ref: 696171a9bfa8c9e26fe32288acc5b5bb3baf168a
dir: /jpc_dec.c/
/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Image Power, Inc. and the University of * British Columbia. * Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Michael David Adams. * All rights reserved. */ /* __START_OF_JASPER_LICENSE__ * * JasPer License Version 2.0 * * Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Michael David Adams * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Image Power, Inc. * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The University of British Columbia * * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person (the * "User") obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit * persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the * following conditions: * * 1. The above copyright notices and this permission notice (which * includes the disclaimer below) shall be included in all copies or * substantial portions of the Software. * * 2. The name of a copyright holder shall not be used to endorse or * promote products derived from the Software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS * LICENSE. NO USE OF THE SOFTWARE IS AUTHORIZED HEREUNDER EXCEPT UNDER * THIS DISCLAIMER. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING * BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING * FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. NO ASSURANCES ARE * PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS THAT THE SOFTWARE DOES NOT INFRINGE * THE PATENT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF ANY OTHER ENTITY. * EACH COPYRIGHT HOLDER DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY TO THE USER FOR CLAIMS * BROUGHT BY ANY OTHER ENTITY BASED ON INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL * PROPERTY RIGHTS OR OTHERWISE. AS A CONDITION TO EXERCISING THE RIGHTS * GRANTED HEREUNDER, EACH USER HEREBY ASSUMES SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO SECURE * ANY OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS NEEDED, IF ANY. THE SOFTWARE * IS NOT FAULT-TOLERANT AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN MISSION-CRITICAL * SYSTEMS, SUCH AS THOSE USED IN THE OPERATION OF NUCLEAR FACILITIES, * AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION OR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL * SYSTEMS, DIRECT LIFE SUPPORT MACHINES, OR WEAPONS SYSTEMS, IN WHICH * THE FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE OR SYSTEM COULD LEAD DIRECTLY TO DEATH, * PERSONAL INJURY, OR SEVERE PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE ("HIGH * RISK ACTIVITIES"). THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES. * * __END_OF_JASPER_LICENSE__ */ /* * $Id$ */ /******************************************************************************\ * Includes. \******************************************************************************/ #include "jpc_dec.h" #include "jpc_fix.h" #include "jpc_cs.h" #include "jpc_mct.h" #include "jpc_t2dec.h" #include "jpc_t1cod.h" #include "jpc_t1dec.h" #include "jpc_math.h" #include "jasper/jas_types.h" #include "jasper/jas_math.h" #include "jasper/jas_malloc.h" #include "jasper/jas_debug.h" /******************************************************************************\ * \******************************************************************************/ #define JPC_MHSOC 0x0001 /* In the main header, expecting a SOC marker segment. */ #define JPC_MHSIZ 0x0002 /* In the main header, expecting a SIZ marker segment. */ #define JPC_MH 0x0004 /* In the main header, expecting "other" marker segments. */ #define JPC_TPHSOT 0x0008 /* In a tile-part header, expecting a SOT marker segment. */ #define JPC_TPH 0x0010 /* In a tile-part header, expecting "other" marker segments. */ #define JPC_MT 0x0020 /* In the main trailer. */ typedef struct { uint_least16_t id; /* The marker segment type. */ uint_least16_t validstates; /* The states in which this type of marker segment can be validly encountered. */ int (*action)(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms); /* The action to take upon encountering this type of marker segment. */ } jpc_dec_mstabent_t; /******************************************************************************\ * \******************************************************************************/ /* COD/COC parameters have been specified. */ #define JPC_CSET 0x0001 /* QCD/QCC parameters have been specified. */ #define JPC_QSET 0x0002 /* COD/COC parameters set from a COC marker segment. */ #define JPC_COC 0x0004 /* QCD/QCC parameters set from a QCC marker segment. */ #define JPC_QCC 0x0008 /******************************************************************************\ * Local function prototypes. \******************************************************************************/ static int jpc_dec_dump(const jpc_dec_t *dec, FILE *out); static jpc_ppxstab_t *jpc_ppxstab_create(void); static void jpc_ppxstab_destroy(jpc_ppxstab_t *tab); static int jpc_ppxstab_grow(jpc_ppxstab_t *tab, unsigned maxents); static int jpc_ppxstab_insert(jpc_ppxstab_t *tab, jpc_ppxstabent_t *ent); static jpc_streamlist_t *jpc_ppmstabtostreams(jpc_ppxstab_t *tab); static int jpc_pptstabwrite(jas_stream_t *out, jpc_ppxstab_t *tab); static jpc_ppxstabent_t *jpc_ppxstabent_create(void); static void jpc_ppxstabent_destroy(jpc_ppxstabent_t *ent); static int jpc_streamlist_numstreams(jpc_streamlist_t *streamlist); static jpc_streamlist_t *jpc_streamlist_create(void); static int jpc_streamlist_insert(jpc_streamlist_t *streamlist, unsigned streamno, jas_stream_t *stream); static jas_stream_t *jpc_streamlist_remove(jpc_streamlist_t *streamlist, unsigned streamno); static void jpc_streamlist_destroy(jpc_streamlist_t *streamlist); static void jpc_dec_cp_resetflags(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp); static jpc_dec_cp_t *jpc_dec_cp_create(uint_fast16_t numcomps); static int jpc_dec_cp_isvalid(const jpc_dec_cp_t *cp); static jpc_dec_cp_t *jpc_dec_cp_copy(const jpc_dec_cp_t *cp); static int jpc_dec_cp_setfromcod(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp, const jpc_cod_t *cod); static int jpc_dec_cp_setfromcoc(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp, const jpc_coc_t *coc); static int jpc_dec_cp_setfromcox(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp, jpc_dec_ccp_t *ccp, const jpc_coxcp_t *compparms, unsigned flags); static int jpc_dec_cp_setfromqcd(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp, const jpc_qcd_t *qcd); static int jpc_dec_cp_setfromqcc(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp, const jpc_qcc_t *qcc); static int jpc_dec_cp_setfromqcx(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp, jpc_dec_ccp_t *ccp, const jpc_qcxcp_t *compparms, unsigned flags); static int jpc_dec_cp_setfromrgn(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp, const jpc_rgn_t *rgn); static int jpc_dec_cp_prepare(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp); static void jpc_dec_cp_destroy(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp); static int jpc_dec_cp_setfrompoc(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp, const jpc_poc_t *poc, int reset); static int jpc_pi_addpchgfrompoc(jpc_pi_t *pi, const jpc_poc_t *poc); static int jpc_dec_decode(jpc_dec_t *dec); static jpc_dec_t *jpc_dec_create(jpc_dec_importopts_t *impopts, jas_stream_t *in); static void jpc_dec_destroy(jpc_dec_t *dec); static void jpc_dequantize(jas_matrix_t *x, jpc_fix_t absstepsize); static void jpc_undo_roi(jas_matrix_t *x, int roishift, int bgshift, unsigned numbps); static jpc_fix_t jpc_calcabsstepsize(unsigned stepsize, unsigned numbits); static int jpc_dec_tiledecode(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_dec_tile_t *tile); static int jpc_dec_tileinit(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_dec_tile_t *tile); static int jpc_dec_tilefini(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_dec_tile_t *tile); static int jpc_dec_process_soc(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms); static int jpc_dec_process_sot(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms); static int jpc_dec_process_sod(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms); static int jpc_dec_process_eoc(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms); static int jpc_dec_process_siz(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms); static int jpc_dec_process_cod(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms); static int jpc_dec_process_coc(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms); static int jpc_dec_process_rgn(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms); static int jpc_dec_process_qcd(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms); static int jpc_dec_process_qcc(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms); static int jpc_dec_process_poc(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms); static int jpc_dec_process_ppm(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms); static int jpc_dec_process_ppt(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms); static int jpc_dec_process_com(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms); static int jpc_dec_process_unk(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms); static int jpc_dec_process_crg(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms); static jpc_dec_importopts_t *jpc_dec_opts_create(const char *optstr); static void jpc_dec_opts_destroy(jpc_dec_importopts_t *opts); static const jpc_dec_mstabent_t *jpc_dec_mstab_lookup(uint_fast16_t id); /******************************************************************************\ * Global data. \******************************************************************************/ static const jpc_dec_mstabent_t jpc_dec_mstab[] = { {JPC_MS_SOC, JPC_MHSOC, jpc_dec_process_soc}, {JPC_MS_SOT, JPC_MH | JPC_TPHSOT, jpc_dec_process_sot}, {JPC_MS_SOD, JPC_TPH, jpc_dec_process_sod}, {JPC_MS_EOC, JPC_TPHSOT, jpc_dec_process_eoc}, {JPC_MS_SIZ, JPC_MHSIZ, jpc_dec_process_siz}, {JPC_MS_COD, JPC_MH | JPC_TPH, jpc_dec_process_cod}, {JPC_MS_COC, JPC_MH | JPC_TPH, jpc_dec_process_coc}, {JPC_MS_RGN, JPC_MH | JPC_TPH, jpc_dec_process_rgn}, {JPC_MS_QCD, JPC_MH | JPC_TPH, jpc_dec_process_qcd}, {JPC_MS_QCC, JPC_MH | JPC_TPH, jpc_dec_process_qcc}, {JPC_MS_POC, JPC_MH | JPC_TPH, jpc_dec_process_poc}, {JPC_MS_TLM, JPC_MH, 0}, {JPC_MS_PLM, JPC_MH, 0}, {JPC_MS_PLT, JPC_TPH, 0}, {JPC_MS_PPM, JPC_MH, jpc_dec_process_ppm}, {JPC_MS_PPT, JPC_TPH, jpc_dec_process_ppt}, {JPC_MS_SOP, 0, 0}, {JPC_MS_CRG, JPC_MH, jpc_dec_process_crg}, {JPC_MS_COM, JPC_MH | JPC_TPH, jpc_dec_process_com}, {0, JPC_MH | JPC_TPH, jpc_dec_process_unk} }; /******************************************************************************\ * The main entry point for the JPEG-2000 decoder. \******************************************************************************/ jas_image_t *jpc_decode(jas_stream_t *in, const char *optstr) { jpc_dec_importopts_t *opts; jpc_dec_t *dec; jas_image_t *image; dec = 0; JAS_DBGLOG(100, ("jpc_decode(%p, \"%s\")\n", in, optstr)); if (!(opts = jpc_dec_opts_create(optstr))) { goto error; } jpc_initluts(); if (!(dec = jpc_dec_create(opts, in))) { goto error; } jpc_dec_opts_destroy(opts); opts = 0; /* Do most of the work. */ if (jpc_dec_decode(dec)) { goto error; } if (jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image) >= 3) { jas_image_setclrspc(dec->image, JAS_CLRSPC_SRGB); jas_image_setcmpttype(dec->image, 0, JAS_IMAGE_CT_COLOR(JAS_CLRSPC_CHANIND_RGB_R)); jas_image_setcmpttype(dec->image, 1, JAS_IMAGE_CT_COLOR(JAS_CLRSPC_CHANIND_RGB_G)); jas_image_setcmpttype(dec->image, 2, JAS_IMAGE_CT_COLOR(JAS_CLRSPC_CHANIND_RGB_B)); } else { jas_image_setclrspc(dec->image, JAS_CLRSPC_SGRAY); jas_image_setcmpttype(dec->image, 0, JAS_IMAGE_CT_COLOR(JAS_CLRSPC_CHANIND_GRAY_Y)); } /* Save the return value. */ image = dec->image; /* Stop the image from being discarded. */ dec->image = 0; /* Destroy decoder. */ jpc_dec_destroy(dec); return image; error: if (opts) { jpc_dec_opts_destroy(opts); } if (dec) { jpc_dec_destroy(dec); } return 0; } static jpc_dec_importopts_t *jpc_dec_opts_create(const char *optstr) { jpc_dec_importopts_t *opts; USED(optstr); if (!(opts = jas_malloc(sizeof(jpc_dec_importopts_t)))) { goto error; } opts->debug = 0; opts->maxlyrs = JPC_MAXLYRS; opts->maxpkts = -1; opts->max_samples = JAS_DEC_DEFAULT_MAX_SAMPLES; return opts; error: if (opts) { jpc_dec_opts_destroy(opts); } return 0; } static void jpc_dec_opts_destroy(jpc_dec_importopts_t *opts) { jas_free(opts); } /******************************************************************************\ * Code for table-driven code stream decoder. \******************************************************************************/ JAS_ATTRIBUTE_CONST static const jpc_dec_mstabent_t *jpc_dec_mstab_lookup(uint_fast16_t id) { const jpc_dec_mstabent_t *mstabent; for (mstabent = jpc_dec_mstab; mstabent->id != 0; ++mstabent) { if (mstabent->id == id) { break; } } return mstabent; } static int jpc_dec_decode(jpc_dec_t *dec) { jpc_ms_t *ms; const jpc_dec_mstabent_t *mstabent; int ret; jpc_cstate_t *cstate; if (!(cstate = jpc_cstate_create())) { return -1; } dec->cstate = cstate; /* Initially, we should expect to encounter a SOC marker segment. */ dec->state = JPC_MHSOC; for (;;) { /* Get the next marker segment in the code stream. */ if (!(ms = jpc_getms(dec->in, cstate))) { jas_eprintf("cannot get marker segment\n"); return -1; } mstabent = jpc_dec_mstab_lookup(ms->id); assert(mstabent); /* Ensure that this type of marker segment is permitted at this point in the code stream. */ if (!(dec->state & mstabent->validstates)) { jas_eprintf("unexpected marker segment type\n"); jpc_ms_destroy(ms); return -1; } /* Process the marker segment. */ if (mstabent->action) { ret = (*mstabent->action)(dec, ms); } else { /* No explicit action is required. */ ret = 0; } /* Destroy the marker segment. */ jpc_ms_destroy(ms); if (ret < 0) { return -1; } else if (ret > 0) { break; } } return 0; } static int jpc_dec_process_crg(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms) { jpc_dec_cmpt_t *cmpt; jpc_crg_t *crg; crg = &ms->parms.crg; unsigned cmptno; for (cmptno = 0, cmpt = dec->cmpts; cmptno < dec->numcomps; ++cmptno, ++cmpt) { /* Ignore the information in the CRG marker segment for now. This information serves no useful purpose for decoding anyhow. Some other parts of the code need to be changed if these lines are uncommented. cmpt->hsubstep = crg->comps[cmptno].hoff; cmpt->vsubstep = crg->comps[cmptno].voff; */ /* suppress -Wunused-but-set-variable */ USED(crg); } return 0; } static int jpc_dec_process_soc(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms) { /* Eliminate warnings about unused variables. */ (void)ms; /* We should expect to encounter a SIZ marker segment next. */ dec->state = JPC_MHSIZ; return 0; } static int jpc_dec_process_sot(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms) { jpc_dec_tile_t *tile; jpc_sot_t *sot = &ms->parms.sot; jas_image_cmptparm_t *compinfos; jas_image_cmptparm_t *compinfo; jpc_dec_cmpt_t *cmpt; if (dec->state == JPC_MH) { if (!(compinfos = jas_alloc2(dec->numcomps, sizeof(jas_image_cmptparm_t)))) { return -1; } unsigned cmptno; for (cmptno = 0, cmpt = dec->cmpts, compinfo = compinfos; cmptno < dec->numcomps; ++cmptno, ++cmpt, ++compinfo) { compinfo->tlx = 0; compinfo->tly = 0; compinfo->prec = cmpt->prec; compinfo->sgnd = cmpt->sgnd; compinfo->width = cmpt->width; compinfo->height = cmpt->height; compinfo->hstep = cmpt->hstep; compinfo->vstep = cmpt->vstep; } if (!(dec->image = jas_image_create(dec->numcomps, compinfos, JAS_CLRSPC_UNKNOWN))) { jas_free(compinfos); return -1; } jas_free(compinfos); /* Is the packet header information stored in PPM marker segments in the main header? */ if (dec->ppmstab) { /* Convert the PPM marker segment data into a collection of streams (one stream per tile-part). */ if (!(dec->pkthdrstreams = jpc_ppmstabtostreams(dec->ppmstab))) { return -1; } jpc_ppxstab_destroy(dec->ppmstab); dec->ppmstab = 0; } } if (sot->len > 0) { dec->curtileendoff = jas_stream_getrwcount(dec->in) - ms->len - 4 + sot->len; } else { dec->curtileendoff = 0; } if (sot->tileno >= dec->numtiles) { jas_eprintf("invalid tile number in SOT marker segment\n"); return -1; } /* Set the current tile. */ dec->curtile = &dec->tiles[sot->tileno]; tile = dec->curtile; /* Ensure that this is the expected part number. */ if (sot->partno != tile->partno) { return -1; } if (tile->numparts > 0 && sot->partno >= tile->numparts) { return -1; } if (!tile->numparts && sot->numparts > 0) { tile->numparts = sot->numparts; } tile->pptstab = 0; switch (tile->state) { case JPC_TILE_INIT: /* This is the first tile-part for this tile. */ tile->state = JPC_TILE_ACTIVE; assert(!tile->cp); if (!(tile->cp = jpc_dec_cp_copy(dec->cp))) { return -1; } jpc_dec_cp_resetflags(dec->cp); break; default: if (sot->numparts == sot->partno - 1) { tile->state = JPC_TILE_ACTIVELAST; } break; } /* Note: We do not increment the expected tile-part number until all processing for this tile-part is complete. */ /* We should expect to encounter other tile-part header marker segments next. */ dec->state = JPC_TPH; return 0; } static int jpc_dec_process_sod(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms) { jpc_dec_tile_t *tile; int pos; /* Eliminate compiler warnings about unused variables. */ (void)ms; if (!(tile = dec->curtile)) { return -1; } if (!tile->partno) { if (!jpc_dec_cp_isvalid(tile->cp)) { return -1; } if (jpc_dec_cp_prepare(tile->cp)) { return -1; } if (jpc_dec_tileinit(dec, tile)) { return -1; } } /* Are packet headers stored in the main header or tile-part header? */ if (dec->pkthdrstreams) { /* Get the stream containing the packet header data for this tile-part. */ if (!(tile->pkthdrstream = jpc_streamlist_remove(dec->pkthdrstreams, 0))) { return -1; } } if (tile->pptstab) { if (!tile->pkthdrstream) { if (!(tile->pkthdrstream = jas_stream_memopen(0, 0))) { return -1; } } pos = jas_stream_tell(tile->pkthdrstream); jas_stream_seek(tile->pkthdrstream, 0, SEEK_END); if (jpc_pptstabwrite(tile->pkthdrstream, tile->pptstab)) { return -1; } jas_stream_seek(tile->pkthdrstream, pos, SEEK_SET); jpc_ppxstab_destroy(tile->pptstab); tile->pptstab = 0; } if (jas_getdbglevel() >= 10) { jpc_dec_dump(dec, stderr); } if (jpc_dec_decodepkts(dec, (tile->pkthdrstream) ? tile->pkthdrstream : dec->in, dec->in)) { jas_eprintf("jpc_dec_decodepkts failed\n"); return -1; } /* Gobble any unconsumed tile data. */ if (dec->curtileendoff > 0) { long curoff; uint_fast32_t n; curoff = jas_stream_getrwcount(dec->in); if (curoff < dec->curtileendoff) { n = dec->curtileendoff - curoff; jas_eprintf("warning: ignoring trailing garbage (%lu bytes)\n", (unsigned long) n); while (n-- > 0) { if (jas_stream_getc(dec->in) == EOF) { jas_eprintf("read error\n"); return -1; } } } else if (curoff > dec->curtileendoff) { jas_eprintf("warning: not enough tile data (%lu bytes)\n", (unsigned long) curoff - dec->curtileendoff); } } if (tile->numparts > 0 && tile->partno == tile->numparts - 1) { if (jpc_dec_tiledecode(dec, tile)) { return -1; } jpc_dec_tilefini(dec, tile); } dec->curtile = 0; /* Increment the expected tile-part number. */ ++tile->partno; /* We should expect to encounter a SOT marker segment next. */ dec->state = JPC_TPHSOT; return 0; } static int jpc_dec_tileinit(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_dec_tile_t *tile) { jpc_dec_tcomp_t *tcomp; unsigned rlvlno; jpc_dec_rlvl_t *rlvl; jpc_dec_band_t *band; jpc_dec_prc_t *prc; jpc_dec_cblk_t *cblk; uint_fast32_t tlprcxstart; uint_fast32_t tlprcystart; uint_fast32_t brprcxend; uint_fast32_t brprcyend; uint_fast32_t tlcbgxstart; uint_fast32_t tlcbgystart; uint_fast32_t brcbgxend; uint_fast32_t cbgxstart; uint_fast32_t cbgystart; uint_fast32_t cbgxend; uint_fast32_t cbgyend; uint_fast32_t tlcblkxstart; uint_fast32_t tlcblkystart; uint_fast32_t brcblkxend; uint_fast32_t brcblkyend; uint_fast32_t cblkxstart; uint_fast32_t cblkystart; uint_fast32_t cblkxend; uint_fast32_t cblkyend; uint_fast32_t tmpxstart; uint_fast32_t tmpystart; uint_fast32_t tmpxend; uint_fast32_t tmpyend; jpc_tsfb_band_t bnds[JPC_MAXBANDS]; jpc_pchg_t *pchg; const jpc_dec_cp_t *cp = tile->cp; tile->realmode = 0; if (cp->mctid == JPC_MCT_ICT) { tile->realmode = 1; } unsigned compno; const jpc_dec_cmpt_t *cmpt; for (compno = 0, tcomp = tile->tcomps, cmpt = dec->cmpts; compno < dec->numcomps; ++compno, ++tcomp, ++cmpt) { const jpc_dec_ccp_t *ccp = &tile->cp->ccps[compno]; if (ccp->qmfbid == JPC_COX_INS) { tile->realmode = 1; } tcomp->numrlvls = ccp->numrlvls; if (!(tcomp->rlvls = jas_alloc2(tcomp->numrlvls, sizeof(jpc_dec_rlvl_t)))) { return -1; } for (rlvlno = 0, rlvl = tcomp->rlvls; rlvlno < tcomp->numrlvls; ++rlvlno, ++rlvl) { rlvl->bands = NULL; } if (!(tcomp->data = jas_seq2d_create(JPC_CEILDIV(tile->xstart, cmpt->hstep), JPC_CEILDIV(tile->ystart, cmpt->vstep), JPC_CEILDIV(tile->xend, cmpt->hstep), JPC_CEILDIV(tile->yend, cmpt->vstep)))) { return -1; } if (!(tcomp->tsfb = jpc_cod_gettsfb(ccp->qmfbid, tcomp->numrlvls - 1))) { return -1; } { jpc_tsfb_getbands(tcomp->tsfb, jas_seq2d_xstart(tcomp->data), jas_seq2d_ystart(tcomp->data), jas_seq2d_xend(tcomp->data), jas_seq2d_yend(tcomp->data), bnds); } for (rlvlno = 0, rlvl = tcomp->rlvls; rlvlno < tcomp->numrlvls; ++rlvlno, ++rlvl) { rlvl->bands = 0; rlvl->xstart = JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(tcomp->xstart, tcomp->numrlvls - 1 - rlvlno); rlvl->ystart = JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(tcomp->ystart, tcomp->numrlvls - 1 - rlvlno); rlvl->xend = JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(tcomp->xend, tcomp->numrlvls - 1 - rlvlno); rlvl->yend = JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(tcomp->yend, tcomp->numrlvls - 1 - rlvlno); rlvl->prcwidthexpn = ccp->prcwidthexpns[rlvlno]; rlvl->prcheightexpn = ccp->prcheightexpns[rlvlno]; tlprcxstart = JPC_FLOORDIVPOW2(rlvl->xstart, rlvl->prcwidthexpn) << rlvl->prcwidthexpn; tlprcystart = JPC_FLOORDIVPOW2(rlvl->ystart, rlvl->prcheightexpn) << rlvl->prcheightexpn; brprcxend = JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(rlvl->xend, rlvl->prcwidthexpn) << rlvl->prcwidthexpn; brprcyend = JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(rlvl->yend, rlvl->prcheightexpn) << rlvl->prcheightexpn; rlvl->numhprcs = (brprcxend - tlprcxstart) >> rlvl->prcwidthexpn; rlvl->numvprcs = (brprcyend - tlprcystart) >> rlvl->prcheightexpn; rlvl->numprcs = rlvl->numhprcs * rlvl->numvprcs; if (rlvl->numprcs >= 64 * 1024) { /* avoid out-of-memory due to malicious file; this limit is rather arbitrary; "good" files I have seen have values 1..12 */ return -1; } if (rlvl->xstart >= rlvl->xend || rlvl->ystart >= rlvl->yend) { rlvl->bands = 0; rlvl->numprcs = 0; rlvl->numhprcs = 0; rlvl->numvprcs = 0; continue; } if (!rlvlno) { tlcbgxstart = tlprcxstart; tlcbgystart = tlprcystart; brcbgxend = brprcxend; rlvl->cbgwidthexpn = rlvl->prcwidthexpn; rlvl->cbgheightexpn = rlvl->prcheightexpn; } else { tlcbgxstart = JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(tlprcxstart, 1); tlcbgystart = JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(tlprcystart, 1); brcbgxend = JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(brprcxend, 1); if (rlvl->prcwidthexpn < 1 || rlvl->prcheightexpn < 1) { /* the control block width/height offset exponent must not be negative */ return -1; } rlvl->cbgwidthexpn = rlvl->prcwidthexpn - 1; rlvl->cbgheightexpn = rlvl->prcheightexpn - 1; } rlvl->cblkwidthexpn = JAS_MIN(ccp->cblkwidthexpn, rlvl->cbgwidthexpn); rlvl->cblkheightexpn = JAS_MIN(ccp->cblkheightexpn, rlvl->cbgheightexpn); rlvl->numbands = (!rlvlno) ? 1 : 3; if (!(rlvl->bands = jas_alloc2(rlvl->numbands, sizeof(jpc_dec_band_t)))) { return -1; } unsigned bandno; for (bandno = 0, band = rlvl->bands; bandno < rlvl->numbands; ++bandno, ++band) { unsigned bndno = (!rlvlno) ? 0 : (3 * (rlvlno - 1) + bandno + 1); const jpc_tsfb_band_t *bnd = &bnds[bndno]; band->orient = bnd->orient; band->stepsize = ccp->stepsizes[bndno]; band->analgain = JPC_NOMINALGAIN(ccp->qmfbid, tcomp->numrlvls - 1, rlvlno, band->orient); band->absstepsize = jpc_calcabsstepsize(band->stepsize, cmpt->prec + band->analgain); band->numbps = ccp->numguardbits + JPC_QCX_GETEXPN(band->stepsize) - 1; band->roishift = (ccp->roishift + band->numbps >= JPC_PREC) ? (JPC_PREC - 1 - band->numbps) : ccp->roishift; band->data = 0; band->prcs = 0; if (bnd->xstart == bnd->xend || bnd->ystart == bnd->yend) { continue; } if (!(band->data = jas_seq2d_create(0, 0, 0, 0))) { return -1; } if (jas_seq2d_bindsub(band->data, tcomp->data, bnd->locxstart, bnd->locystart, bnd->locxend, bnd->locyend)) { return -1; } jas_seq2d_setshift(band->data, bnd->xstart, bnd->ystart); assert(rlvl->numprcs); if (!(band->prcs = jas_alloc2(rlvl->numprcs, sizeof(jpc_dec_prc_t)))) { return -1; } /************************************************/ cbgxstart = tlcbgxstart; cbgystart = tlcbgystart; unsigned prccnt; for (prccnt = rlvl->numprcs, prc = band->prcs; prccnt > 0; --prccnt, ++prc) { cbgxend = cbgxstart + (1 << rlvl->cbgwidthexpn); cbgyend = cbgystart + (1 << rlvl->cbgheightexpn); prc->xstart = JAS_MAX(cbgxstart, JAS_CAST(uint_fast32_t, jas_seq2d_xstart(band->data))); prc->ystart = JAS_MAX(cbgystart, JAS_CAST(uint_fast32_t, jas_seq2d_ystart(band->data))); prc->xend = JAS_MIN(cbgxend, JAS_CAST(uint_fast32_t, jas_seq2d_xend(band->data))); prc->yend = JAS_MIN(cbgyend, JAS_CAST(uint_fast32_t, jas_seq2d_yend(band->data))); if (prc->xend > prc->xstart && prc->yend > prc->ystart) { tlcblkxstart = JPC_FLOORDIVPOW2(prc->xstart, rlvl->cblkwidthexpn) << rlvl->cblkwidthexpn; tlcblkystart = JPC_FLOORDIVPOW2(prc->ystart, rlvl->cblkheightexpn) << rlvl->cblkheightexpn; brcblkxend = JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(prc->xend, rlvl->cblkwidthexpn) << rlvl->cblkwidthexpn; brcblkyend = JPC_CEILDIVPOW2(prc->yend, rlvl->cblkheightexpn) << rlvl->cblkheightexpn; prc->numhcblks = (brcblkxend - tlcblkxstart) >> rlvl->cblkwidthexpn; prc->numvcblks = (brcblkyend - tlcblkystart) >> rlvl->cblkheightexpn; prc->numcblks = prc->numhcblks * prc->numvcblks; assert(prc->numcblks > 0); if (!(prc->incltagtree = jpc_tagtree_create( prc->numhcblks, prc->numvcblks))) { return -1; } if (!(prc->numimsbstagtree = jpc_tagtree_create( prc->numhcblks, prc->numvcblks))) { return -1; } if (!(prc->cblks = jas_alloc2(prc->numcblks, sizeof(jpc_dec_cblk_t)))) { return -1; } cblkxstart = cbgxstart; cblkystart = cbgystart; unsigned cblkcnt; for (cblkcnt = prc->numcblks, cblk = prc->cblks; cblkcnt > 0;) { cblkxend = cblkxstart + (1 << rlvl->cblkwidthexpn); cblkyend = cblkystart + (1 << rlvl->cblkheightexpn); tmpxstart = JAS_MAX(cblkxstart, prc->xstart); tmpystart = JAS_MAX(cblkystart, prc->ystart); tmpxend = JAS_MIN(cblkxend, prc->xend); tmpyend = JAS_MIN(cblkyend, prc->yend); if (tmpxend > tmpxstart && tmpyend > tmpystart) { cblk->firstpassno = -1; cblk->numpasses = 0; cblk->segs.head = 0; cblk->segs.tail = 0; cblk->curseg = 0; cblk->numimsbs = 0; cblk->numlenbits = 3; if (!(cblk->data = jas_seq2d_create(0, 0, 0, 0))) { return -1; } if (jas_seq2d_bindsub(cblk->data, band->data, tmpxstart, tmpystart, tmpxend, tmpyend)) { return -1; } ++cblk; --cblkcnt; } cblkxstart += 1 << rlvl->cblkwidthexpn; if (cblkxstart >= cbgxend) { cblkxstart = cbgxstart; cblkystart += 1 << rlvl->cblkheightexpn; } } } else { prc->cblks = 0; prc->incltagtree = 0; prc->numimsbstagtree = 0; } cbgxstart += 1 << rlvl->cbgwidthexpn; if (cbgxstart >= brcbgxend) { cbgxstart = tlcbgxstart; cbgystart += 1 << rlvl->cbgheightexpn; } } /********************************************/ } } } if (!(tile->pi = jpc_dec_pi_create(dec, tile))) { return -1; } for (unsigned pchgno = 0; pchgno < jpc_pchglist_numpchgs(tile->cp->pchglist); ++pchgno) { pchg = jpc_pchg_copy(jpc_pchglist_get(tile->cp->pchglist, pchgno)); assert(pchg); jpc_pi_addpchg(tile->pi, pchg); } jpc_pi_init(tile->pi); return 0; } static int jpc_dec_tilefini(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_dec_tile_t *tile) { jpc_dec_tcomp_t *tcomp; unsigned rlvlno; jpc_dec_seg_t *seg; jpc_dec_cblk_t *cblk; if (tile->tcomps) { unsigned compno; for (compno = 0, tcomp = tile->tcomps; compno < dec->numcomps; ++compno, ++tcomp) { const jpc_dec_rlvl_t *rlvl; for (rlvlno = 0, rlvl = tcomp->rlvls; rlvlno < tcomp->numrlvls; ++rlvlno, ++rlvl) { if (!rlvl->bands) { continue; } unsigned bandno; const jpc_dec_band_t *band; for (bandno = 0, band = rlvl->bands; bandno < rlvl->numbands; ++bandno, ++band) { if (band->prcs) { unsigned prcno; const jpc_dec_prc_t *prc; for (prcno = 0, prc = band->prcs; prcno < rlvl->numprcs; ++prcno, ++prc) { if (!prc->cblks) { continue; } unsigned cblkno; for (cblkno = 0, cblk = prc->cblks; cblkno < prc->numcblks; ++cblkno, ++cblk) { while (cblk->segs.head) { seg = cblk->segs.head; jpc_seglist_remove(&cblk->segs, seg); jpc_seg_destroy(seg); } jas_matrix_destroy(cblk->data); } if (prc->incltagtree) { jpc_tagtree_destroy(prc->incltagtree); } if (prc->numimsbstagtree) { jpc_tagtree_destroy(prc->numimsbstagtree); } if (prc->cblks) { jas_free(prc->cblks); } } } if (band->data) { jas_matrix_destroy(band->data); } if (band->prcs) { jas_free(band->prcs); } } if (rlvl->bands) { jas_free(rlvl->bands); } } if (tcomp->rlvls) { jas_free(tcomp->rlvls); } if (tcomp->data) { jas_matrix_destroy(tcomp->data); } if (tcomp->tsfb) { jpc_tsfb_destroy(tcomp->tsfb); } } } if (tile->cp) { jpc_dec_cp_destroy(tile->cp); //tile->cp = 0; } if (tile->tcomps) { jas_free(tile->tcomps); //tile->tcomps = 0; } if (tile->pi) { jpc_pi_destroy(tile->pi); //tile->pi = 0; } if (tile->pkthdrstream) { jas_stream_close(tile->pkthdrstream); //tile->pkthdrstream = 0; } if (tile->pptstab) { jpc_ppxstab_destroy(tile->pptstab); //tile->pptstab = 0; } tile->state = JPC_TILE_DONE; return 0; } static int jpc_dec_tiledecode(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_dec_tile_t *tile) { unsigned rlvlno; int v; if (jpc_dec_decodecblks(dec, tile)) { jas_eprintf("jpc_dec_decodecblks failed\n"); return -1; } /* Perform dequantization. */ unsigned compno; const jpc_dec_tcomp_t *tcomp; for (compno = 0, tcomp = tile->tcomps; compno < dec->numcomps; ++compno, ++tcomp) { const jpc_dec_ccp_t *ccp = &tile->cp->ccps[compno]; const jpc_dec_rlvl_t *rlvl; for (rlvlno = 0, rlvl = tcomp->rlvls; rlvlno < tcomp->numrlvls; ++rlvlno, ++rlvl) { if (!rlvl->bands) { continue; } unsigned bandno; const jpc_dec_band_t *band; for (bandno = 0, band = rlvl->bands; bandno < rlvl->numbands; ++bandno, ++band) { if (!band->data) { continue; } jpc_undo_roi(band->data, band->roishift, ccp->roishift - band->roishift, band->numbps); if (ccp->qmfbid == JPC_COX_INS) { jas_matrix_asl(band->data, JPC_FIX_FRACBITS); jpc_dequantize(band->data, band->absstepsize); } } } } /* Apply an inverse wavelet transform if necessary. */ for (compno = 0, tcomp = tile->tcomps; compno < dec->numcomps; ++compno, ++tcomp) { jpc_tsfb_synthesize(tcomp->tsfb, tcomp->data); } /* Apply an inverse intercomponent transform if necessary. */ switch (tile->cp->mctid) { case JPC_MCT_RCT: if (dec->numcomps < 3) { jas_eprintf("RCT requires at least three components\n"); return -1; } if (!jas_image_cmpt_domains_same(dec->image)) { jas_eprintf("RCT requires all components have the same domain\n"); return -1; } jpc_irct(tile->tcomps[0].data, tile->tcomps[1].data, tile->tcomps[2].data); break; case JPC_MCT_ICT: if (dec->numcomps < 3) { jas_eprintf("ICT requires at least three components\n"); return -1; } if (!jas_image_cmpt_domains_same(dec->image)) { jas_eprintf("RCT requires all components have the same domain\n"); return -1; } jpc_iict(tile->tcomps[0].data, tile->tcomps[1].data, tile->tcomps[2].data); break; } /* Perform rounding and convert to integer values. */ for (compno = 0, tcomp = tile->tcomps; compno < dec->numcomps; ++compno, ++tcomp) { const jpc_dec_ccp_t *ccp = &tile->cp->ccps[compno]; if (ccp->qmfbid == JPC_COX_INS) { jas_matrix_t *const data = tcomp->data; const jas_matind_t height = jas_matrix_numrows(data); const jas_matind_t numcols = jas_matrix_numcols(data); for (jas_matind_t i = 0; i < height; ++i) { jpc_fix_t *p = jas_matrix_getref(data, i, 0); for (jas_matind_t j = 0; j < numcols; ++j) { v = p[j]; v = jpc_fix_round(v); p[j] = jpc_fixtoint(v); } } } } /* Perform level shift. */ const jpc_dec_cmpt_t *cmpt; for (compno = 0, tcomp = tile->tcomps, cmpt = dec->cmpts; compno < dec->numcomps; ++compno, ++tcomp, ++cmpt) { if (cmpt->sgnd) continue; jas_matrix_t *const data = tcomp->data; const jas_matind_t width = jas_matrix_numcols(data); const jas_matind_t height = jas_matrix_numrows(data); const jas_seqent_t adjust = (jas_seqent_t)1 << (cmpt->prec - 1); for (jas_matind_t i = 0; i < height; ++i) { jpc_fix_t *p = jas_matrix_getref(data, i, 0); for (jas_matind_t j = 0; j < width; ++j) { p[j] += adjust; } } } /* Perform clipping. */ for (compno = 0, tcomp = tile->tcomps, cmpt = dec->cmpts; compno < dec->numcomps; ++compno, ++tcomp, ++cmpt) { if (cmpt->prec >= sizeof(jpc_fix_t) * 8 - 2 + cmpt->sgnd) /* no need to clip, because the calculated minimum/maximum values would overflow our integer type anyway */ continue; const jas_seqent_t mn = cmpt->sgnd ? (-((jpc_fix_t)1 << (cmpt->prec - 1))) : (0); const jas_seqent_t mx = cmpt->sgnd ? (((jpc_fix_t)1 << (cmpt->prec - 1)) - 1) : (((jpc_fix_t)1 << cmpt->prec) - 1); jas_matrix_clip(tcomp->data, mn, mx); } /* XXX need to free tsfb struct */ /* Write the data for each component of the image. */ for (compno = 0, tcomp = tile->tcomps, cmpt = dec->cmpts; compno < dec->numcomps; ++compno, ++tcomp, ++cmpt) { if (jas_image_writecmpt(dec->image, compno, tcomp->xstart - JPC_CEILDIV(dec->xstart, cmpt->hstep), tcomp->ystart - JPC_CEILDIV(dec->ystart, cmpt->vstep), jas_matrix_numcols( tcomp->data), jas_matrix_numrows(tcomp->data), tcomp->data)) { jas_eprintf("write component failed\n"); return -1; } } return 0; } static int jpc_dec_process_eoc(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms) { jpc_dec_tile_t *tile; /* Eliminate compiler warnings about unused variables. */ (void)ms; unsigned tileno; for (tileno = 0, tile = dec->tiles; tileno < dec->numtiles; ++tileno, ++tile) { if (tile->state == JPC_TILE_ACTIVE || tile->state == JPC_TILE_ACTIVELAST) { if (jpc_dec_tiledecode(dec, tile)) { return -1; } } /* If the tile has not yet been finalized, finalize it. */ // OLD CODE: jpc_dec_tilefini(dec, tile); if (tile->state != JPC_TILE_DONE) { jpc_dec_tilefini(dec, tile); } } /* We are done processing the code stream. */ dec->state = JPC_MT; return 1; } static int jpc_dec_process_siz(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms) { jpc_siz_t *siz = &ms->parms.siz; jpc_dec_tile_t *tile; jpc_dec_tcomp_t *tcomp; jpc_dec_cmpt_t *cmpt; size_t size; size_t num_samples; size_t num_samples_delta; size_t total_samples; if (!jas_safe_size_mul(siz->width, siz->height, &total_samples) || (dec->max_samples > 0 && total_samples > dec->max_samples)) { jas_eprintf("image too large\n"); return -1; } size_t tile_samples; if (!jas_safe_size_mul(siz->tilewidth, siz->tileheight, &tile_samples) || (dec->max_samples > 0 && tile_samples > dec->max_samples)) { jas_eprintf("tile too large\n"); return -1; } dec->xstart = siz->xoff; dec->ystart = siz->yoff; dec->xend = siz->width; dec->yend = siz->height; dec->tilewidth = siz->tilewidth; dec->tileheight = siz->tileheight; dec->tilexoff = siz->tilexoff; dec->tileyoff = siz->tileyoff; dec->numcomps = siz->numcomps; if (!(dec->cp = jpc_dec_cp_create(dec->numcomps))) { return -1; } if (!(dec->cmpts = jas_alloc2(dec->numcomps, sizeof(jpc_dec_cmpt_t)))) { return -1; } num_samples = 0; unsigned compno; for (compno = 0, cmpt = dec->cmpts; compno < dec->numcomps; ++compno, ++cmpt) { cmpt->prec = siz->comps[compno].prec; cmpt->sgnd = siz->comps[compno].sgnd; cmpt->hstep = siz->comps[compno].hsamp; cmpt->vstep = siz->comps[compno].vsamp; cmpt->width = JPC_CEILDIV(dec->xend, cmpt->hstep) - JPC_CEILDIV(dec->xstart, cmpt->hstep); cmpt->height = JPC_CEILDIV(dec->yend, cmpt->vstep) - JPC_CEILDIV(dec->ystart, cmpt->vstep); cmpt->hsubstep = 0; cmpt->vsubstep = 0; if (!jas_safe_size_mul(cmpt->width, cmpt->height, &num_samples_delta)) { jas_eprintf("image too large\n"); return -1; } if (!jas_safe_size_add(num_samples, num_samples_delta, &num_samples)) { jas_eprintf("image too large\n"); return -1; } } if (dec->max_samples > 0 && num_samples > dec->max_samples) { jas_eprintf("maximum number of samples exceeded (%zu > %zu)\n", num_samples, dec->max_samples); return -1; } dec->image = 0; dec->numhtiles = JPC_CEILDIV(dec->xend - dec->tilexoff, dec->tilewidth); dec->numvtiles = JPC_CEILDIV(dec->yend - dec->tileyoff, dec->tileheight); if (!jas_safe_size_mul(dec->numhtiles, dec->numvtiles, &size) || size > INT_MAX) { return -1; } if (dec->max_samples > 0 && size > dec->max_samples / 16 / 16) { /* avoid Denial of Service by a malicious input file with millions of tiny tiles; if max_samples is configured, then assume the tiles are at least 16x16, and don't allow more than this number of tiles */ return -1; } if (dec->max_samples > 0 && size > dec->max_samples / dec->numcomps / 16) { /* another DoS check: since each tile allocates an array of components, this check attempts to catch excessive tile*component numbers */ return -1; } dec->numtiles = size; JAS_DBGLOG(10, ("numtiles = %d; numhtiles = %d; numvtiles = %d;\n", dec->numtiles, dec->numhtiles, dec->numvtiles)); if (!(dec->tiles = jas_alloc2(dec->numtiles, sizeof(jpc_dec_tile_t)))) { return -1; } unsigned tileno; for (tileno = 0, tile = dec->tiles; tileno < dec->numtiles; ++tileno, ++tile) { /* initialize all tiles with JPC_TILE_DONE so jpc_dec_destroy() knows which ones need a jpc_dec_tilefini() call; they are not actually "done", of course */ tile->state = JPC_TILE_DONE; } for (tileno = 0, tile = dec->tiles; tileno < dec->numtiles; ++tileno, ++tile) { const unsigned htileno = tileno % dec->numhtiles; const unsigned vtileno = tileno / dec->numhtiles; tile->realmode = 0; tile->state = JPC_TILE_INIT; tile->xstart = JAS_MAX(dec->tilexoff + htileno * dec->tilewidth, dec->xstart); tile->ystart = JAS_MAX(dec->tileyoff + vtileno * dec->tileheight, dec->ystart); tile->xend = JAS_MIN(dec->tilexoff + (htileno + 1) * dec->tilewidth, dec->xend); tile->yend = JAS_MIN(dec->tileyoff + (vtileno + 1) * dec->tileheight, dec->yend); tile->numparts = 0; tile->partno = 0; tile->pkthdrstream = 0; tile->pptstab = 0; tile->cp = 0; tile->pi = 0; if (!(tile->tcomps = jas_alloc2(dec->numcomps, sizeof(jpc_dec_tcomp_t)))) { return -1; } for (compno = 0, cmpt = dec->cmpts, tcomp = tile->tcomps; compno < dec->numcomps; ++compno, ++cmpt, ++tcomp) { tcomp->rlvls = 0; tcomp->numrlvls = 0; tcomp->data = 0; tcomp->xstart = JPC_CEILDIV(tile->xstart, cmpt->hstep); tcomp->ystart = JPC_CEILDIV(tile->ystart, cmpt->vstep); tcomp->xend = JPC_CEILDIV(tile->xend, cmpt->hstep); tcomp->yend = JPC_CEILDIV(tile->yend, cmpt->vstep); tcomp->tsfb = 0; } } dec->pkthdrstreams = 0; /* We should expect to encounter other main header marker segments or an SOT marker segment next. */ dec->state = JPC_MH; return 0; } static int jpc_dec_process_cod(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms) { const jpc_cod_t *cod = &ms->parms.cod; jpc_dec_tile_t *tile; switch (dec->state) { case JPC_MH: jpc_dec_cp_setfromcod(dec->cp, cod); break; case JPC_TPH: if (!(tile = dec->curtile)) { return -1; } if (tile->partno != 0) { return -1; } jpc_dec_cp_setfromcod(tile->cp, cod); break; } return 0; } static int jpc_dec_process_coc(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms) { const jpc_coc_t *coc = &ms->parms.coc; jpc_dec_tile_t *tile; if (coc->compno >= dec->numcomps) { jas_eprintf("invalid component number in COC marker segment\n"); return -1; } switch (dec->state) { case JPC_MH: jpc_dec_cp_setfromcoc(dec->cp, coc); break; case JPC_TPH: if (!(tile = dec->curtile)) { return -1; } if (tile->partno > 0) { return -1; } jpc_dec_cp_setfromcoc(tile->cp, coc); break; } return 0; } static int jpc_dec_process_rgn(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms) { const jpc_rgn_t *rgn = &ms->parms.rgn; jpc_dec_tile_t *tile; if (rgn->compno >= dec->numcomps) { jas_eprintf("invalid component number in RGN marker segment\n"); return -1; } switch (dec->state) { case JPC_MH: jpc_dec_cp_setfromrgn(dec->cp, rgn); break; case JPC_TPH: if (!(tile = dec->curtile)) { return -1; } if (tile->partno > 0) { return -1; } jpc_dec_cp_setfromrgn(tile->cp, rgn); break; } return 0; } static int jpc_dec_process_qcd(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms) { const jpc_qcd_t *qcd = &ms->parms.qcd; jpc_dec_tile_t *tile; switch (dec->state) { case JPC_MH: jpc_dec_cp_setfromqcd(dec->cp, qcd); break; case JPC_TPH: if (!(tile = dec->curtile)) { return -1; } if (tile->partno > 0) { return -1; } jpc_dec_cp_setfromqcd(tile->cp, qcd); break; } return 0; } static int jpc_dec_process_qcc(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms) { const jpc_qcc_t *qcc = &ms->parms.qcc; jpc_dec_tile_t *tile; if (qcc->compno >= dec->numcomps) { jas_eprintf("invalid component number in QCC marker segment\n"); return -1; } switch (dec->state) { case JPC_MH: jpc_dec_cp_setfromqcc(dec->cp, qcc); break; case JPC_TPH: if (!(tile = dec->curtile)) { return -1; } if (tile->partno > 0) { return -1; } jpc_dec_cp_setfromqcc(tile->cp, qcc); break; } return 0; } static int jpc_dec_process_poc(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms) { const jpc_poc_t *poc = &ms->parms.poc; jpc_dec_tile_t *tile; switch (dec->state) { case JPC_MH: if (jpc_dec_cp_setfrompoc(dec->cp, poc, 1)) { return -1; } break; case JPC_TPH: if (!(tile = dec->curtile)) { return -1; } if (!tile->partno) { if (jpc_dec_cp_setfrompoc(tile->cp, poc, (!tile->partno))) { return -1; } } else { jpc_pi_addpchgfrompoc(tile->pi, poc); } break; } return 0; } static int jpc_dec_process_ppm(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms) { jpc_ppm_t *ppm = &ms->parms.ppm; jpc_ppxstabent_t *ppmstabent; if (!dec->ppmstab) { if (!(dec->ppmstab = jpc_ppxstab_create())) { return -1; } } if (!(ppmstabent = jpc_ppxstabent_create())) { return -1; } ppmstabent->ind = ppm->ind; ppmstabent->data = ppm->data; ppm->data = 0; ppmstabent->len = ppm->len; if (jpc_ppxstab_insert(dec->ppmstab, ppmstabent)) { jpc_ppxstabent_destroy(ppmstabent); return -1; } return 0; } static int jpc_dec_process_ppt(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms) { jpc_ppt_t *ppt = &ms->parms.ppt; jpc_dec_tile_t *tile; jpc_ppxstabent_t *pptstabent; tile = dec->curtile; if (!tile->pptstab) { if (!(tile->pptstab = jpc_ppxstab_create())) { return -1; } } if (!(pptstabent = jpc_ppxstabent_create())) { return -1; } pptstabent->ind = ppt->ind; pptstabent->data = ppt->data; ppt->data = 0; pptstabent->len = ppt->len; if (jpc_ppxstab_insert(tile->pptstab, pptstabent)) { jpc_ppxstabent_destroy(pptstabent); return -1; } return 0; } static int jpc_dec_process_com(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms) { /* Eliminate compiler warnings about unused variables. */ USED(dec); USED(ms); return 0; } static int jpc_dec_process_unk(jpc_dec_t *dec, jpc_ms_t *ms) { /* Eliminate compiler warnings about unused variables. */ USED(dec); jas_eprintf("warning: ignoring unknown marker segment (0x%x)\n", ms->id); return 0; } /******************************************************************************\ * \******************************************************************************/ static jpc_dec_cp_t *jpc_dec_cp_create(uint_fast16_t numcomps) { jpc_dec_cp_t *cp; jpc_dec_ccp_t *ccp; if (!(cp = jas_malloc(sizeof(jpc_dec_cp_t)))) { return 0; } cp->flags = 0; cp->numcomps = numcomps; cp->prgord = 0; cp->numlyrs = 0; cp->mctid = 0; cp->csty = 0; if (!(cp->ccps = jas_alloc2(cp->numcomps, sizeof(jpc_dec_ccp_t)))) { goto error; } if (!(cp->pchglist = jpc_pchglist_create())) { goto error; } unsigned compno; for (compno = 0, ccp = cp->ccps; compno < cp->numcomps; ++compno, ++ccp) { ccp->flags = 0; ccp->numrlvls = 0; ccp->cblkwidthexpn = 0; ccp->cblkheightexpn = 0; ccp->qmfbid = 0; ccp->numstepsizes = 0; ccp->numguardbits = 0; ccp->roishift = 0; ccp->cblkctx = 0; } return cp; error: if (cp) { jpc_dec_cp_destroy(cp); } return 0; } static jpc_dec_cp_t *jpc_dec_cp_copy(const jpc_dec_cp_t *cp) { jpc_dec_cp_t *newcp; jpc_dec_ccp_t *newccp; const jpc_dec_ccp_t *ccp; if (!(newcp = jpc_dec_cp_create(cp->numcomps))) { return 0; } newcp->flags = cp->flags; newcp->prgord = cp->prgord; newcp->numlyrs = cp->numlyrs; newcp->mctid = cp->mctid; newcp->csty = cp->csty; jpc_pchglist_destroy(newcp->pchglist); newcp->pchglist = 0; if (!(newcp->pchglist = jpc_pchglist_copy(cp->pchglist))) { jas_free(newcp); return 0; } unsigned compno; for (compno = 0, newccp = newcp->ccps, ccp = cp->ccps; compno < cp->numcomps; ++compno, ++newccp, ++ccp) { *newccp = *ccp; } return newcp; } static void jpc_dec_cp_resetflags(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp) { jpc_dec_ccp_t *ccp; cp->flags &= (JPC_CSET | JPC_QSET); unsigned compno; for (compno = 0, ccp = cp->ccps; compno < cp->numcomps; ++compno, ++ccp) { ccp->flags = 0; } } static void jpc_dec_cp_destroy(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp) { if (cp->ccps) { jas_free(cp->ccps); } if (cp->pchglist) { jpc_pchglist_destroy(cp->pchglist); } jas_free(cp); } static int jpc_dec_cp_isvalid(const jpc_dec_cp_t *cp) { uint_fast16_t compcnt; const jpc_dec_ccp_t *ccp; if (!(cp->flags & JPC_CSET) || !(cp->flags & JPC_QSET)) { return 0; } for (compcnt = cp->numcomps, ccp = cp->ccps; compcnt > 0; --compcnt, ++ccp) { /* Is there enough step sizes for the number of bands? */ if ((ccp->qsty != JPC_QCX_SIQNT && JAS_CAST(int, ccp->numstepsizes) < 3 * ccp->numrlvls - 2) || (ccp->qsty == JPC_QCX_SIQNT && ccp->numstepsizes != 1)) { return 0; } } return 1; } static int calcstepsizes(uint_fast16_t refstepsize, unsigned numrlvls, uint_fast16_t *stepsizes) { uint_fast16_t expn; uint_fast16_t mant; expn = JPC_QCX_GETEXPN(refstepsize); mant = JPC_QCX_GETMANT(refstepsize); const unsigned numbands = 3 * numrlvls - 2; for (unsigned bandno = 0; bandno < numbands; ++bandno) { //jas_eprintf("DEBUG %d %d %d %d %d\n", bandno, expn, numrlvls, bandno, ((numrlvls - 1) - (numrlvls - 1 - ((bandno > 0) ? ((bandno + 2) / 3) : (0))))); const unsigned r = (bandno + 2) / 3; const unsigned nb = (r == 0) ? (numrlvls - 1) - r : (numrlvls - 1) - r + 1; uint_fast16_t e = expn - (numrlvls - 1) + nb; if (e >= 0x20) return -1; stepsizes[bandno] = JPC_QCX_MANT(mant) | JPC_QCX_EXPN(e); } return 0; } static int jpc_dec_cp_prepare(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp) { jpc_dec_ccp_t *ccp; unsigned compno; for (compno = 0, ccp = cp->ccps; compno < cp->numcomps; ++compno, ++ccp) { if (!(ccp->csty & JPC_COX_PRT)) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < JPC_MAXRLVLS; ++i) { ccp->prcwidthexpns[i] = 15; ccp->prcheightexpns[i] = 15; } } if (ccp->qsty == JPC_QCX_SIQNT) { if (calcstepsizes(ccp->stepsizes[0], ccp->numrlvls, ccp->stepsizes)) { return -1; } } } return 0; } static int jpc_dec_cp_setfromcod(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp, const jpc_cod_t *cod) { jpc_dec_ccp_t *ccp; cp->flags |= JPC_CSET; cp->prgord = cod->prg; if (cod->mctrans) { cp->mctid = (cod->compparms.qmfbid == JPC_COX_INS) ? (JPC_MCT_ICT) : (JPC_MCT_RCT); } else { cp->mctid = JPC_MCT_NONE; } cp->numlyrs = cod->numlyrs; cp->csty = cod->csty & (JPC_COD_SOP | JPC_COD_EPH); unsigned compno; for (compno = 0, ccp = cp->ccps; compno < cp->numcomps; ++compno, ++ccp) { jpc_dec_cp_setfromcox(cp, ccp, &cod->compparms, 0); } cp->flags |= JPC_CSET; return 0; } static int jpc_dec_cp_setfromcoc(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp, const jpc_coc_t *coc) { jpc_dec_cp_setfromcox(cp, &cp->ccps[coc->compno], &coc->compparms, JPC_COC); return 0; } static int jpc_dec_cp_setfromcox(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp, jpc_dec_ccp_t *ccp, const jpc_coxcp_t *compparms, unsigned flags) { int rlvlno; /* Eliminate compiler warnings about unused variables. */ USED(cp); if ((flags & JPC_COC) || !(ccp->flags & JPC_COC)) { ccp->numrlvls = compparms->numdlvls + 1; ccp->cblkwidthexpn = JPC_COX_GETCBLKSIZEEXPN( compparms->cblkwidthval); ccp->cblkheightexpn = JPC_COX_GETCBLKSIZEEXPN( compparms->cblkheightval); ccp->qmfbid = compparms->qmfbid; ccp->cblkctx = compparms->cblksty; ccp->csty = compparms->csty & JPC_COX_PRT; for (rlvlno = 0; rlvlno < compparms->numrlvls; ++rlvlno) { ccp->prcwidthexpns[rlvlno] = compparms->rlvls[rlvlno].parwidthval; ccp->prcheightexpns[rlvlno] = compparms->rlvls[rlvlno].parheightval; } ccp->flags |= flags | JPC_CSET; } return 0; } static int jpc_dec_cp_setfromqcd(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp, const jpc_qcd_t *qcd) { unsigned compno; jpc_dec_ccp_t *ccp; for (compno = 0, ccp = cp->ccps; compno < cp->numcomps; ++compno, ++ccp) { jpc_dec_cp_setfromqcx(cp, ccp, &qcd->compparms, 0); } cp->flags |= JPC_QSET; return 0; } static int jpc_dec_cp_setfromqcc(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp, const jpc_qcc_t *qcc) { return jpc_dec_cp_setfromqcx(cp, &cp->ccps[qcc->compno], &qcc->compparms, JPC_QCC); } static int jpc_dec_cp_setfromqcx(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp, jpc_dec_ccp_t *ccp, const jpc_qcxcp_t *compparms, unsigned flags) { int bandno; /* Eliminate compiler warnings about unused variables. */ USED(cp); /* Sanity check to prevent buffer overflow */ if (compparms->numstepsizes > (3 * JPC_MAXRLVLS + 1)) { return -1; } if ((flags & JPC_QCC) || !(ccp->flags & JPC_QCC)) { ccp->flags |= flags | JPC_QSET; for (bandno = 0; bandno < compparms->numstepsizes; ++bandno) { ccp->stepsizes[bandno] = compparms->stepsizes[bandno]; } ccp->numstepsizes = compparms->numstepsizes; ccp->numguardbits = compparms->numguard; ccp->qsty = compparms->qntsty; } return 0; } static int jpc_dec_cp_setfromrgn(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp, const jpc_rgn_t *rgn) { jpc_dec_ccp_t *ccp; ccp = &cp->ccps[rgn->compno]; ccp->roishift = rgn->roishift; return 0; } static int jpc_pi_addpchgfrompoc(jpc_pi_t *pi, const jpc_poc_t *poc) { int pchgno; jpc_pchg_t *pchg; for (pchgno = 0; pchgno < poc->numpchgs; ++pchgno) { if (!(pchg = jpc_pchg_copy(&poc->pchgs[pchgno]))) { return -1; } if (jpc_pchglist_insert(pi->pchglist, -1, pchg)) { return -1; } } return 0; } static int jpc_dec_cp_setfrompoc(jpc_dec_cp_t *cp, const jpc_poc_t *poc, int reset) { int pchgno; jpc_pchg_t *pchg; if (reset) { while (jpc_pchglist_numpchgs(cp->pchglist) > 0) { pchg = jpc_pchglist_remove(cp->pchglist, 0); jpc_pchg_destroy(pchg); } } for (pchgno = 0; pchgno < poc->numpchgs; ++pchgno) { if (!(pchg = jpc_pchg_copy(&poc->pchgs[pchgno]))) { return -1; } if (jpc_pchglist_insert(cp->pchglist, -1, pchg)) { return -1; } } return 0; } static jpc_fix_t jpc_calcabsstepsize(unsigned stepsize, unsigned numbits) { jpc_fix_t absstepsize; int n; absstepsize = jpc_inttofix(1); n = JPC_FIX_FRACBITS - 11; absstepsize |= (n >= 0) ? (JPC_QCX_GETMANT(stepsize) << n) : (JPC_QCX_GETMANT(stepsize) >> (-n)); n = numbits - JPC_QCX_GETEXPN(stepsize); absstepsize = (n >= 0) ? (absstepsize << n) : (absstepsize >> (-n)); return absstepsize; } static void jpc_dequantize(jas_matrix_t *x, jpc_fix_t absstepsize) { // a reconstruction parameter defined in E 1.1.2 of the ISO/IEC 15444-1 jpc_fix_t recparam = JPC_FIX_HALF; assert(absstepsize >= 0); if (absstepsize == jpc_inttofix(1)) { return; } const jas_matind_t height = jas_matrix_numrows(x); const size_t width = jas_matrix_numcols(x); for (jas_matind_t i = 0; i < height; ++i) { jpc_fix_t *p = jas_matrix_getref(x, i, 0); for (size_t j = 0; j < width; ++j) { jas_seqent_t t = p[j]; if (t) { // mid-point reconstruction t = (t > 0) ? jpc_fix_add(t, recparam) : jpc_fix_sub(t, recparam); t = jpc_fix_mul(t, absstepsize); p[j] = t; } } } } static void jpc_undo_roi(jas_matrix_t *x, int roishift, int bgshift, unsigned numbps) { int thresh; jpc_fix_t val; jpc_fix_t mag; bool warn; uint_fast32_t mask; if (roishift < 0) { /* We could instead return an error here. */ /* I do not think it matters much. */ jas_eprintf("warning: forcing negative ROI shift to zero " "(bitstream is probably corrupt)\n"); roishift = 0; } if (roishift == 0 && bgshift == 0) { return; } thresh = 1 << roishift; warn = false; const jas_matind_t width = jas_matrix_numcols(x); const jas_matind_t height = jas_matrix_numrows(x); for (jas_matind_t i = 0; i < height; ++i) { jpc_fix_t *p = jas_matrix_getref(x, i, 0); for (jas_matind_t j = 0; j < width; ++j, ++p) { val = *p; mag = JAS_ABS(val); if (mag >= thresh) { /* We are dealing with ROI data. */ mag >>= roishift; val = (val < 0) ? (-mag) : mag; *p = val; } else { /* We are dealing with non-ROI (i.e., background) data. */ mag <<= bgshift; mask = (JAS_CAST(uint_fast32_t, 1) << numbps) - 1; /* Perform a basic sanity check on the sample value. */ /* Some implementations write garbage in the unused most-significant bit planes introduced by ROI shifting. Here we ensure that any such bits are masked off. */ if (mag & (~mask)) { if (!warn) { jas_eprintf("warning: possibly corrupt code stream\n"); warn = true; } mag &= mask; } val = (val < 0) ? (-mag) : mag; *p = val; } } } } static jpc_dec_t *jpc_dec_create(jpc_dec_importopts_t *impopts, jas_stream_t *in) { jpc_dec_t *dec; if (!(dec = jas_malloc(sizeof(jpc_dec_t)))) { return 0; } dec->image = 0; dec->xstart = 0; dec->ystart = 0; dec->xend = 0; dec->yend = 0; dec->tilewidth = 0; dec->tileheight = 0; dec->tilexoff = 0; dec->tileyoff = 0; dec->numhtiles = 0; dec->numvtiles = 0; dec->numtiles = 0; dec->tiles = 0; dec->curtile = 0; dec->numcomps = 0; dec->in = in; dec->cp = 0; dec->maxlyrs = impopts->maxlyrs; dec->maxpkts = impopts->maxpkts; dec->numpkts = 0; dec->ppmseqno = 0; dec->state = 0; dec->cmpts = 0; dec->pkthdrstreams = 0; dec->ppmstab = 0; dec->curtileendoff = 0; dec->max_samples = impopts->max_samples; return dec; } static void jpc_dec_destroy(jpc_dec_t *dec) { if (dec->cstate) { jpc_cstate_destroy(dec->cstate); } if (dec->pkthdrstreams) { jpc_streamlist_destroy(dec->pkthdrstreams); } if (dec->ppmstab) { jpc_ppxstab_destroy(dec->ppmstab); } if (dec->image) { jas_image_destroy(dec->image); } if (dec->cp) { jpc_dec_cp_destroy(dec->cp); } if (dec->cmpts) { jas_free(dec->cmpts); } if (dec->tiles) { unsigned tileno; jpc_dec_tile_t *tile; for (tileno = 0, tile = dec->tiles; tileno < dec->numtiles; ++tileno, ++tile) { if (tile->state != JPC_TILE_DONE) { jpc_dec_tilefini(dec, tile); } } jas_free(dec->tiles); } jas_free(dec); } /******************************************************************************\ * \******************************************************************************/ void jpc_seglist_insert(jpc_dec_seglist_t *list, jpc_dec_seg_t *ins, jpc_dec_seg_t *node) { jpc_dec_seg_t *prev; jpc_dec_seg_t *next; prev = ins; node->prev = prev; next = prev ? (prev->next) : 0; node->prev = prev; node->next = next; if (prev) { prev->next = node; } else { list->head = node; } if (next) { next->prev = node; } else { list->tail = node; } } void jpc_seglist_remove(jpc_dec_seglist_t *list, jpc_dec_seg_t *seg) { jpc_dec_seg_t *prev; jpc_dec_seg_t *next; prev = seg->prev; next = seg->next; if (prev) { prev->next = next; } else { list->head = next; } if (next) { next->prev = prev; } else { list->tail = prev; } seg->prev = 0; seg->next = 0; } jpc_dec_seg_t *jpc_seg_alloc() { jpc_dec_seg_t *seg; if (!(seg = jas_malloc(sizeof(jpc_dec_seg_t)))) { return 0; } seg->prev = 0; seg->next = 0; seg->passno = -1; seg->numpasses = 0; seg->maxpasses = 0; seg->type = JPC_SEG_INVALID; seg->stream = 0; seg->cnt = 0; seg->complete = 0; seg->lyrno = -1; return seg; } void jpc_seg_destroy(jpc_dec_seg_t *seg) { if (seg->stream) { jas_stream_close(seg->stream); } jas_free(seg); } static int jpc_dec_dump(const jpc_dec_t *dec, FILE *out) { assert(!dec->numtiles || dec->tiles); unsigned tileno; const jpc_dec_tile_t *tile; for (tileno = 0, tile = dec->tiles; tileno < dec->numtiles; ++tileno, ++tile) { assert(!dec->numcomps || tile->tcomps); unsigned compno; const jpc_dec_tcomp_t *tcomp; for (compno = 0, tcomp = tile->tcomps; compno < dec->numcomps; ++compno, ++tcomp) { unsigned rlvlno; const jpc_dec_rlvl_t *rlvl; for (rlvlno = 0, rlvl = tcomp->rlvls; rlvlno < tcomp->numrlvls; ++rlvlno, ++rlvl) { fprintf(out, "RESOLUTION LEVEL %d\n", rlvlno); fprintf(out, "xs = %"PRIuFAST32", ys = %"PRIuFAST32", xe = %"PRIuFAST32", ye = %"PRIuFAST32", w = %"PRIuFAST32", h = %"PRIuFAST32"\n", rlvl->xstart, rlvl->ystart, rlvl->xend, rlvl->yend, rlvl->xend - rlvl->xstart, rlvl->yend - rlvl->ystart); assert(!rlvl->numbands || rlvl->bands); unsigned bandno; const jpc_dec_band_t *band; for (bandno = 0, band = rlvl->bands; bandno < rlvl->numbands; ++bandno, ++band) { fprintf(out, "BAND %d\n", bandno); if (!band->data) { fprintf(out, "band has no data (null pointer)\n"); assert(!band->prcs); continue; } fprintf(out, "xs = %"PRIjas_seqent", ys = %"PRIjas_seqent", xe = %"PRIjas_seqent", ye = %"PRIjas_seqent", w = %"PRIjas_seqent", h = %"PRIjas_seqent"\n", jas_seq2d_xstart(band->data), jas_seq2d_ystart(band->data), jas_seq2d_xend(band->data), jas_seq2d_yend(band->data), jas_seq2d_xend(band->data) - jas_seq2d_xstart(band->data), jas_seq2d_yend(band->data) - jas_seq2d_ystart(band->data)); assert(!rlvl->numprcs || band->prcs); unsigned prcno; const jpc_dec_prc_t *prc; for (prcno = 0, prc = band->prcs; prcno < rlvl->numprcs; ++prcno, ++prc) { fprintf(out, "CODE BLOCK GROUP %d\n", prcno); fprintf(out, "xs = %"PRIuFAST32", ys = %"PRIuFAST32", xe = %"PRIuFAST32", ye = %"PRIuFAST32", w = %"PRIuFAST32", h = %"PRIuFAST32"\n", prc->xstart, prc->ystart, prc->xend, prc->yend, prc->xend - prc->xstart, prc->yend - prc->ystart); assert(!prc->numcblks || prc->cblks); unsigned cblkno; const jpc_dec_cblk_t *cblk; for (cblkno = 0, cblk = prc->cblks; cblkno < prc->numcblks; ++cblkno, ++cblk) { fprintf(out, "CODE BLOCK %d\n", cblkno); fprintf(out, "xs = %"PRIjas_seqent", ys = %"PRIjas_seqent", xe = %"PRIjas_seqent", ye = %"PRIjas_seqent", w = %"PRIjas_seqent", h = %"PRIjas_seqent"\n", jas_seq2d_xstart(cblk->data), jas_seq2d_ystart(cblk->data), jas_seq2d_xend(cblk->data), jas_seq2d_yend(cblk->data), jas_seq2d_xend(cblk->data) - jas_seq2d_xstart(cblk->data), jas_seq2d_yend(cblk->data) - jas_seq2d_ystart(cblk->data)); } } } } } } return 0; } static jpc_streamlist_t *jpc_streamlist_create() { jpc_streamlist_t *streamlist; if (!(streamlist = jas_malloc(sizeof(jpc_streamlist_t)))) { return 0; } streamlist->numstreams = 0; streamlist->maxstreams = 100; if (!(streamlist->streams = jas_alloc2(streamlist->maxstreams, sizeof(jas_stream_t *)))) { jas_free(streamlist); return 0; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < streamlist->maxstreams; ++i) { streamlist->streams[i] = 0; } return streamlist; } static int jpc_streamlist_insert(jpc_streamlist_t *streamlist, unsigned streamno, jas_stream_t *stream) { jas_stream_t **newstreams; /* Grow the array of streams if necessary. */ if (streamlist->numstreams >= streamlist->maxstreams) { const unsigned newmaxstreams = streamlist->maxstreams + 1024; if (!(newstreams = jas_realloc2(streamlist->streams, (newmaxstreams + 1024), sizeof(jas_stream_t *)))) { return -1; } for (unsigned i = streamlist->numstreams; i < streamlist->maxstreams; ++i) { streamlist->streams[i] = 0; } streamlist->maxstreams = newmaxstreams; streamlist->streams = newstreams; } if (streamno != streamlist->numstreams) { /* Can only handle insertion at start of list. */ return -1; } streamlist->streams[streamno] = stream; ++streamlist->numstreams; return 0; } static jas_stream_t *jpc_streamlist_remove(jpc_streamlist_t *streamlist, unsigned streamno) { assert(streamno < streamlist->numstreams); jas_stream_t *stream; stream = streamlist->streams[streamno]; for (unsigned i = streamno + 1; i < streamlist->numstreams; ++i) { streamlist->streams[i - 1] = streamlist->streams[i]; } --streamlist->numstreams; return stream; } static void jpc_streamlist_destroy(jpc_streamlist_t *streamlist) { if (streamlist->streams) { for (unsigned streamno = 0; streamno < streamlist->numstreams; ++streamno) { jas_stream_close(streamlist->streams[streamno]); } jas_free(streamlist->streams); } jas_free(streamlist); } static int jpc_streamlist_numstreams(jpc_streamlist_t *streamlist) { return streamlist->numstreams; } static jpc_ppxstab_t *jpc_ppxstab_create() { jpc_ppxstab_t *tab; if (!(tab = jas_malloc(sizeof(jpc_ppxstab_t)))) { return 0; } tab->numents = 0; tab->maxents = 0; tab->ents = 0; return tab; } static void jpc_ppxstab_destroy(jpc_ppxstab_t *tab) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < tab->numents; ++i) { jpc_ppxstabent_destroy(tab->ents[i]); } if (tab->ents) { jas_free(tab->ents); } jas_free(tab); } static int jpc_ppxstab_grow(jpc_ppxstab_t *tab, unsigned maxents) { jpc_ppxstabent_t **newents; if (tab->maxents < maxents) { newents = (tab->ents) ? jas_realloc2(tab->ents, maxents, sizeof(jpc_ppxstabent_t *)) : jas_alloc2(maxents, sizeof(jpc_ppxstabent_t *)); if (!newents) { return -1; } tab->ents = newents; tab->maxents = maxents; } return 0; } static int jpc_ppxstab_insert(jpc_ppxstab_t *tab, jpc_ppxstabent_t *ent) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < tab->numents; ++i) { if (tab->ents[i]->ind > ent->ind) { break; } } const unsigned inspt = i; if (tab->numents >= tab->maxents) { if (jpc_ppxstab_grow(tab, tab->maxents + 128)) { return -1; } } for (i = tab->numents; i > inspt; --i) { tab->ents[i] = tab->ents[i - 1]; } tab->ents[i] = ent; ++tab->numents; return 0; } static jpc_streamlist_t *jpc_ppmstabtostreams(jpc_ppxstab_t *tab) { jpc_streamlist_t *streams; uint_fast32_t datacnt; uint_fast32_t tpcnt; jas_stream_t *stream; if (!(streams = jpc_streamlist_create())) { goto error; } if (!tab->numents) { return streams; } unsigned entno = 0; const jpc_ppxstabent_t *ent = tab->ents[entno]; const jas_uchar *dataptr = ent->data; datacnt = ent->len; for (;;) { /* Get the length of the packet header data for the current tile-part. */ if (datacnt < 4) { goto error; } if (!(stream = jas_stream_memopen(0, 0))) { goto error; } if (jpc_streamlist_insert(streams, jpc_streamlist_numstreams(streams), stream)) { goto error; } tpcnt = ((uint_least32_t)dataptr[0] << 24) | ((uint_least32_t)dataptr[1] << 16) | ((uint_least32_t)dataptr[2] << 8) | (uint_least32_t)dataptr[3]; datacnt -= 4; dataptr += 4; /* Get the packet header data for the current tile-part. */ while (tpcnt) { if (!datacnt) { if (++entno >= tab->numents) { goto error; } ent = tab->ents[entno]; dataptr = ent->data; datacnt = ent->len; } const size_t n = JAS_MIN(tpcnt, datacnt); if (jas_stream_write(stream, dataptr, n) != n) { goto error; } tpcnt -= n; dataptr += n; datacnt -= n; } jas_stream_rewind(stream); if (!datacnt) { if (++entno >= tab->numents) { break; } ent = tab->ents[entno]; dataptr = ent->data; datacnt = ent->len; } } return streams; error: if (streams) { jpc_streamlist_destroy(streams); } return 0; } static int jpc_pptstabwrite(jas_stream_t *out, jpc_ppxstab_t *tab) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < tab->numents; ++i) { const jpc_ppxstabent_t *ent = tab->ents[i]; if (jas_stream_write(out, ent->data, ent->len) != ent->len) { return -1; } } return 0; } static jpc_ppxstabent_t *jpc_ppxstabent_create() { jpc_ppxstabent_t *ent; if (!(ent = jas_malloc(sizeof(jpc_ppxstabent_t)))) { return 0; } ent->data = 0; ent->len = 0; ent->ind = 0; return ent; } static void jpc_ppxstabent_destroy(jpc_ppxstabent_t *ent) { if (ent->data) { jas_free(ent->data); } jas_free(ent); }