ref: 696171a9bfa8c9e26fe32288acc5b5bb3baf168a
dir: /jpc_cs.h/
/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Image Power, Inc. and the University of * British Columbia. * Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Michael David Adams. * All rights reserved. */ /* __START_OF_JASPER_LICENSE__ * * JasPer License Version 2.0 * * Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Michael David Adams * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Image Power, Inc. * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The University of British Columbia * * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person (the * "User") obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit * persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the * following conditions: * * 1. The above copyright notices and this permission notice (which * includes the disclaimer below) shall be included in all copies or * substantial portions of the Software. * * 2. The name of a copyright holder shall not be used to endorse or * promote products derived from the Software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS * LICENSE. NO USE OF THE SOFTWARE IS AUTHORIZED HEREUNDER EXCEPT UNDER * THIS DISCLAIMER. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING * BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING * FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. NO ASSURANCES ARE * PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS THAT THE SOFTWARE DOES NOT INFRINGE * THE PATENT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF ANY OTHER ENTITY. * EACH COPYRIGHT HOLDER DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY TO THE USER FOR CLAIMS * BROUGHT BY ANY OTHER ENTITY BASED ON INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL * PROPERTY RIGHTS OR OTHERWISE. AS A CONDITION TO EXERCISING THE RIGHTS * GRANTED HEREUNDER, EACH USER HEREBY ASSUMES SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO SECURE * ANY OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS NEEDED, IF ANY. THE SOFTWARE * IS NOT FAULT-TOLERANT AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN MISSION-CRITICAL * SYSTEMS, SUCH AS THOSE USED IN THE OPERATION OF NUCLEAR FACILITIES, * AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION OR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL * SYSTEMS, DIRECT LIFE SUPPORT MACHINES, OR WEAPONS SYSTEMS, IN WHICH * THE FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE OR SYSTEM COULD LEAD DIRECTLY TO DEATH, * PERSONAL INJURY, OR SEVERE PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE ("HIGH * RISK ACTIVITIES"). THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES. * * __END_OF_JASPER_LICENSE__ */ /* * JPEG-2000 Code Stream Library * * $Id$ */ #ifndef JPC_CS_H #define JPC_CS_H /******************************************************************************\ * Includes. \******************************************************************************/ #include "jasper/jas_stream.h" /******************************************************************************\ * Constants and Types. \******************************************************************************/ /* The maximum number of resolution levels. */ #define JPC_MAXRLVLS 33 /* The maximum number of bands. */ #define JPC_MAXBANDS (3 * JPC_MAXRLVLS + 1) /* The maximum number of layers. */ #define JPC_MAXLYRS 16384 /**************************************\ * Code stream. \**************************************/ /* * Code stream states. */ /* Initial. */ #define JPC_CS_INIT 0 /* Main header. */ #define JPC_CS_MHDR 1 /* Tile-part header. */ #define JPC_CS_THDR 2 /* Main trailer. */ #define JPC_CS_MTLR 3 /* Tile-part data. */ #define JPC_CS_TDATA 4 /* * Unfortunately, the code stream syntax was not designed in such a way that * any given marker segment can be correctly decoded without additional state * derived from previously decoded marker segments. * For example, a RGN/COC/QCC marker segment cannot be decoded unless the * number of components is known. */ /* * Code stream state information. */ typedef struct { /* The number of components. */ uint_fast16_t numcomps; } jpc_cstate_t; /**************************************\ * SOT marker segment parameters. \**************************************/ typedef struct { /* The tile number. */ uint_fast16_t tileno; /* The combined length of the marker segment and its auxilary data (i.e., packet data). */ uint_fast32_t len; /* The tile-part instance. */ uint_fast8_t partno; /* The number of tile-parts. */ uint_fast8_t numparts; } jpc_sot_t; /**************************************\ * SIZ marker segment parameters. \**************************************/ /* Per component information. */ typedef struct { /* The precision of the samples. */ uint_fast8_t prec; /* The signedness of the samples. */ uint_fast8_t sgnd; /* The horizontal separation of samples with respect to the reference grid. */ uint_fast8_t hsamp; /* The vertical separation of samples with respect to the reference grid. */ uint_fast8_t vsamp; } jpc_sizcomp_t; /* SIZ marker segment parameters. */ typedef struct { /* The code stream capabilities. */ uint_fast16_t caps; /* The width of the image in units of the reference grid. */ uint_fast32_t width; /* The height of the image in units of the reference grid. */ uint_fast32_t height; /* The horizontal offset from the origin of the reference grid to the left side of the image area. */ uint_fast32_t xoff; /* The vertical offset from the origin of the reference grid to the top side of the image area. */ uint_fast32_t yoff; /* The nominal width of a tile in units of the reference grid. */ uint_fast32_t tilewidth; /* The nominal height of a tile in units of the reference grid. */ uint_fast32_t tileheight; /* The horizontal offset from the origin of the reference grid to the left side of the first tile. */ uint_fast32_t tilexoff; /* The vertical offset from the origin of the reference grid to the top side of the first tile. */ uint_fast32_t tileyoff; /* The number of components. */ uint_fast16_t numcomps; /* The per-component information. */ jpc_sizcomp_t *comps; } jpc_siz_t; /**************************************\ * COD marker segment parameters. \**************************************/ /* * Coding style constants. */ /* Precincts may be used. */ #define JPC_COX_PRT 0x01 /* SOP marker segments may be used. */ #define JPC_COD_SOP 0x02 /* EPH marker segments may be used. */ #define JPC_COD_EPH 0x04 /* * Progression order constants. */ /* Layer-resolution-component-precinct progressive (i.e., progressive by fidelity). */ #define JPC_COD_LRCPPRG 0 /* Resolution-layer-component-precinct progressive (i.e., progressive by resolution). */ #define JPC_COD_RLCPPRG 1 /* Resolution-precinct-component-layer progressive. */ #define JPC_COD_RPCLPRG 2 /* Precinct-component-resolution-layer progressive. */ #define JPC_COD_PCRLPRG 3 /* Component-position-resolution-layer progressive. */ #define JPC_COD_CPRLPRG 4 /* * Code block style constants. */ #define JPC_COX_LAZY 0x01 /* Selective arithmetic coding bypass. */ #define JPC_COX_RESET 0x02 /* Reset context probabilities. */ #define JPC_COX_TERMALL 0x04 /* Terminate all coding passes. */ #define JPC_COX_VSC 0x08 /* Vertical stripe causal context formation. */ #define JPC_COX_PTERM 0x10 /* Predictable termination. */ #define JPC_COX_SEGSYM 0x20 /* Use segmentation symbols. */ /* Transform constants. */ #define JPC_COX_INS 0x00 /* Irreversible 9/7. */ #define JPC_COX_RFT 0x01 /* Reversible 5/3. */ /* Multicomponent transform constants. */ #define JPC_COD_NOMCT 0x00 /* No multicomponent transform. */ #define JPC_COD_MCT 0x01 /* Multicomponent transform. */ /* Get the code block size value from the code block size exponent. */ JAS_ATTRIBUTE_CONST static inline unsigned JPC_COX_CBLKSIZEEXPN(unsigned x) { return x - 2; } /* Get the code block size exponent from the code block size value. */ JAS_ATTRIBUTE_CONST static inline unsigned JPC_COX_GETCBLKSIZEEXPN(unsigned x) { return x + 2; } /* Per resolution-level information. */ typedef struct { /* The packet partition width. */ uint_fast8_t parwidthval; /* The packet partition height. */ uint_fast8_t parheightval; } jpc_coxrlvl_t; /* Per component information. */ typedef struct { /* The coding style. */ uint_fast8_t csty; /* The number of decomposition levels. */ uint_fast8_t numdlvls; /* The nominal code block width specifier. */ uint_fast8_t cblkwidthval; /* The nominal code block height specifier. */ uint_fast8_t cblkheightval; /* The style of coding passes. */ uint_fast8_t cblksty; /* The QMFB employed. */ uint_fast8_t qmfbid; /* The number of resolution levels. */ int numrlvls; /* The per-resolution-level information. */ jpc_coxrlvl_t rlvls[JPC_MAXRLVLS]; } jpc_coxcp_t; /* COD marker segment parameters. */ typedef struct { /* The general coding style. */ uint_fast8_t csty; /* The progression order. */ uint_fast8_t prg; /* The number of layers. */ uint_fast16_t numlyrs; /* The multicomponent transform. */ uint_fast8_t mctrans; /* Component-related parameters. */ jpc_coxcp_t compparms; } jpc_cod_t; /* COC marker segment parameters. */ typedef struct { /* The component number. */ uint_fast16_t compno; /* Component-related parameters. */ jpc_coxcp_t compparms; } jpc_coc_t; /**************************************\ * RGN marker segment parameters. \**************************************/ /* The maxshift ROI style. */ #define JPC_RGN_MAXSHIFT 0x00 typedef struct { /* The component to which the marker applies. */ uint_fast16_t compno; /* The ROI style. */ uint_fast8_t roisty; /* The ROI shift value. */ uint_fast8_t roishift; } jpc_rgn_t; /**************************************\ * QCD/QCC marker segment parameters. \**************************************/ /* * Quantization style constants. */ #define JPC_QCX_NOQNT 0 /* No quantization. */ #define JPC_QCX_SIQNT 1 /* Scalar quantization, implicit. */ #define JPC_QCX_SEQNT 2 /* Scalar quantization, explicit. */ /* * Stepsize manipulation macros. */ JAS_ATTRIBUTE_CONST static inline unsigned JPC_QCX_GETEXPN(unsigned x) { return x >> 11; } JAS_ATTRIBUTE_CONST static inline unsigned JPC_QCX_GETMANT(unsigned x) { return x & 0x7ff; } JAS_ATTRIBUTE_CONST static inline uint_fast16_t JPC_QCX_EXPN(unsigned x) { assert(!(x & (~0x1f))); return (x & 0x1f) << 11; } JAS_ATTRIBUTE_CONST static inline uint_fast16_t JPC_QCX_MANT(unsigned x) { assert(!(x & (~0x7ff))); return x & 0x7ff; } /* Per component information. */ typedef struct { /* The quantization style. */ uint_fast8_t qntsty; /* The number of step sizes. */ int numstepsizes; /* The step sizes. */ uint_fast16_t *stepsizes; /* The number of guard bits. */ uint_fast8_t numguard; } jpc_qcxcp_t; /* QCC marker segment parameters. */ typedef struct { /* The component associated with this marker segment. */ uint_fast16_t compno; /* The parameters. */ jpc_qcxcp_t compparms; } jpc_qcc_t; /* QCD marker segment parameters. */ typedef struct { /* The parameters. */ jpc_qcxcp_t compparms; } jpc_qcd_t; /**************************************\ * POD marker segment parameters. \**************************************/ typedef struct { /* The progression order. */ uint_fast8_t prgord; /* The lower bound (inclusive) on the resolution level for the progression order volume. */ uint_fast8_t rlvlnostart; /* The upper bound (exclusive) on the resolution level for the progression order volume. */ uint_fast8_t rlvlnoend; /* The lower bound (inclusive) on the component for the progression order volume. */ uint_fast16_t compnostart; /* The upper bound (exclusive) on the component for the progression order volume. */ uint_fast16_t compnoend; /* The upper bound (exclusive) on the layer for the progression order volume. */ uint_fast16_t lyrnoend; } jpc_pocpchg_t; /* An alias for the above type. */ typedef jpc_pocpchg_t jpc_pchg_t; /* POC marker segment parameters. */ typedef struct { /* The number of progression order changes. */ int numpchgs; /* The per-progression-order-change information. */ jpc_pocpchg_t *pchgs; } jpc_poc_t; /**************************************\ * PPM/PPT marker segment parameters. \**************************************/ /* PPM marker segment parameters. */ typedef struct { /* The index. */ uint_fast8_t ind; /* The length. */ uint_fast16_t len; /* The data. */ jas_uchar *data; } jpc_ppm_t; /* PPT marker segment parameters. */ typedef struct { /* The index. */ uint_fast8_t ind; /* The length. */ uint_fast32_t len; /* The data. */ unsigned char *data; } jpc_ppt_t; /**************************************\ * COM marker segment parameters. \**************************************/ /* * Registration IDs. */ #define JPC_COM_BIN 0x00 #define JPC_COM_LATIN 0x01 typedef struct { /* The registration ID. */ uint_fast16_t regid; /* The length of the data in bytes. */ uint_fast16_t len; /* The data. */ jas_uchar *data; } jpc_com_t; /**************************************\ * SOP marker segment parameters. \**************************************/ typedef struct { /* The sequence number. */ uint_fast16_t seqno; } jpc_sop_t; /**************************************\ * CRG marker segment parameters. \**************************************/ /* Per component information. */ typedef struct { /* The horizontal offset. */ uint_fast16_t hoff; /* The vertical offset. */ uint_fast16_t voff; } jpc_crgcomp_t; typedef struct { /* The number of components. */ int numcomps; /* Per component information. */ jpc_crgcomp_t *comps; } jpc_crg_t; /**************************************\ * Marker segment parameters for unknown marker type. \**************************************/ typedef struct { /* The data. */ jas_uchar *data; /* The length. */ uint_fast16_t len; } jpc_unk_t; /**************************************\ * Generic marker segment parameters. \**************************************/ typedef union { int soc; /* unused */ jpc_sot_t sot; int sod; /* unused */ int eoc; /* unused */ jpc_siz_t siz; jpc_cod_t cod; jpc_coc_t coc; jpc_rgn_t rgn; jpc_qcd_t qcd; jpc_qcc_t qcc; jpc_poc_t poc; /* jpc_plm_t plm; */ /* jpc_plt_t plt; */ jpc_ppm_t ppm; jpc_ppt_t ppt; jpc_sop_t sop; int eph; /* unused */ jpc_com_t com; jpc_crg_t crg; jpc_unk_t unk; } jpc_msparms_t; /**************************************\ * Marker segment. \**************************************/ /* Marker segment IDs. */ /* The smallest valid marker value. */ #define JPC_MS_MIN 0xff00 /* The largest valid marker value. */ #define JPC_MS_MAX 0xffff /* The minimum marker value that cannot occur within packet data. */ #define JPC_MS_INMIN 0xff80 /* The maximum marker value that cannot occur within packet data. */ #define JPC_MS_INMAX 0xffff /* Delimiting marker segments. */ #define JPC_MS_SOC 0xff4f /* Start of code stream (SOC). */ #define JPC_MS_SOT 0xff90 /* Start of tile-part (SOT). */ #define JPC_MS_SOD 0xff93 /* Start of data (SOD). */ #define JPC_MS_EOC 0xffd9 /* End of code stream (EOC). */ /* Fixed information marker segments. */ #define JPC_MS_SIZ 0xff51 /* Image and tile size (SIZ). */ /* Functional marker segments. */ #define JPC_MS_COD 0xff52 /* Coding style default (COD). */ #define JPC_MS_COC 0xff53 /* Coding style component (COC). */ #define JPC_MS_RGN 0xff5e /* Region of interest (RGN). */ #define JPC_MS_QCD 0xff5c /* Quantization default (QCD). */ #define JPC_MS_QCC 0xff5d /* Quantization component (QCC). */ #define JPC_MS_POC 0xff5f /* Progression order default (POC). */ /* Pointer marker segments. */ #define JPC_MS_TLM 0xff55 /* Tile-part lengths, main header (TLM). */ #define JPC_MS_PLM 0xff57 /* Packet length, main header (PLM). */ #define JPC_MS_PLT 0xff58 /* Packet length, tile-part header (PLT). */ #define JPC_MS_PPM 0xff60 /* Packed packet headers, main header (PPM). */ #define JPC_MS_PPT 0xff61 /* Packet packet headers, tile-part header (PPT). */ /* In bit stream marker segments. */ #define JPC_MS_SOP 0xff91 /* Start of packet (SOP). */ #define JPC_MS_EPH 0xff92 /* End of packet header (EPH). */ /* Informational marker segments. */ #define JPC_MS_CRG 0xff63 /* Component registration (CRG). */ #define JPC_MS_COM 0xff64 /* Comment (COM). */ /* Forward declaration. */ struct jpc_msops_s; /* Generic marker segment class. */ typedef struct { /* The type of marker segment. */ uint_fast16_t id; /* The length of the marker segment. */ uint_fast16_t len; /* The starting offset within the stream. */ uint_fast32_t off; /* The parameters of the marker segment. */ jpc_msparms_t parms; /* The marker segment operations. */ const struct jpc_msops_s *ops; } jpc_ms_t; /* Marker segment operations (which depend on the marker segment type). */ typedef struct jpc_msops_s { /* Destroy the marker segment parameters. */ void (*destroyparms)(jpc_ms_t *ms); /* Get the marker segment parameters from a stream. */ int (*getparms)(jpc_ms_t *ms, jpc_cstate_t *cstate, jas_stream_t *in); /* Put the marker segment parameters to a stream. */ int (*putparms)(jpc_ms_t *ms, jpc_cstate_t *cstate, jas_stream_t *out); /* Dump the marker segment parameters (for debugging). */ int (*dumpparms)(jpc_ms_t *ms, FILE *out); } jpc_msops_t; /******************************************************************************\ * Macros/Functions. \******************************************************************************/ /* Create a code-stream state object. */ jpc_cstate_t *jpc_cstate_create(void); /* Destroy a code-stream state object. */ void jpc_cstate_destroy(jpc_cstate_t *cstate); /* Create a marker segment. */ jpc_ms_t *jpc_ms_create(int type); /* Destroy a marker segment. */ void jpc_ms_destroy(jpc_ms_t *ms); /* Does a marker segment have parameters? */ JAS_ATTRIBUTE_CONST static inline bool JPC_MS_HASPARMS(unsigned x) { return !(x == JPC_MS_SOC || x == JPC_MS_SOD || x == JPC_MS_EOC || x == JPC_MS_EPH || (x >= 0xff30 && x <= 0xff3f)); } /* Get the marker segment type. */ JAS_ATTRIBUTE_PURE static inline unsigned jpc_ms_gettype(const jpc_ms_t *ms) { return ms->id; } /* Read a marker segment from a stream. */ jpc_ms_t *jpc_getms(jas_stream_t *in, jpc_cstate_t *cstate); /* Write a marker segment to a stream. */ int jpc_putms(jas_stream_t *out, jpc_cstate_t *cstate, jpc_ms_t *ms); /* Copy code stream data from one stream to another. */ int jpc_getdata(jas_stream_t *in, jas_stream_t *out, long n); /* Copy code stream data from one stream to another. */ int jpc_putdata(jas_stream_t *out, jas_stream_t *in, long n); /* Dump a marker segment (for debugging). */ void jpc_ms_dump(jpc_ms_t *ms, FILE *out); /* Read a 8-bit unsigned integer from a stream. */ int jpc_getuint8(jas_stream_t *in, uint_fast8_t *val); /* Read a 16-bit unsigned integer from a stream. */ int jpc_getuint16(jas_stream_t *in, uint_fast16_t *val); /* Read a 32-bit unsigned integer from a stream. */ int jpc_getuint32(jas_stream_t *in, uint_fast32_t *val); /* Write a 8-bit unsigned integer to a stream. */ int jpc_putuint8(jas_stream_t *out, uint_fast8_t val); /* Write a 16-bit unsigned integer to a stream. */ int jpc_putuint16(jas_stream_t *out, uint_fast16_t val); /* Write a 32-bit unsigned integer to a stream. */ int jpc_putuint32(jas_stream_t *out, uint_fast32_t val); #endif