shithub: jxl

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// J40: Independent, self-contained JPEG XL decoder
// Kang Seonghoon, version 2270 (2022-09), Public Domain
// This is a decoder for JPEG XL (ISO/IEC 18181) image format. It intends to be a fully compatible
// reimplementation to the reference implementation, libjxl, and also serves as a verification that
// the specification allows for an independent implementation besides from libjxl.
// The following is a simple but complete converter from JPEG XL to Portable Arbitrary Map format:
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
#define J40_IMPLEMENTATION // only a SINGLE file should have this
#include "j40.h" // you also need to define a macro for experimental versions; follow the error.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h> // for va_*

static int oops(const char *fmt, ...) {
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, fmt);
    vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
    return 1;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    if (argc < 3) return oops("Usage: %s input.jxl output.pam\n", argv[0]);

    FILE *out = fopen(argv[2], "wb");
    if (!out) return oops("Error: Cannot open an output file.\n");

    j40_image image;
    j40_from_file(&image, argv[1]); // or: j40_from_memory(&image, buf, bufsize, freefunc);
    j40_output_format(&image, J40_RGBA, J40_U8X4);

    // JPEG XL supports animation, so `j40_next_frame` calls can be called multiple times
    if (j40_next_frame(&image)) {
        j40_frame frame = j40_current_frame(&image);
        j40_pixels_u8x4 pixels = j40_frame_pixels_u8x4(&frame, J40_RGBA);
            "WIDTH %d\n"
            "HEIGHT %d\n"
            "DEPTH 4\n"
            "MAXVAL 255\n"
            "TUPLTYPE RGB_ALPHA\n"
            pixels.width, pixels.height);
        for (int y = 0; y < pixels.height; ++y) {
            fwrite(j40_row_u8x4(pixels, y), 4, pixels.width, out);

    // J40 stops once the first error is encountered; its error can be checked at the very end
    if (j40_error(&image)) return oops("Error: %s\n", j40_error_string(&image));
    if (ferror(out)) return oops("Error: Cannot fully write to the output file.\n");

    j40_free(&image); // also frees all memory associated to j40_frame etc.
    return 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

// preamble (only reachable via the user `#include`)

// controls whether each `#if`-`#endif` section in this file should be included or not.
// there are multiple purposes of this macro:
// - `J40__RECURSING` is always defined after the first ever `#include`, so that:
//   - the preamble will precede every other code in the typical usage, and
//   - the preamble won't be included twice.
// - `J40__RECURSING` is either 0 (public) or -1 (internal) depending on the logical visibility,
//   so that the preamble can choose whether to include the internal code or not.
// - larger values (>= 100) are used to repeat a specific section of code with
//   slightly different parameters, i.e. templated code.
// - one value (currently 9999) is reserved and used to ignore subsequent top-level `#include`s.
#ifndef J40__RECURSING

#define J40_VERSION 2270 // (fractional gregorian year - 2000) * 100, with a liberal rounding

#error "Please #define J40_CONFIRM_THAT_THIS_IS_EXPERIMENTAL_AND_POTENTIALLY_UNSAFE to use J40. Proceed at your own risk."

//#define J40_DEBUG

#ifndef J40_FILENAME // should be provided if this file has a different name than `j40.h`
#define J40_FILENAME "j40.h"

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

	#include <string.h>
	#include <math.h>
	#include <limits.h>
	#include <errno.h>
	#include <stdio.h>
	#ifdef J40_DEBUG
		#include <assert.h>

	#define J40__RECURSING (-1)
	#define J40__RECURSING 0

// we don't care about secure CRT, which is only marginally safe and not even compatible with C11
#ifdef _MSC_VER
	#pragma warning(push)
	#pragma warning(disable: 4996)

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#endif // !defined J40__RECURSING

#if J40__RECURSING == 9999 // enabled only when the header file is included the second time or more
		#error "J40 is included with J40_IMPLEMENTATION defined, but it was already included without it so it would have been ignored!"

// public platform macros

#if J40__RECURSING <= 0

// just in case:
#if CHAR_BIT != 8 // in fact, pretty much every file processing wouldn't make sense if CHAR_BIT > 8
	#error "J40 requires CHAR_BIT == 8"

	#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
		#define J40_STATIC_ASSERT(cond, msg) _Static_assert(cond, #msg)
		#define J40_STATIC_ASSERT(cond, msg) typedef char j40__##msg[(cond) ? 1 : -1]
#endif // !defined J40_STATIC_ASSERT

// just in case again, because it is still possible for them to have padding bits (that we needn't):
J40_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uint8_t) == 1, uint8_t_should_have_no_padding_bits);
J40_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uint16_t) == 2, uint16_t_should_have_no_padding_bits);
J40_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uint32_t) == 4, uint32_t_should_have_no_padding_bits);
J40_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uint64_t) == 8, uint64_t_should_have_no_padding_bits);

#ifndef J40_API
	#define J40_API // TODO

#endif // J40__RECURSING <= 0

// public API

#if J40__RECURSING <= 0

// an internal error type. non-zero indicates a different error condition.
// user callbacks can also emit error codes, which should not exceed `J40_MIN_RESERVED_ERR`.
// it can be interpreted as a four-letter code, but such encoding is not guaranteed.
typedef uint32_t j40_err;
#define J40_MIN_RESERVED_ERR (j40_err) (1 << 24) // anything below this can be used freely

typedef struct {
	// either J40__IMAGE_MAGIC, (J40__IMAGE_ERR_MAGIC ^ origin) or (J40__IMAGE_OPEN_ERR_MAGIC ^ origin)
	uint32_t magic;
	union {
		struct j40__inner *inner; // if magic == J40__IMAGE_MAGIC
		j40_err err; // if magic == J40__IMAGE_ERR_MAGIC
		int saved_errno; // if magic == J40__IMAGE_OPEN_ERR_MAGIC (err is assumed to be `open`)
	} u;
} j40_image;

typedef struct {
	uint32_t magic; // should be J40__FRAME_MAGIC or J40__FRAME_ERR_MAGIC
	uint32_t reserved;
	struct j40__inner *inner;
} j40_frame;

typedef void (*j40_memory_free_func)(void *data);

// pixel formats
//rsvd: J40_U8                  0x0f0f
//rsvd: J40_U16                 0x0f17
//rsvd: J40_U32                 0x0f1b
//rsvd: J40_U64                 0x0f1d
//rsvd: J40_F32                 0x0f1e
//rsvd: J40_U8X3                0x0f27
//rsvd: J40_U16X3               0x0f2b
//rsvd: J40_U32X3               0x0f2d
//rsvd: J40_F32X3               0x0f2e
#define J40_U8X4                0x0f33
//rsvd: J40_U16X4               0x0f35
//rsvd: J40_U32X4               0x0f36
//rsvd: J40_F32X4               0x0f39

// color types
//rsvd: J40_RED                 0x170f
//rsvd: J40_GREEN               0x1717
//rsvd: J40_BLUE                0x171b
//rsvd: J40_LUMI                0x171d
//rsvd: J40_ALPHA               0x171e
//rsvd: J40_CYAN                0x1727
//rsvd: J40_YELLOW              0x172b
//rsvd: J40_MAGENTA             0x172d
//rsvd: J40_BLACK               0x172e
//rsvd: J40_JPEG_Y              0x1733
//rsvd: J40_JPEG_CB             0x1735
//rsvd: J40_JPEG_CR             0x1736
//rsvd: J40_OPSIN_X             0x1739
//rsvd: J40_OPSIN_Y             0x173a
//rsvd: J40_OPSIN_B             0x173c
//rsvd: J40_RED_BEFORE_CT       0x1747
//rsvd: J40_GREEN_BEFORE_CT     0x174b
//rsvd: J40_BLUE_BEFORE_CT      0x174d
//rsvd: J40_RGB                 0x174e
//rsvd: J40_BGR                 0x1753
#define J40_RGBA                0x1755
//rsvd: J40_ARGB                0x1756
//rsvd: J40_BGRA                0x1759
//rsvd: J40_ABGR                0x175a

J40_API j40_err j40_error(const j40_image *image);
J40_API const char *j40_error_string(const j40_image *image);

J40_API j40_err j40_from_memory(j40_image *image, void *buf, size_t size, j40_memory_free_func freefunc);
J40_API j40_err j40_from_file(j40_image *image, const char *path);

J40_API j40_err j40_output_format(j40_image *image, int32_t channel, int32_t format);

J40_API int j40_next_frame(j40_image *image);
J40_API j40_frame j40_current_frame(j40_image *image);

#define J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(type, suffix) \
	typedef struct { \
		int32_t width, height; \
		int32_t stride_bytes; \
		const void *data; \
	} j40_pixels_##suffix; \
	J40_API j40_pixels_##suffix j40_frame_pixels_##suffix(const j40_frame *frame, int32_t channel); \
	J40_API const type *j40_row_##suffix(j40_pixels_##suffix pixels, int32_t y)

typedef uint8_t /*j40_u8x3[3],*/ j40_u8x4[4];
//typedef uint16_t j40_u16x3[3], j40_u16x4[4];
//typedef uint32_t j40_u32x3[3], j40_u32x4[4];
typedef float /*j40_f32x3[3],*/ j40_f32x4[4]; // TODO temporary, API will be available later

//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(uint8_t, u8);      // j40_pixels_u8, j40_frame_pixels_u8, j40_row_u8
//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(uint16_t, u16);    // j40_pixels_u16, j40_frame_pixels_u16, j40_row_u16
//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(uint32_t, u32);    // j40_pixels_u32, j40_frame_pixels_u32, j40_row_u32
//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(uint64_t, u64);    // j40_pixels_u64, j40_frame_pixels_u64, j40_row_u64
//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(float, f32);       // j40_pixels_f32, j40_frame_pixels_f32, j40_row_f32
//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(j40_u8x3, u8x3);   // j40_pixels_u8x3, j40_frame_pixels_u8x3, j40_row_u8x3
//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(j40_u16x3, u16x3); // j40_pixels_u16x3, j40_frame_pixels_u16x3, j40_row_u16x3
//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(j40_u32x3, u32x3); // j40_pixels_u32x3, j40_frame_pixels_u32x3, j40_row_u32x3
//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(j40_f32x3, f32x3); // j40_pixels_f32x3, j40_frame_pixels_f32x3, j40_row_f32x3
J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(j40_u8x4, u8x4);     // j40_pixels_u8x4, j40_frame_pixels_u8x4, j40_row_u8x4
//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(j40_u16x4, u16x4); // j40_pixels_u16x4, j40_frame_pixels_u16x4, j40_row_u16x4
//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(j40_u32x4, u32x4); // j40_pixels_u32x4, j40_frame_pixels_u32x4, j40_row_u32x4
//J40__DEFINE_PIXELS(j40_f32x4, f32x4); // j40_pixels_f32x4, j40_frame_pixels_f32x4, j40_row_f32x4

J40_API void j40_free(j40_image *image);

#endif // J40__RECURSING <= 0

//////////////////////// internal code starts from here ////////////////////////

#if J40__RECURSING < 0

// comment convention:
// "SPEC" comments are used for incorrect, ambiguous or misleading specification issues.
// "TODO spec" comments are roughly same, but not yet fully confirmed & reported.

// private platform macros

#ifdef __has_attribute // since GCC 5.0.0 and clang 2.9.0
	#if __has_attribute(always_inline)
	#if __has_attribute(warn_unused_result)

#ifdef __has_builtin // since GCC 10.0.0 and clang 1.0.0 (which thus requires no version check)
	#if __has_builtin(__builtin_expect)
		#define J40__HAS_BUILTIN_EXPECT 1
	#if __has_builtin(__builtin_add_overflow)
	#if __has_builtin(__builtin_sub_overflow)
	#if __has_builtin(__builtin_mul_overflow)
	#if __has_builtin(__builtin_unreachable)
	#if __has_builtin(__builtin_assume_aligned)

// clang (among many others) fakes GCC version by default, but we handle clang separately
#if defined __GNUC__ && !defined __clang__
	#define J40__GCC_VER (__GNUC__ * 0x10000 + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 0x100 + __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__)
	#define J40__GCC_VER 0

#ifdef __clang__
	#define J40__CLANG_VER (__clang_major__ * 0x10000 + __clang_minor__ * 0x100 + __clang_patchlevel__)
	#define J40__CLANG_VER 0

#ifndef J40_STATIC
	#define J40_STATIC static

#ifndef J40_INLINE
	#define J40_INLINE J40_STATIC inline

	#if J40__HAS_ALWAYS_INLINE_ATTR || J40__GCC_VER >= 0x30100 || J40__CLANG_VER >= 0x10000
		#define J40_ALWAYS_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline)) J40_INLINE
	#elif defined _MSC_VER
		#define J40_ALWAYS_INLINE __forceinline
#endif // !defined J40_ALWAYS_INLINE

#ifndef J40_RESTRICT
	#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
		#define J40_RESTRICT restrict
	#elif defined __GNUC__ || __MSC_VER >= 1900 // since pretty much every GCC/Clang and VS 2015
		#define J40_RESTRICT __restrict
		#define J40_RESTRICT
#endif // !defined J40_RESTRICT

// most structs in J40 are designed to be zero-initialized, and this avoids useless warnings
#if defined __cplusplus /*|| __STDC_VERSION__ >= 2023xxL*/
	#define J40__INIT {}
	#define J40__INIT {0}

#ifndef J40_NODISCARD
	#if __cplusplus >= 201703L /*|| __STDC_VERSION__ >= 2023xxL */
		#define J40_NODISCARD [[nodiscard]] // since C++17 and C23
	#elif J40__HAS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT_ATTR || J40__GCC_VER >= 0x30400 || J40__CLANG_VER >= 0x10000
		// this is stronger than [[nodiscard]] in that it's much harder to suppress; we're okay with that
		#define J40_NODISCARD __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) // since GCC 3.4 and clang 1.0.0
		#define J40_NODISCARD
#endif // !defined J40_NODISCARD

#ifndef J40_MAYBE_UNUSED
	#if __cplusplus >= 201703L /*|| __STDC_VERSION__ >= 2023xxL */
		#define J40_MAYBE_UNUSED [[maybe_unused]] // since C++17 and C23
	#elif J40__GCC_VER >= 0x30000 || J40__CLANG_VER >= 0x10000
		#define J40_MAYBE_UNUSED __attribute__((unused)) // since GCC 2.95 or earlier (!) and clang 1.0.0
		#define J40_MAYBE_UNUSED

// rule of thumb: sparingly use them, except for the obvious error cases
#ifndef J40_EXPECT
	#if J40__HAS_BUILTIN_EXPECT || J40__GCC_VER >= 0x30000
		#define J40_EXPECT(p, v) __builtin_expect(p, v)
		#define J40_EXPECT(p, v) (p)
#endif // !defined J40_EXPECT
#ifndef J40_LIKELY
	#define J40_LIKELY(p) J40_EXPECT(!!(p), 1)
#ifndef J40_UNLIKELY
	#define J40_UNLIKELY(p) J40_EXPECT(!!(p), 0)

#if !defined J40_ADD_OVERFLOW && (J40__HAS_BUILTIN_ADD_OVERFLOW || J40__GCC_VER >= 0x50000)
	#define J40_ADD_OVERFLOW(a, b, res) __builtin_add_overflow(a, b, res)
#if !defined J40_SUB_OVERFLOW && (J40__HAS_BUILTIN_SUB_OVERFLOW || J40__GCC_VER >= 0x50000)
	#define J40_SUB_OVERFLOW(a, b, res) __builtin_sub_overflow(a, b, res)
#if !defined J40_MUL_OVERFLOW && (J40__HAS_BUILTIN_MUL_OVERFLOW || J40__GCC_VER >= 0x50000)
	#define J40_MUL_OVERFLOW(a, b, res) __builtin_mul_overflow(a, b, res)

#if !defined J40_MALLOC && !defined J40_CALLOC && !defined J40_REALLOC && !defined J40_FREE
	#define J40_MALLOC malloc
	#define J40_CALLOC calloc
	#define J40_REALLOC realloc
	#define J40_FREE free
#elif !(defined J40_MALLOC && defined J40_CALLOC && defined J40_REALLOC && defined J40_FREE)
	#error "J40_MALLOC, J40_CALLOC, J40_REALLOC and J40_FREE should be provided altogether."

// state

// bit and logical buffer. this is most frequently accessed and thus available without indirection.
// the bit buffer (`nbits` least significant bits of `bits`) is the least significant bits available
// for decoding, and the logical buffer [ptr, end) corresponds to subsequent bits.
// the logical buffer is guaranteed to be all in the codestream (which is not always true if
// the file uses a container).
// when the bit buffer has been exhausted the next byte from the logical buffer is consumed and
// appended at the *top* of the bit buffer. when the logical buffer has been exhausted
// higher layers (first backing buffer, then container, and finally source) should be consulted.
typedef struct j40__bits_st {
	int32_t nbits; // [0, 64]
	uint64_t bits;
	uint8_t *ptr, *end;
} j40__bits_st;

// a common context ("state") for all internal functions.
// this bears a strong similarity with `struct j40__inner` type in the API layer which would be
// introduced much later. there are multiple reasons for this split:
// - `j40__st` is designed to be in the stack, so it doesn't take up much stack space.
// - `j40__st` allows for partial initialization of subsystems, which makes testing much easier.
// - `j40__st` only holds things relevant to decoding, while `j40__inner` has API contexts.
// - there can be multiple `j40__st` for multi-threaded decoding.
typedef struct {
	j40_err err; // first error code encountered, or 0
	int saved_errno;
	int cannot_retry; // a fatal error was encountered and no more additional input will fix it

	// different subsystems make use of additional contexts, all accessible from here.
	struct j40__bits_st bits; // very frequently accessed, thus inlined here
	struct j40__source_st *source;
	struct j40__container_st *container;
	struct j40__buffer_st *buffer;
	struct j40__image_st *image;
	struct j40__frame_st *frame;
	struct j40__lf_group_st *lf_group;
	const struct j40__limits *limits;
} j40__st;

// error handling and memory allocation

#ifdef J40_DEBUG
	#define J40__ASSERT(cond) assert(cond)
	#define J40__UNREACHABLE() J40__ASSERT(0)
#elif J40__HAS_BUILTIN_UNREACHABLE || J40__GCC_VER >= 0x40500
	#define J40__ASSERT(cond) (J40_UNLIKELY(!(cond)) ? __builtin_unreachable() : (void) 0)
	#define J40__UNREACHABLE() __builtin_unreachable()
	#define J40__ASSERT(cond) ((void) (cond))
	#define J40__UNREACHABLE() ((void) 0) // TODO also check for MSVC __assume

// J40_NODISCARD should be before `static` or `inline`

#define J40__4(s) \
	(j40_err) (((uint32_t) (s)[0] << 24) | ((uint32_t) (s)[1] << 16) | ((uint32_t) (s)[2] << 8) | (uint32_t) (s)[3])
#define J40__ERR(s) j40__set_error(st, J40__4(s))
#define J40__SHOULD(cond, s) do { \
		if (J40_UNLIKELY(st->err)) goto J40__ON_ERROR; \
		if (J40_UNLIKELY((cond) == 0)) { j40__set_error(st, J40__4(s)); goto J40__ON_ERROR; } \
	} while (0)
#define J40__RAISE(s) do { j40__set_error(st, J40__4(s)); goto J40__ON_ERROR; } while (0)
#define J40__RAISE_DELAYED() do { if (J40_UNLIKELY(st->err)) goto J40__ON_ERROR; } while (0)
#define J40__TRY(expr) do { if (J40_UNLIKELY(expr)) { J40__ASSERT(st->err); goto J40__ON_ERROR; } } while (0)

// this *should* use casting because C/C++ don't allow comparison between pointers
// that came from different arrays at all:
#define J40__INBOUNDS(ptr, start, size) ((uintptr_t) (ptr) - (uintptr_t) (start) <= (uintptr_t) (size))

#define J40__TRY_MALLOC(type, ptr, num) \
	do { \
		type *newptr = (type*) j40__malloc(num, sizeof(type)); \
		J40__SHOULD(*(ptr) = newptr, "!mem"); \
	} while (0)

#define J40__TRY_CALLOC(type, ptr, num) \
	do { \
		type *newptr = (type*) j40__calloc(num, sizeof(type)); \
		J40__SHOULD(*(ptr) = newptr, "!mem"); \
	} while (0)

#define J40__TRY_REALLOC32(type, ptr, len, cap) \
	do { \
		type *newptr = (type*) j40__realloc32(st, *(ptr), sizeof(type), len, cap); \
		if (J40_LIKELY(newptr)) *(ptr) = newptr; else goto J40__ON_ERROR; \
	} while (0)

#define J40__TRY_REALLOC64(type, ptr, len, cap) \
	do { \
		type *newptr = (type*) j40__realloc64(st, *(ptr), sizeof(type), len, cap); \
		if (J40_LIKELY(newptr)) *(ptr) = newptr; else goto J40__ON_ERROR; \
	} while (0)

J40_STATIC j40_err j40__set_error(j40__st *st, j40_err err);
J40_STATIC void *j40__malloc(size_t num, size_t size);
J40_STATIC void *j40__calloc(size_t num, size_t size);
J40_STATIC void *j40__realloc32(j40__st *st, void *ptr, size_t itemsize, int32_t len, int32_t *cap);
J40_STATIC void *j40__realloc64(j40__st *st, void *ptr, size_t itemsize, int64_t len, int64_t *cap);
J40_STATIC void j40__free(void *ptr);


J40_STATIC j40_err j40__set_error(j40__st *st, j40_err err) {
	if (err != J40__4("shrt")) st->cannot_retry = 1;
	if (!st->err) st->err = err;
	return err;

J40_STATIC void *j40__malloc(size_t num, size_t size) {
	if (size == 0 || num > SIZE_MAX / size) return NULL;
	return J40_MALLOC(num * size);

J40_STATIC void *j40__calloc(size_t num, size_t size) {
	return J40_CALLOC(num, size);

J40_STATIC void *j40__realloc32(j40__st *st, void *ptr, size_t itemsize, int32_t len, int32_t *cap) {
	void *newptr;
	uint32_t newcap;
	size_t newsize;
	J40__ASSERT(len >= 0);
	if (len <= *cap) return ptr;
	newcap = (uint32_t) *cap * 2;
	if (newcap > (uint32_t) INT32_MAX) newcap = (uint32_t) INT32_MAX;
	if (newcap < (uint32_t) len) newcap = (uint32_t) len;
	J40__SHOULD(newcap <= SIZE_MAX / itemsize, "!mem");
	newsize = (size_t) (itemsize * newcap);
	J40__SHOULD(newptr = ptr ? J40_REALLOC(ptr, newsize) : J40_MALLOC(newsize), "!mem");
	*cap = (int32_t) newcap;
	return newptr;
	return NULL;

J40_STATIC void *j40__realloc64(j40__st *st, void *ptr, size_t itemsize, int64_t len, int64_t *cap) {
	void *newptr;
	uint64_t newcap;
	size_t newsize;
	J40__ASSERT(len >= 0);
	if (len <= *cap) return ptr;
	newcap = (uint64_t) *cap * 2;
	if (newcap > (uint64_t) INT64_MAX) newcap = (uint64_t) INT64_MAX;
	if (newcap < (uint64_t) len) newcap = (uint64_t) len;
	J40__SHOULD(newcap <= SIZE_MAX / itemsize, "!mem");
	newsize = (size_t) (itemsize * newcap);
	J40__SHOULD(newptr = ptr ? J40_REALLOC(ptr, newsize) : J40_MALLOC(newsize), "!mem");
	*cap = (int64_t) newcap;
	return newptr;
	return NULL;

J40_STATIC void j40__free(void *ptr) {

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// utility

#define J40__CONCAT_(a,b) a##b
#define J40__CONCAT(a,b) a##b
#define J40__CONCAT3(a,b,c) a##b##c

// `j40__(foo, X)` and its uppercase version is `j40__foo` followed by a macro `J40__V` expanded;
// this greatly simplifies the construction of templated names.
#define J40__PARAMETRIC_NAME_(prefix, x, J40__V) J40__CONCAT3(prefix, x, J40__V)
#define j40__(x, V) J40__PARAMETRIC_NAME_(j40__, x, J40__CONCAT(J40__, V))
#define J40__(x, V) J40__PARAMETRIC_NAME_(J40__, x, J40__CONCAT(J40__, V))

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int32_t j40__unpack_signed(int32_t x);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int64_t j40__unpack_signed64(int64_t x);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int32_t j40__ceil_div32(int32_t x, int32_t y);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int64_t j40__ceil_div64(int64_t x, int64_t y);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE float j40__minf(float x, float y);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE float j40__maxf(float x, float y);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__surely_nonzero(float x);


J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int32_t j40__unpack_signed(int32_t x) {
	return (int32_t) (x & 1 ? -(x / 2 + 1) : x / 2);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int64_t j40__unpack_signed64(int64_t x) {
	return (int64_t) (x & 1 ? -(x / 2 + 1) : x / 2);

// equivalent to ceil(x / y)
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int32_t j40__ceil_div32(int32_t x, int32_t y) { return (x + y - 1) / y; }
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int64_t j40__ceil_div64(int64_t x, int64_t y) { return (x + y - 1) / y; }

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE float j40__minf(float x, float y) { return (x < y ? x : y); }
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE float j40__maxf(float x, float y) { return (x > y ? x : y); }

// used to guard against division by zero
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__surely_nonzero(float x) {
	return isfinite(x) && fabs(x) >= 1e-8f;

#ifdef _MSC_VER // required for j40__floor/ceil_lgN implementations

#include <intrin.h>

#pragma intrinsic(_BitScanReverse)
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__clz32(uint32_t x) {
	unsigned long index;
	return _BitScanReverse(&index, x) ? 31 - (int) index : 32;

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__clz16(uint16_t x) { return j40__clz32(x); }

// _BitScanReverse64 is not available at all in x86-32, so we need to detour
#if defined __ia64__ || defined __x86_64
#pragma intrinsic(_BitScanReverse64)
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__clz64(uint64_t x) {
	unsigned long index;
	return _BitScanReverse64(&index, x) ? 63 - (int) index : 64;
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__clz64(uint64_t x) {
	return x >> 32 ? j40__clz32((uint32_t) (x >> 32)) : 32 + j40__clz32((uint32_t) x);
#endif // defined __ia64__ || defined __x86_64

#endif // defined _MSC_VER

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// ----------------------------------------
// recursion for bit-dependent math functions
#undef J40__RECURSING
#define J40__RECURSING 100
#define J40__N 16
#include J40_FILENAME
#define J40__N 32
#include J40_FILENAME
#define J40__N 64
#include J40_FILENAME
#undef J40__RECURSING
#define J40__RECURSING (-1)

#endif // J40__RECURSING < 0
#if J40__RECURSING == 100
	#define j40__intN J40__CONCAT3(int, J40__N, _t)
	#define j40__uintN J40__CONCAT3(uint, J40__N, _t)
	#define J40__INTN_MAX J40__CONCAT3(INT, J40__N, _MAX)
	#define J40__INTN_MIN J40__CONCAT3(INT, J40__N, _MIN)
// ----------------------------------------

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(floor_avg,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(abs,N)(j40__intN x);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(min,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(max,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y);

// returns 1 if overflow or underflow didn't occur
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(add,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(sub,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(mul,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(add_fallback,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(sub_fallback,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(mul_fallback,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(clamp_add,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(clamp_mul,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y);


// same to `(a + b) >> 1` but doesn't overflow, useful for tight loops with autovectorization
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(floor_avg,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y) {
	return (j40__intN) (x / 2 + y / 2 + (x & y & 1));

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(abs,N)(j40__intN x) {
	return (j40__intN) (x < 0 ? -x : x);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(min,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y) {
	return (j40__intN) (x < y ? x : y);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(max,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y) {
	return (j40__intN) (x > y ? x : y);

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(add,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out) {
	// gcc/clang extension uses an opposite convention, which is unnatural to use with J40__SHOULD
	return !J40_ADD_OVERFLOW(x, y, out);
	return j40__(add_fallback,N)(x, y, out);

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(sub,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out) {
	return !J40_SUB_OVERFLOW(x, y, out);
	return j40__(sub_fallback,N)(x, y, out);

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(mul,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out) {
	return !J40_MUL_OVERFLOW(x, y, out);
	return j40__(mul_fallback,N)(x, y, out);

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(add_fallback,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out) {
	if (J40_UNLIKELY((x > 0 && y > J40__INTN_MAX - x) || (x < 0 && y < J40__INTN_MIN - x))) {
		return 0;
	} else {
		*out = (j40__intN) (x + y);
		return 1;

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(sub_fallback,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out) {
	if (J40_UNLIKELY((y < 0 && x > J40__INTN_MAX + y) || (y > 0 && x < J40__INTN_MIN + y))) {
		return 0;
	} else {
		*out = (j40__intN) (x - y);
		return 1;

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(mul_fallback,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y, j40__intN *out) {
	if (J40_UNLIKELY(
		x > 0 ?
			(y > 0 ? x > J40__INTN_MAX / y : y < J40__INTN_MIN / x) :
			(y > 0 ? x < J40__INTN_MIN / y : y != 0 && x < J40__INTN_MAX / y)
	)) {
		return 0;
	} else {
		*out = (j40__intN) (x * y);
		return 1;

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(clamp_add,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y) {
	j40__intN out;
	return j40__(add,N)(x, y, &out) ? out : J40__INTN_MAX;

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__intN j40__(clamp_mul,N)(j40__intN x, j40__intN y) {
	j40__intN out;
	return j40__(mul,N)(x, y, &out) ? out : J40__INTN_MAX;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

#ifdef _MSC_VER
	#define J40__CLZN j40__(clz, N)
	#define J40__UINTN_MAX J40__CONCAT3(UINT, J40__N, _MAX)
			#define J40__CLZN __builtin_clz
	#elif ULONG_MAX == J40__UINTN_MAX
			#define J40__CLZN __builtin_clzl
			#define J40__CLZN __builtin_clzll
	#undef J40__UINTN_MAX
#endif // !defined _MSC_VER
#ifdef J40__CLZN
	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(floor_lg,N)(j40__uintN x);
	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(ceil_lg,N)(j40__uintN x);

	// both requires x to be > 0
	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(floor_lg,N)(j40__uintN x) {
		return J40__N - 1 - J40__CLZN(x);
	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE int j40__(ceil_lg,N)(j40__uintN x) {
		return x > 1 ? J40__N - J40__CLZN(x - 1) : 0;

	#undef J40__CLZN

// ----------------------------------------
// end of recursion
	#undef j40__intN
	#undef j40__uintN
	#undef J40__INTN_MAX
	#undef J40__INTN_MIN
	#undef J40__N
#endif // J40__RECURSING == 100
#if J40__RECURSING < 0
// ----------------------------------------

// aligned pointers

	#if J40__HAS_BUILTIN_ASSUME_ALIGNED || J40__GCC_VER >= 0x40700
		#define J40_ASSUME_ALIGNED(p, align) __builtin_assume_aligned(p, align)
		#define J40_ASSUME_ALIGNED(p, align) (p)
#endif // !defined J40_ASSUME_ALIGNED

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void *j40__alloc_aligned(size_t sz, size_t align, size_t *outmisalign);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__free_aligned(void *ptr, size_t align, size_t misalign);

J40_MAYBE_UNUSED J40_STATIC void *j40__alloc_aligned_fallback(size_t sz, size_t align, size_t *outmisalign);
J40_MAYBE_UNUSED J40_STATIC void j40__free_aligned_fallback(void *ptr, size_t align, size_t misalign);


#if _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L || _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 600
	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void *j40__alloc_aligned(size_t sz, size_t align, size_t *outmisalign) {
		void *ptr = NULL;
		*outmisalign = 0;
		return posix_memalign(&ptr, align, sz) ? NULL : ptr;
	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__free_aligned(void *ptr, size_t align, size_t misalign) {
		(void) align; (void) misalign;
		free(ptr); // important: do not use j40_free!
#elif defined _ISOC11_SOURCE
	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void *j40__alloc_aligned(size_t sz, size_t align, size_t *outmisalign) {
		if (sz > SIZE_MAX / align * align) return NULL; // overflow
		*outmisalign = 0;
		return aligned_alloc(align, (sz + align - 1) / align * align);
	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__free_aligned(void *ptr, size_t align, size_t misalign) {
		(void) align; (void) misalign;
		free(ptr); // important: do not use j40_free!
	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void *j40__alloc_aligned(size_t sz, size_t align, size_t *outmisalign) {
		return j40__alloc_aligned_fallback(sz, align, outmisalign);
	J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__free_aligned(void *ptr, size_t align, size_t misalign) {
		j40__free_aligned_fallback(ptr, align, misalign);

// a fallback implementation; the caller should store the misalign amount [0, align) separately.
// used when the platform doesn't provide aligned malloc at all, or the platform implementation
// is not necessarily better; e.g. MSVC _aligned_malloc has the same amount of overhead as of Win10
J40_MAYBE_UNUSED J40_STATIC void *j40__alloc_aligned_fallback(size_t sz, size_t align, size_t *outmisalign) {
	// while this is almost surely an overestimate (can be improved if we know the malloc alignment)
	// there is no standard way to compute a better estimate in C99 so this is inevitable.
	size_t maxmisalign = align - 1, misalign;
	void *ptr;
	if (sz > SIZE_MAX - maxmisalign) return NULL; // overflow
	ptr = J40_MALLOC(sz + maxmisalign);
	if (!ptr) return NULL;
	misalign = align - (uintptr_t) ptr % align;
	if (misalign == align) misalign = 0;
	*outmisalign = misalign;
	return (void*) ((uintptr_t) ptr + misalign);

static void j40__free_aligned_fallback(void *ptr, size_t align, size_t misalign) {
	if (!ptr) return;
	J40__ASSERT((uintptr_t) ptr % align == 0);
	j40__free((void*) ((uintptr_t) ptr - misalign));

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// two-dimensional view

typedef struct { int32_t logw, logh; float *J40_RESTRICT ptr; } j40__view_f32;

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__view_f32 j40__make_view_f32(int32_t logw, int32_t logh, float *J40_RESTRICT ptr);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__adapt_view_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, int32_t logw, int32_t logh);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__reshape_view_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, int32_t logw, int32_t logh);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__copy_view_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, const j40__view_f32 inv);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__transpose_view_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, const j40__view_f32 inv);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__oddeven_columns_to_halves_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, const j40__view_f32 inv);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__oddeven_rows_to_halves_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, const j40__view_f32 inv);
J40_MAYBE_UNUSED J40_STATIC void j40__print_view_f32(j40__view_f32 v, const char *name, const char *file, int32_t line);


J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__view_f32 j40__make_view_f32(int32_t logw, int32_t logh, float *J40_RESTRICT ptr) {
	j40__view_f32 ret = { logw, logh, ptr };
	return ret;

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__adapt_view_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, int32_t logw, int32_t logh) {
	J40__ASSERT(outv->logw + outv->logh >= logw + logh);
	outv->logw = logw;
	outv->logh = logh;

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__reshape_view_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, int32_t logw, int32_t logh) {
	J40__ASSERT(outv->logw + outv->logh == logw + logh);
	outv->logw = logw;
	outv->logh = logh;

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__copy_view_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, const j40__view_f32 inv) {
	int32_t x, y;
	float *outptr = outv->ptr;
	j40__adapt_view_f32(outv, inv.logw, inv.logh);
	for (y = 0; y < (1 << inv.logh); ++y) for (x = 0; x < (1 << inv.logw); ++x) {
		outptr[y << inv.logw | x] = inv.ptr[y << inv.logw | x];

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__transpose_view_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, const j40__view_f32 inv) {
	int32_t x, y;
	float *outptr = outv->ptr;
	j40__adapt_view_f32(outv, inv.logh, inv.logw);
	for (y = 0; y < (1 << inv.logh); ++y) for (x = 0; x < (1 << inv.logw); ++x) {
		outptr[x << inv.logh | y] = inv.ptr[y << inv.logw | x];

// shuffles columns 01234567 into 02461357 and so on
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__oddeven_columns_to_halves_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, const j40__view_f32 inv) {
	int32_t x, y;
	float *outptr = outv->ptr;
	J40__ASSERT(inv.logw > 0);
	j40__adapt_view_f32(outv, inv.logw, inv.logh);
	for (y = 0; y < (1 << inv.logh); ++y) for (x = 0; x < (1 << inv.logw); ++x) {
		int32_t outx = ((x & 1) << (inv.logw - 1)) | (x >> 1);
		outptr[y << inv.logw | outx] = inv.ptr[y << inv.logw | x];

// shuffles rows 01234567 into 02461357 and so on
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__oddeven_rows_to_halves_f32(j40__view_f32 *outv, const j40__view_f32 inv) {
	int32_t x, y;
	float *outptr = outv->ptr;
	J40__ASSERT(inv.logh > 0);
	j40__adapt_view_f32(outv, inv.logw, inv.logh);
	for (y = 0; y < (1 << inv.logh); ++y) {
		int32_t outy = ((y & 1) << (inv.logh - 1)) | (y >> 1);
		for (x = 0; x < (1 << inv.logw); ++x) outptr[outy << inv.logw | x] = inv.ptr[y << inv.logw | x];

#define J40__AT(view, x, y) \
	(J40__ASSERT(0 <= (x) && (x) < (1 << (view).logw) && 0 <= (y) && (y) < (1 << (view).logh)), \
	 (view).ptr + ((y) << (view).logw | (x)))

#define J40__VIEW_FOREACH(view, y, x, v) \
	for (y = 0; y < (1 << (view).logh); ++y) \
		for (x = 0; x < (1 << (view).logw) && (v = (view).ptr + (y << (view).logw | x), 1); ++x)

J40_MAYBE_UNUSED J40_STATIC void j40__print_view_f32(j40__view_f32 v, const char *name, const char *file, int32_t line) {
	int32_t x, y;
	printf(".--- %s:%d: %s (w=%d h=%d @%p)", file, line, name, 1 << v.logw, 1 << v.logh, v.ptr);
	for (y = 0; y < (1 << v.logh); ++y) {
		for (x = 0; x < (1 << v.logw); ++x) printf(" %f", *J40__AT(v, x, y));
	printf("\n'--- %s:%d\n", file, line);

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

#define j40__print_view_f32(v) j40__print_view_f32(v, #v, __FILE__, __LINE__)

// plane

enum {
	J40__PLANE_U8 = (uint8_t) 0x20,
	J40__PLANE_U16 = (uint8_t) 0x21,
	J40__PLANE_I16 = (uint8_t) 0x41,
	J40__PLANE_U32 = (uint8_t) 0x22,
	J40__PLANE_I32 = (uint8_t) 0x42,
	J40__PLANE_F32 = (uint8_t) 0x62,
	J40__PLANE_EMPTY = (uint8_t) 0xe0, // should have width=0 and height=0

#define J40__PIXELS_ALIGN 32

typedef struct {
	uint8_t type; // 0 means uninitialized (all fields besides from pixels are considered garbage)
	uint8_t misalign;
	int8_t vshift, hshift;
	int32_t width, height;
	int32_t stride_bytes; // the number of *bytes* between each row
	uintptr_t pixels;
} j40__plane;

#define J40__TYPED_PIXELS(plane, y, typeconst, pixel_t) \
	(J40__ASSERT((plane)->type == typeconst), \
	 J40__ASSERT(0 <= (y) && (y) < (plane)->height), \
	 (pixel_t*) J40_ASSUME_ALIGNED( \
		(void*) ((char*) (plane)->pixels + (size_t) (plane)->stride_bytes * (size_t) (y)), \

#define J40__U8_PIXELS(plane, y) J40__TYPED_PIXELS(plane, y, J40__PLANE_U8, uint8_t)
#define J40__U16_PIXELS(plane, y) J40__TYPED_PIXELS(plane, y, J40__PLANE_U16, uint16_t)
#define J40__I16_PIXELS(plane, y) J40__TYPED_PIXELS(plane, y, J40__PLANE_I16, int16_t)
#define J40__U32_PIXELS(plane, y) J40__TYPED_PIXELS(plane, y, J40__PLANE_U32, uint32_t)
#define J40__I32_PIXELS(plane, y) J40__TYPED_PIXELS(plane, y, J40__PLANE_I32, int32_t)
#define J40__F32_PIXELS(plane, y) J40__TYPED_PIXELS(plane, y, J40__PLANE_F32, float)

#define J40__PLANE_PIXEL_SIZE(plane) (1 << ((plane)->type & 31))
#define J40__PLANE_STRIDE(plane) ((plane)->stride_bytes >> ((plane)->type & 31))

enum {
	J40__PLANE_CLEAR = 1 << 0,
	// for public facing planes, we always add padding to prevent misconception
	J40__PLANE_FORCE_PAD = 1 << 1,

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_plane(
	j40__st *st, uint8_t type, int32_t width, int32_t height, int flags, j40__plane *out
J40_STATIC void j40__init_empty_plane(j40__plane *out);
J40_STATIC int j40__plane_all_equal_sized(const j40__plane *begin, const j40__plane *end);
// returns that type if all planes have the same type, otherwise returns 0
J40_STATIC uint8_t j40__plane_all_equal_typed(const j40__plane *begin, const j40__plane *end);
J40_STATIC uint8_t j40__plane_all_equal_typed_or_empty(const j40__plane *begin, const j40__plane *end);
J40_STATIC void j40__free_plane(j40__plane *plane);


J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_plane(
	j40__st *st, uint8_t type, int32_t width, int32_t height, int flags, j40__plane *out
) {
	int32_t pixel_size = 1 << (type & 31);
	void *pixels;
	int32_t stride_bytes;
	size_t total, misalign;

	out->type = 0;
	J40__ASSERT(width > 0 && height > 0);

	J40__SHOULD(j40__mul32(width, pixel_size, &stride_bytes), "bigg");
	if (flags & J40__PLANE_FORCE_PAD) J40__SHOULD(j40__add32(stride_bytes, 1, &stride_bytes), "bigg");
		j40__mul32(j40__ceil_div32(stride_bytes, J40__PIXELS_ALIGN), J40__PIXELS_ALIGN, &stride_bytes),
	J40__SHOULD((size_t) stride_bytes <= SIZE_MAX / (uint32_t) height, "bigg");
	total = (size_t) stride_bytes * (size_t) height;
	J40__SHOULD(pixels = j40__alloc_aligned(total, J40__PIXELS_ALIGN, &misalign), "!mem");

	out->stride_bytes = stride_bytes;
	out->width = width;
	out->height = height;
	out->type = type;
	out->vshift = out->hshift = 0;
	out->misalign = (uint8_t) misalign;
	out->pixels = (uintptr_t) pixels;
	if (flags & J40__PLANE_CLEAR) memset(pixels, 0, total);

	return st->err;

// an empty plane can arise from inverse modular transform, but it can be a bug as well,
// hence a separate function and separate type.
J40_STATIC void j40__init_empty_plane(j40__plane *out) {
	out->type = J40__PLANE_EMPTY;
	out->stride_bytes = 0;
	out->width = out->height = 0;
	out->vshift = out->hshift = 0;
	out->misalign = 0;
	out->pixels = (uintptr_t) (void*) 0;

J40_STATIC int j40__plane_all_equal_sized(const j40__plane *begin, const j40__plane *end) {
	j40__plane c;
	int shift_should_match;
	if (begin >= end) return 0; // do not allow edge cases
	c = *begin;
	shift_should_match = (begin->vshift >= 0 && begin->hshift >= 0);
	while (++begin < end) {
		if (c.width != begin->width || c.height != begin->height) return 0;
		// even though the sizes match, different shifts can't be mixed as per the spec
		if (shift_should_match) {
			if (c.vshift >= 0 && c.hshift >= 0 && (c.vshift != begin->vshift || c.hshift != begin->hshift)) return 0;
	return 1;

J40_STATIC uint8_t j40__plane_all_equal_typed(const j40__plane *begin, const j40__plane *end) {
	uint8_t type;
	if (begin >= end) return 0;
	type = begin->type;
	while (++begin < end) {
		if (begin->type != type) return 0;
	return type;

J40_STATIC uint8_t j40__plane_all_equal_typed_or_empty(const j40__plane *begin, const j40__plane *end) {
	uint8_t type;
	if (begin >= end) return 0;
	type = begin->type;
	while (++begin < end) {
		// allow empty plane to pass this test; if all planes are empty, will return J40__PLANE_EMPTY
		if (type == J40__PLANE_EMPTY) type = begin->type;
		if (begin->type != J40__PLANE_EMPTY && begin->type != type) return 0;
	return type;

J40_STATIC void j40__free_plane(j40__plane *plane) {
	// we don't touch pixels if plane is zero-initialized via memset, because while `plane->type` is
	// definitely zero in this case `(void*) plane->pixels` might NOT be a null pointer!
	if (plane->type && plane->type != J40__PLANE_EMPTY) {
		j40__free_aligned((void*) plane->pixels, J40__PIXELS_ALIGN, plane->misalign);
	plane->width = plane->height = plane->stride_bytes = 0;
	plane->type = 0;
	plane->vshift = plane->hshift = 0;
	plane->misalign = 0;
	plane->pixels = (uintptr_t) (void*) 0; 

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// limits

typedef struct j40__limits {
	int64_t pixels; // <= 2^61
	int32_t width; // <= 2^31
	int32_t height; // <= 2^30

	uint64_t icc_output_size; // < 2^63
	int32_t bpp; // <= 64
	int ec_black_allowed;

	int32_t num_extra_channels; // <= 4096
	int needs_modular_16bit_buffers;
	int32_t nb_transforms; // <= 273

	int32_t nb_channels_tr; // # of modular channels after transform
	int32_t tree_depth; // distance between root and leaf nodes
	int64_t zf_pixels; // total # of pixels in a run of zero-duration frames, unlimited if zero
} j40__limits;


J40_STATIC const j40__limits J40__MAIN_LV5_LIMITS = {
	/*.pixels =*/ 1 << 28, /*.width =*/ 1 << 18, /*.height =*/ 1 << 18,
	/*.icc_output_size =*/ 1u << 22, /*.bpp =*/ 16, /*.ec_black_allowed =*/ 0,
	/*.num_extra_channels =*/ 4, /*.needs_modular_16bit_buffers =*/ 1, /*.nb_transforms =*/ 8,
	/*.nb_channels_tr =*/ 256, /*.tree_depth =*/ 64, /*.zf_pixels =*/ 1 << 28,

#if 0
J40_STATIC j40__limits J40__MAIN_LV10_LIMITS = {
	/*.pixels =*/ (int64_t) 1 << 40, /*.width =*/ 1 << 30, /*.height =*/ 1 << 30,
	/*.icc_output_size =*/ 1u << 28, /*.bpp =*/ 32, /*.ec_black_allowed =*/ 1,
	/*.num_extra_channels =*/ 256, /*.needs_modular_16bit_buffers =*/ 0, /*.nb_transforms =*/ 512,
	/*.nb_channels_tr =*/ 1 << 16, /*.tree_depth =*/ 2048, /*.zf_pixels =*/ 0,

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

//extern const j40__limits J40__MAIN_LV5_LIMITS/*, J40__MAIN_LV10_LIMITS*/;

// input source

typedef int (*j40_source_read_func)(uint8_t *buf, int64_t fileoff, size_t maxsize, size_t *size, void *data);
typedef int (*j40_source_seek_func)(int64_t fileoff, void *data);
typedef void (*j40_source_free_func)(void *data); // intentionally same to j40_memory_free_func

typedef struct j40__source_st {
	j40_source_read_func read_func;
	j40_source_seek_func seek_func;
	j40_source_free_func free_func;
	void *data;

	int64_t fileoff; // absolute file offset, assumed to be 0 at the initialization
	int64_t fileoff_limit; // fileoff can't exceed this; otherwise will behave as if EOF has occurred
} j40__source_st;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_memory_source(
	j40__st *st, uint8_t *buf, size_t size, j40_memory_free_func freefunc, j40__source_st *source
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_file_source(j40__st *st, const char *path, j40__source_st *source);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__try_read_from_source(
	j40__st *st, uint8_t *buf, int64_t minsize, int64_t maxsize, int64_t *size
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_from_source(j40__st *st, uint8_t *buf, int64_t size);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__seek_from_source(j40__st *st, int64_t fileoff);
J40_STATIC void j40__free_source(j40__source_st *source);


J40_STATIC int j40__memory_source_read(uint8_t *buf, int64_t fileoff, size_t maxsize, size_t *size, void *data) {
	uint8_t *mem = (uint8_t*) data;
	memcpy(buf, mem + fileoff, maxsize);
	*size = maxsize;
	return 0;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_memory_source(
	j40__st *st, uint8_t *buf, size_t size, j40_memory_free_func freefunc, j40__source_st *source
) {
	J40__SHOULD(size <= (uint64_t) INT64_MAX, "flen");
	source->read_func = j40__memory_source_read;
	source->seek_func = NULL;
	source->free_func = freefunc;
	source->data = buf;
	source->fileoff = 0;
	source->fileoff_limit = (int64_t) size;
	return st->err;

J40_STATIC int j40__file_source_read(uint8_t *buf, int64_t fileoff, size_t maxsize, size_t *size, void *data) {
	FILE *fp = (FILE*) data;
	size_t read;

	(void) fileoff;
	read = fread(buf, 1, maxsize, fp);
	if (read > 0) {
		*size = read;
		return 0;
	} else if (feof(fp)) {
		*size = 0;
		return 0;
	} else {
		return 1;

J40_STATIC int j40__file_source_seek(int64_t fileoff, void *data) {
	FILE *fp = (FILE*) data;
	if (fileoff < 0) return 1;
	if (fileoff <= LONG_MAX) {
		if (fseek(fp, (long) fileoff, SEEK_SET) != 0) return 1;
	} else {
		if (fseek(fp, LONG_MAX, SEEK_SET) != 0) return 1;
		fileoff -= LONG_MAX;
		while (fileoff >= LONG_MAX) {
			if (fseek(fp, LONG_MAX, SEEK_CUR) != 0) return 1;
			fileoff -= LONG_MAX;
		if (fseek(fp, (long) fileoff, SEEK_CUR) != 0) return 1;
	return 0;

J40_STATIC void j40__file_source_free(void *data) {
	FILE *fp = (FILE*) data;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_file_source(j40__st *st, const char *path, j40__source_st *source) {
	FILE *fp;
	int saved_errno;
	saved_errno = errno;
	errno = 0;
	fp = fopen(path, "rb");
	if (!fp) {
		st->saved_errno = errno;
		if (errno == 0) errno = saved_errno;
	errno = saved_errno;

	source->read_func = j40__file_source_read;
	source->seek_func = j40__file_source_seek;
	source->free_func = j40__file_source_free;
	source->data = fp;
	source->fileoff = 0;
	source->fileoff_limit = ((uint64_t) INT64_MAX < SIZE_MAX ? INT64_MAX : (int64_t) SIZE_MAX);
	return 0;

	if (fp) fclose(fp);
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__try_read_from_source(
	j40__st *st, uint8_t *buf, int64_t minsize, int64_t maxsize, int64_t *size
) {
	j40__source_st *source = st->source;
	int64_t read_size = 0;
	int saved_errno = errno;
	errno = 0;
	*size = 0;

	J40__ASSERT(0 <= minsize && minsize <= maxsize);
	J40__ASSERT(0 <= source->fileoff && source->fileoff <= source->fileoff_limit);

	// clamp maxsize if fileoff_limit is set
	J40__ASSERT((uint64_t) source->fileoff_limit <= SIZE_MAX); // so maxsize fits in size_t
	if (maxsize > source->fileoff_limit - source->fileoff) {
		maxsize = source->fileoff_limit - source->fileoff;
		J40__SHOULD(minsize <= maxsize, "shrt"); // `minsize` bytes can't be read due to virtual EOF

	while (read_size < maxsize) {
		size_t added_size;
		if (J40_UNLIKELY(source->read_func(
			buf + read_size, source->fileoff, (size_t) (maxsize - read_size), &added_size, source->data
		))) {
			st->saved_errno = errno;
			if (errno == 0) errno = saved_errno;
		if (added_size == 0) break; // EOF or blocking condition
		J40__SHOULD(added_size <= (uint64_t) INT64_MAX, "flen");
		read_size += (int64_t) added_size;
		J40__SHOULD(j40__add64(source->fileoff, (int64_t) read_size, &source->fileoff), "flen");

	J40__SHOULD(read_size >= minsize, "shrt");
	errno = saved_errno;
	*size = read_size;
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_from_source(j40__st *st, uint8_t *buf, int64_t size) {
	int64_t read_size;
	return j40__try_read_from_source(st, buf, size, size, &read_size);

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__seek_from_source(j40__st *st, int64_t fileoff) {
	j40__source_st *source = st->source;

	J40__ASSERT(fileoff >= 0);
	if (fileoff == source->fileoff) return 0;

	fileoff = j40__min64(fileoff, source->fileoff_limit);

	// for the memory source read always have the current fileoff so seek is a no-op
	if (source->seek_func) {
		int saved_errno = errno;
		errno = 0;

		if (J40_UNLIKELY(source->seek_func(fileoff, source->data))) {
			st->saved_errno = errno;
			if (errno == 0) errno = saved_errno;

		errno = saved_errno;

	source->fileoff = fileoff;
	return st->err;

J40_STATIC void j40__free_source(j40__source_st *source) {
	if (source->free_func) source->free_func(source->data);
	source->read_func = NULL;
	source->seek_func = NULL;
	source->free_func = NULL;
	source->data = NULL;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// container

typedef struct { int64_t codeoff, fileoff; } j40__map;

enum j40__container_flags {
	// if set, initial jxl & ftyp boxes have been read

	// currently seen box types, as they have a cardinality and positional requirement
	J40__SEEN_JXLL = 1 << 1, // at most once, before jxlc/jxlp
	J40__SEEN_JXLI = 1 << 2, // at most once
	J40__SEEN_JXLC = 1 << 3, // precludes jxlp, at most once
	J40__SEEN_JXLP = 1 << 4, // precludes jxlc

	// if set, no more jxlc/jxlp boxes are allowed (and map no longer changes)

	// if set, there is an implied entry for `map[nmap]`. this is required when the last
	// codestream box has an unknown length and thus it extends to the (unknown) end of file.

	// if set, there is no more box past `map[nmap-1]` (or an implied `map[nmap]` if any)
	J40__NO_MORE_BOX = 1 << 7,

typedef struct j40__container_st {
	int flags; // bitset of `enum j40__container_flags`
	// map[0..nmap) encodes two arrays C[i] = map[i].codeoff and F[i] = map[i].fileoff,
	// so that codestream offsets [C[k], C[k+1]) map to file offsets [F[k], F[k] + (C[k+1] - C[k])).
	// all codestream offsets less than the largest C[i] are 1-to-1 mapped to file offsets.
	// the last entry, in particular F[nmap-1], has multiple interpretations.
	// if the mapping is still being built, F[nmap-1] is the start of the next box to be read.
	// if an implicit map entry flag is set, F[nmap] = L and C[nmap] = C[nmap-1] + (L - F[nmap-1])
	// where L is the file length (which is not directly available).
	j40__map *map;
	int32_t nmap, map_cap;
} j40__container_st;

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE uint32_t j40__u32be(uint8_t *p);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__box_header(j40__st *st, uint32_t *type, int64_t *size);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__container(j40__st *st, int64_t wanted_codeoff);
J40_STATIC int32_t j40__search_codestream_offset(const j40__st *st, int64_t codeoff);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__map_codestream_offset(j40__st *st, int64_t codeoff, int64_t *fileoff);
J40_STATIC void j40__free_container(j40__container_st *container);


J40_ALWAYS_INLINE uint32_t j40__u32be(uint8_t *p) {
	return ((uint32_t) p[0] << 24) | ((uint32_t) p[1] << 16) | ((uint32_t) p[2] << 8) | (uint32_t) p[3];

// size is < 0 if EOF, or INT64_MAX if the box extends indefinitely until the end of file
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__box_header(j40__st *st, uint32_t *type, int64_t *size) {
	uint8_t buf[8];
	uint32_t size32;
	uint64_t size64;
	int64_t headersize;

	J40__TRY(j40__try_read_from_source(st, buf, 0, 8, &headersize));
	if (headersize == 0) {
		*size = -1;
		return 0;
	J40__SHOULD(headersize == 8, "shrt"); // if not EOF, the full header should have been read

	size32 = j40__u32be(buf);
	*type = j40__u32be(buf + 4);
	if (size32 == 0) {
		*size = INT64_MAX;
	} else if (size32 == 1) {
		J40__TRY(j40__read_from_source(st, buf, 8));
		size64 = ((uint64_t) j40__u32be(buf) << 32) | (uint64_t) j40__u32be(buf + 4);
		J40__SHOULD(size64 >= 16, "boxx");
		J40__SHOULD(size64 <= INT64_MAX, "flen");
		*size = (int64_t) size64 - 16;
	} else {
		J40__SHOULD(size32 >= 8, "boxx");
		*size = (int64_t) size32 - 8;

	return st->err;

// scans as many boxes as required to map given codestream offset (i.e. the inclusive limit).
// this is done in the best effort basis, so even after this
// `j40__map_codestream_offset(st, wanted_codeoff)` may still fail.
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__container(j40__st *st, int64_t wanted_codeoff) {
	static const uint8_t JXL_BOX[12] = { // type `JXL `, value 0D 0A 87 0A
		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x4a, 0x58, 0x4c, 0x20, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x87, 0x0a,
	}, FTYP_BOX[20] = { // type `ftyp`, brand `jxl `, version 0, only compatible w/ brand `jxl `
		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, 0x66, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70, 0x6a, 0x78, 0x6c, 0x20,
		0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6a, 0x78, 0x6c, 0x20,

	j40__source_st *source = st->source;
	j40__container_st *c = st->container;
	uint8_t buf[32];

	if (!c->map) {
		c->map_cap = 8;
		c->nmap = 1;
		J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40__map, &c->map, (size_t) c->map_cap);
		c->map[0].codeoff = c->map[0].fileoff = 0; // fileoff will be updated

	// immediately return if given codeoff is already mappable
	if (c->flags & J40__IMPLIED_LAST_MAP_ENTRY) return 0;
	if (wanted_codeoff < c->map[c->nmap - 1].codeoff) return 0;

	// read the file header (if not yet read) and skip to the next box header
	if (c->flags & J40__CONTAINER_CONFIRMED) {
		J40__TRY(j40__seek_from_source(st, c->map[c->nmap - 1].fileoff));
	} else {
		J40__TRY(j40__seek_from_source(st, 0));

		J40__TRY(j40__read_from_source(st, buf, 2));
		if (buf[0] == 0xff && buf[1] == 0x0a) { // bare codestream
			return 0;

		J40__SHOULD(buf[0] == JXL_BOX[0] && buf[1] == JXL_BOX[1], "!jxl");
		J40__TRY(j40__read_from_source(st, buf, sizeof(JXL_BOX) + sizeof(FTYP_BOX) - 2));
		J40__SHOULD(memcmp(buf, JXL_BOX + 2, sizeof(JXL_BOX) - 2) == 0, "!jxl");
		J40__SHOULD(memcmp(buf + (sizeof(JXL_BOX) - 2), FTYP_BOX, sizeof(FTYP_BOX)) == 0, "ftyp");
		c->flags |= J40__CONTAINER_CONFIRMED;
		c->map[0].fileoff = source->fileoff;

	while (wanted_codeoff >= c->map[c->nmap - 1].codeoff) {
		uint32_t type;
		int64_t size;
		int codestream_box = 0;

		J40__TRY(j40__box_header(st, &type, &size));
		if (size < 0) break;

		// TODO the ordering rule for jxll/jxli may change in the future version of 18181-2
		switch (type) {
		case 0x6a786c6c: // jxll: codestream level
			J40__SHOULD(!(c->flags & J40__SEEN_JXLL), "box?");
			c->flags |= J40__SEEN_JXLL;

		case 0x6a786c69: // jxli: frame index
			J40__SHOULD(!(c->flags & J40__SEEN_JXLI), "box?");
			c->flags |= J40__SEEN_JXLI;

		case 0x6a786c63: // jxlc: single codestream
			J40__SHOULD(!(c->flags & J40__NO_MORE_CODESTREAM_BOX), "box?");
			J40__SHOULD(!(c->flags & (J40__SEEN_JXLP | J40__SEEN_JXLC)), "box?");
			c->flags |= J40__SEEN_JXLC | J40__NO_MORE_CODESTREAM_BOX;
			codestream_box = 1;

		case 0x6a786c70: // jxlp: partial codestreams
			J40__SHOULD(!(c->flags & J40__NO_MORE_CODESTREAM_BOX), "box?");
			J40__SHOULD(!(c->flags & J40__SEEN_JXLC), "box?");
			c->flags |= J40__SEEN_JXLP;
			codestream_box = 1;
			J40__SHOULD(size >= 4, "jxlp");
			J40__TRY(j40__read_from_source(st, buf, 4));
			// TODO the partial codestream index is ignored right now
			if (!(buf[0] >> 7)) c->flags |= J40__NO_MORE_CODESTREAM_BOX;
			if (size < INT64_MAX) size -= 4;

		case 0x62726f62: // brob: brotli-compressed box
			J40__SHOULD(size > 4, "brot"); // Brotli stream is never empty so 4 is also out
			J40__TRY(j40__read_from_source(st, buf, 4));
			type = j40__u32be(buf);
			J40__SHOULD(type != 0x62726f62 /*brob*/ && (type >> 8) != 0x6a786c /*jxl*/, "brot");
			if (size < INT64_MAX) size -= 4;
		} // other boxes have no additional requirements and are simply skipped

		// this box has an indeterminate size and thus there is no more box following
		if (size == INT64_MAX) {
			if (codestream_box) c->flags |= J40__IMPLIED_LAST_MAP_ENTRY;
			c->flags |= J40__NO_MORE_BOX;

		if (codestream_box) {
			// add a new entry. at this point C[nmap-1] is the first codestream offset in this box
			// and F[nmap-1] points to the beginning of this box, which should be updated to
			// the beginning of the box *contents*.
			J40__TRY_REALLOC32(j40__map, &c->map, c->nmap + 1, &c->map_cap);
			c->map[c->nmap - 1].fileoff = source->fileoff;
			J40__SHOULD(j40__add64(c->map[c->nmap - 1].codeoff, size, &c->map[c->nmap].codeoff), "flen");
			// F[nmap] gets updated in the common case.
			J40__SHOULD(j40__add32(c->nmap, 1, &c->nmap), "flen");

		// always maintains F[nmap-1] to be the beginning of the next box (and seek to that point).
		// we've already read the previous box header, so this should happen even if seek fails.
		J40__SHOULD(j40__add64(source->fileoff, size, &c->map[c->nmap - 1].fileoff), "flen");
		J40__TRY(j40__seek_from_source(st, c->map[c->nmap - 1].fileoff));

	// now the EOF has been reached or the last box had an indeterminate size.
	// EOF condition can be recovered (i.e. we can add more boxes to get it correctly decoded)
	// so it's not a hard error, but we can't recover from an indeterminately sized box.
	if ((c->flags & J40__NO_MORE_BOX) && !(c->flags & (J40__SEEN_JXLC | J40__SEEN_JXLP))) {
		st->cannot_retry = 1;

	return st->err;

// returns i such that codeoff is in [C[i], C[i+1]), or nmap-1 if there is no such map entry
J40_STATIC int32_t j40__search_codestream_offset(const j40__st *st, int64_t codeoff) {
	j40__map *map = st->container->map;
	int32_t nmap = st->container->nmap, i;
	J40__ASSERT(map && nmap > 0);
	// TODO use a binary search instead
	for (i = 1; i < nmap; ++i) {
		if (codeoff < map[i].codeoff) break;
	return i - 1;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__map_codestream_offset(j40__st *st, int64_t codeoff, int64_t *fileoff) {
	j40__map *map = st->container->map;
	int32_t nmap = st->container->nmap, i;

	i = j40__search_codestream_offset(st, codeoff);
	if (i < nmap - 1) {
		J40__ASSERT(codeoff - map[i].codeoff < map[i+1].fileoff - map[i].fileoff);
		*fileoff = map[i].fileoff + (codeoff - map[i].codeoff); // thus this never overflows
	} else if (st->container->flags & J40__IMPLIED_LAST_MAP_ENTRY) {
		J40__SHOULD(j40__add64(map[nmap-1].fileoff, codeoff - map[nmap-1].codeoff, fileoff), "flen");
	} else if (st->container->flags & J40__NO_MORE_CODESTREAM_BOX) {
		// TODO is this valid to do? j40__end_of_frame depends on this.
		if (codeoff == map[nmap-1].codeoff) {
			*fileoff = map[nmap-1].fileoff;
		} else {
			st->cannot_retry = 1;
	} else {

	return st->err;

J40_STATIC void j40__free_container(j40__container_st *container) {
	container->map = NULL;
	container->nmap = container->map_cap = 0;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// backing buffer

typedef struct j40__buffer_st {
	uint8_t *buf;
	int64_t size, capacity;

	int64_t next_codeoff; // the codestream offset right past the backing buffer (i.e. `buf[size]`)
	int64_t codeoff_limit; // codestream offset can't exceed this; used for per-section decoding

	j40__bits_st checkpoint; // the earliest point that the parser can ever backtrack
} j40__buffer_st;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_buffer(j40__st *st, int64_t codeoff, int64_t codeoff_limit);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__refill_buffer(j40__st *st);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__seek_buffer(j40__st *st, int64_t codeoff);
J40_STATIC int64_t j40__codestream_offset(const j40__st *st);
J40_MAYBE_UNUSED J40_STATIC int64_t j40__bits_read(const j40__st *st);
J40_STATIC void j40__free_buffer(j40__buffer_st *buffer);


#define J40__INITIAL_BUFSIZE 0x10000

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_buffer(j40__st *st, int64_t codeoff, int64_t codeoff_limit) {
	j40__bits_st *bits = &st->bits, *checkpoint = &st->buffer->checkpoint;
	j40__buffer_st *buffer = st->buffer;

	J40__TRY_MALLOC(uint8_t, &buffer->buf, J40__INITIAL_BUFSIZE);
	bits->ptr = bits->end = buffer->buf;
	buffer->size = 0;
	buffer->capacity = J40__INITIAL_BUFSIZE;
	buffer->next_codeoff = codeoff;
	buffer->codeoff_limit = codeoff_limit;
	bits->bits = 0;
	bits->nbits = 0;
	*checkpoint = *bits;
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__refill_buffer(j40__st *st) {
	j40__bits_st *bits = &st->bits, *checkpoint = &st->buffer->checkpoint;
	j40__buffer_st *buffer = st->buffer;
	j40__container_st *container = st->container;
	int64_t available, wanted_codeoff;
	int32_t i;

	J40__ASSERT(J40__INBOUNDS(bits->ptr, buffer->buf, buffer->size));
	J40__ASSERT(J40__INBOUNDS(checkpoint->ptr, buffer->buf, buffer->size));
	J40__ASSERT(checkpoint->ptr <= bits->ptr);

	// trim the committed portion from the backing buffer
	if (checkpoint->ptr > buffer->buf) {
		int64_t committed_size = (int64_t) (checkpoint->ptr - buffer->buf);
		J40__ASSERT(committed_size <= buffer->size); // so committed_size can't overflow
		// this also can't overflow, because buffer->size never exceeds SIZE_MAX
		memmove(buffer->buf, checkpoint->ptr, (size_t) (buffer->size - committed_size));
		buffer->size -= committed_size;
		bits->ptr -= committed_size;
		bits->end -= committed_size;
		checkpoint->ptr = buffer->buf;

	// if there is no room left in the backing buffer, it's time to grow it
	if (buffer->size == buffer->capacity) {
		int64_t newcap = j40__clamp_add64(buffer->capacity, buffer->capacity);
		ptrdiff_t relptr = bits->ptr - buffer->buf;
		J40__TRY_REALLOC64(uint8_t, &buffer->buf, newcap, &buffer->capacity);
		bits->ptr = buffer->buf + relptr;
		checkpoint->ptr = buffer->buf;

	wanted_codeoff = j40__min64(buffer->codeoff_limit,
		j40__clamp_add64(buffer->next_codeoff, buffer->capacity - buffer->size));
	available = wanted_codeoff - buffer->next_codeoff;
	--wanted_codeoff; // ensure that this is inclusive, i.e. the last byte offset *allowed*

	// do the initial mapping if no map is available
	if (!container->map) J40__TRY(j40__container(st, wanted_codeoff));

	i = j40__search_codestream_offset(st, buffer->next_codeoff);
	while (available > 0) {
		j40__map *map = container->map;
		int32_t nmap = container->nmap;
		int64_t fileoff, readable_size, read_size;

		if (i < nmap - 1) {
			int64_t box_size = map[i+1].codeoff - map[i].codeoff;
			J40__ASSERT(box_size > 0);
			readable_size = j40__min64(available, map[i+1].codeoff - buffer->next_codeoff);
			J40__ASSERT(buffer->next_codeoff - map[i].codeoff < map[i+1].fileoff - map[i].fileoff);
			fileoff = map[i].fileoff + (buffer->next_codeoff - map[i].codeoff); // thus can't overflow
		} else if (container->flags & J40__IMPLIED_LAST_MAP_ENTRY) {
			readable_size = available;
				j40__add64(map[i].fileoff, buffer->next_codeoff - map[nmap-1].codeoff, &fileoff),
		} else {
			// we have reached past the last mapped box, but there may be more boxes to map
			J40__TRY(j40__container(st, wanted_codeoff));
			if (nmap == container->nmap && !(container->flags & J40__IMPLIED_LAST_MAP_ENTRY)) {
				break; // no additional box mapped, nothing can be done
		J40__ASSERT(readable_size > 0);

		J40__TRY(j40__seek_from_source(st, fileoff));
		J40__TRY(j40__try_read_from_source(st, buffer->buf + buffer->size, 0, readable_size, &read_size));
		if (read_size == 0) break; // EOF or blocking condition, can't continue

		buffer->size += read_size;
		J40__SHOULD(j40__add64(buffer->next_codeoff, read_size, &buffer->next_codeoff), "flen");
		bits->end = checkpoint->end = buffer->buf + buffer->size;
		available -= read_size;
		if (read_size == readable_size) ++i; // try again if read is somehow incomplete

	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__seek_buffer(j40__st *st, int64_t codeoff) {
	int64_t reusable_size = st->buffer->next_codeoff - codeoff, fileoff;
	st->bits.bits = 0;
	st->bits.nbits = 0;
	if (0 < reusable_size && reusable_size <= st->buffer->size) {
		st->bits.ptr = st->buffer->buf + (st->buffer->size - reusable_size);
		st->bits.end = st->buffer->buf + st->buffer->size;
	} else {
		st->bits.ptr = st->bits.end = st->buffer->buf;
		st->buffer->size = 0;
		st->buffer->next_codeoff = codeoff;
		J40__TRY(j40__map_codestream_offset(st, codeoff, &fileoff));
		J40__TRY(j40__seek_from_source(st, fileoff));
	return st->err;

J40_STATIC int64_t j40__codestream_offset(const j40__st *st) {
	J40__ASSERT(st->bits.nbits % 8 == 0);
	return st->buffer->next_codeoff - st->buffer->size + (st->bits.ptr - st->buffer->buf) - st->bits.nbits / 8;

// diagnostic only, doesn't check for overflow or anything
J40_MAYBE_UNUSED J40_STATIC int64_t j40__bits_read(const j40__st *st) {
	int32_t nbytes = j40__ceil_div32(st->bits.nbits, 8), nbits = 8 * nbytes - st->bits.nbits;
	// the codestream offset for the byte that contains the first bit to read
	int64_t codeoff = st->buffer->next_codeoff - st->buffer->size + (st->bits.ptr - st->buffer->buf) - nbytes;
	j40__map map = st->container->map[j40__search_codestream_offset(st, codeoff)];
	return (map.fileoff + (codeoff - map.codeoff)) * 8 + nbits;

J40_STATIC void j40__free_buffer(j40__buffer_st *buffer) {
	buffer->buf = NULL;
	buffer->size = buffer->capacity = 0;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// bitstream

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__always_refill(j40__st *st, int32_t n);
// ensure st->bits.nbits is at least n; otherwise pull as many bytes as possible into st->bits.bits
#define j40__refill(st, n) (J40_UNLIKELY(st->bits.nbits < (n)) ? j40__always_refill(st, n) : st->err)

J40__INLINE_RETURNS_ERR j40__zero_pad_to_byte(j40__st *st);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__skip(j40__st *st, int64_t n);

J40_INLINE int32_t j40__u(j40__st *st, int32_t n);
J40_INLINE int64_t j40__64u(j40__st *st, int32_t n);
J40_INLINE int32_t j40__u32(
	j40__st *st,
	int32_t o0, int32_t n0, int32_t o1, int32_t n1,
	int32_t o2, int32_t n2, int32_t o3, int32_t n3
J40_INLINE int64_t j40__64u32(
	j40__st *st,
	int32_t o0, int32_t n0, int32_t o1, int32_t n1,
	int32_t o2, int32_t n2, int32_t o3, int32_t n3
J40_STATIC uint64_t j40__u64(j40__st *st);
J40_INLINE int32_t j40__enum(j40__st *st);
J40_INLINE float j40__f16(j40__st *st);
J40_INLINE int32_t j40__u8(j40__st *st);
J40_INLINE int32_t j40__at_most(j40__st *st, int32_t max);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__no_more_bytes(j40__st *st);


J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__always_refill(j40__st *st, int32_t n) {
	static const int32_t NBITS = 64;
	j40__bits_st *bits = &st->bits;

	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n && n < NBITS);
	while (1) {
		int32_t consumed = (NBITS - bits->nbits) >> 3;
		if (J40_LIKELY(bits->end - bits->ptr >= consumed)) {
			// fast case: consume `consumed` bytes from the logical buffer
			J40__ASSERT(bits->nbits <= NBITS - 8);
			do {
				bits->bits |= (uint64_t) *bits->ptr++ << bits->nbits;
				bits->nbits += 8;
			} while (bits->nbits <= NBITS - 8);

		// slow case: the logical buffer has been exhausted, try to refill the backing buffer
		while (bits->ptr < bits->end) {
			bits->bits |= (uint64_t) *bits->ptr++ << bits->nbits;
			bits->nbits += 8;
		if (bits->nbits > NBITS - 8) break;

		J40__SHOULD(st->buffer, "shrt");
		if (bits->end == bits->ptr) { // no possibility to read more bits
			if (bits->nbits >= n) break;
		// otherwise now we have possibly more bits to refill, try again

	return st->err;

J40__INLINE_RETURNS_ERR j40__zero_pad_to_byte(j40__st *st) {
	int32_t n = st->bits.nbits & 7;
	if (st->bits.bits & ((1u << n) - 1)) return J40__ERR("pad0");
	st->bits.bits >>= n;
	st->bits.nbits -= n;
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__skip(j40__st *st, int64_t n) {
	j40__bits_st *bits = &st->bits;
	int64_t bytes;
	if (bits->nbits >= n) {
		bits->bits >>= (int32_t) n;
		bits->nbits -= (int32_t) n;
	} else {
		n -= bits->nbits;
		bits->bits = 0;
		bits->nbits = 0;
	bytes = n >> 3;
	// TODO honor containers
	if (bits->end - bits->ptr < (int64_t) bytes) return J40__ERR("shrt");
	bits->ptr += bytes;
	n &= 7;
	if (j40__refill(st, (int32_t) n)) return st->err;
	bits->bits >>= (int32_t) n;
	bits->nbits -= (int32_t) n;
	return st->err;

J40_INLINE int32_t j40__u(j40__st *st, int32_t n) {
	int32_t ret;
	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n && n <= 31);
	if (j40__refill(st, n)) return 0;
	ret = (int32_t) (st->bits.bits & ((1u << n) - 1));
	st->bits.bits >>= n;
	st->bits.nbits -= n;
	return ret;

J40_INLINE int64_t j40__64u(j40__st *st, int32_t n) {
	int64_t ret;
	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n && n <= 63);
	if (j40__refill(st, n)) return 0;
	ret = (int64_t) (st->bits.bits & (((uint64_t) 1u << n) - 1));
	st->bits.bits >>= n;
	st->bits.nbits -= n;
	return ret;

J40_INLINE int32_t j40__u32(
	j40__st *st,
	int32_t o0, int32_t n0, int32_t o1, int32_t n1,
	int32_t o2, int32_t n2, int32_t o3, int32_t n3
) {
	const int32_t o[4] = { o0, o1, o2, o3 };
	const int32_t n[4] = { n0, n1, n2, n3 };
	int32_t sel;
	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n0 && n0 <= 30 && o0 <= 0x7fffffff - (1 << n0));
	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n1 && n1 <= 30 && o1 <= 0x7fffffff - (1 << n1));
	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n2 && n2 <= 30 && o2 <= 0x7fffffff - (1 << n2));
	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n3 && n3 <= 30 && o3 <= 0x7fffffff - (1 << n3));
	sel = j40__u(st, 2);
	return j40__u(st, n[sel]) + o[sel];

J40_INLINE int64_t j40__64u32(
	j40__st *st,
	int32_t o0, int32_t n0, int32_t o1, int32_t n1,
	int32_t o2, int32_t n2, int32_t o3, int32_t n3
) {
	const int32_t o[4] = { o0, o1, o2, o3 };
	const int32_t n[4] = { n0, n1, n2, n3 };
	int32_t sel;
	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n0 && n0 <= 62);
	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n1 && n1 <= 62);
	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n2 && n2 <= 62);
	J40__ASSERT(0 <= n3 && n3 <= 62);
	sel = j40__u(st, 2);
	return (j40__64u(st, n[sel]) + (int64_t) o[sel]) & (int64_t) 0xffffffff;

J40_STATIC uint64_t j40__u64(j40__st *st) {
	int32_t sel = j40__u(st, 2), shift;
	uint64_t ret = (uint64_t) j40__u(st, sel * 4);
	if (sel < 3) {
		ret += 17u >> (8 - sel * 4);
	} else {
		for (shift = 12; shift < 64 && j40__u(st, 1); shift += 8) {
			ret |= (uint64_t) j40__u(st, shift < 56 ? 8 : 64 - shift) << shift;
	return ret;

J40_INLINE int32_t j40__enum(j40__st *st) {
	int32_t ret = j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 4, 18, 6);
	// the spec says it should be 64, but the largest enum value in use is 18 (kHLG);
	// we have to reject unknown enum values anyway so we use a smaller limit to avoid overflow
	if (ret >= 31) return J40__ERR("enum"), 0;
	return ret;

J40_INLINE float j40__f16(j40__st *st) {
	int32_t bits = j40__u(st, 16);
	int32_t biased_exp = (bits >> 10) & 0x1f;
	if (biased_exp == 31) return J40__ERR("!fin"), 0.0f;
	return (bits >> 15 ? -1 : 1) * ldexpf((float) ((bits & 0x3ff) | (biased_exp > 0 ? 0x400 : 0)), biased_exp - 25);

J40_INLINE int32_t j40__u8(j40__st *st) { // ANS distribution decoding only
	if (j40__u(st, 1)) {
		int32_t n = j40__u(st, 3);
		return j40__u(st, n) + (1 << n);
	} else {
		return 0;

// equivalent to u(ceil(log2(max + 1))), decodes [0, max] with the minimal number of bits
J40_INLINE int32_t j40__at_most(j40__st *st, int32_t max) {
	int32_t v = max > 0 ? j40__u(st, j40__ceil_lg32((uint32_t) max + 1)) : 0;
	if (v > max) return J40__ERR("rnge"), 0;
	return v;

// ensures that we have reached the end of file or advertised section with proper padding
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__no_more_bytes(j40__st *st) {
	J40__SHOULD(st->bits.nbits == 0 && st->bits.ptr == st->bits.end, "excs");
	return st->err;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// prefix code

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__prefix_code_tree(
	j40__st *st, int32_t l2size, int32_t *out_fast_len, int32_t *out_max_len, int32_t **out_table
J40_INLINE int32_t j40__prefix_code(j40__st *st, int32_t fast_len, int32_t max_len, const int32_t *table);


// a prefix code tree is represented by max_len (max code length), fast_len (explained below),
// and an int32_t table either statically or dynamically constructed.
// table[0] .. table[(1 << fast_len) - 1] are a lookup table for first fast_len bits.
// each entry is either a direct entry (positive),
// or an index to the first overflow entry (negative, the actual index is -table[i]).
// subsequent overflow entries are used for codes with the length > fast_len;
// the decoder reads overflow entries in the order, stopping at the first match.
// the last overflow entry is implicit so the table is constructed to ensure the match.
// a direct or overflow entry format:
// - bits 0..3: codeword length - fast_len
// - bits 4..15: codeword, skipping first fast_len bits, ordered like st->bits.bits (overflow only)
// - bits 16..30: corresponding alphabet

enum { J40__MAX_TYPICAL_FAST_LEN = 7 }; // limit fast_len for typical cases
enum { J40__MAX_TABLE_GROWTH = 2 }; // we can afford 2x the table size if beneficial though

// read a prefix code tree, as specified in RFC 7932 section 3
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__prefix_code_tree(
	j40__st *st, int32_t l2size, int32_t *out_fast_len, int32_t *out_max_len, int32_t **out_table
) {
	static const uint8_t REV5[32] = {
		0, 16, 8, 24, 4, 20, 12, 28, 2, 18, 10, 26, 6, 22, 14, 30,
		1, 17, 9, 25, 5, 21, 13, 29, 3, 19, 11, 27, 7, 23, 15, 31,

	// for ordinary cases we have three different prefix codes:
	// layer 0 (fixed): up to 4 bits, decoding into 0..5, used L1SIZE = 18 times
	// layer 1: up to 5 bits, decoding into 0..17, used l2size times
	// layer 2: up to 15 bits, decoding into 0..l2size-1
	enum { L1SIZE = 18, L0MAXLEN = 4, L1MAXLEN = 5, L2MAXLEN = 15 };
	enum { L1CODESUM = 1 << L1MAXLEN, L2CODESUM = 1 << L2MAXLEN };
	static const int32_t L0TABLE[1 << L0MAXLEN] = {
		0x00002, 0x40002, 0x30002, 0x20003, 0x00002, 0x40002, 0x30002, 0x10004,
		0x00002, 0x40002, 0x30002, 0x20003, 0x00002, 0x40002, 0x30002, 0x50004,
	static const uint8_t L1ZIGZAG[L1SIZE] = {1,2,3,4,0,5,17,6,16,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15};

	int32_t l1lengths[L1SIZE] = {0}, *l2lengths = NULL;
	int32_t l1counts[L1MAXLEN + 1] = {0}, l2counts[L2MAXLEN + 1] = {0};
	int32_t l1starts[L1MAXLEN + 1], l2starts[L2MAXLEN + 1], l2overflows[L2MAXLEN + 1];
	int32_t l1table[1 << L1MAXLEN] = {0}, *l2table = NULL;
	int32_t total, code, hskip, fast_len, i, j;

	J40__ASSERT(l2size > 0 && l2size <= 0x8000);
	if (l2size == 1) { // SPEC missing this case
		*out_fast_len = *out_max_len = 0;
		J40__TRY_MALLOC(int32_t, out_table, 1);
		(*out_table)[0] = 0;
		return 0;

	hskip = j40__u(st, 2);
	if (hskip == 1) { // simple prefix codes (section 3.4)
		static const struct { int8_t maxlen, sortfrom, sortto, len[8], symref[8]; } TEMPLATES[5] = {
			{ 3, 2, 4, {1,2,1,3,1,2,1,3}, {0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3} }, // NSYM=4 tree-select 1 (1233)
			{ 0, 0, 0, {0}, {0} },                             // NSYM=1 (0)
			{ 1, 0, 2, {1,1}, {0,1} },                         // NSYM=2 (11)
			{ 2, 1, 3, {1,2,1,2}, {0,1,0,2} },                 // NSYM=3 (122)
			{ 2, 0, 4, {2,2,2,2}, {0,1,2,3} },                 // NSYM=4 tree-select 0 (2222)
		int32_t nsym = j40__u(st, 2) + 1, syms[4], tmp;
		for (i = 0; i < nsym; ++i) {
			syms[i] = j40__at_most(st, l2size - 1);
			for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) J40__SHOULD(syms[i] != syms[j], "hufd");
		if (nsym == 4 && j40__u(st, 1)) nsym = 0; // tree-select

		// symbols of the equal length have to be sorted
		for (i = TEMPLATES[nsym].sortfrom + 1; i < TEMPLATES[nsym].sortto; ++i) {
			for (j = i; j > TEMPLATES[nsym].sortfrom && syms[j - 1] > syms[j]; --j) {
				tmp = syms[j - 1];
				syms[j - 1] = syms[j];
				syms[j] = tmp;

		*out_fast_len = *out_max_len = TEMPLATES[nsym].maxlen;
		J40__TRY_MALLOC(int32_t, out_table, 1u << *out_max_len);
		for (i = 0; i < (1 << *out_max_len); ++i) {
			(*out_table)[i] = (syms[TEMPLATES[nsym].symref[i]] << 16) | (int32_t) TEMPLATES[nsym].len[i];
		return 0;

	// complex prefix codes (section 3.5): read layer 1 code lengths using the layer 0 code
	total = 0;
	for (i = l1counts[0] = hskip; i < L1SIZE && total < L1CODESUM; ++i) {
		l1lengths[L1ZIGZAG[i]] = code = j40__prefix_code(st, L0MAXLEN, L0MAXLEN, L0TABLE);
		if (code) total += L1CODESUM >> code;
	J40__SHOULD(total == L1CODESUM && l1counts[0] != i, "hufd");

	// construct the layer 1 tree
	if (l1counts[0] == i - 1) { // special case: a single code repeats as many as possible
		for (i = 0; l1lengths[i]; ++i); // this SHOULD terminate
		for (code = 0; code < L1CODESUM; ++code) l1table[code] = i;
		l1lengths[i] = 0;
	} else {
		l1starts[1] = 0;
		for (i = 2; i <= L1MAXLEN; ++i) {
			l1starts[i] = l1starts[i - 1] + (l1counts[i - 1] << (L1MAXLEN - (i - 1)));
		for (i = 0; i < L1SIZE; ++i) {
			int32_t n = l1lengths[i], *start = &l1starts[n];
			if (n == 0) continue;
			for (code = (int32_t) REV5[*start]; code < L1CODESUM; code += 1 << n) {
				l1table[code] = (i << 16) | n;
			*start += L1CODESUM >> n;

	{ // read layer 2 code lengths using the layer 1 code
		int32_t prev = 8, rep, prev_rep = 0; // prev_rep: prev repeat count of 16(pos)/17(neg) so far
		J40__TRY_CALLOC(int32_t, &l2lengths, (size_t) l2size);
		for (i = total = 0; i < l2size && total < L2CODESUM; ) {
			code = j40__prefix_code(st, L1MAXLEN, L1MAXLEN, l1table);
			if (code < 16) {
				l2lengths[i++] = code;
				if (code) {
					total += L2CODESUM >> code;
					prev = code;
				prev_rep = 0;
			} else if (code == 16) { // repeat non-zero 3+u(2) times
				// instead of keeping the current repeat count, we calculate a difference
				// between the previous and current repeat count and directly apply the delta
				if (prev_rep < 0) prev_rep = 0;
				rep = (prev_rep > 0 ? 4 * prev_rep - 5 : 3) + j40__u(st, 2);
				J40__SHOULD(i + (rep - prev_rep) <= l2size, "hufd");
				total += (L2CODESUM * (rep - prev_rep)) >> prev;
				l2counts[prev] += rep - prev_rep;
				for (; prev_rep < rep; ++prev_rep) l2lengths[i++] = prev;
			} else { // code == 17: repeat zero 3+u(3) times
				if (prev_rep > 0) prev_rep = 0;
				rep = (prev_rep < 0 ? 8 * prev_rep + 13 : -3) - j40__u(st, 3);
				J40__SHOULD(i + (prev_rep - rep) <= l2size, "hufd");
				for (; prev_rep > rep; --prev_rep) l2lengths[i++] = 0;
		J40__SHOULD(total == L2CODESUM, "hufd");

	// determine the layer 2 lookup table size
	l2starts[1] = 0;
	*out_max_len = 1;
	for (i = 2; i <= L2MAXLEN; ++i) {
		l2starts[i] = l2starts[i - 1] + (l2counts[i - 1] << (L2MAXLEN - (i - 1)));
		if (l2counts[i]) *out_max_len = i;
	if (*out_max_len <= J40__MAX_TYPICAL_FAST_LEN) {
		fast_len = *out_max_len;
		J40__TRY_MALLOC(int32_t, &l2table, 1u << fast_len);
	} else {
		// if the distribution is flat enough the max fast_len might be slow
		// because most LUT entries will be overflow refs so we will hit slow paths for most cases.
		// we therefore calculate the table size with the max fast_len,
		// then find the largest fast_len within the specified table growth factor.
		int32_t size, size_limit, size_used;
		fast_len = J40__MAX_TYPICAL_FAST_LEN;
		size = 1 << fast_len;
		for (i = fast_len + 1; i <= *out_max_len; ++i) size += l2counts[i];
		size_used = size;
		size_limit = size * J40__MAX_TABLE_GROWTH;
		for (i = fast_len + 1; i <= *out_max_len; ++i) {
			size = size + (1 << i) - l2counts[i];
			if (size <= size_limit) {
				size_used = size;
				fast_len = i;
		l2overflows[fast_len + 1] = 1 << fast_len;
		for (i = fast_len + 2; i <= *out_max_len; ++i) l2overflows[i] = l2overflows[i - 1] + l2counts[i - 1];
		J40__TRY_MALLOC(int32_t, &l2table, (size_t) (size_used + 1));
		// this entry should be unreachable, but should work as a stopper if there happens to be a logic bug
		l2table[size_used] = 0;

	// fill the layer 2 table
	for (i = 0; i < l2size; ++i) {
		int32_t n = l2lengths[i], *start = &l2starts[n];
		if (n == 0) continue;
		code = ((int32_t) REV5[*start & 31] << 10) |
			((int32_t) REV5[*start >> 5 & 31] << 5) |
			((int32_t) REV5[*start >> 10]);
		if (n <= fast_len) {
			for (; code < (1 << fast_len); code += 1 << n) l2table[code] = (i << 16) | n;
			*start += L2CODESUM >> n;
		} else {
			// there should be exactly one code which is a LUT-covered prefix plus all zeroes;
			// in the canonical Huffman tree that code would be in the first overflow entry
			if ((code >> fast_len) == 0) l2table[code] = -l2overflows[n];
			*start += L2CODESUM >> n;
			l2table[l2overflows[n]++] = (i << 16) | (code >> fast_len << 4) | (n - fast_len);

	*out_fast_len = fast_len;
	*out_table = l2table;
	return 0;

	return st->err;

J40_STATIC int32_t j40__match_overflow(j40__st *st, int32_t fast_len, const int32_t *table) {
	int32_t entry, code, code_len;
	st->bits.nbits -= fast_len;
	st->bits.bits >>= fast_len;
	do {
		entry = *table++;
		code = (entry >> 4) & 0xfff;
		code_len = entry & 15;
	} while (code != (int32_t) (st->bits.bits & ((1u << code_len) - 1)));
	return entry;

J40_INLINE int32_t j40__prefix_code(j40__st *st, int32_t fast_len, int32_t max_len, const int32_t *table) {
	int32_t entry, code_len;
	// this is not `j40__refill(st, max_len)` because it should be able to handle codes
	// at the very end of file or section and shorter than max_len bits; in that case
	// the bit buffer will correctly contain a short code padded with zeroes.
	if (st->bits.nbits < max_len && j40__always_refill(st, 0)) return 0;
	entry = table[st->bits.bits & ((1u << fast_len) - 1)];
	if (entry < 0 && fast_len < max_len) entry = j40__match_overflow(st, fast_len, table - entry);
	code_len = entry & 15;
	st->bits.nbits -= code_len;
	st->bits.bits >>= code_len;
	if (st->bits.nbits < 0) { // too many bits read from the bit buffer
		st->bits.nbits = 0;
		J40__ASSERT(st->bits.bits == 0);
	return entry >> 16;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// hybrid integer encoding

// token < 2^split_exp is interpreted as is.
// otherwise (token - 2^split_exp) is split into NNHHHLLL where config determines H/L lengths.
// then MMMMM = u(NN + split_exp - H/L lengths) is read; the decoded value is 1HHHMMMMMLLL.
typedef struct {
	int8_t split_exp; // [0, 15]
	int8_t msb_in_token, lsb_in_token; // msb_in_token + lsb_in_token <= split_exp
	// TODO 2^30 bound is arbitrary, codestream may require larger values for some edge cases
	int32_t max_token; // upper bound of token s.t. `j40__hybrid_int(token)` is < 2^30
} j40__hybrid_int_config;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_hybrid_int_config(
	j40__st *st, int32_t log_alpha_size, j40__hybrid_int_config *out
J40_INLINE int32_t j40__hybrid_int(j40__st *st, int32_t token, j40__hybrid_int_config config);


J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_hybrid_int_config(
	j40__st *st, int32_t log_alpha_size, j40__hybrid_int_config *out
) {
	J40__ASSERT(log_alpha_size <= 15);
	out->split_exp = (int8_t) j40__at_most(st, log_alpha_size);
	if (out->split_exp != log_alpha_size) {
		out->msb_in_token = (int8_t) j40__at_most(st, out->split_exp);
		out->lsb_in_token = (int8_t) j40__at_most(st, out->split_exp - out->msb_in_token);
	} else {
		out->msb_in_token = out->lsb_in_token = 0;
	out->max_token =
		(1 << out->split_exp) + ((30 - out->split_exp) << (out->lsb_in_token + out->msb_in_token)) - 1;
	return st->err;

J40_INLINE int32_t j40__hybrid_int(j40__st *st, int32_t token, j40__hybrid_int_config config) {
	int32_t midbits, lo, mid, hi, top, bits_in_token, split = 1 << config.split_exp;
	if (token < split) return token;
	if (token > config.max_token) {
		token = config.max_token;
	bits_in_token = config.msb_in_token + config.lsb_in_token;
	midbits = config.split_exp - bits_in_token + ((token - split) >> bits_in_token);
	mid = j40__u(st, midbits);
	top = 1 << config.msb_in_token;
	lo = token & ((1 << config.lsb_in_token) - 1);
	hi = (token >> config.lsb_in_token) & (top - 1);
	return ((top | hi) << (midbits + config.lsb_in_token)) | ((mid << config.lsb_in_token) | lo);

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// rANS alias table

enum {
	J40__DIST_BITS = 12,
	J40__ANS_INIT_STATE = 0x130000

// the alias table of size N is conceptually an array of N buckets with probability 1/N each,
// where each bucket corresponds to at most two symbols distinguished by the cutoff point.
// this is done by rearranging symbols so that every symbol boundary falls into distinct buckets.
// so it allows *any* distribution of N symbols to be decoded in a constant time after the setup.
// the table is not unique though, so the spec needs to specify the exact construction algorithm.
//   input range: 0         cutoff               bucket_size
//                +-----------|----------------------------+
// output symbol: |     i     |           symbol           | <- bucket i
//                +-----------|----------------------------+
//  output range: 0     cutoff|offset    offset+bucket_size
typedef struct { int16_t cutoff, offset_or_next, symbol; } j40__alias_bucket;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_alias_map(
	j40__st *st, const int16_t *D, int32_t log_alpha_size, j40__alias_bucket **out
J40_STATIC int32_t j40__ans_code(
	j40__st *st, uint32_t *state, int32_t log_bucket_size,
	const int16_t *D, const j40__alias_bucket *aliases


J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_alias_map(
	j40__st *st, const int16_t *D, int32_t log_alpha_size, j40__alias_bucket **out
) {
	int16_t log_bucket_size = (int16_t) (J40__DIST_BITS - log_alpha_size);
	int16_t bucket_size = (int16_t) (1 << log_bucket_size);
	int16_t table_size = (int16_t) (1 << log_alpha_size);
	j40__alias_bucket *buckets = NULL;
	// the underfull and overfull stacks are implicit linked lists; u/o resp. is the top index,
	// buckets[u/o].next is the second-to-top index and so on. an index -1 indicates the bottom.
	int16_t u = -1, o = -1, i, j;

	J40__ASSERT(5 <= log_alpha_size && log_alpha_size <= 8);
	J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40__alias_bucket, &buckets, 1u << log_alpha_size);

	for (i = 0; i < table_size && !D[i]; ++i);
	for (j = (int16_t) (i + 1); j < table_size && !D[j]; ++j);
	if (i < table_size && j >= table_size) { // D[i] is the only non-zero probability
		for (j = 0; j < table_size; ++j) {
			buckets[j].symbol = i;
			buckets[j].offset_or_next /*offset*/ = (int16_t) (j << log_bucket_size);
			buckets[j].cutoff = 0;
		*out = buckets;
		return 0;

	// each bucket is either settled (fields fully set) or unsettled (only `cutoff` is set).
	// unsettled buckets are either in the underfull stack, in which case `cutoff < bucket_size`,
	// or in the overfull stack, in which case `cutoff > bucket_size`. other fields are left
	// unused, so `offset` in settled buckets is aliased to `next` in unsettled buckets.
	// when rearranging results in buckets with `cutoff == bucket_size`,
	// final fields are set and they become settled; eventually every bucket has to be settled.
	for (i = 0; i < table_size; ++i) {
		int16_t cutoff = D[i];
		buckets[i].cutoff = cutoff;
		if (cutoff > bucket_size) {
			buckets[i].offset_or_next /*next*/ = o;
			o = i;
		} else if (cutoff < bucket_size) {
			buckets[i].offset_or_next /*next*/ = u;
			u = i;
		} else { // immediately settled
			buckets[i].symbol = i;
			buckets[i].offset_or_next /*offset*/ = 0;

	while (o >= 0) {
		int16_t by, tmp;
		J40__ASSERT(u >= 0);
		by = (int16_t) (bucket_size - buckets[u].cutoff);
		// move the input range [cutoff[o] - by, cutoff[o]] of the bucket o into
		// the input range [cutoff[u], bucket_size] of the bucket u (which is settled after this)
		tmp = buckets[u].offset_or_next /*next*/;
		buckets[o].cutoff = (int16_t) (buckets[o].cutoff - by);
		buckets[u].symbol = o;
		buckets[u].offset_or_next /*offset*/ = (int16_t) (buckets[o].cutoff - buckets[u].cutoff);
		u = tmp;
		if (buckets[o].cutoff < bucket_size) { // o is now underfull, move to the underfull stack
			tmp = buckets[o].offset_or_next /*next*/;
			buckets[o].offset_or_next /*next*/ = u;
			u = o;
			o = tmp;
		} else if (buckets[o].cutoff == bucket_size) { // o is also settled
			tmp = buckets[o].offset_or_next /*next*/;
			buckets[o].offset_or_next /*offset*/ = 0;
			o = tmp;

	J40__ASSERT(u < 0);
	*out = buckets;
	return 0;

	return st->err;

J40_STATIC int32_t j40__ans_code(
	j40__st *st, uint32_t *state, int32_t log_bucket_size,
	const int16_t *D, const j40__alias_bucket *aliases
) {
	if (*state == 0) {
		*state = (uint32_t) j40__u(st, 16);
		*state |= (uint32_t) j40__u(st, 16) << 16;
		int32_t index = (int32_t) (*state & 0xfff);
		int32_t i = index >> log_bucket_size;
		int32_t pos = index & ((1 << log_bucket_size) - 1);
		const j40__alias_bucket *bucket = &aliases[i];
		int32_t symbol = pos < bucket->cutoff ? i : bucket->symbol;
		int32_t offset = pos < bucket->cutoff ? 0 : bucket->offset_or_next /*offset*/;
		J40__ASSERT(D[symbol] != 0);
		*state = (uint32_t) D[symbol] * (*state >> 12) + (uint32_t) offset + (uint32_t) pos;
		if (*state < (1u << 16)) *state = (*state << 16) | (uint32_t) j40__u(st, 16);
		return symbol;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// entropy code

typedef union {
	j40__hybrid_int_config config;
	struct {
		j40__hybrid_int_config config;
		int32_t count;
	} init; // only used during the initialization
	struct {
		j40__hybrid_int_config config;
		int16_t *D;
		j40__alias_bucket *aliases;
	} ans; // if parent use_prefix_code is false
	struct {
		j40__hybrid_int_config config;
		int16_t fast_len, max_len;
		int32_t *table;
	} prefix; // if parent use_prefix_code is true
} j40__code_cluster;

typedef struct {
	int32_t num_dist;
	int lz77_enabled, use_prefix_code;
	int32_t min_symbol, min_length;
	int32_t log_alpha_size; // only used when use_prefix_code is false
	int32_t num_clusters; // in [1, min(num_dist, 256)]
	uint8_t *cluster_map; // each in [0, num_clusters)
	j40__hybrid_int_config lz_len_config;
	j40__code_cluster *clusters;
} j40__code_spec;

typedef struct {
	const j40__code_spec *spec;
	// LZ77 states
	int32_t num_to_copy, copy_pos, num_decoded;
	int32_t window_cap, *window;
	// ANS state (SPEC there is a single such state throughout the whole ANS stream)
	uint32_t ans_state; // 0 if uninitialized
} j40__code_st;

// j40__code dist_mult should be clamped to this value in order to prevent overflow
#define J40__MAX_DIST_MULT (1 << 21)

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__cluster_map(
	j40__st *st, int32_t num_dist, int32_t max_allowed, int32_t *num_clusters, uint8_t **outmap
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__ans_table(j40__st *st, int32_t log_alpha_size, int16_t **outtable);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_code_spec(j40__st *st, int32_t num_dist, j40__code_spec *spec);
J40_STATIC void j40__init_code(j40__code_st *code, const j40__code_spec *spec);
J40_STATIC int32_t j40__entropy_code_cluster(
	j40__st *st, int use_prefix_code, int32_t log_alpha_size,
	j40__code_cluster *cluster, uint32_t *ans_state
J40_STATIC int32_t j40__code(j40__st *st, int32_t ctx, int32_t dist_mult, j40__code_st *code);
J40_STATIC void j40__free_code(j40__code_st *code);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__finish_and_free_code(j40__st *st, j40__code_st *code);
J40_STATIC void j40__free_code_spec(j40__code_spec *spec);


J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__cluster_map(
	j40__st *st, int32_t num_dist, int32_t max_allowed, int32_t *num_clusters, uint8_t **outmap
) {
	j40__code_spec codespec = J40__INIT; // cluster map might be recursively coded
	j40__code_st code = J40__INIT;
	uint32_t seen[8] = {0};
	uint8_t *map = NULL;
	int32_t i, j;

	J40__ASSERT(num_dist > 0);
	J40__ASSERT(max_allowed >= 1 && max_allowed <= 256);
	if (max_allowed > num_dist) max_allowed = num_dist;

	if (num_dist == 1) { // SPEC impossible in Brotli but possible (and unspecified) in JPEG XL
		*num_clusters = 1;
		J40__TRY_CALLOC(uint8_t, outmap, 1);
		return 0;

	*outmap = NULL;
	J40__TRY_MALLOC(uint8_t, &map, (size_t) num_dist);

	if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // is_simple (# clusters < 8)
		int32_t nbits = j40__u(st, 2);
		for (i = 0; i < num_dist; ++i) {
			map[i] = (uint8_t) j40__u(st, nbits);
			J40__SHOULD((int32_t) map[i] < max_allowed, "clst");
	} else {
		int use_mtf = j40__u(st, 1);

		// TODO while num_dist is limited to 1, there is still a possibility of unbounded recursion
		// when each code spec introduces its own LZ77 distribution; libjxl doesn't allow LZ77
		// when cluster map is reading only two entries, which is technically incorrect but
		// easier to adopt in the current structure of J40 as well.
		J40__TRY(j40__read_code_spec(st, num_dist <= 2 ? -1 : 1, &codespec));
		j40__init_code(&code, &codespec);
		for (i = 0; i < num_dist; ++i) {
			int32_t index = j40__code(st, 0, 0, &code); // SPEC context (always 0) is missing
			J40__SHOULD(index < max_allowed, "clst");
			map[i] = (uint8_t) index;
		J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &code));

		if (use_mtf) {
			uint8_t mtf[256], moved;
			for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) mtf[i] = (uint8_t) i;
			for (i = 0; i < num_dist; ++i) {
				j = map[i];
				map[i] = moved = mtf[j];
				for (; j > 0; --j) mtf[j] = mtf[j - 1];
				mtf[0] = moved;

	// verify cluster_map and determine the implicit num_clusters
	for (i = 0; i < num_dist; ++i) seen[map[i] >> 5] |= (uint32_t) 1 << (map[i] & 31);
	for (i = 0; i < 256 && (seen[i >> 5] >> (i & 31) & 1); ++i);
	*num_clusters = i; // the first unset position or 256 if none
	for (; i < 256 && !(seen[i >> 5] >> (i & 31) & 1); ++i);
	J40__SHOULD(i == 256, "clst"); // no more set position beyond num_clusters
	J40__ASSERT(*num_clusters > 0);

	*outmap = map;
	return 0;

	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__ans_table(j40__st *st, int32_t log_alpha_size, int16_t **outtable) {
	int32_t table_size = 1 << log_alpha_size;
	int32_t i;
	int16_t *D = NULL;

	J40__TRY_MALLOC(int16_t, &D, (size_t) table_size);

	switch (j40__u(st, 2)) { // two Bool() calls combined into u(2), so bits are swapped
	case 1: { // true -> false case: one entry
		int32_t v = j40__u8(st);
		memset(D, 0, sizeof(int16_t) * (size_t) table_size);
		J40__SHOULD(v < table_size, "ansd");
		D[v] = DISTSUM;

	case 3: { // true -> true case: two entries
		int32_t v1 = j40__u8(st);
		int32_t v2 = j40__u8(st);
		J40__SHOULD(v1 != v2 && v1 < table_size && v2 < table_size, "ansd");
		memset(D, 0, sizeof(int16_t) * (size_t) table_size);
		D[v1] = (int16_t) j40__u(st, DISTBITS);
		D[v2] = (int16_t) (DISTSUM - D[v1]);

	case 2: { // false -> true case: evenly distribute to first `alpha_size` entries
		int32_t alpha_size = j40__u8(st) + 1;
		int16_t d = (int16_t) (DISTSUM / alpha_size);
		int16_t bias_size = (int16_t) (DISTSUM % alpha_size);
		J40__SHOULD(alpha_size <= table_size, "ansd");
		for (i = 0; i < bias_size; ++i) D[i] = (int16_t) (d + 1);
		for (; i < alpha_size; ++i) D[i] = d;
		for (; i < table_size; ++i) D[i] = 0;

	case 0: { // false -> false case: bit counts + RLE
		int32_t len, shift, alpha_size, omit_log, omit_pos, code, total, n;
		int32_t ncodes, codes[259]; // exponents if >= 0, negated repeat count if < 0

		len = j40__u(st, 1) ? j40__u(st, 1) ? j40__u(st, 1) ? 3 : 2 : 1 : 0;
		shift = j40__u(st, len) + (1 << len) - 1;
		J40__SHOULD(shift <= 13, "ansd");
		alpha_size = j40__u8(st) + 3;

		omit_log = -1; // there should be at least one non-RLE code
		for (i = ncodes = 0; i < alpha_size; ) {
			static const int32_t TABLE[] = { // reinterpretation of kLogCountLut
				0xa0003,     -16, 0x70003, 0x30004, 0x60003, 0x80003, 0x90003, 0x50004,
				0xa0003, 0x40004, 0x70003, 0x10004, 0x60003, 0x80003, 0x90003, 0x20004,
				0x00011, 0xb0022, 0xc0003, 0xd0043, // overflow for ...0001
			code = j40__prefix_code(st, 4, 7, TABLE);
			if (code < 13) {
				codes[ncodes++] = code;
				if (omit_log < code) omit_log = code;
			} else {
				i += code = j40__u8(st) + 4;
				codes[ncodes++] = -code;
		J40__SHOULD(i == alpha_size && omit_log >= 0, "ansd");

		omit_pos = -1;
		for (i = n = total = 0; i < ncodes && n < table_size; ++i) {
			code = codes[i];
			if (code < 0) { // repeat
				int16_t prev = n > 0 ? D[n - 1] : 0;
				J40__SHOULD(prev >= 0, "ansd"); // implicit D[n] followed by RLE
				code = j40__min32(-code, table_size - n);
				total += (int32_t) prev * code;
				while (code-- > 0) D[n++] = prev;
			} else if (code == omit_log) { // the first longest D[n] is "omitted" (implicit)
				omit_pos = n;
				omit_log = -1; // this branch runs at most once
				D[n++] = -1;
			} else if (code < 2) {
				total += code;
				D[n++] = (int16_t) code;
			} else {
				int32_t bitcount;
				bitcount = j40__min32(j40__max32(0, shift - ((DISTBITS - code) >> 1)), code);
				code = (1 << code) + (j40__u(st, bitcount) << (code - bitcount));
				total += code;
				D[n++] = (int16_t) code;
		for (; n < table_size; ++n) D[n] = 0;
		J40__SHOULD(omit_pos >= 0, "ansd");
		J40__SHOULD(total <= DISTSUM, "ansd");
		D[omit_pos] = (int16_t) (DISTSUM - total);

	default: J40__UNREACHABLE();

	*outtable = D;
	return 0;

	return st->err;

// num_dist can be negative (and its absolute value is used) when a further use of LZ77 is disallowed
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_code_spec(j40__st *st, int32_t num_dist, j40__code_spec *spec) {
	int32_t i;
	int allow_lz77;

	J40__ASSERT(num_dist != 0);
	allow_lz77 = (num_dist > 0);
	num_dist = j40__abs32(num_dist);

	spec->cluster_map = NULL;
	spec->clusters = NULL;

	// LZ77Params
	spec->lz77_enabled = j40__u(st, 1);
	if (spec->lz77_enabled) {
		J40__SHOULD(allow_lz77, "lz77");
		spec->min_symbol = j40__u32(st, 224, 0, 512, 0, 4096, 0, 8, 15);
		spec->min_length = j40__u32(st, 3, 0, 4, 0, 5, 2, 9, 8);
		J40__TRY(j40__read_hybrid_int_config(st, 8, &spec->lz_len_config));
		++num_dist; // num_dist - 1 is a synthesized LZ77 length distribution
	} else {
		spec->min_symbol = spec->min_length = 0x7fffffff;

	// cluster_map: a mapping from context IDs to actual distributions
	J40__TRY(j40__cluster_map(st, num_dist, 256, &spec->num_clusters, &spec->cluster_map));

	J40__TRY_CALLOC(j40__code_cluster, &spec->clusters, (size_t) spec->num_clusters);

	spec->use_prefix_code = j40__u(st, 1);
	if (spec->use_prefix_code) {
		for (i = 0; i < spec->num_clusters; ++i) { // SPEC the count is off by one
			J40__TRY(j40__read_hybrid_int_config(st, 15, &spec->clusters[i].config));

		for (i = 0; i < spec->num_clusters; ++i) {
			if (j40__u(st, 1)) {
				int32_t n = j40__u(st, 4);
				spec->clusters[i].init.count = 1 + (1 << n) + j40__u(st, n);
				J40__SHOULD(spec->clusters[i].init.count <= (1 << 15), "hufd");
			} else {
				spec->clusters[i].init.count = 1;

		// SPEC this should happen after reading *all* count[i]
		for (i = 0; i < spec->num_clusters; ++i) {
			j40__code_cluster *c = &spec->clusters[i];
			int32_t fast_len, max_len;
			J40__TRY(j40__prefix_code_tree(st, c->init.count, &fast_len, &max_len, &c->prefix.table));
			c->prefix.fast_len = (int16_t) fast_len;
			c->prefix.max_len = (int16_t) max_len;
	} else {
		spec->log_alpha_size = 5 + j40__u(st, 2);
		for (i = 0; i < spec->num_clusters; ++i) { // SPEC the count is off by one
			J40__TRY(j40__read_hybrid_int_config(st, spec->log_alpha_size, &spec->clusters[i].config));

		for (i = 0; i < spec->num_clusters; ++i) {
			j40__code_cluster *c = &spec->clusters[i];
			J40__TRY(j40__ans_table(st, spec->log_alpha_size, &c->ans.D));
			J40__TRY(j40__init_alias_map(st, c->ans.D, spec->log_alpha_size, &c->ans.aliases));

	spec->num_dist = num_dist;
	return 0;

	return st->err;

J40_STATIC void j40__init_code(j40__code_st *code, const j40__code_spec *spec) {
	code->spec = spec;
	code->num_to_copy = code->copy_pos = code->num_decoded = 0;
	code->window_cap = 0;
	code->window = 0;
	code->ans_state = 0;

J40_STATIC int32_t j40__entropy_code_cluster(
	j40__st *st, int use_prefix_code, int32_t log_alpha_size,
	j40__code_cluster *cluster, uint32_t *ans_state
) {
	if (use_prefix_code) {
		return j40__prefix_code(st, cluster->prefix.fast_len, cluster->prefix.max_len, cluster->prefix.table);
	} else {
		return j40__ans_code(st, ans_state, J40__DIST_BITS - log_alpha_size, cluster->ans.D, cluster->ans.aliases);

// aka DecodeHybridVarLenUint
J40_STATIC int32_t j40__code(j40__st *st, int32_t ctx, int32_t dist_mult, j40__code_st *code) {
	static const int32_t MASK = 0xfffff;

	const j40__code_spec *spec = code->spec;
	int32_t token, distance, log_alpha_size;
	j40__code_cluster *cluster;
	int use_prefix_code;

	if (code->num_to_copy > 0) {
		J40__ASSERT(code->window); // because this can't be the initial token and lz77_enabled is true
		return code->window[code->num_decoded++ & MASK] = code->window[code->copy_pos++ & MASK];

	J40__ASSERT(ctx < spec->num_dist);
	use_prefix_code = spec->use_prefix_code;
	log_alpha_size = spec->log_alpha_size;
	cluster = &spec->clusters[spec->cluster_map[ctx]];
	token = j40__entropy_code_cluster(st, use_prefix_code, log_alpha_size, cluster, &code->ans_state);
	if (token >= spec->min_symbol) { // this is large enough if lz77_enabled is false
		j40__code_cluster *lz_cluster = &spec->clusters[spec->cluster_map[spec->num_dist - 1]];
		int32_t num_to_copy = j40__hybrid_int(st, token - spec->min_symbol, spec->lz_len_config) + spec->min_length;
		token = j40__entropy_code_cluster(st, use_prefix_code, log_alpha_size, lz_cluster, &code->ans_state);
		distance = j40__hybrid_int(st, token, lz_cluster->config);
		if (st->err) return 0;
		if (!dist_mult) {
		} else if (distance >= 120) {
			distance -= 119;
		} else {
			static const uint8_t SPECIAL_DISTANCES[120] = { // {a,b} encoded as (a+7)*16+b
				0x71, 0x80, 0x81, 0x61, 0x72, 0x90, 0x82, 0x62, 0x91, 0x51, 0x92, 0x52,
				0x73, 0xa0, 0x83, 0x63, 0xa1, 0x41, 0x93, 0x53, 0xa2, 0x42, 0x74, 0xb0,
				0x84, 0x64, 0xb1, 0x31, 0xa3, 0x43, 0x94, 0x54, 0xb2, 0x32, 0x75, 0xa4,
				0x44, 0xb3, 0x33, 0xc0, 0x85, 0x65, 0xc1, 0x21, 0x95, 0x55, 0xc2, 0x22,
				0xb4, 0x34, 0xa5, 0x45, 0xc3, 0x23, 0x76, 0xd0, 0x86, 0x66, 0xd1, 0x11,
				0x96, 0x56, 0xd2, 0x12, 0xb5, 0x35, 0xc4, 0x24, 0xa6, 0x46, 0xd3, 0x13,
				0x77, 0xe0, 0x87, 0x67, 0xc5, 0x25, 0xe1, 0x01, 0xb6, 0x36, 0xd4, 0x14,
				0x97, 0x57, 0xe2, 0x02, 0xa7, 0x47, 0xe3, 0x03, 0xc6, 0x26, 0xd5, 0x15,
				0xf0, 0xb7, 0x37, 0xe4, 0x04, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xd6, 0x16, 0xf3, 0xc7, 0x27,
				0xe5, 0x05, 0xf4, 0xd7, 0x17, 0xe6, 0x06, 0xf5, 0xe7, 0x07, 0xf6, 0xf7,
			int32_t special = (int32_t) SPECIAL_DISTANCES[distance];
			J40__ASSERT(dist_mult <= J40__MAX_DIST_MULT);
			// TODO spec bug: distance can be as low as -6 when dist_mult = 1 and distance =
			// dist_mult * 1 - 7; libjxl clamps it to the minimum of 1, so we do the same here
			distance = j40__max32(1, ((special >> 4) - 7) + dist_mult * (special & 7));
		distance = j40__min32(j40__min32(distance, code->num_decoded), 1 << 20);
		code->copy_pos = code->num_decoded - distance;
		if (J40_UNLIKELY(distance == 0)) {
			// TODO spec bug: this is possible when num_decoded == 0 (or a non-positive special
			// distance, handled above) and libjxl acts as if `window[i]` is initially filled with 0
			J40__ASSERT(code->num_decoded == 0 && !code->window);
			code->window = (int32_t*) j40__calloc(1u << 20, sizeof(int32_t));
			if (!code->window) return J40__ERR("!mem"), 0;
		J40__ASSERT(num_to_copy > 0);
		code->num_to_copy = num_to_copy - 1;
		return code->window[code->num_decoded++ & MASK] = code->window[code->copy_pos++ & MASK];

	token = j40__hybrid_int(st, token, cluster->config);
	if (st->err) return 0;
	if (spec->lz77_enabled) {
		if (!code->window) { // XXX should be dynamically resized
			code->window = (int32_t*) j40__malloc(1u << 20, sizeof(int32_t));
			if (!code->window) return J40__ERR("!mem"), 0;
		code->window[code->num_decoded++ & MASK] = token;
	return token;

J40_STATIC void j40__free_code(j40__code_st *code) {
	code->window = NULL;
	code->window_cap = 0;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__finish_and_free_code(j40__st *st, j40__code_st *code) {
	if (!code->spec->use_prefix_code) {
		if (code->ans_state) {
			J40__SHOULD(code->ans_state == J40__ANS_INIT_STATE, "ans?");
		} else { // edge case: if no symbols have been read the state has to be read at this point
			J40__SHOULD(j40__u(st, 16) == (J40__ANS_INIT_STATE & 0xffff), "ans?");
			J40__SHOULD(j40__u(st, 16) == (J40__ANS_INIT_STATE >> 16), "ans?");
	// it's explicitly allowed that num_to_copy can be > 0 at the end of stream
	return st->err;

J40_STATIC void j40__free_code_spec(j40__code_spec *spec) {
	int32_t i;
	if (spec->clusters) {
		for (i = 0; i < spec->num_clusters; ++i) {
			if (spec->use_prefix_code) {
			} else {
		spec->clusters = NULL;
	spec->cluster_map = NULL;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// image header & metadata

enum {
	J40__CHROMA_WHITE = 0, J40__CHROMA_RED = 1,

enum j40__ec_type {
	J40__EC_ALPHA = 0, J40__EC_DEPTH = 1, J40__EC_SPOT_COLOUR = 2,
	J40__EC_SELECTION_MASK = 3, J40__EC_BLACK = 4, J40__EC_CFA = 5,
	J40__EC_THERMAL = 6, J40__EC_NON_OPTIONAL = 15, J40__EC_OPTIONAL = 16,

typedef struct {
	enum j40__ec_type type;
	int32_t bpp, exp_bits, dim_shift, name_len;
	char *name;
	union {
		int alpha_associated;
		struct { float red, green, blue, solidity; } spot;
		int32_t cfa_channel;
	} data;
} j40__ec_info;

enum j40__orientation {
	J40__ORIENT_TL = 1, J40__ORIENT_TR = 2, J40__ORIENT_BR = 3, J40__ORIENT_BL = 4,
	J40__ORIENT_LT = 5, J40__ORIENT_RT = 6, J40__ORIENT_RB = 7, J40__ORIENT_LB = 8,

enum j40__cspace {
	J40__CS_CHROMA = 'c', J40__CS_GREY = 'g', J40__CS_XYB = 'x',

enum { // for `j40__image_st.gamma_or_tf`
	J40__TF_709 = -1, J40__TF_UNKNOWN = -2, J40__TF_LINEAR = -8, J40__TF_SRGB = -13,
	J40__TF_PQ = -16, J40__TF_DCI = -17, J40__TF_HLG = -18,
	J40__GAMMA_MAX = 10000000,

enum j40__render_intent {
	J40__INTENT_PERC = 0, J40__INTENT_REL = 1, J40__INTENT_SAT = 2, J40__INTENT_ABS = 3

typedef struct j40__image_st {
	int32_t width, height;
	enum j40__orientation orientation;
	int32_t intr_width, intr_height; // 0 if not specified
	int bpp, exp_bits;

	int32_t anim_tps_num, anim_tps_denom; // num=denom=0 if not animated
	int64_t anim_nloops; // 0 if infinity
	int anim_have_timecodes;

	char *icc;
	size_t iccsize;
	enum j40__cspace cspace;
	float cpoints[4 /*J40__CHROMA_xxx*/][2 /*x=0, y=1*/]; // only for J40__CS_CHROMA
	int32_t gamma_or_tf; // gamma if > 0, transfer function if <= 0
	enum j40__render_intent render_intent;
	float intensity_target, min_nits; // 0 < min_nits <= intensity_target
	float linear_below; // absolute (nits) if >= 0; a negated ratio of max display brightness if [-1,0]

	int modular_16bit_buffers;
	int num_extra_channels;
	j40__ec_info *ec_info;
	int xyb_encoded;
	float opsin_inv_mat[3][3], opsin_bias[3], quant_bias[3 /*xyb*/], quant_bias_num;
	int want_icc;
} j40__image_st;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__signature(j40__st *st);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__size_header(j40__st *st, int32_t *outw, int32_t *outh);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__bit_depth(j40__st *st, int32_t *outbpp, int32_t *outexpbits);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__name(j40__st *st, int32_t *outlen, char **outbuf);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__customxy(j40__st *st, float xy[2]);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__extensions(j40__st *st);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__image_metadata(j40__st *st);
J40_STATIC void j40__free_image_state(j40__image_st *im);


J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__signature(j40__st *st) {
	int32_t sig = j40__u(st, 16);
	J40__SHOULD(sig == 0x0aff, "!jxl"); // FF 0A in the byte sequence
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__size_header(j40__st *st, int32_t *outw, int32_t *outh) {
	int32_t div8 = j40__u(st, 1);
	*outh = div8 ? (j40__u(st, 5) + 1) * 8 : j40__u32(st, 1, 9, 1, 13, 1, 18, 1, 30);
	switch (j40__u(st, 3)) { // ratio
	case 0: *outw = div8 ? (j40__u(st, 5) + 1) * 8 : j40__u32(st, 1, 9, 1, 13, 1, 18, 1, 30); break;
	case 1: *outw = *outh; break;
	case 2: *outw = (int32_t) ((uint64_t) *outh * 6 / 5); break;
	case 3: *outw = (int32_t) ((uint64_t) *outh * 4 / 3); break;
	case 4: *outw = (int32_t) ((uint64_t) *outh * 3 / 2); break;
	case 5: *outw = (int32_t) ((uint64_t) *outh * 16 / 9); break;
	case 6: *outw = (int32_t) ((uint64_t) *outh * 5 / 4); break;
	case 7:
		// height is at most 2^30, so width is at most 2^31 which requires uint32_t.
		// but in order to avoid bugs we rarely use unsigned integers, so we just reject it.
		// this should be not a problem as the Main profile Level 10 (the largest profile)
		// already limits height to at most 2^30.
		J40__SHOULD(*outh < 0x40000000, "bigg");
		*outw = *outh * 2;
	default: J40__UNREACHABLE();
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__bit_depth(j40__st *st, int32_t *outbpp, int32_t *outexpbits) {
	if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // float_sample
		int32_t mantissa_bits;
		*outbpp = j40__u32(st, 32, 0, 16, 0, 24, 0, 1, 6);
		*outexpbits = j40__u(st, 4) + 1;
		mantissa_bits = *outbpp - *outexpbits - 1;
		J40__SHOULD(2 <= mantissa_bits && mantissa_bits <= 23, "bpp?");
		J40__SHOULD(2 <= *outexpbits && *outexpbits <= 8, "exp?"); // implies bpp in [5,32] when combined
	} else {
		*outbpp = j40__u32(st, 8, 0, 10, 0, 12, 0, 1, 6);
		*outexpbits = 0;
		J40__SHOULD(1 <= *outbpp && *outbpp <= 31, "bpp?");
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__name(j40__st *st, int32_t *outlen, char **outbuf) {
	char *buf = NULL;
	int32_t i, c, cc, len;
	len = j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 0, 4, 16, 5, 48, 10);
	if (len > 0) {
		J40__TRY_MALLOC(char, &buf, (size_t) len + 1);
		for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
			buf[i] = (char) j40__u(st, 8);
		buf[len] = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < len; ) { // UTF-8 verification
			c = (uint8_t) buf[i++];
			cc = (uint8_t) buf[i]; // always accessible thanks to null-termination
			c = c < 0x80 ? 0 : c < 0xc2 ? -1 : c < 0xe0 ? 1 :
				c < 0xf0 ? (c == 0xe0 ? cc >= 0xa0 : c == 0xed ? cc < 0xa0 : 1) ? 2 : -1 :
				c < 0xf5 ? (c == 0xf0 ? cc >= 0x90 : c == 0xf4 ? cc < 0x90 : 1) ? 3 : -1 : -1;
			J40__SHOULD(c >= 0 && i + c < len, "name");
			while (c-- > 0) J40__SHOULD((buf[i++] & 0xc0) == 0x80, "name");
		*outbuf = buf;
	} else {
		*outbuf = NULL;
	*outlen = len;
	return 0;
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__customxy(j40__st *st, float xy[2]) {
	xy[0] = (float)j40__unpack_signed(j40__u32(st, 0, 19, 0x80000, 19, 0x100000, 20, 0x200000, 21)) / 100000.0f;
	xy[1] = (float)j40__unpack_signed(j40__u32(st, 0, 19, 0x80000, 19, 0x100000, 20, 0x200000, 21)) / 100000.0f;
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__extensions(j40__st *st) {
	uint64_t extensions = j40__u64(st);
	int64_t nbits = 0;
	int32_t i;
	for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
		if (extensions >> i & 1) {
			uint64_t n = j40__u64(st);
			J40__SHOULD(n <= (uint64_t) INT64_MAX && j40__add64(nbits, (int64_t) n, &nbits), "flen");
	return j40__skip(st, nbits);
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__image_metadata(j40__st *st) {
	static const float SRGB_CHROMA[4][2] = { // default chromacity (kD65, kSRGB)
		{0.3127f, 0.3290f}, {0.639998686f, 0.330010138f},
		{0.300003784f, 0.600003357f}, {0.150002046f, 0.059997204f},
	static const float OPSIN_INV_MAT[3][3] = { // default opsin inverse matrix
		{11.031566901960783f, -9.866943921568629f, -0.16462299647058826f},
		{-3.254147380392157f, 4.418770392156863f, -0.16462299647058826f},
		{-3.6588512862745097f, 2.7129230470588235f, 1.9459282392156863f},

	j40__image_st *im = st->image;
	int32_t i, j;

	im->orientation = J40__ORIENT_TL;
	im->intr_width = 0;
	im->intr_height = 0;
	im->bpp = 8;
	im->exp_bits = 0;
	im->anim_tps_num = 0;
	im->anim_tps_denom = 0;
	im->anim_nloops = 0;
	im->anim_have_timecodes = 0;
	im->icc = NULL;
	im->iccsize = 0;
	im->cspace = J40__CS_CHROMA;
	memcpy(im->cpoints, SRGB_CHROMA, sizeof SRGB_CHROMA);
	im->gamma_or_tf = J40__TF_SRGB;
	im->render_intent = J40__INTENT_REL;
	im->intensity_target = 255.0f;
	im->min_nits = 0.0f;
	im->linear_below = 0.0f;
	im->modular_16bit_buffers = 1;
	im->xyb_encoded = 1;
	memcpy(im->opsin_inv_mat, OPSIN_INV_MAT, sizeof OPSIN_INV_MAT);
	im->opsin_bias[0] = im->opsin_bias[1] = im->opsin_bias[2] = -0.0037930732552754493f;
	im->quant_bias[0] = 1.0f - 0.05465007330715401f;
	im->quant_bias[1] = 1.0f - 0.07005449891748593f;
	im->quant_bias[2] = 1.0f - 0.049935103337343655f;
	im->quant_bias_num = 0.145f;

	J40__TRY(j40__size_header(st, &im->width, &im->height));
	J40__SHOULD(im->width <= st->limits->width && im->height <= st->limits->height, "slim");
	J40__SHOULD((int64_t) im->width * im->height <= st->limits->pixels, "slim");

	if (!j40__u(st, 1)) { // !all_default
		int32_t extra_fields = j40__u(st, 1);
		if (extra_fields) {
			im->orientation = (enum j40__orientation) (j40__u(st, 3) + 1);
			if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // have_intr_size
				J40__TRY(j40__size_header(st, &im->intr_width, &im->intr_height));
			if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // have_preview
				J40__RAISE("TODO: preview");
			if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // have_animation
				im->anim_tps_num = j40__u32(st, 100, 0, 1000, 0, 1, 10, 1, 30);
				im->anim_tps_denom = j40__u32(st, 1, 0, 1001, 0, 1, 8, 1, 10);
				im->anim_nloops = j40__64u32(st, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 16, 0, 32);
				im->anim_have_timecodes = j40__u(st, 1);
		J40__TRY(j40__bit_depth(st, &im->bpp, &im->exp_bits));
		J40__SHOULD(im->bpp <= st->limits->bpp, "fbpp");
		im->modular_16bit_buffers = j40__u(st, 1);
		J40__SHOULD(im->modular_16bit_buffers || !st->limits->needs_modular_16bit_buffers, "fm32");
		im->num_extra_channels = j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 4, 1, 12);
		J40__SHOULD(im->num_extra_channels <= st->limits->num_extra_channels, "elim");
		J40__TRY_CALLOC(j40__ec_info, &im->ec_info, (size_t) im->num_extra_channels);
		for (i = 0; i < im->num_extra_channels; ++i) im->ec_info[i].name = NULL;
		for (i = 0; i < im->num_extra_channels; ++i) {
			j40__ec_info *ec = &im->ec_info[i];
			if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // d_alpha
				ec->type = J40__EC_ALPHA;
				ec->bpp = 8;
				ec->exp_bits = ec->dim_shift = ec->name_len = 0;
				ec->data.alpha_associated = 0;
			} else {
				ec->type = (enum j40__ec_type) j40__enum(st);
				J40__TRY(j40__bit_depth(st, &ec->bpp, &ec->exp_bits));
				ec->dim_shift = j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0, 1, 3);
				J40__TRY(j40__name(st, &ec->name_len, &ec->name));
				switch (ec->type) {
				case J40__EC_ALPHA:
					ec->data.alpha_associated = j40__u(st, 1);
				case J40__EC_SPOT_COLOUR:
					ec-> = j40__f16(st);
					ec-> = j40__f16(st);
					ec-> = j40__f16(st);
					ec-> = j40__f16(st);
				case J40__EC_CFA:
					ec->data.cfa_channel = j40__u32(st, 1, 0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 19, 8);
				case J40__EC_BLACK:
					J40__SHOULD(st->limits->ec_black_allowed, "fblk");
				case J40__EC_DEPTH: case J40__EC_SELECTION_MASK:
				case J40__EC_THERMAL: case J40__EC_NON_OPTIONAL: case J40__EC_OPTIONAL:
				default: J40__RAISE("ect?");
			J40__SHOULD(ec->bpp <= st->limits->bpp, "fbpp");
		im->xyb_encoded = j40__u(st, 1);
		if (!j40__u(st, 1)) { // ColourEncoding.all_default
			enum cspace { CS_RGB = 0, CS_GREY = 1, CS_XYB = 2, CS_UNKNOWN = 3 } cspace;
			enum { WP_D65 = 1, WP_CUSTOM = 2, WP_E = 10, WP_DCI = 11 };
			enum { PR_SRGB = 1, PR_CUSTOM = 2, PR_2100 = 9, PR_P3 = 11 };
			im->want_icc = j40__u(st, 1);
			cspace = (enum cspace) j40__enum(st);
			switch (cspace) {
			case CS_RGB: case CS_UNKNOWN: im->cspace = J40__CS_CHROMA; break;
			case CS_GREY: im->cspace = J40__CS_GREY; break;
			case CS_XYB: im->cspace = J40__CS_XYB; break;
			default: J40__RAISE("csp?");
			// TODO: should verify cspace grayness with ICC grayness
			if (!im->want_icc) {
				if (cspace != CS_XYB) {
					static const float E[2] = {1/3.f, 1/3.f}, DCI[2] = {0.314f, 0.351f},
						BT2100[3][2] = {{0.708f, 0.292f}, {0.170f, 0.797f}, {0.131f, 0.046f}},
						P3[3][2] = {{0.680f, 0.320f}, {0.265f, 0.690f}, {0.150f, 0.060f}};
					switch (j40__enum(st)) {
					case WP_D65: break; // default
					case WP_CUSTOM: J40__TRY(j40__customxy(st, im->cpoints[J40__CHROMA_WHITE])); break;
					case WP_E: memcpy(im->cpoints + J40__CHROMA_WHITE, E, sizeof E); break;
					case WP_DCI: memcpy(im->cpoints + J40__CHROMA_WHITE, DCI, sizeof DCI); break;
					default: J40__RAISE("wpt?");
					if (cspace != CS_GREY) {
						switch (j40__enum(st)) {
						case PR_SRGB: break; // default
						case PR_CUSTOM:
							J40__TRY(j40__customxy(st, im->cpoints[J40__CHROMA_RED]));
							J40__TRY(j40__customxy(st, im->cpoints[J40__CHROMA_GREEN]));
							J40__TRY(j40__customxy(st, im->cpoints[J40__CHROMA_BLUE]));
						case PR_2100: memcpy(im->cpoints + J40__CHROMA_RED, BT2100, sizeof BT2100); break;
						case PR_P3: memcpy(im->cpoints + J40__CHROMA_RED, P3, sizeof P3); break;
						default: J40__RAISE("prm?");
				if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // have_gamma
					im->gamma_or_tf = j40__u(st, 24);
					J40__SHOULD(im->gamma_or_tf > 0 && im->gamma_or_tf <= J40__GAMMA_MAX, "gama");
					if (cspace == CS_XYB) J40__SHOULD(im->gamma_or_tf == 3333333, "gama");
				} else {
					im->gamma_or_tf = -j40__enum(st);
						1 << -J40__TF_709 | 1 << -J40__TF_UNKNOWN | 1 << -J40__TF_LINEAR |
						1 << -J40__TF_SRGB | 1 << -J40__TF_PQ | 1 << -J40__TF_DCI |
						1 << -J40__TF_HLG
					) >> -im->gamma_or_tf & 1, "tfn?");
				im->render_intent = (enum j40__render_intent) j40__enum(st);
					1 << J40__INTENT_PERC | 1 << J40__INTENT_REL |
					1 << J40__INTENT_SAT | 1 << J40__INTENT_ABS
				) >> im->render_intent & 1, "itt?");
		if (extra_fields) {
			if (!j40__u(st, 1)) { // ToneMapping.all_default
				int relative_to_max_display;
				im->intensity_target = j40__f16(st);
				J40__SHOULD(im->intensity_target > 0, "tone");
				im->min_nits = j40__f16(st);
				J40__SHOULD(0 < im->min_nits && im->min_nits <= im->intensity_target, "tone");
				relative_to_max_display = j40__u(st, 1);
				im->linear_below = j40__f16(st);
				if (relative_to_max_display) {
					J40__SHOULD(0 <= im->linear_below && im->linear_below <= 1, "tone");
					im->linear_below *= -1.0f;
				} else {
					J40__SHOULD(0 <= im->linear_below, "tone");
	if (!j40__u(st, 1)) { // !default_m
		int32_t cw_mask;
		if (im->xyb_encoded) {
			for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) im->opsin_inv_mat[i][j] = j40__f16(st);
			for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) im->opsin_bias[i] = j40__f16(st);
			for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) im->quant_bias[i] = j40__f16(st);
			im->quant_bias_num = j40__f16(st);
		cw_mask = j40__u(st, 3);
		if (cw_mask & 1) {
			J40__RAISE("TODO: up2_weight");
		if (cw_mask & 2) {
			J40__RAISE("TODO: up4_weight");
		if (cw_mask & 4) {
			J40__RAISE("TODO: up8_weight");
	return 0;

	return st->err;

J40_STATIC void j40__free_image_state(j40__image_st *im) {
	int32_t i;
	if (im->ec_info) {
		for (i = 0; i < im->num_extra_channels; ++i) j40__free(im->ec_info[i].name);
		im->ec_info = NULL;
	im->icc = NULL;
	im->num_extra_channels = 0;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// ICC

J40_STATIC uint64_t j40__icc_varint(j40__st *st, uint64_t *index, uint64_t size, j40__code_st *code);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__icc(j40__st *st);


J40_STATIC uint64_t j40__icc_varint(j40__st *st, uint64_t *index, uint64_t size, j40__code_st *code) {
	uint64_t value = 0;
	int32_t shift = 0;
	do {
		int32_t b;
		if ((*index)++ >= size) return J40__ERR("icc?"), 0u;
		b = j40__code(st, 0, 0, code);
		value |= (uint64_t) (b & 0x7f) << shift;
		if (b < 128) return value;
		shift += 7;
	} while (shift < 63);
	return J40__ERR("vint"), 0u;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__icc(j40__st *st) {
	uint64_t enc_size, output_size, index;
	j40__code_spec codespec = J40__INIT;
	j40__code_st code = J40__INIT;
	int32_t byte = 0, prev = 0, pprev = 0, ctx;

	enc_size = j40__u64(st);
	J40__TRY(j40__read_code_spec(st, 41, &codespec));
	j40__init_code(&code, &codespec);

	index = 0;
	output_size = j40__icc_varint(st, &index, enc_size, &code);
	J40__SHOULD(output_size <= st->limits->icc_output_size, "plim");

	// SPEC it is still possible that enc_size is too large while output_size is within the limit.
	// the current spec allows for an arbitrarily large enc_size for the fixed output_size, because
	// some commands can generate zero output bytes, but as libjxl never emits such commands and
	// already (wrongly) assumes that a single command byte can generate at least one output byte,
	// J40 instead chose to forbid such commands. with this restriction in place valid enc_size
	// can never exceed 21 times output_size, so this is what we are checking for.
	J40__SHOULD(output_size >= enc_size / 21, "icc?");

	for (; index < enc_size; ++index) {
		pprev = prev;
		prev = byte;
		ctx = 0;
		if (index > 128) {
			if (prev < 16) ctx = prev < 2 ? prev + 3 : 5;
			else if (prev > 240) ctx = 6 + (prev == 255);
			else if (97 <= (prev | 32) && (prev | 32) <= 122) ctx = 1;
			else if (prev == 44 || prev == 46 || (48 <= prev && prev < 58)) ctx = 2;
			else ctx = 8;
			if (pprev < 16) ctx += 2 * 8;
			else if (pprev > 240) ctx += 3 * 8;
			else if (97 <= (pprev | 32) && (pprev | 32) <= 122) ctx += 0 * 8;
			else if (pprev == 44 || pprev == 46 || (48 <= pprev && pprev < 58)) ctx += 1 * 8;
			else ctx += 4 * 8;
		byte = j40__code(st, ctx, 0, &code);
		//printf("%zd/%zd: %zd ctx=%d byte=%#x %c\n", index, enc_size, j40__bits_read(st), ctx, (int)byte, 0x20 <= byte && byte < 0x7f ? byte : ' '); fflush(stdout);
		// TODO actually interpret them
	J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &code));

	//size_t commands_size = j40__varint(st);

	static const char PREDICTIONS[] = {
		'*', '*', '*', '*', 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 'm', 'n', 't', 'r',
		'R', 'G', 'B', ' ', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 'a', 'c', 's', 'p', 0, '@', '@', '@', 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 246, 214, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 211, 45,
		'#', '#', '#', '#',
	char pred = i < sizeof(PREDICTIONS) ? PREDICTIONS[i] : 0;
	switch (pred) {
	case '*': pred = output_size[i]; break;
	case '#': pred = header[i - 76]; break;
	case '@':
		switch (header[40]) {
		case 'A': pred = "APPL"[i - 40]; break;
		case 'M': pred = "MSFT"[i - 40]; break;
		case 'S':
			switch (i < 41 ? 0 : header[41]) {
			case 'G': pred = "SGI "[i - 40]; break;
			case 'U': pred = "SUNW"[i - 40]; break;

	return 0;

	return st->err;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// MA tree

enum { J40__NUM_PRED = 14 };

typedef union {
	struct {
		int32_t prop; // < 0, ~prop is the property index (e.g. -1 = channel index)
		int32_t value;
		int32_t leftoff, rightoff; // relative to the current node
	} branch;
	struct {
		int32_t ctx; // >= 0
		int32_t predictor;
		int32_t offset, multiplier;
	} leaf;
} j40__tree_node;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__tree(
	j40__st *st, int32_t max_tree_size, j40__tree_node **tree, j40__code_spec *codespec


J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__tree(
	j40__st *st, int32_t max_tree_size, j40__tree_node **tree, j40__code_spec *codespec
) {
	j40__code_st code = J40__INIT;
	j40__tree_node *t = NULL;
	int32_t tree_idx = 0, tree_cap = 8;
	int32_t ctx_id = 0, nodes_left = 1;
	int32_t depth = 0, nodes_upto_this_depth = 1;

	J40__ASSERT(max_tree_size <= (1 << 26)); // codestream limit; the actual limit should be smaller

	J40__TRY(j40__read_code_spec(st, 6, codespec));
	j40__init_code(&code, codespec);
	J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40__tree_node, &t, (size_t) tree_cap);
	while (nodes_left-- > 0) { // depth-first, left-to-right ordering
		j40__tree_node *n;
		int32_t prop, val, shift;

		// the beginning of new tree depth; all `nodes_left` nodes are in this depth at the moment
		if (tree_idx == nodes_upto_this_depth) {
			J40__SHOULD(++depth <= st->limits->tree_depth, "tlim");
			nodes_upto_this_depth += nodes_left + 1;

		prop = j40__code(st, 1, 0, &code);
		J40__TRY_REALLOC32(j40__tree_node, &t, tree_idx + 1, &tree_cap);
		n = &t[tree_idx++];
		if (prop > 0) {
			n->branch.prop = -prop;
			n->branch.value = j40__unpack_signed(j40__code(st, 0, 0, &code));
			n->branch.leftoff = ++nodes_left;
			n->branch.rightoff = ++nodes_left;
		} else {
			n->leaf.ctx = ctx_id++;
			n->leaf.predictor = j40__code(st, 2, 0, &code);
			n->leaf.offset = j40__unpack_signed(j40__code(st, 3, 0, &code));
			shift = j40__code(st, 4, 0, &code);
			J40__SHOULD(shift < 31, "tree");
			val = j40__code(st, 5, 0, &code);
			J40__SHOULD(((val + 1) >> (31 - shift)) == 0, "tree");
			n->leaf.multiplier = (val + 1) << shift;

		J40__SHOULD(tree_idx + nodes_left <= max_tree_size, "tlim");
	J40__ASSERT(tree_idx == nodes_upto_this_depth);
	J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &code));

	memset(codespec, 0, sizeof(*codespec)); // XXX is it required?
	J40__TRY(j40__read_code_spec(st, ctx_id, codespec));
	*tree = t;
	return 0;

	return st->err;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// modular header

enum j40__transform_id {
	J40__TR_RCT = 0, J40__TR_PALETTE = 1, J40__TR_SQUEEZE = 2

typedef union {
	enum j40__transform_id tr;
	struct {
		enum j40__transform_id tr; // = J40__TR_RCT
		int32_t begin_c, type;
	} rct;
	struct {
		enum j40__transform_id tr; // = J40__TR_PALETTE
		int32_t begin_c, num_c, nb_colours, nb_deltas, d_pred;
	} pal;
	// this is nested in the bitstream, but flattened here.
	// nb_transforms get updated accordingly, but should be enough (the maximum is 80808)
	struct {
		enum j40__transform_id tr; // = J40__TR_SQUEEZE
		int implicit; // if true, no explicit parameters given in the bitstream
		int horizontal, in_place;
		int32_t begin_c, num_c;
	} sq;
} j40__transform;

typedef struct { int8_t p1, p2, p3[5], w[4]; } j40__wp_params;

typedef struct {
	int use_global_tree;
	j40__wp_params wp;
	int32_t nb_transforms;
	j40__transform *transform;
	j40__tree_node *tree; // owned only if use_global_tree is false
	j40__code_spec codespec;
	j40__code_st code;
	int32_t num_channels, nb_meta_channels;
	j40__plane *channel; // should use the same type, either i16 or i32
	int32_t dist_mult; // min(max(non-meta channel width), J40__MAX_DIST_MULT)
} j40__modular;

J40_STATIC void j40__init_modular_common(j40__modular *m);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_modular(
	j40__st *st, int32_t num_channels, const int32_t *w, const int32_t *h, j40__modular *m
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_modular_for_global(
	j40__st *st, int frame_is_modular, int frame_do_ycbcr,
	int32_t frame_log_upsampling, const int32_t *frame_ec_log_upsampling,
	int32_t frame_width, int32_t frame_height, j40__modular *m
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_modular_for_pass_group(
	j40__st *st, int32_t num_gm_channels, int32_t gw, int32_t gh,
	int32_t minshift, int32_t maxshift, const j40__modular *gm, j40__modular *m
J40_STATIC void j40__combine_modular_from_pass_group(
	int32_t num_gm_channels, int32_t gy, int32_t gx,
	int32_t minshift, int32_t maxshift, const j40__modular *gm, j40__modular *m
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__modular_header(
	j40__st *st, j40__tree_node *global_tree, const j40__code_spec *global_codespec,
	j40__modular *m
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__allocate_modular(j40__st *st, j40__modular *m);
J40_STATIC void j40__free_modular(j40__modular *m);


J40_STATIC void j40__init_modular_common(j40__modular *m) {
	m->transform = NULL;
	m->tree = NULL;
	memset(&m->codespec, 0, sizeof(j40__code_spec));
	memset(&m->code, 0, sizeof(j40__code_st));
	m->code.spec = &m->codespec;
	m->channel = NULL;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_modular(
	j40__st *st, int32_t num_channels, const int32_t *w, const int32_t *h, j40__modular *m
) {
	int32_t i;

	m->num_channels = num_channels;
	J40__ASSERT(num_channels > 0);
	J40__TRY_CALLOC(j40__plane, &m->channel, (size_t) num_channels);
	for (i = 0; i < num_channels; ++i) {
		m->channel[i].width = w[i];
		m->channel[i].height = h[i];
		m->channel[i].hshift = m->channel[i].vshift = 0;
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_modular_for_global(
	j40__st *st, int frame_is_modular, int frame_do_ycbcr,
	int32_t frame_log_upsampling, const int32_t *frame_ec_log_upsampling,
	int32_t frame_width, int32_t frame_height, j40__modular *m
) {
	j40__image_st *im = st->image;
	int32_t i;

	m->num_channels = im->num_extra_channels;
	if (frame_is_modular) { // SPEC the condition is negated
		m->num_channels += (!frame_do_ycbcr && !im->xyb_encoded && im->cspace == J40__CS_GREY ? 1 : 3);
	if (m->num_channels == 0) return 0;

	J40__TRY_CALLOC(j40__plane, &m->channel, (size_t) m->num_channels);
	for (i = 0; i < im->num_extra_channels; ++i) {
		int32_t log_upsampling = (frame_ec_log_upsampling ? frame_ec_log_upsampling[i] : 0) + im->ec_info[i].dim_shift;
		J40__SHOULD(log_upsampling >= frame_log_upsampling, "usmp");
		J40__SHOULD(log_upsampling == 0, "TODO: upsampling is not yet supported");
		m->channel[i].width = frame_width;
		m->channel[i].height = frame_height;
		m->channel[i].hshift = m->channel[i].vshift = 0;
	for (; i < m->num_channels; ++i) {
		m->channel[i].width = frame_width;
		m->channel[i].height = frame_height;
		m->channel[i].hshift = m->channel[i].vshift = 0;
	return 0;

	m->channel = NULL;
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_modular_for_pass_group(
	j40__st *st, int32_t num_gm_channels, int32_t gw, int32_t gh,
	int32_t minshift, int32_t maxshift, const j40__modular *gm, j40__modular *m
) {
	int32_t i, max_channels;

	m->num_channels = 0;
	max_channels = gm->num_channels - num_gm_channels;
	J40__ASSERT(max_channels >= 0);
	J40__TRY_CALLOC(j40__plane, &m->channel, (size_t) max_channels);
	for (i = num_gm_channels; i < gm->num_channels; ++i) {
		j40__plane *gc = &gm->channel[i], *c = &m->channel[m->num_channels];
		if (gc->hshift < 3 || gc->vshift < 3) {
			J40__ASSERT(gc->hshift >= 0 && gc->vshift >= 0);
			(void) minshift; (void) maxshift;
			// TODO check minshift/maxshift!!!
			c->hshift = gc->hshift;
			c->vshift = gc->vshift;
			c->width = gw >> gc->hshift; // TODO is this correct? should be ceil?
			c->height = gh >> gc->vshift;
	if (m->num_channels == 0) {
		m->channel = NULL;
	return st->err;

J40_STATIC void j40__combine_modular_from_pass_group(
	int32_t num_gm_channels, int32_t gy, int32_t gx,
	int32_t minshift, int32_t maxshift, const j40__modular *gm, j40__modular *m
) {
	int32_t gcidx, cidx, y, gx0, gy0;
	for (gcidx = num_gm_channels, cidx = 0; gcidx < gm->num_channels; ++gcidx) {
		j40__plane *gc = &gm->channel[gcidx], *c = &m->channel[cidx];
		J40__ASSERT(gc->type == c->type);
		if (gc->hshift < 3 || gc->vshift < 3) {
			size_t pixel_size = (size_t) J40__PLANE_PIXEL_SIZE(gc);
			size_t gc_stride = (size_t) gc->stride_bytes, c_stride = (size_t) c->stride_bytes;
			(void) minshift; (void) maxshift;
			// TODO check minshift/maxshift!!!
			J40__ASSERT(gc->hshift == c->hshift && gc->vshift == c->vshift);
			gx0 = gx >> gc->hshift;
			gy0 = gy >> gc->vshift;
			J40__ASSERT(gx0 + c->width <= gc->width && gy0 + c->height <= gc->height);
			for (y = 0; y < c->height; ++y) {
					(void*) (gc->pixels + gc_stride * (size_t) (gy0 + y) + pixel_size * (size_t) gx0),
					(void*) (c->pixels + c_stride * (size_t) y),
					pixel_size * (size_t) c->width);
	J40__ASSERT(cidx == m->num_channels);

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__modular_header(
	j40__st *st, j40__tree_node *global_tree, const j40__code_spec *global_codespec,
	j40__modular *m
) {
	j40__plane *channel = m->channel;
	int32_t num_channels = m->num_channels, nb_meta_channels = 0;
	// note: channel_cap is the upper bound of # channels during inverse transform, and since
	// we don't shrink the channel list we don't ever need reallocation in j40__inverse_transform!
	int32_t channel_cap = m->num_channels, transform_cap;
	int32_t i, j;

	J40__ASSERT(num_channels > 0);

	m->use_global_tree = j40__u(st, 1);
	J40__SHOULD(!m->use_global_tree || global_tree, "mtre");

	{ // WPHeader
		int default_wp = j40__u(st, 1);
		m->wp.p1 = default_wp ? 16 : (int8_t) j40__u(st, 5);
		m->wp.p2 = default_wp ? 10 : (int8_t) j40__u(st, 5);
		for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) m->wp.p3[i] = default_wp ? 7 * (i < 3) : (int8_t) j40__u(st, 5);
		for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) m->wp.w[i] = default_wp ? 12 + (i < 1) : (int8_t) j40__u(st, 4);

	transform_cap = m->nb_transforms = j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 4, 18, 8);
	J40__SHOULD(m->nb_transforms <= st->limits->nb_transforms, "xlim");
	J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40__transform, &m->transform, (size_t) transform_cap);
	for (i = 0; i < m->nb_transforms; ++i) {
		j40__transform *tr = &m->transform[i];
		int32_t num_sq;

		tr->tr = (enum j40__transform_id) j40__u(st, 2);
		switch (tr->tr) {
		// RCT: [begin_c, begin_c+3) -> [begin_c, begin_c+3)
		case J40__TR_RCT: {
			int32_t begin_c = tr->rct.begin_c = j40__u32(st, 0, 3, 8, 6, 72, 10, 1096, 13);
			int32_t type = tr->rct.type = j40__u32(st, 6, 0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 10, 6);
			J40__SHOULD(type < 42, "rctt");
			J40__SHOULD(begin_c + 3 <= num_channels, "rctc");
			J40__SHOULD(begin_c >= nb_meta_channels || begin_c + 3 <= nb_meta_channels, "rctc");
			J40__SHOULD(j40__plane_all_equal_sized(channel + begin_c, channel + begin_c + 3), "rtcd");

		// Palette: [begin_c, end_c) -> palette 0 (meta, nb_colours by num_c) + index begin_c+1
		case J40__TR_PALETTE: {
			j40__plane input;
			int32_t begin_c = tr->pal.begin_c = j40__u32(st, 0, 3, 8, 6, 72, 10, 1096, 13);
			int32_t num_c = tr->pal.num_c = j40__u32(st, 1, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0, 1, 13);
			int32_t end_c = begin_c + num_c;
			int32_t nb_colours = tr->pal.nb_colours = j40__u32(st, 0, 8, 256, 10, 1280, 12, 5376, 16);
			tr->pal.nb_deltas = j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 8, 257, 10, 1281, 16);
			tr->pal.d_pred = j40__u(st, 4);
			J40__SHOULD(tr->pal.d_pred < J40__NUM_PRED, "palp");
			J40__SHOULD(end_c <= num_channels, "palc");
			if (begin_c < nb_meta_channels) { // num_c meta channels -> 2 meta channels (palette + index)
				J40__SHOULD(end_c <= nb_meta_channels, "palc");
				nb_meta_channels += 2 - num_c;
			} else { // num_c color channels -> 1 meta channel (palette) + 1 color channel (index)
				nb_meta_channels += 1;
			J40__SHOULD(j40__plane_all_equal_sized(channel + begin_c, channel + end_c), "pald");
			// inverse palette transform always requires one more channel slot
			J40__TRY_REALLOC32(j40__plane, &channel, num_channels + 1, &channel_cap);
			input = channel[begin_c];
			memmove(channel + 1, channel, sizeof(*channel) * (size_t) begin_c);
			memmove(channel + begin_c + 2, channel + end_c, sizeof(*channel) * (size_t) (num_channels - end_c));
			channel[0].width = nb_colours;
			channel[0].height = num_c;
			channel[0].hshift = 0; // SPEC missing
			channel[0].vshift = -1;
			channel[begin_c + 1] = input;
			num_channels += 2 - num_c;

		// Squeeze: 
		case J40__TR_SQUEEZE: {
			num_sq = j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 4, 9, 6, 41, 8);
			if (num_sq == 0) {
				tr->sq.implicit = 1;
			} else {
				J40__TRY_REALLOC32(j40__transform, &m->transform, m->nb_transforms + num_sq - 1, &transform_cap);
				for (j = 0; j < num_sq; ++j) {
					tr = &m->transform[i + j];
					tr-> = J40__TR_SQUEEZE;
					tr->sq.implicit = 0;
					tr->sq.horizontal = j40__u(st, 1);
					tr->sq.in_place = j40__u(st, 1);
					tr->sq.begin_c = j40__u32(st, 0, 3, 8, 6, 72, 10, 1096, 13);
					tr->sq.num_c = j40__u32(st, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 4);
				i += num_sq - 1;
				m->nb_transforms += num_sq - 1;
			J40__RAISE("TODO: squeeze channel effects");

		default: J40__RAISE("xfm?");

	J40__SHOULD(num_channels <= st->limits->nb_channels_tr, "xlim");

	if (m->use_global_tree) {
		m->tree = global_tree;
		memcpy(&m->codespec, global_codespec, sizeof(j40__code_spec));
	} else {
		int32_t max_tree_size = 1024;
		for (i = 0; i < num_channels; ++i) {
			max_tree_size = j40__clamp_add32(max_tree_size,
				j40__clamp_mul32(channel[i].width, channel[i].height));
		max_tree_size = j40__min32(1 << 20, max_tree_size);
		J40__TRY(j40__tree(st, max_tree_size, &m->tree, &m->codespec));
	j40__init_code(&m->code, &m->codespec);

	m->channel = channel;
	m->num_channels = num_channels;
	m->nb_meta_channels = nb_meta_channels;
	m->dist_mult = 0;
	for (i = nb_meta_channels; i < num_channels; ++i) {
		m->dist_mult = j40__max32(m->dist_mult, channel[i].width);
	m->dist_mult = j40__min32(m->dist_mult, J40__MAX_DIST_MULT);
	return 0;

	if (!m->use_global_tree) {
	m->num_channels = 0;
	m->channel = NULL;
	m->transform = NULL;
	m->tree = NULL;
	memset(&m->codespec, 0, sizeof(j40__code_spec));
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__allocate_modular(j40__st *st, j40__modular *m) {
	uint8_t pixel_type = (uint8_t) (st->image->modular_16bit_buffers ? J40__PLANE_I16 : J40__PLANE_I32);
	int32_t i;
	for (i = 0; i < m->num_channels; ++i) {
		j40__plane *c = &m->channel[i];
		if (c->width > 0 && c->height > 0) {
			J40__TRY(j40__init_plane(st, pixel_type, c->width, c->height, J40__PLANE_FORCE_PAD, c));
		} else { // possible when, for example, palette with only synthetic colors (nb_colours == 0)
	return st->err;

J40_STATIC void j40__free_modular(j40__modular *m) {
	int32_t i;
	if (!m->use_global_tree) {
	if (m->channel) {
		for (i = 0; i < m->num_channels; ++i) j40__free_plane(&m->channel[i]);
		m->channel = NULL;
	m->use_global_tree = 0;
	m->tree = NULL;
	memset(&m->codespec, 0, sizeof(j40__code_spec));
	m->transform = NULL;
	m->num_channels = 0;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// modular prediction

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__modular_channel(j40__st *st, j40__modular *m, int32_t cidx, int64_t sidx);

static const int32_t J40__24DIVP1[64] = { // [i] = floor(2^24 / (i+1))
	0x1000000, 0x800000, 0x555555, 0x400000, 0x333333, 0x2aaaaa, 0x249249, 0x200000,
	0x1c71c7, 0x199999, 0x1745d1, 0x155555, 0x13b13b, 0x124924, 0x111111, 0x100000,
	0xf0f0f, 0xe38e3, 0xd7943, 0xccccc, 0xc30c3, 0xba2e8, 0xb2164, 0xaaaaa,
	0xa3d70, 0x9d89d, 0x97b42, 0x92492, 0x8d3dc, 0x88888, 0x84210, 0x80000,
	0x7c1f0, 0x78787, 0x75075, 0x71c71, 0x6eb3e, 0x6bca1, 0x69069, 0x66666,
	0x63e70, 0x61861, 0x5f417, 0x5d174, 0x5b05b, 0x590b2, 0x57262, 0x55555,
	0x53978, 0x51eb8, 0x50505, 0x4ec4e, 0x4d487, 0x4bda1, 0x4a790, 0x49249,
	0x47dc1, 0x469ee, 0x456c7, 0x44444, 0x4325c, 0x42108, 0x41041, 0x40000,

// ----------------------------------------
// recursion for modular buffer sizes (16/32)
#undef J40__RECURSING
#define J40__RECURSING 200
#define J40__P 16
#define J40__2P 32
#include J40_FILENAME
#define J40__P 32
#define J40__2P 64
#include J40_FILENAME
#undef J40__RECURSING
#define J40__RECURSING (-1)

#endif // J40__RECURSING < 0
#if J40__RECURSING == 200
	#define j40__intP J40__CONCAT3(int, J40__P, _t)
	#define j40__int2P J40__CONCAT3(int, J40__2P, _t)
	#define j40__uint2P J40__CONCAT3(uint, J40__2P, _t)
	#define J40__PIXELS J40__CONCAT3(J40__I, J40__P, _PIXELS)
// ----------------------------------------

typedef struct {
	int32_t width;
	j40__wp_params params;
	j40__int2P (*errors)[5], pred[5]; // [0..3] = sub-predictions, [4] = final prediction
	j40__int2P trueerrw, trueerrn, trueerrnw, trueerrne;
} j40__(wp,2P);

typedef struct { j40__intP w, n, nw, ne, nn, nee, ww, nww; } j40__(neighbors,P);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__(neighbors,P) j40__(init_neighbors,P)(const j40__plane *plane, int32_t x, int32_t y);

J40_INLINE j40__int2P j40__(gradient,2P)(j40__int2P w, j40__int2P n, j40__int2P nw);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__(init_wp,2P)(j40__st *st, j40__wp_params params, int32_t width, j40__(wp,2P) *wp);
J40_STATIC void j40__(wp_before_predict_internal,2P)(
	j40__(wp,2P) *wp, int32_t x, int32_t y,
	j40__intP pw, j40__intP pn, j40__intP pnw, j40__intP pne, j40__intP pnn
J40_INLINE void j40__(wp_before_predict,2P)(j40__(wp,2P) *wp, int32_t x, int32_t y, j40__(neighbors,P) *p);
J40_INLINE j40__int2P j40__(predict,2P)(
	j40__st *st, int32_t pred, const j40__(wp,2P) *wp, const j40__(neighbors,P) *p
J40_INLINE void j40__(wp_after_predict,2P)(j40__(wp,2P) *wp, int32_t x, int32_t y, j40__int2P val);
J40_STATIC void j40__(reset_wp,2P)(j40__(wp,2P) *wp);
J40_STATIC void j40__(free_wp,2P)(j40__(wp,2P) *wp);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__(modular_channel,P)(j40__st *st, j40__modular *m, int32_t cidx, int64_t sidx);


J40_ALWAYS_INLINE j40__(neighbors,P) j40__(init_neighbors,P)(const j40__plane *plane, int32_t x, int32_t y) {
	j40__(neighbors,P) p;
	const j40__intP *pixels = J40__PIXELS(plane, y);
	int32_t width = plane->width, stride = J40__PLANE_STRIDE(plane);

	/*            NN
	 *             |
	 *             v
	 * NWW  NW   _ N <- NE <- NEE
	 *  |    |   /|
	 *  v    v |/ 
	 * WW -> W  `  C
	 * A -> B means that if A doesn't exist B is used instead.
	 * if the pixel at the end of this chain doesn't exist as well, 0 is used.
	p.w = x > 0 ? pixels[x - 1] : y > 0 ? pixels[x - stride] : 0;
	p.n = y > 0 ? pixels[x - stride] : p.w;
	p.nw = x > 0 && y > 0 ? pixels[(x - 1) - stride] : p.w; = x + 1 < width && y > 0 ? pixels[(x + 1) - stride] : p.n;
	p.nn = y > 1 ? pixels[x - 2 * stride] : p.n;
	p.nee = x + 2 < width && y > 0 ? pixels[(x + 2) - stride] :;
	p.ww = x > 1 ? pixels[x - 2] : p.w;
	p.nww = x > 1 && y > 0 ? pixels[(x - 2) - stride] : p.ww;
	return p;

J40_INLINE j40__int2P j40__(gradient,2P)(j40__int2P w, j40__int2P n, j40__int2P nw) {
	j40__int2P lo = j40__(min,2P)(w, n), hi = j40__(max,2P)(w, n);
	return j40__(min,2P)(j40__(max,2P)(lo, w + n - nw), hi);

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__(init_wp,2P)(j40__st *st, j40__wp_params params, int32_t width, j40__(wp,2P) *wp) {
	typedef j40__int2P j40__i2Px5[5];
	int32_t i;
	J40__ASSERT(width > 0);
	wp->width = width;
	wp->params = params;
	J40__TRY_CALLOC(j40__i2Px5, &wp->errors, (size_t) width * 2);
	for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) wp->pred[i] = 0;
	wp->trueerrw = wp->trueerrn = wp->trueerrnw = wp->trueerrne = 0;
	return st->err;

// also works when wp is zero-initialized (in which case does nothing)
J40_STATIC void j40__(wp_before_predict_internal,2P)(
	j40__(wp,2P) *wp, int32_t x, int32_t y,
	j40__intP pw, j40__intP pn, j40__intP pnw, j40__intP pne, j40__intP pnn
) {
	typedef j40__int2P int2P_t;
	typedef j40__uint2P uint2P_t;

	static const int2P_t ZERO[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

	int2P_t (*err)[5], (*nerr)[5];
	int2P_t w[4], wsum, sum;
	int32_t logw, i;
	const int2P_t *errw, *errn, *errnw, *errne, *errww, *errw2;

	if (!wp->errors) return;

	err = wp->errors + (y & 1 ? wp->width : 0);
	nerr = wp->errors + (y & 1 ? 0 : wp->width);

	// SPEC edge cases are handled differently from the spec, in particular some pixels are
	// added twice to err_sum and requires a special care (errw2 below)
	errw = x > 0 ? err[x - 1] : ZERO;
	errn = y > 0 ? nerr[x] : ZERO;
	errnw = x > 0 && y > 0 ? nerr[x - 1] : errn;
	errne = x + 1 < wp->width && y > 0 ? nerr[x + 1] : errn;
	errww = x > 1 ? err[x - 2] : ZERO;
	errw2 = x + 1 < wp->width ? ZERO : errw;

	// SPEC again, edge cases are handled differently
	wp->trueerrw = x > 0 ? err[x - 1][4] : 0;
	wp->trueerrn = y > 0 ? nerr[x][4] : 0;
	wp->trueerrnw = x > 0 && y > 0 ? nerr[x - 1][4] : wp->trueerrn;
	wp->trueerrne = x + 1 < wp->width && y > 0 ? nerr[x + 1][4] : wp->trueerrn;

	// (expr << 3) is used throughout wp, but it's an UB when expr is negative
	wp->pred[0] = (pw + pne - pn) * 8;
	wp->pred[1] = pn * 8 - (((wp->trueerrw + wp->trueerrn + wp->trueerrne) * wp->params.p1) >> 5);
	wp->pred[2] = pw * 8 - (((wp->trueerrw + wp->trueerrn + wp->trueerrnw) * wp->params.p2) >> 5);
	wp->pred[3] = pn * 8 - // SPEC negated (was `+`)
		((wp->trueerrnw * wp->params.p3[0] + wp->trueerrn * wp->params.p3[1] +
		  wp->trueerrne * wp->params.p3[2] + (pnn - pn) * 8 * wp->params.p3[3] +
		  (pnw - pw) * 8 * wp->params.p3[4]) >> 5);
	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
		int2P_t errsum = errn[i] + errw[i] + errnw[i] + errww[i] + errne[i] + errw2[i];
		int32_t shift = j40__max32(j40__(floor_lg,2P)((uint2P_t) errsum + 1) - 5, 0);
		// SPEC missing the final `>> shift`
		w[i] = (int2P_t) (4 + ((int64_t) wp->params.w[i] * J40__24DIVP1[errsum >> shift] >> shift));
	logw = j40__(floor_lg,2P)((uint2P_t) (w[0] + w[1] + w[2] + w[3])) - 4;
	wsum = sum = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
		wsum += w[i] >>= logw;
		sum += wp->pred[i] * w[i];
	// SPEC missing `- 1` before scaling
	wp->pred[4] = (int2P_t) (((int64_t) sum + (wsum >> 1) - 1) * J40__24DIVP1[wsum - 1] >> 24);
	if (((wp->trueerrn ^ wp->trueerrw) | (wp->trueerrn ^ wp->trueerrnw)) <= 0) {
		int2P_t lo = j40__(min,2P)(pw, j40__(min,2P)(pn, pne)) * 8; // SPEC missing shifts
		int2P_t hi = j40__(max,2P)(pw, j40__(max,2P)(pn, pne)) * 8;
		wp->pred[4] = j40__(min,2P)(j40__(max,2P)(lo, wp->pred[4]), hi);

J40_INLINE void j40__(wp_before_predict,2P)(
	j40__(wp,2P) *wp, int32_t x, int32_t y, j40__(neighbors,P) *p
) {
	j40__(wp_before_predict_internal,2P)(wp, x, y, p->w, p->n, p->nw, p->ne, p->nn);

J40_INLINE j40__int2P j40__(predict,2P)(
	j40__st *st, int32_t pred, const j40__(wp,2P) *wp, const j40__(neighbors,P) *p
) {
	switch (pred) {
	case 0: return 0;
	case 1: return p->w;
	case 2: return p->n;
	case 3: return (p->w + p->n) / 2;
	case 4: return j40__(abs,2P)(p->n - p->nw) < j40__(abs,2P)(p->w - p->nw) ? p->w : p->n;
	case 5: return j40__(gradient,2P)(p->w, p->n, p->nw);
	case 6: return (wp->pred[4] + 3) >> 3;
	case 7: return p->ne;
	case 8: return p->nw;
	case 9: return p->ww;
	case 10: return (p->w + p->nw) / 2;
	case 11: return (p->n + p->nw) / 2;
	case 12: return (p->n + p->ne) / 2;
	case 13: return (6 * p->n - 2 * p->nn + 7 * p->w + p->ww + p->nee + 3 * p->ne + 8) / 16;
	default: return J40__ERR("pred"), 0;

// also works when wp is zero-initialized (in which case does nothing)
J40_INLINE void j40__(wp_after_predict,2P)(j40__(wp,2P) *wp, int32_t x, int32_t y, j40__int2P val) {
	if (wp->errors) {
		j40__int2P *err = wp->errors[(y & 1 ? wp->width : 0) + x];
		int32_t i;
		// SPEC approximated differently from the spec
		for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) err[i] = (j40__(abs,2P)(wp->pred[i] - val * 8) + 3) >> 3;
		err[4] = wp->pred[4] - val * 8; // SPEC this is a *signed* difference

// also works when wp is zero-initialized (in which case does nothing)
J40_STATIC void j40__(reset_wp,2P)(j40__(wp,2P) *wp) {
	int32_t i;
	if (wp->errors) memset(wp->errors, 0, (size_t) wp->width * 2 * sizeof(j40__int2P[5]));
	for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) wp->pred[i] = 0;
	wp->trueerrw = wp->trueerrn = wp->trueerrnw = wp->trueerrne = 0;

J40_STATIC void j40__(free_wp,2P)(j40__(wp,2P) *wp) {
	wp->errors = NULL;
	wp->width = 0;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__(modular_channel,P)(
	j40__st *st, j40__modular *m, int32_t cidx, int64_t sidx
) {
	typedef j40__intP intP_t;
	typedef j40__int2P int2P_t;

	j40__plane *c = &m->channel[cidx];
	int32_t width = c->width, height = c->height;
	int32_t y, x, i;
	int32_t nrefcmap, *refcmap = NULL; // refcmap[i] is a channel index for properties (16..19)+4*i
	j40__(wp,2P) wp = J40__INIT;

	J40__ASSERT(m->tree); // caller should set this to the global tree if not given
	J40__ASSERT(c->type == J40__(PLANE_I,P));

	{ // determine whether to use weighted predictor (expensive)
		int32_t lasttree = 0, use_wp = 0;
		for (i = 0; i <= lasttree && !use_wp; ++i) {
			if (m->tree[i].branch.prop < 0) {
				use_wp |= ~m->tree[i].branch.prop == 15;
				lasttree = j40__max32(lasttree,
					i + j40__max32(m->tree[i].branch.leftoff, m->tree[i].branch.rightoff));
			} else {
				use_wp |= m->tree[i].leaf.predictor == 6;
		if (use_wp) J40__TRY(j40__(init_wp,2P)(st, m->wp, width, &wp));

	// compute indices for additional "previous channel" properties
	// SPEC incompatible channels are skipped and never result in unusable but numbered properties
	J40__TRY_MALLOC(int32_t, &refcmap, (size_t) cidx);
	nrefcmap = 0;
	for (i = cidx - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
		j40__plane *refc = &m->channel[i];
		if (c->width != refc->width || c->height != refc->height) continue;
		if (c->hshift != refc->hshift || c->vshift != refc->vshift) continue;
		refcmap[nrefcmap++] = i;

	for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
		intP_t *outpixels = J40__PIXELS(c, y);
		for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
			j40__tree_node *n = m->tree;
			j40__(neighbors,P) p = j40__(init_neighbors,P)(c, x, y);
			int2P_t val;

			// wp should be calculated before any property testing due to max_error (property 15)
			j40__(wp_before_predict,2P)(&wp, x, y, &p);

			while (n->branch.prop < 0) {
				int32_t refcidx;
				j40__plane *refc;

				switch (~n->branch.prop) {
				case 0: val = cidx; break;
				case 1: val = (int2P_t) sidx; break; // TODO check overflow
				case 2: val = y; break;
				case 3: val = x; break;
				case 4: val = j40__(abs,2P)(p.n); break;
				case 5: val = j40__(abs,2P)(p.w); break;
				case 6: val = p.n; break;
				case 7: val = p.w; break;
				case 8: val = x > 0 ? p.w - (p.ww + p.nw - p.nww) : p.w; break;
				case 9: val = p.w + p.n - p.nw; break;
				case 10: val = p.w - p.nw; break;
				case 11: val = p.nw - p.n; break;
				case 12: val = p.n -; break;
				case 13: val = p.n - p.nn; break;
				case 14: val = p.w - p.ww; break;
				case 15: // requires use_wp; otherwise will be 0
					val = wp.trueerrw;
					if (j40__(abs,2P)(val) < j40__(abs,2P)(wp.trueerrn)) val = wp.trueerrn;
					if (j40__(abs,2P)(val) < j40__(abs,2P)(wp.trueerrnw)) val = wp.trueerrnw;
					if (j40__(abs,2P)(val) < j40__(abs,2P)(wp.trueerrne)) val = wp.trueerrne;
					refcidx = (~n->branch.prop - 16) / 4;
					J40__SHOULD(refcidx < nrefcmap, "trec");
					refc = &m->channel[refcmap[refcidx]];
					J40__ASSERT(c->width == refc->width && c->height == refc->height);
					val = J40__PIXELS(refc, y)[x]; // rC
					if (~n->branch.prop & 2) {
						int2P_t rw = x > 0 ? J40__PIXELS(refc, y)[x - 1] : 0;
						int2P_t rn = y > 0 ? J40__PIXELS(refc, y - 1)[x] : rw;
						int2P_t rnw = x > 0 && y > 0 ? J40__PIXELS(refc, y - 1)[x - 1] : rw;
						val -= j40__(gradient,2P)(rw, rn, rnw);
					if (~n->branch.prop & 1) val = j40__(abs,2P)(val);
				n += val > n->branch.value ? n->branch.leftoff : n->branch.rightoff;

			val = j40__code(st, n->leaf.ctx, m->dist_mult, &m->code);
			// TODO can overflow at any operator and the bound is incorrect anyway
			val = j40__unpack_signed((int32_t) val) * n->leaf.multiplier + n->leaf.offset;
			val += j40__(predict,2P)(st, n->leaf.predictor, &wp, &p);
			J40__SHOULD(INT16_MIN <= val && val <= INT16_MAX, "povf");
			outpixels[x] = (intP_t) val;
			j40__(wp_after_predict,2P)(&wp, x, y, val);

	return 0;

	return st->err;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// ----------------------------------------
// end of recursion
	#undef j40__intP
	#undef j40__int2P
	#undef j40__uint2P
	#undef J40__PIXELS
	#undef J40__P
	#undef J40__2P
#endif // J40__RECURSING == 200
#if J40__RECURSING < 0
// ----------------------------------------

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__modular_channel(j40__st *st, j40__modular *m, int32_t cidx, int64_t sidx) {
	switch (m->channel[cidx].type) {
		case J40__PLANE_I16: return j40__modular_channel16(st, m, cidx, sidx);
		case J40__PLANE_I32: return j40__modular_channel32(st, m, cidx, sidx);
		case J40__PLANE_EMPTY: return 0;
		default: J40__UNREACHABLE(); return 0;

// modular (inverse) transform

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__inverse_transform(j40__st *st, j40__modular *m);

#define J40__X(x,y,z) {x,y,z}, {-(x),-(y),-(z)}
#define J40__XX(a,b,c,d,e,f) J40__X a, J40__X b, J40__X c, J40__X d, J40__X e, J40__X f
static const int16_t J40__PALETTE_DELTAS[144][3] = { // the first entry is a duplicate and skipped
	J40__XX((0, 0, 0), (4, 4, 4), (11, 0, 0), (0, 0, -13), (0, -12, 0), (-10, -10, -10)),
	J40__XX((-18, -18, -18), (-27, -27, -27), (-18, -18, 0), (0, 0, -32), (-32, 0, 0), (-37, -37, -37)),
	J40__XX((0, -32, -32), (24, 24, 45), (50, 50, 50), (-45, -24, -24), (-24, -45, -45), (0, -24, -24)),
	J40__XX((-34, -34, 0), (-24, 0, -24), (-45, -45, -24), (64, 64, 64), (-32, 0, -32), (0, -32, 0)),
	J40__XX((-32, 0, 32), (-24, -45, -24), (45, 24, 45), (24, -24, -45), (-45, -24, 24), (80, 80, 80)),
	J40__XX((64, 0, 0), (0, 0, -64), (0, -64, -64), (-24, -24, 45), (96, 96, 96), (64, 64, 0)),
	J40__XX((45, -24, -24), (34, -34, 0), (112, 112, 112), (24, -45, -45), (45, 45, -24), (0, -32, 32)),
	J40__XX((24, -24, 45), (0, 96, 96), (45, -24, 24), (24, -45, -24), (-24, -45, 24), (0, -64, 0)),
	J40__XX((96, 0, 0), (128, 128, 128), (64, 0, 64), (144, 144, 144), (96, 96, 0), (-36, -36, 36)),
	J40__XX((45, -24, -45), (45, -45, -24), (0, 0, -96), (0, 128, 128), (0, 96, 0), (45, 24, -45)),
	J40__XX((-128, 0, 0), (24, -45, 24), (-45, 24, -45), (64, 0, -64), (64, -64, -64), (96, 0, 96)),
	J40__XX((45, -45, 24), (24, 45, -45), (64, 64, -64), (128, 128, 0), (0, 0, -128), (-24, 45, -45)),
#undef J40__X
#undef J40__XX
#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// ----------------------------------------
// recursion for modular inverse transform
#undef J40__RECURSING
#define J40__RECURSING 300
#define J40__P 16
#define J40__2P 32
#include J40_FILENAME
#define J40__P 32
#define J40__2P 64
#include J40_FILENAME
#undef J40__RECURSING
#define J40__RECURSING (-1)

#endif // J40__RECURSING < 0
#if J40__RECURSING == 300
	#define j40__intP J40__CONCAT3(int, J40__P, _t)
	#define j40__int2P J40__CONCAT3(int, J40__2P, _t)
	#define J40__PIXELS J40__CONCAT3(J40__I, J40__P, _PIXELS)
// ----------------------------------------

J40_STATIC void j40__(inverse_rct,P)(j40__modular *m, const j40__transform *tr);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__(inverse_palette,P)(j40__st *st, j40__modular *m, const j40__transform *tr);


J40_STATIC void j40__(inverse_rct,P)(j40__modular *m, const j40__transform *tr) {
	typedef j40__intP intP_t;
	typedef j40__int2P int2P_t;

	// SPEC permutation psuedocode is missing parentheses; better done with a LUT anyway
	static const uint8_t PERMUTATIONS[6][3] = {{0,1,2},{1,2,0},{2,0,1},{0,2,1},{1,0,2},{2,1,0}};

	j40__plane c[3];
	int32_t x, y, i;

	J40__ASSERT(tr->tr == J40__TR_RCT);
	for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) c[i] = m->channel[tr->rct.begin_c + i];
	J40__ASSERT(j40__plane_all_equal_sized(c, c + 3));

	// it is possible that input planes are empty, in which case we do nothing (not even shuffling)
	if (c->type == J40__PLANE_EMPTY) {
		J40__ASSERT(j40__plane_all_equal_typed(c, c + 3) == J40__PLANE_EMPTY);
	} else {
		J40__ASSERT(j40__plane_all_equal_typed(c, c + 3) == J40__(PLANE_I,P));

	// TODO detect overflow
	switch (tr->rct.type % 7) {
	case 0: break;
	case 1:
		for (y = 0; y < c->height; ++y) {
			intP_t *pp0 = J40__PIXELS(&c[0], y), *pp2 = J40__PIXELS(&c[2], y);
			for (x = 0; x < c->width; ++x) pp2[x] = (intP_t) (pp2[x] + pp0[x]);
	case 2:
		for (y = 0; y < c->height; ++y) {
			intP_t *pp0 = J40__PIXELS(&c[0], y), *pp1 = J40__PIXELS(&c[1], y), *pp2 = J40__PIXELS(&c[2], y);
			for (x = 0; x < c->width; ++x) pp2[x] = (intP_t) (pp1[x] + pp0[x]);
	case 3:
		for (y = 0; y < c->height; ++y) {
			intP_t *pp0 = J40__PIXELS(&c[0], y), *pp1 = J40__PIXELS(&c[1], y), *pp2 = J40__PIXELS(&c[2], y);
			for (x = 0; x < c->width; ++x) {
				pp1[x] = (intP_t) (pp1[x] + pp0[x]);
				pp2[x] = (intP_t) (pp2[x] + pp0[x]);
	case 4:
		for (y = 0; y < c->height; ++y) {
			intP_t *pp0 = J40__PIXELS(&c[0], y), *pp1 = J40__PIXELS(&c[1], y), *pp2 = J40__PIXELS(&c[2], y);
			for (x = 0; x < c->width; ++x) pp1[x] = (intP_t) (pp1[x] + j40__(floor_avg,P)(pp0[x], pp2[x]));
	case 5:
		for (y = 0; y < c->height; ++y) {
			intP_t *pp0 = J40__PIXELS(&c[0], y), *pp1 = J40__PIXELS(&c[1], y), *pp2 = J40__PIXELS(&c[2], y);
			for (x = 0; x < c->width; ++x) {
				// TODO avoid int2P_t if possible
				pp1[x] = (intP_t) ((int2P_t) pp1[x] + pp0[x] + (pp2[x] >> 1));
				pp2[x] = (intP_t) (pp2[x] + pp0[x]);
	case 6: // YCgCo
		for (y = 0; y < c->height; ++y) {
			intP_t *pp0 = J40__PIXELS(&c[0], y), *pp1 = J40__PIXELS(&c[1], y), *pp2 = J40__PIXELS(&c[2], y);
			for (x = 0; x < c->width; ++x) {
				// TODO avoid int2P_t if possible
				int2P_t tmp = (int2P_t) pp0[x] - ((int2P_t) pp2[x] >> 1);
				int2P_t p1 = (int2P_t) pp2[x] + tmp;
				int2P_t p2 = tmp - ((int2P_t) pp1[x] >> 1);
				pp0[x] = (intP_t) (p2 + pp1[x]);
				pp1[x] = (intP_t) p1;
				pp2[x] = (intP_t) p2;
	default: J40__UNREACHABLE();

	for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
		m->channel[tr->rct.begin_c + PERMUTATIONS[tr->rct.type / 7][i]] = c[i];

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__(inverse_palette,P)(
	j40__st *st, j40__modular *m, const j40__transform *tr
) {
	typedef j40__intP intP_t;
	typedef j40__int2P int2P_t;

	// `first` is the index channel index; restored color channels will be at indices [first,last],
	// where the original index channel is relocated to the index `last` and then repurposed.
	// the palette meta channel 0 will be removed at the very end.
	int32_t first = tr->pal.begin_c + 1, last = tr->pal.begin_c + tr->pal.num_c, bpp = st->image->bpp;
	int32_t i, j, y, x;
	j40__plane *idxc;
	int32_t width = m->channel[first].width, height = m->channel[first].height;
	int use_pred = tr->pal.nb_deltas > 0, use_wp = use_pred && tr->pal.d_pred == 6;
	j40__(wp,2P) wp = J40__INIT;

	J40__ASSERT(tr->tr == J40__TR_PALETTE);

	// since we never shrink m->channel, we know there is enough capacity for intermediate transform
	memmove(m->channel + last, m->channel + first, sizeof(j40__plane) * (size_t) (m->num_channels - first));
	m->num_channels += last - first;
	idxc = &m->channel[last];

	for (i = first; i < last; ++i) m->channel[i].type = 0;
	if (idxc->type == J40__PLANE_EMPTY) {
		// index channel is empty; all resulting output channels would be empty
		for (i = first; i < last; ++i) j40__init_empty_plane(&m->channel[i]);
	} else {
		for (i = first; i < last; ++i) {
			J40__TRY(j40__init_plane(st, J40__(PLANE_I,P), width, height, 0, &m->channel[i]));

	if (use_wp) J40__TRY(j40__(init_wp,2P)(st, m->wp, width, &wp));

	for (i = 0; i < tr->pal.num_c; ++i) {
		// palette channel can be also empty
		intP_t *palp = tr->pal.nb_colours > 0 ? J40__PIXELS(&m->channel[0], i) : NULL;
		j40__plane *c = &m->channel[first + i];
		for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
			// SPEC pseudocode accidentally overwrites the index channel
			intP_t *idxline = J40__PIXELS(idxc, y);
			intP_t *line = J40__PIXELS(c, y);
			for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
				intP_t idx = idxline[x], val;
				int is_delta = idx < tr->pal.nb_deltas;
				if (idx < 0) { // hard-coded delta for first 3 channels, otherwise 0
					if (i < 3) {
						idx = (intP_t) (~idx % 143); // say no to 1's complement
						val = J40__PALETTE_DELTAS[idx + 1][i];
						if (bpp > 8) val = (intP_t) (val << (j40__min32(bpp, 24) - 8));
					} else {
						val = 0;
				} else if (idx < tr->pal.nb_colours) {
					val = palp[idx];
				} else { // synthesized from (idx - nb_colours)
					idx = (intP_t) (idx - tr->pal.nb_colours);
					if (idx < 64) { // idx == ..YX in base 4 -> {(X+0.5)/4, (Y+0.5)/4, ...}
						val = (intP_t) ((i < 3 ? idx >> (2 * i) : 0) * (((int2P_t) 1 << bpp) - 1) / 4 +
							((int2P_t) 1 << j40__max32(0, bpp - 3)));
					} else { // idx + 64 == ..ZYX in base 5 -> {X/4, Y/4, Z/4, ...}
						val = (intP_t) (idx - 64);
						for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) val = (intP_t) (val / 5);
						val = (intP_t) ((val % 5) * ((1 << bpp) - 1) / 4);
				if (use_pred) {
					j40__(neighbors,P) p = j40__(init_neighbors,P)(c, x, y);
					j40__(wp_before_predict,2P)(&wp, x, y, &p);
					// TODO handle overflow
					if (is_delta) val = (intP_t) (val + j40__(predict,2P)(st, tr->pal.d_pred, &wp, &p));
					j40__(wp_after_predict,2P)(&wp, x, y, val);
				line[x] = val;

	memmove(m->channel, m->channel + 1, sizeof(j40__plane) * (size_t) --m->num_channels);
	return 0;

	return st->err;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// ----------------------------------------
// end of recursion
	#undef j40__intP
	#undef j40__int2P
	#undef J40__PIXELS
	#undef J40__P
	#undef J40__2P
#endif // J40__RECURSING == 300
#if J40__RECURSING < 0
// ----------------------------------------

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__inverse_transform(j40__st *st, j40__modular *m) {
	int32_t i;

	if (m->num_channels == 0) return 0;

	switch (j40__plane_all_equal_typed_or_empty(m->channel, m->channel + m->num_channels)) {
	case J40__PLANE_I16:
		for (i = m->nb_transforms - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
			const j40__transform *tr = &m->transform[i];
			switch (tr->tr) {
			case J40__TR_RCT: j40__inverse_rct16(m, tr); break;
			case J40__TR_PALETTE: J40__TRY(j40__inverse_palette16(st, m, tr)); break;
			case J40__TR_SQUEEZE: J40__RAISE("TODO: squeeze inverse transformation"); break;
			default: J40__UNREACHABLE();

	case J40__PLANE_I32:
		for (i = m->nb_transforms - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
			const j40__transform *tr = &m->transform[i];
			switch (tr->tr) {
			case J40__TR_RCT: j40__inverse_rct32(m, tr); break;
			case J40__TR_PALETTE: J40__TRY(j40__inverse_palette32(st, m, tr)); break;
			case J40__TR_SQUEEZE: J40__RAISE("TODO: squeeze inverse transformation"); break;
			default: J40__UNREACHABLE();

	default: // while *some* channels can be empty, it is impossible that all channels are empty

	return st->err;
#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// dequantization matrix and coefficient orders

enum {
	J40__NUM_DCT_SELECT = 27, // the number of all possible varblock types (DctSelect)
	J40__NUM_DCT_PARAMS = 17, // the number of parameters, some shared by multiple DctSelects
	J40__NUM_ORDERS = 13, // the number of distinct varblock dimensions & orders, after transposition

enum j40__dq_matrix_mode { // the number of params per channel follows:
	J40__DQ_ENC_LIBRARY = 0, // 0
	J40__DQ_ENC_HORNUSS = 1, // 3 (params)
	J40__DQ_ENC_DCT2 = 2, // 6 (params)
	J40__DQ_ENC_DCT4 = 3, // 2 (params) + n (dct_params)
	// TODO DCT4x8 uses an undefined name "parameters" (should be "params")
	J40__DQ_ENC_DCT4X8 = 4, // 1 (params) + n (dct_params)
	J40__DQ_ENC_AFV = 5, // 9 (params) + n (dct_params) + m (dct4x4_params)
	J40__DQ_ENC_DCT = 6, // n (params)
	// all other modes eventually decode to:
	J40__DQ_ENC_RAW = 7, // n rows * m columns, with the top-left 1/8 by 1/8 unused

typedef struct {
	enum j40__dq_matrix_mode mode;
	int16_t n, m;
	j40_f32x4 *params; // the last element per each row is unused
} j40__dq_matrix;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_dq_matrix(
	j40__st *st, int32_t rows, int32_t columns, int64_t raw_sidx,
	j40__tree_node *global_tree, const j40__code_spec *global_codespec, j40__dq_matrix *dqmat
J40_INLINE float j40__interpolate(float pos, int32_t c, const j40_f32x4 *bands, int32_t len);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__interpolation_bands(
	j40__st *st, const j40_f32x4 *params, int32_t nparams, j40_f32x4 *out
J40_STATIC void j40__dct_quant_weights(
	int32_t rows, int32_t columns, const j40_f32x4 *bands, int32_t len, j40_f32x4 *out
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__load_dq_matrix(j40__st *st, int32_t idx, j40__dq_matrix *dqmat);
J40_STATIC void j40__free_dq_matrix(j40__dq_matrix *dqmat);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__natural_order(j40__st *st, int32_t log_rows, int32_t log_columns, int32_t **out);


typedef struct { int8_t log_rows, log_columns, param_idx, order_idx; } j40__dct_select;
static const j40__dct_select J40__DCT_SELECT[J40__NUM_DCT_SELECT] = {
	// hereafter DCTnm refers to DCT(2^n)x(2^m) in the spec
	/*DCT33*/ {3, 3, 0, 0}, /*Hornuss*/ {3, 3, 1, 1}, /*DCT11*/ {3, 3, 2, 1}, /*DCT22*/ {3, 3, 3, 1},
	/*DCT44*/ {4, 4, 4, 2}, /*DCT55*/ {5, 5, 5, 3}, /*DCT43*/ {4, 3, 6, 4}, /*DCT34*/ {3, 4, 6, 4},
	/*DCT53*/ {5, 3, 7, 5}, /*DCT35*/ {3, 5, 7, 5}, /*DCT54*/ {5, 4, 8, 6}, /*DCT45*/ {4, 5, 8, 6},
	/*DCT23*/ {3, 3, 9, 1}, /*DCT32*/ {3, 3, 9, 1}, /*AFV0*/ {3, 3, 10, 1}, /*AFV1*/ {3, 3, 10, 1},
	/*AFV2*/ {3, 3, 10, 1}, /*AFV3*/ {3, 3, 10, 1}, /*DCT66*/ {6, 6, 11, 7}, /*DCT65*/ {6, 5, 12, 8},
	/*DCT56*/ {5, 6, 12, 8}, /*DCT77*/ {7, 7, 13, 9}, /*DCT76*/ {7, 6, 14, 10}, /*DCT67*/ {6, 7, 14, 10},
	/*DCT88*/ {8, 8, 15, 11}, /*DCT87*/ {8, 7, 16, 12}, /*DCT78*/ {7, 8, 16, 12},

static const struct j40__dct_params {
	int8_t log_rows, log_columns, def_offset, def_mode, def_n, def_m;
	/*DCT33*/ {3, 3, 0, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 6, 0}, /*Hornuss*/ {3, 3, 6, J40__DQ_ENC_HORNUSS, 0, 0},
	/*DCT11*/ {3, 3, 9, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT2, 0, 0}, /*DCT22*/ {3, 3, 15, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT4, 4, 0},
	/*DCT44*/ {4, 4, 21, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 7, 0}, /*DCT55*/ {5, 5, 28, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 8, 0},
	/*DCT34*/ {3, 4, 36, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 7, 0}, /*DCT35*/ {3, 5, 43, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 8, 0},
	/*DCT45*/ {4, 5, 51, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 8, 0}, /*DCT23*/ {3, 3, 59, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT4X8, 4, 0},
	/*AFV*/ {3, 3, 64, J40__DQ_ENC_AFV, 4, 4}, /*DCT66*/ {6, 6, 81, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 8, 0},
	/*DCT56*/ {5, 6, 89, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 8, 0}, /*DCT77*/ {7, 7, 97, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 8, 0},
	/*DCT67*/ {6, 7, 105, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 8, 0}, /*DCT88*/ {8, 8, 113, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 8, 0},
	/*DCT78*/ {7, 8, 121, J40__DQ_ENC_DCT, 8, 0},

#define J40__DCT4X4_DCT_PARAMS \
	{2200.0f, 392.0f, 112.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, -0.25f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, -0.25f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, -0.5f} // (4)
#define J40__DCT4X8_DCT_PARAMS \
	{2198.050556016380522f, 764.3655248643528689f, 527.107573587542228f}, \
	{-0.96269623020744692f, -0.92630200888366945f, -1.4594385811273854f}, \
	{-0.76194253026666783f, -0.9675229603596517f, -1.450082094097871593f}, \
	{-0.6551140670773547f, -0.27845290869168118f, -1.5843722511996204f} // (4)
#define J40__LARGE_DCT_PARAMS(mult) \
	/* it turns out that the first sets of parameters for larger DCTs have the same ratios */ \
	{mult * 23629.073922049845f, mult * 8611.3238710010046f, mult * 4492.2486445538634f}, \
	{-1.025f, -0.3041958212306401f, -1.2f}, {-0.78f, 0.3633036457487539f, -1.2f}, \
	{-0.65012f, -0.35660379990111464f, -0.8f}, {-0.19041574084286472f, -0.3443074455424403f, -0.7f}, \
	{-0.20819395464f, -0.33699592683512467f, -0.7f}, {-0.421064f, -0.30180866526242109f, -0.4f}, \
	{-0.32733845535848671f, -0.27321683125358037f, -0.5f} // (8)
static const float J40__LIBRARY_DCT_PARAMS[129][4] = {
	// DCT33 dct_params (n=6) (SPEC some values are incorrect)
	{3150.0f, 560.0f, 512.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, -2.0f}, {-0.4f, -0.3f, -1.0f},
	{-0.4f, -0.3f, 0.0f}, {-0.4f, -0.3f, -1.0f}, {-2.0f, -0.3f, -2.0f},
	// Hornuss params (3)
	{280.0f, 60.0f, 18.0f}, {3160.0f, 864.0f, 200.0f}, {3160.0f, 864.0f, 200.0f},
	// DCT11 params (6)
	{3840.0f, 960.0f, 640.0f}, {2560.0f, 640.0f, 320.0f}, {1280.0f, 320.0f, 128.0f},
	{640.0f, 180.0f, 64.0f}, {480.0f, 140.0f, 32.0f}, {300.0f, 120.0f, 16.0f},
	// DCT22 params (2) + dct_params (n=4) (TODO spec bug: some values are incorrect)
	{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, J40__DCT4X4_DCT_PARAMS,
	// DCT44 dct_params (n=7)
	{8996.8725711814115328f, 3191.48366296844234752f, 1157.50408145487200256f},
	{-1.3000777393353804f, -0.67424582104194355f, -2.0531423165804414f},
	{-0.49424529824571225f, -0.80745813428471001f, -1.4f},
	{-0.439093774457103443f, -0.44925837484843441f, -0.50687130033378396f},
	{-0.6350101832695744f, -0.35865440981033403f, -0.42708730624733904f},
	{-0.90177264050827612f, -0.31322389111877305f, -1.4856834539296244f},
	{-1.6162099239887414f, -0.37615025315725483f, -4.9209142884401604f},
	// DCT55 dct_params (n=8)
	{15718.40830982518931456f, 7305.7636810695983104f, 3803.53173721215041536f},
	{-1.025f, -0.8041958212306401f, -3.060733579805728f},
	{-0.98f, -0.7633036457487539f, -2.0413270132490346f},
	{-0.9012f, -0.55660379990111464f, -2.0235650159727417f},
	{-0.4f, -0.49785304658857626f, -0.5495389509954993f},
	{-0.48819395464f, -0.43699592683512467f, -0.4f},
	{-0.421064f, -0.40180866526242109f, -0.4f},
	{-0.27f, -0.27321683125358037f, -0.3f},
	// DCT34 dct_params (n=7)
	{7240.7734393502f, 1448.15468787004f, 506.854140754517f},
	{-0.7f, -0.5f, -1.4f}, {-0.7f, -0.5f, -0.2f}, {-0.2f, -0.5f, -0.5f},
	{-0.2f, -0.2f, -0.5f}, {-0.2f, -0.2f, -1.5f}, {-0.5f, -0.2f, -3.6f},
	// DCT35 dct_params (n=8)
	{16283.2494710648897f, 5089.15750884921511936f, 3397.77603275308720128f},
	{-1.7812845336559429f, -0.320049391452786891f, -0.321327362693153371f},
	{-1.6309059012653515f, -0.35362849922161446f, -0.34507619223117997f},
	{-1.0382179034313539f, -0.30340000000000003f, -0.70340000000000003f},
	{-0.85f, -0.61f, -0.9f}, {-0.7f, -0.5f, -1.0f}, {-0.9f, -0.5f, -1.0f},
	{-1.2360638576849587f, -0.6f, -1.1754605576265209f},
	// DCT45 dct_params (n=8)
	{13844.97076442300573f, 4798.964084220744293f, 1807.236946760964614f},
	{-0.97113799999999995f, -0.61125308982767057f, -1.2f},
	{-0.658f, -0.83770786552491361f, -1.2f}, {-0.42026f, -0.79014862079498627f, -0.7f},
	{-0.22712f, -0.2692727459704829f, -0.7f}, {-0.2206f, -0.38272769465388551f, -0.7f},
	{-0.226f, -0.22924222653091453f, -0.4f}, {-0.6f, -0.20719098826199578f, -0.5f},
	// DCT23 params (1) + dct_params (n=4)
	{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, J40__DCT4X8_DCT_PARAMS,
	// AFV params (9) + dct_params (n=4) + dct4x4_params (m=4)
	// (SPEC params & dct_params are swapped; TODO spec bug: dct4x4_params are also incorrect)
	{3072.0f, 1024.0f, 384.0f}, {3072.0f, 1024.0f, 384.0f}, {256.0f, 50.0f, 12.0f},
	{256.0f, 50.0f, 12.0f}, {256.0f, 50.0f, 12.0f}, {414.0f, 58.0f, 22.0f},
	{0.0f, 0.0f, -0.25f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, -0.25f}, {0.0f, 0.0f, -0.25f},

	J40__LARGE_DCT_PARAMS(0.9f), // DCT66 dct_params (n=8)
	J40__LARGE_DCT_PARAMS(0.65f), // DCT56 dct_params (n=8)
	J40__LARGE_DCT_PARAMS(1.8f), // DCT77 dct_params (n=8)
	J40__LARGE_DCT_PARAMS(1.3f), // DCT67 dct_params (n=8)
	J40__LARGE_DCT_PARAMS(3.6f), // DCT88 dct_params (n=8)
	J40__LARGE_DCT_PARAMS(2.6f), // DCT78 dct_params (n=8)

static const int8_t J40__LOG_ORDER_SIZE[J40__NUM_ORDERS][2] = {
	{3,3}, {3,3}, {4,4}, {5,5}, {3,4}, {3,5}, {4,5}, {6,6}, {5,6}, {7,7}, {6,7}, {8,8}, {7,8},

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_dq_matrix(
	j40__st *st, int32_t rows, int32_t columns, int64_t raw_sidx,
	j40__tree_node *global_tree, const j40__code_spec *global_codespec, j40__dq_matrix *dqmat
) {
	j40__modular m = J40__INIT;
	int32_t c, i, j;

	dqmat->mode = (enum j40__dq_matrix_mode) j40__u(st, 3);
	dqmat->params = NULL;
	if (dqmat->mode == J40__DQ_ENC_RAW) { // read as a modular image
		float denom, inv_denom;
		int32_t w[3], h[3], x, y;

		denom = j40__f16(st);
		// TODO spec bug: ZeroPadToByte isn't required at this point
		J40__SHOULD(j40__surely_nonzero(denom), "dqm0");
		inv_denom = 1.0f / denom;

		w[0] = w[1] = w[2] = columns;
		h[0] = h[1] = h[2] = rows;
		J40__TRY(j40__init_modular(st, 3, w, h, &m));
		J40__TRY(j40__modular_header(st, global_tree, global_codespec, &m));
		J40__TRY(j40__allocate_modular(st, &m));
		for (c = 0; c < m.num_channels; ++c) J40__TRY(j40__modular_channel(st, &m, c, raw_sidx));
		J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &m.code));
		J40__TRY(j40__inverse_transform(st, &m));

		J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40_f32x4, &dqmat->params, (size_t) (rows * columns));
		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
			if ([c].type == J40__PLANE_I16) {
				for (y = 0; y < rows; ++y) {
					int16_t *pixels = J40__I16_PIXELS(&[c], y);
					for (x = 0; x < columns; ++x) {
						dqmat->params[y * columns + x][c] = (float) pixels[x] * inv_denom;
			} else {
				for (y = 0; y < rows; ++y) {
					int32_t *pixels = J40__I32_PIXELS(&[c], y);
					for (x = 0; x < columns; ++x) {
						dqmat->params[y * columns + x][c] = (float) pixels[x] * inv_denom;

		dqmat->n = (int16_t) rows;
		dqmat->m = (int16_t) columns;
	} else {
		static const struct how {
			int8_t requires8x8; // 1 if 8x8 matrix is required
			int8_t nparams; // the number of fixed parameters
			int8_t nscaled; // params[0..nscaled-1] should be scaled by 64
			int8_t ndctparams; // the number of calls to ReadDctParams
		} HOW[7] = {{0,0,0,0}, {1,3,3,0}, {1,6,6,0}, {1,2,2,1}, {1,1,0,1}, {1,9,6,2}, {1,0,0,1}};
		struct how how = HOW[dqmat->mode];
		int32_t paramsize = how.nparams + how.ndctparams * 16, paramidx = how.nparams;
		if (how.requires8x8) J40__SHOULD(rows == 8 && columns == 8, "dqm?");
		if (paramsize) {
			J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40_f32x4, &dqmat->params, (size_t) paramsize);
			for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) for (j = 0; j < how.nparams; ++j) {
				dqmat->params[j][c] = j40__f16(st) * (j < how.nscaled ? 64.0f : 1.0f);
			for (i = 0; i < how.ndctparams; ++i) { // ReadDctParams
				int32_t n = *(i == 0 ? &dqmat->n : &dqmat->m) = (int16_t) (j40__u(st, 4) + 1);
				for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
					dqmat->params[paramidx + j][c] = j40__f16(st) * (j == 0 ? 64.0f : 1.0f);
				paramidx += n;
	return 0;

	dqmat->params = NULL;
	return st->err;

// piecewise exponential interpolation where pos is in [0,1], mapping pos = k/(len-1) to bands[k]
J40_INLINE float j40__interpolate(float pos, int32_t c, const j40_f32x4 *bands, int32_t len) {
	float scaled_pos, frac_idx, a, b;
	int32_t scaled_idx;
	if (len == 1) return bands[0][c];
	scaled_pos = pos * (float) (len - 1);
	scaled_idx = (int32_t) scaled_pos;
	frac_idx = scaled_pos - (float) scaled_idx;
	a = bands[scaled_idx][c];
	b = bands[scaled_idx + 1][c];
	return a * powf(b / a, frac_idx);

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__interpolation_bands(
	j40__st *st, const j40_f32x4 *params, int32_t nparams, j40_f32x4 *out
) {
	int32_t i, c;
	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
		// TODO spec bug: loops for x & y are independent of the loop for i (bands)
		// TODO spec bug: `bands(i)` for i >= 0 (not i > 0) should be larger (not no less) than 0
		out[0][c] = params[0][c];
		J40__SHOULD(out[0][c] > 0, "band");
		for (i = 1; i < nparams; ++i) {
			float v = params[i][c];
			out[i][c] = v > 0 ? out[i - 1][c] * (1.0f + v) : out[i - 1][c] / (1.0f - v);
			J40__SHOULD(out[i][c] > 0, "band");
	return st->err;

J40_STATIC void j40__dct_quant_weights(
	int32_t rows, int32_t columns, const j40_f32x4 *bands, int32_t len, j40_f32x4 *out
) {
	float inv_rows_m1 = 1.0f / (float) (rows - 1), inv_columns_m1 = 1.0f / (float) (columns - 1);
	int32_t x, y, c;
	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
		for (y = 0; y < rows; ++y) for (x = 0; x < columns; ++x) {
			static const float INV_SQRT2 = 1.0f / 1.414214562373095f; // 1/(sqrt(2) + 1e-6)
			float d = hypotf((float) x * inv_columns_m1, (float) y * inv_rows_m1);
			// TODO spec issue: num_bands doesn't exist (probably len)
			out[y * columns + x][c] = j40__interpolate(d * INV_SQRT2, c, bands, len);

// TODO spec issue: VarDCT uses the (row, column) notation, not the (x, y) notation; explicitly note this
// TODO spec improvement: spec can provide computed matrices for default parameters to aid verification
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__load_dq_matrix(j40__st *st, int32_t idx, j40__dq_matrix *dqmat) {
	enum { MAX_BANDS = 15 };
	const struct j40__dct_params dct = J40__DCT_PARAMS[idx];
	enum j40__dq_matrix_mode mode;
	int32_t rows, columns, n, m;
	const j40_f32x4 *params;
	j40_f32x4 *raw = NULL, bands[MAX_BANDS], scratch[64];
	int32_t x, y, i, c;

	mode = dqmat->mode;
	if (mode == J40__DQ_ENC_RAW) {
		return 0; // nothing to do
	} else if (mode == J40__DQ_ENC_LIBRARY) {
		mode = (enum j40__dq_matrix_mode) dct.def_mode;
		n = dct.def_n;
		m = dct.def_m;
		params = J40__LIBRARY_DCT_PARAMS + dct.def_offset;
	} else {
		n = dqmat->n;
		m = dqmat->m;
		params = dqmat->params;

	rows = 1 << dct.log_rows;
	columns = 1 << dct.log_columns;
	J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40_f32x4, &raw, (size_t) (rows * columns));

	switch (mode) {
	case J40__DQ_ENC_DCT:
		J40__TRY(j40__interpolation_bands(st, params, n, bands));
		j40__dct_quant_weights(rows, columns, bands, n, raw);

	case J40__DQ_ENC_DCT4:
		J40__ASSERT(rows == 8 && columns == 8);
		J40__ASSERT(n <= MAX_BANDS);
		J40__TRY(j40__interpolation_bands(st, params + 2, n, bands));
		j40__dct_quant_weights(4, 4, bands, n, scratch);
		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
			for (y = 0; y < 8; ++y) for (x = 0; x < 8; ++x) {
				raw[y * 8 + x][c] = scratch[(y / 2) * 4 + (x / 2)][c];
			raw[001][c] /= params[0][c];
			raw[010][c] /= params[0][c];
			raw[011][c] /= params[1][c];

	case J40__DQ_ENC_DCT2:
		J40__ASSERT(rows == 8 && columns == 8);
		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
			static const int8_t MAP[64] = {
				// TODO spec issue: coefficient (0,0) is unspecified; means it shouldn't be touched
			for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i) raw[i][c] = params[MAP[i]][c];
			raw[0][c] = -1.0f;

	case J40__DQ_ENC_HORNUSS:
		J40__ASSERT(rows == 8 && columns == 8);
		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
			for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i) raw[i][c] = params[0][c];
			raw[000][c] = 1.0f;
			raw[001][c] = raw[010][c] = params[1][c];
			raw[011][c] = params[2][c];

	case J40__DQ_ENC_DCT4X8:
		J40__ASSERT(rows == 8 && columns == 8);
		J40__ASSERT(n <= MAX_BANDS);
		J40__TRY(j40__interpolation_bands(st, params + 1, n, bands));
		// TODO spec bug: 4 rows by 8 columns, not 8 rows by 4 columns (compare with AFV weights4x8)
		// the position (x, y Idiv 2) is also confusing, since it's using the (x, y) notation
		j40__dct_quant_weights(4, 8, bands, n, scratch);
		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
			for (y = 0; y < 8; ++y) for (x = 0; x < 8; ++x) {
				raw[y * 8 + x][c] = scratch[(y / 2) * 8 + x][c];
			raw[001][c] /= params[0][c];

	case J40__DQ_ENC_AFV:
		J40__ASSERT(rows == 8 && columns == 8);
		J40__ASSERT(n <= MAX_BANDS && m <= MAX_BANDS);
		J40__TRY(j40__interpolation_bands(st, params + 9, n, bands));
		j40__dct_quant_weights(4, 8, bands, n, scratch);
		J40__TRY(j40__interpolation_bands(st, params + 9 + n, m, bands));
		j40__dct_quant_weights(4, 4, bands, m, scratch + 32);
		J40__TRY(j40__interpolation_bands(st, params + 5, 4, bands));
		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
			// TODO spec bug: this value can never be 1 because it will result in an out-of-bound
			// access in j40__interpolate; libjxl avoids this by adding 1e-6 to the denominator
			static const float FREQS[12] = { // precomputed values of (freqs[i] - lo) / (hi - lo + 1e-6)
				0.000000000f, 0.373436417f, 0.320380100f, 0.379332596f, 0.066671353f, 0.259756761f,
				0.530035651f, 0.789731061f, 0.149436598f, 0.559318823f, 0.669198646f, 0.999999917f,
			scratch[0][c] = params[0][c]; // replaces the top-left corner of weights4x8
			scratch[32][c] = params[1][c]; // replaces the top-left corner of weights4x4
			for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) scratch[i + 48][c] = j40__interpolate(FREQS[i], c, bands, 4);
			scratch[60][c] = 1.0f;
			for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) scratch[i + 61][c] = params[i + 2][c];
		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
			// TODO spec bug: `weight(...)` uses multiple conflicting notations
			static const int8_t MAP[64] = {
				// 1..31 from weights4x8, 33..47 from weights4x4, 48..59 interpolated,
				// 0/32/61..63 directly from parameters, 60 fixed to 1.0
				60, 32, 62, 33, 48, 34, 49, 35,
				 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,
				61, 36, 63, 37, 50, 38, 51, 39,
				 8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
				52, 40, 53, 41, 54, 42, 55, 43,
				16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
				56, 44, 57, 45, 58, 46, 59, 47,
				24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
			for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i) raw[i][c] = scratch[MAP[i]][c];

	default: J40__UNREACHABLE();

	dqmat->mode = J40__DQ_ENC_RAW;
	dqmat->n = (int16_t) rows;
	dqmat->m = (int16_t) columns;
	dqmat->params = raw;
	return 0;

	return st->err;

J40_STATIC void j40__free_dq_matrix(j40__dq_matrix *dqmat) {
	if (dqmat->mode != J40__DQ_ENC_LIBRARY) j40__free(dqmat->params);
	dqmat->mode = J40__DQ_ENC_LIBRARY;
	dqmat->params = NULL;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__natural_order(j40__st *st, int32_t log_rows, int32_t log_columns, int32_t **out) {
	int32_t size = 1 << (log_rows + log_columns), log_slope = log_columns - log_rows;
	int32_t rows8 = 1 << (log_rows - 3), columns8 = 1 << (log_columns - 3);
	int32_t *order = NULL;
	int32_t y, x, key1, o;

	J40__ASSERT(8 >= log_columns && log_columns >= log_rows && log_rows >= 3);

	J40__TRY_MALLOC(int32_t, &order, (size_t) size);

	o = 0;
	for (y = 0; y < rows8; ++y) for (x = 0; x < columns8; ++x) {
		order[o++] = y << log_columns | x;

	//            d e..
	// +---------/-/-  each diagonal is identified by an integer
	// |       |/ / /    key1 = scaled_x + scaled_y = x + y * 2^log_slope,
	// |_a_b_c_| / /   and covers at least one cell when:
	// |/ / / / / / /    2^(log_columns - 3) <= key1 < 2^(log_columns + 1) - 2^log_slope.
	for (key1 = 1 << (log_columns - 3); o < size; ++key1) {
		// place initial endpoints to leftmost and topmost edges, then fix out-of-bounds later
		int32_t x0 = key1 & ((1 << log_slope) - 1), y0 = key1 >> log_slope, x1 = key1, y1 = 0;
		if (x1 >= (1 << log_columns)) {
			int32_t excess = j40__ceil_div32(x1 - ((1 << log_columns) - 1), 1 << log_slope);
			x1 -= excess << log_slope;
			y1 += excess;
			J40__ASSERT(x1 >= 0 && y1 < (1 << log_rows));
		if (y0 >= (1 << log_rows)) {
			int32_t excess = y0 - ((1 << log_rows) - 1);
			x0 += excess << log_slope;
			y0 -= excess;
			J40__ASSERT(x0 < (1 << log_columns) && y0 >= 0);
		J40__ASSERT(o + (y0 - y1 + 1) <= size);
		if (key1 & 1) {
			for (x = x1, y = y1; x >= x0; x -= 1 << log_slope, ++y) {
				// skip the already covered top-left LLF region
				if (y >= rows8 || x >= columns8) order[o++] = y << log_columns | x;
		} else {
			for (x = x0, y = y0; x <= x1; x += 1 << log_slope, --y) {
				if (y >= rows8 || x >= columns8) order[o++] = y << log_columns | x;
	J40__ASSERT(o == size);

	*out = order;
	return 0;

	return st->err;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// frame context

enum {
	J40__MAX_PASSES = 11,

enum {
	J40__BLEND_REPLACE = 0, // new
	J40__BLEND_ADD = 1,     // old + new
	J40__BLEND_BLEND = 2,   // new + old * (1 - new alpha) or equivalent, optionally clamped
	J40__BLEND_MUL_ADD = 3, // old + new * alpha or equivalent, optionally clamped
	J40__BLEND_MUL = 4,     // old * new, optionally clamped
typedef struct {
	int8_t mode, alpha_chan, clamp, src_ref_frame;
} j40__blend_info;

enum j40__frame_type {

typedef struct j40__frame_st {
	int is_last;
	enum j40__frame_type type;
	int is_modular; // VarDCT if false
	int has_noise, has_patches, has_splines, use_lf_frame, skip_adapt_lf_smooth;
	int do_ycbcr;
	int32_t jpeg_upsampling; // [0] | [1] << 2 | [2] << 4
	int32_t log_upsampling, *ec_log_upsampling;
	int32_t group_size_shift;
	int32_t x_qm_scale, b_qm_scale;
	int32_t num_passes;
	int8_t shift[J40__MAX_PASSES];
	int8_t log_ds[J40__MAX_PASSES + 1]; // pass i shift range is [log_ds[i+1], log_ds[i])
	int32_t lf_level;
	int32_t x0, y0, width, height;
	int32_t grows, gcolumns, ggrows, ggcolumns;
	// there can be at most (2^23 + 146)^2 groups and (2^20 + 29)^2 LF groups in a single frame
	int64_t num_groups, num_lf_groups;
	int64_t duration, timecode;
	j40__blend_info blend_info, *ec_blend_info;
	int32_t save_as_ref;
	int save_before_ct;
	int32_t name_len;
	char *name;
	struct {
		int enabled;
		float weights[3 /*xyb*/][2 /*0=weight1 (cardinal/center), 1=weight2 (diagonal/center)*/];
	} gab;
	struct {
		int32_t iters;
		float sharp_lut[8], channel_scale[3];
		float quant_mul, pass0_sigma_scale, pass2_sigma_scale, border_sad_mul, sigma_for_modular;
	} epf;
	// TODO spec bug: m_*_lf_unscaled are wildly incorrect, both in default values and scaling
	float m_lf_scaled[3 /*xyb*/];
	j40__tree_node *global_tree;
	j40__code_spec global_codespec;

	// modular only, available after LfGlobal (local groups are always pasted into gmodular)
	j40__modular gmodular;
	int32_t num_gm_channels; // <= gmodular.num_channels

	// vardct only, available after LfGlobal
	int32_t global_scale, quant_lf;
	int32_t lf_thr[3 /*xyb*/][15], qf_thr[15];
	int32_t nb_lf_thr[3 /*xyb*/], nb_qf_thr;
	uint8_t *block_ctx_map;
	int32_t block_ctx_size, nb_block_ctx;
	float inv_colour_factor;
	int32_t x_factor_lf, b_factor_lf;
	float base_corr_x, base_corr_b;

	// vardct only, available after HfGlobal/HfPass
	int32_t dct_select_used, dct_select_loaded; // i-th bit for DctSelect i
	int32_t order_used, order_loaded; // i-th bit for order i
	j40__dq_matrix dq_matrix[J40__NUM_DCT_PARAMS];
	int32_t num_hf_presets;
	// Lehmer code + sentinel (-1) before actual coefficient decoding,
	// either properly computed or discarded due to non-use later (can be NULL in that case)
	int32_t *orders[J40__MAX_PASSES][J40__NUM_ORDERS][3 /*xyb*/];
	j40__code_spec coeff_codespec[J40__MAX_PASSES];
} j40__frame_st;

J40_STATIC void j40__free_frame_state(j40__frame_st *f);


J40_STATIC void j40__free_frame_state(j40__frame_st *f) {
	int32_t i, j, k;
	for (i = 0; i < J40__NUM_DCT_PARAMS; ++i) j40__free_dq_matrix(&f->dq_matrix[i]);
	for (i = 0; i < J40__MAX_PASSES; ++i) {
		for (j = 0; j < J40__NUM_ORDERS; ++j) {
			for (k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
				f->orders[i][j][k] = NULL;
	f->ec_log_upsampling = NULL;
	f->ec_blend_info = NULL;
	f->name = NULL;
	f->global_tree = NULL;
	f->block_ctx_map = NULL;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// frame header

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__frame_header(j40__st *st);


J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__frame_header(j40__st *st) {
	j40__image_st *im = st->image;
	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	int32_t i, j;

	f->is_last = 1;
	f->type = J40__FRAME_REGULAR;
	f->is_modular = 0;
	f->has_noise = f->has_patches = f->has_splines = f->use_lf_frame = f->skip_adapt_lf_smooth = 0;
	f->do_ycbcr = 0;
	f->jpeg_upsampling = 0;
	f->log_upsampling = 0;
	f->ec_log_upsampling = NULL;
	f->group_size_shift = 8;
	f->x_qm_scale = 3;
	f->b_qm_scale = 2;
	f->num_passes = 1;
	f->shift[0] = 0; // last pass if default
	f->log_ds[0] = 3; f->log_ds[1] = 0; // last pass if default
	f->lf_level = 0;
	f->x0 = f->y0 = 0;
	f->width = im->width;
	f->height = im->height;
	f->duration = f->timecode = 0;
	f->blend_info.mode = J40__BLEND_REPLACE;
	f->blend_info.alpha_chan = 0; // XXX set to the actual alpha channel
	f->blend_info.clamp = 0;
	f->blend_info.src_ref_frame = 0;
	f->ec_blend_info = NULL;
	f->save_as_ref = 0;
	f->save_before_ct = 1;
	f->name_len = 0;
	f->name = NULL;
	f->gab.enabled = 1;
	f->gab.weights[0][0] = f->gab.weights[1][0] = f->gab.weights[2][0] = 0.115169525f;
	f->gab.weights[0][1] = f->gab.weights[1][1] = f->gab.weights[2][1] = 0.061248592f;
	f->epf.iters = 2;
	for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) f->epf.sharp_lut[i] = (float) i / 7.0f;
	f->epf.channel_scale[0] = 40.0f;
	f->epf.channel_scale[1] = 5.0f;
	f->epf.channel_scale[2] = 3.5f;
	f->epf.quant_mul = 0.46f;
	f->epf.pass0_sigma_scale = 0.9f;
	f->epf.pass2_sigma_scale = 6.5f;
	f->epf.border_sad_mul = 2.0f / 3.0f;
	f->epf.sigma_for_modular = 1.0f;
	// TODO spec bug: default values for m_*_lf_unscaled should be reciprocals of the listed values
	f->m_lf_scaled[0] = 1.0f / 4096.0f;
	f->m_lf_scaled[1] = 1.0f / 512.0f;
	f->m_lf_scaled[2] = 1.0f / 256.0f;
	f->global_tree = NULL;
	memset(&f->global_codespec, 0, sizeof(j40__code_spec));
	memset(&f->gmodular, 0, sizeof(j40__modular));
	f->block_ctx_map = NULL;
	f->inv_colour_factor = 1 / 84.0f;
	f->x_factor_lf = 0;
	f->b_factor_lf = 0;
	f->base_corr_x = 0.0f;
	f->base_corr_b = 1.0f;
	f->dct_select_used = f->dct_select_loaded = 0;
	f->order_used = f->order_loaded = 0;
	memset(f->dq_matrix, 0, sizeof(f->dq_matrix));
	memset(f->orders, 0, sizeof(f->orders));
	memset(f->coeff_codespec, 0, sizeof(f->coeff_codespec));


	if (!j40__u(st, 1)) { // !all_default
		int full_frame = 1;
		uint64_t flags;
		f->type = (enum j40__frame_type) j40__u(st, 2);
		f->is_modular = j40__u(st, 1);
		flags = j40__u64(st);
		f->has_noise = (int) (flags & 1);
		f->has_patches = (int) (flags >> 1 & 1);
		f->has_splines = (int) (flags >> 4 & 1);
		f->use_lf_frame = (int) (flags >> 5 & 1);
		f->skip_adapt_lf_smooth = (int) (flags >> 7 & 1);
		if (!im->xyb_encoded) f->do_ycbcr = j40__u(st, 1);
		if (!f->use_lf_frame) {
			if (f->do_ycbcr) f->jpeg_upsampling = j40__u(st, 6); // yes, we are lazy
			f->log_upsampling = j40__u(st, 2);
			J40__SHOULD(f->log_upsampling == 0, "TODO: upsampling is not yet implemented");
			J40__TRY_MALLOC(int32_t, &f->ec_log_upsampling, (size_t) im->num_extra_channels);
			for (i = 0; i < im->num_extra_channels; ++i) {
				f->ec_log_upsampling[i] = j40__u(st, 2);
				J40__SHOULD(f->ec_log_upsampling[i] == 0, "TODO: upsampling is not yet implemented");
		if (f->is_modular) {
			f->group_size_shift = 7 + j40__u(st, 2);
		} else if (im->xyb_encoded) {
			f->x_qm_scale = j40__u(st, 3);
			f->b_qm_scale = j40__u(st, 3);
		if (f->type != J40__FRAME_REFONLY) {
			f->num_passes = j40__u32(st, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 3);
			if (f->num_passes > 1) {
				// SPEC this part is especially flaky and the spec and libjxl don't agree to each other.
				// we do the most sensible thing that is still compatible to libjxl:
				// - downsample should be decreasing (or stay same)
				// - last_pass should be strictly increasing and last_pass[0] (if any) should be 0
				// see also
				int8_t log_ds[4];
				int32_t ppass = 0, num_ds = j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 1);
				J40__SHOULD(num_ds < f->num_passes, "pass");
				for (i = 0; i < f->num_passes - 1; ++i) f->shift[i] = (int8_t) j40__u(st, 2);
				f->shift[f->num_passes - 1] = 0;
				for (i = 0; i < num_ds; ++i) {
					log_ds[i] = (int8_t) j40__u(st, 2);
					if (i > 0) J40__SHOULD(log_ds[i - 1] >= log_ds[i], "pass");
				for (i = 0; i < num_ds; ++i) {
					int32_t pass = j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3);
					J40__SHOULD(i > 0 ? ppass < pass && pass < f->num_passes : pass == 0, "pass");
					while (ppass < pass) f->log_ds[++ppass] = i > 0 ? log_ds[i - 1] : 3;
				while (ppass < f->num_passes) f->log_ds[++ppass] = i > 0 ? log_ds[num_ds - 1] : 3;
		if (f->type == J40__FRAME_LF) {
			f->lf_level = j40__u(st, 2) + 1;
		} else if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // have_crop
			if (f->type != J40__FRAME_REFONLY) { // SPEC missing UnpackSigned
				f->x0 = j40__unpack_signed(j40__u32(st, 0, 8, 256, 11, 2304, 14, 18688, 30));
				f->y0 = j40__unpack_signed(j40__u32(st, 0, 8, 256, 11, 2304, 14, 18688, 30));
			f->width = j40__u32(st, 0, 8, 256, 11, 2304, 14, 18688, 30);
			f->height = j40__u32(st, 0, 8, 256, 11, 2304, 14, 18688, 30);
			J40__SHOULD(f->width <= st->limits->width && f->height <= st->limits->height, "slim");
			J40__SHOULD((int64_t) f->width * f->height <= st->limits->pixels, "slim");
			full_frame = f->x0 <= 0 && f->y0 <= 0 &&
				f->width + f->x0 >= im->width && f->height + f->y0 >= im->height;
		if (f->type == J40__FRAME_REGULAR || f->type == J40__FRAME_REGULAR_SKIPPROG) {
			J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40__blend_info, &f->ec_blend_info, (size_t) im->num_extra_channels);
			for (i = -1; i < im->num_extra_channels; ++i) {
				j40__blend_info *blend = i < 0 ? &f->blend_info : &f->ec_blend_info[i];
				blend->mode = (int8_t) j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 2);
				if (im->num_extra_channels > 0) {
					if (blend->mode == J40__BLEND_BLEND || blend->mode == J40__BLEND_MUL_ADD) {
						blend->alpha_chan = (int8_t) j40__u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 3);
						blend->clamp = (int8_t) j40__u(st, 1);
					} else if (blend->mode == J40__BLEND_MUL) {
						blend->clamp = (int8_t) j40__u(st, 1);
				if (!full_frame || blend->mode != J40__BLEND_REPLACE) {
					blend->src_ref_frame = (int8_t) j40__u(st, 2);
			if (im->anim_tps_denom) { // have_animation stored implicitly
				f->duration = j40__64u32(st, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 8, 0, 32);
				if (im->anim_have_timecodes) {
					f->timecode = j40__64u(st, 32);
			f->is_last = j40__u(st, 1);
		} else {
			f->is_last = 0;
		if (f->type != J40__FRAME_LF && !f->is_last) f->save_as_ref = j40__u(st, 2);
		// SPEC this condition is essentially swapped with the default value in the spec
		if (f->type == J40__FRAME_REFONLY || (
			full_frame &&
			(f->type == J40__FRAME_REGULAR || f->type == J40__FRAME_REGULAR_SKIPPROG) &&
			f->blend_info.mode == J40__BLEND_REPLACE &&
			(f->duration == 0 || f->save_as_ref != 0) &&
		)) {
			f->save_before_ct = j40__u(st, 1);
		} else {
			f->save_before_ct = (f->type == J40__FRAME_LF);
		J40__TRY(j40__name(st, &f->name_len, &f->name));
		{ // RestorationFilter
			int restoration_all_default = j40__u(st, 1);
			f->gab.enabled = restoration_all_default ? 1 : j40__u(st, 1);
			if (f->gab.enabled) {
				if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // gab_custom
					for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
						for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) f->gab.weights[i][j] = j40__f16(st);
			f->epf.iters = restoration_all_default ? 2 : j40__u(st, 2);
			if (f->epf.iters) {
				if (!f->is_modular && j40__u(st, 1)) { // epf_sharp_custom
					for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) f->epf.sharp_lut[i] = j40__f16(st);
				if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // epf_weight_custom
					for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) f->epf.channel_scale[i] = j40__f16(st);
					J40__TRY(j40__skip(st, 32)); // ignored
				if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // epf_sigma_custom
					if (!f->is_modular) f->epf.quant_mul = j40__f16(st);
					f->epf.pass0_sigma_scale = j40__f16(st);
					f->epf.pass2_sigma_scale = j40__f16(st);
					f->epf.border_sad_mul = j40__f16(st);
				if (f->epf.iters && f->is_modular) f->epf.sigma_for_modular = j40__f16(st);
			if (!restoration_all_default) J40__TRY(j40__extensions(st));

	if (im->xyb_encoded && im->want_icc) f->save_before_ct = 1; // ignores the decoded bit
	f->grows = j40__ceil_div32(f->height, 1 << f->group_size_shift);
	f->gcolumns = j40__ceil_div32(f->width, 1 << f->group_size_shift);
	f->num_groups = (int64_t) f->grows * f->gcolumns;
	f->ggrows = j40__ceil_div32(f->height, 8 << f->group_size_shift);
	f->ggcolumns = j40__ceil_div32(f->width, 8 << f->group_size_shift);
	f->num_lf_groups = (int64_t) f->ggrows * f->ggcolumns;
	return 0;

	f->ec_log_upsampling = NULL;
	f->ec_blend_info = NULL;
	f->name = NULL;
	return st->err;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// frame header

typedef struct {
	int64_t idx; // either LF group index (pass < 0) or group index (pass >= 0)
	int64_t codeoff;
	int32_t size;
	int32_t pass; // pass number, or negative if this is an LF group section
} j40__section;

typedef struct {
	// if nonzero, there is only single section of this size and other fields are ignored
	int32_t single_size;

	// LfGlobal and HfGlobal are common dependencies of other sections, and handled separately
	int64_t lf_global_codeoff, hf_global_codeoff;
	int32_t lf_global_size, hf_global_size;

	// other sections are ordered by codeoff, unless the earlier section needs the later section
	// for decoding, in which case the order gets swapped
	int64_t nsections, nsections_read;
	j40__section *sections;
	int64_t end_codeoff;
} j40__toc;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__permutation(
	j40__st *st, j40__code_st *code, int32_t size, int32_t skip, int32_t **out
J40_INLINE void j40__apply_permutation(void *targetbuf, void *temp, size_t elemsize, const int32_t *lehmer);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_toc(j40__st *st, j40__toc *toc);
J40_STATIC void j40__free_toc(j40__toc *toc);


// also used in j40__hf_global; out is terminated by a sentinel (-1) or NULL if empty
// TODO permutation may have to handle more than 2^31 entries
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__permutation(
	j40__st *st, j40__code_st *code, int32_t size, int32_t skip, int32_t **out
) {
	int32_t *arr = NULL;
	int32_t i, prev, end;

	J40__ASSERT(code->spec->num_dist == 8 + !!code->spec->lz77_enabled);

	// SPEC this is the number of integers to read, not the last offset to read (can differ when skip > 0)
	end = j40__code(st, j40__min32(7, j40__ceil_lg32((uint32_t) size + 1)), 0, code);
	J40__SHOULD(end <= size - skip, "perm"); // SPEC missing
	if (end == 0) {
		*out = NULL;
		return 0;

	J40__TRY_MALLOC(int32_t, &arr, (size_t) (end + 1));
	prev = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
		prev = arr[i] = j40__code(st, j40__min32(7, j40__ceil_lg32((uint32_t) prev + 1)), 0, code);
		J40__SHOULD(prev < size - (skip + i), "perm"); // SPEC missing
	arr[end] = -1; // sentinel
	*out = arr;
	return 0;

	return st->err;

// target is pre-shifted by skip
J40_INLINE void j40__apply_permutation(
	void *targetbuf, void *temp, size_t elemsize, const int32_t *lehmer
) {
	char *target = (char*) targetbuf;
	if (!lehmer) return;
	while (*lehmer >= 0) {
		size_t x = (size_t) *lehmer++;
		memcpy(temp, target + elemsize * x, elemsize);
		memmove(target + elemsize, target, elemsize * x);
		memcpy(target, temp, elemsize);
		target += elemsize;

J40_STATIC int j40__compare_section(const void *a, const void *b) {
	const j40__section *aa = (const j40__section*) a, *bb = (const j40__section*) b;
	return aa->codeoff < bb->codeoff ? -1 : aa->codeoff > bb->codeoff ? 1 : 0;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__read_toc(j40__st *st, j40__toc *toc) {
	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;

	int64_t nsections = f->num_passes == 1 && f->num_groups == 1 ? 1 :
		1 /*lf_global*/ + f->num_lf_groups /*lf_group*/ +
		1 /*hf_global + hf_pass*/ + f->num_passes * f->num_groups /*group_pass*/;
	int64_t nsections2;
	j40__section *sections = NULL, *sections2 = NULL, temp;

	// interleaved linked lists for each LF group; for each LF group `gg` there are three cases:
	// - no relocated section if `relocs[gg].next == 0` (initial state).
	// - a single relocated section `relocs[gg].section` if `relocs[gg].next < 0`.
	// - 2+ relocated sections `relocs[i].section`, where `k` starts at `gg` and
	//   continues through `next` until it's negative.
	struct reloc { int64_t next; j40__section section; } *relocs = NULL;
	int64_t nrelocs, relocs_cap;

	int32_t *lehmer = NULL;
	j40__code_spec codespec = J40__INIT;
	j40__code_st code = J40__INIT;
	int64_t i, nremoved;
	int32_t pass;

	// TODO remove int32_t restrictions
	J40__SHOULD((uint64_t) nsections <= SIZE_MAX && nsections <= INT32_MAX, "flen");

	if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // permuted
		J40__TRY(j40__read_code_spec(st, 8, &codespec));
		j40__init_code(&code, &codespec);
		J40__TRY(j40__permutation(st, &code, (int32_t) nsections, 0, &lehmer));
		J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &code));

	// single section case: no allocation required
	if (nsections == 1) {
		toc->single_size = j40__u32(st, 0, 10, 1024, 14, 17408, 22, 4211712, 30);
		toc->lf_global_codeoff = toc->hf_global_codeoff = 0;
		toc->lf_global_size = toc->hf_global_size = 0;
		toc->nsections = toc->nsections_read = 0;
		toc->sections = NULL;
		J40__SHOULD(j40__add64(j40__codestream_offset(st), toc->single_size, &toc->end_codeoff), "flen");
		return 0;

	J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40__section, &sections, (size_t) nsections);
	for (i = 0; i < nsections; ++i) {
		sections[i].size = j40__u32(st, 0, 10, 1024, 14, 17408, 22, 4211712, 30);

	sections[0].codeoff = j40__codestream_offset(st); // all TOC offsets are relative to this point
	for (i = 1; i < nsections; ++i) {
		J40__SHOULD(j40__add64(sections[i-1].codeoff, sections[i-1].size, &sections[i].codeoff), "flen");
	J40__SHOULD(j40__add64(sections[i-1].codeoff, sections[i-1].size, &toc->end_codeoff), "flen");

	if (lehmer) {
		j40__apply_permutation(sections, &temp, sizeof(j40__section), lehmer);
		lehmer = NULL;

	toc->lf_global_codeoff = sections[0].codeoff;
	toc->lf_global_size = sections[0].size;
	sections[0].codeoff = -1;
	for (i = 0; i < f->num_lf_groups; ++i) {
		sections[i + 1].pass = -1;
		sections[i + 1].idx = i;
	toc->hf_global_codeoff = sections[f->num_lf_groups + 1].codeoff;
	toc->hf_global_size = sections[f->num_lf_groups + 1].size;
	sections[f->num_lf_groups + 1].codeoff = -1;
	for (pass = 0; pass < f->num_passes; ++pass) {
		int64_t sectionid = 1 + f->num_lf_groups + 1 + pass * f->num_groups;
		for (i = 0; i < f->num_groups; ++i) {
			sections[sectionid + i].pass = pass;
			sections[sectionid + i].idx = i;

	// any group section depending on the later LF group section is temporarily moved to relocs
		int32_t ggrow, ggcolumn;

		J40__TRY_CALLOC(struct reloc, &relocs, (size_t) f->num_lf_groups);
		nrelocs = relocs_cap = f->num_lf_groups;

		for (ggrow = 0; ggrow < f->ggrows; ++ggrow) for (ggcolumn = 0; ggcolumn < f->ggcolumns; ++ggcolumn) {
			int64_t ggidx = (int64_t) ggrow * f->ggcolumns + ggcolumn, ggsection = 1 + ggidx;
			int64_t ggcodeoff = sections[ggsection].codeoff;
			int64_t gsection_base =
				1 + f->num_lf_groups + 1 + (int64_t) (ggrow * 8) * f->gcolumns + (ggcolumn * 8);
			int32_t grows_in_gg = j40__min32((ggrow + 1) * 8, f->grows) - ggrow * 8;
			int32_t gcolumns_in_gg = j40__min32((ggcolumn + 1) * 8, f->gcolumns) - ggcolumn * 8;
			int32_t grow_in_gg, gcolumn_in_gg;

			for (pass = 0; pass < f->num_passes; ++pass) {
				for (grow_in_gg = 0; grow_in_gg < grows_in_gg; ++grow_in_gg) {
					for (gcolumn_in_gg = 0; gcolumn_in_gg < gcolumns_in_gg; ++gcolumn_in_gg) {
						int64_t gsection = gsection_base + pass * f->num_groups + 
							(grow_in_gg * f->gcolumns + gcolumn_in_gg);
						if (sections[gsection].codeoff > ggcodeoff) continue;
						if (relocs[ggidx].next) {
							J40__TRY_REALLOC64(struct reloc, &relocs, nrelocs + 1, &relocs_cap);
							relocs[nrelocs] = relocs[ggidx];
							relocs[ggidx].next = nrelocs++;
						} else {
							relocs[ggidx].next = -1;
						relocs[ggidx].section = sections[gsection];
						sections[gsection].codeoff = -1;

	// remove any section with a codeoff -1 and sort the remainder
	for (i = nremoved = 0; i < nsections; ++i) {
		if (sections[i].codeoff < 0) {
		} else {
			sections[i - nremoved] = sections[i];
	qsort(sections, (size_t) (nsections - nremoved), sizeof(j40__section), j40__compare_section);

	// copy sections to sections2, but insert any relocated sections after corresponding LF group section
	J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40__section, &sections2, (size_t) nsections);
	nsections2 = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < nsections - nremoved; ++i) {
		int64_t j, first_reloc_off;
		sections2[nsections2++] = sections[i];
		if (sections[i].pass >= 0) continue;
		j = sections[i].idx;
		if (!relocs[j].next) continue;
		first_reloc_off = nsections2;
		while (j >= 0) {
			sections2[nsections2++] = relocs[j].section;
			j = relocs[j].next;
		qsort(sections2 + first_reloc_off, (size_t) (nsections2 - first_reloc_off),
			sizeof(j40__section), j40__compare_section);

	toc->sections = sections2;
	toc->nsections = nsections2;
	toc->nsections_read = 0;
	J40__ASSERT(nsections2 == nsections - 2); // excludes LfGlobal and HfGlobal

	return 0;

	return st->err;

J40_STATIC void j40__free_toc(j40__toc *toc) {
	toc->sections = NULL;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// DCT

// both use `in` as a scratch space as well, so `in` will be altered after return
J40_STATIC void j40__forward_dct_unscaled(
	float *J40_RESTRICT out, float *J40_RESTRICT in, int32_t t, int32_t rep
J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct(
	float *J40_RESTRICT out, float *J40_RESTRICT in, int32_t t, int32_t rep

J40_STATIC void j40__forward_dct2d_scaled_for_llf(
	float *J40_RESTRICT buf, float *J40_RESTRICT scratch, int32_t log_rows, int32_t log_columns
J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct2d(
	float *J40_RESTRICT buf, float *J40_RESTRICT scratch, int32_t log_rows, int32_t log_columns

J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct11(float *buf);
J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct22(float *buf);
J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_hornuss(float *buf);
J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct32(float *buf);
J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct23(float *buf);
J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_afv22(float *J40_RESTRICT out, float *J40_RESTRICT in);
J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_afv(float *buf, int flipx, int flipy);


// this is more or less a direct translation of mcos2/3 algorithms described in:
// Perera, S. M., & Liu, J. (2018). Lowest Complexity Self-Recursive Radix-2 DCT II/III Algorithms.
// SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 39(2), 664--682.

// [(1<<n) + k] = 1/(2 cos((k+0.5)/2^(n+1) pi)) for n >= 1 and 0 <= k < 2^n
J40_STATIC const float J40__HALF_SECANTS[256] = {
	0, 0, // unused
	0.54119610f, 1.30656296f, // n=1 for DCT-4
	0.50979558f, 0.60134489f, 0.89997622f, 2.56291545f, // n=2 for DCT-8
	// n=3 for DCT-16
	0.50241929f, 0.52249861f, 0.56694403f, 0.64682178f, 0.78815462f, 1.06067769f, 1.72244710f, 5.10114862f,
	// n=4 for DCT-32
	0.50060300f, 0.50547096f, 0.51544731f, 0.53104259f, 0.55310390f, 0.58293497f, 0.62250412f, 0.67480834f,
	0.74453627f, 0.83934965f, 0.97256824f, 1.16943993f, 1.48416462f, 2.05778101f, 3.40760842f, 10.1900081f,
	// n=5 for DCT-64
	0.50015064f, 0.50135845f, 0.50378873f, 0.50747117f, 0.51245148f, 0.51879271f, 0.52657732f, 0.53590982f,
	0.54692044f, 0.55976981f, 0.57465518f, 0.59181854f, 0.61155735f, 0.63423894f, 0.66031981f, 0.69037213f,
	0.72512052f, 0.76549416f, 0.81270209f, 0.86834472f, 0.93458360f, 1.01440826f, 1.11207162f, 1.23383274f,
	1.38929396f, 1.59397228f, 1.87467598f, 2.28205007f, 2.92462843f, 4.08461108f, 6.79675071f, 20.3738782f,
	// n=6 for DCT-128
	0.50003765f, 0.50033904f, 0.50094272f, 0.50185052f, 0.50306519f, 0.50459044f, 0.50643095f, 0.50859242f,
	0.51108159f, 0.51390633f, 0.51707566f, 0.52059987f, 0.52449054f, 0.52876071f, 0.53342493f, 0.53849944f,
	0.54400225f, 0.54995337f, 0.55637499f, 0.56329167f, 0.57073059f, 0.57872189f, 0.58729894f, 0.59649876f,
	0.60636246f, 0.61693573f, 0.62826943f, 0.64042034f, 0.65345190f, 0.66743520f, 0.68245013f, 0.69858665f,
	0.71594645f, 0.73464482f, 0.75481294f, 0.77660066f, 0.80017990f, 0.82574877f, 0.85353675f, 0.88381100f,
	0.91688445f, 0.95312587f, 0.99297296f, 1.03694904f, 1.08568506f, 1.13994868f, 1.20068326f, 1.26906117f,
	1.34655763f, 1.43505509f, 1.53699410f, 1.65559652f, 1.79520522f, 1.96181785f, 2.16395782f, 2.41416000f,
	2.73164503f, 3.14746219f, 3.71524274f, 4.53629094f, 5.82768838f, 8.15384860f, 13.5842903f, 40.7446881f,
	// n=7 for DCT-256
	0.50000941f, 0.50008472f, 0.50023540f, 0.50046156f, 0.50076337f, 0.50114106f, 0.50159492f, 0.50212529f,
	0.50273257f, 0.50341722f, 0.50417977f, 0.50502081f, 0.50594098f, 0.50694099f, 0.50802161f, 0.50918370f,
	0.51042817f, 0.51175599f, 0.51316821f, 0.51466598f, 0.51625048f, 0.51792302f, 0.51968494f, 0.52153769f,
	0.52348283f, 0.52552196f, 0.52765682f, 0.52988922f, 0.53222108f, 0.53465442f, 0.53719139f, 0.53983424f,
	0.54258533f, 0.54544717f, 0.54842239f, 0.55151375f, 0.55472418f, 0.55805673f, 0.56151465f, 0.56510131f,
	0.56882030f, 0.57267538f, 0.57667051f, 0.58080985f, 0.58509780f, 0.58953898f, 0.59413825f, 0.59890075f,
	0.60383188f, 0.60893736f, 0.61422320f, 0.61969575f, 0.62536172f, 0.63122819f, 0.63730265f, 0.64359303f,
	0.65010770f, 0.65685553f, 0.66384594f, 0.67108889f, 0.67859495f, 0.68637535f, 0.69444203f, 0.70280766f,
	0.71148577f, 0.72049072f, 0.72983786f, 0.73954355f, 0.74962527f, 0.76010172f, 0.77099290f, 0.78232026f,
	0.79410679f, 0.80637720f, 0.81915807f, 0.83247799f, 0.84636782f, 0.86086085f, 0.87599311f, 0.89180358f,
	0.90833456f, 0.92563200f, 0.94374590f, 0.96273078f, 0.98264619f, 1.00355728f, 1.02553551f, 1.04865941f,
	1.07301549f, 1.09869926f, 1.12581641f, 1.15448427f, 1.18483336f, 1.21700940f, 1.25117548f, 1.28751481f,
	1.32623388f, 1.36756626f, 1.41177723f, 1.45916930f, 1.51008903f, 1.56493528f, 1.62416951f, 1.68832855f,
	1.75804061f, 1.83404561f, 1.91722116f, 2.00861611f, 2.10949453f, 2.22139378f, 2.34620266f, 2.48626791f,
	2.64454188f, 2.82479140f, 3.03189945f, 3.27231159f, 3.55471533f, 3.89110779f, 4.29853753f, 4.80207601f,
	5.44016622f, 6.27490841f, 7.41356676f, 9.05875145f, 11.6446273f, 16.3000231f, 27.1639777f, 81.4878422f,

// TODO spec bug: ScaleF doesn't match with the current libjxl! it turns out that this is actually
// a set of factors for the Arai, Agui, Nakajima DCT & IDCT algorithm, which was only used in
// older versions of libjxl (both the current libjxl and J40 currently uses Perera-Liu) and
// not even a resampling algorithm to begin with.
// [(1<<N) + k] = 1 / (cos(k/2^(4+N) pi) * cos(k/2^(3+N) pi) * cos(k/2^(2+N) pi) * 2^N)
//                for N >= 1 and 0 <= k < 2^N
J40_STATIC const float J40__LF2LLF_SCALES[64] = {
	0, // unused
	1.00000000f, // N=1, n=8
	0.50000000f, 0.55446868f, // N=2, n=16
	0.25000000f, 0.25644002f, 0.27723434f, 0.31763984f, // N=4, n=32
	// N=8, n=64
	0.12500000f, 0.12579419f, 0.12822001f, 0.13241272f, 0.13861717f, 0.14722207f, 0.15881992f, 0.17431123f,
	// N=16, n=128
	0.06250000f, 0.06259894f, 0.06289709f, 0.06339849f, 0.06411001f, 0.06504154f, 0.06620636f, 0.06762155f,
	0.06930858f, 0.07129412f, 0.07361103f, 0.07629973f, 0.07940996f, 0.08300316f, 0.08715562f, 0.09196277f,
	// N=32, n=256
	0.03125000f, 0.03126236f, 0.03129947f, 0.03136146f, 0.03144855f, 0.03156101f, 0.03169925f, 0.03186372f,
	0.03205500f, 0.03227376f, 0.03252077f, 0.03279691f, 0.03310318f, 0.03344071f, 0.03381077f, 0.03421478f,
	0.03465429f, 0.03513107f, 0.03564706f, 0.03620441f, 0.03680552f, 0.03745302f, 0.03814986f, 0.03889931f,
	0.03970498f, 0.04057091f, 0.04150158f, 0.04250201f, 0.04357781f, 0.04473525f, 0.04598138f, 0.04732417f,

#define J40__SQRT2 1.4142135623730951f

#define J40__DCT_ARGS float *J40_RESTRICT out, float *J40_RESTRICT in, int32_t t
#define J40__REPEAT1() for (r1 = 0; r1 < rep1 * rep2; r1 += rep2)
#define J40__REPEAT2() for (r2 = 0; r2 < rep2; ++r2)
#define J40__IN(i) in[(i) * stride + r1 + r2]
#define J40__OUT(i) out[(i) * stride + r1 + r2]

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__forward_dct_core(
	J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2,
	void (*half_forward_dct)(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2)
) {
	int32_t r1, r2, i, N = 1 << t, stride = rep1 * rep2;

	// out[0..N) = W^c_N H_N in[0..N)
	J40__REPEAT1() {
		for (i = 0; i < N / 2; ++i) {
			float mult = J40__HALF_SECANTS[N / 2 + i];
			J40__REPEAT2() {
				float x = J40__IN(i), y = J40__IN(N - i - 1);
				J40__OUT(i) = x + y;
				J40__OUT(N / 2 + i) = (x - y) * mult;

	// in[0..N/2) = mcos2(out[0..N/2), N/2)
	// in[N/2..N) = mcos2(out[N/2..N), N/2)
	half_forward_dct(in, out, t - 1, rep1, rep2);
	half_forward_dct(in + N / 2 * stride, out + N / 2 * stride, t - 1, rep1, rep2);

	// out[0,2..N) = in[0..N/2)
	J40__REPEAT1() for (i = 0; i < N / 2; ++i) J40__REPEAT2() {
		J40__OUT(i * 2) = J40__IN(i);

	// out[1,3..N) = B_(N/2) in[N/2..N)
	J40__REPEAT1() {
		J40__REPEAT2() J40__OUT(1) = J40__SQRT2 * J40__IN(N / 2) + J40__IN(N / 2 + 1);
		for (i = 1; i < N / 2 - 1; ++i) {
			J40__REPEAT2() J40__OUT(i * 2 + 1) = J40__IN(N / 2 + i) + J40__IN(N / 2 + i + 1);
		J40__REPEAT2() J40__OUT(N - 1) = J40__IN(N - 1);

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__inverse_dct_core(
	J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2,
	void (*half_inverse_dct)(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2)
) {
	int32_t r1, r2, i, N = 1 << t, stride = rep1 * rep2;

	// out[0..N/2) = in[0,2..N)
	J40__REPEAT1() {
		for (i = 0; i < N / 2; ++i) {
			J40__REPEAT2() J40__OUT(i) = J40__IN(i * 2);

	// out[N/2..N) = (B_(N/2))^T in[1,3..N)
	J40__REPEAT1() {
		J40__REPEAT2() J40__OUT(N / 2) = J40__SQRT2 * J40__IN(1);
		for (i = 1; i < N / 2; ++i) {
			J40__REPEAT2() J40__OUT(N / 2 + i) = J40__IN(i * 2 - 1) + J40__IN(i * 2 + 1);

	// in[0..N/2) = mcos3(out[0..N/2), N/2)
	// in[N/2..N) = mcos3(out[N/2..N), N/2)
	half_inverse_dct(in, out, t - 1, rep1, rep2);
	half_inverse_dct(in + N / 2 * stride, out + N / 2 * stride, t - 1, rep1, rep2);

	// out[0..N) = (H_N)^T W^c_N in[0..N)
	J40__REPEAT1() {
		for (i = 0; i < N / 2; ++i) {
			float mult = J40__HALF_SECANTS[N / 2 + i];
			J40__REPEAT2() {
				float x = J40__IN(i), y = J40__IN(N / 2 + i);
				// this might look wasteful, but modern compilers can optimize them into FMA
				// which can be actually faster than a single multiplication (TODO verify this)
				J40__OUT(i) = x + y * mult;
				J40__OUT(N - i - 1) = x - y * mult;

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__dct2(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2) {
	int32_t r1, r2, stride = rep1 * rep2;
	J40__ASSERT(t == 1); (void) t;
	J40__REPEAT1() J40__REPEAT2() {
		float x = J40__IN(0), y = J40__IN(1);
		J40__OUT(0) = x + y;
		J40__OUT(1) = x - y;

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__forward_dct4(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2) {
	J40__ASSERT(t == 2); (void) t;
	j40__forward_dct_core(out, in, 2, rep1, rep2, j40__dct2);

J40_STATIC void j40__forward_dct_recur(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2) {
	if (t < 4) {
		J40__ASSERT(t == 3);
		j40__forward_dct_core(out, in, 3, rep1, rep2, j40__forward_dct4);
	} else {
		j40__forward_dct_core(out, in, t, rep1, rep2, j40__forward_dct_recur);

J40_STATIC void j40__forward_dct_recur_x8(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2) {
	J40__ASSERT(rep2 == 8); (void) rep2;
	if (t < 4) {
		J40__ASSERT(t == 3);
		j40__forward_dct_core(out, in, 3, rep1, 8, j40__forward_dct4);
	} else {
		j40__forward_dct_core(out, in, t, rep1, 8, j40__forward_dct_recur_x8);

// this omits the final division by (1 << t)!
J40_STATIC void j40__forward_dct_unscaled(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep) {
	if (t <= 0) {
		memcpy(out, in, sizeof(float) * (size_t) rep);
	} else if (rep % 8 == 0) {
		if (t == 1) j40__dct2(out, in, 1, rep / 8, 8);
		else if (t == 2) j40__forward_dct4(out, in, 2, rep / 8, 8);
		else j40__forward_dct_recur_x8(out, in, t, rep / 8, 8);
	} else {
		if (t == 1) j40__dct2(out, in, 1, rep, 1);
		else if (t == 2) j40__forward_dct4(out, in, 2, rep, 1);
		else j40__forward_dct_recur(out, in, t, rep, 1);

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__forward_dct_unscaled_view(j40__view_f32 *outv, j40__view_f32 *inv) {
	j40__adapt_view_f32(outv, inv->logw, inv->logh);
	j40__forward_dct_unscaled(outv->ptr, inv->ptr, inv->logh, 1 << inv->logw);

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__inverse_dct4(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2) {
	J40__ASSERT(t == 2); (void) t;
	j40__inverse_dct_core(out, in, 2, rep1, rep2, j40__dct2);

J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct_recur(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2) {
	if (t < 4) {
		J40__ASSERT(t == 3);
		j40__inverse_dct_core(out, in, 3, rep1, rep2, j40__inverse_dct4);
	} else {
		j40__inverse_dct_core(out, in, t, rep1, rep2, j40__inverse_dct_recur);

J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct_recur_x8(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep1, int32_t rep2) {
	J40__ASSERT(rep2 == 8); (void) rep2;
	if (t < 4) {
		J40__ASSERT(t == 3);
		j40__inverse_dct_core(out, in, 3, rep1, 8, j40__inverse_dct4);
	} else {
		j40__inverse_dct_core(out, in, t, rep1, 8, j40__inverse_dct_recur_x8);

J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct(J40__DCT_ARGS, int32_t rep) {
	if (t <= 0) {
		memcpy(out, in, sizeof(float) * (size_t) rep);
	} else if (rep % 8 == 0) {
		if (t == 1) j40__dct2(out, in, 1, rep / 8, 8);
		else if (t == 2) j40__inverse_dct4(out, in, 2, rep / 8, 8);
		else j40__inverse_dct_recur_x8(out, in, t, rep / 8, 8);
	} else {
		if (t == 1) j40__dct2(out, in, 1, rep, 1);
		else if (t == 2) j40__inverse_dct4(out, in, 2, rep, 1);
		else j40__inverse_dct_recur(out, in, t, rep, 1);

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__inverse_dct_view(j40__view_f32 *outv, j40__view_f32 *inv) {
	j40__adapt_view_f32(outv, inv->logw, inv->logh);
	j40__inverse_dct(outv->ptr, inv->ptr, inv->logh, 1 << inv->logw);

#undef J40__DCT_ARGS
#undef J40__IN
#undef J40__OUT

J40_STATIC void j40__forward_dct2d_scaled_for_llf(
	float *J40_RESTRICT buf, float *J40_RESTRICT scratch, int32_t log_rows, int32_t log_columns
) {
	j40__view_f32 bufv = j40__make_view_f32(log_columns, log_rows, buf);
	j40__view_f32 scratchv = j40__make_view_f32(log_columns, log_rows, scratch);
	float *p;
	int32_t x, y;

	j40__forward_dct_unscaled_view(&scratchv, &bufv);
	j40__transpose_view_f32(&bufv, scratchv);
	j40__forward_dct_unscaled_view(&scratchv, &bufv);
	// TODO spec bug (I.6.5): the pseudocode only works correctly when C > R;
	// the condition itself can be eliminated by inlining DCT_2D though
	J40__VIEW_FOREACH(scratchv, y, x, p) {
		// hopefully compiler will factor the second multiplication out of the inner loop (TODO verify this)
		*p *= J40__LF2LLF_SCALES[(1 << scratchv.logw) + x] * J40__LF2LLF_SCALES[(1 << scratchv.logh) + y];
	// TODO spec improvement (I.6.3 note): given the pseudocode, it might be better to
	// state that the DCT result *always* has C <= R, transposing as necessary.
	if (log_columns > log_rows) {
		j40__transpose_view_f32(&bufv, scratchv);
	} else {
		j40__copy_view_f32(&bufv, scratchv);
	J40__ASSERT(bufv.logw == j40__max32(log_columns, log_rows));
	J40__ASSERT(bufv.logh == j40__min32(log_columns, log_rows));

J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct2d(
	float *J40_RESTRICT buf, float *J40_RESTRICT scratch, int32_t log_rows, int32_t log_columns
) {
	j40__view_f32 bufv;
	j40__view_f32 scratchv = j40__make_view_f32(log_columns, log_rows, scratch);

	if (log_columns > log_rows) {
		// TODO spec improvement: coefficients start being transposed, note this as well
		bufv = j40__make_view_f32(log_columns, log_rows, buf);
		j40__transpose_view_f32(&scratchv, bufv);
	} else {
		bufv = j40__make_view_f32(log_rows, log_columns, buf);
		j40__copy_view_f32(&scratchv, bufv);
	j40__inverse_dct_view(&bufv, &scratchv);
	j40__transpose_view_f32(&scratchv, bufv);
	j40__inverse_dct_view(&bufv, &scratchv);
	J40__ASSERT(bufv.logw == log_columns && bufv.logh == log_rows);

// a single iteration of AuxIDCT2x2
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__aux_inverse_dct11(float *out, float *in, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t S2) {
	int32_t p = y * 8 + x, q = (y * 2) * 8 + (x * 2);
	float c00 = in[p], c01 = in[p + S2], c10 = in[p + S2 * 8], c11 = in[p + S2 * 9];
	out[q + 000] = c00 + c01 + c10 + c11; // r00
	out[q + 001] = c00 + c01 - c10 - c11; // r01
	out[q + 010] = c00 - c01 + c10 - c11; // r10
	out[q + 011] = c00 - c01 - c10 + c11; // r11

J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct11(float *buf) {
	float scratch[64];
	int32_t x, y;

	// TODO spec issue: only the "top-left" SxS cells, not "top"
	j40__aux_inverse_dct11(buf, buf, 0, 0, 1); // updates buf[(0..1)*8+(0..1)]
	// updates scratch[(0..3)*8+(0..3)], copying other elements from buf in verbatim
	memcpy(scratch, buf, sizeof(float) * 64);
	for (y = 0; y < 2; ++y) for (x = 0; x < 2; ++x) j40__aux_inverse_dct11(scratch, buf, x, y, 2);
	// updates the entire buf
	for (y = 0; y < 4; ++y) for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) j40__aux_inverse_dct11(buf, scratch, x, y, 4);

J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct22(float *buf) {
	float scratch[64];
	int32_t x, y;

	j40__aux_inverse_dct11(buf, buf, 0, 0, 1);
	// after the top-left inverse DCT2x2, four 4x4 submatrices are formed and IDCTed individually.
	// IDCT itself requires transposition and the final matrices are stitched in a different way,
	// but it turns out that IDCT can be done in place, only requiring the final stitching.
	// input                        after transposition          output
	// a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2 d1 d2      a1 a3 e1 e3 i1 i3 m1 m3      a1 e1 i1 m1 a2 e2 i2 m2
	// a3 a4 b3 b4 c3 c4 d3 d4      a2 a4 e2 e4 i2 i4 m2 m4      b1 f1 j1 n1 b2 f2 j2 n2
	// e1 e2 f1 f2 g1 g2 h1 h2      b1 b3 f1 f3 j1 j3 n1 n3      c1 g1 k1 o1 c2 g2 k2 o2
	// e3 e4 f3 f4 g3 g4 h3 h4 ---> b2 b4 f2 f4 j2 j4 n2 n4 ---> d1 k1 l1 p1 d2 k2 l2 p2
	// i1 i2 j1 j2 k1 k2 l1 l2      c1 c3 g1 g3 k1 k3 o1 o3      a3 e3 i3 m3 a4 e4 i4 m4
	// i3 i4 j3 j4 k3 k4 l3 l4      c2 c4 g2 g4 k2 k4 o2 o4      b3 f3 j3 n3 b4 f4 j4 n4
	// m1 m2 n1 n2 o1 o2 p1 p2      d1 d3 h1 h3 l1 l3 p1 p3      c3 g3 k3 o3 c4 g4 k4 o4
	// m3 m4 n3 n4 o3 o4 p3 p4      d2 d4 h2 h4 l2 l4 p2 p4      d3 k3 l3 p3 d4 k4 l4 p4
	// TODO spec issue: notationally `sample` is a *4-dimensional* array, which is not very clear
	j40__inverse_dct(scratch, buf, 2, 16); // columnar IDCT for a#-m#, b#-n#, c#-o# and d#-p#
	for (y = 0; y < 8; ++y) for (x = 0; x < 8; ++x) buf[x * 8 + y] = scratch[y * 8 + x];
	j40__inverse_dct(scratch, buf, 2, 16); // columnar IDCT for a#-d#, e#-h#, i#-l# and m#-p#
	for (y = 0; y < 4; ++y) for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) {
		buf[y * 8 + x] = scratch[(y * 2) * 8 + (x * 2)];
		buf[y * 8 + (x + 4)] = scratch[(y * 2 + 1) * 8 + (x * 2)];
		buf[(y + 4) * 8 + x] = scratch[(y * 2) * 8 + (x * 2 + 1)];
		buf[(y + 4) * 8 + (x + 4)] = scratch[(y * 2 + 1) * 8 + (x * 2 + 1)];

J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_hornuss(float *buf) {
	float scratch[64];
	int32_t x, y, ix, iy;
	memcpy(scratch, buf, sizeof(float) * 64);
	j40__aux_inverse_dct11(scratch, buf, 0, 0, 1); // updates scratch[(0..1)*8+(0..1)]
	for (y = 0; y < 2; ++y) for (x = 0; x < 2; ++x) {
		int32_t pos00 = y * 8 + x, pos11 = (y + 2) * 8 + (x + 2);
		float rsum[4] = {0}, sample11;
		for (iy = 0; iy < 4; ++iy) for (ix = 0; ix < 4; ++ix) {
			rsum[ix] += scratch[(y + iy * 2) * 8 + (x + ix * 2)];
		// conceptually (SUM rsum[i]) = residual_sum + coefficients(x, y) in the spec
		sample11 = scratch[pos00] - (rsum[0] + rsum[1] + rsum[2] + rsum[3] - scratch[pos00]) * 0.0625f;
		scratch[pos00] = scratch[pos11];
		scratch[pos11] = 0.0f;
		for (iy = 0; iy < 4; ++iy) for (ix = 0; ix < 4; ++ix) {
			buf[(4 * y + iy) * 8 + (4 * x + ix)] = scratch[(y + iy * 2) * 8 + (x + ix * 2)] + sample11;

J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct32(float *buf) {
	float scratch[64], tmp;
	j40__view_f32 bufv = j40__make_view_f32(3, 3, buf);
	j40__view_f32 scratchv = j40__make_view_f32(3, 3, scratch);

	// coefficients form two 4 rows x 8 columns matrices from even and odd rows;
	// note that this is NOT 8 rows x 4 columns, because of transposition
	// TODO spec issue: inconsistent naming between coeffs_8x4 and coeffs_4x8
	tmp = *J40__AT(bufv, 0, 0) + *J40__AT(bufv, 0, 1);
	*J40__AT(bufv, 0, 1) = *J40__AT(bufv, 0, 0) - *J40__AT(bufv, 0, 1);
	*J40__AT(bufv, 0, 0) = tmp;
	j40__reshape_view_f32(&bufv, 4, 2);
	j40__inverse_dct_view(&scratchv, &bufv);
	j40__reshape_view_f32(&scratchv, 3, 3);
	j40__transpose_view_f32(&bufv, scratchv);
	j40__inverse_dct_view(&scratchv, &bufv);
	j40__oddeven_columns_to_halves_f32(&bufv, scratchv);
	J40__ASSERT(bufv.logw == 3 && bufv.logh == 3);

J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_dct23(float *buf) {
	float scratch[64];
	j40__view_f32 bufv = j40__make_view_f32(3, 3, buf);
	j40__view_f32 scratchv = j40__make_view_f32(3, 3, scratch);

	// coefficients form two 4 rows x 8 columns matrices from even and odd rows
	j40__copy_view_f32(&scratchv, bufv);
	*J40__AT(scratchv, 0, 0) = *J40__AT(bufv, 0, 0) + *J40__AT(bufv, 0, 1);
	*J40__AT(scratchv, 0, 1) = *J40__AT(bufv, 0, 0) - *J40__AT(bufv, 0, 1);
	j40__transpose_view_f32(&bufv, scratchv);
	j40__inverse_dct_view(&scratchv, &bufv);
	j40__transpose_view_f32(&bufv, scratchv);
	j40__reshape_view_f32(&bufv, 4, 2);
	j40__inverse_dct_view(&scratchv, &bufv);
	j40__reshape_view_f32(&scratchv, 3, 3);
	j40__oddeven_rows_to_halves_f32(&bufv, scratchv);
	J40__ASSERT(bufv.logw == 3 && bufv.logh == 3);

// TODO spec issue: the input is a 4x4 matrix but indexed like a 1-dimensional array
J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_afv22(float *J40_RESTRICT out, float *J40_RESTRICT in) {
	static const float AFV_BASIS[256] = { // AFVBasis in the specification, but transposed
		 0.25000000f,  0.87690293f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
		 0.00000000f, -0.41053776f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
		 0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
		 0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
		 0.25000000f,  0.22065181f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
		-0.70710678f,  0.62354854f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
		 0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
		 0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f,  0.40670076f, -0.21255748f,
		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f, -0.45175566f, -0.30468475f,
		 0.30179295f,  0.40824829f,  0.17478670f, -0.21105601f,
		-0.14266085f, -0.13813540f, -0.17437603f,  0.11354987f,
		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f,  0.44444817f,  0.30854971f,
		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f,  0.15854504f,  0.51126161f,
		 0.25792363f,  0.00000000f,  0.08126112f,  0.18567181f,
		-0.34164468f,  0.33022826f,  0.07027907f, -0.07417505f,
		 0.25000000f,  0.22065181f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
		 0.70710678f,  0.62354854f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
		 0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
		 0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f,  0.00000000f,  0.47067023f,
		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f, -0.04038515f,  0.00000000f,
		 0.16272340f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
		 0.73674975f,  0.08755115f, -0.29210266f,  0.19402893f,
		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f,  0.19574399f, -0.16212052f,
		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f,  0.00741823f, -0.29048013f,
		 0.09520023f,  0.00000000f, -0.36753980f,  0.49215859f,
		 0.24627108f, -0.07946707f,  0.36238173f, -0.43519050f,
		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f,  0.29291001f,  0.00000000f,
		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f,  0.39351034f, -0.06578702f,
		 0.00000000f, -0.40824829f, -0.30788221f, -0.38525014f,
		-0.08574019f, -0.46133749f,  0.00000000f,  0.21918685f,
		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f, -0.40670076f, -0.21255748f,
		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f, -0.45175566f,  0.30468475f,
		 0.30179295f, -0.40824829f, -0.17478670f,  0.21105601f,
		-0.14266085f, -0.13813540f, -0.17437603f,  0.11354987f,
		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f, -0.19574399f, -0.16212052f,
		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f,  0.00741823f,  0.29048013f,
		 0.09520023f,  0.00000000f,  0.36753980f, -0.49215859f,
		 0.24627108f, -0.07946707f,  0.36238173f, -0.43519050f,
		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f,  0.00000000f, -0.47067023f,
		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f,  0.11074166f,  0.00000000f,
		-0.16272340f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
		 0.14883399f,  0.49724647f,  0.29210266f,  0.55504438f,
		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f,  0.11379074f, -0.14642919f,
		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f,  0.08298163f, -0.23889774f,
		-0.35312385f, -0.40824829f,  0.48266891f,  0.17419413f,
		-0.04768680f,  0.12538059f, -0.43266080f, -0.25468277f,
		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f, -0.44444817f,  0.30854971f,
		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f,  0.15854504f, -0.51126161f,
		 0.25792363f,  0.00000000f, -0.08126112f, -0.18567181f,
		-0.34164468f,  0.33022826f,  0.07027907f, -0.07417505f,
		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f, -0.29291001f,  0.00000000f,
		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f,  0.39351034f,  0.06578702f,
		 0.00000000f,  0.40824829f,  0.30788221f,  0.38525014f,
		-0.08574019f, -0.46133749f,  0.00000000f,  0.21918685f,
		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f, -0.11379074f, -0.14642919f,
		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f,  0.08298163f,  0.23889774f,
		-0.35312385f,  0.40824829f, -0.48266891f, -0.17419413f,
		-0.04768680f,  0.12538059f, -0.43266080f, -0.25468277f,
		 0.25000000f, -0.10140050f,  0.00000000f,  0.42511496f,
		 0.00000000f, -0.06435072f, -0.45175566f,  0.00000000f,
		-0.60358590f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,  0.00000000f,
		-0.14266085f, -0.13813540f,  0.34875205f,  0.11354987f,

	int32_t i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
		float sum = 0.0f;
		for (j = 0; j < 16; ++j) sum += in[j] * AFV_BASIS[i * 16 + j];
		out[i] = sum;

J40_STATIC void j40__inverse_afv(float *buf, int flipx, int flipy) {
	// input          flipx/y=0/0     flipx/y=1/0     flipx/y=0/1     flipx/y=1/1
	//  _______       +-----+-----+   +-----+-----+   +-----------+   +-----------+
	// |_|_|_|_|      |'    |     |   |     |    '|   |           |   |           |
	// |_|_|_|_| ---> |AFV22|DCT22|   |DCT22|AFV22|   |   DCT23   |   |   DCT23   |
	// |_|_|_|_|      +-----+-----+   +-----+-----+   +-----+-----+   +-----+-----+
	// |_|_|_|_|      |   DCT23   |   |   DCT23   |   |AFV22|DCT22|   |DCT22|AFV22|
	//                |           |   |           |   |.    |     |   |     |    .|
	// (2x2 each)     +-----------+   +-----------+   +-----+-----+   +-----+-----+
	// coefficients are divided by 16 2x2 blocks, where two top coefficients are for AFV22
	// and DCT22 respectively and two bottom coefficients are for DCT23.
	// all three corresponding DC coefficients are in the top-left block and handled specially.
	// AFV22 samples are then flipped so that the top-left cell is moved to the corner (dots above).
	// TODO spec issue: identifiers have `*` in place of `x`

	float scratch[64];
	// buf23/buf32 etc. refer to the same memory region; numbers refer to the supposed dimensions
	float *bufafv = buf, *buf22 = buf + 16, *buf23 = buf + 32, *buf32 = buf23;
	float *scratchafv = scratch, *scratch22 = scratch + 16, *scratch23 = scratch + 32, *scratch32 = scratch23;
	int32_t x, y;

	J40__ASSERT(flipx == !!flipx && flipy == !!flipy);

	for (y = 0; y < 8; y += 2) for (x = 0; x < 8; ++x) {
		// AFV22 coefficients to scratch[0..16), DCT22 coefficients to scratch[16..32)
		scratch[(x % 2) * 16 + (y / 2) * 4 + (x / 2)] = buf[y * 8 + x];
	for (y = 1; y < 8; y += 2) for (x = 0; x < 8; ++x) {
		// DCT23 coefficients to scratch[32..64) = scratch32[0..32), after transposition
		scratch32[x * 4 + (y / 2)] = buf[y * 8 + x];
	scratchafv[0] = (buf[0] + buf[1] + buf[8]) * 4.0f;
	scratch22[0] = buf[0] - buf[1] + buf[8]; // TODO spec bug: x and y are swapped
	scratch32[0] = buf[0] - buf[8]; // TODO spec bug: x and y are swapped

	j40__inverse_afv22(bufafv, scratchafv);
	j40__inverse_dct(buf22, scratch22, 2, 4);
	j40__inverse_dct(buf32, scratch32, 3, 4);

	for (y = 0; y < 4; ++y) {
		for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) scratchafv[y * 4 + x] = bufafv[y * 4 + x]; // AFV22, as is
		for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) scratch22[x * 4 + y] = buf22[y * 4 + x]; // DCT22, transposed
	for (y = 0; y < 8; ++y) {
		for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) scratch23[x * 8 + y] = buf32[y * 4 + x]; // DCT23, transposed

	j40__inverse_dct(buf22, scratch22, 2, 4);
	j40__inverse_dct(buf23, scratch23, 2, 8);
	memcpy(scratch + 16, buf + 16, sizeof(float) * 48);

	for (y = 0; y < 4; ++y) {
		static const int8_t FLIP_FOR_AFV[2][4] = {{0, 1, 2, 3}, {7, 6, 5, 4}};
		int32_t afv22pos = FLIP_FOR_AFV[flipy][y] * 8;
		int32_t dct22pos = (flipy * 4 + y) * 8 + (!flipx * 4);
		int32_t dct23pos = (!flipy * 4 + y) * 8;
		for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) buf[afv22pos + FLIP_FOR_AFV[flipx][x]] = scratchafv[y * 4 + x];
		for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) buf[dct22pos + x] = scratch22[y * 4 + x];
		// TODO spec issue: samples_4x4 should be samples_4x8
		for (x = 0; x < 8; ++x) buf[dct23pos + x] = scratch23[y * 8 + x];

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// LfGlobal: additional image features, HF block context, global tree, extra channels

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_global(j40__st *st);


J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_global(j40__st *st) {
	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	int32_t sidx = 0;
	int32_t i, j;

	if (f->has_patches) J40__RAISE("TODO: patches");
	if (f->has_splines) J40__RAISE("TODO: splines");
	if (f->has_noise) J40__RAISE("TODO: noise");

	if (!j40__u(st, 1)) { // LfChannelDequantization.all_default
		// TODO spec bug: missing division by 128
		for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) f->m_lf_scaled[i] = j40__f16(st) / 128.0f;

	if (!f->is_modular) {
		f->global_scale = j40__u32(st, 1, 11, 2049, 11, 4097, 12, 8193, 16);
		f->quant_lf = j40__u32(st, 16, 0, 1, 5, 1, 8, 1, 16);

		// HF block context
		if (j40__u(st, 1)) {
			static const uint8_t DEFAULT_BLKCTX[] = {
				0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
				7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
				7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
			f->block_ctx_size = sizeof(DEFAULT_BLKCTX) / sizeof(*DEFAULT_BLKCTX);
			J40__TRY_MALLOC(uint8_t, &f->block_ctx_map, sizeof(DEFAULT_BLKCTX));
			memcpy(f->block_ctx_map, DEFAULT_BLKCTX, sizeof(DEFAULT_BLKCTX));
			f->nb_qf_thr = f->nb_lf_thr[0] = f->nb_lf_thr[1] = f->nb_lf_thr[2] = 0; // SPEC is implicit
			f->nb_block_ctx = 15;
		} else {
			f->block_ctx_size = 39; // SPEC not 27
			for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
				f->nb_lf_thr[i] = j40__u(st, 4);
				// TODO spec question: should this be sorted? (current code is okay with that)
				for (j = 0; j < f->nb_lf_thr[i]; ++j) {
					f->lf_thr[i][j] = (int32_t) j40__unpack_signed64(j40__64u32(st, 0, 4, 16, 8, 272, 16, 65808, 32));
				f->block_ctx_size *= f->nb_lf_thr[i] + 1; // SPEC is off by one
			f->nb_qf_thr = j40__u(st, 4);
			// TODO spec bug: both qf_thr[i] and HfMul should be incremented
			for (i = 0; i < f->nb_qf_thr; ++i) f->qf_thr[i] = j40__u32(st, 0, 2, 4, 3, 12, 5, 44, 8) + 1;
			f->block_ctx_size *= f->nb_qf_thr + 1; // SPEC is off by one
			// block_ctx_size <= 39*15^4 and never overflows
			J40__SHOULD(f->block_ctx_size <= 39 * 64, "hfbc"); // SPEC limit is not 21*64
			J40__TRY(j40__cluster_map(st, f->block_ctx_size, 16, &f->nb_block_ctx, &f->block_ctx_map));

		if (!j40__u(st, 1)) { // LfChannelCorrelation.all_default
			f->inv_colour_factor = 1.0f / (float) j40__u32(st, 84, 0, 256, 0, 2, 8, 258, 16);
			f->base_corr_x = j40__f16(st);
			f->base_corr_b = j40__f16(st);
			f->x_factor_lf = j40__u(st, 8) - 127;
			f->b_factor_lf = j40__u(st, 8) - 127;

	// we need f->gmodular.num_channels for j40__tree
	J40__TRY(j40__init_modular_for_global(st, f->is_modular, f->do_ycbcr,
		f->log_upsampling, f->ec_log_upsampling, f->width, f->height, &f->gmodular));

	if (j40__u(st, 1)) { // global tree present
		int32_t max_tree_size = j40__min32(1 << 22,
			1024 + j40__clamp_mul32(j40__clamp_mul32(f->width, f->height), f->gmodular.num_channels) / 16);
		J40__TRY(j40__tree(st, max_tree_size, &f->global_tree, &f->global_codespec));

	if (f->gmodular.num_channels > 0) {
		J40__TRY(j40__modular_header(st, f->global_tree, &f->global_codespec, &f->gmodular));
		J40__TRY(j40__allocate_modular(st, &f->gmodular));
		if (f->width <= (1 << f->group_size_shift) && f->height <= (1 << f->group_size_shift)) {
			f->num_gm_channels = f->gmodular.num_channels;
		} else {
			f->num_gm_channels = f->gmodular.nb_meta_channels;
		for (i = 0; i < f->num_gm_channels; ++i) {
			J40__TRY(j40__modular_channel(st, &f->gmodular, i, sidx));
		J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &f->gmodular.code));
	} else {
		f->num_gm_channels = 0;

	return st->err;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// LfGroup: downsampled LF image (optionally smoothed), varblock information

typedef struct {
	int32_t coeffoff_qfidx; // offset to coeffs (always a multiple of 64) | qf index (always < 16)
	union {
		int32_t m1; // HfMul - 1 during j40__hf_metadata, to avoid overflow at this stage
		float inv; // 1 / HfMul after j40__hf_metadata
	} hfmul;
	// DctSelect is embedded in blocks
} j40__varblock;

typedef struct j40__lf_group_st {
	int64_t idx;

	int32_t left, top;
	int32_t width, height; // <= 8192
	int32_t width8, height8; // <= 1024
	int32_t width64, height64; // <= 128

	// contained group indices: [gidx + gstride * y, gidx + gstride * y + gcolumns) for each row
	int64_t gidx, grows, gcolumns, gstride;

	j40__plane xfromy, bfromy; // width64 x height64 each
	j40__plane sharpness; // width8 x height8

	int32_t nb_varblocks; // <= 2^20 (TODO spec issue: named nb_blocks)
	// bits 0..19: varblock index [0, nb_varblocks)
	// bits 20..24: DctSelect + 2, or 1 if not the top-left corner (0 is reserved for unused block)
	j40__plane blocks; // width8 x height8
	j40__varblock *varblocks; // [nb_varblocks]

	float *llfcoeffs[3]; // [width8*height8] each
	// TODO coeffs can be integers before dequantization
	float *coeffs[3]; // [width8*height8*64] each, aligned
	#define J40__COEFFS_ALIGN 64
	uint8_t coeffs_misalign[3];

	// precomputed lf_idx
	j40__plane lfindices; // [width8*height8]

	int loaded;
} j40__lf_group_st;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_quant(
	j40__st *st, int32_t extra_prec, j40__modular *m, j40__lf_group_st *gg, j40__plane outlfquant[3]
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__hf_metadata(
	j40__st *st, int32_t nb_varblocks,
	j40__modular *m, const j40__plane lfquant[3], j40__lf_group_st *gg
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_group(j40__st *st, j40__lf_group_st *gg);
J40_STATIC void j40__free_lf_group(j40__lf_group_st *gg);

// ----------------------------------------
// recursion for LF dequantization operations
#undef J40__RECURSING
#define J40__RECURSING 400
#define J40__P 16
#include J40_FILENAME
#define J40__P 32
#include J40_FILENAME
#undef J40__RECURSING
#define J40__RECURSING (-1)

#endif // J40__RECURSING < 0
#if J40__RECURSING == 400
	#define j40__intP J40__CONCAT3(int, J40__P, _t)
	#define J40__PIXELS J40__CONCAT3(J40__I, J40__P, _PIXELS)
// ----------------------------------------


// out(x, y) = in(x, y) * mult (after type conversion)
J40_STATIC void j40__(dequant_lf,P)(const j40__plane *in, float mult, j40__plane *out) {
	int32_t x, y;
	J40__ASSERT(in->type == J40__(PLANE_I,P) && out->type == J40__PLANE_F32);
	J40__ASSERT(in->width <= out->width && in->height <= out->height);
	for (y = 0; y < in->height; ++y) {
		j40__intP *inpixels = J40__PIXELS(in, y);
		float *outpixels = J40__F32_PIXELS(out, y);
		for (x = 0; x < in->width; ++x) outpixels[x] = (float) inpixels[x] * mult;

// plane(x, y) += # of lf_thr[i] s.t. in(x, y) > lf_thr[i]
J40_STATIC void j40__(add_thresholds,P)(
	j40__plane *plane, const j40__plane *in, const int32_t *lf_thr, int32_t nb_lf_thr
) {
	int32_t x, y, i;
	J40__ASSERT(in->type == J40__(PLANE_I,P) && plane->type == J40__PLANE_U8);
	J40__ASSERT(in->width <= plane->width && in->height <= plane->height);
	for (y = 0; y < plane->height; ++y) {
		j40__intP *inpixels = J40__PIXELS(in, y);
		uint8_t *pixels = J40__U8_PIXELS(plane, y);
		for (i = 0; i < nb_lf_thr; ++i) {
			int32_t threshold = lf_thr[i];
			for (x = 0; x < in->width; ++x) {
				pixels[x] = (uint8_t) (pixels[x] + (inpixels[x] > threshold));

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// ----------------------------------------
// end of recursion
	#undef j40__intP
	#undef J40__PIXELS
	#undef J40__P
#endif // J40__RECURSING == 400
#if J40__RECURSING < 0
// ----------------------------------------


J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__dequant_lf(const j40__plane *in, float mult, j40__plane *out) {
	switch (in->type) {
	case J40__PLANE_I16: j40__dequant_lf16(in, mult, out); break;
	case J40__PLANE_I32: j40__dequant_lf32(in, mult, out); break;
	default: J40__UNREACHABLE();

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE void j40__add_thresholds(
	j40__plane *plane, const j40__plane *in, const int32_t *lf_thr, int32_t nb_lf_thr
) {
	switch (in->type) {
	case J40__PLANE_I16: j40__add_thresholds16(plane, in, lf_thr, nb_lf_thr); break;
	case J40__PLANE_I32: j40__add_thresholds32(plane, in, lf_thr, nb_lf_thr); break;
	default: J40__UNREACHABLE();

J40_STATIC void j40__multiply_each_u8(j40__plane *plane, int32_t mult) {
	int32_t x, y;
	J40__ASSERT(plane->type == J40__PLANE_U8);
	for (y = 0; y < plane->height; ++y) {
		uint8_t *pixels = J40__U8_PIXELS(plane, y);
		for (x = 0; x < plane->width; ++x) pixels[x] = (uint8_t) (pixels[x] * mult);

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__smooth_lf(j40__st *st, j40__lf_group_st *gg, j40__plane lfquant[3]) {
	static const float W0 = 0.05226273532324128f, W1 = 0.20345139757231578f, W2 = 0.0334829185968739f;

	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	int32_t ggw8 = gg->width8, ggh8 = gg->height8;
	float *linebuf = NULL, *nline[3], *line[3];
	float inv_m_lf[3];
	int32_t x, y, c;

	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
		// TODO spec bug: missing 2^16 scaling
		inv_m_lf[c] = (float) (f->global_scale * f->quant_lf) / f->m_lf_scaled[c] / 65536.0f;

	J40__TRY_MALLOC(float, &linebuf, (size_t) (ggw8 * 6));
	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
		nline[c] = linebuf + (c + 3) * ggw8; // intentionally uninitialized
		line[c] = linebuf + c * ggw8; // row 0
		memcpy(line[c], J40__F32_PIXELS(&lfquant[c], 0), sizeof(float) * (size_t) ggw8);

	for (y = 1; y < ggh8 - 1; ++y) {
		float *outline[3], *sline[3];
		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
			float *temp = nline[c];
			nline[c] = line[c];
			line[c] = temp;
			outline[c] = J40__F32_PIXELS(&lfquant[c], y);
			sline[c] = J40__F32_PIXELS(&lfquant[c], y + 1);
			memcpy(line[c], outline[c], sizeof(float) * (size_t) ggw8);
		for (x = 1; x < ggw8 - 1; ++x) {
			float wa[3], diff[3], gap = 0.5f;
			for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
				wa[c] =
					(nline[c][x - 1] * W2 + nline[c][x] * W1 + nline[c][x + 1] * W2) +
					( line[c][x - 1] * W1 +  line[c][x] * W0 +  line[c][x + 1] * W1) +
					(sline[c][x - 1] * W2 + sline[c][x] * W1 + sline[c][x + 1] * W2);
				diff[c] = fabsf(wa[c] - line[c][x]) * inv_m_lf[c];
				if (gap < diff[c]) gap = diff[c];
			gap = j40__maxf(0.0f, 3.0f - 4.0f * gap);
			// TODO spec bug: s (sample) and wa (weighted average) are swapped in the final formula
			for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) outline[c][x] = (wa[c] - line[c][x]) * gap + line[c][x];

	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_quant(
	j40__st *st, int32_t extra_prec, j40__modular *m, j40__lf_group_st *gg, j40__plane outlfquant[3]
) {
	static const int32_t YXB2XYB[3] = {1, 0, 2}; // TODO spec bug: this reordering is missing

	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	int32_t ggw8 = gg->width8, ggh8 = gg->height8;
	j40__plane *channel[3], lfquant[3] = {J40__INIT}, lfindices = J40__INIT;
	int32_t c;

	J40__ASSERT(j40__plane_all_equal_sized(m->channel, m->channel + 3));

	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) J40__TRY(j40__init_plane(st, J40__PLANE_F32, ggw8, ggh8, 0, &lfquant[c]));
	J40__TRY(j40__init_plane(st, J40__PLANE_U8, ggw8, ggh8, J40__PLANE_CLEAR, &lfindices));

	// extract LfQuant from m and populate lfindices
	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
		// TODO spec bug: missing 2^16 scaling
		float mult_lf = f->m_lf_scaled[c] / (float) (f->global_scale * f->quant_lf) * (float) (65536 >> extra_prec);
		channel[c] = &m->channel[YXB2XYB[c]];
		j40__dequant_lf(channel[c], mult_lf, &lfquant[c]);
	j40__add_thresholds(&lfindices, channel[0], f->lf_thr[0], f->nb_lf_thr[0]);
	j40__multiply_each_u8(&lfindices, f->nb_lf_thr[0] + 1);
	j40__add_thresholds(&lfindices, channel[2], f->lf_thr[2], f->nb_lf_thr[2]);
	j40__multiply_each_u8(&lfindices, f->nb_lf_thr[2] + 1);
	j40__add_thresholds(&lfindices, channel[1], f->lf_thr[1], f->nb_lf_thr[1]);

	// apply smoothing to LfQuant
	if (!f->skip_adapt_lf_smooth) J40__TRY(j40__smooth_lf(st, gg, lfquant));

	memcpy(outlfquant, lfquant, sizeof(j40__plane) * 3);
	gg->lfindices = lfindices;
	return 0;

	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) j40__free_plane(&lfquant[c]);
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__hf_metadata(
	j40__st *st, int32_t nb_varblocks,
	j40__modular *m, const j40__plane lfquant[3], j40__lf_group_st *gg
) {
	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	j40__plane blocks = J40__INIT;
	j40__varblock *varblocks = NULL;
	float *coeffs[3 /*xyb*/] = {NULL}, *llfcoeffs[3 /*xyb*/] = {NULL};
	size_t coeffs_misalign[3] = {0};
	int32_t log_gsize8 = f->group_size_shift - 3;
	int32_t ggw8 = gg->width8, ggh8 = gg->height8;
	int32_t voff, coeffoff;
	int32_t x0, y0, x1, y1, i, j, c;

	gg->xfromy = m->channel[0];
	gg->bfromy = m->channel[1];
	gg->sharpness = m->channel[3];
	memset(&m->channel[0], 0, sizeof(j40__plane));
	memset(&m->channel[1], 0, sizeof(j40__plane));
	memset(&m->channel[3], 0, sizeof(j40__plane));

	J40__TRY(j40__init_plane(st, J40__PLANE_I32, ggw8, ggh8, J40__PLANE_CLEAR, &blocks));
	J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40__varblock, &varblocks, (size_t) nb_varblocks);
	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { // TODO account for chroma subsampling
		J40__TRY_MALLOC(float, &llfcoeffs[c], (size_t) (ggw8 * ggh8));
			coeffs[c] = (float*) j40__alloc_aligned(
				sizeof(float) * (size_t) (ggw8 * ggh8 * 64), J40__COEFFS_ALIGN, &coeffs_misalign[c]),
		for (i = 0; i < ggw8 * ggh8 * 64; ++i) coeffs[c][i] = 0.0f;

	// temporarily use coeffoff_qfidx to store DctSelect
	if (m->channel[2].type == J40__PLANE_I16) {
		int16_t *blockinfo0 = J40__I16_PIXELS(&m->channel[2], 0);
		int16_t *blockinfo1 = J40__I16_PIXELS(&m->channel[2], 1);
		for (i = 0; i < nb_varblocks; ++i) {
			varblocks[i].coeffoff_qfidx = blockinfo0[i];
			varblocks[i].hfmul.m1 = blockinfo1[i];
	} else {
		int32_t *blockinfo0 = J40__I32_PIXELS(&m->channel[2], 0);
		int32_t *blockinfo1 = J40__I32_PIXELS(&m->channel[2], 1);
		for (i = 0; i < nb_varblocks; ++i) {
			varblocks[i].coeffoff_qfidx = blockinfo0[i];
			varblocks[i].hfmul.m1 = blockinfo1[i];

	// place varblocks
	voff = coeffoff = 0;
	for (y0 = 0; y0 < ggh8; ++y0) for (x0 = 0; x0 < ggw8; ++x0) {
		int32_t dctsel, log_vh, log_vw, vh8, vw8;
		const j40__dct_select *dct;
		if (J40__I32_PIXELS(&blocks, y0)[x0]) continue;

		J40__SHOULD(voff < nb_varblocks, "vblk"); // TODO spec issue: missing
		dctsel = varblocks[voff].coeffoff_qfidx;
		J40__SHOULD(0 <= dctsel && dctsel < J40__NUM_DCT_SELECT, "dct?");
		dct = &J40__DCT_SELECT[dctsel];
		f->dct_select_used |= 1 << dctsel;
		f->order_used |= 1 << dct->order_idx;
		varblocks[voff].coeffoff_qfidx = coeffoff;
		J40__ASSERT(coeffoff % 64 == 0);

		log_vh = dct->log_rows;
		log_vw = dct->log_columns;
		J40__ASSERT(log_vh >= 3 && log_vw >= 3 && log_vh <= 8 && log_vw <= 8);
		vw8 = 1 << (log_vw - 3);
		vh8 = 1 << (log_vh - 3);
		x1 = x0 + vw8 - 1;
		y1 = y0 + vh8 - 1;
		// SPEC the first available block in raster order SHOULD be the top-left corner of
		// the next varblock, otherwise it's an error (no retry required)
		J40__SHOULD(x1 < ggw8 && (x0 >> log_gsize8) == (x1 >> log_gsize8), "vblk");
		J40__SHOULD(y1 < ggh8 && (y0 >> log_gsize8) == (y1 >> log_gsize8), "vblk");

		for (i = 0; i < vh8; ++i) {
			int32_t *blockrow = J40__I32_PIXELS(&blocks, y0 + i);
			for (j = 0; j < vw8; ++j) blockrow[x0 + j] = 1 << 20 | voff;
		J40__I32_PIXELS(&blocks, y0)[x0] = (dctsel + 2) << 20 | voff;

		// compute LLF coefficients from dequantized LF
		if (log_vw <= 3 && log_vh <= 3) {
			for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) llfcoeffs[c][coeffoff >> 6] = J40__F32_PIXELS(&lfquant[c], y0)[x0];
		} else {
			float scratch[1024]; // DCT256x256 requires 32x32
			for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
				float *llfcoeffs_c = llfcoeffs[c] + (coeffoff >> 6);
				for (i = 0; i < vh8; ++i) {
					float *lfquantrow = J40__F32_PIXELS(&lfquant[c], y0 + i);
					for (j = 0; j < vw8; ++j) llfcoeffs_c[i * vw8 + j] = lfquantrow[x0 + j];
				// TODO spec bug: DctSelect type IDENTIFY [sic] no longer exists
				// TODO spec issue: DCT8x8 doesn't need this
				j40__forward_dct2d_scaled_for_llf(llfcoeffs_c, scratch, log_vh - 3, log_vw - 3);

		coeffoff += 1 << (log_vw + log_vh);
	J40__SHOULD(voff == nb_varblocks, "vblk"); // TODO spec issue: missing
	// TODO both libjxl and spec don't check for coeffoff == ggw8 * ggh8, but they probably should?

	// compute qf_idx and hfmul.inv for later use
	J40__ASSERT(f->nb_qf_thr < 16);
	for (j = 0; j < f->nb_qf_thr; ++j) {
		for (i = 0; i < nb_varblocks; ++i) {
			varblocks[i].coeffoff_qfidx += varblocks[i].hfmul.m1 >= f->qf_thr[j];
	for (i = 0; i < nb_varblocks; ++i) {
		varblocks[i].hfmul.inv = 1.0f / ((float) varblocks[i].hfmul.m1 + 1.0f);

	gg->nb_varblocks = nb_varblocks;
	gg->blocks = blocks;
	gg->varblocks = varblocks;
	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
		gg->llfcoeffs[c] = llfcoeffs[c];
		gg->coeffs[c] = coeffs[c];
		gg->coeffs_misalign[c] = (uint8_t) coeffs_misalign[c];
	return 0;

	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
		j40__free_aligned(coeffs[c], J40__COEFFS_ALIGN, coeffs_misalign[c]);
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_group(j40__st *st, j40__lf_group_st *gg) {
	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	int64_t ggidx = gg->idx;
	int64_t sidx0 = 1 + ggidx, sidx1 = 1 + f->num_lf_groups + ggidx, sidx2 = 1 + 2 * f->num_lf_groups + ggidx;
	j40__plane lfquant[3] = {J40__INIT};
	j40__modular m = J40__INIT;
	int32_t i;

	// TODO factor into j40__init_modular_for_lf_group
	for (i = f->num_gm_channels; i < f->gmodular.num_channels; ++i) {
		j40__plane *c = &f->[i];
		if (c->hshift >= 3 && c->vshift >= 3) {
			(void) sidx1;
			J40__RAISE("TODO: ModularLfGroup decoding should continue here");

	if (!f->is_modular) {
		int32_t ggw8 = gg->width8, ggh8 = gg->height8;
		int32_t ggw64 = gg->width64, ggh64 = gg->height64;
		int32_t w[4], h[4], nb_varblocks;

		J40__ASSERT(ggw8 <= 1024 && ggh8 <= 1024);

		// LfQuant
		if (!f->use_lf_frame) {
			int32_t extra_prec = j40__u(st, 2), c;
			J40__SHOULD(f->jpeg_upsampling == 0, "TODO: subimage w/h depends on jpeg_upsampling");
			w[0] = w[1] = w[2] = ggw8;
			h[0] = h[1] = h[2] = ggh8;
			J40__TRY(j40__init_modular(st, 3, w, h, &m));
			J40__TRY(j40__modular_header(st, f->global_tree, &f->global_codespec, &m));
			J40__TRY(j40__allocate_modular(st, &m));
			for (c = 0; c < m.num_channels; ++c) J40__TRY(j40__modular_channel(st, &m, c, sidx0));
			J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &m.code));
			J40__TRY(j40__inverse_transform(st, &m));
			// TODO spec issue: this modular image is independent of bpp/float_sample/etc.
			// TODO spec bug: channels are in the YXB order
			J40__TRY(j40__lf_quant(st, extra_prec, &m, gg, lfquant));
		} else {
			J40__RAISE("TODO: persist lfquant and use it in later frames");

		// HF metadata
		// SPEC nb_block is off by one
		nb_varblocks = j40__u(st, j40__ceil_lg32((uint32_t) (ggw8 * ggh8))) + 1; // at most 2^20
		w[0] = w[1] = ggw64; h[0] = h[1] = ggh64; // XFromY, BFromY
		w[2] = nb_varblocks; h[2] = 2; // BlockInfo
		w[3] = ggw8; h[3] = ggh8; // Sharpness
		J40__TRY(j40__init_modular(st, 4, w, h, &m));
		J40__TRY(j40__modular_header(st, f->global_tree, &f->global_codespec, &m));
		J40__TRY(j40__allocate_modular(st, &m));
		for (i = 0; i < m.num_channels; ++i) J40__TRY(j40__modular_channel(st, &m, i, sidx2));
		J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &m.code));
		J40__TRY(j40__inverse_transform(st, &m));
		J40__TRY(j40__hf_metadata(st, nb_varblocks, &m, lfquant, gg));
		for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) j40__free_plane(&lfquant[i]);

	return 0;

	for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) j40__free_plane(&lfquant[i]);
	if (gg) j40__free_lf_group(gg);
	return st->err;

J40_STATIC void j40__free_lf_group(j40__lf_group_st *gg) {
	int32_t i;
	for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
		j40__free_aligned(gg->coeffs[i], J40__COEFFS_ALIGN, gg->coeffs_misalign[i]);
		gg->llfcoeffs[i] = NULL;
		gg->coeffs[i] = NULL;
	gg->varblocks = NULL;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// HfGlobal and HfPass

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__hf_global(j40__st *st);


// reads both HfGlobal and HfPass (SPEC they form a single group)
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__hf_global(j40__st *st) {
	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	int64_t sidx_base = 1 + 3 * f->num_lf_groups;
	j40__code_spec codespec = J40__INIT;
	j40__code_st code = J40__INIT;
	int32_t i, j, c;


	// dequantization matrices
	if (!j40__u(st, 1)) {
		// TODO spec improvement: encoding mode 1..5 are only valid for 0-3/9-10 since it requires 8x8 matrix, explicitly note this
		for (i = 0; i < J40__NUM_DCT_PARAMS; ++i) { // SPEC not 11, should be 17
			const struct j40__dct_params dct = J40__DCT_PARAMS[i];
			int32_t rows = 1 << (int32_t) dct.log_rows, columns = 1 << (int32_t) dct.log_columns;
			J40__TRY(j40__read_dq_matrix(st, rows, columns, sidx_base + i,
				f->global_tree, &f->global_codespec, &f->dq_matrix[i]));

	// TODO is it possible that num_hf_presets > num_groups? otherwise j40__at_most is better
	f->num_hf_presets = j40__u(st, j40__ceil_lg32((uint32_t) f->num_groups)) + 1;

	// HfPass
	for (i = 0; i < f->num_passes; ++i) {
		int32_t used_orders = j40__u32(st, 0x5f, 0, 0x13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13);
		if (used_orders > 0) {
			J40__TRY(j40__read_code_spec(st, 8, &codespec));
			j40__init_code(&code, &codespec);
		for (j = 0; j < J40__NUM_ORDERS; ++j) {
			if (used_orders >> j & 1) {
				int32_t size = 1 << (J40__LOG_ORDER_SIZE[j][0] + J40__LOG_ORDER_SIZE[j][1]);
				for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { // SPEC this loop is omitted
					J40__TRY(j40__permutation(st, &code, size, size / 64, &f->orders[i][j][c]));
		if (used_orders > 0) {
			J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &code));

		J40__TRY(j40__read_code_spec(st, 495 * f->nb_block_ctx * f->num_hf_presets, &f->coeff_codespec[i]));

	return st->err;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// PassGroup

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__hf_coeffs(
	j40__st *st, int32_t ctxoff, int32_t pass,
	int32_t gx_in_gg, int32_t gy_in_gg, int32_t gw, int32_t gh, j40__lf_group_st *gg
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__pass_group(
	j40__st *st, int32_t pass, int32_t gx_in_gg, int32_t gy_in_gg, int32_t gw, int32_t gh, int64_t gidx,
	j40__lf_group_st *gg


J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__hf_coeffs(
	j40__st *st, int32_t ctxoff, int32_t pass,
	int32_t gx_in_gg, int32_t gy_in_gg, int32_t gw, int32_t gh, j40__lf_group_st *gg
) {
	typedef int8_t j40_i8x3[3];
	const j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	int32_t gw8 = j40__ceil_div32(gw, 8), gh8 = j40__ceil_div32(gh, 8);
	int8_t (*nonzeros)[3] = NULL;
	j40__code_st code = J40__INIT;
	int32_t lfidx_size = (f->nb_lf_thr[0] + 1) * (f->nb_lf_thr[1] + 1) * (f->nb_lf_thr[2] + 1);
	int32_t x8, y8, i, j, c_yxb;

	J40__ASSERT(gx_in_gg % 8 == 0 && gy_in_gg % 8 == 0);

	j40__init_code(&code, &f->coeff_codespec[pass]);

	// TODO spec bug: there are *three* NonZeros for each channel
	J40__TRY_MALLOC(j40_i8x3, &nonzeros, (size_t) (gw8 * gh8));

	for (y8 = 0; y8 < gh8; ++y8) for (x8 = 0; x8 < gw8; ++x8) {
		const j40__dct_select *dct;
		// TODO spec issue: missing x and y (here called x8 and y8)
		int32_t ggx8 = x8 + gx_in_gg / 8, ggy8 = y8 + gy_in_gg / 8, nzpos = y8 * gw8 + x8;
		int32_t voff = J40__I32_PIXELS(&gg->blocks, ggy8)[ggx8], dctsel = voff >> 20;
		int32_t log_rows, log_columns, log_size;
		int32_t coeffoff, qfidx, lfidx, bctx0, bctxc;

		if (dctsel < 2) continue; // not top-left block
		dctsel -= 2;
		voff &= 0xfffff;
		J40__ASSERT(dctsel < J40__NUM_DCT_SELECT);
		dct = &J40__DCT_SELECT[dctsel];
		log_rows = dct->log_rows;
		log_columns = dct->log_columns;
		log_size = log_rows + log_columns;

		coeffoff = gg->varblocks[voff].coeffoff_qfidx & ~15;
		qfidx = gg->varblocks[voff].coeffoff_qfidx & 15;
		// TODO spec improvement: explain why lf_idx is separately calculated
		// (answer: can be efficiently precomputed via vectorization)
		lfidx = J40__U8_PIXELS(&gg->lfindices, ggy8)[ggx8];
		bctx0 = (dct->order_idx * (f->nb_qf_thr + 1) + qfidx) * lfidx_size + lfidx;
		bctxc = 13 * (f->nb_qf_thr + 1) * lfidx_size;

		// unlike most places, this uses the YXB order
		for (c_yxb = 0; c_yxb < 3; ++c_yxb) {
			static const int32_t YXB2XYB[3] = {1, 0, 2};
			static const int8_t TWICE_COEFF_FREQ_CTX[64] = { // pre-multiplied by 2, [0] is unused
				-1,  0,  2,  4,  6,  8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28,
				30, 30, 32, 32, 34, 34, 36, 36, 38, 38, 40, 40, 42, 42, 44, 44,
				46, 46, 46, 46, 48, 48, 48, 48, 50, 50, 50, 50, 52, 52, 52, 52,
				54, 54, 54, 54, 56, 56, 56, 56, 58, 58, 58, 58, 60, 60, 60, 60,
			// TODO spec bug: CoeffNumNonzeroContext[9] should be 123, not 23
			static const int16_t TWICE_COEFF_NNZ_CTX[64] = { // pre-multiplied by 2
				  0,   0,  62, 124, 124, 186, 186, 186, 186, 246, 246, 246, 246, 304, 304, 304,
				304, 304, 304, 304, 304, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360,
				360, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412,
				412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412, 412,

			int32_t c = YXB2XYB[c_yxb];
			float *coeffs = gg->coeffs[c] + coeffoff;
			int32_t *order = f->orders[pass][dct->order_idx][c];
			int32_t bctx = f->block_ctx_map[bctx0 + bctxc * c_yxb]; // BlockContext()
			int32_t nz, nzctx, cctx, qnz, prev;

			// orders should have been already converted from Lehmer code
			J40__ASSERT(order && ((f->order_loaded >> dct->order_idx) & 1));

			// predict and read the number of non-zero coefficients
			nz = x8 > 0 ?
				(y8 > 0 ? (nonzeros[nzpos - 1][c] + nonzeros[nzpos - gw8][c] + 1) >> 1 : nonzeros[nzpos - 1][c]) :
				(y8 > 0 ? nonzeros[nzpos - gw8][c] : 32);
			// TODO spec improvement: `predicted` can never exceed 63 in NonZerosContext(),
			// so better to make it a normative assertion instead of clamping
			// TODO spec question: then why the predicted value of 64 is reserved in the contexts?
			J40__ASSERT(nz < 64);
			nzctx = ctxoff + bctx + (nz < 8 ? nz : 4 + nz / 2) * f->nb_block_ctx;
			nz = j40__code(st, nzctx, 0, &code);
			// TODO spec issue: missing
			J40__SHOULD(nz <= (63 << (log_size - 6)), "coef");

			qnz = j40__ceil_div32(nz, 1 << (log_size - 6)); // [0, 64)
			for (i = 0; i < (1 << (log_rows - 3)); ++i) {
				for (j = 0; j < (1 << (log_columns - 3)); ++j) {
					nonzeros[nzpos + i * gw8 + j][c] = (int8_t) qnz;
			cctx = ctxoff + 458 * bctx + 37 * f->nb_block_ctx;

			prev = (nz <= (1 << (log_size - 4))); // TODO spec bug: swapped condition
			// TODO spec issue: missing size (probably W*H)
			for (i = 1 << (log_size - 6); nz > 0 && i < (1 << log_size); ++i) {
				int32_t ctx = cctx +
					TWICE_COEFF_NNZ_CTX[j40__ceil_div32(nz, 1 << (log_size - 6))] +
					TWICE_COEFF_FREQ_CTX[i >> (log_size - 6)] + prev;
				// TODO spec question: can this overflow?
				// unlike modular there is no guarantee about "buffers" or anything similar here
				int32_t ucoeff = j40__code(st, ctx, 0, &code);
				// TODO int-to-float conversion, is it okay?
				coeffs[order[i]] += (float) j40__unpack_signed(ucoeff);
				// TODO spec issue: normative indicator has changed from [[...]] to a long comment
				nz -= prev = (ucoeff != 0);
			J40__SHOULD(nz == 0, "coef"); // TODO spec issue: missing

	J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &code));
	return 0;

	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__pass_group(
	j40__st *st, int32_t pass, int32_t gx_in_gg, int32_t gy_in_gg, int32_t gw, int32_t gh, int64_t gidx,
	j40__lf_group_st *gg
) {
	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	// SPEC "the number of tables" is fixed, no matter how many RAW quant tables are there
	int64_t sidx = 1 + 3 * f->num_lf_groups + J40__NUM_DCT_PARAMS + pass * f->num_groups + gidx;
	j40__modular m = J40__INIT;
	int32_t i;

	if (!f->is_modular) {
		int32_t ctxoff;
		// TODO spec issue: this offset is later referred so should be monospaced
		ctxoff = 495 * f->nb_block_ctx * j40__u(st, j40__ceil_lg32((uint32_t) f->num_hf_presets));
		J40__TRY(j40__hf_coeffs(st, ctxoff, pass, gx_in_gg, gy_in_gg, gw, gh, gg));

	J40__TRY(j40__init_modular_for_pass_group(st, f->num_gm_channels, gw, gh, 0, 3, &f->gmodular, &m));
	if (m.num_channels > 0) {
		J40__TRY(j40__modular_header(st, f->global_tree, &f->global_codespec, &m));
		J40__TRY(j40__allocate_modular(st, &m));
		for (i = 0; i < m.num_channels; ++i) J40__TRY(j40__modular_channel(st, &m, i, sidx));
		J40__TRY(j40__finish_and_free_code(st, &m.code));
		J40__TRY(j40__inverse_transform(st, &m));
			gg->top + gy_in_gg, gg->left + gx_in_gg, 0, 3, &f->gmodular, &m);

	return 0;

	return st->err;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// coefficients to samples

J40_STATIC void j40__dequant_hf(j40__st *st, j40__lf_group_st *gg);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__combine_vardct_from_lf_group(j40__st *st, const j40__lf_group_st *gg);


J40_STATIC void j40__dequant_hf(j40__st *st, j40__lf_group_st *gg) {
	// QM_SCALE[i] = 0.8^(i - 2)
	static const float QM_SCALE[8] = {1.5625f, 1.25f, 1.0f, 0.8f, 0.64f, 0.512f, 0.4096f, 0.32768f};

	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	int32_t ggw8 = gg->width8, ggh8 = gg->height8;
	float x_qm_scale, b_qm_scale, quant_bias_num = st->image->quant_bias_num, *quant_bias = st->image->quant_bias;
	int32_t x8, y8, c, i;

	J40__ASSERT(f->x_qm_scale >= 0 && f->x_qm_scale < 8);
	J40__ASSERT(f->b_qm_scale >= 0 && f->b_qm_scale < 8);
	x_qm_scale = QM_SCALE[f->x_qm_scale];
	b_qm_scale = QM_SCALE[f->b_qm_scale];

	for (y8 = 0; y8 < ggh8; ++y8) for (x8 = 0; x8 < ggw8; ++x8) {
		const j40__dct_select *dct;
		const j40__dq_matrix *dqmat;
		int32_t voff = J40__I32_PIXELS(&gg->blocks, y8)[x8], dctsel = voff >> 20, size;
		float mult[3 /*xyb*/];

		if (dctsel < 2) continue; // not top-left block
		voff &= 0xfffff;
		dct = &J40__DCT_SELECT[dctsel - 2];
		size = 1 << (dct->log_rows + dct->log_columns);
		// TODO spec bug: spec says mult[1] = HfMul, should be 2^16 / (global_scale * HfMul)
		mult[1] = 65536.0f / (float) f->global_scale * gg->varblocks[voff].hfmul.inv;
		mult[0] = mult[1] * x_qm_scale;
		mult[2] = mult[1] * b_qm_scale;
		dqmat = &f->dq_matrix[dct->param_idx];
		J40__ASSERT(dqmat->mode == J40__DQ_ENC_RAW); // should have been already loaded

		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
			float *coeffs = gg->coeffs[c] + (gg->varblocks[voff].coeffoff_qfidx & ~15);
			for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { // LLF positions are left unused and can be clobbered
				// TODO spec issue: "quant" is a variable name and should be monospaced
				if (-1.0f <= coeffs[i] && coeffs[i] <= 1.0f) {
					coeffs[i] *= quant_bias[c]; // TODO coeffs[i] is integer at this point?
				} else {
					coeffs[i] -= quant_bias_num / coeffs[i];
				coeffs[i] *= mult[c] / dqmat->params[i][c]; // TODO precompute this

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__combine_vardct_from_lf_group(j40__st *st, const j40__lf_group_st *gg) {
	j40__image_st *im = st->image;
	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	int32_t ggw8 = gg->width8, ggh8 = gg->height8;
	int32_t ggw = gg->width, ggh = gg->height;
	float kx_lf, kb_lf, cbrt_opsin_bias[3 /*xyb*/];
	float *scratch = NULL, *scratch2, *samples[3] = {0};
	int32_t x8, y8, x, y, i, c;

	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
		J40__TRY_MALLOC(float, &samples[c], (size_t) (ggw * ggh));
	// TODO allocates the same amount of memory regardless of transformations used
	J40__TRY_MALLOC(float, &scratch, 2 * 65536);
	scratch2 = scratch + 65536;

	kx_lf = f->base_corr_x + (float) f->x_factor_lf * f->inv_colour_factor;
	kb_lf = f->base_corr_b + (float) f->b_factor_lf * f->inv_colour_factor;

	for (y8 = 0; y8 < ggh8; ++y8) for (x8 = 0; x8 < ggw8; ++x8) {
		const j40__dct_select *dct;
		int32_t voff = J40__I32_PIXELS(&gg->blocks, y8)[x8], dctsel = voff >> 20;
		int32_t size, effvw, effvh, vw8, vh8, samplepos;
		int32_t coeffoff;
		float *coeffs[3 /*xyb*/], *llfcoeffs[3 /*xyb*/], kx_hf, kb_hf;

		if (dctsel < 2) continue; // not top-left block
		dctsel -= 2;
		voff &= 0xfffff;
		dct = &J40__DCT_SELECT[dctsel];
		size = 1 << (dct->log_rows + dct->log_columns);
		coeffoff = gg->varblocks[voff].coeffoff_qfidx & ~15;
		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
			coeffs[c] = gg->coeffs[c] + coeffoff;
			llfcoeffs[c] = gg->llfcoeffs[c] + (coeffoff >> 6);

		// TODO spec bug: x_factor and b_factor (for HF) is constant in the same varblock,
		// even when the varblock spans multiple 64x64 rectangles
		kx_hf = f->base_corr_x + f->inv_colour_factor * (gg->xfromy.type == J40__PLANE_I16 ?
			(float) J40__I16_PIXELS(&gg->xfromy, y8 / 8)[x8 / 8] :
			(float) J40__I32_PIXELS(&gg->xfromy, y8 / 8)[x8 / 8]);
		kb_hf = f->base_corr_b + f->inv_colour_factor * (gg->bfromy.type == J40__PLANE_I16 ?
			(float) J40__I16_PIXELS(&gg->bfromy, y8 / 8)[x8 / 8] :
			(float) J40__I32_PIXELS(&gg->bfromy, y8 / 8)[x8 / 8]);

		effvh = j40__min32(ggh - y8 * 8, 1 << dct->log_rows);
		effvw = j40__min32(ggw - x8 * 8, 1 << dct->log_columns);
		samplepos = (y8 * 8) * ggw + (x8 * 8);
		// this is for LLF coefficients, which may have been transposed
		vh8 = 1 << (j40__min32(dct->log_rows, dct->log_columns) - 3);
		vw8 = 1 << (j40__max32(dct->log_rows, dct->log_columns) - 3);

		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
			// chroma from luma (CfL), overwrite LLF coefficients on the way
			// TODO skip CfL if there's subsampled channel
			switch (c) {
			case 0: // X
				for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) scratch[i] = coeffs[0][i] + coeffs[1][i] * kx_hf;
				for (y = 0; y < vh8; ++y) for (x = 0; x < vw8; ++x) {
					scratch[y * vw8 * 8 + x] = llfcoeffs[0][y * vw8 + x] + llfcoeffs[1][y * vw8 + x] * kx_lf;
			case 1: // Y
				for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) scratch[i] = coeffs[1][i];
				for (y = 0; y < vh8; ++y) for (x = 0; x < vw8; ++x) {
					scratch[y * vw8 * 8 + x] = llfcoeffs[1][y * vw8 + x];
			case 2: // B
				for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) scratch[i] = coeffs[2][i] + coeffs[1][i] * kb_hf;
				for (y = 0; y < vh8; ++y) for (x = 0; x < vw8; ++x) {
					scratch[y * vw8 * 8 + x] = llfcoeffs[2][y * vw8 + x] + llfcoeffs[1][y * vw8 + x] * kb_lf;
			default: J40__UNREACHABLE();

			// inverse DCT
			switch (dctsel) {
			case 1: j40__inverse_hornuss(scratch); break; // Hornuss
			case 2: j40__inverse_dct11(scratch); break; // DCT11
			case 3: j40__inverse_dct22(scratch); break; // DCT22
			case 12: j40__inverse_dct23(scratch); break; // DCT23
			case 13: j40__inverse_dct32(scratch); break; // DCT32
			case 14: j40__inverse_afv(scratch, 0, 0); break; // AFV0
			case 15: j40__inverse_afv(scratch, 1, 0); break; // AFV1
			case 16: j40__inverse_afv(scratch, 0, 1); break; // AFV2
			case 17: j40__inverse_afv(scratch, 1, 1); break; // AFV3
			default: // every other DCTnm where n, m >= 3
				j40__inverse_dct2d(scratch, scratch2, dct->log_rows, dct->log_columns);

			if (0) { // TODO display borders for the debugging
				for (x = 0; x < (1<<dct->log_columns); ++x) scratch[x] = 1.0f - (float) ((dctsel >> x) & 1);
				for (y = 0; y < (1<<dct->log_rows); ++y) scratch[y << dct->log_columns] = 1.0f - (float) ((dctsel >> y) & 1);

			// reposition samples into the rectangular grid
			// TODO spec issue: overflown samples (due to non-8n dimensions) are probably ignored
			for (y = 0; y < effvh; ++y) for (x = 0; x < effvw; ++x) {
				samples[c][samplepos + y * ggw + x] = scratch[y << dct->log_columns | x];

	// coeffs is now correctly positioned, copy to the modular buffer
	// TODO this is highly ad hoc, should be moved to rendering
	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) cbrt_opsin_bias[c] = cbrtf(im->opsin_bias[c]);
	for (y = 0; y < ggh; ++y) for (x = 0; x < ggw; ++x) {
		int32_t pos = y * ggw + x;
		float p[3] = {
			samples[1][pos] + samples[0][pos],
			samples[1][pos] - samples[0][pos],
		float itscale = 255.0f / im->intensity_target;
		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
			float pp = p[c] - cbrt_opsin_bias[c];
			samples[c][pos] = (pp * pp * pp + im->opsin_bias[c]) * itscale;
	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
		if (f->[c].type == J40__PLANE_I16) {
			for (y = 0; y < ggh; ++y) {
				int16_t *pixels = J40__I16_PIXELS(&f->[c], gg->top + y);
				for (x = 0; x < ggw; ++x) {
					int32_t p = y * ggw + x;
					float v = 
						samples[0][p] * im->opsin_inv_mat[c][0] +
						samples[1][p] * im->opsin_inv_mat[c][1] +
						samples[2][p] * im->opsin_inv_mat[c][2];
					// TODO very, very slow; probably different approximations per bpp ranges may be needed
					v = (v <= 0.0031308f ? 12.92f * v : 1.055f * powf(v, 1.0f / 2.4f) - 0.055f); // to sRGB
					// TODO overflow check
					pixels[gg->left + x] = (int16_t) ((float) ((1 << im->bpp) - 1) * v + 0.5f);
		} else {
			J40__RAISE("TODO: don't keep this here");

	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) j40__free(samples[c]);
	return st->err;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// restoration filters

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__gaborish(j40__st *st, j40__plane channels[3 /*xyb*/]);

J40_STATIC int32_t j40__mirror1d(int32_t coord, int32_t size);
J40_STATIC void j40__epf_distance(const j40__plane *in, int32_t dx, int32_t dy, j40__plane *out);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__epf_recip_sigmas(j40__st *st, const j40__lf_group_st *gg, j40__plane *out);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__epf_step(
	j40__st *st, j40__plane channels[3], float sigma_scale, const j40__plane *recip_sigmas,
	int32_t nkernels, const int32_t (*kernels)[2], j40__plane (*distances)[3], int dist_uses_cross,
	const j40__lf_group_st *gg
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__epf(j40__st *st, j40__plane channels[3], const j40__lf_group_st *gg);


// TODO spec issue: restoration filters are applied to the entire image,
// even though their parameters are separately signaled via multiple groups or LF groups!

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__gaborish(j40__st *st, j40__plane channels[3 /*xyb*/]) {
	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	int32_t width, height;
	int32_t c, x, y;
	float *linebuf = NULL, *nline, *line;

	if (!f->gab.enabled) return 0;

	J40__ASSERT(j40__plane_all_equal_sized(channels, channels + 3));
	J40__ASSERT(j40__plane_all_equal_typed(channels, channels + 3) == J40__PLANE_F32);
	width = channels->width;
	height = channels->height;

	J40__TRY_MALLOC(float, &linebuf, (size_t) (width * 2));

	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
		float w0 = 1.0f, w1 = f->gab.weights[c][0], w2 = f->gab.weights[c][1];
		float wsum = w0 + w1 * 4 + w2 * 4;
		J40__SHOULD(j40__surely_nonzero(wsum), "gab0");
		w0 /= wsum; w1 /= wsum; w2 /= wsum;

		nline = linebuf + width; // intentionally uninitialized
		line = linebuf; // row -1 (= row 0 after mirroring)
		memcpy(line, J40__F32_PIXELS(&channels[c], 0), sizeof(float) * (size_t) width);

		for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
			float *sline, *outline, *temp = nline;
			nline = line;
			line = temp;
			sline = y + 1 < height ? J40__F32_PIXELS(&channels[c], y + 1) : line;
			outline = J40__F32_PIXELS(&channels[c], y);
			memcpy(line, outline, sizeof(float) * (size_t) width);

			outline[0] =
				nline[0] * (w2 + w1) + nline[1] * w2 +
				 line[0] * (w1 + w0) +  line[1] * w1 +
				sline[0] * (w2 + w1) + sline[1] * w2;
			for (x = 1; x < width - 1; ++x) {
				outline[x] =
					nline[x - 1] * w2 + nline[x] * w1 + nline[x + 1] * w2 +
					 line[x - 1] * w1 +  line[x] * w0 +  line[x + 1] * w1 +
					sline[x - 1] * w2 + sline[x] * w1 + sline[x + 1] * w2;
			if (width > 1) {
				outline[width - 1] =
					nline[width - 2] * w2 + nline[width - 1] * (w1 + w2) +
					 line[width - 2] * w1 +  line[width - 1] * (w0 + w1) +
					sline[width - 2] * w2 + sline[width - 1] * (w1 + w2);

	return st->err;

J40_STATIC int32_t j40__mirror1d(int32_t coord, int32_t size) {
	while (1) {
		if (coord < 0) coord = -coord - 1;
		else if (coord >= size) coord = size * 2 - 1 - coord;
		else return coord;

// computes out(x + 1, y + 1) = abs(in(x, y) - in(x + dx, y + dy)), up to mirroring.
// used to compute DistanceStep* functions; an increased border is required for correctness.
J40_STATIC void j40__epf_distance(const j40__plane *in, int32_t dx, int32_t dy, j40__plane *out) {
	int32_t width = in->width, height = in->height;
	int32_t x, y, xlo, xhi;

	J40__ASSERT(width + 2 == out->width && height + 2 == out->height);
	J40__ASSERT(in->type == J40__PLANE_F32 && out->type == J40__PLANE_F32);
	J40__ASSERT(-2 <= dx && dx <= 2 && -2 <= dy && dy <= 2);

	xlo = (dx > 0 ? 0 : -dx);
	xhi = (dx < 0 ? width : width - dx);

	// TODO spec issue: `[[(ix, iy) in coords]]` should be normative comments
	// TODO spec issue: `ix` and `iy` not defined in DistanceStep2, should be 0

	for (y = -1; y <= height; ++y) {
		int32_t refy = j40__mirror1d(y, height), offy = j40__mirror1d(y + dy, height);
		float *refpixels = J40__F32_PIXELS(in, refy);
		float *offpixels = J40__F32_PIXELS(in, offy);
		float *outpixels = J40__F32_PIXELS(out, y + 1) + 1;

		for (x = -1; x < xlo; ++x) {
			outpixels[x] = fabsf(refpixels[j40__mirror1d(x, width)] - offpixels[j40__mirror1d(x + dx, width)]);
		for (; x < xhi; ++x) {
			outpixels[x] = fabsf(refpixels[x] - offpixels[x + dx]);
		for (; x <= width; ++x) {
			outpixels[x] = fabsf(refpixels[j40__mirror1d(x, width)] - offpixels[j40__mirror1d(x + dx, width)]);

static const float J40__SIGMA_THRESHOLD = 0.3f;

// computes f(sigma) for each block, where f(x) = 1/x if x >= J40__SIGMA_THRESHOLD and < 0 otherwise.
// note that `inv_sigma` in the spec is not same to `1/sigma`, hence a different name.
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__epf_recip_sigmas(j40__st *st, const j40__lf_group_st *gg, j40__plane *out) {
	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	int32_t ggw8 = gg->width8, ggh8 = gg->height8;
	float inv_quant_sharp_lut[8]; // 1 / (epf_quant_mul * epf_sharp_lut[i])
	int32_t x8, y8, i;

	J40__TRY(j40__init_plane(st, J40__PLANE_F32, gg->width8, gg->height8, J40__PLANE_FORCE_PAD, out));

	for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
		float quant_sharp_lut = f->epf.quant_mul * f->epf.sharp_lut[i];
		J40__SHOULD(j40__surely_nonzero(quant_sharp_lut), "epf0");
		inv_quant_sharp_lut[i] = 1.0f / quant_sharp_lut;

	if (gg->sharpness.type == J40__PLANE_I16) {
		uint16_t sharpness_ub = 0;
		for (y8 = 0; y8 < ggh8; ++y8) {
			int16_t *sharpness = J40__I16_PIXELS(&gg->sharpness, y8);
			float *recip_sigmas = J40__F32_PIXELS(out, y8);
			for (x8 = 0; x8 < ggw8; ++x8) {
				sharpness_ub |= (uint16_t) sharpness[x8];
				recip_sigmas[x8] = inv_quant_sharp_lut[sharpness[x8] & 7];
		J40__SHOULD(sharpness_ub < 8, "shrp");
	} else {
		uint32_t sharpness_ub = 0;
		for (y8 = 0; y8 < ggh8; ++y8) {
			int32_t *sharpness = J40__I32_PIXELS(&gg->sharpness, y8);
			float *recip_sigmas = J40__F32_PIXELS(out, y8);
			for (x8 = 0; x8 < ggw8; ++x8) {
				sharpness_ub |= (uint32_t) sharpness[x8];
				recip_sigmas[x8] = inv_quant_sharp_lut[sharpness[x8] & 7];
		J40__SHOULD(sharpness_ub < 8, "shrp");

	for (y8 = 0; y8 < ggh8; ++y8) {
		int32_t *blocks = J40__I32_PIXELS(&gg->blocks, y8);
		float *recip_sigmas = J40__F32_PIXELS(out, y8);
		for (x8 = 0; x8 < ggw8; ++x8) {
			int32_t voff = blocks[x8] & 0xfffff;
			recip_sigmas[x8] *= gg->varblocks[voff].hfmul.inv;
			if (recip_sigmas[x8] > 1.0f / J40__SIGMA_THRESHOLD) recip_sigmas[x8] = -1.0f;

	return 0;

	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__epf_step(
	j40__st *st, j40__plane channels[3], float sigma_scale, const j40__plane *recip_sigmas,
	int32_t nkernels, const int32_t (*kernels)[2], j40__plane (*distances)[3], int dist_uses_cross,
	const j40__lf_group_st *gg
) {
	enum { NKERNELS = 12 }; // except for the center

	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	int32_t ggw8 = gg->width8, ggh8 = gg->height8, width = gg->width, height = gg->height;
	int32_t stride = width + 4, cstride = stride * 3;
	int32_t borderx[4] = {-2, -1, width, width + 1}, mirrorx[4];
	float *linebuf = NULL, *lines[5][3]; // [y+2][c] for row y in the channel c, with mirrored borders
	float *recip_sigmas_for_modular = NULL; // only used for modular
	float border_sigma_scale;
	int32_t x, y, c, k, i;

	J40__ASSERT(nkernels <= NKERNELS);

	J40__ASSERT(j40__plane_all_equal_sized(channels, channels + 3));
	J40__ASSERT(j40__plane_all_equal_typed(channels, channels + 3) == J40__PLANE_F32);
	J40__ASSERT(channels->width == width && channels->height == height);

	if (recip_sigmas) {
		J40__ASSERT(recip_sigmas->width == ggw8 && recip_sigmas->height == ggh8);
		J40__ASSERT(recip_sigmas->type == J40__PLANE_F32);
	} else {
		float recip_sigma;
		J40__SHOULD(j40__surely_nonzero(f->epf.sigma_for_modular), "epf0");

		// sigma is fixed for modular, so if this is below the threshold no filtering happens
		if (f->epf.sigma_for_modular < J40__SIGMA_THRESHOLD) return 0;

		J40__TRY_MALLOC(float, &recip_sigmas_for_modular, (size_t) ggw8);
		recip_sigma = 1.0f / f->epf.sigma_for_modular;
		for (x = 0; x < ggw8; ++x) recip_sigmas_for_modular[x] = recip_sigma;

	sigma_scale *= 1.9330952441687859f; // -1.65 * 4 * (sqrt(0.5) - 1)
	border_sigma_scale = sigma_scale * f->epf.border_sad_mul;

	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
		for (k = 0; k < nkernels; ++k) {
			j40__epf_distance(&channels[c], kernels[k][0], kernels[k][1], &distances[k][c]);

	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) mirrorx[i] = j40__mirror1d(borderx[i], width);

	J40__TRY_MALLOC(float, &linebuf, (size_t) (cstride * 4));
	for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
		int32_t ym2 = j40__mirror1d(-2, height), ym1 = j40__mirror1d(-1, height);
		for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) lines[i][c] = linebuf + cstride * c + stride * i + 1;
		memcpy(lines[1][c], J40__F32_PIXELS(&channels[c], ym2), sizeof(float) * (size_t) width);
		memcpy(lines[2][c], J40__F32_PIXELS(&channels[c], ym1), sizeof(float) * (size_t) width);
		memcpy(lines[3][c], J40__F32_PIXELS(&channels[c], 0), sizeof(float) * (size_t) width);
		for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
			int32_t borderpos = c * cstride + borderx[i], mirrorpos = c * cstride + mirrorx[i];
			lines[1][c][borderpos] = lines[1][c][mirrorpos];
			lines[2][c][borderpos] = lines[2][c][mirrorpos];
			lines[3][c][borderpos] = lines[3][c][mirrorpos];

	for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
		int32_t y1 = j40__mirror1d(y + 1, height), y2 = j40__mirror1d(y + 2, height);
		float *outline[3];
		float *recip_sigma_row =
			recip_sigmas ? J40__F32_PIXELS(recip_sigmas, y / 8) : recip_sigmas_for_modular;
		float *distance_rows[NKERNELS][3][3] = {{{0}}}; // [kernel_idx][dy+1][c]

		for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
			float *temp = lines[0][c];
			lines[0][c] = lines[1][c];
			lines[1][c] = lines[2][c];
			lines[2][c] = lines[3][c];
			lines[3][c] = temp;
			lines[4][c] = J40__F32_PIXELS(&channels[c], y2);
			outline[c] = J40__F32_PIXELS(&channels[c], y);

			memcpy(lines[3][c], J40__F32_PIXELS(&channels[c], y1), sizeof(float) * (size_t) width);
			for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) lines[3][c][borderx[i]] = lines[3][c][mirrorx[i]];

			for (k = 0; k < nkernels; ++k) {
				for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
					distance_rows[k][i][c] = J40__F32_PIXELS(&distances[k][c], y + i);

		for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
			float recip_sigma = recip_sigma_row[x / 8], inv_sigma_times_pos_mult;
			float sum_weights, sum_channels[3];

			if (recip_sigma < 0.0f) {
				x += 7; // this and at most 7 subsequent pixels will be skipped anyway

			// TODO spec issue: "either coordinate" refers to both x and y (i.e. "borders")
			// according to the source code
			if ((((x + 1) | (y + 1)) & 7) < 2) {
				inv_sigma_times_pos_mult = recip_sigma * border_sigma_scale;
			} else {
				inv_sigma_times_pos_mult = recip_sigma * sigma_scale;

			// kernels[*] do not include center, which distance is always 0
			sum_weights = 1.0f;
			for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) sum_channels[c] = lines[2][c][x];

			if (dist_uses_cross) {
				for (k = 0; k < nkernels; ++k) {
					float dist = 0.0f;
					for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
						dist += f->epf.channel_scale[c] * (
							distance_rows[k][1][c][x + 1] +
							distance_rows[k][1][c][x + 0] + distance_rows[k][0][c][x + 1] +
							distance_rows[k][2][c][x + 1] + distance_rows[k][1][c][x + 2]);
					float weight = j40__maxf(0.0f, 1.0f + dist * inv_sigma_times_pos_mult);
					sum_weights += weight;
					for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
						sum_channels[c] += lines[2 + kernels[k][0]][c][x + kernels[k][1]] * weight;
			} else {
				for (k = 0; k < nkernels; ++k) {
					float dist = 0.0f;
					for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
						dist += f->epf.channel_scale[c] * distance_rows[k][1][c][x + 1];
					float weight = j40__maxf(0.0f, 1.0f + dist * inv_sigma_times_pos_mult);
					sum_weights += weight;
					for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
						sum_channels[c] += lines[2 + kernels[k][0]][c][x + kernels[k][1]] * weight;

			for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) outline[c][x] = sum_channels[c] / sum_weights;

	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__epf(j40__st *st, j40__plane channels[3], const j40__lf_group_st *gg) {
	static const int32_t KERNELS12[][2] = { // 0 < L1 distance <= 2 (step 2)
		{0,-2}, {-1,-1}, {-1,0}, {-1,1}, {0,-2}, {0,-1}, {0,1}, {0,2}, {-1,1}, {-1,0}, {-1,1}, {0,2},
	}, KERNELS4[][2] = { // 0 < L1 distance <= 1 (steps 0 and 1)
		{0,-1}, {-1,0}, {1,0}, {0,1},

	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	j40__plane recip_sigmas_ = J40__INIT, *recip_sigmas;
	j40__plane distances[12][3] = J40__INIT;
	int32_t k, c, maxnkernels = 0;

	if (f->epf.iters <= 0) return 0;

	if (!f->is_modular) {
		recip_sigmas = &recip_sigmas_;
		J40__TRY(j40__epf_recip_sigmas(st, gg, recip_sigmas));
	} else {
		recip_sigmas = NULL;

	// TODO the current implementation takes up to 36 times the input image size of memory!
	maxnkernels = f->epf.iters >= 3 ? 12 : 4;
	for (k = 0; k < maxnkernels; ++k) for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
			st, J40__PLANE_F32, channels[c].width + 2, channels[c].height + 2, 0, &distances[k][c]));

	if (f->epf.iters >= 3) { // step 0
			st, channels, f->epf.pass0_sigma_scale, recip_sigmas, 12, KERNELS12, distances, 1, gg));
	if (f->epf.iters >= 1) { // step 1
		J40__TRY(j40__epf_step(st, channels, 1.0f, recip_sigmas, 4, KERNELS4, distances, 1, gg));
	if (f->epf.iters >= 2) { // step 2
			st, channels, f->epf.pass2_sigma_scale, recip_sigmas, 4, KERNELS4, distances, 0, gg));

	if (recip_sigmas) j40__free_plane(recip_sigmas);
	for (k = 0; k < maxnkernels; ++k) for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) j40__free_plane(&distances[k][c]);
	return st->err;


// frame parsing primitives

struct j40__group_info {
	int64_t ggidx;
	int32_t gx_in_gg, gy_in_gg;
	int32_t gw, gh;

typedef struct {
	j40__st *parent; // can be NULL if not initialized
	j40__st st;
	j40__buffer_st buffer;
} j40__section_st;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__allocate_lf_groups(j40__st *st, j40__lf_group_st **out);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__prepare_dq_matrices(j40__st *st);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__prepare_orders(j40__st *st);
J40_ALWAYS_INLINE struct j40__group_info j40__group_info(j40__frame_st *f, int64_t gidx);

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_section_state(
	j40__st **stptr, j40__section_st *sst, int64_t codeoff, int32_t size
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__finish_section_state(j40__st **stptr, j40__section_st *sst, j40_err err);

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_global_in_section(j40__st *st, const j40__toc *toc);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__hf_global_in_section(j40__st *st, const j40__toc *toc);
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_or_pass_group_in_section(j40__st *st, j40__toc *toc, j40__lf_group_st *ggs);

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__combine_vardct(j40__st *st, j40__lf_group_st *ggs);


J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__allocate_lf_groups(j40__st *st, j40__lf_group_st **out) {
	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	j40__lf_group_st *ggs = NULL;
	int32_t ggsize = 8 << f->group_size_shift, gsize = 1 << f->group_size_shift;
	int32_t ggx, ggy, ggidx = 0, gidx = 0, gstride = j40__ceil_div32(f->width, gsize);

	J40__TRY_CALLOC(j40__lf_group_st, &ggs, (size_t) f->num_lf_groups);

	for (ggy = 0; ggy < f->height; ggy += ggsize) {
		int32_t ggh = j40__min32(ggsize, f->height - ggy);
		int32_t grows = j40__ceil_div32(ggh, gsize);
		for (ggx = 0; ggx < f->width; ggx += ggsize, ++ggidx) {
			j40__lf_group_st *gg = &ggs[ggidx];
			int32_t ggw = j40__min32(ggsize, f->width - ggx);
			int32_t gcolumns = j40__ceil_div32(ggw, gsize);
			gg->idx = ggidx;
			gg->left = ggx; gg->top = ggy;
			gg->width = ggw; gg->height = ggh;
			gg->width8 = j40__ceil_div32(ggw, 8); gg->height8 = j40__ceil_div32(ggh, 8);
			gg->width64 = j40__ceil_div32(ggw, 64); gg->height64 = j40__ceil_div32(ggh, 64);
			gg->gidx = gidx + (ggx >> f->group_size_shift);
			gg->grows = grows;
			gg->gcolumns = gcolumns;
			gg->gstride = gstride;
		gidx += grows * gstride;

	J40__ASSERT(f->num_lf_groups == ggidx);
	J40__ASSERT(f->num_groups == gidx);
	*out = ggs;
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__prepare_dq_matrices(j40__st *st) {
	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	int32_t dct_select_not_loaded = f->dct_select_used & ~f->dct_select_loaded;
	int32_t i;
	if (!dct_select_not_loaded) return 0;
	for (i = 0; i < J40__NUM_DCT_SELECT; ++i) {
		if (dct_select_not_loaded >> i & 1) {
			const j40__dct_select *dct = &J40__DCT_SELECT[i];
			int32_t param_idx = dct->param_idx;
			J40__TRY(j40__load_dq_matrix(st, param_idx, &f->dq_matrix[param_idx]));
			f->dct_select_loaded |= 1 << i;
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__prepare_orders(j40__st *st) {
	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	int32_t order_not_loaded = f->order_used & ~f->order_loaded;
	int32_t pass, i, c;
	if (!order_not_loaded) return 0;
	for (i = 0; i < J40__NUM_ORDERS; ++i) {
		if (order_not_loaded >> i & 1) {
			int32_t log_rows = J40__LOG_ORDER_SIZE[i][0];
			int32_t log_columns = J40__LOG_ORDER_SIZE[i][1];
			int32_t *order, temp, skip = 1 << (log_rows + log_columns - 6);
			for (pass = 0; pass < f->num_passes; ++pass) for (c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
				J40__TRY(j40__natural_order(st, log_rows, log_columns, &order));
				j40__apply_permutation(order + skip, &temp, sizeof(int32_t), f->orders[pass][i][c]);
				f->orders[pass][i][c] = order;
			f->order_loaded |= 1 << i;
	return st->err;

J40_ALWAYS_INLINE struct j40__group_info j40__group_info(j40__frame_st *f, int64_t gidx) {
	struct j40__group_info info;
	int32_t shift = f->group_size_shift;
	int64_t row, column;
	J40__ASSERT(0 <= gidx && gidx < f->num_groups);
	row = gidx / f->gcolumns;
	column = gidx % f->gcolumns;
	info.ggidx = (row / 8) * f->ggcolumns + (column / 8);
	info.gx_in_gg = (int32_t) (column % 8) << shift;
	info.gy_in_gg = (int32_t) (row % 8) << shift; = (int32_t) (j40__min64(f->width, (column + 1) << shift) - (column << shift)); = (int32_t) (j40__min64(f->height, (row + 1) << shift) - (row << shift));
	return info;

// creates a new per-section state `sst` which is identical to `*stptr` except for `buffer`,
// then ensures that only codestream offsets [codeoff, codeoff + size) are available to `sst`
// and updates `stptr` to point to `sst`, which should be restored with `j40__finish_section_state`.
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__init_section_state(
	j40__st **stptr, j40__section_st *sst, int64_t codeoff, int32_t size
) {
	static const j40__buffer_st BUFFER_INIT = J40__INIT;
	j40__st *st = *stptr;
	int64_t fileoff, codeoff_limit;

	sst->parent = NULL;

	J40__ASSERT(codeoff <= INT64_MAX - size);
	J40__TRY(j40__map_codestream_offset(st, codeoff, &fileoff));
	J40__SHOULD(j40__add64(codeoff, size, &codeoff_limit), "flen");

	J40__TRY(j40__seek_from_source(st, fileoff)); // doesn't alter st->buffer

	sst->st = *st;
	sst->buffer = BUFFER_INIT;
	sst->st.buffer = &sst->buffer;
	J40__TRY(j40__init_buffer(&sst->st, codeoff, codeoff_limit));

	sst->parent = st;
	*stptr = &sst->st;
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__finish_section_state(j40__st **stptr, j40__section_st *sst, j40_err err) {
	j40__st *st;

	if (!sst->parent) return err;
	J40__ASSERT(*stptr == &sst->st);

	if (err) {
		*stptr = st = sst->parent;
		J40__ASSERT(sst->st.err == err);
		st->err = err;
		st->saved_errno = sst->st.saved_errno;
		st->cannot_retry = sst->st.cannot_retry;
		// TODO `shrt` is not recoverable if this section is not the last section read
	} else {
		st = &sst->st;

	*stptr = st = sst->parent;

	// ensure that other subsystems can't be accidentally deallocated
	sst->parent = NULL;
	sst->st.source = NULL;
	sst->st.container = NULL;
	sst->st.buffer = NULL;
	sst->st.image = NULL;
	sst->st.frame = NULL;

	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_global_in_section(j40__st *st, const j40__toc *toc) {
	j40__section_st sst = J40__INIT;
	if (!toc->single_size) {
		J40__TRY(j40__init_section_state(&st, &sst, toc->lf_global_codeoff, toc->lf_global_size));
	J40__TRY(j40__finish_section_state(&st, &sst, j40__lf_global(st)));
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__hf_global_in_section(j40__st *st, const j40__toc *toc) {
	j40__section_st sst = J40__INIT;
	if (st->frame->is_modular) {
		J40__SHOULD(toc->hf_global_size == 0, "excs");
	} else {
		if (!toc->single_size) {
			J40__TRY(j40__init_section_state(&st, &sst, toc->hf_global_codeoff, toc->hf_global_size));
		J40__TRY(j40__finish_section_state(&st, &sst, j40__hf_global(st)));
	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__lf_or_pass_group_in_section(j40__st *st, j40__toc *toc, j40__lf_group_st *ggs) {
	j40__section section = toc->sections[toc->nsections_read];
	j40__section_st sst = J40__INIT;

	if (section.pass < 0) { // LF group
		j40__lf_group_st *gg = &ggs[section.idx];
		J40__TRY(j40__init_section_state(&st, &sst, section.codeoff, section.size));
		J40__TRY(j40__finish_section_state(&st, &sst, j40__lf_group(st, gg)));
		gg->loaded = 1;
	} else { // pass group
		struct j40__group_info info = j40__group_info(st->frame, section.idx);
		j40__lf_group_st *gg = &ggs[info.ggidx];
		J40__ASSERT(gg->loaded); // j40__read_toc should have taken care of this
		J40__TRY(j40__init_section_state(&st, &sst, section.codeoff, section.size));
		J40__TRY(j40__finish_section_state(&st, &sst, j40__pass_group(
			st, section.pass, info.gx_in_gg, info.gy_in_gg,,, section.idx, gg)));


	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__combine_vardct(j40__st *st, j40__lf_group_st *ggs) {
	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	int64_t i;

	// TODO pretty incorrect to do this
	J40__SHOULD(!f->do_ycbcr && st->image->cspace != J40__CS_GREY, "TODO: we don't yet do YCbCr or gray");
	J40__SHOULD(st->image->modular_16bit_buffers, "TODO: !modular_16bit_buffers");
	f->gmodular.num_channels = 3;
	J40__TRY_CALLOC(j40__plane, &f->, 3);
	for (i = 0; i < f->gmodular.num_channels; ++i) {
			st, J40__PLANE_I16, f->width, f->height, J40__PLANE_FORCE_PAD, &f->[i]));
	for (i = 0; i < f->num_lf_groups; ++i) {
		j40__dequant_hf(st, &ggs[i]);
		J40__TRY(j40__combine_vardct_from_lf_group(st, &ggs[i]));

	return st->err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__end_of_frame(j40__st *st, const j40__toc *toc) {
	if (toc->single_size) {
		int64_t codeoff = j40__codestream_offset(st);
		if (codeoff < toc->end_codeoff) {
			st->cannot_retry = 1;
		} else {
			J40__SHOULD(codeoff == toc->end_codeoff, "excs");
	} else {
		J40__TRY(j40__seek_buffer(st, toc->end_codeoff));
	return st->err;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// rendering (currently very limited)

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__render_to_u8x4_rgba(j40__st *st, j40__plane *out);


J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__render_to_u8x4_rgba(j40__st *st, j40__plane *out) {
	j40__image_st *im = st->image;
	j40__frame_st *f = st->frame;
	j40__plane *c[4], rgba = J40__INIT;
	int32_t maxpixel, maxpixel2;
	int32_t i, x, y;

	J40__SHOULD(im->modular_16bit_buffers, "TODO: specialize for 32-bit");
	J40__SHOULD(im->bpp >= 8, "TODO: does not yet support <8bpp");
	J40__SHOULD(im->exp_bits == 0, "TODO: float samples not yet supported");
	J40__SHOULD(!(!f->do_ycbcr && im->xyb_encoded && im->cspace == J40__CS_GREY),
		"TODO: direct luma encoding not yet supported");

	J40__ASSERT(f->gmodular.num_channels >= 3);
	for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) c[i] = &f->[i];
	c[3] = NULL;
	for (i = 3; i < f->gmodular.num_channels; ++i) {
		j40__ec_info *ec = &im->ec_info[i - 3];
		if (ec->type == J40__EC_ALPHA) {
			J40__SHOULD(ec->bpp == im->bpp && ec->exp_bits == im->exp_bits,
				"TODO: alpha channel has different bpp or sample type from color channels");
			J40__SHOULD(ec->dim_shift == 0, "TODO: subsampled alpha not yet supported");
			J40__SHOULD(!ec->data.alpha_associated, "TODO: associated alpha not yet supported");
			c[3] = &f->[i];

	J40__SHOULD(f->width < INT32_MAX / 4, "bigg");
	J40__TRY(j40__init_plane(st, J40__PLANE_U8, f->width * 4, f->height, J40__PLANE_FORCE_PAD, &rgba));

	maxpixel = (1 << im->bpp) - 1;
	maxpixel2 = (1 << (im->bpp - 1));
	for (y = 0; y < f->height; ++y) {
		int16_t *pixels[4];
		uint8_t *outpixels = J40__U8_PIXELS(&rgba, y);
		for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) pixels[i] = c[i] ? J40__I16_PIXELS(c[i], y) : NULL;
		for (x = 0; x < f->width; ++x) {
			for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
				// TODO optimize
				int32_t p = j40__min32(j40__max32(0, pixels[i] ? pixels[i][x] : maxpixel), maxpixel);
				outpixels[x * 4 + i] = (uint8_t) ((p * 255 + maxpixel2) / maxpixel);

	*out = rgba;
	return 0;

	return st->err;

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// API utilities

// we don't trust callers and do the basic check ourselves
#define J40__IMAGE_MAGIC ((uint32_t) 0x7867ae21) // crc32("j40_image")
#define J40__IMAGE_ERR_MAGIC ((uint32_t) 0xb26a48aa) // crc32("j40_image with error")
#define J40__IMAGE_OPEN_ERR_MAGIC ((uint32_t) 0x02c2eb6d) // crc32("j40_image with open error")
#define J40__FRAME_MAGIC ((uint32_t) 0x08a296b3) // crc32("j40_frame")
#define J40__FRAME_ERR_MAGIC ((uint32_t) 0x16351564) // crc32("j40_frame with error")
#define J40__INNER_MAGIC ((uint32_t) 0x5009e1c4) // crc32("j40__inner")

#define J40__FOREACH_API(X) \
	X(from_file,) \
	X(from_memory,) \
	/* the last origin that can use alternative magic numbers, see J40__ORIGIN_LAST_ALT_MAGIC */ \
	X(output_format,) \
	X(next_frame,) \
	X(current_frame,) \
	X(frame_pixels,_*) \
	X(error_string,) \
	X(free,) \

typedef enum { // each API defines its origin value; they don't have to be stable
	J40__ORIGIN_NONE = 0,
	J40__ORIGIN_NEXT, // for j40_free; the next call will be the actual origin
#define J40__ORIGIN_ENUM_VALUE(origin, suffix) J40__ORIGIN_##origin,
	J40__ORIGIN_LAST_ALT_MAGIC = J40__ORIGIN_from_memory,
} j40__origin;

static const char *J40__ORIGIN_NAMES[] = {
#define J40__ORIGIN_NAME(origin, suffix) #origin #suffix,

static const struct { char err[5]; const char *msg, *suffix; } J40__ERROR_STRINGS[] = {
	{ "Upt0", "`path` parameter is NULL", NULL },
	{ "Ubf0", "`buf` parameter is NULL", NULL },
	{ "Uch?", "Bad `channel` parameter", NULL },
	{ "Ufm?", "Bad `format` parameter", NULL },
	{ "Uof?", "Bad `channel` and `format` combination", NULL },
	{ "Urnd", "Frame is not yet rendered", NULL },
	{ "Ufre", "Trying to reuse already freed image", NULL },
	{ "!mem", "Out of memory", NULL },
	{ "!jxl", "The JPEG XL signature is not found", NULL },
	{ "open", "Failed to open file", NULL },
	{ "bigg", "Image dimensions are too large to handle", NULL },
	{ "flen", "File is too lengthy to handle", NULL },
	{ "shrt", "Premature end of file", NULL },
	{ "slim", "Image size limit reached", NULL },
	{ "elim", "Extra channel number limit reached", NULL },
	{ "xlim", "Modular transform limit reached", NULL },
	{ "tlim", "Meta-adaptive tree size or depth limit reached", NULL },
	{ "plim", "ICC profile length limit reached", NULL },
	{ "fbpp", "Given bits per pixel value is disallowed", NULL }, // "f" stands for "forbidden"
	{ "fblk", "Black extra channel is disallowed", NULL },
	{ "fm32", "32-bit buffers for modular encoding are disallowed", NULL },
	{ "TODO", "Unimplemented feature encountered", NULL }, // TODO remove this when ready
	{ "TEST", "Testing-only error occurred", NULL },

// an API-level twin of `j40__st`; see `j40__st` documentation for the rationale for split.
typedef struct j40__inner {
	uint32_t magic; // should be J40__INNER_MAGIC

	//j40__mutex mutex;

	j40__origin origin; // error origin
	// same to those in j40__st
	j40_err err;
	int saved_errno;
	int cannot_retry;

	#define J40__ERRBUF_LEN 256
	char errbuf[J40__ERRBUF_LEN];

	int state; // used in j40_advance

	// subsystem contexts; copied to and from j40__st whenever needed
	struct j40__bits_st bits;
	struct j40__source_st source;
	struct j40__container_st container;
	struct j40__buffer_st buffer;
	struct j40__image_st image;
	struct j40__frame_st frame;
	struct j40__lf_group_st *lf_groups; // [frame.num_lf_groups]

	j40__toc toc;

	int rendered;
	j40__plane rendered_rgba;
} j40__inner;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__set_alt_magic(
	j40_err err, int saved_errno, j40__origin origin, j40_image *image
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__set_magic(j40__inner *inner, j40_image *image);

J40_STATIC j40_err j40__check_image(j40_image *image, j40__origin neworigin, j40__inner **outinner);
#define J40__CHECK_IMAGE() do { \
		j40_err err = j40__check_image((j40_image*) image, ORIGIN, &inner); \
		if (err) return err; \
	} while (0)
#define J40__SET_INNER_ERR(s) (inner->origin = ORIGIN, inner->err = J40__4(s))

J40_STATIC void j40__init_state(j40__st *st, j40__inner *inner);
J40_STATIC void j40__save_state(j40__st *st, j40__inner *inner, j40__origin origin);

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__advance(j40__inner *inner, j40__origin origin/*, int32_t until*/);

J40_STATIC void j40__free_inner(j40__inner *inner);


J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__set_alt_magic(
	j40_err err, int saved_errno, j40__origin origin, j40_image *image
) {
	if (err == J40__4("open")) {
		image->magic = J40__IMAGE_OPEN_ERR_MAGIC ^ (uint32_t) origin;
		image->u.saved_errno = saved_errno;
		return err;
	} else {
		image->magic = J40__IMAGE_ERR_MAGIC ^ (uint32_t) origin;
		return image->u.err = err;

J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__set_magic(j40__inner *inner, j40_image *image) {
	image->magic = J40__IMAGE_MAGIC;
	image->u.inner = inner;
	inner->magic = J40__INNER_MAGIC;
	return 0;

J40_STATIC j40_err j40__check_image(j40_image *image, j40__origin neworigin, j40__inner **outinner) {
	*outinner = NULL;
	if (!image) return J40__4("Uim0");
	if (image->magic != J40__IMAGE_MAGIC) {
		uint32_t origin = image->magic ^ J40__IMAGE_ERR_MAGIC;
		if (0 < origin && origin <= J40__ORIGIN_LAST_ALT_MAGIC) {
			if (origin == J40__ORIGIN_NEXT && neworigin) image->magic = J40__IMAGE_ERR_MAGIC ^ neworigin;
			return image->u.err;
		origin = image->magic ^ J40__IMAGE_OPEN_ERR_MAGIC;
		if (0 < origin && origin <= J40__ORIGIN_LAST_ALT_MAGIC) return J40__4("open");
		return J40__4("Uim?");
	if (!image->u.inner || image->u.inner->magic != J40__INNER_MAGIC) return J40__4("Uim?");
	*outinner = image->u.inner;
	return image->u.inner->err; // TODO handle cannot_retry in a better way

J40_STATIC void j40__init_state(j40__st *st, j40__inner *inner) {
	st->err = 0;
	st->saved_errno = 0;
	st->cannot_retry = 0;
	st->bits = inner->buffer.checkpoint;
	st->source = &inner->source;
	st->container = &inner->container;
	st->buffer = &inner->buffer;
	st->image = &inner->image;
	st->frame = &inner->frame;
	st->limits = &J40__MAIN_LV5_LIMITS;

J40_STATIC void j40__save_state(j40__st *st, j40__inner *inner, j40__origin origin) {
	if (st->err) {
		inner->origin = origin;
		inner->err = st->err;
		inner->saved_errno = st->saved_errno;
		inner->cannot_retry = st->cannot_retry;
	} else {
		inner->buffer.checkpoint = st->bits;

// TODO expose this with a proper interface
J40__STATIC_RETURNS_ERR j40__advance(j40__inner *inner, j40__origin origin/*, int32_t until*/) {
	j40__st stbuf, *st = &stbuf;
	j40__frame_st *f;
	j40_err err;

	j40__init_state(st, inner);

	// a less-known coroutine hack with some tweak.
	// see for basic concepts.
	// it is EXTREMELY important that any `J40__YIELD_AFTER` call may fail, and the next call
	// to `j40_advance` will restart after the last successful `J40__YIELD_AFTER` call.
	// therefore any code between two `J40__YIELD_AFTER` can run multiple times!
	// if you don't want this, you should move the code into a separate function.
	// for the same reason, this block can't contain any variable declaration or assignment.
	#define J40__YIELD_AFTER(expr) \
		do { \
			err = (expr); \
			j40__save_state(st, inner, origin); \
			if (err) return err; \
			inner->state = __LINE__; /* thus each line can have at most one J40__YIELD() call */ \
			/* fall through */ \
			case __LINE__:; \
		} while (0)

	f = st->frame;
	switch (inner->state) {
	case 0: // initial state

		J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__init_buffer(st, 0, INT64_MAX));

		if (st->image->want_icc) {

		{ // TODO should really be a loop, should we support multiple frames
			if (!f->is_last) J40__YIELD_AFTER(J40__ERR("TODO: multiple frames"));
			if (f->type != J40__FRAME_REGULAR) J40__YIELD_AFTER(J40__ERR("TODO: non-regular frame"));
			J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__read_toc(st, &inner->toc));

			J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__lf_global_in_section(st, &inner->toc));
			J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__hf_global_in_section(st, &inner->toc));

			J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__allocate_lf_groups(st, &inner->lf_groups));

			if (inner->toc.single_size) {
				J40__ASSERT(f->num_lf_groups == 1 && f->num_groups == 1 && f->num_passes == 1);
				J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__lf_group(st, &inner->lf_groups[0]));
				J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__pass_group(st, 0, 0, 0, f->width, f->height, 0, &inner->lf_groups[0]));
			} else {
				while (inner->toc.nsections_read < inner->toc.nsections) {
					J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__lf_or_pass_group_in_section(st, &inner->toc, inner->lf_groups));

			J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__end_of_frame(st, &inner->toc));

			J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__inverse_transform(st, &f->gmodular));
			if (!f->is_modular) J40__YIELD_AFTER(j40__combine_vardct(st, inner->lf_groups));


	default: J40__UNREACHABLE();

	return 0;

J40_STATIC void j40__free_inner(j40__inner *inner) {
	int64_t i, num_lf_groups = inner->frame.num_lf_groups;
	if (inner->lf_groups) {
		for (i = 0; i < num_lf_groups; ++i) j40__free_lf_group(&inner->lf_groups[i]);

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

// public API (implementation)


J40_API j40_err j40_error(const j40_image *image) {
	j40__inner *inner; // ignored
	// do not alter image->magic even for Ufre
	return j40__check_image((j40_image *) image, J40__ORIGIN_NONE, &inner);

J40_API const char *j40_error_string(const j40_image *image) {
	static char static_errbuf[J40__ERRBUF_LEN];
	uint32_t origin = J40__ORIGIN_NONE;
	j40_err err = 0;
	const char *msg, *suffix;
	char *buf = NULL;
	int saved_errno = 0;
	int32_t i, corrupted_image = 0;

	if (!image) {
		snprintf(static_errbuf, J40__ERRBUF_LEN, "`image` parameter is NULL during j40_error_string");
		return static_errbuf;
	if (image->magic == J40__IMAGE_MAGIC) {
		if (image->u.inner && image->u.inner->magic == J40__INNER_MAGIC) {
			origin = image->u.inner->origin;
			err = image->u.inner->err;
			buf = image->u.inner->errbuf;
			saved_errno = image->u.inner->saved_errno;
		} else {
			corrupted_image = 1;
	} else {
		origin = image->magic ^ J40__IMAGE_ERR_MAGIC;
		if (0 < origin && origin <= J40__ORIGIN_LAST_ALT_MAGIC) {
			err = image->u.err;
			buf = static_errbuf;
			saved_errno = 0;
			// do not alter image->magic even for Ufre, but the message will be altered accordingly
			if (origin == J40__ORIGIN_NEXT) origin = J40__ORIGIN_error_string;
		} else {
			origin = image->magic ^ J40__IMAGE_OPEN_ERR_MAGIC;
			if (0 < origin && origin <= J40__ORIGIN_LAST_ALT_MAGIC) {
				err = J40__4("open");
				buf = static_errbuf;
				saved_errno = image->u.saved_errno;
			} else {
				corrupted_image = 1;
	if (corrupted_image) {
		snprintf(static_errbuf, J40__ERRBUF_LEN,
			"`image` parameter is found corrupted during j40_error_string");
		return static_errbuf;

	// TODO acquire a spinlock for buf if threaded

	msg = NULL;
	suffix = "";
	for (i = 0; i < (int32_t) (sizeof(J40__ERROR_STRINGS) / sizeof(*J40__ERROR_STRINGS)); ++i) {
		if (err == J40__4(J40__ERROR_STRINGS[i].err)) {
			msg = J40__ERROR_STRINGS[i].msg;
			if (J40__ERROR_STRINGS[i].suffix) suffix = J40__ERROR_STRINGS[i].suffix;
	if (!msg) {
		snprintf(buf, J40__ERRBUF_LEN, "Decoding failed (%c%c%c%c) during j40_%s",
			err >> 24 & 0xff, err >> 16 & 0xff, err >> 8 & 0xff, err & 0xff, J40__ORIGIN_NAMES[origin]);
	} else if (saved_errno) {
		snprintf(buf, J40__ERRBUF_LEN, "%s during j40_%s%s: %s",
			msg, J40__ORIGIN_NAMES[origin], suffix, strerror(saved_errno));
	} else {
		snprintf(buf, J40__ERRBUF_LEN, "%s during j40_%s%s", msg, J40__ORIGIN_NAMES[origin], suffix);
	return buf;

J40_API j40_err j40_from_memory(j40_image *image, void *buf, size_t size, j40_memory_free_func freefunc) {
	static const j40__origin ORIGIN = J40__ORIGIN_from_memory;
	j40__inner *inner;
	j40__st stbuf, *st = &stbuf;

	if (!image) return J40__4("Uim0");
	if (!buf) return j40__set_alt_magic(J40__4("Ubf0"), 0, ORIGIN, image);

	inner = (j40__inner*) j40__calloc(1, sizeof(j40__inner));
	if (!inner) return j40__set_alt_magic(J40__4("!mem"), 0, ORIGIN, image);

	j40__init_state(st, inner);
	if (j40__init_memory_source(st, (uint8_t*) buf, size, freefunc, &inner->source)) {
		return j40__set_alt_magic(st->err, st->saved_errno, ORIGIN, image);
	} else {
		return j40__set_magic(inner, image);

J40_API j40_err j40_from_file(j40_image *image, const char *path) {
	static const j40__origin ORIGIN = J40__ORIGIN_from_file;
	j40__inner *inner;
	j40__st stbuf, *st = &stbuf;

	if (!image) return J40__4("Uim0");
	if (!path) return j40__set_alt_magic(J40__4("Upt0"), 0, ORIGIN, image);

	inner = (j40__inner*) j40__calloc(1, sizeof(j40__inner));
	if (!inner) return j40__set_alt_magic(J40__4("!mem"), 0, ORIGIN, image);

	j40__init_state(st, inner);
	if (j40__init_file_source(st, path, &inner->source)) {
		return j40__set_alt_magic(st->err, st->saved_errno, ORIGIN, image);
	} else {
		return j40__set_magic(inner, image);

J40_API j40_err j40_output_format(j40_image *image, int32_t channel, int32_t format) {
	static const j40__origin ORIGIN = J40__ORIGIN_output_format;
	j40__inner *inner;


	// TODO implement multiple output formats
	if (channel != J40_RGBA) return J40__SET_INNER_ERR("Uch?");
	if (format != J40_U8X4) return J40__SET_INNER_ERR("Ufm?");
	if (!(channel == J40_RGBA && format == J40_U8X4)) return J40__SET_INNER_ERR("Uof?");

	return 0;

J40_API int j40_next_frame(j40_image *image) {
	static const j40__origin ORIGIN = J40__ORIGIN_next_frame;
	j40__inner *inner;
	j40__st stbuf;
	j40_err err;

	err = j40__check_image(image, ORIGIN, &inner);
	if (err) return 0; // does NOT return err!

	err = j40__advance(inner, ORIGIN);
	if (err) return 0;

	// we don't yet have multiple frames, so the second j40_next_frame call always returns 0
	if (inner->rendered) return 0;

	j40__init_state(&stbuf, inner);
	err = j40__render_to_u8x4_rgba(&stbuf, &inner->rendered_rgba);
	if (err) {
		inner->origin = ORIGIN;
		inner->err = err;
		return 0;
	inner->rendered = 1;
	return 1;

J40_API j40_frame j40_current_frame(j40_image *image) {
	static const j40__origin ORIGIN = J40__ORIGIN_current_frame;
	j40__inner *inner;
	j40_frame frame;
	j40_err err;

	err = j40__check_image(image, ORIGIN, &inner);
	frame.magic = J40__FRAME_ERR_MAGIC;
	frame.reserved = 0;
	frame.inner = inner;
	if (err) return frame;

	if (!inner->rendered) {
		if (!j40_next_frame(image)) { // if j40_next_frame hasn't been called, implicity call it
			if (inner->err) return frame; // at this point we are sure that inner exists

	frame.magic = J40__FRAME_MAGIC;
	return frame;

J40_API j40_pixels_u8x4 j40_frame_pixels_u8x4(const j40_frame *frame, int32_t channel) {
	static const j40__origin ORIGIN = J40__ORIGIN_frame_pixels;

	// on error, return this placeholder image (TODO should this include an error message?)
	#define J40__U8X4_THIRD(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) 255,0,0,a*255, 255,0,0,b*255, 255,0,0,c*255, \
		255,0,0,d*255, 255,0,0,e*255, 255,0,0,f*255, 255,0,0,g*255
	#define J40__U8X4_ROW(aa,bb,cc) J40__U8X4_THIRD aa, J40__U8X4_THIRD bb, J40__U8X4_THIRD cc
	static const uint8_t ERROR_PIXELS_DATA[] = {
	static const j40_pixels_u8x4 ERROR_PIXELS = {21, 7, 21 * 4, ERROR_PIXELS_DATA};

	j40__inner *inner;
	j40_pixels_u8x4 pixels;

	if (!frame || frame->magic != J40__FRAME_MAGIC) return ERROR_PIXELS;
	inner = frame->inner;
	if (!inner || inner->magic != J40__INNER_MAGIC) return ERROR_PIXELS;

	// TODO support more channels
	if (channel != J40_RGBA) return ERROR_PIXELS;

	// TODO this condition is impossible under the current API
	if (!inner->rendered) return J40__SET_INNER_ERR("Urnd"), ERROR_PIXELS;

	J40__ASSERT(inner->rendered_rgba.width % 4 == 0);
	pixels.width = inner->rendered_rgba.width / 4;
	pixels.height = inner->rendered_rgba.height;
	pixels.stride_bytes = inner->rendered_rgba.stride_bytes; = (void*) inner->rendered_rgba.pixels;
	return pixels;

J40_API const j40_u8x4 *j40_row_u8x4(j40_pixels_u8x4 pixels, int32_t y) {
	J40__ASSERT(0 <= y && y < pixels.height);
	J40__ASSERT(pixels.stride_bytes > 0);
	return (const j40_u8x4*) ((const char*) + (size_t) pixels.stride_bytes * (size_t) y);

J40_API void j40_free(j40_image *image) {
	j40__inner *inner;
	j40__check_image(image, J40__ORIGIN_free, &inner);
	if (inner) j40__free_inner(inner);
	image->magic = J40__IMAGE_ERR_MAGIC ^ J40__ORIGIN_NEXT;
	image->u.err = J40__4("Ufre");

#endif // defined J40_IMPLEMENTATION

#endif // J40__RECURSING < 0                       // internal code ends here //

#if J40__RECURSING <= 0

#ifdef __cplusplus

#ifdef _MSC_VER
	#pragma warning(pop)

// prevents double `#include`s---we can't really use `#pragma once` or simple `#ifndef` guards...
#undef J40__RECURSING
#define J40__RECURSING 9999

#endif // J40__RECURSING <= 0

///////////////////////////////// end of file //////////////////////////////////

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