ref: 92209522e99043d9ebb480aa117ea76574acd705
dir: /src/ft2_audio.c/
// for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "ft2_header.h" #include "ft2_config.h" #include "ft2_scopes.h" #include "ft2_video.h" #include "ft2_gui.h" #include "ft2_midi.h" #include "ft2_wav_renderer.h" #include "ft2_module_loader.h" #include "ft2_mix.h" #include "ft2_audio.h" #define INITIAL_DITHER_SEED 0x12345000 static int8_t pmpCountDiv, pmpChannels = 2; static uint16_t smpBuffSize; static int32_t masterVol, oldAudioFreq, speedVal, pmpLeft, randSeed = INITIAL_DITHER_SEED; static int32_t prngStateL, prngStateR; static uint32_t tickTimeLen, tickTimeLenFrac, oldSFrq, oldSFrqRev = 0xFFFFFFFF; static float fAudioAmpMul; static voice_t voice[MAX_VOICES * 2]; static void (*sendAudSamplesFunc)(uint8_t *, uint32_t, uint8_t); // "send mixed samples" routines pattSyncData_t *pattSyncEntry; chSyncData_t *chSyncEntry; volatile bool pattQueueReading, pattQueueClearing, chQueueReading, chQueueClearing; extern const uint32_t panningTab[257]; // defined at the bottom of this file void resetOldRevFreqs(void) { oldSFrq = 0; oldSFrqRev = 0xFFFFFFFF; } void stopVoice(uint8_t i) { voice_t *v; v = &voice[i]; memset(v, 0, sizeof (voice_t)); v->SPan = 128; // clear "fade out" voice too v = &voice[MAX_VOICES + i]; memset(v, 0, sizeof (voice_t)); v->SPan = 128; } bool setNewAudioSettings(void) // only call this from the main input/video thread { uint32_t stringLen; pauseAudio(); if (!setupAudio(CONFIG_HIDE_ERRORS)) { // set back old known working settings config.audioFreq = audio.lastWorkingAudioFreq; config.specialFlags &= ~(BITDEPTH_16 + BITDEPTH_24 + BUFFSIZE_512 + BUFFSIZE_1024 + BUFFSIZE_2048); config.specialFlags |= audio.lastWorkingAudioBits; if (audio.lastWorkingAudioDeviceName != NULL) { if (audio.currOutputDevice != NULL) { free(audio.currOutputDevice); audio.currOutputDevice = NULL; } stringLen = (uint32_t)strlen(audio.lastWorkingAudioDeviceName); audio.currOutputDevice = (char *)malloc(stringLen + 2); if (audio.currOutputDevice != NULL) { strcpy(audio.currOutputDevice, audio.lastWorkingAudioDeviceName); audio.currOutputDevice[stringLen + 1] = '\0'; // UTF-8 needs double null termination } } // also update config audio radio buttons if we're on that screen at the moment if (editor.ui.configScreenShown && editor.currConfigScreen == CONFIG_SCREEN_IO_DEVICES) setConfigIORadioButtonStates(); // if it didn't work to use the old settings again, then something is seriously wrong... if (!setupAudio(CONFIG_HIDE_ERRORS)) okBox(0, "System message", "Couldn't find a working audio mode... You'll get no sound / replayer timer!"); resumeAudio(); return false; } resumeAudio(); return true; } // ampFactor = 1..32, masterVol = 0..256 void setAudioAmp(int16_t ampFactor, int16_t master, bool bitDepth32Flag) { ampFactor = CLAMP(ampFactor, 1, 32); master = CLAMP(master, 0, 256); // voiceVolume = (vol(0..65535) * pan(0..65536)) >> 4 const float fAudioNorm = 1.0f / (((65535UL * 65536) / 16) / MAX_VOICES); if (bitDepth32Flag) { // 32-bit floating point (24-bit) fAudioAmpMul = fAudioNorm * (master / 256.0f) * (ampFactor / 32.0f); } else { // 16-bit integer masterVol = master * ampFactor * 2048; } } void setNewAudioFreq(uint32_t freq) // for song to WAV rendering { if (freq == 0) return; oldAudioFreq = audio.freq; audio.freq = freq; calcReplayRate(audio.freq); } void setBackOldAudioFreq(void) // for song to WAV rendering { audio.freq = oldAudioFreq; calcReplayRate(audio.freq); } void setSpeed(uint16_t bpm) { double dInt, dFrac; if (bpm == 0) return; speedVal = ((audio.freq + audio.freq) + (audio.freq >> 1)) / bpm; // (audio.freq * 2.5) / BPM if (speedVal > 0) // calculate tick time length for audio/video sync timestamp { // number of samples per tick -> tick length for performance counter dFrac = modf(speedVal * audio.dSpeedValMul, &dInt); /* - integer part - ** Cast to int32_t so that the compiler will use fast SSE2 float->int instructions. ** This result won't be above 2^31, so this is safe. */ tickTimeLen = (int32_t)dInt; // - fractional part (scaled to 0..2^32-1) - dFrac *= UINT32_MAX; tickTimeLenFrac = (uint32_t)(dFrac + 0.5); } } void audioSetVolRamp(bool volRamp) { lockMixerCallback(); audio.volumeRampingFlag = volRamp; unlockMixerCallback(); } void audioSetInterpolation(bool interpolation) { lockMixerCallback(); audio.interpolationFlag = interpolation; unlockMixerCallback(); } static inline void voiceUpdateVolumes(uint8_t i, uint8_t status) { int32_t volL, volR; uint32_t vol; voice_t *v, *f; v = &voice[i]; vol = v->SVol; // 0..65535 // (0..65535 * 0..65536) >> 4 = 0..268431360 volR = (vol * panningTab[ v->SPan]) >> 4; volL = (vol * panningTab[256-v->SPan]) >> 4; if (!audio.volumeRampingFlag) { v->SLVol2 = volL; v->SRVol2 = volR; } else { v->SLVol1 = volL; v->SRVol1 = volR; if (status & IS_NyTon) { // sample is about to start, ramp out/in at the same time // setup "fade out" voice (only if current voice volume>0) if (v->SLVol2 > 0 || v->SRVol2 > 0) { f = &voice[MAX_VOICES + i]; *f = *v; // copy voice f->SVolIPLen = audio.quickVolSizeVal; f->SLVolIP = -f->SLVol2 / f->SVolIPLen; f->SRVolIP = -f->SRVol2 / f->SVolIPLen; f->isFadeOutVoice = true; } // make current voice fade in when it starts v->SLVol2 = 0; v->SRVol2 = 0; } // ramp volume changes /* FT2 has two internal volume ramping lengths: ** IS_QuickVol: 5ms (audioFreq / 200) ** Normal: The duration of a tick (speedVal) */ if (volL == v->SLVol2 && volR == v->SRVol2) { v->SVolIPLen = 0; // there is no volume change } else { v->SVolIPLen = (status & IS_QuickVol) ? audio.quickVolSizeVal : speedVal; v->SLVolIP = (volL - v->SLVol2) / v->SVolIPLen; v->SRVolIP = (volR - v->SRVol2) / v->SVolIPLen; } } } static void voiceTrigger(uint8_t i, sampleTyp *s, int32_t position) { bool sampleIs16Bit; uint8_t loopType; int32_t oldSLen, length, loopBegin, loopLength; voice_t *v; v = &voice[i]; length = s->len; loopBegin = s->repS; loopLength = s->repL; loopType = s->typ & 3; sampleIs16Bit = (s->typ >> 4) & 1; if (sampleIs16Bit) { assert(!(length & 1)); assert(!(loopBegin & 1)); assert(!(loopLength & 1)); length >>= 1; loopBegin >>= 1; loopLength >>= 1; } if (s->pek == NULL || length < 1) { v->mixRoutine = NULL; // shut down voice (illegal parameters) return; } if (loopLength < 1) // disable loop if loopLength is below 1 loopType = 0; if (sampleIs16Bit) { v->SBase16 = (const int16_t *)s->pek; v->SRevBase16 = &v->SBase16[loopBegin + (loopBegin + loopLength)]; // for pingpong loops } else { v->SBase8 = s->pek; v->SRevBase8 = &v->SBase8[loopBegin + (loopBegin + loopLength)]; // for pingpong loops } v->backwards = false; v->SLen = (loopType > 0) ? (loopBegin + loopLength) : length; v->SRepS = loopBegin; v->SRepL = loopLength; v->SPos = position; v->SPosDec = 0; // position fraction // if 9xx position overflows, shut down voice oldSLen = (loopType > 0) ? (loopBegin + loopLength) : length; if (v->SPos >= oldSLen) { v->mixRoutine = NULL; return; } v->mixRoutine = mixRoutineTable[(sampleIs16Bit * 12) + (audio.volumeRampingFlag * 6) + (audio.interpolationFlag * 3) + loopType]; } void mix_SaveIPVolumes(void) // for volume ramping { voice_t *v = voice; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++, v++) { v->SLVol2 = v->SLVol1; v->SRVol2 = v->SRVol1; v->SVolIPLen = 0; } } void mix_UpdateChannelVolPanFrq(void) { uint8_t status; stmTyp *ch; voice_t *v; ch = stm; v = voice; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < song.antChn; i++, ch++, v++) { status = ch->tmpStatus = ch->status; // ch->tmpStatus is used for audio/video sync queue if (status == 0) continue; ch->status = 0; // volume change if (status & IS_Vol) v->SVol = ch->finalVol; // panning change if (status & IS_Pan) v->SPan = ch->finalPan; // update mixing volumes if vol/pan change if (status & (IS_Vol + IS_Pan)) voiceUpdateVolumes(i, status); // frequency change if (status & IS_Period) { v->SFrq = getFrequenceValue(ch->finalPeriod); if (v->SFrq != oldSFrq) { oldSFrq = v->SFrq; oldSFrqRev = 0xFFFFFFFF; if (oldSFrq != 0) oldSFrqRev /= oldSFrq; } v->SFrqRev = oldSFrqRev; } // sample trigger (note) if (status & IS_NyTon) voiceTrigger(i, ch->smpPtr, ch->smpStartPos); } } void resetAudioDither(void) { randSeed = INITIAL_DITHER_SEED; prngStateL = 0; prngStateR = 0; } static inline uint32_t random32(void) { // LCG 32-bit random randSeed *= 134775813; randSeed++; return randSeed; } static void sendSamples16BitStereo(uint8_t *stream, uint32_t sampleBlockLength, uint8_t numAudioChannels) { int16_t *streamPointer16; int32_t out32; (void)numAudioChannels; streamPointer16 = (int16_t *)stream; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sampleBlockLength; i++) { // left channel out32 = ((int64_t)audio.mixBufferL[i] * masterVol) >> 32; CLAMP16(out32); *streamPointer16++ = (int16_t)out32; // right channel out32 = ((int64_t)audio.mixBufferR[i] * masterVol) >> 32; CLAMP16(out32); *streamPointer16++ = (int16_t)out32; } } static void sendSamples16BitMultiChan(uint8_t *stream, uint32_t sampleBlockLength, uint8_t numAudioChannels) { int16_t *streamPointer16; int32_t out32; uint32_t i, j; streamPointer16 = (int16_t *)stream; for (i = 0; i < sampleBlockLength; i++) { // left channel out32 = ((int64_t)audio.mixBufferL[i] * masterVol) >> 32; CLAMP16(out32); *streamPointer16++ = (int16_t)out32; // right channel out32 = ((int64_t)audio.mixBufferR[i] * masterVol) >> 32; CLAMP16(out32); *streamPointer16++ = (int16_t)out32; for (j = 2; j < numAudioChannels; j++) *streamPointer16++ = 0; } } static void sendSamples16BitDitherStereo(uint8_t *stream, uint32_t sampleBlockLength, uint8_t numAudioChannels) { int16_t *streamPointer16; int32_t prng, out32; (void)numAudioChannels; streamPointer16 = (int16_t *)stream; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sampleBlockLength; i++) { // left channel - 1-bit triangular dithering prng = random32(); out32 = ((((int64_t)audio.mixBufferL[i] * masterVol) + prng) - prngStateL) >> 32; prngStateL = prng; CLAMP16(out32); *streamPointer16++ = (int16_t)out32; // right channel - 1-bit triangular dithering prng = random32(); out32 = ((((int64_t)audio.mixBufferR[i] * masterVol) + prng) - prngStateR) >> 32; prngStateR = prng; CLAMP16(out32); *streamPointer16++ = (int16_t)out32; } } static void sendSamples16BitDitherMultiChan(uint8_t *stream, uint32_t sampleBlockLength, uint8_t numAudioChannels) { int16_t *streamPointer16; int32_t prng, out32; streamPointer16 = (int16_t *)stream; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sampleBlockLength; i++) { // left channel - 1-bit triangular dithering prng = random32(); out32 = ((((int64_t)audio.mixBufferL[i] * masterVol) + prng) - prngStateL) >> 32; prngStateL = prng; CLAMP16(out32); *streamPointer16++ = (int16_t)out32; // right channel - 1-bit triangular dithering prng = random32(); out32 = ((((int64_t)audio.mixBufferR[i] * masterVol) + prng) - prngStateR) >> 32; prngStateR = prng; CLAMP16(out32); *streamPointer16++ = (int16_t)out32; for (uint32_t j = 2; j < numAudioChannels; j++) *streamPointer16++ = 0; } } static void sendSamples24BitStereo(uint8_t *stream, uint32_t sampleBlockLength, uint8_t numAudioChannels) { float fOut, *fStreamPointer24; (void)numAudioChannels; fStreamPointer24 = (float *)stream; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sampleBlockLength; i++) { // left channel fOut = audio.mixBufferL[i] * fAudioAmpMul; fOut = CLAMP(fOut, -1.0f, 1.0f); *fStreamPointer24++ = fOut; // right channel fOut = audio.mixBufferR[i] * fAudioAmpMul; fOut = CLAMP(fOut, -1.0f, 1.0f); *fStreamPointer24++ = fOut; } } static void sendSamples24BitMultiChan(uint8_t *stream, uint32_t sampleBlockLength, uint8_t numAudioChannels) { float fOut, *fStreamPointer24; fStreamPointer24 = (float *)stream; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sampleBlockLength; i++) { // left channel fOut = audio.mixBufferL[i] * fAudioAmpMul; fOut = CLAMP(fOut, -1.0f, 1.0f); *fStreamPointer24++ = fOut; // right channel fOut = audio.mixBufferR[i] * fAudioAmpMul; fOut = CLAMP(fOut, -1.0f, 1.0f); *fStreamPointer24++ = fOut; for (uint32_t j = 2; j < numAudioChannels; j++) *fStreamPointer24++ = 0.0f; } } static void mixAudio(uint8_t *stream, uint32_t sampleBlockLength, uint8_t numAudioChannels) { voice_t *v, *r; assert(sampleBlockLength <= MAX_WAV_RENDER_SAMPLES_PER_TICK); memset(audio.mixBufferL, 0, sampleBlockLength * sizeof (int32_t)); memset(audio.mixBufferR, 0, sampleBlockLength * sizeof (int32_t)); // mix channels v = voice; // normal voices r = &voice[MAX_VOICES]; // volume ramp voices for (uint32_t i = 0; i < song.antChn; i++, v++, r++) { // call the mixing routine currently set for the voice if (v->mixRoutine != NULL) v->mixRoutine(v, sampleBlockLength); // mix normal voice if (r->mixRoutine != NULL) r->mixRoutine(r, sampleBlockLength); // mix volume ramp voice } // normalize mix buffer and send to audio stream sendAudSamplesFunc(stream, sampleBlockLength, numAudioChannels); } // used for song-to-WAV renderer uint32_t mixReplayerTickToBuffer(uint8_t *stream, uint8_t bitDepth) { voice_t *v, *r; assert(speedVal <= MAX_WAV_RENDER_SAMPLES_PER_TICK); memset(audio.mixBufferL, 0, speedVal * sizeof (int32_t)); memset(audio.mixBufferR, 0, speedVal * sizeof (int32_t)); // mix channels v = voice; // normal voices r = &voice[MAX_VOICES]; // volume ramp voices for (uint32_t i = 0; i < song.antChn; i++, v++, r++) { // call the mixing routine currently set for the voice if (v->mixRoutine != NULL) v->mixRoutine(v, speedVal); // mix normal voice if (r->mixRoutine != NULL) r->mixRoutine(r, speedVal); // mix volume ramp voice } // normalize mix buffer and send to audio stream if (bitDepth == 16) { if (config.specialFlags2 & DITHERED_AUDIO) sendSamples16BitDitherStereo(stream, speedVal, 2); else sendSamples16BitStereo(stream, speedVal, 2); } else { sendSamples24BitStereo(stream, speedVal, 2); } return speedVal; } int32_t pattQueueReadSize(void) { while (pattQueueClearing); if (pattSync.writePos > pattSync.readPos) return pattSync.writePos - pattSync.readPos; else if (pattSync.writePos < pattSync.readPos) return pattSync.writePos - pattSync.readPos + SYNC_QUEUE_LEN + 1; else return 0; } int32_t pattQueueWriteSize(void) { int32_t size; if (pattSync.writePos > pattSync.readPos) { size = pattSync.readPos - pattSync.writePos + SYNC_QUEUE_LEN; } else if (pattSync.writePos < pattSync.readPos) { pattQueueClearing = true; /* Buffer is full, reset the read/write pos. This is actually really nasty since ** read/write are two different threads, but because of timestamp validation it ** shouldn't be that dangerous. ** It will also create a small visual stutter while the buffer is getting filled, ** though that is barely noticable on normal buffer sizes, and it takes several ** minutes between each time (when queue size is default, 16384) */[0].timestamp = 0; pattSync.readPos = 0; pattSync.writePos = 0; size = SYNC_QUEUE_LEN; pattQueueClearing = false; } else { size = SYNC_QUEUE_LEN; } return size; } bool pattQueuePush(pattSyncData_t t) { if (!pattQueueWriteSize()) return false; assert(pattSync.writePos <= SYNC_QUEUE_LEN);[pattSync.writePos] = t; pattSync.writePos = (pattSync.writePos + 1) & SYNC_QUEUE_LEN; return true; } bool pattQueuePop(void) { if (!pattQueueReadSize()) return false; pattSync.readPos = (pattSync.readPos + 1) & SYNC_QUEUE_LEN; assert(pattSync.readPos <= SYNC_QUEUE_LEN); return true; } pattSyncData_t *pattQueuePeek(void) { if (!pattQueueReadSize()) return NULL; assert(pattSync.readPos <= SYNC_QUEUE_LEN); return &[pattSync.readPos]; } uint64_t getPattQueueTimestamp(void) { if (!pattQueueReadSize()) return 0; assert(pattSync.readPos <= SYNC_QUEUE_LEN); return[pattSync.readPos].timestamp; } int32_t chQueueReadSize(void) { while (chQueueClearing); if (chSync.writePos > chSync.readPos) return chSync.writePos - chSync.readPos; else if (chSync.writePos < chSync.readPos) return chSync.writePos - chSync.readPos + SYNC_QUEUE_LEN + 1; else return 0; } int32_t chQueueWriteSize(void) { int32_t size; if (chSync.writePos > chSync.readPos) { size = chSync.readPos - chSync.writePos + SYNC_QUEUE_LEN; } else if (chSync.writePos < chSync.readPos) { chQueueClearing = true; /* Buffer is full, reset the read/write pos. This is actually really nasty since ** read/write are two different threads, but because of timestamp validation it ** shouldn't be that dangerous. ** It will also create a small visual stutter while the buffer is getting filled, ** though that is barely noticable on normal buffer sizes, and it takes several ** minutes between each time (when queue size is default, 16384) */[0].timestamp = 0; chSync.readPos = 0; chSync.writePos = 0; size = SYNC_QUEUE_LEN; chQueueClearing = false; } else { size = SYNC_QUEUE_LEN; } return size; } bool chQueuePush(chSyncData_t t) { if (!chQueueWriteSize()) return false; assert(chSync.writePos <= SYNC_QUEUE_LEN);[chSync.writePos] = t; chSync.writePos = (chSync.writePos + 1) & SYNC_QUEUE_LEN; return true; } bool chQueuePop(void) { if (!chQueueReadSize()) return false; chSync.readPos = (chSync.readPos + 1) & SYNC_QUEUE_LEN; assert(chSync.readPos <= SYNC_QUEUE_LEN); return true; } chSyncData_t *chQueuePeek(void) { if (!chQueueReadSize()) return NULL; assert(chSync.readPos <= SYNC_QUEUE_LEN); return &[chSync.readPos]; } uint64_t getChQueueTimestamp(void) { if (!chQueueReadSize()) return 0; assert(chSync.readPos <= SYNC_QUEUE_LEN); return[chSync.readPos].timestamp; } void lockAudio(void) { if ( != 0) SDL_LockAudioDevice(; audio.locked = true; } void unlockAudio(void) { if ( != 0) SDL_UnlockAudioDevice(; audio.locked = false; } static void resetSyncQueues(void) {[0].timestamp = 0; pattSync.readPos = 0; pattSync.writePos = 0;[0].timestamp = 0; chSync.writePos = 0; chSync.readPos = 0; } void lockMixerCallback(void) // lock audio + clear voices/scopes (for short operations) { if (!audio.locked) lockAudio(); audio.resetSyncTickTimeFlag = true; stopVoices(); // VERY important! prevents potential crashes by purging pointers // scopes, mixer and replayer are guaranteed to not be active at this point resetSyncQueues(); } void unlockMixerCallback(void) { stopVoices(); // VERY important! prevents potential crashes by purging pointers if (audio.locked) unlockAudio(); } void pauseAudio(void) // lock audio + clear voices/scopes + render silence (for long operations) { if (audioPaused) { stopVoices(); // VERY important! prevents potential crashes by purging pointers return; } if ( > 0) SDL_PauseAudioDevice(, true); audio.resetSyncTickTimeFlag = true; stopVoices(); // VERY important! prevents potential crashes by purging pointers // scopes, mixer and replayer are guaranteed to not be active at this point resetSyncQueues(); audioPaused = true; } void resumeAudio(void) // unlock audio { if (!audioPaused) return; if ( > 0) SDL_PauseAudioDevice(, false); audioPaused = false; } static void SDLCALL mixCallback(void *userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len) { int32_t a, b; pattSyncData_t pattSyncData; chSyncData_t chSyncData; syncedChannel_t *c; stmTyp *s; (void)userdata; assert(len < 65536); // limitation in mixer assert(pmpCountDiv > 0); a = len / pmpCountDiv; if (a <= 0) return; while (a > 0) { if (pmpLeft == 0) { // replayer tick replayerBusy = true; if (audio.volumeRampingFlag) mix_SaveIPVolumes(); mainPlayer(); mix_UpdateChannelVolPanFrq(); // AUDIO/VIDEO SYNC if (audio.resetSyncTickTimeFlag) { audio.resetSyncTickTimeFlag = false; audio.tickTime64 = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter() + audio.audLatencyPerfValInt; audio.tickTime64Frac = audio.audLatencyPerfValFrac; } if (songPlaying) { // push pattern variables to sync queue pattSyncData.timer = song.curReplayerTimer; pattSyncData.patternPos = song.curReplayerPattPos; pattSyncData.pattern = song.curReplayerPattNr; pattSyncData.songPos = song.curReplayerSongPos; pattSyncData.speed = (uint8_t)song.speed; pattSyncData.tempo = (uint8_t)song.tempo; pattSyncData.globalVol = (uint8_t)song.globVol; pattSyncData.timestamp = audio.tickTime64; pattQueuePush(pattSyncData); } // push channel variables to sync queue for (uint32_t i = 0; i < song.antChn; i++) { c = &chSyncData.channels[i]; s = &stm[i]; c->voiceDelta = voice[i].SFrq; c->finalPeriod = s->finalPeriod; c->fineTune = s->fineTune; c->relTonNr = s->relTonNr; c->instrNr = s->instrNr; c->sampleNr = s->sampleNr; c->envSustainActive = s->envSustainActive; c->status = s->tmpStatus; c->finalVol = s->finalVol; c->smpStartPos = s->smpStartPos; } chSyncData.timestamp = audio.tickTime64; chQueuePush(chSyncData); audio.tickTime64 += tickTimeLen; audio.tickTime64Frac += tickTimeLenFrac; if (audio.tickTime64Frac > 0xFFFFFFFF) { audio.tickTime64Frac &= 0xFFFFFFFF; audio.tickTime64++; } pmpLeft = speedVal; replayerBusy = false; } b = a; if (b > pmpLeft) b = pmpLeft; mixAudio(stream, b, pmpChannels); stream += b * pmpCountDiv; a -= b; pmpLeft -= b; } } static bool setupAudioBuffers(void) { const uint32_t sampleSize = sizeof (int32_t); audio.mixBufferLUnaligned = (int32_t *)MALLOC_PAD(MAX_WAV_RENDER_SAMPLES_PER_TICK * sampleSize, 256); audio.mixBufferRUnaligned = (int32_t *)MALLOC_PAD(MAX_WAV_RENDER_SAMPLES_PER_TICK * sampleSize, 256); if (audio.mixBufferLUnaligned == NULL || audio.mixBufferRUnaligned == NULL) return false; // make aligned main pointers audio.mixBufferL = (int32_t *)ALIGN_PTR(audio.mixBufferLUnaligned, 256); audio.mixBufferR = (int32_t *)ALIGN_PTR(audio.mixBufferRUnaligned, 256); return true; } static void freeAudioBuffers(void) { if (audio.mixBufferLUnaligned != NULL) { free(audio.mixBufferLUnaligned); audio.mixBufferLUnaligned = NULL; } if (audio.mixBufferRUnaligned != NULL) { free(audio.mixBufferRUnaligned); audio.mixBufferRUnaligned = NULL; } audio.mixBufferL = NULL; audio.mixBufferR = NULL; } void updateSendAudSamplesRoutine(bool lockMixer) { if (lockMixer) lockMixerCallback(); // force dither off if somehow set with 24-bit float (illegal) if ((config.specialFlags2 & DITHERED_AUDIO) && (config.specialFlags & BITDEPTH_24)) config.specialFlags2 &= ~DITHERED_AUDIO; if (config.specialFlags2 & DITHERED_AUDIO) { if (config.specialFlags & BITDEPTH_16) { if (pmpChannels > 2) sendAudSamplesFunc = sendSamples16BitDitherMultiChan; else sendAudSamplesFunc = sendSamples16BitDitherStereo; } } else { if (config.specialFlags & BITDEPTH_16) { if (pmpChannels > 2) sendAudSamplesFunc = sendSamples16BitMultiChan; else sendAudSamplesFunc = sendSamples16BitStereo; } else { if (pmpChannels > 2) sendAudSamplesFunc = sendSamples24BitMultiChan; else sendAudSamplesFunc = sendSamples24BitStereo; } } if (lockMixer) unlockMixerCallback(); } static void calcAudioLatencyVars(uint16_t haveSamples, int32_t haveFreq) { double dHaveFreq, dAudioLatencySecs, dInt, dFrac; dHaveFreq = haveFreq; if (dHaveFreq == 0.0) return; // panic! dAudioLatencySecs = haveSamples / dHaveFreq; // XXX: haveSamples and haveFreq better not be bogus values... dFrac = modf(dAudioLatencySecs * editor.dPerfFreq, &dInt); // integer part audio.audLatencyPerfValInt = (uint32_t)dInt; // fractional part (scaled to 0..2^32-1) dFrac *= UINT32_MAX; audio.audLatencyPerfValFrac = (uint32_t)(dFrac + 0.5); audio.dAudioLatencyMs = dAudioLatencySecs * 1000.0; } static void setLastWorkingAudioDevName(void) { uint32_t stringLen; if (audio.lastWorkingAudioDeviceName != NULL) { free(audio.lastWorkingAudioDeviceName); audio.lastWorkingAudioDeviceName = NULL; } if (audio.currOutputDevice != NULL) { stringLen = (uint32_t)strlen(audio.currOutputDevice); audio.lastWorkingAudioDeviceName = (char *)malloc(stringLen + 2); if (audio.lastWorkingAudioDeviceName != NULL) { if (stringLen > 0) strcpy(audio.lastWorkingAudioDeviceName, audio.currOutputDevice); audio.lastWorkingAudioDeviceName[stringLen + 1] = '\0'; // UTF-8 needs double null termination } } } bool setupAudio(bool showErrorMsg) { int8_t newBitDepth; uint16_t configAudioBufSize; SDL_AudioSpec want, have; closeAudio(); if (config.audioFreq < MIN_AUDIO_FREQ || config.audioFreq > MAX_AUDIO_FREQ) { // set default rate #ifdef __APPLE__ config.audioFreq = 44100; #else config.audioFreq = 48000; #endif } // get audio buffer size from config special flags configAudioBufSize = 1024; if (config.specialFlags & BUFFSIZE_512) configAudioBufSize = 512; else if (config.specialFlags & BUFFSIZE_2048) configAudioBufSize = 2048; audio.wantFreq = config.audioFreq; audio.wantSamples = configAudioBufSize; audio.wantChannels = 2; // set up audio device memset(&want, 0, sizeof (want)); // these three may change after opening a device, but our mixer is dealing with it want.freq = config.audioFreq; want.format = (config.specialFlags & BITDEPTH_24) ? AUDIO_F32 : AUDIO_S16; want.channels = 2; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- want.callback = mixCallback; want.samples = configAudioBufSize; = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(audio.currOutputDevice, 0, &want, &have, SDL_AUDIO_ALLOW_ANY_CHANGE); // prevent SDL2 from resampling if ( == 0) { if (showErrorMsg) showErrorMsgBox("Couldn't open audio device:\n\"%s\"\n\nDo you have any audio device enabled and plugged in?", SDL_GetError()); return false; } // test if the received audio format is compatible if (have.format != AUDIO_S16 && have.format != AUDIO_F32) { if (showErrorMsg) showErrorMsgBox("Couldn't open audio device:\nThe program doesn't support an SDL_AudioFormat of '%d' (not 16-bit or 24-bit float).", (uint32_t)have.format); closeAudio(); return false; } // test if the received audio rate is compatible if (have.freq != 44100 && have.freq != 48000 && have.freq != 96000) { if (showErrorMsg) showErrorMsgBox("Couldn't open audio device:\nThe program doesn't support an audio output rate of %dHz. Sorry!", have.freq); closeAudio(); return false; } if (!setupAudioBuffers()) { if (showErrorMsg) showErrorMsgBox("Not enough memory!"); closeAudio(); return false; } // set new bit depth flag newBitDepth = 16; config.specialFlags &= ~BITDEPTH_24; config.specialFlags |= BITDEPTH_16; if (have.format == AUDIO_F32) { newBitDepth = 24; config.specialFlags &= ~BITDEPTH_16; config.specialFlags |= BITDEPTH_24; } audio.haveFreq = have.freq; audio.haveSamples = have.samples; audio.haveChannels = have.channels; // set a few variables config.audioFreq = have.freq; audio.freq = have.freq; smpBuffSize = have.samples; calcAudioLatencyVars(have.samples, have.freq); if ((config.specialFlags2 & DITHERED_AUDIO) && newBitDepth == 24) config.specialFlags2 &= ~DITHERED_AUDIO; pmpChannels = have.channels; pmpCountDiv = pmpChannels * ((newBitDepth == 16) ? sizeof (int16_t) : sizeof (float)); // make a copy of the new known working audio settings audio.lastWorkingAudioFreq = config.audioFreq; audio.lastWorkingAudioBits = config.specialFlags & (BITDEPTH_16 + BITDEPTH_24 + BUFFSIZE_512 + BUFFSIZE_1024 + BUFFSIZE_2048); setLastWorkingAudioDevName(); // update config audio radio buttons if we're on that screen at the moment if (editor.ui.configScreenShown && editor.currConfigScreen == CONFIG_SCREEN_IO_DEVICES) showConfigScreen(); updateWavRendererSettings(); setAudioAmp(config.boostLevel, config.masterVol, (config.specialFlags & BITDEPTH_24) ? true : false); // don't call stopVoices() in this routine for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++) stopVoice(i); stopAllScopes(); pmpLeft = 0; // reset sample counter calcReplayRate(audio.freq); if (song.speed == 0) song.speed = 125; setSpeed(song.speed); // this is important updateSendAudSamplesRoutine(false); audio.resetSyncTickTimeFlag = true; return true; } void closeAudio(void) { if ( > 0) { SDL_PauseAudioDevice(, true); SDL_CloseAudioDevice(; = 0; } freeAudioBuffers(); } const uint32_t panningTab[257] = // panning table from FT2 code { 0, 4096, 5793, 7094, 8192, 9159,10033,10837,11585,12288,12953,13585,14189,14768,15326,15864, 16384,16888,17378,17854,18318,18770,19212,19644,20066,20480,20886,21283,21674,22058,22435,22806, 23170,23530,23884,24232,24576,24915,25249,25580,25905,26227,26545,26859,27170,27477,27780,28081, 28378,28672,28963,29251,29537,29819,30099,30377,30652,30924,31194,31462,31727,31991,32252,32511, 32768,33023,33276,33527,33776,34024,34270,34514,34756,34996,35235,35472,35708,35942,36175,36406, 36636,36864,37091,37316,37540,37763,37985,38205,38424,38642,38858,39073,39287,39500,39712,39923, 40132,40341,40548,40755,40960,41164,41368,41570,41771,41972,42171,42369,42567,42763,42959,43154, 43348,43541,43733,43925,44115,44305,44494,44682,44869,45056,45242,45427,45611,45795,45977,46160, 46341,46522,46702,46881,47059,47237,47415,47591,47767,47942,48117,48291,48465,48637,48809,48981, 49152,49322,49492,49661,49830,49998,50166,50332,50499,50665,50830,50995,51159,51323,51486,51649, 51811,51972,52134,52294,52454,52614,52773,52932,53090,53248,53405,53562,53719,53874,54030,54185, 54340,54494,54647,54801,54954,55106,55258,55410,55561,55712,55862,56012,56162,56311,56459,56608, 56756,56903,57051,57198,57344,57490,57636,57781,57926,58071,58215,58359,58503,58646,58789,58931, 59073,59215,59357,59498,59639,59779,59919,60059,60199,60338,60477,60615,60753,60891,61029,61166, 61303,61440,61576,61712,61848,61984,62119,62254,62388,62523,62657,62790,62924,63057,63190,63323, 63455,63587,63719,63850,63982,64113,64243,64374,64504,64634,64763,64893,65022,65151,65279,65408, 65536 };