: 30 Nov 2018 11:56:49am Author: airship ==============================================================================*/ #if _WIN32 || _WIN64 #include "..\Inc\leaf-dynamics.h" #else #include "../Inc/leaf-dynamics.h" #endif //============================================================================== // ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Compressor ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ // /* tCompressor* tCompressorInit(int tauAttack, int tauRelease) { tCompressor* c = &leaf.tCompressorRegistry[leaf.registryIndex[T_COMPRESSOR]++]; c->tauAttack = tauAttack; c->tauRelease = tauRelease; c->x_G[0] = 0.0f, c->x_G[1] = 0.0f, c->y_G[0] = 0.0f, c->y_G[1] = 0.0f, c->x_T[0] = 0.0f, c->x_T[1] = 0.0f, c->y_T[0] = 0.0f, c->y_T[1] = 0.0f; c->T = 0.0f; // Threshold c->R = 1.0f; // compression Ratio c->M = 0.0f; // decibel Make-up gain c->W = 0.0f; // decibel Width of knee transition return c; } */ void tCompressor_init(tCompressor* const comp) { _tCompressor* c = *comp = (_tCompressor*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tCompressor)); c->tauAttack = 100; c->tauRelease = 100; c->isActive = OFALSE; c->T = 0.0f; // Threshold c->R = 0.5f; // compression Ratio c->M = 3.0f; // decibel Width of knee transition c->W = 1.0f; // decibel Make-up gain } void tCompressor_free(tCompressor* const comp) { _tCompressor* c = *comp; leaf_free(c); } void tCompressor_initToPool (tCompressor* const comp, tMempool* const mp) { _tMempool* m = *mp; _tCompressor* c = *comp = (_tCompressor*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tCompressor), m->pool); c->tauAttack = 100; c->tauRelease = 100; c->isActive = OFALSE; c->T = 0.0f; // Threshold c->R = 0.5f; // compression Ratio c->M = 3.0f; // decibel Width of knee transition c->W = 1.0f; // decibel Make-up gain } void tCompressor_freeFromPool(tCompressor* const comp, tMempool* const mp) { _tMempool* m = *mp; _tCompressor* c = *comp; mpool_free(c, m->pool); } float tCompressor_tick(tCompressor* const comp, float in) { _tCompressor* c = *comp; float slope, overshoot; float alphaAtt, alphaRel; float in_db = 20.0f * log10f( fmaxf( fabsf( in), 0.000001f)), out_db = 0.0f; c->y_T[1] = c->y_T[0]; slope = c->R - 1.0f; // feed-forward topology; was 1/C->R - 1 overshoot = in_db - c->T; if (overshoot <= -(c->W * 0.5f)) { out_db = in_db; c->isActive = OFALSE; } else if ((overshoot > -(c->W * 0.5f)) && (overshoot < (c->W * 0.5f))) { out_db = in_db + slope * (powf((overshoot + c->W*0.5f),2) / (2.0f * c->W)); // .^ 2 ??? c->isActive = OTRUE; } else if (overshoot >= (c->W * 0.5f)) { out_db = in_db + slope * overshoot; c->isActive = OTRUE; } c->x_T[0] = out_db - in_db; alphaAtt = expf(-1.0f/(0.001f * c->tauAttack * leaf.sampleRate)); alphaRel = expf(-1.0f/(0.001f * c->tauRelease * leaf.sampleRate)); if (c->x_T[0] > c->y_T[1]) c->y_T[0] = alphaAtt * c->y_T[1] + (1-alphaAtt) * c->x_T[0]; else c->y_T[0] = alphaRel * c->y_T[1] + (1-alphaRel) * c->x_T[0]; float attenuation = powf(10.0f, ((c->M - c->y_T[0])/20.0f)); return attenuation * in; } /* Feedback Leveler */ void tFeedbackLeveler_init(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, float targetLevel, float factor, float strength, int mode) { _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb = (_tFeedbackLeveler*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tFeedbackLeveler)); p->curr=0.0f; p->targetLevel=targetLevel; tPowerFollower_init(&p->pwrFlw,factor); p->mode=mode; p->strength=strength; } void tFeedbackLeveler_free(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb) { _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb; tPowerFollower_free(&p->pwrFlw); leaf_free(p); } void tFeedbackLeveler_initToPool (tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, float targetLevel, float factor, float strength, int mode, tMempool* const mp) { _tMempool* m = *mp; _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb = (_tFeedbackLeveler*) mpool_alloc(sizeof(_tFeedbackLeveler), m->pool); p->curr=0.0f; p->targetLevel=targetLevel; tPowerFollower_initToPool(&p->pwrFlw,factor, mp); p->mode=mode; p->strength=strength; } void tFeedbackLeveler_freeFromPool (tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, tMempool* const mp) { _tMempool* m = *mp; _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb; tPowerFollower_freeFromPool(&p->pwrFlw, mp); mpool_free(p, m->pool); } void tFeedbackLeveler_setStrength(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, float strength) { // strength is how strongly level diff is affecting the amp ratio // try 0.125 for a start _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb; p->strength=strength; } void tFeedbackLeveler_setFactor(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, float factor) { _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb; tPowerFollower_setFactor(&p->pwrFlw,factor); } void tFeedbackLeveler_setMode(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, int mode) { // 0 for decaying with upwards lev limiting, 1 for constrained absolute level (also downwards limiting) _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb; p->mode=mode; } float tFeedbackLeveler_tick(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, float input) { _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb; float levdiff=(tPowerFollower_tick(&p->pwrFlw, input)-p->targetLevel); if (p->mode==0 && levdiff<0) levdiff=0; p->curr=input*(1-p->strength*levdiff); return p->curr; } float tFeedbackLeveler_sample(tFeedbackLeveler* const fb) { _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb; return p->curr; } void tFeedbackLeveler_setTargetLevel (tFeedbackLeveler* const fb, float TargetLevel) { _tFeedbackLeveler* p = *fb; p->targetLevel=TargetLevel; }