ref: d87935aea0b340cd0c512d237b0e72c503a37300
dir: /src/ft2_midi.c/
#ifdef HAS_MIDI // for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "ft2_header.h" #include "ft2_edit.h" #include "ft2_config.h" #include "ft2_gui.h" #include "ft2_midi.h" #include "ft2_audio.h" #include "ft2_mouse.h" #include "ft2_pattern_ed.h" #include "ft2_structs.h" #include "rtmidi/rtmidi_c.h" // hide POSIX warnings #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable: 4996) #endif // This implements MIDI input only! midi_t midi; // globalized static volatile bool midiDeviceOpened; static bool recMIDIValidChn = true; static RtMidiPtr midiDev; static inline void midiInSetChannel(uint8_t status) { recMIDIValidChn = (config.recMIDIAllChn || (status & 0xF) == config.recMIDIChn-1); } static inline void midiInKeyAction(int8_t m, uint8_t mv) { int16_t vol; vol = (mv * 64 * config.recMIDIVolSens) / (127 * 100); if (vol > 64) vol = 64; // FT2 bugfix: If velocity>0, and sensitivity made vol=0, set vol to 1 (prevent key off) if (mv > 0 && vol == 0) vol = 1; if (mv > 0 && !config.recMIDIVelocity) vol = -1; // don't record volume (velocity) m -= 11; if (config.recMIDITransp) m += (int8_t)config.recMIDITranspVal; if ((mv == 0 || vol != 0) && m > 0 && m < 96 && recMIDIValidChn) recordNote(m, (int8_t)vol); } static inline void midiInControlChange(uint8_t data1, uint8_t data2) { uint8_t vibDepth; if (data1 != 1) // 1 = modulation wheel return; midi.currMIDIVibDepth = data2 << 6; if (recMIDIValidChn) // real FT2 forgot to check this here.. { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < song.antChn; i++) { if (stm[i].midiVibDepth != 0 || editor.keyOnTab[i] != 0) stm[i].midiVibDepth = midi.currMIDIVibDepth; } } vibDepth = (midi.currMIDIVibDepth >> 9) & 0x0F; if (vibDepth > 0 && recMIDIValidChn) recordMIDIEffect(0x04, 0xA0 | vibDepth); } static inline void midiInPitchBendChange(uint8_t data1, uint8_t data2) { int16_t pitch; pitch = (int16_t)((data2 << 7) | data1) - 8192; // -8192..8191 pitch >>= 6; // -128..127 midi.currMIDIPitch = pitch; if (recMIDIValidChn) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < song.antChn; i++) { if (stm[i].midiPitch != 0 || editor.keyOnTab[i] != 0) stm[i].midiPitch = midi.currMIDIPitch; } } } static void midiInCallback(double dTimeStamp, const unsigned char *message, size_t messageSize, void *userData) { uint8_t byte[3]; (void)dTimeStamp; (void)userData; if (!midi.enable || messageSize < 2) return; byte[0] = message[0]; if (byte[0] > 127 && byte[0] < 240) { byte[1] = message[1] & 0x7F; if (messageSize >= 3) byte[2] = message[2] & 0x7F; else byte[2] = 0; midiInSetChannel(byte[0]); if (byte[0] >= 128 && byte[0] <= 128+15) midiInKeyAction(byte[1], 0); else if (byte[0] >= 144 && byte[0] <= 144+15) midiInKeyAction(byte[1], byte[2]); else if (byte[0] >= 176 && byte[0] <= 176+15) midiInControlChange(byte[1], byte[2]); else if (byte[0] >= 224 && byte[0] <= 224+15) midiInPitchBendChange(byte[1], byte[2]); } } static uint32_t getNumMidiInDevices(void) { if (midiDev == NULL) return 0; return rtmidi_get_port_count(midiDev); } static char *getMidiInDeviceName(uint32_t deviceID) { char *devStr; if (midiDev == NULL) return NULL; devStr = (char *)rtmidi_get_port_name(midiDev, deviceID); if (!midiDev->ok) return NULL; return devStr; } void closeMidiInDevice(void) { while (!midi.initThreadDone); if (midiDeviceOpened) { if (midiDev != NULL) { rtmidi_in_cancel_callback(midiDev); rtmidi_close_port(midiDev); } midiDeviceOpened = false; } } void freeMidiIn(void) { while (!midi.initThreadDone); if (midiDev != NULL) { rtmidi_in_free(midiDev); midiDev = NULL; } } bool initMidiIn(void) { if (midiDev != NULL) return false; // already initialized midiDev = rtmidi_in_create_default(); if (!midiDev->ok) { midiDev = NULL; return false; } midiDeviceOpened = false; return true; } bool openMidiInDevice(uint32_t deviceID) { if (midiDev == NULL) return false; if (getNumMidiInDevices() == 0) return false; rtmidi_open_port(midiDev, deviceID, "FT2 Clone MIDI Port"); if (!midiDev->ok) return false; rtmidi_in_set_callback(midiDev, midiInCallback, NULL); if (!midiDev->ok) { rtmidi_close_port(midiDev); return false; } rtmidi_in_ignore_types(midiDev, true, true, true); midiDeviceOpened = true; return true; } void recordMIDIEffect(uint8_t effTyp, uint8_t effData) { int16_t nr; tonTyp *note; // only handle this in record mode if (!midi.enable || (playMode != PLAYMODE_RECSONG && playMode != PLAYMODE_RECPATT)) return; nr = editor.editPattern; if (config.multiRec) { for (uint16_t i = 0; i < song.antChn; i++) { if (config.multiRecChn[i] && editor.chnMode[i]) { if (!allocatePattern(nr)) return; note = &patt[nr][(editor.pattPos * MAX_VOICES) + i]; if (note->effTyp == 0) { note->effTyp = effTyp; note->eff = effData; setSongModifiedFlag(); } } } } else { if (!allocatePattern(nr)) return; note = &patt[nr][(editor.pattPos * MAX_VOICES) +]; if (note->effTyp != effTyp || note->eff != effData) setSongModifiedFlag(); note->effTyp = effTyp; note->eff = effData; } } bool saveMidiInputDeviceToConfig(void) { char *midiInStr; uint32_t numDevices; FILE *f; if (!midi.initThreadDone || midiDev == NULL || !midiDeviceOpened) return false; numDevices = getNumMidiInDevices(); if (numDevices == 0) return false; midiInStr = getMidiInDeviceName(midi.inputDevice); if (midiInStr == NULL) return false; f = UNICHAR_FOPEN(editor.midiConfigFileLocation, "w"); if (f == NULL) { free(midiInStr); return false; } fputs(midiInStr, f); free(midiInStr); fclose(f); return true; } bool setMidiInputDeviceFromConfig(void) { #define MAX_DEV_STR_LEN 1024 char *midiInStr, *devString; uint32_t i, numDevices; FILE *f; if (midi.inputDeviceName != NULL) free(midi.inputDeviceName); numDevices = getNumMidiInDevices(); if (numDevices == 0) goto setDefMidiInputDev; f = UNICHAR_FOPEN(editor.midiConfigFileLocation, "r"); if (f == NULL) goto setDefMidiInputDev; devString = (char *)calloc(MAX_DEV_STR_LEN + 4, sizeof (char)); if (devString == NULL) { fclose(f); goto setDefMidiInputDev; } if (fgets(devString, MAX_DEV_STR_LEN, f) == NULL) { fclose(f); free(devString); goto setDefMidiInputDev; } fclose(f); // scan for device in list midiInStr = NULL; for (i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) { midiInStr = getMidiInDeviceName(i); if (midiInStr == NULL) continue; if (!_stricmp(devString, midiInStr)) break; // device matched free(midiInStr); midiInStr = NULL; } free(devString); // device not found in list, set default if (i == numDevices) goto setDefMidiInputDev; midi.inputDevice = i; midi.inputDeviceName = midiInStr; midi.numInputDevices = numDevices; return true; // couldn't load device, set default setDefMidiInputDev: midi.inputDevice = 0; midi.inputDeviceName = strdup("RtMidi"); midi.numInputDevices = numDevices; return false; } void freeMidiInputDeviceList(void) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < MAX_MIDI_DEVICES; i++) { if (midi.inputDeviceNames[i] != NULL) { free(midi.inputDeviceNames[i]); midi.inputDeviceNames[i] = NULL; } } midi.numInputDevices = 0; } void rescanMidiInputDevices(void) { char *deviceName; freeMidiInputDeviceList(); midi.numInputDevices = getNumMidiInDevices(); if (midi.numInputDevices > MAX_MIDI_DEVICES) midi.numInputDevices = MAX_MIDI_DEVICES; for (int32_t i = 0; i < midi.numInputDevices; i++) { deviceName = getMidiInDeviceName(i); if (deviceName == NULL) { if (midi.numInputDevices > 0) midi.numInputDevices--; // hide device continue; } midi.inputDeviceNames[i] = deviceName; } setScrollBarEnd(SB_MIDI_INPUT_SCROLL, midi.numInputDevices); setScrollBarPos(SB_MIDI_INPUT_SCROLL, 0, false); } void drawMidiInputList(void) { char *tmpString; uint16_t y; int32_t deviceEntry; clearRect(114, 4, 365, 165); if (!midi.initThreadDone || midiDev == NULL || midi.numInputDevices == 0) { textOut(114, 4 + (0 * 11), PAL_FORGRND, "No MIDI input devices found!"); textOut(114, 4 + (1 * 11), PAL_FORGRND, "Either wait a few seconds for MIDI to initialize, or restart the"); textOut(114, 4 + (2 * 11), PAL_FORGRND, "tracker if you recently plugged in a MIDI device."); return; } for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 15; i++) { deviceEntry = getScrollBarPos(SB_MIDI_INPUT_SCROLL) + i; if (deviceEntry < midi.numInputDevices) { if (midi.inputDeviceNames[deviceEntry] == NULL) continue; y = 4 + (i * 11); if (midi.inputDeviceName != NULL) { if (_stricmp(midi.inputDeviceName, midi.inputDeviceNames[deviceEntry]) == 0) fillRect(114, y, 365, 10, PAL_BOXSLCT); // selection background color } tmpString = utf8ToCp437(midi.inputDeviceNames[deviceEntry], true); if (tmpString != NULL) { textOutClipX(114, y, PAL_FORGRND, tmpString, 479); free(tmpString); } } } } void scrollMidiInputDevListUp(void) { scrollBarScrollUp(SB_MIDI_INPUT_SCROLL, 1); } void scrollMidiInputDevListDown(void) { scrollBarScrollDown(SB_MIDI_INPUT_SCROLL, 1); } void sbMidiInputSetPos(uint32_t pos) { (void)pos; if (ui.configScreenShown && editor.currConfigScreen == CONFIG_SCREEN_MIDI_INPUT) drawMidiInputList(); } bool testMidiInputDeviceListMouseDown(void) { int32_t mx, my, deviceNum; if (!ui.configScreenShown || editor.currConfigScreen != CONFIG_SCREEN_MIDI_INPUT) return false; // we didn't click the area if (!midi.initThreadDone) return true; mx = mouse.x; my = mouse.y; if (my < 4 || my > 166 || mx < 114 || mx > 479) return false; // we didn't click the area deviceNum = (int32_t)scrollBars[SB_MIDI_INPUT_SCROLL].pos + ((my - 4) / 11); if (midi.numInputDevices <= 0 || deviceNum >= midi.numInputDevices) return true; if (midi.inputDeviceName != NULL) { if (!_stricmp(midi.inputDeviceName, midi.inputDeviceNames[deviceNum])) return true; // we clicked the currently selected device, do nothing free(midi.inputDeviceName); } midi.inputDeviceName = strdup(midi.inputDeviceNames[deviceNum]); midi.inputDevice = deviceNum; closeMidiInDevice(); freeMidiIn(); initMidiIn(); openMidiInDevice(midi.inputDevice); drawMidiInputList(); return true; } int32_t SDLCALL initMidiFunc(void *ptr) { (void)ptr; midi.closeMidiOnExit = true; midi.initThreadDone = false; initMidiIn(); setMidiInputDeviceFromConfig(); openMidiInDevice(midi.inputDevice); midi.initThreadDone = true; midi.rescanDevicesFlag = true; return true; } #else typedef int make_iso_compilers_happy; // kludge: prevent warning about empty .c file if HAS_MIDI is not defined #endif