ref: 696171a9bfa8c9e26fe32288acc5b5bb3baf168a
dir: /jpc_t2dec.c/
/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Image Power, Inc. and the University of * British Columbia. * Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Michael David Adams. * All rights reserved. */ /* __START_OF_JASPER_LICENSE__ * * JasPer License Version 2.0 * * Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Michael David Adams * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Image Power, Inc. * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The University of British Columbia * * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person (the * "User") obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit * persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the * following conditions: * * 1. The above copyright notices and this permission notice (which * includes the disclaimer below) shall be included in all copies or * substantial portions of the Software. * * 2. The name of a copyright holder shall not be used to endorse or * promote products derived from the Software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS * LICENSE. NO USE OF THE SOFTWARE IS AUTHORIZED HEREUNDER EXCEPT UNDER * THIS DISCLAIMER. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING * BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING * FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. NO ASSURANCES ARE * PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS THAT THE SOFTWARE DOES NOT INFRINGE * THE PATENT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF ANY OTHER ENTITY. * EACH COPYRIGHT HOLDER DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY TO THE USER FOR CLAIMS * BROUGHT BY ANY OTHER ENTITY BASED ON INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL * PROPERTY RIGHTS OR OTHERWISE. AS A CONDITION TO EXERCISING THE RIGHTS * GRANTED HEREUNDER, EACH USER HEREBY ASSUMES SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO SECURE * ANY OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS NEEDED, IF ANY. THE SOFTWARE * IS NOT FAULT-TOLERANT AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN MISSION-CRITICAL * SYSTEMS, SUCH AS THOSE USED IN THE OPERATION OF NUCLEAR FACILITIES, * AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION OR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL * SYSTEMS, DIRECT LIFE SUPPORT MACHINES, OR WEAPONS SYSTEMS, IN WHICH * THE FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE OR SYSTEM COULD LEAD DIRECTLY TO DEATH, * PERSONAL INJURY, OR SEVERE PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE ("HIGH * RISK ACTIVITIES"). THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES. * * __END_OF_JASPER_LICENSE__ */ /* * Tier 2 Decoder * * $Id$ */ /******************************************************************************\ * Includes. \******************************************************************************/ #include "jpc_t2dec.h" #include "jpc_bs.h" #include "jpc_dec.h" #include "jpc_cs.h" #include "jpc_t1cod.h" #include "jpc_math.h" #include "jasper/jas_types.h" #include "jasper/jas_malloc.h" #include "jasper/jas_math.h" #include "jasper/jas_stream.h" #include "jasper/jas_debug.h" /******************************************************************************\ * \******************************************************************************/ static long jpc_dec_lookahead(jas_stream_t *in); static int jpc_getcommacode(jpc_bitstream_t *in); static int jpc_getnumnewpasses(jpc_bitstream_t *in); static int jpc_dec_decodepkt(jpc_dec_t *dec, jas_stream_t *pkthdrstream, jas_stream_t *in, int compno, int lvlno, int prcno, unsigned lyrno); /******************************************************************************\ * Code. \******************************************************************************/ static int jpc_getcommacode(jpc_bitstream_t *in) { int n; int v; n = 0; for (;;) { if ((v = jpc_bitstream_getbit(in)) < 0) { return -1; } if (jpc_bitstream_eof(in)) { return -1; } if (!v) { break; } ++n; } return n; } static int jpc_getnumnewpasses(jpc_bitstream_t *in) { int n; if ((n = jpc_bitstream_getbit(in)) > 0) { if ((n = jpc_bitstream_getbit(in)) > 0) { if ((n = jpc_bitstream_getbits(in, 2)) == 3) { if ((n = jpc_bitstream_getbits(in, 5)) == 31) { if ((n = jpc_bitstream_getbits(in, 7)) >= 0) { n += 36 + 1; } } else if (n >= 0) { n += 5 + 1; } } else if (n >= 0) { n += 2 + 1; } } else if (!n) { n += 2; } } else if (!n) { ++n; } return n; } static int jpc_dec_decodepkt(jpc_dec_t *dec, jas_stream_t *pkthdrstream, jas_stream_t *in, int compno, int rlvlno, int prcno, unsigned lyrno) { jpc_bitstream_t *inb; jpc_dec_tcomp_t *tcomp; jpc_dec_rlvl_t *rlvl; jpc_dec_band_t *band; jpc_dec_cblk_t *cblk; int m; jpc_tagtreenode_t *leaf; int included; int ret; int numnewpasses; jpc_dec_seg_t *seg; int len; int present; jpc_ms_t *ms; jpc_dec_tile_t *tile; jpc_dec_ccp_t *ccp; jpc_dec_cp_t *cp; jpc_dec_prc_t *prc; uint_fast32_t bodylen; bool discard; /* Avoid compiler warning about possible use of uninitialized variable. */ bodylen = 0; discard = (lyrno >= dec->maxlyrs); tile = dec->curtile; cp = tile->cp; ccp = &cp->ccps[compno]; /* * Decode the packet header. */ /* Decode the SOP marker segment if present. */ if (cp->csty & JPC_COD_SOP) { if (jpc_dec_lookahead(in) == JPC_MS_SOP) { if (!(ms = jpc_getms(in, dec->cstate))) { return -1; } if (jpc_ms_gettype(ms) != JPC_MS_SOP) { jpc_ms_destroy(ms); jas_eprintf("cannot get (SOP) marker segment\n"); return -1; } unsigned int maxNsop = 65536; /* checking the packet sequence number */ if (tile->pi->pktno % maxNsop != ms->parms.sop.seqno) { jas_eprintf("incorrect packet sequence number %d was found, but expected %d\n", ms->parms.sop.seqno, tile->pi->pktno % maxNsop); jpc_ms_destroy(ms); return -1; } jpc_ms_destroy(ms); } } const uint_least64_t hdroffstart = jas_stream_getrwcount(pkthdrstream); if (!(inb = jpc_bitstream_sopen(pkthdrstream, "r"))) { return -1; } if ((present = jpc_bitstream_getbit(inb)) < 0) { jpc_bitstream_close(inb); return 1; } JAS_DBGLOG(10, ("\n", present)); JAS_DBGLOG(10, ("present=%d ", present)); /* Is the packet non-empty? */ if (present) { /* The packet is non-empty. */ tcomp = &tile->tcomps[compno]; rlvl = &tcomp->rlvls[rlvlno]; bodylen = 0; unsigned bandno; for (bandno = 0, band = rlvl->bands; bandno < (unsigned)rlvl->numbands; ++bandno, ++band) { if (!band->data) { continue; } prc = &band->prcs[prcno]; if (!prc->cblks) { continue; } unsigned cblkno; unsigned usedcblkcnt = 0; for (cblkno = 0, cblk = prc->cblks; cblkno < (unsigned)prc->numcblks; ++cblkno, ++cblk) { ++usedcblkcnt; if (!cblk->numpasses) { leaf = jpc_tagtree_getleaf(prc->incltagtree, usedcblkcnt - 1); if ((included = jpc_tagtree_decode(prc->incltagtree, leaf, lyrno + 1, inb)) < 0) { jpc_bitstream_close(inb); return -1; } } else { if ((included = jpc_bitstream_getbit(inb)) < 0) { jpc_bitstream_close(inb); return -1; } } JAS_DBGLOG(10, ("\n")); JAS_DBGLOG(10, ("included=%d ", included)); if (!included) { continue; } if (!cblk->numpasses) { unsigned i = 1; leaf = jpc_tagtree_getleaf(prc->numimsbstagtree, usedcblkcnt - 1); for (;;) { if ((ret = jpc_tagtree_decode(prc->numimsbstagtree, leaf, i, inb)) < 0) { jpc_bitstream_close(inb); return -1; } if (ret) { break; } ++i; } cblk->numimsbs = i - 1; cblk->firstpassno = cblk->numimsbs * 3; } if ((numnewpasses = jpc_getnumnewpasses(inb)) < 0) { jpc_bitstream_close(inb); return -1; } JAS_DBGLOG(10, ("numnewpasses=%d ", numnewpasses)); seg = cblk->curseg; const unsigned savenumnewpasses = numnewpasses; unsigned mycounter = 0; if (numnewpasses > 0) { if (cblk->firstpassno > 10000) { /* workaround for CVE-2016-9398: this large value would make JPC_SEGPASSCNT() return a negative value, causing an assertion failure in jpc_floorlog2() */ jpc_bitstream_close(inb); return -1; } if ((m = jpc_getcommacode(inb)) < 0) { jpc_bitstream_close(inb); return -1; } cblk->numlenbits += m; JAS_DBGLOG(10, ("increment=%d ", m)); while (numnewpasses > 0) { const unsigned passno = cblk->firstpassno + cblk->numpasses + mycounter; if (passno >= 10000) { /* with this value, JPC_SEGPASSCNT() would return 0, which is an illegal value and would later crash in jpc_floorlog2() */ jpc_bitstream_close(inb); return -1; } /* XXX - the maxpasses is not set precisely but this doesn't matter... */ const unsigned maxpasses = JPC_SEGPASSCNT(passno, cblk->firstpassno, 10000, (ccp->cblkctx & JPC_COX_LAZY) != 0, (ccp->cblkctx & JPC_COX_TERMALL) != 0); if (!discard && !seg) { if (!(seg = jpc_seg_alloc())) { jpc_bitstream_close(inb); return -1; } jpc_seglist_insert(&cblk->segs, cblk->segs.tail, seg); if (!cblk->curseg) { cblk->curseg = seg; } seg->passno = passno; seg->type = JPC_SEGTYPE(seg->passno, cblk->firstpassno, (ccp->cblkctx & JPC_COX_LAZY) != 0); seg->maxpasses = maxpasses; } const unsigned n = JAS_MIN((unsigned)numnewpasses, maxpasses); mycounter += n; numnewpasses -= n; if ((len = jpc_bitstream_getbits(inb, cblk->numlenbits + jpc_floorlog2(n))) < 0) { jpc_bitstream_close(inb); return -1; } JAS_DBGLOG(10, ("len=%d ", len)); if (!discard) { seg->lyrno = lyrno; seg->numpasses += n; seg->cnt = len; seg = seg->next; } bodylen += len; } } cblk->numpasses += savenumnewpasses; } } jpc_bitstream_inalign(inb, 0, 0); } else { if (jpc_bitstream_inalign(inb, 0x7f, 0)) { jas_eprintf("alignment failed\n"); jpc_bitstream_close(inb); return -1; } } jpc_bitstream_close(inb); if (jas_getdbglevel() >= 5) { const uint_least64_t hdroffend = jas_stream_getrwcount(pkthdrstream); const unsigned long hdrlen = hdroffend - hdroffstart; jas_eprintf("hdrlen=%lu bodylen=%lu \n", (unsigned long) hdrlen, (unsigned long) bodylen); } if (cp->csty & JPC_COD_EPH) { if (!(ms = jpc_getms(pkthdrstream, dec->cstate))) { jas_eprintf("cannot get (EPH) marker segment\n"); return -1; } if (jpc_ms_gettype(ms) != JPC_MS_EPH) { jpc_ms_destroy(ms); jas_eprintf("missing EPH marker segment\n"); return -1; } jpc_ms_destroy(ms); } /* decode the packet body. */ if (jas_getdbglevel() >= 1) { jas_eprintf("packet body offset=%06ld\n", (long) jas_stream_getrwcount(in)); } if (!discard) { tcomp = &tile->tcomps[compno]; rlvl = &tcomp->rlvls[rlvlno]; unsigned bandno; for (bandno = 0, band = rlvl->bands; bandno < (unsigned)rlvl->numbands; ++bandno, ++band) { if (!band->data) { continue; } prc = &band->prcs[prcno]; if (!prc->cblks) { continue; } unsigned cblkno; for (cblkno = 0, cblk = prc->cblks; cblkno < (unsigned)prc->numcblks; ++cblkno, ++cblk) { seg = cblk->curseg; while (seg) { if (!seg->stream) { if (!(seg->stream = jas_stream_memopen(0, 0))) { return -1; } } #if 0 jas_eprintf("lyrno=%02d, compno=%02d, lvlno=%02d, prcno=%02d, bandno=%02d, cblkno=%02d, passno=%02d numpasses=%02d cnt=%d numbps=%d, numimsbs=%d\n", lyrno, compno, rlvlno, prcno, band - rlvl->bands, cblk - prc->cblks, seg->passno, seg->numpasses, seg->cnt, band->numbps, cblk->numimsbs); #endif if (seg->cnt > 0) { if (jpc_getdata(in, seg->stream, seg->cnt) < 0) { return -1; } seg->cnt = 0; } if (seg->numpasses >= seg->maxpasses) { cblk->curseg = seg->next; } seg = seg->next; } } } } else { if (jas_stream_gobble(in, bodylen) != JAS_CAST(int, bodylen)) { return -1; } } return 0; } /********************************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************************************/ int jpc_dec_decodepkts(jpc_dec_t *dec, jas_stream_t *pkthdrstream, jas_stream_t *in) { jpc_dec_tile_t *tile; jpc_pi_t *pi; int ret; tile = dec->curtile; pi = tile->pi; for (;;) { if (!tile->pkthdrstream || jas_stream_peekc(tile->pkthdrstream) == EOF) { switch (jpc_dec_lookahead(in)) { case JPC_MS_EOC: case JPC_MS_SOT: return 0; case JPC_MS_SOP: case JPC_MS_EPH: case 0: break; default: return -1; } } if ((ret = jpc_pi_next(pi))) { return ret; } if (dec->maxpkts >= 0 && dec->numpkts >= (unsigned)dec->maxpkts) { jas_eprintf("warning: stopping decode prematurely as requested\n"); return 0; } if (jas_getdbglevel() >= 1) { jas_eprintf("packet offset=%08ld prg=%d cmptno=%02d " "rlvlno=%02d prcno=%03d lyrno=%02d\n", (long) jas_stream_getrwcount(in), jpc_pi_prg(pi), jpc_pi_cmptno(pi), jpc_pi_rlvlno(pi), jpc_pi_prcno(pi), jpc_pi_lyrno(pi)); } if (jpc_dec_decodepkt(dec, pkthdrstream, in, jpc_pi_cmptno(pi), jpc_pi_rlvlno(pi), jpc_pi_prcno(pi), jpc_pi_lyrno(pi))) { return -1; } ++dec->numpkts; } } jpc_pi_t *jpc_dec_pi_create(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_dec_tile_t *tile) { jpc_pi_t *pi; unsigned compno; jpc_picomp_t *picomp; jpc_pirlvl_t *pirlvl; jpc_dec_tcomp_t *tcomp; unsigned rlvlno; jpc_dec_rlvl_t *rlvl; unsigned prcno; unsigned *prclyrno; jpc_dec_cmpt_t *cmpt; if (!(pi = jpc_pi_create0())) { return 0; } pi->numcomps = dec->numcomps; if (!(pi->picomps = jas_alloc2(pi->numcomps, sizeof(jpc_picomp_t)))) { jpc_pi_destroy(pi); return 0; } for (compno = 0, picomp = pi->picomps; compno < pi->numcomps; ++compno, ++picomp) { picomp->pirlvls = 0; } for (compno = 0, tcomp = tile->tcomps, picomp = pi->picomps; compno < pi->numcomps; ++compno, ++tcomp, ++picomp) { picomp->numrlvls = tcomp->numrlvls; if (!(picomp->pirlvls = jas_alloc2(picomp->numrlvls, sizeof(jpc_pirlvl_t)))) { jpc_pi_destroy(pi); return 0; } for (rlvlno = 0, pirlvl = picomp->pirlvls; rlvlno < picomp->numrlvls; ++rlvlno, ++pirlvl) { pirlvl->prclyrnos = 0; } for (rlvlno = 0, pirlvl = picomp->pirlvls, rlvl = tcomp->rlvls; rlvlno < picomp->numrlvls; ++rlvlno, ++pirlvl, ++rlvl) { /* XXX sizeof(long) should be sizeof different type */ pirlvl->numprcs = rlvl->numprcs; if (!(pirlvl->prclyrnos = jas_alloc2(pirlvl->numprcs, sizeof(long)))) { jpc_pi_destroy(pi); return 0; } } } pi->maxrlvls = 0; for (compno = 0, tcomp = tile->tcomps, picomp = pi->picomps, cmpt = dec->cmpts; compno < pi->numcomps; ++compno, ++tcomp, ++picomp, ++cmpt) { picomp->hsamp = cmpt->hstep; picomp->vsamp = cmpt->vstep; for (rlvlno = 0, pirlvl = picomp->pirlvls, rlvl = tcomp->rlvls; rlvlno < picomp->numrlvls; ++rlvlno, ++pirlvl, ++rlvl) { pirlvl->prcwidthexpn = rlvl->prcwidthexpn; pirlvl->prcheightexpn = rlvl->prcheightexpn; for (prcno = 0, prclyrno = pirlvl->prclyrnos; prcno < pirlvl->numprcs; ++prcno, ++prclyrno) { *prclyrno = 0; } pirlvl->numhprcs = rlvl->numhprcs; } if (pi->maxrlvls < tcomp->numrlvls) { pi->maxrlvls = tcomp->numrlvls; } } pi->numlyrs = tile->cp->numlyrs; pi->xstart = tile->xstart; pi->ystart = tile->ystart; pi->xend = tile->xend; pi->yend = tile->yend; pi->picomp = 0; pi->pirlvl = 0; pi->x = 0; pi->y = 0; pi->compno = 0; pi->rlvlno = 0; pi->prcno = 0; pi->lyrno = 0; pi->xstep = 0; pi->ystep = 0; pi->pchgno = -1; pi->defaultpchg.prgord = tile->cp->prgord; pi->defaultpchg.compnostart = 0; pi->defaultpchg.compnoend = pi->numcomps; pi->defaultpchg.rlvlnostart = 0; pi->defaultpchg.rlvlnoend = pi->maxrlvls; pi->defaultpchg.lyrnoend = pi->numlyrs; pi->pchg = 0; pi->valid = 0; return pi; } static long jpc_dec_lookahead(jas_stream_t *in) { uint_fast16_t x; if (jpc_getuint16(in, &x)) { return -1; } if (jas_stream_ungetc(in, x & 0xff) == EOF || jas_stream_ungetc(in, x >> 8) == EOF) { return -1; } if (x >= JPC_MS_INMIN) { return x; } return 0; }