ref: 107138382e590d3851ba1b5e897a33f2cf27ee4b
dir: /jbig2.c/
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "jbig2.h" #include "jbig2_priv.h" #include "jbig2_generic.h" static void * jbig2_default_alloc (Jbig2Allocator *allocator, size_t size) { return malloc (size); } static void jbig2_default_free (Jbig2Allocator *allocator, void *p) { free (p); } static void * jbig2_default_realloc (Jbig2Allocator *allocator, void *p, size_t size) { return realloc (p, size); } static Jbig2Allocator jbig2_default_allocator = { jbig2_default_alloc, jbig2_default_free, jbig2_default_realloc }; void * jbig2_alloc (Jbig2Allocator *allocator, size_t size) { return allocator->alloc (allocator, size); } void jbig2_free (Jbig2Allocator *allocator, void *p) { allocator->free (allocator, p); } void * jbig2_realloc (Jbig2Allocator *allocator, void *p, size_t size) { return allocator->realloc (allocator, p, size); } int jbig2_error (Jbig2Ctx *ctx, Jbig2Severity severity, int seg_idx, const char *fmt, ...) { char buf[1024]; va_list ap; int n; va_start (ap, fmt); n = vsnprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap); va_end (ap); if (n < 0 || n == sizeof(buf)) strcpy (buf, "jbig2_error: error in generating error string"); return ctx->error_callback (ctx->error_callback_data, buf, severity, seg_idx); } Jbig2Ctx * jbig2_ctx_new (Jbig2Allocator *allocator, Jbig2Options options, Jbig2GlobalCtx *global_ctx, Jbig2ErrorCallback error_callback, void *error_callback_data) { Jbig2Ctx *result; if (allocator == NULL) allocator = &jbig2_default_allocator; result = (Jbig2Ctx *)jbig2_alloc (allocator, sizeof(Jbig2Ctx)); result->allocator = allocator; result->options = options; result->global_ctx = (const Jbig2Ctx *)global_ctx; result->error_callback = error_callback; result->error_callback_data = error_callback_data; result->state = (options & JBIG2_OPTIONS_EMBEDDED) ? JBIG2_FILE_SEQUENTIAL_HEADER : JBIG2_FILE_HEADER; result->buf = NULL; result->sh_list = NULL; result->n_sh = 0; result->n_sh_max = 1; result->sh_ix = 0; return result; } int32_t jbig2_get_int32 (const byte *buf) { return (buf[0] << 24) | (buf[1] << 16) | (buf[2] << 8) | buf[3]; } static Jbig2SegmentHeader * jbig2_parse_segment_header (Jbig2Ctx *ctx, uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_size, size_t *p_header_size) { Jbig2SegmentHeader *result; byte rtscarf; int32_t rtscarf_long; int referred_to_segment_count; int referred_to_segment_size; int pa_size; int offset; /* minimum possible size of a jbig2 segment header */ if (buf_size < 11) return NULL; result = (Jbig2SegmentHeader *)jbig2_alloc(ctx->allocator, sizeof(Jbig2SegmentHeader)); /* 7.2.2 */ result->segment_number = jbig2_get_int32 (buf); /* 7.2.3 */ result->flags = buf[4]; /* 7.2.4 */ rtscarf = buf[5]; if ((rtscarf & 0xe0) == 0xe0) { rtscarf_long = jbig2_get_int32(buf + 5); referred_to_segment_count = rtscarf_long & 0x1fffffff; offset = 5 + 4 + (referred_to_segment_count + 1) / 8; } else { referred_to_segment_count = (rtscarf >> 5); offset = 5 + 1; } result->referred_to_segment_count = referred_to_segment_count; /* 7.2.5 */ /* todo: read referred to segment numbers */ /* For now, we skip them. */ referred_to_segment_size = result->segment_number <= 256 ? 1: result->segment_number <= 65536 ? 2: 4; offset += referred_to_segment_count * referred_to_segment_size; /* 7.2.6 */ pa_size = result->flags & 0x40 ? 4 : 1; if (offset + pa_size + 4 > buf_size) { jbig2_free (ctx->allocator, result); return NULL; } if (result->flags & 0x40) { result->page_association = jbig2_get_int32(buf + offset); offset += 4; } else { result->page_association = buf[offset++]; } /* 7.2.7 */ result->data_length = jbig2_get_int32 (buf + offset); *p_header_size = offset + 4; return result; } void jbig2_free_segment_header (Jbig2Ctx *ctx, Jbig2SegmentHeader *sh) { jbig2_free (ctx->allocator, sh); } int jbig2_write (Jbig2Ctx *ctx, const unsigned char *data, size_t size) { const int initial_buf_size = 1024; if (ctx->buf == NULL) { int buf_size = initial_buf_size; do buf_size <<= 1; while (buf_size < size); ctx->buf = (byte *)jbig2_alloc (ctx->allocator, size); ctx->buf_size = buf_size; ctx->buf_rd_ix = 0; ctx->buf_wr_ix = 0; } else if (ctx->buf_wr_ix + size > ctx->buf_size) { if (ctx->buf_rd_ix <= (ctx->buf_size >> 1) && ctx->buf_wr_ix - ctx->buf_rd_ix + size <= ctx->buf_size) { memcpy (ctx->buf, ctx->buf + ctx->buf_rd_ix, ctx->buf_wr_ix - ctx->buf_rd_ix); } else { byte *buf; int buf_size = initial_buf_size; do buf_size <<= 1; while (buf_size < ctx->buf_wr_ix - ctx->buf_rd_ix + size); buf = (byte *)jbig2_alloc (ctx->allocator, buf_size); memcpy (buf, ctx->buf + ctx->buf_rd_ix, ctx->buf_wr_ix - ctx->buf_rd_ix); jbig2_free (ctx->allocator, ctx->buf); ctx->buf = buf; ctx->buf_size = buf_size; } ctx->buf_wr_ix -= ctx->buf_rd_ix; ctx->buf_rd_ix = 0; } memcpy (ctx->buf + ctx->buf_wr_ix, data, size); ctx->buf_wr_ix += size; /* data has now been added to buffer */ for (;;) { const byte jbig2_id_string[8] = { 0x97, 0x4a, 0x42, 0x32, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x0a }; Jbig2SegmentHeader *sh; size_t header_size; int code; switch (ctx->state) { case JBIG2_FILE_HEADER: if (ctx->buf_wr_ix - ctx->buf_rd_ix < 9) return 0; if (memcmp(ctx->buf + ctx->buf_rd_ix, jbig2_id_string, 8)) { jbig2_error(ctx, JBIG2_SEVERITY_FATAL, -1, "Not a JBIG2 file header"); return -1; } ctx->file_header_flags = ctx->buf[ctx->buf_rd_ix + 8]; if (!(ctx->file_header_flags & 2)) { if (ctx->buf_wr_ix - ctx->buf_rd_ix < 13) return 0; ctx->n_pages = jbig2_get_int32(ctx->buf + ctx->buf_rd_ix + 9); ctx->buf_rd_ix += 13; } else ctx->buf_rd_ix += 9; if (ctx->file_header_flags & 1) { ctx->state = JBIG2_FILE_SEQUENTIAL_HEADER; } else { ctx->state = JBIG2_FILE_RANDOM_HEADERS; ctx->n_sh_max = 16; } break; case JBIG2_FILE_SEQUENTIAL_HEADER: case JBIG2_FILE_RANDOM_HEADERS: sh = jbig2_parse_segment_header(ctx, ctx->buf + ctx->buf_rd_ix, ctx->buf_wr_ix - ctx->buf_rd_ix, &header_size); if (sh == NULL) return 0; ctx->buf_rd_ix += header_size; if (ctx->sh_list == NULL) ctx->sh_list = jbig2_alloc(ctx->allocator, ctx->n_sh_max * sizeof(Jbig2SegmentHeader *)); else if (ctx->n_sh == ctx->n_sh_max) /* Note to rillian: I usually define a macro to make this less ungainly. */ ctx->sh_list = (Jbig2SegmentHeader **)jbig2_realloc(ctx->allocator, ctx->sh_list, (ctx->n_sh_max <<= 2) * sizeof(Jbig2SegmentHeader *)); ctx->sh_list[ctx->n_sh++] = sh; if (ctx->state == JBIG2_FILE_RANDOM_HEADERS) { if ((sh->flags & 63) == 51) /* end of file */ ctx->state = JBIG2_FILE_RANDOM_BODIES; } else ctx->state = JBIG2_FILE_SEQUENTIAL_BODY; break; case JBIG2_FILE_SEQUENTIAL_BODY: case JBIG2_FILE_RANDOM_BODIES: sh = ctx->sh_list[ctx->sh_ix]; if (sh->data_length > ctx->buf_wr_ix - ctx->buf_rd_ix) return 0; code = jbig2_write_segment(ctx, sh, ctx->buf + ctx->buf_rd_ix); ctx->buf_rd_ix += sh->data_length; jbig2_free_segment_header(ctx, sh); ctx->sh_list[ctx->sh_ix] = NULL; if (ctx->state == JBIG2_FILE_RANDOM_BODIES) { ctx->sh_ix++; if (ctx->sh_ix == ctx->n_sh) ctx->state = JBIG2_FILE_EOF; } else { ctx->n_sh = 0; ctx->state = JBIG2_FILE_SEQUENTIAL_HEADER; } if (code < 0) { ctx->state = JBIG2_FILE_EOF; return code; } break; case JBIG2_FILE_EOF: if (ctx->buf_rd_ix == ctx->buf_wr_ix) return 0; jbig2_error(ctx, JBIG2_SEVERITY_WARNING, -1, "Garbage beyond end of file"); return -1; } } return 0; } /* get_bits */ void jbig2_ctx_free (Jbig2Ctx *ctx) { Jbig2Allocator *ca = ctx->allocator; int i; jbig2_free(ca, ctx->buf); if (ctx->sh_list != NULL) { for (i = ctx->sh_ix; i < ctx->n_sh; i++) jbig2_free_segment_header(ctx, ctx->sh_list[i]); jbig2_free(ca, ctx->sh_list); } jbig2_free(ca, ctx); } Jbig2GlobalCtx *jbig2_make_global_ctx (Jbig2Ctx *ctx) { return (Jbig2GlobalCtx *)ctx; } void jbig2_global_ctx_free(Jbig2GlobalCtx *global_ctx) { jbig2_ctx_free((Jbig2Ctx *)global_ctx); } int jbig2_write_segment (Jbig2Ctx *ctx, Jbig2SegmentHeader *sh, const uint8_t *segment_data) { jbig2_error(ctx, JBIG2_SEVERITY_INFO, sh->segment_number, "Segment %d, flags=%x, type=%d, data_length=%d", sh->segment_number, sh->flags, sh->flags & 63, sh->data_length); switch (sh->flags & 63) { case 38: return jbig2_immediate_generic_region(ctx, sh, segment_data); } return 0; }