ref: fb28f3fde84d8f81166bf17f7992a55dabec0589
dir: /src/ft2_textboxes.c/
// for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "ft2_header.h" #include "ft2_gui.h" #include "ft2_video.h" #include "ft2_config.h" #include "ft2_diskop.h" #include "ft2_keyboard.h" #include "ft2_gfxdata.h" #include "ft2_mouse.h" textBox_t textBoxes[NUM_TEXTBOXES] = { // ------ RESERVED TEXTBOXES ------ { 0 }, /* ** -- STRUCT INFO: -- ** x = x position ** y = y position ** w = width ** h = height ** tx = left padding for text ** ty = top padding for text ** maxc = max characters in box string ** rmb = can only be triggered with right mouse button (f.ex. tracker instrument texts) ** cmc = change mouse cursor when hovering over it */ // ------ INSTRUMENT/SAMPLE/SONG NAME TEXTBOXES ------ // x, y, w, h, tx,ty, maxc, rmb, cmc { 446, 5, 140, 10, 1, 0, 22, true, false }, { 446, 16, 140, 10, 1, 0, 22, true, false }, { 446, 27, 140, 10, 1, 0, 22, true, false }, { 446, 38, 140, 10, 1, 0, 22, true, false }, { 446, 49, 140, 10, 1, 0, 22, true, false }, { 446, 60, 140, 10, 1, 0, 22, true, false }, { 446, 71, 140, 10, 1, 0, 22, true, false }, { 446, 82, 140, 10, 1, 0, 22, true, false }, { 446, 99, 116, 10, 1, 0, 22, true, false }, { 446, 110, 116, 10, 1, 0, 22, true, false }, { 446, 121, 116, 10, 1, 0, 22, true, false }, { 446, 132, 116, 10, 1, 0, 22, true, false }, { 446, 143, 116, 10, 1, 0, 22, true, false }, { 424, 158, 160, 12, 2, 1, 20, false, true }, // ------ DISK OP. TEXTBOXES ------ // x, y, w, h, tx,ty, maxc, rmb, cmc { 31, 158, 134, 12, 2, 1, PATH_MAX-1, false, true }, // ------ CONFIG TEXTBOXES ------ // x, y, w, h, tx,ty, maxc, rmb, cmc { 486, 16, 143, 12, 2, 1, 80, false, true }, { 486, 31, 143, 12, 2, 1, 80, false, true }, { 486, 46, 143, 12, 2, 1, 80, false, true }, { 486, 61, 143, 12, 2, 1, 80, false, true }, { 486, 76, 143, 12, 2, 1, 80, false, true } }; static int16_t markX1, markX2; static uint16_t oldCursorPos, oldMouseX; static void moveTextCursorLeft(int16_t i, bool updateTextBox); static void moveTextCursorRight(int16_t i, bool updateTextBox); static void setSongModifiedFlagIfNeeded(void) // called during keystrokes in text boxes { if (mouse.lastEditBox == TB_SONG_NAME || (mouse.lastEditBox >= TB_INST1 && mouse.lastEditBox <= TB_INST8) || (mouse.lastEditBox >= TB_SAMP1 && mouse.lastEditBox <= TB_SAMP5)) { setSongModifiedFlag(); } } bool textIsMarked(void) { if (markX1 == markX2) return false; return true; } static void removeTextMarking(void) { markX1 = 0; markX2 = 0; } static int16_t getTextMarkStart(void) { if (markX2 < markX1) return markX2; return markX1; } static int16_t getTextMarkEnd(void) { if (markX1 > markX2) return markX1; return markX2; } static int16_t getTextLength(textBox_t *t, uint16_t offset) { uint16_t i; if (t->textPtr == NULL || offset >= t->maxChars) return 0; // count number of characters in text for (i = offset; i < t->maxChars; i++) { if (t->textPtr[i] == '\0') break; } i -= offset; // i now contains string length assert(i <= t->maxChars); return i; } static void deleteMarkedText(textBox_t *t) { int16_t start, end; int32_t i, deleteTextWidth, length; if (!textIsMarked()) return; start = getTextMarkStart(); end = getTextMarkEnd(); assert(start < t->maxChars && end <= t->maxChars); // calculate pixel width of string to delete deleteTextWidth = 0; for (i = start; i < end; i++) deleteTextWidth += charWidth(t->textPtr[i]); // copy markEnd part to markStart, and add null termination length = (int32_t)strlen(&t->textPtr[end]); if (length > 0) memcpy(&t->textPtr[start], &t->textPtr[end], length); t->textPtr[start+length] = '\0'; // scroll buffer offset to the left if we are scrolled if (t->bufOffset >= deleteTextWidth) t->bufOffset -= deleteTextWidth; else t->bufOffset = 0; // set text cursor to markStart t->cursorPos = start; setSongModifiedFlagIfNeeded(); } static void setCursorToMarkStart(textBox_t *t) { char ch; int16_t start; int32_t startXPos; if (!textIsMarked()) return; start = getTextMarkStart(); assert(start < t->maxChars); t->cursorPos = start; startXPos = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < start; i++) { ch = t->textPtr[i]; if (ch == '\0') break; startXPos += charWidth(ch); } // change buffer offset, if needed if (startXPos < t->bufOffset) t->bufOffset = startXPos; } static void setCursorToMarkEnd(textBox_t *t) { char ch; int16_t end; int32_t endXPos; if (!textIsMarked()) return; end = getTextMarkEnd(); assert(end <= t->maxChars); t->cursorPos = end; endXPos = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < end; i++) { ch = t->textPtr[i]; if (ch == '\0') break; endXPos += charWidth(ch); } // change buffer offset, if needed if (endXPos > t->bufOffset+t->renderW) t->bufOffset = endXPos - t->renderW; } static void copyMarkedText(textBox_t *t) { int32_t length, start, end; char *utf8Text; if (!textIsMarked()) return; start = getTextMarkStart(); end = getTextMarkEnd(); assert(start < t->maxChars && end <= t->maxChars); length = end - start; if (length < 1) return; utf8Text = cp437ToUtf8(&t->textPtr[start]); if (utf8Text != NULL) { SDL_SetClipboardText(utf8Text); free(utf8Text); } } static void cutMarkedText(textBox_t *t) { if (!textIsMarked()) return; copyMarkedText(t); deleteMarkedText(t); removeTextMarking(); drawTextBox(mouse.lastEditBox); } static void pasteText(textBox_t *t) { char *copiedText, *copiedTextUtf8, *endPart; uint16_t endOffset; int32_t textLength, roomLeft, copiedTextLength, endPartLength; if (!SDL_HasClipboardText()) return; // if we've marked text, delete it and remove text marking if (textIsMarked()) { deleteMarkedText(t); removeTextMarking(); } if (t->cursorPos >= t->maxChars) return; textLength = getTextLength(t, 0); roomLeft = t->maxChars - textLength; if (roomLeft <= 0) return; // no more room! copiedTextUtf8 = SDL_GetClipboardText(); copiedText = utf8ToCp437(copiedTextUtf8, true); if (copiedText == NULL) return; copiedTextLength = (int32_t)strlen(copiedText); if (copiedTextLength > roomLeft) copiedTextLength = roomLeft; endOffset = t->cursorPos; endPart = NULL; // prevent false compiler warning endPartLength = getTextLength(t, endOffset); if (endPartLength > 0) { endPart = (char *)malloc(endPartLength + 1); if (endPart == NULL) { free(copiedText); okBox(0, "System message", "Not enough memory!"); return; } } // make a copy of end data if (endPartLength > 0) { memcpy(endPart, &t->textPtr[endOffset], endPartLength); endPart[endPartLength] = '\0'; } // paste copied data memcpy(&t->textPtr[endOffset], copiedText, copiedTextLength); t->textPtr[endOffset+copiedTextLength] = '\0'; free(copiedText); // append end data if (endPartLength > 0) { strcat(&t->textPtr[endOffset+copiedTextLength], endPart); free(endPart); } for (int32_t i = 0; i < copiedTextLength; i++) moveTextCursorRight(mouse.lastEditBox, TEXTBOX_NO_UPDATE); drawTextBox(mouse.lastEditBox); setSongModifiedFlagIfNeeded(); } void exitTextEditing(void) { if (!editor.editTextFlag) return; if (mouse.lastEditBox >= 0 && mouse.lastEditBox < NUM_TEXTBOXES) { textBoxes[mouse.lastEditBox].bufOffset = 0; removeTextMarking(); drawTextBox(mouse.lastEditBox); } if (mouse.lastEditBox == TB_DISKOP_FILENAME && getDiskOpItem() == DISKOP_ITEM_MODULE) { updateCurrSongFilename(); // for window title updateWindowTitle(true); } keyb.ignoreCurrKeyUp = true; // prevent a note being played (on enter key) editor.editTextFlag = false; hideSprite(SPRITE_TEXT_CURSOR); SDL_StopTextInput(); } static int16_t cursorPosToX(textBox_t *t) { int32_t x; assert(t->textPtr != NULL); x = -1; // cursor starts one pixel before character for (int16_t i = 0; i < t->cursorPos; i++) x += charWidth(t->textPtr[i]); x -= t->bufOffset; // subtract by buffer offset to get real X position return (int16_t)x; } int16_t getTextCursorX(textBox_t *t) { return t->x + t->tx + cursorPosToX(t); } int16_t getTextCursorY(textBox_t *t) { return t->y + t->ty; } static void scrollTextBufferLeft(textBox_t *t) { // scroll buffer and clamp t->bufOffset -= TEXT_SCROLL_VALUE; if (t->bufOffset < 0) t->bufOffset = 0; } static void scrollTextBufferRight(textBox_t *t, uint16_t numCharsInText) { int32_t textEnd; assert(numCharsInText <= t->maxChars); // get end of text position textEnd = 0; for (uint16_t j = 0; j < numCharsInText; j++) textEnd += charWidth(t->textPtr[j]); // subtract by text box width and clamp to 0 textEnd -= t->renderW; if (textEnd < 0) textEnd = 0; // scroll buffer and clamp t->bufOffset += TEXT_SCROLL_VALUE; if (t->bufOffset > textEnd) t->bufOffset = textEnd; } static void moveTextCursorToMouseX(uint16_t textBoxID) { int8_t cw; int16_t i, numChars, cursorPos; int32_t mx, tx, tx2; textBox_t *t; t = &textBoxes[textBoxID]; if ((mouse.x == t->x && t->bufOffset == 0) || t->textPtr == NULL || t->textPtr[0] == '\0') { t->cursorPos = 0; return; } numChars = getTextLength(t, 0); // find out what character we are clicking at, and set cursor to that character mx = t->bufOffset + mouse.x; tx = (t->x + t->tx) - 1; cw = -1; for (i = 0; i < numChars; i++) { cw = charWidth(t->textPtr[i]); tx2 = tx + cw; if (mx >= tx && mx < tx2) { t->cursorPos = i; break; } tx += cw; } // set to last character if we clicked outside the end of the text if (i == numChars && mx >= tx) t->cursorPos = numChars; if (cw != -1) { cursorPos = cursorPosToX(t); // scroll buffer to the right if needed if (cursorPos+cw > t->renderW) scrollTextBufferRight(t, numChars); // scroll buffer to the left if needed else if (cursorPos < 0-1) scrollTextBufferLeft(t); } editor.textCursorBlinkCounter = 0; } static void textOutBuf(uint8_t *dstBuffer, uint32_t dstWidth, uint8_t paletteIndex, char *text, uint32_t maxTextLen) { char chr; uint8_t *dstPtr; const uint8_t *srcPtr; uint16_t currX; assert(text != NULL); if (*text == '\0') return; // empty string currX = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < maxTextLen; i++) { chr = *text++ & 0x7F; if (chr == '\0') break; if (chr != ' ') { srcPtr = &font1Data[chr * FONT1_CHAR_W]; dstPtr = &dstBuffer[currX]; for (uint32_t y = 0; y < FONT1_CHAR_H; y++) { for (uint32_t x = 0; x < FONT1_CHAR_W; x++) { if (srcPtr[x]) dstPtr[x] = paletteIndex; } srcPtr += FONT1_WIDTH; dstPtr += dstWidth; } } currX += charWidth(chr); } } static void blitClipW(uint16_t xPos, uint16_t yPos, const uint8_t *srcPtr, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t clipW) { uint16_t blitW; uint32_t *dstPtr; blitW = w; if (blitW > clipW) blitW = clipW; assert(xPos < SCREEN_W && yPos < SCREEN_H && xPos+blitW <= SCREEN_W && yPos+h <= SCREEN_H && srcPtr != NULL); dstPtr = &video.frameBuffer[(yPos * SCREEN_W) + xPos]; for (uint32_t y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (uint32_t x = 0; x < blitW; x++) { if (srcPtr[x] != PAL_TRANSPR) dstPtr[x] = video.palette[srcPtr[x]]; } srcPtr += w; dstPtr += SCREEN_W; } } // a lot of filling here, but textboxes are small so no problem... void drawTextBox(uint16_t textBoxID) { char ch; int8_t cw; uint8_t pal; int32_t start, end, x1, x2, length; textBox_t *t; assert(textBoxID < NUM_TEXTBOXES); t = &textBoxes[textBoxID]; if (!t->visible) return; // test if buffer offset is not overflowing #ifdef _DEBUG if (t->renderBufW > t->renderW) assert(t->bufOffset <= t->renderBufW-t->renderW); #endif // fill text rendering buffer with transparency key memset(t->renderBuf, PAL_TRANSPR, t->renderBufW * t->renderBufH); if (t->textPtr == NULL) return; // draw text mark background if (textIsMarked()) { hideSprite(SPRITE_TEXT_CURSOR); start = getTextMarkStart(); end = getTextMarkEnd(); assert(start < t->maxChars && end <= t->maxChars); // find pixel start/length from markX1 and markX2 x1 = 0; x2 = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < end; i++) { ch = t->textPtr[i]; if (ch == '\0') break; cw = charWidth(ch); if (i < start) x1 += cw; x2 += cw; } // render text mark background if (x1 != x2) { start = x1; length = x2 - x1; assert(start+length <= t->renderBufW); for (uint16_t y = 0; y < t->renderBufH; y++) memset(&t->renderBuf[(y * t->renderBufW) + start], PAL_TEXTMRK, length); } } // render text to text render buffer textOutBuf(t->renderBuf, t->renderBufW, PAL_FORGRND, t->textPtr, t->maxChars); // fill screen rect background color (not always needed, but I'm lazy) pal = video.frameBuffer[(t->y * SCREEN_W) + t->x] >> 24; // get background palette (stored in alpha channel) fillRect(t->x + t->tx, t->y + t->ty, t->renderW, 10, pal); // 10 = tallest possible glyph/char height // render visible part of text render buffer to screen blitClipW(t->x + t->tx, t->y + t->ty, &t->renderBuf[t->bufOffset], t->renderBufW, t->renderBufH, t->renderW); } void showTextBox(uint16_t textBoxID) { assert(textBoxID < NUM_TEXTBOXES); textBoxes[textBoxID].visible = true; } void hideTextBox(uint16_t textBoxID) { assert(textBoxID < NUM_TEXTBOXES); hideSprite(SPRITE_TEXT_CURSOR); textBoxes[textBoxID].visible = false; } static void setMarkX2ToMouseX(textBox_t *t) { int8_t cw; int16_t i, numChars; int32_t mx, tx, tx2; if (t->textPtr == NULL || t->textPtr[0] == '\0') { removeTextMarking(); return; } if (markX2 < markX1 && mouse.x < t->x+t->tx) { markX2 = 0; return; } numChars = getTextLength(t, 0); // find out what character we are clicking at, and set markX2 to that character mx = t->bufOffset + mouse.x; tx = (t->x + t->tx) - 1; for (i = 0; i < numChars; i++) { cw = charWidth(t->textPtr[i]); tx2 = tx + cw; if (mx >= tx && mx < tx2) { markX2 = i; break; } tx += cw; } // set to last character if we clicked outside the end of the text if (i == numChars && mx >= tx) markX2 = numChars; if (mouse.x >= t->x+t->w-3) { scrollTextBufferRight(t, numChars); if (++markX2 > numChars) markX2 = numChars; } else if (mouse.x <= t->x+t->tx+3) { if (t->bufOffset > 0) { scrollTextBufferLeft(t); if (--markX2 < 0) markX2 = 0; } } t->cursorPos = markX2; assert(t->cursorPos >= 0 && t->cursorPos <= getTextLength(t, 0)); editor.textCursorBlinkCounter = 0; } void handleTextBoxWhileMouseDown(void) { textBox_t *t; assert(mouse.lastUsedObjectID >= 0 && mouse.lastUsedObjectID < NUM_TEXTBOXES); t = &textBoxes[mouse.lastUsedObjectID]; if (!t->visible) return; if (mouse.x != oldMouseX) { oldMouseX = mouse.x; markX1 = oldCursorPos; setMarkX2ToMouseX(t); drawTextBox(mouse.lastUsedObjectID); } } bool testTextBoxMouseDown(void) { uint16_t start, end; textBox_t *t; oldMouseX = mouse.x; oldCursorPos = 0; if (editor.ui.sysReqShown) { // if a system request is open, only test the first textbox (reserved) start = 0; end = 1; } else { start = 1; end = NUM_TEXTBOXES; } for (uint16_t i = start; i < end; i++) { t = &textBoxes[i]; if (!t->visible || t->textPtr == NULL) continue; if (mouse.y >= t->y && mouse.y < t->y+t->h && mouse.x >= t->x && mouse.x < t->x+t->w) { if (!mouse.rightButtonPressed && t->rightMouseButton) break; // if we were editing another text box and clicked on another one, properly end it if (editor.editTextFlag && i != mouse.lastEditBox) exitTextEditing(); mouse.lastEditBox = i; moveTextCursorToMouseX(mouse.lastEditBox); oldCursorPos = t->cursorPos; removeTextMarking(); drawTextBox(mouse.lastEditBox); editor.textCursorBlinkCounter = 0; mouse.lastUsedObjectType = OBJECT_TEXTBOX; mouse.lastUsedObjectID = i; editor.editTextFlag = true; SDL_StartTextInput(); return true; } } // if we were editing text and we clicked outside of a text box, exit text editing if (editor.editTextFlag) exitTextEditing(); return false; } void updateTextBoxPointers(void) { uint8_t i; instrTyp *curIns = instr[editor.curInstr]; // instrument names for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) textBoxes[TB_INST1+i].textPtr = song.instrName[1+editor.instrBankOffset+i]; // sample names if (editor.curInstr == 0 || curIns == NULL) { for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) textBoxes[TB_SAMP1+i].textPtr = NULL; } else { for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) textBoxes[TB_SAMP1+i].textPtr = curIns->samp[editor.sampleBankOffset+i].name; } // song name textBoxes[TB_SONG_NAME].textPtr =; } void setupInitialTextBoxPointers(void) { textBoxes[TB_CONF_DEF_MODS_DIR].textPtr = config.modulesPath; textBoxes[TB_CONF_DEF_INSTRS_DIR].textPtr = config.instrPath; textBoxes[TB_CONF_DEF_SAMPS_DIR].textPtr = config.samplesPath; textBoxes[TB_CONF_DEF_PATTS_DIR].textPtr = config.patternsPath; textBoxes[TB_CONF_DEF_TRACKS_DIR].textPtr = config.tracksPath; } void setTextCursorToEnd(textBox_t *t) { char ch; uint16_t numChars; uint32_t textWidth; // count number of chars and get full text width textWidth = 0; for (numChars = 0; numChars < t->maxChars; numChars++) { ch = t->textPtr[numChars]; if (ch == '\0') break; textWidth += charWidth(ch); } // if cursor is not at the end, handle text marking if (t->cursorPos < numChars) { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) { if (!textIsMarked()) markX1 = t->cursorPos; markX2 = numChars; } else { removeTextMarking(); } } t->cursorPos = numChars; t->bufOffset = 0; if (textWidth > t->renderW) t->bufOffset = textWidth - t->renderW; drawTextBox(mouse.lastEditBox); editor.textCursorBlinkCounter = 0; } void handleTextEditControl(SDL_Keycode keycode) { int16_t i; uint16_t numChars; int32_t textLength; uint32_t textWidth; textBox_t *t; assert(mouse.lastEditBox >= 0 && mouse.lastEditBox < NUM_TEXTBOXES); t = &textBoxes[mouse.lastEditBox]; assert(t->textPtr != NULL); switch (keycode) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: { removeTextMarking(); exitTextEditing(); } break; case SDLK_a: { // CTRL+A - mark all text if (keyb.ctrlPressed || keyb.commandPressed) { // count number of chars and get full text width textWidth = 0; for (numChars = 0; numChars < t->maxChars; numChars++) { if (t->textPtr[numChars] == '\0') break; textWidth += charWidth(t->textPtr[numChars]); } markX1 = 0; markX2 = numChars; t->cursorPos = markX2; t->bufOffset = 0; if (textWidth > t->renderW) t->bufOffset = textWidth - t->renderW; drawTextBox(mouse.lastEditBox); } } break; case SDLK_x: { // CTRL+X - cut marked text if (keyb.ctrlPressed || keyb.commandPressed) cutMarkedText(t); } break; case SDLK_c: { // CTRL+C - copy marked text if (keyb.ctrlPressed || keyb.commandPressed) copyMarkedText(t); } break; case SDLK_v: { // CTRL+V - paste text if (keyb.ctrlPressed || keyb.commandPressed) pasteText(t); } break; case SDLK_KP_ENTER: case SDLK_RETURN: { // ALT+ENTER = toggle fullscreen, even while text editing if (keyb.leftAltPressed) toggleFullScreen(); else exitTextEditing(); } break; case SDLK_LEFT: { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) { if (!textIsMarked()) { // no marking, mark character to left from cursor if (t->cursorPos > 0) { markX1 = t->cursorPos; moveTextCursorLeft(mouse.lastEditBox, TEXTBOX_NO_UPDATE); markX2 = t->cursorPos; drawTextBox(mouse.lastEditBox); } } else { // marking, extend/shrink marking if (markX2 > 0) { t->cursorPos = markX2; markX2--; moveTextCursorLeft(mouse.lastEditBox, TEXTBOX_NO_UPDATE); drawTextBox(mouse.lastEditBox); } } } else { if (textIsMarked()) { setCursorToMarkStart(t); removeTextMarking(); } else { removeTextMarking(); moveTextCursorLeft(mouse.lastEditBox, TEXTBOX_NO_UPDATE); } drawTextBox(mouse.lastEditBox); } } break; case SDLK_RIGHT: { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) { textLength = getTextLength(t, 0); if (!textIsMarked()) { if (t->cursorPos < textLength) { markX1 = t->cursorPos; moveTextCursorRight(mouse.lastEditBox, TEXTBOX_NO_UPDATE); markX2 = t->cursorPos; drawTextBox(mouse.lastEditBox); } } else { // marking, extend/shrink marking if (markX2 < textLength) { t->cursorPos = markX2; markX2++; moveTextCursorRight(mouse.lastEditBox, TEXTBOX_NO_UPDATE); drawTextBox(mouse.lastEditBox); } } } else { if (textIsMarked()) { setCursorToMarkEnd(t); removeTextMarking(); } else { removeTextMarking(); moveTextCursorRight(mouse.lastEditBox, TEXTBOX_NO_UPDATE); } drawTextBox(mouse.lastEditBox); } } break; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: { if (textIsMarked()) { deleteMarkedText(t); removeTextMarking(); drawTextBox(mouse.lastEditBox); break; } removeTextMarking(); if (t->cursorPos > 0 && t->textPtr[0] != '\0') { // scroll buffer offset if we are scrolled if (t->bufOffset > 0) { t->bufOffset -= charWidth(t->textPtr[t->cursorPos-1]); if (t->bufOffset < 0) t->bufOffset = 0; } moveTextCursorLeft(mouse.lastEditBox, TEXTBOX_UPDATE); i = t->cursorPos; while (i < t->maxChars) { t->textPtr[i] = t->textPtr[i+1]; if (t->textPtr[i] == '\0') break; i++; } drawTextBox(mouse.lastEditBox); setSongModifiedFlagIfNeeded(); } } break; case SDLK_DELETE: { if (textIsMarked()) { deleteMarkedText(t); removeTextMarking(); drawTextBox(mouse.lastEditBox); break; } if (t->textPtr[t->cursorPos] != '\0' && t->textPtr[0] != '\0' && t->cursorPos < t->maxChars) { // scroll buffer offset if we are scrolled if (t->bufOffset > 0) { t->bufOffset -= charWidth(t->textPtr[t->cursorPos]); if (t->bufOffset < 0) t->bufOffset = 0; } i = t->cursorPos; while (i < t->maxChars) { if (t->textPtr[i] == '\0') break; t->textPtr[i] = t->textPtr[i+1]; i++; } drawTextBox(mouse.lastEditBox); setSongModifiedFlagIfNeeded(); } } break; case SDLK_HOME: { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) { if (!textIsMarked()) markX1 = t->cursorPos; markX2 = 0; t->bufOffset = 0; t->cursorPos = 0; } else { removeTextMarking(); if (t->cursorPos > 0) { t->cursorPos = 0; t->bufOffset = 0; editor.textCursorBlinkCounter = 0; } } drawTextBox(mouse.lastEditBox); } break; case SDLK_END: { setTextCursorToEnd(t); } break; default: break; } } void handleTextEditInputChar(char textChar) { int8_t ch; int16_t i; textBox_t *t; assert(mouse.lastEditBox >= 0 && mouse.lastEditBox < NUM_TEXTBOXES); t = &textBoxes[mouse.lastEditBox]; if (t->textPtr == NULL) return; ch = (int8_t)textChar; if (ch < 32 && ch != -124 && ch != -108 && ch != -122 && ch != -114 && ch != -103 && ch != -113) return; // allow certain codepage 437 nordic characters if (textIsMarked()) { deleteMarkedText(t); removeTextMarking(); } if (t->cursorPos >= 0 && t->cursorPos < t->maxChars) { i = getTextLength(t, 0); if (i < t->maxChars) // do we have room for a new character? { t->textPtr[i+1] = '\0'; // if string not empty, shift string to the right to make space for char insertion if (i > 0) { for (; i > t->cursorPos; i--) t->textPtr[i] = t->textPtr[i-1]; } t->textPtr[t->cursorPos] = textChar; moveTextCursorRight(mouse.lastEditBox, TEXTBOX_UPDATE); // also updates textbox setSongModifiedFlagIfNeeded(); } } } static void moveTextCursorLeft(int16_t i, bool updateTextBox) { textBox_t *t; t = &textBoxes[i]; if (t->cursorPos == 0) return; t->cursorPos--; // scroll buffer if needed if (cursorPosToX(t) < 0-1) scrollTextBufferLeft(t); if (updateTextBox) drawTextBox(i); editor.textCursorBlinkCounter = 0; // reset text cursor blink timer } static void moveTextCursorRight(int16_t i, bool updateTextBox) { uint16_t numChars; textBox_t *t; t = &textBoxes[i]; numChars = getTextLength(t, 0); if (t->cursorPos >= numChars) return; t->cursorPos++; // scroll buffer if needed if (cursorPosToX(t) >= t->renderW) scrollTextBufferRight(t, numChars); if (updateTextBox) drawTextBox(i); editor.textCursorBlinkCounter = 0; // reset text cursor blink timer } void freeTextBoxes(void) { textBox_t *t; // free text box buffers (skip first entry, it's reserved for inputBox()) for (int32_t i = 1; i < NUM_TEXTBOXES; i++) { t = &textBoxes[i]; if (t->renderBuf != NULL) { free(t->renderBuf); t->renderBuf = NULL; } } }