ref: 7ff43ca6eef03fffdb38694fb9542c7723c8da27
dir: /src/h264bsd_storage.c/
/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * Modified for use by h264bsd standalone library * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of contents 1. Include headers 2. External compiler flags 3. Module defines 4. Local function prototypes 5. Functions h264bsdInitStorage h264bsdStoreSeqParamSet h264bsdStorePicParamSet h264bsdActivateParamSets h264bsdResetStorage h264bsdIsStartOfPicture h264bsdIsEndOfPicture h264bsdComputeSliceGroupMap h264bsdCheckAccessUnitBoundary CheckPps h264bsdValidParamSets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Include headers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "h264bsd_storage.h" #include "h264bsd_util.h" #include "h264bsd_neighbour.h" #include "h264bsd_slice_group_map.h" #include "h264bsd_dpb.h" #include "h264bsd_nal_unit.h" #include "h264bsd_slice_header.h" #include "h264bsd_seq_param_set.h" /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. External compiler flags -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Module defines ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Local function prototypes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static u32 CheckPps(picParamSet_t *pps, seqParamSet_t *sps); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function name: h264bsdInitStorage Functional description: Initialize storage structure. Sets contents of the storage to '0' except for the active parameter set ids, which are initialized to invalid values. Inputs: Outputs: pStorage initialized data stored here Returns: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void h264bsdInitStorage(storage_t *pStorage) { /* Variables */ /* Code */ ASSERT(pStorage); memset(pStorage, 0, sizeof(storage_t)); pStorage->activeSpsId = MAX_NUM_SEQ_PARAM_SETS; pStorage->activePpsId = MAX_NUM_PIC_PARAM_SETS; pStorage->aub->firstCallFlag = HANTRO_TRUE; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function: h264bsdStoreSeqParamSet Functional description: Store sequence parameter set into the storage. If active SPS is overwritten -> check if contents changes and if it does, set parameters to force reactivation of parameter sets Inputs: pStorage pointer to storage structure pSeqParamSet pointer to param set to be stored Outputs: none Returns: HANTRO_OK success MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR failure in memory allocation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ u32 h264bsdStoreSeqParamSet(storage_t *pStorage, seqParamSet_t *pSeqParamSet) { /* Variables */ u32 id; /* Code */ ASSERT(pStorage); ASSERT(pSeqParamSet); ASSERT(pSeqParamSet->seqParameterSetId < MAX_NUM_SEQ_PARAM_SETS); id = pSeqParamSet->seqParameterSetId; /* seq parameter set with id not used before -> allocate memory */ if (pStorage->sps[id] == NULL) { ALLOCATE(pStorage->sps[id], 1, seqParamSet_t); if (pStorage->sps[id] == NULL) return(MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR); } /* sequence parameter set with id equal to id of active sps */ else if (id == pStorage->activeSpsId) { /* if seq parameter set contents changes * -> overwrite and re-activate when next IDR picture decoded * ids of active param sets set to invalid values to force * re-activation. Memories allocated for old sps freed * otherwise free memeries allocated for just decoded sps and * continue */ if (h264bsdCompareSeqParamSets(pSeqParamSet, pStorage->activeSps) != 0) { FREE(pStorage->sps[id]->offsetForRefFrame); FREE(pStorage->sps[id]->vuiParameters); pStorage->activeSpsId = MAX_NUM_SEQ_PARAM_SETS + 1; pStorage->activePpsId = MAX_NUM_PIC_PARAM_SETS + 1; pStorage->activeSps = NULL; pStorage->activePps = NULL; } else { FREE(pSeqParamSet->offsetForRefFrame); FREE(pSeqParamSet->vuiParameters); return(HANTRO_OK); } } /* overwrite seq param set other than active one -> free memories * allocated for old param set */ else { FREE(pStorage->sps[id]->offsetForRefFrame); FREE(pStorage->sps[id]->vuiParameters); } *pStorage->sps[id] = *pSeqParamSet; return(HANTRO_OK); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function: h264bsdStorePicParamSet Functional description: Store picture parameter set into the storage. If active PPS is overwritten -> check if active SPS changes and if it does -> set parameters to force reactivation of parameter sets Inputs: pStorage pointer to storage structure pPicParamSet pointer to param set to be stored Outputs: none Returns: HANTRO_OK success MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR failure in memory allocation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ u32 h264bsdStorePicParamSet(storage_t *pStorage, picParamSet_t *pPicParamSet) { /* Variables */ u32 id; /* Code */ ASSERT(pStorage); ASSERT(pPicParamSet); ASSERT(pPicParamSet->picParameterSetId < MAX_NUM_PIC_PARAM_SETS); ASSERT(pPicParamSet->seqParameterSetId < MAX_NUM_SEQ_PARAM_SETS); id = pPicParamSet->picParameterSetId; /* pic parameter set with id not used before -> allocate memory */ if (pStorage->pps[id] == NULL) { ALLOCATE(pStorage->pps[id], 1, picParamSet_t); if (pStorage->pps[id] == NULL) return(MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR); } /* picture parameter set with id equal to id of active pps */ else if (id == pStorage->activePpsId) { /* check whether seq param set changes, force re-activation of * param set if it does. Set activeSpsId to invalid value to * accomplish this */ if (pPicParamSet->seqParameterSetId != pStorage->activeSpsId) { pStorage->activePpsId = MAX_NUM_PIC_PARAM_SETS + 1; } /* free memories allocated for old param set */ FREE(pStorage->pps[id]->runLength); FREE(pStorage->pps[id]->topLeft); FREE(pStorage->pps[id]->bottomRight); FREE(pStorage->pps[id]->sliceGroupId); } /* overwrite pic param set other than active one -> free memories * allocated for old param set */ else { FREE(pStorage->pps[id]->runLength); FREE(pStorage->pps[id]->topLeft); FREE(pStorage->pps[id]->bottomRight); FREE(pStorage->pps[id]->sliceGroupId); } *pStorage->pps[id] = *pPicParamSet; return(HANTRO_OK); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function: h264bsdActivateParamSets Functional description: Activate certain SPS/PPS combination. This function shall be called in the beginning of each picture. Picture parameter set can be changed as wanted, but sequence parameter set may only be changed when the starting picture is an IDR picture. When new SPS is activated the function allocates memory for macroblock storages and slice group map and (re-)initializes the decoded picture buffer. If this is not the first activation the old allocations are freed and FreeDpb called before new allocations. Inputs: pStorage pointer to storage data structure ppsId identifies the PPS to be activated, SPS id obtained from the PPS isIdr flag to indicate if the picture is an IDR picture Outputs: none Returns: HANTRO_OK success HANTRO_NOK non-existing or invalid param set combination, trying to change SPS with non-IDR picture MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR failure in memory allocation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ u32 h264bsdActivateParamSets(storage_t *pStorage, u32 ppsId, u32 isIdr) { /* Variables */ u32 tmp; u32 flag; /* Code */ ASSERT(pStorage); ASSERT(ppsId < MAX_NUM_PIC_PARAM_SETS); /* check that pps and corresponding sps exist */ if ( (pStorage->pps[ppsId] == NULL) || (pStorage->sps[pStorage->pps[ppsId]->seqParameterSetId] == NULL) ) { return(HANTRO_NOK); } /* check that pps parameters do not violate picture size constraints */ tmp = CheckPps(pStorage->pps[ppsId], pStorage->sps[pStorage->pps[ppsId]->seqParameterSetId]); if (tmp != HANTRO_OK) return(tmp); /* first activation part1 */ if (pStorage->activePpsId == MAX_NUM_PIC_PARAM_SETS) { pStorage->activePpsId = ppsId; pStorage->activePps = pStorage->pps[ppsId]; pStorage->activeSpsId = pStorage->activePps->seqParameterSetId; pStorage->activeSps = pStorage->sps[pStorage->activeSpsId]; pStorage->picSizeInMbs = pStorage->activeSps->picWidthInMbs * pStorage->activeSps->picHeightInMbs; pStorage->currImage->width = pStorage->activeSps->picWidthInMbs; pStorage->currImage->height = pStorage->activeSps->picHeightInMbs; pStorage->pendingActivation = HANTRO_TRUE; } /* first activation part2 */ else if (pStorage->pendingActivation) { pStorage->pendingActivation = HANTRO_FALSE; FREE(pStorage->mb); FREE(pStorage->sliceGroupMap); ALLOCATE(pStorage->mb, pStorage->picSizeInMbs, mbStorage_t); ALLOCATE(pStorage->sliceGroupMap, pStorage->picSizeInMbs, u32); if (pStorage->mb == NULL || pStorage->sliceGroupMap == NULL) return(MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR); memset(pStorage->mb, 0, pStorage->picSizeInMbs * sizeof(mbStorage_t)); h264bsdInitMbNeighbours(pStorage->mb, pStorage->activeSps->picWidthInMbs, pStorage->picSizeInMbs); /* dpb output reordering disabled if * 1) application set noReordering flag * 2) POC type equal to 2 * 3) num_reorder_frames in vui equal to 0 */ if ( pStorage->noReordering || pStorage->activeSps->picOrderCntType == 2 || (pStorage->activeSps->vuiParametersPresentFlag && pStorage->activeSps->vuiParameters->bitstreamRestrictionFlag && !pStorage->activeSps->vuiParameters->numReorderFrames) ) flag = HANTRO_TRUE; else flag = HANTRO_FALSE; tmp = h264bsdResetDpb(pStorage->dpb, pStorage->activeSps->picWidthInMbs * pStorage->activeSps->picHeightInMbs, pStorage->activeSps->maxDpbSize, pStorage->activeSps->numRefFrames, pStorage->activeSps->maxFrameNum, flag); if (tmp != HANTRO_OK) return(tmp); } else if (ppsId != pStorage->activePpsId) { /* sequence parameter set shall not change but before an IDR picture */ if (pStorage->pps[ppsId]->seqParameterSetId != pStorage->activeSpsId) { DEBUG(("SEQ PARAM SET CHANGING...\n")); if (isIdr) { pStorage->activePpsId = ppsId; pStorage->activePps = pStorage->pps[ppsId]; pStorage->activeSpsId = pStorage->activePps->seqParameterSetId; pStorage->activeSps = pStorage->sps[pStorage->activeSpsId]; pStorage->picSizeInMbs = pStorage->activeSps->picWidthInMbs * pStorage->activeSps->picHeightInMbs; pStorage->currImage->width = pStorage->activeSps->picWidthInMbs; pStorage->currImage->height = pStorage->activeSps->picHeightInMbs; pStorage->pendingActivation = HANTRO_TRUE; } else { DEBUG(("TRYING TO CHANGE SPS IN NON-IDR SLICE\n")); return(HANTRO_NOK); } } else { pStorage->activePpsId = ppsId; pStorage->activePps = pStorage->pps[ppsId]; } } return(HANTRO_OK); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function: h264bsdResetStorage Functional description: Reset contents of the storage. This should be called before processing of new image is started. Inputs: pStorage pointer to storage structure Outputs: none Returns: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void h264bsdResetStorage(storage_t *pStorage) { /* Variables */ u32 i; /* Code */ ASSERT(pStorage); pStorage->slice->numDecodedMbs = 0; pStorage->slice->sliceId = 0; for (i = 0; i < pStorage->picSizeInMbs; i++) { pStorage->mb[i].sliceId = 0; pStorage->mb[i].decoded = 0; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function: h264bsdIsStartOfPicture Functional description: Determine if the decoder is in the start of a picture. This information is needed to decide if h264bsdActivateParamSets and h264bsdCheckGapsInFrameNum functions should be called. Function considers that new picture is starting if no slice headers have been successfully decoded for the current access unit. Inputs: pStorage pointer to storage structure Outputs: none Returns: HANTRO_TRUE new picture is starting HANTRO_FALSE not starting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ u32 h264bsdIsStartOfPicture(storage_t *pStorage) { /* Variables */ /* Code */ if (pStorage->validSliceInAccessUnit == HANTRO_FALSE) return(HANTRO_TRUE); else return(HANTRO_FALSE); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function: h264bsdIsEndOfPicture Functional description: Determine if the decoder is in the end of a picture. This information is needed to determine when deblocking filtering and reference picture marking processes should be performed. If the decoder is processing primary slices the return value is determined by checking the value of numDecodedMbs in the storage. On the other hand, if the decoder is processing redundant slices the numDecodedMbs may not contain valid informationa and each macroblock has to be checked separately. Inputs: pStorage pointer to storage structure Outputs: none Returns: HANTRO_TRUE end of picture HANTRO_FALSE noup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ u32 h264bsdIsEndOfPicture(storage_t *pStorage) { /* Variables */ u32 i, tmp; /* Code */ /* primary picture */ if (!pStorage->sliceHeader[0].redundantPicCnt) { if (pStorage->slice->numDecodedMbs == pStorage->picSizeInMbs) return(HANTRO_TRUE); } else { for (i = 0, tmp = 0; i < pStorage->picSizeInMbs; i++) tmp += pStorage->mb[i].decoded ? 1 : 0; if (tmp == pStorage->picSizeInMbs) return(HANTRO_TRUE); } return(HANTRO_FALSE); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function: h264bsdComputeSliceGroupMap Functional description: Compute slice group map. Just call h264bsdDecodeSliceGroupMap with appropriate parameters. Inputs: pStorage pointer to storage structure sliceGroupChangeCycle Outputs: none Returns: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void h264bsdComputeSliceGroupMap(storage_t *pStorage, u32 sliceGroupChangeCycle) { /* Variables */ /* Code */ h264bsdDecodeSliceGroupMap(pStorage->sliceGroupMap, pStorage->activePps, sliceGroupChangeCycle, pStorage->activeSps->picWidthInMbs, pStorage->activeSps->picHeightInMbs); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function: h264bsdCheckAccessUnitBoundary Functional description: Check if next NAL unit starts a new access unit. Following conditions specify start of a new access unit: -NAL unit types 6-11, 13-18 (e.g. SPS, PPS) following conditions checked only for slice NAL units, values compared to ones obtained from previous slice: -NAL unit type differs (slice / IDR slice) -frame_num differs -nal_ref_idc differs and one of the values is 0 -POC information differs -both are IDR slices and idr_pic_id differs Inputs: strm pointer to stream data structure nuNext pointer to NAL unit structure storage pointer to storage structure Outputs: accessUnitBoundaryFlag the result is stored here, TRUE for access unit boundary, FALSE otherwise Returns: HANTRO_OK success HANTRO_NOK failure, invalid stream data PARAM_SET_ERROR invalid param set usage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ u32 h264bsdCheckAccessUnitBoundary( strmData_t *strm, nalUnit_t *nuNext, storage_t *storage, u32 *accessUnitBoundaryFlag) { /* Variables */ u32 tmp, ppsId, frameNum, idrPicId, picOrderCntLsb; i32 deltaPicOrderCntBottom, deltaPicOrderCnt[2]; seqParamSet_t *sps; picParamSet_t *pps; /* Code */ ASSERT(strm); ASSERT(nuNext); ASSERT(storage); ASSERT(storage->sps); ASSERT(storage->pps); /* initialize default output to FALSE */ *accessUnitBoundaryFlag = HANTRO_FALSE; if ( ( (nuNext->nalUnitType > 5) && (nuNext->nalUnitType < 12) ) || ( (nuNext->nalUnitType > 12) && (nuNext->nalUnitType <= 18) ) ) { *accessUnitBoundaryFlag = HANTRO_TRUE; return(HANTRO_OK); } else if ( nuNext->nalUnitType != NAL_CODED_SLICE && nuNext->nalUnitType != NAL_CODED_SLICE_IDR ) { return(HANTRO_OK); } /* check if this is the very first call to this function */ if (storage->aub->firstCallFlag) { *accessUnitBoundaryFlag = HANTRO_TRUE; storage->aub->firstCallFlag = HANTRO_FALSE; } /* get picture parameter set id */ tmp = h264bsdCheckPpsId(strm, &ppsId); if (tmp != HANTRO_OK) return(tmp); /* store sps and pps in separate pointers just to make names shorter */ pps = storage->pps[ppsId]; if ( pps == NULL || storage->sps[pps->seqParameterSetId] == NULL || (storage->activeSpsId != MAX_NUM_SEQ_PARAM_SETS && pps->seqParameterSetId != storage->activeSpsId && nuNext->nalUnitType != NAL_CODED_SLICE_IDR) ) return(PARAM_SET_ERROR); sps = storage->sps[pps->seqParameterSetId]; if (storage->aub->nuPrev->nalRefIdc != nuNext->nalRefIdc && (storage->aub->nuPrev->nalRefIdc == 0 || nuNext->nalRefIdc == 0)) *accessUnitBoundaryFlag = HANTRO_TRUE; if ((storage->aub->nuPrev->nalUnitType == NAL_CODED_SLICE_IDR && nuNext->nalUnitType != NAL_CODED_SLICE_IDR) || (storage->aub->nuPrev->nalUnitType != NAL_CODED_SLICE_IDR && nuNext->nalUnitType == NAL_CODED_SLICE_IDR)) *accessUnitBoundaryFlag = HANTRO_TRUE; tmp = h264bsdCheckFrameNum(strm, sps->maxFrameNum, &frameNum); if (tmp != HANTRO_OK) return(HANTRO_NOK); if (storage->aub->prevFrameNum != frameNum) { storage->aub->prevFrameNum = frameNum; *accessUnitBoundaryFlag = HANTRO_TRUE; } if (nuNext->nalUnitType == NAL_CODED_SLICE_IDR) { tmp = h264bsdCheckIdrPicId(strm, sps->maxFrameNum, nuNext->nalUnitType, &idrPicId); if (tmp != HANTRO_OK) return(HANTRO_NOK); if (storage->aub->nuPrev->nalUnitType == NAL_CODED_SLICE_IDR && storage->aub->prevIdrPicId != idrPicId) *accessUnitBoundaryFlag = HANTRO_TRUE; storage->aub->prevIdrPicId = idrPicId; } if (sps->picOrderCntType == 0) { tmp = h264bsdCheckPicOrderCntLsb(strm, sps, nuNext->nalUnitType, &picOrderCntLsb); if (tmp != HANTRO_OK) return(HANTRO_NOK); if (storage->aub->prevPicOrderCntLsb != picOrderCntLsb) { storage->aub->prevPicOrderCntLsb = picOrderCntLsb; *accessUnitBoundaryFlag = HANTRO_TRUE; } if (pps->picOrderPresentFlag) { tmp = h264bsdCheckDeltaPicOrderCntBottom(strm, sps, nuNext->nalUnitType, &deltaPicOrderCntBottom); if (tmp != HANTRO_OK) return(tmp); if (storage->aub->prevDeltaPicOrderCntBottom != deltaPicOrderCntBottom) { storage->aub->prevDeltaPicOrderCntBottom = deltaPicOrderCntBottom; *accessUnitBoundaryFlag = HANTRO_TRUE; } } } else if (sps->picOrderCntType == 1 && !sps->deltaPicOrderAlwaysZeroFlag) { tmp = h264bsdCheckDeltaPicOrderCnt(strm, sps, nuNext->nalUnitType, pps->picOrderPresentFlag, deltaPicOrderCnt); if (tmp != HANTRO_OK) return(tmp); if (storage->aub->prevDeltaPicOrderCnt[0] != deltaPicOrderCnt[0]) { storage->aub->prevDeltaPicOrderCnt[0] = deltaPicOrderCnt[0]; *accessUnitBoundaryFlag = HANTRO_TRUE; } if (pps->picOrderPresentFlag) if (storage->aub->prevDeltaPicOrderCnt[1] != deltaPicOrderCnt[1]) { storage->aub->prevDeltaPicOrderCnt[1] = deltaPicOrderCnt[1]; *accessUnitBoundaryFlag = HANTRO_TRUE; } } *storage->aub->nuPrev = *nuNext; return(HANTRO_OK); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function: CheckPps Functional description: Check picture parameter set. Contents of the picture parameter set information that depends on the image dimensions is checked against the dimensions in the sps. Inputs: pps pointer to picture paramter set sps pointer to sequence parameter set Outputs: none Returns: HANTRO_OK everything ok HANTRO_NOK invalid data in picture parameter set ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ u32 CheckPps(picParamSet_t *pps, seqParamSet_t *sps) { u32 i; u32 picSize; picSize = sps->picWidthInMbs * sps->picHeightInMbs; /* check slice group params */ if (pps->numSliceGroups > 1) { if (pps->sliceGroupMapType == 0) { ASSERT(pps->runLength); for (i = 0; i < pps->numSliceGroups; i++) { if (pps->runLength[i] > picSize) return(HANTRO_NOK); } } else if (pps->sliceGroupMapType == 2) { ASSERT(pps->topLeft); ASSERT(pps->bottomRight); for (i = 0; i < pps->numSliceGroups-1; i++) { if (pps->topLeft[i] > pps->bottomRight[i] || pps->bottomRight[i] >= picSize) return(HANTRO_NOK); if ( (pps->topLeft[i] % sps->picWidthInMbs) > (pps->bottomRight[i] % sps->picWidthInMbs) ) return(HANTRO_NOK); } } else if (pps->sliceGroupMapType > 2 && pps->sliceGroupMapType < 6) { if (pps->sliceGroupChangeRate > picSize) return(HANTRO_NOK); } else if (pps->sliceGroupMapType == 6 && pps->picSizeInMapUnits < picSize) return(HANTRO_NOK); } return(HANTRO_OK); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function: h264bsdValidParamSets Functional description: Check if any valid SPS/PPS combination exists in the storage. Function tries each PPS in the buffer and checks if corresponding SPS exists and calls CheckPps to determine if the PPS conforms to image dimensions of the SPS. Inputs: pStorage pointer to storage structure Outputs: HANTRO_OK there is at least one valid combination HANTRO_NOK no valid combinations found ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ u32 h264bsdValidParamSets(storage_t *pStorage) { /* Variables */ u32 i; /* Code */ ASSERT(pStorage); for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_PIC_PARAM_SETS; i++) { if ( pStorage->pps[i] && pStorage->sps[pStorage->pps[i]->seqParameterSetId] && CheckPps(pStorage->pps[i], pStorage->sps[pStorage->pps[i]->seqParameterSetId]) == HANTRO_OK) { return(HANTRO_OK); } } return(HANTRO_NOK); }