ref: eaee288d876e3dd4e2fc0fa7ee9ab17bf8d1eb6c
dir: /src/ft2_replayer.c/
// for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include "ft2_header.h" #include "ft2_config.h" #include "ft2_gui.h" #include "ft2_video.h" #include "ft2_pattern_ed.h" #include "ft2_sample_ed.h" #include "ft2_inst_ed.h" #include "ft2_diskop.h" #include "ft2_midi.h" #include "ft2_scopes.h" #include "ft2_mouse.h" #include "ft2_sample_loader.h" #include "ft2_tables.h" #include "ft2_structs.h" /* This is a *huge* mess, directly ported from the original FT2 code (and modified). ** You will experience a lot of headaches if you dig into it... ** If something looks to be off, it probably isn't! */ /* Tables for pre-calculated stuff on run time and when changing freq. and/or linear/amiga mode. ** FT2 obviously didn't have such big tables. */ static uint32_t musicTimeTab[MAX_BPM+1]; static uint64_t period2ScopeDeltaTab[65536]; static double dLogTab[768], dLogTabMul[32], dAudioRateFactor; #if defined _WIN64 || defined __amd64__ static uint64_t period2DeltaTab[65536]; #else static uint32_t period2DeltaTab[65536]; #endif static bool bxxOverflow; static tonTyp nilPatternLine; // globally accessed int8_t playMode = 0; bool songPlaying = false, audioPaused = false, musicPaused = false; volatile bool replayerBusy = false; const uint16_t *note2Period = NULL; int16_t pattLens[MAX_PATTERNS]; stmTyp stm[MAX_VOICES]; songTyp song; instrTyp *instr[132]; tonTyp *patt[MAX_PATTERNS]; void fixSongName(void) // removes spaces from right side of song name { for (int16_t i = 20; i >= 0; i--) { if ([i] == ' ')[i] = '\0'; else break; } } void fixSampleName(int16_t nr) // removes spaces from right side of ins/smp names { int16_t i, j; sampleTyp *s; for (i = 21; i >= 0; i--) { if (song.instrName[nr][i] == ' ') song.instrName[nr][i] = '\0'; else break; } if (instr[nr] != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_SMP_PER_INST; i++) { s = &instr[nr]->samp[i]; for (j = 21; j >= 0; j--) { if (s->name[j] == ' ') s->name[j] = '\0'; else break; } s->name[22] = '\0'; // just in case (for tracker, not present in sample header when saving) } } } void resetChannels(void) { const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); memset(stm, 0, sizeof (stm)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++) { stmTyp *ch = &stm[i]; ch->instrSeg = instr[0]; ch->status = IS_Vol; ch->oldPan = 128; ch->outPan = 128; ch->finalPan = 128; ch->stOff = !editor.chnMode[i]; // set channel mute flag from global mute flag } if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void setSongModifiedFlag(void) { song.isModified = true; editor.updateWindowTitle = true; } void removeSongModifiedFlag(void) { song.isModified = false; editor.updateWindowTitle = true; } void tuneSample(sampleTyp *s, int32_t midCFreq) { if (midCFreq <= 0) { s->fine = 0; s->relTon = 0; return; } double dFreq = log2(midCFreq * (1.0 / 8363.0)) * (12.0 * 128.0); int32_t linearFreq = (int32_t)(dFreq + 0.5); s->fine = ((linearFreq + 128) & 255) - 128; int32_t relTon = (linearFreq - s->fine) >> 7; s->relTon = (int8_t)CLAMP(relTon, -48, 71); } void setPatternLen(uint16_t nr, int16_t len) { assert(nr < MAX_PATTERNS); if ((len < 1 || len > MAX_PATT_LEN) || len == pattLens[nr]) return; const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); pattLens[nr] = len; if (patt[nr] != NULL) killPatternIfUnused(nr); song.pattLen = pattLens[nr]; if (song.pattPos >= song.pattLen) { song.pattPos = song.pattLen - 1; editor.pattPos = song.pattPos; } checkMarkLimits(); if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); ui.updatePatternEditor = true; ui.updatePosSections = true; } int16_t getUsedSamples(int16_t nr) { int16_t i, j; instrTyp *ins; if (instr[nr] == NULL) return 0; ins = instr[nr]; i = 16 - 1; while (i >= 0 && ins->samp[i].pek == NULL && ins->samp[i].name[0] == '\0') i--; /* Yes, 'i' can be -1 here, and will be set to at least 0 ** because of ins->ta values. Possibly an FT2 bug... */ for (j = 0; j < 96; j++) { if (ins->ta[j] > i) i = ins->ta[j]; } return i+1; } int16_t getRealUsedSamples(int16_t nr) { int8_t i; if (instr[nr] == NULL) return 0; i = 16 - 1; while (i >= 0 && instr[nr]->samp[i].pek == NULL) i--; return i+1; } // called every time you change linear/amiga mode and mixing frequency static void calcPeriod2DeltaTables(void) { int32_t baseDelta; uint32_t i; period2DeltaTab[0] = 0; // in FT2, a period of 0 is converted to a delta of 0 const double dScopeRateFactor = SCOPE_FRAC_SCALE / (double)SCOPE_HZ; if (audio.linearFreqTable) { // linear periods for (i = 1; i < 65536; i++) { const uint16_t invPeriod = (12 * 192 * 4) - (uint16_t)i; // this intentionally overflows uint16_t to be accurate to FT2 const int32_t octave = invPeriod / 768; const int32_t period = invPeriod % 768; const int32_t shift = (14 - octave) & 0x1F; // 100% accurate to FT2! const double dHz = dLogTab[period] * dLogTabMul[shift]; #if defined _WIN64 || defined __amd64__ period2DeltaTab[i] = (uint64_t)((dHz * dAudioRateFactor) + 0.5); #else period2DeltaTab[i] = (uint32_t)((dHz * dAudioRateFactor) + 0.5); #endif period2ScopeDeltaTab[i] = (uint64_t)((dHz * dScopeRateFactor) + 0.5); } } else { // Amiga periods for (i = 1; i < 65536; i++) { double dHz = (8363.0 * 1712.0) / i; #if defined _WIN64 || defined __amd64__ period2DeltaTab[i] = (uint64_t)((dHz * dAudioRateFactor) + 0.5); #else period2DeltaTab[i] = (uint32_t)((dHz * dAudioRateFactor) + 0.5); #endif period2ScopeDeltaTab[i] = (uint64_t)((dHz * dScopeRateFactor) + 0.5); } } // for piano in Instr. Ed. // (this delta is small enough to fit in int32_t even with 32.32 deltas) if (audio.linearFreqTable) baseDelta = (int32_t)period2DeltaTab[7680]; else baseDelta = (int32_t)period2DeltaTab[1712*16]; audio.dPianoDeltaMul = 1.0 / baseDelta; } void setFrqTab(bool linear) { pauseAudio(); audio.linearFreqTable = linear; if (audio.linearFreqTable) note2Period = linearPeriods; else note2Period = amigaPeriods; calcPeriod2DeltaTables(); resumeAudio(); // update "frequency table" radiobutton, if it's shown if (ui.configScreenShown && editor.currConfigScreen == CONFIG_SCREEN_IO_DEVICES) setConfigIORadioButtonStates(); } static void retrigVolume(stmTyp *ch) { ch->realVol = ch->oldVol; ch->outVol = ch->oldVol; ch->outPan = ch->oldPan; ch->status |= (IS_Vol + IS_Pan + IS_QuickVol); } static void retrigEnvelopeVibrato(stmTyp *ch) { instrTyp *ins; if (!(ch->waveCtrl & 0x04)) ch->vibPos = 0; if (!(ch->waveCtrl & 0x40)) ch->tremPos = 0; ch->retrigCnt = 0; ch->tremorPos = 0; ch->envSustainActive = true; ins = ch->instrSeg; assert(ins != NULL); if (ins->envVTyp & 1) { ch->envVCnt = 65535; ch->envVPos = 0; } if (ins->envPTyp & 1) { ch->envPCnt = 65535; ch->envPPos = 0; } ch->fadeOutSpeed = ins->fadeOut; // FT2 doesn't check if fadeout is more than 4095 ch->fadeOutAmp = 32768; if (ins->vibDepth > 0) { ch->eVibPos = 0; if (ins->vibSweep > 0) { ch->eVibAmp = 0; ch->eVibSweep = (ins->vibDepth << 8) / ins->vibSweep; } else { ch->eVibAmp = ins->vibDepth << 8; ch->eVibSweep = 0; } } } void keyOff(stmTyp *ch) { instrTyp *ins; ch->envSustainActive = false; ins = ch->instrSeg; assert(ins != NULL); if (!(ins->envPTyp & 1)) // yes, FT2 does this (!). Most likely a bug? { if (ch->envPCnt >= ins->envPP[ch->envPPos][0]) ch->envPCnt = ins->envPP[ch->envPPos][0] - 1; } if (ins->envVTyp & 1) { if (ch->envVCnt >= ins->envVP[ch->envVPos][0]) ch->envVCnt = ins->envVP[ch->envVPos][0] - 1; } else { ch->realVol = 0; ch->outVol = 0; ch->status |= (IS_Vol + IS_QuickVol); } } void calcAudioTables(void) { int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < 768; i++) dLogTab[i] = exp2(i / 768.0) * (8363.0 * 256.0); dLogTabMul[0] = 1.0; for (i = 1; i < 32; i++) dLogTabMul[i] = exp2(-i); } void calcReplayRate(int32_t audioFreq) { int32_t i; if (audioFreq == 0) return; dAudioRateFactor = (double)MIXER_FRAC_SCALE / audioFreq; audio.quickVolSizeVal = audioFreq / 200; // FT2 truncates here audio.rampQuickVolMul = (int32_t)(((UINT32_MAX + 1.0) / audio.quickVolSizeVal) + 0.5); audio.dSpeedValMul = editor.dPerfFreq / audioFreq; // for audio/video sync /* Calculate tables to prevent floating point operations on systems that ** might have a slow FPU. This is quite hackish and not really needed, ** but it doesn't take up THAT much RAM anyway. */ // calculate table used to count replayer time (displayed as hours/minutes/seconds) const double dMul = (UINT32_MAX + 1.0) / audioFreq; audio.speedValTab[0] = 0; musicTimeTab[0] = UINT32_MAX; audio.rampSpeedValMulTab[0] = UINT32_MAX; audio.tickTimeLengthTab[0] = (uint64_t)UINT32_MAX << 32; const double dTickTimeLenMul = audio.dSpeedValMul * (UINT32_MAX + 1.0); for (i = 1; i <= MAX_BPM; i++) { int32_t samplesPerTick = (int32_t)(((audioFreq * 2.5) / i) + 0.5); // rounded audio.speedValTab[i] = samplesPerTick; // used for song playback counter (hh:mm:ss) musicTimeTab[i] = (uint32_t)((samplesPerTick * dMul) + 0.5); // number of samples per tick -> tick length for performance counter (syncing visuals to audio) audio.tickTimeLengthTab[i] = (uint64_t)(samplesPerTick * dTickTimeLenMul); // for calculating volume ramp length for "tick" ramps audio.rampSpeedValMulTab[i] = (int32_t)(((UINT32_MAX + 1.0) / samplesPerTick) + 0.5); } calcPeriod2DeltaTables(); } #if defined _WIN64 || defined __amd64__ uint64_t getFrequenceValue(uint16_t period) { return period2DeltaTab[period]; } #else uint32_t getFrequenceValue(uint16_t period) { return period2DeltaTab[period]; } #endif int32_t getPianoKey(uint16_t period, int32_t finetune, int32_t relativeNote) // for piano in Instr. Ed. { #if defined _WIN64 || defined __amd64__ uint64_t delta = period2DeltaTab[period]; #else uint32_t delta = period2DeltaTab[period]; #endif finetune >>= 3; // FT2 does this in the replayer internally, so the actual range is -16..15 const double dNote = (log2(delta * audio.dPianoDeltaMul) * 12.0) - (finetune * (1.0 / 16.0)); int32_t note = (int32_t)(dNote + 0.5); note -= relativeNote; // "note" is now the raw piano key number, unaffected by finetune/relativeNote return note; } uint64_t getScopeFrequenceValue(uint16_t period) { return period2ScopeDeltaTab[period]; } static void startTone(uint8_t ton, uint8_t effTyp, uint8_t eff, stmTyp *ch) { uint8_t smp; uint16_t tmpTon; sampleTyp *s; instrTyp *ins; if (ton == 97) { keyOff(ch); return; } // if we came from Rxy (retrig), we didn't check note (Ton) yet if (ton == 0) { ton = ch->tonNr; if (ton == 0) return; // if still no note, exit from routine } ch->tonNr = ton; assert(ch->instrNr <= 130); ins = instr[ch->instrNr]; if (ins == NULL) ins = instr[0]; ch->instrSeg = ins; ch->mute = ins->mute; if (ton > 96) // non-FT2 security (should never happen because I clamp in the patt. loader now) ton = 96; smp = ins->ta[ton-1] & 0xF; ch->sampleNr = smp; s = &ins->samp[smp]; ch->smpPtr = s; ch->relTonNr = s->relTon; ton += ch->relTonNr; if (ton >= 12*10) return; ch->oldVol = s->vol; ch->oldPan = s->pan; if (effTyp == 0x0E && (eff & 0xF0) == 0x50) ch->fineTune = ((eff & 0x0F) << 4) - 128; // result is now -128..127 else ch->fineTune = s->fine; if (ton != 0) { tmpTon = ((ton - 1) << 4) + (((ch->fineTune >> 3) + 16) & 0xFF); if (tmpTon < MAX_NOTES) { assert(note2Period != NULL); ch->outPeriod = ch->realPeriod = note2Period[tmpTon]; } } ch->status |= (IS_Period + IS_Vol + IS_Pan + IS_NyTon + IS_QuickVol); if (effTyp == 9) { if (eff) ch->smpOffset = ch->eff; ch->smpStartPos = ch->smpOffset << 8; } else { ch->smpStartPos = 0; } } static void multiRetrig(stmTyp *ch) { uint8_t cnt; int16_t vol; cnt = ch->retrigCnt + 1; if (cnt < ch->retrigSpeed) { ch->retrigCnt = cnt; return; } ch->retrigCnt = 0; vol = ch->realVol; switch (ch->retrigVol) { case 0x1: vol -= 1; break; case 0x2: vol -= 2; break; case 0x3: vol -= 4; break; case 0x4: vol -= 8; break; case 0x5: vol -= 16; break; case 0x6: vol = (vol >> 1) + (vol >> 3) + (vol >> 4); break; case 0x7: vol >>= 1; break; case 0x8: break; // does not change the volume case 0x9: vol += 1; break; case 0xA: vol += 2; break; case 0xB: vol += 4; break; case 0xC: vol += 8; break; case 0xD: vol += 16; break; case 0xE: vol = (vol >> 1) + vol; break; case 0xF: vol += vol; break; default: break; } vol = CLAMP(vol, 0, 64); ch->realVol = (uint8_t)vol; ch->outVol = ch->realVol; if (ch->volKolVol >= 0x10 && ch->volKolVol <= 0x50) { ch->outVol = ch->volKolVol - 0x10; ch->realVol = ch->outVol; } else if (ch->volKolVol >= 0xC0 && ch->volKolVol <= 0xCF) { ch->outPan = (ch->volKolVol & 0x0F) << 4; } startTone(0, 0, 0, ch); } static void checkMoreEffects(stmTyp *ch) // called even if channel is muted { int8_t envPos; bool envUpdate; uint8_t tmpEff; int16_t newEnvPos; uint16_t i; instrTyp *ins; ins = ch->instrSeg; assert(ins != NULL); // Bxx - position jump if (ch->effTyp == 11) { if (playMode != PLAYMODE_PATT && playMode != PLAYMODE_RECPATT) { if (ch->eff-1 < 0 || ch->eff-1 >= song.len) bxxOverflow = true; // non-FT2 security fix... else song.songPos = ch->eff - 1; } song.pBreakPos = 0; song.posJumpFlag = true; } // Dxx - pattern break else if (ch->effTyp == 13) { song.posJumpFlag = true; tmpEff = ((ch->eff >> 4) * 10) + (ch->eff & 0x0F); if (tmpEff <= 63) song.pBreakPos = tmpEff; else song.pBreakPos = 0; } // Exx - E effects else if (ch->effTyp == 14) { if (ch->stOff) // channel is muted { // E6x - pattern loop if ((ch->eff & 0xF0) == 0x60) { if (ch->eff == 0x60) // E60, empty param { ch->pattPos = song.pattPos & 0x00FF; } else if (ch->loopCnt == 0) { ch->loopCnt = ch->eff & 0x0F; song.pBreakPos = ch->pattPos; song.pBreakFlag = true; } else if (--ch->loopCnt > 0) { song.pBreakPos = ch->pattPos; song.pBreakFlag = true; } } // EEx - pattern delay else if ((ch->eff & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { if (song.pattDelTime2 == 0) song.pattDelTime = (ch->eff & 0x0F) + 1; } return; } // E1x - fine period slide up if ((ch->eff & 0xF0) == 0x10) { tmpEff = ch->eff & 0x0F; if (tmpEff == 0) tmpEff = ch->fPortaUpSpeed; ch->fPortaUpSpeed = tmpEff; ch->realPeriod -= tmpEff << 2; if ((int16_t)ch->realPeriod < 1) ch->realPeriod = 1; ch->outPeriod = ch->realPeriod; ch->status |= IS_Period; } // E2x - fine period slide down else if ((ch->eff & 0xF0) == 0x20) { tmpEff = ch->eff & 0x0F; if (tmpEff == 0) tmpEff = ch->fPortaDownSpeed; ch->fPortaDownSpeed = tmpEff; ch->realPeriod += tmpEff << 2; if ((int16_t)ch->realPeriod > 32000-1) ch->realPeriod = 32000-1; ch->outPeriod = ch->realPeriod; ch->status |= IS_Period; } // E3x - set glissando type else if ((ch->eff & 0xF0) == 0x30) ch->glissFunk = ch->eff & 0x0F; // E4x - set vibrato waveform else if ((ch->eff & 0xF0) == 0x40) ch->waveCtrl = (ch->waveCtrl & 0xF0) | (ch->eff & 0x0F); // E5x (set finetune) is handled in startTone() // E6x - pattern loop else if ((ch->eff & 0xF0) == 0x60) { if (ch->eff == 0x60) // E60, empty param { ch->pattPos = song.pattPos & 0xFF; } else if (ch->loopCnt == 0) { ch->loopCnt = ch->eff & 0x0F; song.pBreakPos = ch->pattPos; song.pBreakFlag = true; } else if (--ch->loopCnt > 0) { song.pBreakPos = ch->pattPos; song.pBreakFlag = true; } } // E7x - set tremolo waveform else if ((ch->eff & 0xF0) == 0x70) ch->waveCtrl = ((ch->eff & 0x0F) << 4) | (ch->waveCtrl & 0x0F); // EAx - fine volume slide up else if ((ch->eff & 0xF0) == 0xA0) { tmpEff = ch->eff & 0x0F; if (tmpEff == 0) tmpEff = ch->fVolSlideUpSpeed; ch->fVolSlideUpSpeed = tmpEff; ch->realVol += tmpEff; if (ch->realVol > 64) ch->realVol = 64; ch->outVol = ch->realVol; ch->status |= IS_Vol; } // EBx - fine volume slide down else if ((ch->eff & 0xF0) == 0xB0) { tmpEff = ch->eff & 0x0F; if (tmpEff == 0) tmpEff = ch->fVolSlideDownSpeed; ch->fVolSlideDownSpeed = tmpEff; ch->realVol -= tmpEff; if ((int8_t)ch->realVol < 0) ch->realVol = 0; ch->outVol = ch->realVol; ch->status |= IS_Vol; } // ECx - note cut else if ((ch->eff & 0xF0) == 0xC0) { if (ch->eff == 0xC0) // empty param { ch->realVol = 0; ch->outVol = 0; ch->status |= (IS_Vol + IS_QuickVol); } } // EEx - pattern delay else if ((ch->eff & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { if (song.pattDelTime2 == 0) song.pattDelTime = (ch->eff & 0x0F) + 1; } } // Fxx - set speed/tempo else if (ch->effTyp == 15) { if (ch->eff >= 32) { song.speed = ch->eff; setSpeed(song.speed); } else { song.timer = song.tempo = ch->eff; } } // Gxx - set global volume else if (ch->effTyp == 16) { song.globVol = ch->eff; if (song.globVol > 64) song.globVol = 64; for (i = 0; i < song.antChn; i++) // update all voice volumes stm[i].status |= IS_Vol; } // Lxx - set vol and pan envelope position else if (ch->effTyp == 21) { // *** VOLUME ENVELOPE *** if (ins->envVTyp & 1) { ch->envVCnt = ch->eff - 1; envPos = 0; envUpdate = true; newEnvPos = ch->eff; if (ins->envVPAnt > 1) { envPos++; for (i = 0; i < ins->envVPAnt-1; i++) { if (newEnvPos < ins->envVP[envPos][0]) { envPos--; newEnvPos -= ins->envVP[envPos][0]; if (newEnvPos == 0) { envUpdate = false; break; } if (ins->envVP[envPos+1][0] <= ins->envVP[envPos][0]) { envUpdate = true; break; } ch->envVIPValue = ((ins->envVP[envPos+1][1] - ins->envVP[envPos][1]) & 0xFF) << 8; ch->envVIPValue /= (ins->envVP[envPos+1][0] - ins->envVP[envPos][0]); ch->envVAmp = (ch->envVIPValue * (newEnvPos - 1)) + ((ins->envVP[envPos][1] & 0xFF) << 8); envPos++; envUpdate = false; break; } envPos++; } if (envUpdate) envPos--; } if (envUpdate) { ch->envVIPValue = 0; ch->envVAmp = (ins->envVP[envPos][1] & 0xFF) << 8; } if (envPos >= ins->envVPAnt) { envPos = ins->envVPAnt - 1; if (envPos < 0) envPos = 0; } ch->envVPos = envPos; } // *** PANNING ENVELOPE *** if (ins->envVTyp & 2) // probably an FT2 bug { ch->envPCnt = ch->eff - 1; envPos = 0; envUpdate = true; newEnvPos = ch->eff; if (ins->envPPAnt > 1) { envPos++; for (i = 0; i < ins->envPPAnt-1; i++) { if (newEnvPos < ins->envPP[envPos][0]) { envPos--; newEnvPos -= ins->envPP[envPos][0]; if (newEnvPos == 0) { envUpdate = false; break; } if (ins->envPP[envPos + 1][0] <= ins->envPP[envPos][0]) { envUpdate = true; break; } ch->envPIPValue = ((ins->envPP[envPos+1][1] - ins->envPP[envPos][1]) & 0xFF) << 8; ch->envPIPValue /= (ins->envPP[envPos+1][0] - ins->envPP[envPos][0]); ch->envPAmp = (ch->envPIPValue * (newEnvPos - 1)) + ((ins->envPP[envPos][1] & 0xFF) << 8); envPos++; envUpdate = false; break; } envPos++; } if (envUpdate) envPos--; } if (envUpdate) { ch->envPIPValue = 0; ch->envPAmp = (ins->envPP[envPos][1] & 0xFF) << 8; } if (envPos >= ins->envPPAnt) { envPos = ins->envPPAnt - 1; if (envPos < 0) envPos = 0; } ch->envPPos = envPos; } } } static void checkEffects(stmTyp *ch) { uint8_t tmpEff, tmpEffHi, volKol; /* This one is manipulated by vol column effects, ** then used for multiretrig vol testing (FT2 quirk). */ volKol = ch->volKolVol; // *** VOLUME COLUMN EFFECTS (TICK 0) *** // set volume if (ch->volKolVol >= 0x10 && ch->volKolVol <= 0x50) { volKol -= 16; ch->outVol = volKol; ch->realVol = volKol; ch->status |= (IS_Vol + IS_QuickVol); } // fine volume slide down else if ((ch->volKolVol & 0xF0) == 0x80) { volKol = ch->volKolVol & 0x0F; ch->realVol -= volKol; if ((int8_t)ch->realVol < 0) ch->realVol = 0; ch->outVol = ch->realVol; ch->status |= IS_Vol; } // fine volume slide up else if ((ch->volKolVol & 0xF0) == 0x90) { volKol = ch->volKolVol & 0x0F; ch->realVol += volKol; if (ch->realVol > 64) ch->realVol = 64; ch->outVol = ch->realVol; ch->status |= IS_Vol; } // set vibrato speed else if ((ch->volKolVol & 0xF0) == 0xA0) { volKol = (ch->volKolVol & 0x0F) << 2; ch->vibSpeed = volKol; } // set panning else if ((ch->volKolVol & 0xF0) == 0xC0) { volKol <<= 4; ch->outPan = volKol; ch->status |= IS_Pan; } // *** MAIN EFFECTS (TICK 0) *** if (ch->effTyp == 0 && ch->eff == 0) return; // no effect // Cxx - set volume if (ch->effTyp == 12) { ch->realVol = ch->eff; if (ch->realVol > 64) ch->realVol = 64; ch->outVol = ch->realVol; ch->status |= (IS_Vol + IS_QuickVol); return; } // 8xx - set panning else if (ch->effTyp == 8) { ch->outPan = ch->eff; ch->status |= IS_Pan; return; } // Rxy - note multi retrigger else if (ch->effTyp == 27) { tmpEff = ch->eff & 0x0F; if (tmpEff == 0) tmpEff = ch->retrigSpeed; ch->retrigSpeed = tmpEff; tmpEffHi = ch->eff >> 4; if (tmpEffHi == 0) tmpEffHi = ch->retrigVol; ch->retrigVol = tmpEffHi; if (volKol == 0) multiRetrig(ch); return; } // X1x - extra fine period slide up else if (ch->effTyp == 33 && (ch->eff & 0xF0) == 0x10) { tmpEff = ch->eff & 0x0F; if (tmpEff == 0) tmpEff = ch->ePortaUpSpeed; ch->ePortaUpSpeed = tmpEff; ch->realPeriod -= tmpEff; if ((int16_t)ch->realPeriod < 1) ch->realPeriod = 1; ch->outPeriod = ch->realPeriod; ch->status |= IS_Period; return; } // X2x - extra fine period slide down else if (ch->effTyp == 33 && (ch->eff & 0xF0) == 0x20) { tmpEff = ch->eff & 0x0F; if (tmpEff == 0) tmpEff = ch->ePortaDownSpeed; ch->ePortaDownSpeed = tmpEff; ch->realPeriod += tmpEff; if ((int16_t)ch->realPeriod > 32000-1) ch->realPeriod = 32000-1; ch->outPeriod = ch->realPeriod; ch->status |= IS_Period; return; } checkMoreEffects(ch); } static void fixTonePorta(stmTyp *ch, tonTyp *p, uint8_t inst) { uint16_t portaTmp; if (p->ton > 0) { if (p->ton == 97) { keyOff(ch); } else { portaTmp = ((((p->ton - 1) + ch->relTonNr) & 0xFF) * 16) + (((ch->fineTune >> 3) + 16) & 0xFF); if (portaTmp < MAX_NOTES) { assert(note2Period != NULL); ch->wantPeriod = note2Period[portaTmp]; if (ch->wantPeriod == ch->realPeriod) ch->portaDir = 0; else if (ch->wantPeriod > ch->realPeriod) ch->portaDir = 1; else ch->portaDir = 2; } } } if (inst > 0) { retrigVolume(ch); if (p->ton != 97) retrigEnvelopeVibrato(ch); } } static void getNewNote(stmTyp *ch, tonTyp *p) { uint8_t inst; bool checkEfx; ch->volKolVol = p->vol; if (ch->effTyp == 0) { if (ch->eff > 0) { // we have an arpeggio running, set period back ch->outPeriod = ch->realPeriod; ch->status |= IS_Period; } } else { if (ch->effTyp == 4 || ch->effTyp == 6) { // we have a vibrato running if (p->effTyp != 4 && p->effTyp != 6) { // but it's ending at the next (this) row, so set period back ch->outPeriod = ch->realPeriod; ch->status |= IS_Period; } } } ch->effTyp = p->effTyp; ch->eff = p->eff; ch->tonTyp = (p->instr << 8) | p->ton; if (ch->stOff) { checkMoreEffects(ch); return; } // 'inst' var is used for later if checks... inst = p->instr; if (inst > 0) { if (inst <= MAX_INST) ch->instrNr = inst; else inst = 0; } checkEfx = true; if (p->effTyp == 0x0E) { if (p->eff >= 0xD1 && p->eff <= 0xDF) return; // we have a note delay (ED1..EDF) else if (p->eff == 0x90) checkEfx = false; } if (checkEfx) { if ((ch->volKolVol & 0xF0) == 0xF0) // gxx { if ((ch->volKolVol & 0x0F) > 0) ch->portaSpeed = (ch->volKolVol & 0x0F) << 6; fixTonePorta(ch, p, inst); checkEffects(ch); return; } if (p->effTyp == 3 || p->effTyp == 5) // 3xx or 5xx { if (p->effTyp != 5 && p->eff != 0) ch->portaSpeed = p->eff << 2; fixTonePorta(ch, p, inst); checkEffects(ch); return; } if (p->effTyp == 0x14 && p->eff == 0) // K00 (KeyOff - only handle tick 0 here) { keyOff(ch); if (inst) retrigVolume(ch); checkEffects(ch); return; } if (p->ton == 0) { if (inst > 0) { retrigVolume(ch); retrigEnvelopeVibrato(ch); } checkEffects(ch); return; } } if (p->ton == 97) keyOff(ch); else startTone(p->ton, p->effTyp, p->eff, ch); if (inst > 0) { retrigVolume(ch); if (p->ton != 97) retrigEnvelopeVibrato(ch); } checkEffects(ch); } static void fixaEnvelopeVibrato(stmTyp *ch) { bool envInterpolateFlag, envDidInterpolate; uint8_t envPos; int16_t autoVibVal, panTmp; uint16_t tmpPeriod, autoVibAmp, envVal; uint32_t vol; instrTyp *ins; ins = ch->instrSeg; assert(ins != NULL); // *** FADEOUT *** if (!ch->envSustainActive) { ch->status |= IS_Vol; // unsigned clamp + reset if (ch->fadeOutAmp >= ch->fadeOutSpeed) { ch->fadeOutAmp -= ch->fadeOutSpeed; } else { ch->fadeOutAmp = 0; ch->fadeOutSpeed = 0; } } if (!ch->mute) { // *** VOLUME ENVELOPE *** envVal = 0; if (ins->envVTyp & 1) { envDidInterpolate = false; envPos = ch->envVPos; if (++ch->envVCnt == ins->envVP[envPos][0]) { ch->envVAmp = ins->envVP[envPos][1] << 8; envPos++; if (ins->envVTyp & 4) { envPos--; if (envPos == ins->envVRepE) { if (!(ins->envVTyp & 2) || envPos != ins->envVSust || ch->envSustainActive) { envPos = ins->envVRepS; ch->envVCnt = ins->envVP[envPos][0]; ch->envVAmp = ins->envVP[envPos][1] << 8; } } envPos++; } if (envPos < ins->envVPAnt) { envInterpolateFlag = true; if ((ins->envVTyp & 2) && ch->envSustainActive) { if (envPos-1 == ins->envVSust) { envPos--; ch->envVIPValue = 0; envInterpolateFlag = false; } } if (envInterpolateFlag) { ch->envVPos = envPos; ch->envVIPValue = 0; if (ins->envVP[envPos][0] > ins->envVP[envPos-1][0]) { ch->envVIPValue = (ins->envVP[envPos][1] - ins->envVP[envPos-1][1]) << 8; ch->envVIPValue /= (ins->envVP[envPos][0] - ins->envVP[envPos-1][0]); envVal = ch->envVAmp; envDidInterpolate = true; } } } else { ch->envVIPValue = 0; } } if (!envDidInterpolate) { ch->envVAmp += ch->envVIPValue; envVal = ch->envVAmp; if (envVal > 64*256) { if (envVal > 128*256) envVal = 64*256; else envVal = 0; ch->envVIPValue = 0; } } /* calculate with 256 times more precision (vol = 0..65535) ** Also, vol envelope range is now 0..16384 instead of being shifted to 0..64 */ int32_t vol1 = song.globVol * ch->outVol * ch->fadeOutAmp; // 0..64 * 0..64 * 0..32768 = 0..134217728 int32_t vol2 = envVal << 7; // 0..16384 * 2^7 = 0..2097152 vol = ((int64_t)vol1 * vol2) >> 32; // 0..65536 ch->status |= IS_Vol; } else { // calculate with four times more precision (finalVol = 0..65535) vol = ((song.globVol * ch->outVol * ch->fadeOutAmp) + (1 << 10)) >> 11; // 0..64 * 0..64 * 0..32768 -> 0..65536 (rounded) } if (vol > 65535) vol = 65535; // range is now 0..65535 to prevent MUL overflow when voice volume is calculated ch->finalVol = (uint16_t)vol; } else { ch->finalVol = 0; } // *** PANNING ENVELOPE *** envVal = 0; if (ins->envPTyp & 1) { envDidInterpolate = false; envPos = ch->envPPos; if (++ch->envPCnt == ins->envPP[envPos][0]) { ch->envPAmp = ins->envPP[envPos][1] << 8; envPos++; if (ins->envPTyp & 4) { envPos--; if (envPos == ins->envPRepE) { if (!(ins->envPTyp & 2) || envPos != ins->envPSust || ch->envSustainActive) { envPos = ins->envPRepS; ch->envPCnt = ins->envPP[envPos][0]; ch->envPAmp = ins->envPP[envPos][1] << 8; } } envPos++; } if (envPos < ins->envPPAnt) { envInterpolateFlag = true; if ((ins->envPTyp & 2) && ch->envSustainActive) { if (envPos-1 == ins->envPSust) { envPos--; ch->envPIPValue = 0; envInterpolateFlag = false; } } if (envInterpolateFlag) { ch->envPPos = envPos; ch->envPIPValue = 0; if (ins->envPP[envPos][0] > ins->envPP[envPos-1][0]) { ch->envPIPValue = (ins->envPP[envPos][1] - ins->envPP[envPos-1][1]) << 8; ch->envPIPValue /= (ins->envPP[envPos][0] - ins->envPP[envPos-1][0]); envVal = ch->envPAmp; envDidInterpolate = true; } } } else { ch->envPIPValue = 0; } } if (!envDidInterpolate) { ch->envPAmp += ch->envPIPValue; envVal = ch->envPAmp; if (envVal > 64*256) { if (envVal > 128*256) envVal = 64*256; else envVal = 0; ch->envPIPValue = 0; } } panTmp = ch->outPan - 128; if (panTmp > 0) panTmp = 0 - panTmp; panTmp += 128; envVal -= 32*256; ch->finalPan = ch->outPan + (uint8_t)(((int16_t)envVal * panTmp) >> 13); ch->status |= IS_Pan; } else { ch->finalPan = ch->outPan; } // *** AUTO VIBRATO *** #ifdef HAS_MIDI if (ch->midiVibDepth > 0 || ins->vibDepth > 0) #else if (ins->vibDepth > 0) #endif { if (ch->eVibSweep > 0) { autoVibAmp = ch->eVibSweep; if (ch->envSustainActive) { autoVibAmp += ch->eVibAmp; if ((autoVibAmp >> 8) > ins->vibDepth) { autoVibAmp = ins->vibDepth << 8; ch->eVibSweep = 0; } ch->eVibAmp = autoVibAmp; } } else { autoVibAmp = ch->eVibAmp; } #ifdef HAS_MIDI // non-FT2 hack to make modulation wheel work when auto vibrato rate is zero if (ch->midiVibDepth > 0 && ins->vibRate == 0) ins->vibRate = 0x20; autoVibAmp += ch->midiVibDepth; #endif ch->eVibPos += ins->vibRate; if (ins->vibTyp == 1) autoVibVal = (ch->eVibPos > 127) ? 64 : -64; // square else if (ins->vibTyp == 2) autoVibVal = (((ch->eVibPos >> 1) + 64) & 127) - 64; // ramp up else if (ins->vibTyp == 3) autoVibVal = ((-(ch->eVibPos >> 1) + 64) & 127) - 64; // ramp down else autoVibVal = vibSineTab[ch->eVibPos]; // sine autoVibVal <<= 2; tmpPeriod = (autoVibVal * (int16_t)autoVibAmp) >> 16; tmpPeriod += ch->outPeriod; if (tmpPeriod > 32000-1) tmpPeriod = 0; // yes, FT2 does this (!) #ifdef HAS_MIDI if (midi.enable) tmpPeriod -= ch->midiPitch; #endif ch->finalPeriod = tmpPeriod; ch->status |= IS_Period; } else { ch->finalPeriod = ch->outPeriod; #ifdef HAS_MIDI if (midi.enable) { ch->finalPeriod -= ch->midiPitch; ch->status |= IS_Period; } #endif } } // for arpeggio and portamento (semitone-slide mode) static uint16_t relocateTon(uint16_t period, uint8_t arpNote, stmTyp *ch) { int32_t fineTune, loPeriod, hiPeriod, tmpPeriod, tableIndex; fineTune = ((ch->fineTune >> 3) + 16) << 1; hiPeriod = (8 * 12 * 16) * 2; loPeriod = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { tmpPeriod = (((loPeriod + hiPeriod) >> 1) & 0xFFFFFFE0) + fineTune; tableIndex = (uint32_t)(tmpPeriod - 16) >> 1; tableIndex = CLAMP(tableIndex, 0, 1935); // 8bitbubsy: added security check if (period >= note2Period[tableIndex]) hiPeriod = (tmpPeriod - fineTune) & 0xFFFFFFE0; else loPeriod = (tmpPeriod - fineTune) & 0xFFFFFFE0; } tmpPeriod = loPeriod + fineTune + (arpNote << 5); if (tmpPeriod < 0) // 8bitbubsy: added security check tmpPeriod = 0; if (tmpPeriod >= (8*12*16+15)*2-1) // FT2 bug: off-by-one edge case tmpPeriod = (8*12*16+15)*2; return note2Period[(uint32_t)tmpPeriod>>1]; } static void tonePorta(stmTyp *ch) { if (ch->portaDir == 0) return; if (ch->portaDir > 1) { ch->realPeriod -= ch->portaSpeed; if ((int16_t)ch->realPeriod <= (int16_t)ch->wantPeriod) { ch->portaDir = 1; ch->realPeriod = ch->wantPeriod; } } else { ch->realPeriod += ch->portaSpeed; if (ch->realPeriod >= ch->wantPeriod) { ch->portaDir = 1; ch->realPeriod = ch->wantPeriod; } } if (ch->glissFunk) // semitone-slide flag ch->outPeriod = relocateTon(ch->realPeriod, 0, ch); else ch->outPeriod = ch->realPeriod; ch->status |= IS_Period; } static void volume(stmTyp *ch) // actually volume slide { uint8_t tmpEff = ch->eff; if (tmpEff == 0) tmpEff = ch->volSlideSpeed; ch->volSlideSpeed = tmpEff; if ((tmpEff & 0xF0) == 0) { ch->realVol -= tmpEff; if ((int8_t)ch->realVol < 0) ch->realVol = 0; } else { tmpEff >>= 4; ch->realVol += tmpEff; if (ch->realVol > 64) ch->realVol = 64; } ch->outVol = ch->realVol; ch->status |= IS_Vol; } static void vibrato2(stmTyp *ch) { uint8_t tmpVib = (ch->vibPos >> 2) & 0x1F; switch (ch->waveCtrl & 3) { // 0: sine case 0: tmpVib = vibTab[tmpVib]; break; // 1: ramp case 1: { tmpVib <<= 3; if ((int8_t)ch->vibPos < 0) tmpVib = ~tmpVib; } break; // 2/3: square default: tmpVib = 255; break; } tmpVib = (tmpVib * ch->vibDepth) >> 5; // logical shift (unsigned calc.), not arithmetic shift if ((int8_t)ch->vibPos < 0) ch->outPeriod = ch->realPeriod - tmpVib; else ch->outPeriod = ch->realPeriod + tmpVib; ch->status |= IS_Period; ch->vibPos += ch->vibSpeed; } static void vibrato(stmTyp *ch) { uint8_t tmp8; if (ch->eff > 0) { tmp8 = ch->eff & 0x0F; if (tmp8 > 0) ch->vibDepth = tmp8; tmp8 = (ch->eff & 0xF0) >> 2; if (tmp8 > 0) ch->vibSpeed = tmp8; } vibrato2(ch); } static void doEffects(stmTyp *ch) { int8_t note; uint8_t tmp8, tmpEff, tremorData, tremorSign, tmpTrem; int16_t tremVol, tmp16; uint16_t i, tick; if (ch->stOff) return; // muted // *** VOLUME COLUMN EFFECTS (TICKS >0) *** // volume slide down if ((ch->volKolVol & 0xF0) == 0x60) { ch->realVol -= ch->volKolVol & 0x0F; if ((int8_t)ch->realVol < 0) ch->realVol = 0; ch->outVol = ch->realVol; ch->status |= IS_Vol; } // volume slide up else if ((ch->volKolVol & 0xF0) == 0x70) { ch->realVol += ch->volKolVol & 0x0F; if (ch->realVol > 64) ch->realVol = 64; ch->outVol = ch->realVol; ch->status |= IS_Vol; } // vibrato (+ set vibrato depth) else if ((ch->volKolVol & 0xF0) == 0xB0) { if (ch->volKolVol != 0xB0) ch->vibDepth = ch->volKolVol & 0x0F; vibrato2(ch); } // pan slide left else if ((ch->volKolVol & 0xF0) == 0xD0) { tmp16 = (int16_t)ch->outPan - (ch->volKolVol & 0x0F); if (tmp16 < 0 || (ch->volKolVol & 0x0F) == 0) // FT2 bug: param 0 = pan gets set to 0 tmp16 = 0; ch->outPan = (uint8_t)tmp16; ch->status |= IS_Pan; } // pan slide right else if ((ch->volKolVol & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { tmp16 = (int16_t)ch->outPan + (ch->volKolVol & 0x0F); if (tmp16 > 255) tmp16 = 255; ch->outPan = (uint8_t)tmp16; ch->status |= IS_Pan; } // tone portamento else if ((ch->volKolVol & 0xF0) == 0xF0) tonePorta(ch); // *** MAIN EFFECTS (TICKS >0) *** if ((ch->eff == 0 && ch->effTyp == 0) || ch->effTyp >= 36) return; // no effect // 0xy - Arpeggio if (ch->effTyp == 0) { tick = arpTab[song.timer & 0x1F]; // 8bitbubsy: AND it for security if (tick == 0) { ch->outPeriod = ch->realPeriod; } else { if (tick == 1) note = ch->eff >> 4; else note = ch->eff & 0x0F; // tick 2 ch->outPeriod = relocateTon(ch->realPeriod, note, ch); } ch->status |= IS_Period; } // 1xx - period slide up else if (ch->effTyp == 1) { tmpEff = ch->eff; if (tmpEff == 0) tmpEff = ch->portaUpSpeed; ch->portaUpSpeed = tmpEff; ch->realPeriod -= tmpEff << 2; if ((int16_t)ch->realPeriod < 1) ch->realPeriod = 1; ch->outPeriod = ch->realPeriod; ch->status |= IS_Period; } // 2xx - period slide down else if (ch->effTyp == 2) { tmpEff = ch->eff; if (tmpEff == 0) tmpEff = ch->portaDownSpeed; ch->portaDownSpeed = tmpEff; ch->realPeriod += tmpEff << 2; if ((int16_t)ch->realPeriod > 32000-1) // FT2 bug, should've been unsigned comparison ch->realPeriod = 32000-1; ch->outPeriod = ch->realPeriod; ch->status |= IS_Period; } // 3xx - tone portamento else if (ch->effTyp == 3) tonePorta(ch); // 4xy - vibrato else if (ch->effTyp == 4) vibrato(ch); // 5xy - tone portamento + volume slide else if (ch->effTyp == 5) { tonePorta(ch); volume(ch); } // 6xy - vibrato + volume slide else if (ch->effTyp == 6) { vibrato2(ch); volume(ch); } // 7xy - tremolo else if (ch->effTyp == 7) { tmpEff = ch->eff; if (tmpEff > 0) { tmp8 = tmpEff & 0x0F; if (tmp8 > 0) ch->tremDepth = tmp8; tmp8 = (tmpEff & 0xF0) >> 2; if (tmp8 > 0) ch->tremSpeed = tmp8; } tmpTrem = (ch->tremPos >> 2) & 0x1F; switch ((ch->waveCtrl >> 4) & 3) { // 0: sine case 0: tmpTrem = vibTab[tmpTrem]; break; // 1: ramp case 1: { tmpTrem <<= 3; if ((int8_t)ch->vibPos < 0) // FT2 bug, should've been ch->tremPos tmpTrem = ~tmpTrem; } break; // 2/3: square default: tmpTrem = 255; break; } tmpTrem = (tmpTrem * ch->tremDepth) >> 6; // logical shift (unsigned calc.), not arithmetic shift if ((int8_t)ch->tremPos < 0) { tremVol = ch->realVol - tmpTrem; if (tremVol < 0) tremVol = 0; } else { tremVol = ch->realVol + tmpTrem; if (tremVol > 64) tremVol = 64; } ch->outVol = (uint8_t)tremVol; ch->status |= IS_Vol; ch->tremPos += ch->tremSpeed; } // Axy - volume slide else if (ch->effTyp == 10) volume(ch); // actually volume slide // Exy - E effects else if (ch->effTyp == 14) { // E9x - note retrigger if ((ch->eff & 0xF0) == 0x90) { if (ch->eff != 0x90) // E90 is handled in getNewNote() { if ((song.tempo-song.timer) % (ch->eff & 0x0F) == 0) { startTone(0, 0, 0, ch); retrigEnvelopeVibrato(ch); } } } // ECx - note cut else if ((ch->eff & 0xF0) == 0xC0) { if (((song.tempo-song.timer) & 0xFF) == (ch->eff & 0x0F)) { ch->outVol = 0; ch->realVol = 0; ch->status |= (IS_Vol + IS_QuickVol); } } // EDx - note delay else if ((ch->eff & 0xF0) == 0xD0) { if (((song.tempo-song.timer) & 0xFF) == (ch->eff & 0x0F)) { startTone(ch->tonTyp & 0xFF, 0, 0, ch); if ((ch->tonTyp & 0xFF00) > 0) retrigVolume(ch); retrigEnvelopeVibrato(ch); if (ch->volKolVol >= 0x10 && ch->volKolVol <= 0x50) { ch->outVol = ch->volKolVol - 16; ch->realVol = ch->outVol; } else if (ch->volKolVol >= 0xC0 && ch->volKolVol <= 0xCF) { ch->outPan = (ch->volKolVol & 0x0F) << 4; } } } } // Hxy - global volume slide else if (ch->effTyp == 17) { tmpEff = ch->eff; if (tmpEff == 0) tmpEff = ch->globVolSlideSpeed; ch->globVolSlideSpeed = tmpEff; if ((tmpEff & 0xF0) == 0) { song.globVol -= tmpEff; if ((int8_t)song.globVol < 0) song.globVol = 0; } else { tmpEff >>= 4; song.globVol += tmpEff; if (song.globVol > 64) song.globVol = 64; } for (i = 0; i < song.antChn; i++) // update all voice volumes stm[i].status |= IS_Vol; } // Kxx - key off else if (ch->effTyp == 20) { if (((song.tempo-song.timer) & 31) == (ch->eff & 0x0F)) keyOff(ch); } // Pxy - panning slide else if (ch->effTyp == 25) { tmpEff = ch->eff; if (tmpEff == 0) tmpEff = ch->panningSlideSpeed; ch->panningSlideSpeed = tmpEff; if ((tmpEff & 0xF0) == 0) { tmp16 = (int16_t)ch->outPan - tmpEff; if (tmp16 < 0) tmp16 = 0; } else { tmpEff >>= 4; tmp16 = (int16_t)ch->outPan + tmpEff; if (tmp16 > 255) tmp16 = 255; } ch->outPan = (uint8_t)tmp16; ch->status |= IS_Pan; } // Rxy - multi note retrig else if (ch->effTyp == 27) multiRetrig(ch); // Txy - tremor else if (ch->effTyp == 29) { tmpEff = ch->eff; if (tmpEff == 0) tmpEff = ch->tremorSave; ch->tremorSave = tmpEff; tremorSign = ch->tremorPos & 0x80; tremorData = ch->tremorPos & 0x7F; tremorData--; if ((int8_t)tremorData < 0) { if (tremorSign == 0x80) { tremorSign = 0x00; tremorData = tmpEff & 0x0F; } else { tremorSign = 0x80; tremorData = tmpEff >> 4; } } ch->tremorPos = tremorSign | tremorData; ch->outVol = (tremorSign == 0x80) ? ch->realVol : 0; ch->status |= (IS_Vol + IS_QuickVol); } } static void getNextPos(void) { if (song.timer != 1) return; song.pattPos++; if (song.pattDelTime > 0) { song.pattDelTime2 = song.pattDelTime; song.pattDelTime = 0; } if (song.pattDelTime2 > 0) { song.pattDelTime2--; if (song.pattDelTime2 > 0) song.pattPos--; } if (song.pBreakFlag) { song.pBreakFlag = false; song.pattPos = song.pBreakPos; } if (song.pattPos >= song.pattLen || song.posJumpFlag) { song.pattPos = song.pBreakPos; song.pBreakPos = 0; song.posJumpFlag = false; if (playMode != PLAYMODE_PATT && playMode != PLAYMODE_RECPATT) { if (bxxOverflow) { song.songPos = 0; bxxOverflow = false; } else if (++song.songPos >= song.len) { editor.wavReachedEndFlag = true; song.songPos = song.repS; } assert(song.songPos <= 255); song.pattNr = song.songTab[song.songPos & 0xFF]; song.pattLen = pattLens[song.pattNr & 0xFF]; } } } void pauseMusic(void) // stops reading pattern data { musicPaused = true; while (replayerBusy); } void resumeMusic(void) // starts reading pattern data { musicPaused = false; } static void noNewAllChannels(void) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < song.antChn; i++) { doEffects(&stm[i]); fixaEnvelopeVibrato(&stm[i]); } } void mainPlayer(void) // periodically called from audio callback { bool readNewNote; int32_t i; if (musicPaused || !songPlaying) { for (i = 0; i < song.antChn; i++) fixaEnvelopeVibrato(&stm[i]); return; } assert(song.speed >= MIN_BPM && song.speed <= MAX_BPM); song.musicTime64 += musicTimeTab[song.speed]; // for song playback counter (hh:mm:ss) readNewNote = false; song.timer--; if (song.timer == 0) { song.timer = song.tempo; readNewNote = true; } // for visuals song.curReplayerTimer = (uint8_t)song.timer; song.curReplayerPattPos = (uint8_t)song.pattPos; song.curReplayerPattNr = (uint8_t)song.pattNr; song.curReplayerSongPos = (uint8_t)song.songPos; if (readNewNote) { if (song.pattDelTime2 == 0) { for (i = 0; i < song.antChn; i++) { if (patt[song.pattNr] == NULL) getNewNote(&stm[i], &nilPatternLine); else getNewNote(&stm[i], &patt[song.pattNr][(song.pattPos * MAX_VOICES) + i]); fixaEnvelopeVibrato(&stm[i]); } } else { noNewAllChannels(); } } else { noNewAllChannels(); } getNextPos(); } void resetMusic(void) { const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); song.timer = 1; stopVoices(); if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); setPos(0, 0, false); if (!songPlaying) { setScrollBarEnd(SB_POS_ED, (song.len - 1) + 5); setScrollBarPos(SB_POS_ED, 0, false); } } void setPos(int16_t songPos, int16_t pattPos, bool resetTimer) { const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); if (songPos > -1) { song.songPos = songPos; if (song.len > 0 && song.songPos >= song.len) song.songPos = song.len - 1; song.pattNr = song.songTab[songPos]; assert(song.pattNr < MAX_PATTERNS); song.pattLen = pattLens[song.pattNr]; checkMarkLimits(); // non-FT2 safety } if (pattPos > -1) { song.pattPos = pattPos; if (song.pattPos >= song.pattLen) song.pattPos = song.pattLen - 1; } // if not playing, update local position variables if (!songPlaying) { if (pattPos > -1) { editor.pattPos = (uint8_t)pattPos; ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } if (songPos > -1) { editor.editPattern = (uint8_t)song.pattNr; editor.songPos = song.songPos; ui.updatePosSections = true; } } if (resetTimer) song.timer = 1; if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void delta2Samp(int8_t *p, int32_t len, uint8_t typ) { int8_t *p8, news8, olds8L, olds8R; int16_t *p16, news16, olds16L, olds16R, tmp16; int32_t i, tmp32; if (typ & 16) len /= 2; // 16-bit if (typ & 32) len /= 2; // stereo if (typ & 32) { if (typ & 16) { p16 = (int16_t *)p; olds16L = 0; olds16R = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { news16 = p16[i] + olds16L; p16[i] = news16; olds16L = news16; news16 = p16[len+i] + olds16R; p16[len+i] = news16; olds16R = news16; tmp32 = olds16L + olds16R; p16[i] = (int16_t)(tmp32 >> 1); } } else { p8 = (int8_t *)p; olds8L = 0; olds8R = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { news8 = p8[i] + olds8L; p8[i] = news8; olds8L = news8; news8 = p8[len+i] + olds8R; p8[len+i] = news8; olds8R = news8; tmp16 = olds8L + olds8R; p8[i] = (int8_t)(tmp16 >> 1); } } } else { if (typ & 16) { p16 = (int16_t *)p; olds16L = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { news16 = p16[i] + olds16L; p16[i] = news16; olds16L = news16; } } else { p8 = (int8_t *)p; olds8L = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { news8 = p8[i] + olds8L; p8[i] = news8; olds8L = news8; } } } } void samp2Delta(int8_t *p, int32_t len, uint8_t typ) { int8_t *p8, news8, olds8; int16_t *p16, news16, olds16; int32_t i; if (typ & 16) len /= 2; // 16-bit if (typ & 16) { p16 = (int16_t *)p; news16 = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { olds16 = p16[i]; p16[i] -= news16; news16 = olds16; } } else { p8 = (int8_t *)p; news8 = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { olds8 = p8[i]; p8[i] -= news8; news8 = olds8; } } } bool allocateInstr(int16_t nr) { if (instr[nr] != NULL) return false; // already allocated instrTyp *p = (instrTyp *)malloc(sizeof (instrTyp)); if (p == NULL) return false; memset(p, 0, sizeof (instrTyp)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < MAX_SMP_PER_INST; i++) // set standard sample pan/vol { p->samp[i].pan = 128; p->samp[i].vol = 64; } setStdEnvelope(p, 0, 3); const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); instr[nr] = p; if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); return true; } void freeInstr(int32_t nr) { if (instr[nr] == NULL) return; // not allocated pauseAudio(); // channel instrument pointers are now cleared for (int32_t i = 0; i < MAX_SMP_PER_INST; i++) // free sample data { sampleTyp *s = &instr[nr]->samp[i]; if (s->origPek != NULL) free(s->origPek); } free(instr[nr]); instr[nr] = NULL; resumeAudio(); } void freeAllInstr(void) { pauseAudio(); // channel instrument pointers are now cleared for (int16_t i = 1; i <= MAX_INST; i++) { if (instr[i] != NULL) { for (int8_t j = 0; j < MAX_SMP_PER_INST; j++) // free sample data { sampleTyp *s = &instr[i]->samp[j]; if (s->origPek != NULL) free(s->origPek); } free(instr[i]); instr[i] = NULL; } } resumeAudio(); } void freeSample(int16_t nr, int16_t nr2) { sampleTyp *s; if (instr[nr] == NULL) return; // instrument not allocated pauseAudio(); // voice sample pointers are now cleared s = &instr[nr]->samp[nr2]; if (s->origPek != NULL) free(s->origPek); memset(s, 0, sizeof (sampleTyp)); s->pan = 128; s->vol = 64; resumeAudio(); } void freeAllPatterns(void) { pauseAudio(); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < MAX_PATTERNS; i++) { if (patt[i] != NULL) { free(patt[i]); patt[i] = NULL; } } resumeAudio(); } void setStdEnvelope(instrTyp *ins, int16_t i, uint8_t typ) { if (ins == NULL) return; pauseMusic(); if (typ & 1) { memcpy(ins->envVP, config.stdEnvP[i][0], 2*2*12); ins->envVPAnt = (uint8_t)config.stdVolEnvAnt[i]; ins->envVSust = (uint8_t)config.stdVolEnvSust[i]; ins->envVRepS = (uint8_t)config.stdVolEnvRepS[i]; ins->envVRepE = (uint8_t)config.stdVolEnvRepE[i]; ins->fadeOut = config.stdFadeOut[i]; ins->vibRate = (uint8_t)config.stdVibRate[i]; ins->vibDepth = (uint8_t)config.stdVibDepth[i]; ins->vibSweep = (uint8_t)config.stdVibSweep[i]; ins->vibTyp = (uint8_t)config.stdVibTyp[i]; ins->envVTyp = (uint8_t)config.stdVolEnvTyp[i]; } if (typ & 2) { memcpy(ins->envPP, config.stdEnvP[i][1], 2*2*12); ins->envPPAnt = (uint8_t)config.stdPanEnvAnt[0]; ins->envPSust = (uint8_t)config.stdPanEnvSust[0]; ins->envPRepS = (uint8_t)config.stdPanEnvRepS[0]; ins->envPRepE = (uint8_t)config.stdPanEnvRepE[0]; ins->envPTyp = (uint8_t)config.stdPanEnvTyp[0]; } resumeMusic(); } void setNoEnvelope(instrTyp *ins) { if (ins == NULL) return; pauseMusic(); memcpy(ins->envVP, config.stdEnvP[0][0], 2*2*12); ins->envVPAnt = (uint8_t)config.stdVolEnvAnt[0]; ins->envVSust = (uint8_t)config.stdVolEnvSust[0]; ins->envVRepS = (uint8_t)config.stdVolEnvRepS[0]; ins->envVRepE = (uint8_t)config.stdVolEnvRepE[0]; ins->envVTyp = 0; memcpy(ins->envPP, config.stdEnvP[0][1], 2*2*12); ins->envPPAnt = (uint8_t)config.stdPanEnvAnt[0]; ins->envPSust = (uint8_t)config.stdPanEnvSust[0]; ins->envPRepS = (uint8_t)config.stdPanEnvRepS[0]; ins->envPRepE = (uint8_t)config.stdPanEnvRepE[0]; ins->envPTyp = 0; ins->fadeOut = 0; ins->vibRate = 0; ins->vibDepth = 0; ins->vibSweep = 0; ins->vibTyp = 0; resumeMusic(); } bool patternEmpty(uint16_t nr) { uint8_t *scanPtr; uint32_t scanLen; if (patt[nr] == NULL) return true; scanPtr = (uint8_t *)patt[nr]; scanLen = pattLens[nr] * TRACK_WIDTH; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < scanLen; i++) { if (scanPtr[i] != 0) return false; } return true; } void updateChanNums(void) { uint8_t pageLen; assert(!(song.antChn & 1)); pageLen = 8; if (config.ptnS3M) { if (song.antChn == 2) pageLen = 4; else if (song.antChn == 4) pageLen = 4; else if (song.antChn == 6) pageLen = 6; else if (song.antChn >= 8) pageLen = 8; } else { if (song.antChn == 2) pageLen = 4; else if (song.antChn == 4) pageLen = 4; else if (song.antChn == 6) pageLen = 6; else if (song.antChn == 8) pageLen = 8; else if (song.antChn == 10) pageLen = 10; else if (song.antChn >= 12) pageLen = 12; } ui.numChannelsShown = pageLen; if (song.antChn == 2) ui.numChannelsShown = 2; if (config.ptnMaxChannels == 0) { if (ui.numChannelsShown > 4) ui.numChannelsShown = 4; } else if (config.ptnMaxChannels == 1) { if (ui.numChannelsShown > 6) ui.numChannelsShown = 6; } else if (config.ptnMaxChannels == 2) { if (ui.numChannelsShown > 8) ui.numChannelsShown = 8; } else if (config.ptnMaxChannels == 3) { if (config.ptnS3M) { if (ui.numChannelsShown > 8) ui.numChannelsShown = 8; } else { if (ui.numChannelsShown > 12) ui.numChannelsShown = 12; } } ui.pattChanScrollShown = song.antChn > getMaxVisibleChannels(); if (ui.patternEditorShown) { if (ui.channelOffset > song.antChn-ui.numChannelsShown) setScrollBarPos(SB_CHAN_SCROLL, song.antChn - ui.numChannelsShown, true); } if (ui.pattChanScrollShown) { if (ui.patternEditorShown) { showScrollBar(SB_CHAN_SCROLL); showPushButton(PB_CHAN_SCROLL_LEFT); showPushButton(PB_CHAN_SCROLL_RIGHT); } setScrollBarEnd(SB_CHAN_SCROLL, song.antChn); setScrollBarPageLength(SB_CHAN_SCROLL, ui.numChannelsShown); } else { hideScrollBar(SB_CHAN_SCROLL); hidePushButton(PB_CHAN_SCROLL_LEFT); hidePushButton(PB_CHAN_SCROLL_RIGHT); setScrollBarPos(SB_CHAN_SCROLL, 0, false); ui.channelOffset = 0; } if ( >= ui.channelOffset+ui.numChannelsShown) = ui.channelOffset+ui.numChannelsShown - 1; } void conv8BitSample(int8_t *p, int32_t len, bool stereo) { int8_t *p2, l, r; int16_t tmp16; int32_t i; if (stereo) { len /= 2; p2 = &p[len]; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { l = p[i] - 128; r = p2[i] - 128; tmp16 = l + r; p[i] = (int8_t)(tmp16 >> 1); } } else { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) p[i] -= 128; } } void conv16BitSample(int8_t *p, int32_t len, bool stereo) { int16_t *p16_1, *p16_2, l, r; int32_t i, tmp32; p16_1 = (int16_t *)p; len /= 2; if (stereo) { len /= 2; p16_2 = (int16_t *)&p[len * 2]; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { l = p16_1[i] - 32768; r = p16_2[i] - 32768; tmp32 = l + r; p16_1[i] = (int16_t)(tmp32 >> 1); } } else { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) p16_1[i] -= 32768; } } void closeReplayer(void) { freeAllInstr(); freeAllPatterns(); if (instr[0] != NULL) { free(instr[0]); instr[0] = NULL; } if (instr[130] != NULL) { free(instr[130]); instr[130] = NULL; } if (instr[131] != NULL) { free(instr[131]); instr[131] = NULL; } } bool setupReplayer(void) { int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PATTERNS; i++) pattLens[i] = 64; playMode = PLAYMODE_IDLE; songPlaying = false; // unmute all channels (must be done before resetChannels() call) for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++) editor.chnMode[i] = 1; resetChannels(); song.len = 1; song.antChn = 8; editor.speed = song.speed = 125; editor.tempo = song.tempo = 6; editor.globalVol = song.globVol = 64; song.initialTempo = song.tempo; audio.linearFreqTable = true; note2Period = linearPeriods; setPos(0, 0, true); if (!allocateInstr(0)) { showErrorMsgBox("Not enough memory!"); return false; } instr[0]->samp[0].vol = 0; if (!allocateInstr(130)) { showErrorMsgBox("Not enough memory!"); return false; } memset(instr[130], 0, sizeof (instrTyp)); if (!allocateInstr(131)) // Instr. Ed. display instrument for unallocated/empty instruments { showErrorMsgBox("Not enough memory!"); return false; } memset(instr[131], 0, sizeof (instrTyp)); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) instr[131]->samp[i].pan = 128; editor.tmpPattern = 65535; // pattern editor update/redraw kludge return true; } void startPlaying(int8_t mode, int16_t row) { lockMixerCallback(); assert(mode != PLAYMODE_IDLE && mode != PLAYMODE_EDIT); if (mode == PLAYMODE_PATT || mode == PLAYMODE_RECPATT) setPos(-1, row, true); else setPos(editor.songPos, row, true); playMode = mode; songPlaying = true; song.globVol = 64; song.pattDelTime2 = 0; song.pattDelTime = 0; resetPlaybackTime(); // non-FT2 fix: If song speed was 0, set it back to initial speed on play if (song.tempo == 0) song.tempo = song.initialTempo; unlockMixerCallback(); ui.updatePosSections = true; ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } void stopPlaying(void) { uint8_t i; bool songWasPlaying; songWasPlaying = songPlaying; playMode = PLAYMODE_IDLE; songPlaying = false; if (config.killNotesOnStopPlay) { // safely kills all voices lockMixerCallback(); unlockMixerCallback(); // prevent getFrequenceValue() from calculating the rates forever for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++) stm[i].outPeriod = 0; } else { for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++) playTone(i, 0, 97, -1, 0, 0); } // if song was playing, update local pattPos (fixes certain glitches) if (songWasPlaying) editor.pattPos = song.pattPos; #ifdef HAS_MIDI midi.currMIDIVibDepth = 0; midi.currMIDIPitch = 0; #endif memset(editor.keyOnTab, 0, sizeof (editor.keyOnTab)); ui.updatePosSections = true; ui.updatePatternEditor = true; // certain non-FT2 fixes song.timer = editor.timer = 1; song.globVol = editor.globalVol = 64; ui.drawGlobVolFlag = true; } // from keyboard/smp. ed. void playTone(uint8_t stmm, uint8_t inst, uint8_t ton, int8_t vol, uint16_t midiVibDepth, uint16_t midiPitch) { sampleTyp *s; stmTyp *ch; instrTyp *ins = instr[inst]; if (ins == NULL) return; assert(stmm < MAX_VOICES && inst < MAX_INST && ton <= 97); ch = &stm[stmm]; // FT2 bugfix: Don't play tone if certain requirements are not met if (ton != 97) { if (ton == 0 || ton > 96) return; s = &ins->samp[ins->ta[ton-1] & 0xF]; int16_t newTon = (int16_t)ton + s->relTon; if (s->pek == NULL || s->len == 0 || newTon <= 0 || newTon >= 12*10) return; } // ------------------- lockAudio(); if (inst != 0 && ton != 97) { ch->tonTyp = (inst << 8) | (ch->tonTyp & 0xFF); ch->instrNr = inst; } ch->tonTyp = (ch->tonTyp & 0xFF00) | ton; ch->effTyp = 0; ch->eff = 0; startTone(ton, 0, 0, ch); if (ton != 97) { retrigVolume(ch); retrigEnvelopeVibrato(ch); if (vol != -1) // if jamming note keys, vol -1 = use sample's volume { ch->realVol = vol; ch->outVol = vol; ch->oldVol = vol; } } ch->midiVibDepth = midiVibDepth; ch->midiPitch = midiPitch; fixaEnvelopeVibrato(ch); unlockAudio(); } // smp. ed. void playSample(uint8_t stmm, uint8_t inst, uint8_t smpNr, uint8_t ton, uint16_t midiVibDepth, uint16_t midiPitch) { uint8_t vol; stmTyp *ch; if (instr[inst] == NULL) return; // for sampling playback line in Smp. Ed. lastChInstr[stmm].instrNr = 255; lastChInstr[stmm].sampleNr = 255; editor.curPlayInstr = 255; editor.curPlaySmp = 255; assert(stmm < MAX_VOICES && inst < MAX_INST && smpNr < MAX_SMP_PER_INST && ton <= 97); ch = &stm[stmm]; memcpy(&instr[130]->samp[0], &instr[inst]->samp[smpNr], sizeof (sampleTyp)); vol = instr[inst]->samp[smpNr].vol; lockAudio(); ch->instrNr = 130; ch->tonTyp = (ch->instrNr << 8) | ton; ch->effTyp = 0; startTone(ton, 0, 0, ch); if (ton != 97) { retrigVolume(ch); retrigEnvelopeVibrato(ch); ch->realVol = vol; ch->outVol = vol; ch->oldVol = vol; } ch->midiVibDepth = midiVibDepth; ch->midiPitch = midiPitch; fixaEnvelopeVibrato(ch); unlockAudio(); while (ch->status & IS_NyTon); // wait for sample to latch in mixer // for sampling playback line in Smp. Ed. editor.curPlayInstr = editor.curInstr; editor.curPlaySmp = editor.curSmp; } // smp. ed. void playRange(uint8_t stmm, uint8_t inst, uint8_t smpNr, uint8_t ton, uint16_t midiVibDepth, uint16_t midiPitch, int32_t offs, int32_t len) { uint8_t vol; int32_t samplePlayOffset; stmTyp *ch; sampleTyp *s; if (instr[inst] == NULL) return; // for sampling playback line in Smp. Ed. lastChInstr[stmm].instrNr = 255; lastChInstr[stmm].sampleNr = 255; editor.curPlayInstr = 255; editor.curPlaySmp = 255; assert(stmm < MAX_VOICES && inst < MAX_INST && smpNr < MAX_SMP_PER_INST && ton <= 97); ch = &stm[stmm]; s = &instr[130]->samp[0]; memcpy(s, &instr[inst]->samp[smpNr], sizeof (sampleTyp)); vol = instr[inst]->samp[smpNr].vol; if (s->typ & 16) { offs &= 0xFFFFFFFE; len &= 0xFFFFFFFE; } lockAudio(); s->len = offs + len; s->repS = 0; s->repL = 0; s->typ &= 16; // only keep 8-bit/16-bit flag (disable loop) samplePlayOffset = offs; if (s->typ & 16) samplePlayOffset >>= 1; ch->instrNr = 130; ch->tonTyp = (ch->instrNr << 8) | ton; ch->effTyp = 0; startTone(ton, 0, 0, ch); ch->smpStartPos = samplePlayOffset; if (ton != 97) { retrigVolume(ch); retrigEnvelopeVibrato(ch); ch->realVol = vol; ch->outVol = vol; ch->oldVol = vol; } ch->midiVibDepth = midiVibDepth; ch->midiPitch = midiPitch; fixaEnvelopeVibrato(ch); unlockAudio(); while (ch->status & IS_NyTon); // wait for sample to latch in mixer // for sampling playback line in Smp. Ed. editor.curPlayInstr = editor.curInstr; editor.curPlaySmp = editor.curSmp; } void stopVoices(void) { const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++) { stmTyp *ch = &stm[i]; lastChInstr[i].sampleNr = 255; lastChInstr[i].instrNr = 255; ch->tonTyp = 0; ch->relTonNr = 0; ch->instrNr = 0; ch->instrSeg = instr[0]; // important: set instrument pointer to instr 0 (placeholder instrument) ch->status = IS_Vol; ch->realVol = 0; ch->outVol = 0; ch->oldVol = 0; ch->finalVol = 0; ch->oldPan = 128; ch->outPan = 128; ch->finalPan = 128; ch->vibDepth = 0; ch->midiVibDepth = 0; ch->midiPitch = 0; ch->smpPtr = NULL; ch->portaDir = 0; // FT2 bugfix: weird 3xx behavior if not used with note stopVoice(i); } // for sampling playback line in Smp. Ed. editor.curPlayInstr = 255; editor.curPlaySmp = 255; stopAllScopes(); resetAudioDither(); #if !defined __amd64__ && !defined _WIN64 resetCachedMixerVars(); #endif // wait for scope thread to finish, so that we know pointers aren't deprecated while (editor.scopeThreadMutex); if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void decSongPos(void) { if (song.songPos == 0) return; const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); if (song.songPos > 0) setPos(song.songPos - 1, 0, true); if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void incSongPos(void) { if (song.songPos == song.len-1) return; const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); if (song.songPos < song.len-1) setPos(song.songPos + 1, 0, true); if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void decCurIns(void) { if (editor.curInstr <= 1) return; editor.curInstr--; if ((editor.curInstr > 0x40 && !editor.instrBankSwapped) || (editor.curInstr <= 0x40 && editor.instrBankSwapped)) pbSwapInstrBank(); editor.instrBankOffset = ((editor.curInstr - 1) / 8) * 8; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateNewInstrument(); if (ui.advEditShown) updateAdvEdit(); } void incCurIns(void) { if (editor.curInstr >= MAX_INST) return; editor.curInstr++; if ((editor.curInstr > 0x40 && !editor.instrBankSwapped) || (editor.curInstr <= 0x40 && editor.instrBankSwapped)) pbSwapInstrBank(); editor.instrBankOffset = ((editor.curInstr - 1) / 8) * 8; if (editor.instrBankOffset > MAX_INST-8) editor.instrBankOffset = MAX_INST-8; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateNewInstrument(); if (ui.advEditShown) updateAdvEdit(); } void decCurSmp(void) { if (editor.curSmp == 0) return; editor.curSmp--; editor.sampleBankOffset = (editor.curSmp / 5) * 5; setScrollBarPos(SB_SAMPLE_LIST, editor.sampleBankOffset, true); updateTextBoxPointers(); updateNewSample(); } void incCurSmp(void) { if (editor.curSmp >= MAX_SMP_PER_INST-1) return; editor.curSmp++; editor.sampleBankOffset = (editor.curSmp / 5) * 5; if (editor.sampleBankOffset > MAX_SMP_PER_INST-5) editor.sampleBankOffset = MAX_SMP_PER_INST-5; setScrollBarPos(SB_SAMPLE_LIST, editor.sampleBankOffset, true); updateTextBoxPointers(); updateNewSample(); } void pbPlaySong(void) { startPlaying(PLAYMODE_SONG, 0); } void pbPlayPtn(void) { startPlaying(PLAYMODE_PATT, 0); } void pbRecSng(void) { startPlaying(PLAYMODE_RECSONG, 0); } void pbRecPtn(void) { startPlaying(PLAYMODE_RECPATT, 0); } void setSyncedReplayerVars(void) { uint8_t scopeUpdateStatus[MAX_VOICES]; uint64_t frameTime64; pattSyncEntry = NULL; chSyncEntry = NULL; memset(scopeUpdateStatus, 0, sizeof (scopeUpdateStatus)); // this is needed frameTime64 = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter(); // handle channel sync queue while (chQueueClearing); while (chQueueReadSize() > 0) { if (frameTime64 < getChQueueTimestamp()) break; // we have no more stuff to render for now chSyncEntry = chQueuePeek(); if (chSyncEntry == NULL) break; for (int32_t i = 0; i < song.antChn; i++) scopeUpdateStatus[i] |= chSyncEntry->channels[i].status; // yes, OR the status if (!chQueuePop()) break; } /* Extra validation because of possible issues when the buffer is full ** and positions are being reset, which is not entirely thread safe. */ if (chSyncEntry != NULL && chSyncEntry->timestamp == 0) chSyncEntry = NULL; // handle pattern sync queue while (pattQueueClearing); while (pattQueueReadSize() > 0) { if (frameTime64 < getPattQueueTimestamp()) break; // we have no more stuff to render for now pattSyncEntry = pattQueuePeek(); if (pattSyncEntry == NULL) break; if (!pattQueuePop()) break; } /* Extra validation because of possible issues when the buffer is full ** and positions are being reset, which is not entirely thread safe. */ if (pattSyncEntry != NULL && pattSyncEntry->timestamp == 0) pattSyncEntry = NULL; // do actual updates if (chSyncEntry != NULL) { handleScopesFromChQueue(chSyncEntry, scopeUpdateStatus); ui.drawReplayerPianoFlag = true; } if (!songPlaying || pattSyncEntry == NULL) return; // we have a new tick editor.timer = pattSyncEntry->timer; if (editor.speed != pattSyncEntry->speed) { editor.speed = pattSyncEntry->speed; ui.drawBPMFlag = true; } if (editor.tempo != pattSyncEntry->tempo) { editor.tempo = pattSyncEntry->tempo; ui.drawSpeedFlag = true; } if (editor.globalVol != pattSyncEntry->globalVol) { editor.globalVol = pattSyncEntry->globalVol; ui.drawGlobVolFlag = true; } if (editor.songPos != pattSyncEntry->songPos) { editor.songPos = pattSyncEntry->songPos; ui.drawPosEdFlag = true; } // somewhat of a kludge... if (editor.tmpPattern != pattSyncEntry->pattern || editor.pattPos != pattSyncEntry->patternPos) { // set pattern number editor.editPattern = editor.tmpPattern = pattSyncEntry->pattern; checkMarkLimits(); ui.drawPattNumLenFlag = true; // set row editor.pattPos = (uint8_t)pattSyncEntry->patternPos; ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } }