ref: fb28f3fde84d8f81166bf17f7992a55dabec0589
dir: /src/ft2_events.c/
// for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_MEAN_AND_LEAN #include <windows.h> #include <SDL2/SDL_syswm.h> #else #include <limits.h> #include <signal.h> #include <unistd.h> // chdir() #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include "ft2_header.h" #include "ft2_config.h" #include "ft2_diskop.h" #include "ft2_module_loader.h" #include "ft2_module_saver.h" #include "ft2_sample_loader.h" #include "ft2_mouse.h" #include "ft2_midi.h" #include "ft2_video.h" #include "ft2_trim.h" #include "ft2_inst_ed.h" #include "ft2_sampling.h" #include "ft2_textboxes.h" #include "ft2_sysreqs.h" #include "ft2_keyboard.h" #include "ft2_sample_ed.h" #include "ft2_sample_ed_features.h" #define CRASH_TEXT "Oh no!\nThe Fasttracker II clone has crashed...\n\nA backup .xm was hopefully " \ "saved to the current module directory.\n\nPlease report this to 8bitbubsy " \ "(IRC or [email protected]).\nTry to mention what you did before the crash happened." static bool backupMadeAfterCrash; #ifdef _WIN32 #define SYSMSG_FILE_ARG (WM_USER + 1) #define ARGV_SHARED_MEM_MAX_LEN ((MAX_PATH * 2) + 2) #define SHARED_HWND_NAME TEXT("Local\\FT2CloneHwnd") #define SHARED_FILENAME TEXT("Local\\FT2CloneFilename") static HWND hWnd; static HANDLE oneInstHandle, hMapFile; static LPCTSTR sharedMemBuf; // used for Windows usleep() implementation static NTSTATUS (__stdcall *NtDelayExecution)(BOOL Alertable, PLARGE_INTEGER DelayInterval); #endif static void handleInput(void); // usleep() implementation for Windows #ifdef _WIN32 void usleep(uint32_t usec) { LARGE_INTEGER lpDueTime; if (NtDelayExecution == NULL) { // NtDelayExecution() is not available (shouldn't happen), use regular sleep() Sleep(usec / 1000); } else { // this prevents a 64-bit MUL (will not overflow with the ranges we use anyway) lpDueTime.HighPart = 0xFFFFFFFF; lpDueTime.LowPart = (DWORD)(-10 * (int32_t)usec); NtDelayExecution(false, &lpDueTime); } } void setupWin32Usleep(void) { NtDelayExecution = (NTSTATUS (__stdcall *)(BOOL, PLARGE_INTEGER))GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("ntdll.dll"), "NtDelayExecution"); timeBeginPeriod(0); // enter highest timer resolution } void freeWin32Usleep(void) { timeEndPeriod(0); // exit highest timer resolution } #endif void readInput(void) { readMouseXY(); readKeyModifiers(); setSyncedReplayerVars(); handleInput(); } void handleThreadEvents(void) { if ( { okBoxData.returnData = okBox(okBoxData.typ, okBoxData.headline, okBoxData.text); = false; } } void handleEvents(void) { // called after MIDI has been initialized if (midi.rescanDevicesFlag) { midi.rescanDevicesFlag = false; rescanMidiInputDevices(); if (editor.ui.configScreenShown && editor.currConfigScreen == CONFIG_SCREEN_MIDI_INPUT) drawMidiInputList(); } if (editor.trimThreadWasDone) { editor.trimThreadWasDone = false; trimThreadDone(); } if (editor.updateCurSmp) { editor.updateCurSmp = false; updateNewInstrument(); updateNewSample(); diskOpSetFilename(DISKOP_ITEM_SAMPLE, editor.tmpFilenameU); removeSampleIsLoadingFlag(); setMouseBusy(false); } if (editor.updateCurInstr) { editor.updateCurInstr = false; updateNewInstrument(); updateNewSample(); diskOpSetFilename(DISKOP_ITEM_INSTR, editor.tmpInstrFilenameU); setMouseBusy(false); } // some Disk Op. stuff if (editor.diskOpReadDir) { editor.diskOpReadDir = false; startDiskOpFillThread(); } if (editor.diskOpReadDone) { editor.diskOpReadDone = false; if (editor.ui.diskOpShown) diskOp_DrawDirectory(); } handleLoadMusicEvents(); if (editor.samplingAudioFlag) handleSamplingUpdates(); if (editor.ui.setMouseBusy) mouseAnimOn(); if (editor.ui.setMouseIdle) mouseAnimOff(); if (editor.updateWindowTitle) { editor.updateWindowTitle = false; updateWindowTitle(false); } } // Windows specific routines #ifdef _WIN32 static bool instanceAlreadyOpen(void) { hMapFile = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, SHARED_HWND_NAME); if (hMapFile != NULL) return true; // another instance is already open // no instance is open, let's created a shared memory file with hWnd in it oneInstHandle = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof (HWND), SHARED_HWND_NAME); if (oneInstHandle != NULL) { sharedMemBuf = (LPTSTR)MapViewOfFile(oneInstHandle, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, sizeof (HWND)); if (sharedMemBuf != NULL) { CopyMemory((PVOID)sharedMemBuf, &video.hWnd, sizeof (HWND)); UnmapViewOfFile(sharedMemBuf); sharedMemBuf = NULL; } } return false; } bool handleSingleInstancing(int32_t argc, char **argv) { SDL_SysWMinfo wmInfo; SDL_VERSION(&wmInfo.version); if (!SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(video.window, &wmInfo)) return false; video.hWnd =; if (instanceAlreadyOpen() && argc >= 2 && argv[1][0] != '\0') { sharedMemBuf = (LPTSTR)MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, sizeof (HWND)); if (sharedMemBuf != NULL) { memcpy(&hWnd, sharedMemBuf, sizeof (HWND)); UnmapViewOfFile(sharedMemBuf); sharedMemBuf = NULL; CloseHandle(hMapFile); hMapFile = NULL; hMapFile = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, ARGV_SHARED_MEM_MAX_LEN, SHARED_FILENAME); if (hMapFile != NULL) { sharedMemBuf = (LPTSTR)MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, ARGV_SHARED_MEM_MAX_LEN); if (sharedMemBuf != NULL) { strcpy((char *)sharedMemBuf, argv[1]); UnmapViewOfFile(sharedMemBuf); sharedMemBuf = NULL; SendMessage(hWnd, SYSMSG_FILE_ARG, 0, 0); Sleep(80); // wait a bit to make sure first instance received msg CloseHandle(hMapFile); hMapFile = NULL; return true; // quit instance now } } return true; } CloseHandle(hMapFile); hMapFile = NULL; } SDL_EventState(SDL_SYSWMEVENT, SDL_ENABLE); return false; } static void handleSysMsg(SDL_Event inputEvent) { SDL_SysWMmsg *wmMsg; if (inputEvent.type == SDL_SYSWMEVENT) { wmMsg = inputEvent.syswm.msg; if (wmMsg->subsystem == SDL_SYSWM_WINDOWS && wmMsg-> == SYSMSG_FILE_ARG) { hMapFile = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_READ, FALSE, SHARED_FILENAME); if (hMapFile != NULL) { sharedMemBuf = (LPTSTR)MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, ARGV_SHARED_MEM_MAX_LEN); if (sharedMemBuf != NULL) { editor.autoPlayOnDrop = true; loadDroppedFile((char *)sharedMemBuf, true); UnmapViewOfFile(sharedMemBuf); sharedMemBuf = NULL; } CloseHandle(hMapFile); hMapFile = NULL; } } } } void closeSingleInstancing(void) { if (oneInstHandle != NULL) { CloseHandle(oneInstHandle); oneInstHandle = NULL; } } static LONG WINAPI exceptionHandler(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ptr) { #define BACKUP_FILES_TO_TRY 1000 char fileName[32]; uint16_t i; UNICHAR *fileNameU; struct stat statBuffer; (void)ptr; if (oneInstHandle != NULL) CloseHandle(oneInstHandle); if (!backupMadeAfterCrash) { if (getDiskOpModPath() != NULL && UNICHAR_CHDIR(getDiskOpModPath()) == 0) { // find a free filename for (i = 1; i < 1000; i++) { sprintf(fileName, "backup%03d.xm", i); if (stat(fileName, &statBuffer) != 0) break; // filename OK } if (i != 1000) { fileNameU = cp437ToUnichar(fileName); if (fileNameU != NULL) { saveXM(fileNameU); free(fileNameU); } } } backupMadeAfterCrash = true; // set this flag to prevent multiple backups from being saved at once showErrorMsgBox(CRASH_TEXT); } return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } #else static void exceptionHandler(int32_t signal) { #define BACKUP_FILES_TO_TRY 1000 char fileName[32]; uint16_t i; UNICHAR *fileNameU; struct stat statBuffer; if (signal == 15) return; if (!backupMadeAfterCrash) { if (getDiskOpModPath() != NULL && UNICHAR_CHDIR(getDiskOpModPath()) == 0) { // find a free filename for (i = 1; i < 1000; i++) { sprintf(fileName, "backup%03d.xm", i); if (stat(fileName, &statBuffer) != 0) break; // filename OK } if (i != 1000) { fileNameU = cp437ToUnichar(fileName); if (fileNameU != NULL) { saveXM(fileNameU); free(fileNameU); } } } backupMadeAfterCrash = true; // set this flag to prevent multiple backups from being saved at once showErrorMsgBox(CRASH_TEXT); } } #endif void setupCrashHandler(void) { #ifndef _DEBUG #ifdef _WIN32 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(exceptionHandler); #else struct sigaction act; struct sigaction oldAct; memset(&act, 0, sizeof (act)); act.sa_handler = exceptionHandler; act.sa_flags = SA_RESETHAND; sigaction(SIGILL | SIGABRT | SIGFPE | SIGSEGV, &act, &oldAct); sigaction(SIGILL, &act, &oldAct); sigaction(SIGABRT, &act, &oldAct); sigaction(SIGFPE, &act, &oldAct); sigaction(SIGSEGV, &act, &oldAct); #endif #endif } static void handleInput(void) { char *inputText; uint8_t vibDepth; uint32_t eventType; SDL_Event event; SDL_Keycode key; if (!editor.busy) handleLastGUIObjectDown(); // this should be handled before main input poll (on next frame) while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { if (video.vsync60HzPresent) { /* if we minimize the window and vsync is present, vsync is temporarily turned off. ** recalc waitVBL() vars so that it can sleep properly in said mode. */ if (event.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT && (event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MINIMIZED || event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST)) { setupWaitVBL(); } } if (editor.busy) { eventType = event.type; key = event.key.keysym.scancode; /* The Echo tool in Smp. Ed. can literally take forever if abused, ** let mouse buttons/ESC/SIGTERM force-stop it. */ if (eventType == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN || eventType == SDL_QUIT || (eventType == SDL_KEYUP && key == SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE)) { handleEchoToolPanic(); } // let certain mouse buttons or keyboard keys stop certain events if (eventType == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN || (eventType == SDL_KEYDOWN && key != SDL_SCANCODE_MUTE && key != SDL_SCANCODE_AUDIOMUTE && key != SDL_SCANCODE_VOLUMEDOWN && key != SDL_SCANCODE_VOLUMEUP)) { // only let keyboard keys interrupt audio sampling if (editor.samplingAudioFlag && eventType != SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) stopSampling(); editor.wavIsRendering = false; } continue; // another thread is busy with something, drop input } #ifdef _WIN32 handleSysMsg(event); #endif // text input when editing texts if (event.type == SDL_TEXTINPUT) { if (editor.editTextFlag) { if (keyb.ignoreTextEditKey) { keyb.ignoreTextEditKey = false; continue; } inputText = utf8ToCp437(event.text.text, false); if (inputText != NULL) { if (inputText[0] != '\0') handleTextEditInputChar(inputText[0]); free(inputText); } } } else if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEWHEEL) { if (event.wheel.y > 0) mouseWheelHandler(MOUSE_WHEEL_UP); else if (event.wheel.y < 0) mouseWheelHandler(MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN); } else if (event.type == SDL_DROPFILE) { editor.autoPlayOnDrop = false; loadDroppedFile(event.drop.file, true); SDL_free(event.drop.file); } else if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) { if (editor.ui.sysReqShown) continue; if (editor.editTextFlag) exitTextEditing(); if (!song.isModified) { editor.throwExit = true; } else { if (!video.fullscreen) { // de-minimize window and set focus so that the user sees the message box SDL_RestoreWindow(video.window); SDL_RaiseWindow(video.window); } if (quitBox(true) == 1) editor.throwExit = true; } } else if (event.type == SDL_KEYUP) { keyUpHandler(event.key.keysym.scancode, event.key.keysym.sym); } else if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { keyDownHandler(event.key.keysym.scancode, event.key.keysym.sym, event.key.repeat); } else if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) { mouseButtonUpHandler(event.button.button); } else if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { mouseButtonDownHandler(event.button.button); } if (editor.throwExit) editor.programRunning = false; } // MIDI vibrato vibDepth = (midi.currMIDIVibDepth >> 9) & 0x0F; if (vibDepth > 0) recordMIDIEffect(0x04, 0xA0 | vibDepth); }