ref: 8eb89a1cfaf049ba6d97626ae4e749fb1c328770
dir: /src/ft2_inst_ed.c/
// for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "ft2_header.h" #include "ft2_config.h" #include "ft2_audio.h" #include "ft2_pattern_ed.h" #include "ft2_gui.h" #include "ft2_scopes.h" #include "ft2_sample_ed.h" #include "ft2_gfxdata.h" #include "ft2_mouse.h" #include "ft2_video.h" #include "ft2_sample_loader.h" #include "ft2_diskop.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) #endif typedef struct instrPATHeaderTyp_t { char id[22], copyright[60]; uint8_t antInstr, activeVoices, antChannels; int16_t waveForms, masterVol; int32_t dataSize; char reserved1[36]; int16_t instrNr; char instrName[16]; int32_t instrSize; uint8_t layers; char reserved2[40]; uint8_t layerDuplicate, layerByte; int32_t layerSize; uint8_t antSamp; char reserved3[40]; } #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__ ((packed)) #endif instrPATHeaderTyp; typedef struct instrPATWaveHeaderTyp_t { char name[7]; uint8_t fractions; int32_t waveSize, repS, repE; uint16_t sampleRate; int32_t lowFrq, highFreq, rootFrq; int16_t fineTune; uint8_t pan, envRate[6], envOfs[6], tremSweep, tremRate; uint8_t tremDepth, vibSweep, vibRate, vibDepth, mode; int16_t scaleFrq; uint16_t scaleFactor; char reserved[36]; } #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__ ((packed)) #endif instrPATWaveHeaderTyp; typedef struct instrXIHeaderTyp_t { char sig[21], name[23], progName[20]; uint16_t ver; uint8_t ta[96]; int16_t envVP[12][2], envPP[12][2]; uint8_t envVPAnt, envPPAnt, envVSust, envVRepS, envVRepE, envPSust, envPRepS; uint8_t envPRepE, envVtyp, envPtyp, vibTyp, vibSweep, vibDepth, vibRate; uint16_t fadeOut; uint8_t midiOn, midiChannel; int16_t midiProgram, midiBend; uint8_t mute, reserved[15]; int16_t antSamp; sampleHeaderTyp samp[16]; } #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__ ((packed)) #endif instrXIHeaderTyp; #define PIANOKEY_WHITE_W 10 #define PIANOKEY_WHITE_H 46 #define PIANOKEY_BLACK_W 7 #define PIANOKEY_BLACK_H 29 static const bool keyIsBlackTab[12] = { false, true, false, true, false, false, true, false, true, false, true }; static const char sharpNote1Char[12] = { 'C', 'C', 'D', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'F', 'G', 'G', 'A', 'A', 'B' }; static const char sharpNote2Char[12] = { '-', '#', '-', '#', '-', '-', '#', '-', '#', '-', '#', '-' }; static const char flatNote1Char[12] = { 'C', 'D', 'D', 'E', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'G', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B' }; static const char flatNote2Char[12] = { '-', 'b', '-', 'b', '-', '-', 'b', '-', 'b', '-', 'b', '-' }; static const uint8_t whiteKeyIndex[7] = { 0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 }; static const uint16_t whiteKeysBmpOrder[12] = { 0, 0, 506, 0, 1012, 0, 0, 506, 0, 506, 0, 1012 }; static const uint8_t keyDigitXPos[12] = { 11, 16, 22, 27, 33, 44, 49, 55, 60, 66, 71, 77 }; static const uint8_t keyXPos[12] = { 8, 15, 19, 26, 30, 41, 48, 52, 59, 63, 70, 74 }; static volatile bool updateVolEnv, updatePanEnv; static bool pianoKeyStatus[96]; static int32_t lastMouseX, lastMouseY, saveMouseX, saveMouseY; // thread data static uint16_t saveInstrNr; static SDL_Thread *thread; extern int16_t *note2Period; // ft2_replayer.c void updateInstEditor(void); void updateNewInstrument(void); static instrTyp *getCurDispInstr(void) { if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL) return instr[131]; return instr[editor.curInstr]; } static int32_t SDLCALL copyInstrThread(void *ptr) { bool error; int8_t *p; int16_t destIns, sourceIns; (void)ptr; error = false; destIns = editor.curInstr; sourceIns = editor.srcInstr; pauseAudio(); freeInstr(destIns); if (instr[sourceIns] != NULL) { if (allocateInstr(destIns)) { memcpy(instr[destIns], instr[sourceIns], sizeof (instrTyp)); for (int16_t i = 0; i < MAX_SMP_PER_INST; i++) { instr[destIns]->samp[i].pek = NULL; if (instr[sourceIns]->samp[i].pek != NULL) { p = (int8_t *)malloc(instr[sourceIns]->samp[i].len + LOOP_FIX_LEN); if (p != NULL) { memcpy(p, instr[sourceIns]->samp[i].pek, instr[sourceIns]->samp[i].len + LOOP_FIX_LEN); instr[destIns]->samp[i].pek = p; } else error = true; } } } else error = true; } resumeAudio(); if (error) okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Not enough memory!"); // do not change instrument names! editor.updateCurInstr = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); setMouseBusy(false); return false; } void copyInstr(void) // dstInstr = srcInstr { if (editor.curInstr == 0 || editor.srcInstr == editor.curInstr) return; mouseAnimOn(); thread = SDL_CreateThread(copyInstrThread, NULL, NULL); if (thread == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "Couldn't create thread!"); return; } SDL_DetachThread(thread); } void xchgInstr(void) // dstInstr <-> srcInstr { instrTyp *dst, *src, dstTmp; if (editor.curInstr == 0 || editor.srcInstr == editor.curInstr) return; lockMixerCallback(); src = instr[editor.srcInstr]; dst = instr[editor.curInstr]; // swap instruments dstTmp = *dst; *dst = *src; *src = dstTmp; unlockMixerCallback(); // do not change instrument names! updateNewInstrument(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } static void drawMIDICh(void) { char str[8]; instrTyp *ins = getCurDispInstr(); assert(ins->midiChannel <= 15); uint8_t disp = ins->midiChannel + 1; sprintf(str, "%02d", disp); textOutFixed(156, 132, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, str); } static void drawMIDIPrg(void) { char str[8]; instrTyp *ins = getCurDispInstr(); assert(ins->midiProgram <= 127); sprintf(str, "%03d", ins->midiProgram); textOutFixed(149, 146, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, str); } static void drawMIDIBend(void) { char str[8]; instrTyp *ins = getCurDispInstr(); assert(ins->midiBend <= 36); sprintf(str, "%02d", ins->midiBend); textOutFixed(156, 160, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, str); } void midiChDown(void) { scrollBarScrollLeft(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_CH, 1); } void midiChUp(void) { scrollBarScrollRight(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_CH, 1); } void midiPrgDown(void) { scrollBarScrollLeft(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_PRG, 1); } void midiPrgUp(void) { scrollBarScrollRight(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_PRG, 1); } void midiBendDown(void) { scrollBarScrollLeft(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_BEND, 1); } void midiBendUp(void) { scrollBarScrollRight(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_BEND, 1); } void sbMidiChPos(uint32_t pos) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) { setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_CH, 0, false); return; } if (ins->midiChannel != (uint8_t)pos) { ins->midiChannel = (uint8_t)pos; drawMIDICh(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void sbMidiPrgPos(uint32_t pos) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) { setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_PRG, 0, false); return; } if (ins->midiProgram != (int16_t)pos) { ins->midiProgram = (int16_t)pos; drawMIDIPrg(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void sbMidiBendPos(uint32_t pos) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) { setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_BEND, 0, false); return; } if (ins->midiBend != (int16_t)pos) { ins->midiBend = (int16_t)pos; drawMIDIBend(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void updateNewSample(void) { if (editor.ui.instrSwitcherShown) updateInstrumentSwitcher(); updateSampleEditorSample(); if (editor.ui.sampleEditorShown) updateSampleEditor(); if (editor.ui.instEditorShown || editor.ui.instEditorExtShown) updateInstEditor(); } void updateNewInstrument(void) { updateTextBoxPointers(); if (editor.ui.instrSwitcherShown) updateInstrumentSwitcher(); editor.currVolEnvPoint = 0; editor.currPanEnvPoint = 0; updateSampleEditorSample(); if (editor.ui.sampleEditorShown) updateSampleEditor(); if (editor.ui.instEditorShown || editor.ui.instEditorExtShown) updateInstEditor(); if (editor.ui.advEditShown) updateAdvEdit(); } static void drawVolEnvSus(void) { char str[8]; instrTyp *ins = getCurDispInstr(); sprintf(str, "%02d", ins->envVSust); textOutFixed(382, 206, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, str); } static void drawVolEnvRepS(void) { char str[8]; instrTyp *ins = getCurDispInstr(); sprintf(str, "%02d", ins->envVRepS); textOutFixed(382, 234, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, str); } static void drawVolEnvRepE(void) { char str[8]; instrTyp *ins = getCurDispInstr(); sprintf(str, "%02d", ins->envVRepE); textOutFixed(382, 247, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, str); } static void drawPanEnvSus(void) { char str[8]; instrTyp *ins = getCurDispInstr(); sprintf(str, "%02d", ins->envPSust); textOutFixed(382, 294, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, str); } static void drawPanEnvRepS(void) { char str[8]; instrTyp *ins = getCurDispInstr(); sprintf(str, "%02d", ins->envPRepS); textOutFixed(382, 321, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, str); } static void drawPanEnvRepE(void) { char str[8]; instrTyp *ins = getCurDispInstr(); sprintf(str, "%02d", ins->envPRepE); textOutFixed(382, 335, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, str); } static void drawVolume(void) { sampleTyp *s; if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL) s = &instr[0]->samp[0]; else s = &instr[editor.curInstr]->samp[editor.curSmp]; hexOutBg(505, 178, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, s->vol, 2); } static void drawPanning(void) { sampleTyp *s; if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL) s = &instr[0]->samp[0]; else s = &instr[editor.curInstr]->samp[editor.curSmp]; hexOutBg(505, 192, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, s->pan, 2); } static void drawFineTune(void) { char sign; int16_t ftune; sampleTyp *s; if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL) s = &instr[0]->samp[0]; else s = &instr[editor.curInstr]->samp[editor.curSmp]; fillRect(491, 205, 27, 8, PAL_DESKTOP); ftune = s->fine; if (ftune == 0) { charOut(512, 205, PAL_FORGRND, '0'); return; } sign = (ftune < 0) ? '-' : '+'; ftune = ABS(ftune); if (ftune >= 100) { charOut(491, 205, PAL_FORGRND, sign); charOut(498 + (0 * 7), 205, PAL_FORGRND, '0' + ((ftune / 100) % 10)); charOut(498 + (1 * 7), 205, PAL_FORGRND, '0' + ((ftune / 10) % 10)); charOut(498 + (2 * 7), 205, PAL_FORGRND, '0' + (ftune % 10)); } else if (ftune >= 10) { charOut(498, 205, PAL_FORGRND, sign); charOut(505 + (0 * 7), 205, PAL_FORGRND, '0' + ((ftune / 10) % 10)); charOut(505 + (1 * 7), 205, PAL_FORGRND, '0' + (ftune % 10)); } else { charOut(505, 205, PAL_FORGRND, sign); charOut(512, 205, PAL_FORGRND, '0' + (ftune % 10)); } } static void drawFadeout(void) { hexOutBg(498, 222, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, getCurDispInstr()->fadeOut, 3); } static void drawVibSpeed(void) { hexOutBg(505, 236, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, getCurDispInstr()->vibRate, 2); } static void drawVibDepth(void) { hexOutBg(512, 250, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, getCurDispInstr()->vibDepth, 1); } static void drawVibSweep(void) { hexOutBg(505, 264, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, getCurDispInstr()->vibSweep, 2); } static void drawRelTone(void) { char noteChar1, noteChar2, octaChar; int8_t note2, note; if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL) { fillRect(598, 299, 8*3, 8, PAL_BCKGRND); return; } if (editor.curInstr == 0) note2 = 48; else note2 = 48 + instr[editor.curInstr]->samp[editor.curSmp].relTon; note = note2 % 12; if (config.ptnAcc == 0) { noteChar1 = sharpNote1Char[note]; noteChar2 = sharpNote2Char[note]; } else { noteChar1 = flatNote1Char[note]; noteChar2 = flatNote2Char[note]; } octaChar = '0' + (note2 / 12); charOutBg(598, 299, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_BCKGRND, noteChar1); charOutBg(606, 299, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_BCKGRND, noteChar2); charOutBg(614, 299, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_BCKGRND, octaChar); } static void setStdVolEnvelope(instrTyp *ins, uint8_t num) { if (editor.curInstr == 0) return; pauseMusic(); ins->fadeOut = config.stdFadeOut[num]; ins->envVSust = (uint8_t)config.stdVolEnvSust[num]; ins->envVRepS = (uint8_t)config.stdVolEnvRepS[num]; ins->envVRepE = (uint8_t)config.stdVolEnvRepE[num]; ins->envVPAnt = (uint8_t)config.stdVolEnvAnt[num]; ins->envVTyp = (uint8_t)config.stdVolEnvTyp[num]; ins->vibRate = (uint8_t)config.stdVibRate[num]; ins->vibDepth = (uint8_t)config.stdVibDepth[num]; ins->vibSweep = (uint8_t)config.stdVibSweep[num]; ins->vibTyp = (uint8_t)config.stdVibTyp[num]; memcpy(ins->envVP, config.stdEnvP[num][0], sizeof (int16_t) * 12 * 2); resumeMusic(); } static void setStdPanEnvelope(instrTyp *ins, uint8_t num) { if (editor.curInstr == 0) return; pauseMusic(); ins->envPPAnt = (uint8_t)config.stdPanEnvAnt[num]; ins->envPSust = (uint8_t)config.stdPanEnvSust[num]; ins->envPRepS = (uint8_t)config.stdPanEnvRepS[num]; ins->envPRepE = (uint8_t)config.stdPanEnvRepE[num]; ins->envPTyp = (uint8_t)config.stdPanEnvTyp[num]; memcpy(ins->envPP, config.stdEnvP[num][1], sizeof (int16_t) * 12 * 2); resumeMusic(); } static void setOrStoreVolEnvPreset(uint8_t num) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; if (mouse.rightButtonReleased) { // store preset config.stdFadeOut[num] = ins->fadeOut; config.stdVolEnvSust[num] = ins->envVSust; config.stdVolEnvRepS[num] = ins->envVRepS; config.stdVolEnvRepE[num] = ins->envVRepE; config.stdVolEnvAnt[num] = ins->envVPAnt; config.stdVolEnvTyp[num] = ins->envVTyp; config.stdVibRate[num] = ins->vibRate; config.stdVibDepth[num] = ins->vibDepth; config.stdVibSweep[num] = ins->vibSweep; config.stdVibTyp[num] = ins->vibTyp; memcpy(config.stdEnvP[num][0], ins->envVP, sizeof (int16_t) * 12 * 2); } else if (mouse.leftButtonReleased) { // read preset setStdVolEnvelope(ins, num); editor.currVolEnvPoint = 0; updateInstEditor(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } } static void setOrStorePanEnvPreset(uint8_t num) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; if (mouse.rightButtonReleased) { // store preset config.stdFadeOut[num] = ins->fadeOut; config.stdPanEnvSust[num] = ins->envPSust; config.stdPanEnvRepS[num] = ins->envPRepS; config.stdPanEnvRepE[num] = ins->envPRepE; config.stdPanEnvAnt[num] = ins->envPPAnt; config.stdPanEnvTyp[num] = ins->envPTyp; config.stdVibRate[num] = ins->vibRate; config.stdVibDepth[num] = ins->vibDepth; config.stdVibSweep[num] = ins->vibSweep; config.stdVibTyp[num] = ins->vibTyp; memcpy(config.stdEnvP[num][1], ins->envPP, sizeof (int16_t) * 12 * 2); } else if (mouse.leftButtonReleased) { // read preset setStdPanEnvelope(ins, num); editor.currPanEnvPoint = 0; updateInstEditor(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void volPreDef1(void) { if (editor.curInstr > 0) setOrStoreVolEnvPreset(1 - 1); } void volPreDef2(void) { if (editor.curInstr > 0) setOrStoreVolEnvPreset(2 - 1); } void volPreDef3(void) { if (editor.curInstr > 0) setOrStoreVolEnvPreset(3 - 1); } void volPreDef4(void) { if (editor.curInstr > 0) setOrStoreVolEnvPreset(4 - 1); } void volPreDef5(void) { if (editor.curInstr > 0) setOrStoreVolEnvPreset(5 - 1); } void volPreDef6(void) { if (editor.curInstr > 0) setOrStoreVolEnvPreset(6 - 1); } void panPreDef1(void) { if (editor.curInstr > 0) setOrStorePanEnvPreset(1 - 1); } void panPreDef2(void) { if (editor.curInstr > 0) setOrStorePanEnvPreset(2 - 1); } void panPreDef3(void) { if (editor.curInstr > 0) setOrStorePanEnvPreset(3 - 1); } void panPreDef4(void) { if (editor.curInstr > 0) setOrStorePanEnvPreset(4 - 1); } void panPreDef5(void) { if (editor.curInstr > 0) setOrStorePanEnvPreset(5 - 1); } void panPreDef6(void) { if (editor.curInstr > 0) setOrStorePanEnvPreset(6 - 1); } void relToneOctUp(void) { sampleTyp *s; if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; s = &instr[editor.curInstr]->samp[editor.curSmp]; if (s->relTon <= 71-12) s->relTon += 12; else s->relTon = 71; drawRelTone(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } void relToneOctDown(void) { sampleTyp *s; if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; s = &instr[editor.curInstr]->samp[editor.curSmp]; if (s->relTon >= -48+12) s->relTon -= 12; else s->relTon = -48; drawRelTone(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } void relToneUp(void) { sampleTyp *s; if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; s = &instr[editor.curInstr]->samp[editor.curSmp]; if (s->relTon < 71) { s->relTon++; drawRelTone(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void relToneDown(void) { sampleTyp *s; if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; s = &instr[editor.curInstr]->samp[editor.curSmp]; if (s->relTon > -48) { s->relTon--; drawRelTone(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void volEnvAdd(void) { int16_t i; instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0 || ins->envVPAnt >= 12) return; i = (int16_t)editor.currVolEnvPoint; if (i < 0 || i >= ins->envVPAnt) i = ins->envVPAnt - 1; if (i < ins->envVPAnt-1 && ins->envVP[i+1][0]-ins->envVP[i][0] < 2) return; if (ins->envVP[i][0] >= 323) return; for (int16_t j = ins->envVPAnt; j > i; j--) { ins->envVP[j][0] = ins->envVP[j-1][0]; ins->envVP[j][1] = ins->envVP[j-1][1]; } if (ins->envVSust > i) { ins->envVSust++; drawVolEnvSus(); } if (ins->envVRepS > i) { ins->envVRepS++; drawVolEnvRepS(); } if (ins->envVRepE > i) { ins->envVRepE++; drawVolEnvRepE(); } if (i < ins->envVPAnt-1) { ins->envVP[i+1][0] = (ins->envVP[i][0] + ins->envVP[i+2][0]) / 2; ins->envVP[i+1][1] = (ins->envVP[i][1] + ins->envVP[i+2][1]) / 2; } else { ins->envVP[i+1][0] = ins->envVP[i][0] + 10; ins->envVP[i+1][1] = ins->envVP[i][1]; } if (ins->envVP[i+1][0] > 324) ins->envVP[i+1][0] = 324; ins->envVPAnt++; updateVolEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } void volEnvDel(void) { uint8_t drawSust, drawRepS, drawRepE; int16_t i; instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0 || ins->envVPAnt <= 2) return; i = (int16_t)editor.currVolEnvPoint; if (i < 0 || i >= ins->envVPAnt) return; for (int16_t j = i; j < ins->envVPAnt; j++) { ins->envVP[j][0] = ins->envVP[j+1][0]; ins->envVP[j][1] = ins->envVP[j+1][1]; } drawSust = false; drawRepS = false; drawRepE = false; if (ins->envVSust > i) { ins->envVSust--; drawSust = true; } if (ins->envVRepS > i) { ins->envVRepS--; drawRepS = true; } if (ins->envVRepE > i) { ins->envVRepE--; drawRepE = true; } ins->envVP[0][0] = 0; ins->envVPAnt--; if (ins->envVSust >= ins->envVPAnt) { ins->envVSust = ins->envVPAnt - 1; drawSust = true; } if (ins->envVRepS >= ins->envVPAnt) { ins->envVRepS = ins->envVPAnt - 1; drawRepS = true; } if (ins->envVRepE >= ins->envVPAnt) { ins->envVRepE = ins->envVPAnt - 1; drawRepE = true; } if (drawSust) drawVolEnvSus(); if (drawRepS) drawVolEnvRepS(); if (drawRepE) drawVolEnvRepE(); updateVolEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } void volEnvSusUp(void) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; if (ins->envVSust < ins->envVPAnt-1) { ins->envVSust++; drawVolEnvSus(); updateVolEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void volEnvSusDown(void) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; if (ins->envVSust > 0) { ins->envVSust--; drawVolEnvSus(); updateVolEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void volEnvRepSUp(void) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; if (ins->envVRepS < ins->envVRepE) { ins->envVRepS++; drawVolEnvRepS(); updateVolEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void volEnvRepSDown(void) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; if (ins->envVRepS > 0) { ins->envVRepS--; drawVolEnvRepS(); updateVolEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void volEnvRepEUp(void) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; if (ins->envVRepE < ins->envVPAnt-1) { ins->envVRepE++; drawVolEnvRepE(); updateVolEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void volEnvRepEDown(void) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; if (ins->envVRepE > ins->envVRepS) { ins->envVRepE--; drawVolEnvRepE(); updateVolEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void panEnvAdd(void) { int16_t i; instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0 || ins->envPPAnt >= 12) return; i = (int16_t)editor.currPanEnvPoint; if (i < 0 || i >= ins->envPPAnt) i = ins->envPPAnt - 1; if (i < ins->envPPAnt-1 && ins->envPP[i+1][0]-ins->envPP[i][0] < 2) return; if (ins->envPP[i][0] >= 323) return; for (int16_t j = ins->envPPAnt; j > i; j--) { ins->envPP[j][0] = ins->envPP[j-1][0]; ins->envPP[j][1] = ins->envPP[j-1][1]; } if (ins->envPSust > i) { ins->envPSust++; drawPanEnvSus(); } if (ins->envPRepS > i) { ins->envPRepS++; drawPanEnvRepS(); } if (ins->envPRepE > i) { ins->envPRepE++; drawPanEnvRepE(); } if (i < ins->envPPAnt-1) { ins->envPP[i+1][0] = (ins->envPP[i][0] + ins->envPP[i+2][0]) / 2; ins->envPP[i+1][1] = (ins->envPP[i][1] + ins->envPP[i+2][1]) / 2; } else { ins->envPP[i+1][0] = ins->envPP[i][0] + 10; ins->envPP[i+1][1] = ins->envPP[i][1]; } if (ins->envPP[i+1][0] > 324) ins->envPP[i+1][0] = 324; ins->envPPAnt++; updatePanEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } void panEnvDel(void) { uint8_t drawSust, drawRepS, drawRepE; int16_t i; instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0 || ins->envPPAnt <= 2) return; i = (int16_t)editor.currPanEnvPoint; if (i < 0 || i >= ins->envPPAnt) return; for (int16_t j = i; j < ins->envPPAnt; j++) { ins->envPP[j][0] = ins->envPP[j+1][0]; ins->envPP[j][1] = ins->envPP[j+1][1]; } drawSust = false; drawRepS = false; drawRepE = false; if (ins->envPSust > i) { ins->envPSust--; drawSust = true; } if (ins->envPRepS > i) { ins->envPRepS--; drawRepS = true; } if (ins->envPRepE > i) { ins->envPRepE--; drawRepE = true; } ins->envPP[0][0] = 0; ins->envPPAnt--; if (ins->envPSust >= ins->envPPAnt) { ins->envPSust = ins->envPPAnt - 1; drawSust = true; } if (ins->envPRepS >= ins->envPPAnt) { ins->envPRepS = ins->envPPAnt - 1; drawRepS = true; } if (ins->envPRepE >= ins->envPPAnt) { ins->envPRepE = ins->envPPAnt - 1; drawRepE = true; } if (drawSust) drawPanEnvSus(); if (drawRepS) drawPanEnvRepS(); if (drawRepE) drawPanEnvRepE(); updatePanEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } void panEnvSusUp(void) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; if (ins->envPSust < ins->envPPAnt-1) { ins->envPSust++; drawPanEnvSus(); updatePanEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void panEnvSusDown(void) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; if (ins->envPSust > 0) { ins->envPSust--; drawPanEnvSus(); updatePanEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void panEnvRepSUp(void) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; if (ins->envPRepS < ins->envPRepE) { ins->envPRepS++; drawPanEnvRepS(); updatePanEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void panEnvRepSDown(void) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; if (ins->envPRepS > 0) { ins->envPRepS--; drawPanEnvRepS(); updatePanEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void panEnvRepEUp(void) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; if (ins->envPRepE < ins->envPPAnt-1) { ins->envPRepE++; drawPanEnvRepE(); updatePanEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void panEnvRepEDown(void) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; if (ins->envPRepE > ins->envPRepS) { ins->envPRepE--; drawPanEnvRepE(); updatePanEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void volDown(void) { scrollBarScrollLeft(SB_INST_VOL, 1); } void volUp(void) { scrollBarScrollRight(SB_INST_VOL, 1); } void panDown(void) { scrollBarScrollLeft(SB_INST_PAN, 1); } void panUp(void) { scrollBarScrollRight(SB_INST_PAN, 1); } void ftuneDown(void) { scrollBarScrollLeft(SB_INST_FTUNE, 1); } void ftuneUp(void) { scrollBarScrollRight(SB_INST_FTUNE, 1); } void fadeoutDown(void) { scrollBarScrollLeft(SB_INST_FADEOUT, 1); } void fadeoutUp(void) { scrollBarScrollRight(SB_INST_FADEOUT, 1); } void vibSpeedDown(void) { scrollBarScrollLeft(SB_INST_VIBSPEED, 1); } void vibSpeedUp(void) { scrollBarScrollRight(SB_INST_VIBSPEED, 1); } void vibDepthDown(void) { scrollBarScrollLeft(SB_INST_VIBDEPTH, 1); } void vibDepthUp(void) { scrollBarScrollRight(SB_INST_VIBDEPTH, 1); } void vibSweepDown(void) { scrollBarScrollLeft(SB_INST_VIBSWEEP, 1); } void vibSweepUp(void) { scrollBarScrollRight(SB_INST_VIBSWEEP, 1); } void setVolumeScroll(uint32_t pos) { sampleTyp *s; if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) { if (editor.curInstr == 0 && editor.curSmp != 0) setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_VOL, 0x40, false); else setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_VOL, 0, false); return; } s = &instr[editor.curInstr]->samp[editor.curSmp]; if (s->vol != (uint8_t)pos) { s->vol = (uint8_t)pos; drawVolume(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void setPanningScroll(uint32_t pos) { sampleTyp *s; if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) { setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_PAN, 0x80, false); return; } s = &instr[editor.curInstr]->samp[editor.curSmp]; if (s->pan != (uint8_t)pos) { s->pan = (uint8_t)pos; drawPanning(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void setFinetuneScroll(uint32_t pos) { sampleTyp *s; if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) { setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_FTUNE, 128, false); // finetune 0 return; } s = &instr[editor.curInstr]->samp[editor.curSmp]; if (s->fine != (int8_t)(pos - 128)) { s->fine = (int8_t)(pos - 128); drawFineTune(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void setFadeoutScroll(uint32_t pos) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL) { setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_FADEOUT, 0, false); return; } if (editor.curInstr == 0) { setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_FADEOUT, 0x80, false); return; } if (ins->fadeOut != (uint16_t)pos) { ins->fadeOut = (uint16_t)pos; drawFadeout(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void setVibSpeedScroll(uint32_t pos) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) { setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_VIBSPEED, 0, false); return; } if (ins->vibRate != (uint8_t)pos) { ins->vibRate = (uint8_t)pos; drawVibSpeed(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void setVibDepthScroll(uint32_t pos) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) { setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_VIBDEPTH, 0, false); return; } if (ins->vibDepth != (uint8_t)pos) { ins->vibDepth = (uint8_t)pos; drawVibDepth(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void setVibSweepScroll(uint32_t pos) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) { setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_VIBSWEEP, 0, false); return; } if (ins->vibSweep != (uint8_t)pos) { ins->vibSweep = (uint8_t)pos; drawVibSweep(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void rbVibWaveSine(void) { if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; instr[editor.curInstr]->vibTyp = 0; uncheckRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_INST_WAVEFORM); radioButtons[RB_INST_WAVE_SINE].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; showRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_INST_WAVEFORM); setSongModifiedFlag(); } void rbVibWaveSquare(void) { if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; instr[editor.curInstr]->vibTyp = 1; uncheckRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_INST_WAVEFORM); radioButtons[RB_INST_WAVE_SQUARE].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; showRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_INST_WAVEFORM); setSongModifiedFlag(); } void rbVibWaveRampDown(void) { if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; instr[editor.curInstr]->vibTyp = 2; uncheckRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_INST_WAVEFORM); radioButtons[RB_INST_WAVE_RAMP_DOWN].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; showRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_INST_WAVEFORM); setSongModifiedFlag(); } void rbVibWaveRampUp(void) { if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) return; instr[editor.curInstr]->vibTyp = 3; uncheckRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_INST_WAVEFORM); radioButtons[RB_INST_WAVE_RAMP_UP].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; showRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_INST_WAVEFORM); setSongModifiedFlag(); } void cbVEnv(void) { if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) { checkBoxes[CB_INST_VENV].checked = false; drawCheckBox(CB_INST_VENV); return; } instr[editor.curInstr]->envVTyp ^= 1; updateVolEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } void cbVEnvSus(void) { if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) { checkBoxes[CB_INST_VENV_SUS].checked = false; drawCheckBox(CB_INST_VENV_SUS); return; } instr[editor.curInstr]->envVTyp ^= 2; updateVolEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } void cbVEnvLoop(void) { if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) { checkBoxes[CB_INST_VENV_LOOP].checked = false; drawCheckBox(CB_INST_VENV_LOOP); return; } instr[editor.curInstr]->envVTyp ^= 4; updateVolEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } void cbPEnv(void) { if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) { checkBoxes[CB_INST_PENV].checked = false; drawCheckBox(CB_INST_PENV); return; } instr[editor.curInstr]->envPTyp ^= 1; updatePanEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } void cbPEnvSus(void) { if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) { checkBoxes[CB_INST_PENV_SUS].checked = false; drawCheckBox(CB_INST_PENV_SUS); return; } instr[editor.curInstr]->envPTyp ^= 2; updatePanEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } void cbPEnvLoop(void) { if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL || editor.curInstr == 0) { checkBoxes[CB_INST_PENV_LOOP].checked = false; drawCheckBox(CB_INST_PENV_LOOP); return; } instr[editor.curInstr]->envPTyp ^= 4; updatePanEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } static void smallHexOutBg(uint16_t xPos, uint16_t yPos, uint8_t fgPalette, uint8_t bgPalette, uint8_t val) { const uint8_t *srcPtr; uint32_t *dstPtr, fg, bg; assert(val <= 0xF); fg = video.palette[fgPalette]; bg = video.palette[bgPalette]; dstPtr = &video.frameBuffer[(yPos * SCREEN_W) + xPos]; srcPtr = &smallHexBitmap[val * 5]; for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 7; y++) { for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 5; x++) dstPtr[x] = srcPtr[x] ? fg : bg; dstPtr += SCREEN_W; srcPtr += 80; } } static void writePianoNumber(uint8_t note, uint8_t key, uint8_t octave) { uint8_t number; uint16_t x; number = 0; if (instr[editor.curInstr] != NULL && editor.curInstr > 0) number = instr[editor.curInstr]->ta[note]; x = keyDigitXPos[key] + (octave * 77); if (keyIsBlackTab[key]) smallHexOutBg(x, 361, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_BCKGRND, number); else smallHexOutBg(x, 385, PAL_BCKGRND, PAL_FORGRND, number); } static void drawBlackPianoKey(uint8_t key, uint8_t octave, bool keyDown) { uint16_t x = keyXPos[key] + (octave * 77); blit(x, 351, &blackPianoKeysBitmap[keyDown * (7*27)], 7, 27); } static void drawWhitePianoKey(uint8_t key, uint8_t octave, bool keyDown) { uint16_t x = keyXPos[key] + (octave * 77); blit(x, 351, &whitePianoKeysBitmap[(keyDown * (11*46*3)) + whiteKeysBmpOrder[key]], 11, 46); } void redrawPiano(void) { uint8_t key, octave; memset(pianoKeyStatus, 0, sizeof (pianoKeyStatus)); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 96; i++) { key = i % 12; octave = i / 12; if (keyIsBlackTab[key]) drawBlackPianoKey(key, octave, false); else drawWhitePianoKey(key, octave, false); writePianoNumber(i, key, octave); } } bool testPianoKeysMouseDown(bool mouseButtonDown) { uint8_t key, note, octave; int32_t mx, my; instrTyp *ins; if (!editor.ui.instEditorShown) return false; mx = mouse.x; my = mouse.y; if (!mouseButtonDown) { if (my < 351 || my > 396 || mx < 8 || mx > 623) return false; mouse.lastUsedObjectType = OBJECT_PIANO; } else { my = CLAMP(my, 351, 396); mx = CLAMP(mx, 8, 623); } ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (ins == NULL) return true; mx -= 8; if (my < 378) { // white keys and black keys (top) octave = (uint8_t)(mx / 77); mx %= 77; // width of all keys in one octave // this is pretty disgusting... if (mx >= 69) key = 11; else if (mx >= 62) key = 10; else if (mx >= 58) key = 9; else if (mx >= 51) key = 8; else if (mx >= 47) key = 7; else if (mx >= 40) key = 6; else if (mx >= 33) key = 5; else if (mx >= 25) key = 4; else if (mx >= 18) key = 3; else if (mx >= 14) key = 2; else if (mx >= 7) key = 1; else key = 0; note = (octave * 12) + key; if (ins->ta[note] != editor.curSmp) { ins->ta[note] = editor.curSmp; writePianoNumber(note, key, octave); setSongModifiedFlag(); } } else { // white keys only (bottom) octave = (uint8_t)(mx / 77); key = (uint8_t)(mx % 77) / 11; note = (octave * 12) + whiteKeyIndex[key]; if (ins->ta[note] != editor.curSmp) { ins->ta[note] = editor.curSmp; writePianoNumber(note, note % 12, octave); setSongModifiedFlag(); } } return true; } static uint8_t getNote(uint8_t i) // returns 1..96 { int8_t fineTune; uint8_t note; int32_t period, loPeriod, hiPeriod, tmpPeriod, tableIndex; stmTyp *ch; ch = &stm[i]; fineTune = (ch->fineTune >> 3) + 16; hiPeriod = 8 * 12 * 16; loPeriod = 0; period = ch->finalPeriod; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { tmpPeriod = (((loPeriod + hiPeriod) >> 1) & 0xFFFFFFF0) + fineTune; tableIndex = tmpPeriod - 8; if (tableIndex < 0) // added security check tableIndex = 0; if (period >= note2Period[tableIndex]) hiPeriod = tmpPeriod - fineTune; else loPeriod = tmpPeriod - fineTune; } if (loPeriod >= ((8*12*16) + 15) - 1) // FT2 bug: off-by-one error loPeriod = (8*12*16) + 15; note = (uint8_t)(((loPeriod + 8) >> 4) - ch->relTonNr) + 1; return note; } void drawPiano(void) // draw piano in idle mode { bool keyDown, newStatus[96]; uint8_t key, note, octave; stmTyp *ch; memset(newStatus, 0, sizeof (newStatus)); // find active notes if (editor.curInstr > 0) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < song.antChn; i++) { ch = &stm[i]; if (ch->instrNr == editor.curInstr) { note = getNote(i); if (ch->envSustainActive) newStatus[(note - 1) % 96] = true; } } } // draw keys for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 96; i++) { keyDown = newStatus[i]; if (pianoKeyStatus[i] ^ keyDown) { key = i % 12; octave = i / 12; if (keyIsBlackTab[key]) drawBlackPianoKey(key, octave, keyDown); else drawWhitePianoKey(key, octave, keyDown); pianoKeyStatus[i] = keyDown; } } } static uint8_t getNoteReplayer(syncedChannel_t *ch) // returns 1..96 { int8_t fineTune; uint8_t note; int32_t period, loPeriod, hiPeriod, tmpPeriod, tableIndex; fineTune = (ch->fineTune >> 3) + 16; hiPeriod = 8 * 12 * 16; loPeriod = 0; period = ch->finalPeriod; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { tmpPeriod = (((loPeriod + hiPeriod) >> 1) & 0xFFFFFFF0) + fineTune; tableIndex = tmpPeriod - 8; if (tableIndex < 0) // added security check tableIndex = 0; if (period >= note2Period[tableIndex]) hiPeriod = tmpPeriod - fineTune; else loPeriod = tmpPeriod - fineTune; } if (loPeriod >= ((8*12*16) + 15) - 1) // FT2 bug: off-by-one error loPeriod = (8*12*16) + 15; note = (uint8_t)(((loPeriod + 8) >> 4) - ch->relTonNr) + 1; return note; } void drawPianoReplayer(chSyncData_t *chSyncData) // draw piano with synced replayer datas { bool keyDown, newStatus[96]; uint8_t key, note, octave; syncedChannel_t *ch; memset(newStatus, 0, sizeof (newStatus)); // find active notes if (editor.curInstr > 0) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < song.antChn; i++) { ch = &chSyncData->channels[i]; if (ch->instrNr == editor.curInstr) { note = getNoteReplayer(ch); if (ch->envSustainActive) newStatus[(note - 1) % 96] = true; } } } // draw keys for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 96; i++) { keyDown = newStatus[i]; if (pianoKeyStatus[i] ^ keyDown) { key = i % 12; octave = i / 12; if (keyIsBlackTab[key]) drawBlackPianoKey(key, octave, keyDown); else drawWhitePianoKey(key, octave, keyDown); pianoKeyStatus[i] = keyDown; } } } static void envelopeLine(int32_t nr, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2, uint8_t col) { int16_t d, x, y, sx, sy, dx, dy; uint16_t ax, ay; int32_t pitch; uint32_t pal1, pal2, pixVal, *dst32; y1 = CLAMP(y1, 0, 66); y2 = CLAMP(y2, 0, 66); x1 = CLAMP(x1, 0, 335); x2 = CLAMP(x2, 0, 335); if (nr == 0) { y1 += 189; y2 += 189; } else { y1 += 276; y2 += 276; } // get coefficients dx = x2 - x1; ax = ABS(dx) * 2; sx = SGN(dx); dy = y2 - y1; ay = ABS(dy) * 2; sy = SGN(dy); x = x1; y = y1; pal1 = video.palette[PAL_BLCKMRK]; pal2 = video.palette[PAL_BLCKTXT]; pixVal = video.palette[col]; pitch = sy * SCREEN_W; dst32 = &video.frameBuffer[(y * SCREEN_W) + x]; // draw line if (ax > ay) { d = ay - (ax / 2); while (true) { // invert certain colors if (*dst32 != pal2) { if (*dst32 == pal1) *dst32 = pal2; else *dst32 = pixVal; } if (x == x2) break; if (d >= 0) { d -= ax; dst32 += pitch; } x += sx; d += ay; dst32 += sx; } } else { d = ax - (ay / 2); while (true) { // invert certain colors if (*dst32 != pal2) { if (*dst32 == pal1) *dst32 = pal2; else *dst32 = pixVal; } if (y == y2) break; if (d >= 0) { d -= ay; dst32 += sx; } y += sy; d += ax; dst32 += pitch; } } } static void envelopePixel(int32_t nr, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t col) { y += (nr == 0) ? 189 : 276; video.frameBuffer[(y * SCREEN_W) + x] = video.palette[col]; } static void envelopeDot(int32_t nr, int16_t x, int16_t y) { uint32_t *dstPtr, pixVal; y += (nr == 0) ? 189 : 276; pixVal = video.palette[PAL_BLCKTXT]; dstPtr = &video.frameBuffer[(y * SCREEN_W) + x]; for (y = 0; y < 3; y++) { *dstPtr++ = pixVal; *dstPtr++ = pixVal; *dstPtr++ = pixVal; dstPtr += (SCREEN_W - 3); } } static void envelopeVertLine(int32_t nr, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t col) { uint32_t *dstPtr, pixVal1, pixVal2; y += (nr == 0) ? 189 : 276; pixVal1 = video.palette[col]; pixVal2 = video.palette[PAL_BLCKTXT]; dstPtr = &video.frameBuffer[(y * SCREEN_W) + x]; for (y = 0; y < 33; y++) { if (*dstPtr != pixVal2) *dstPtr = pixVal1; dstPtr += (SCREEN_W * 2); } } static void writeEnvelope(int32_t nr) { uint8_t selected; int16_t i, x, y, lx, ly, nd, sp, ls, le, (*curEnvP)[2]; instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; // clear envelope area if (nr == 0) clearRect(5, 189, 331, 67); else clearRect(5, 276, 331, 67); // draw dotted x/y lines for (i = 0; i <= 32; i++) envelopePixel(nr, 5, 1 + i * 2, PAL_PATTEXT); for (i = 0; i <= 8; i++) envelopePixel(nr, 4, 1 + i * 8, PAL_PATTEXT); for (i = 0; i <= 162; i++) envelopePixel(nr, 8 + i * 2, 65, PAL_PATTEXT); for (i = 0; i <= 6; i++) envelopePixel(nr, 8 + i * 50, 66, PAL_PATTEXT); // draw center line on pan envelope if (nr == 1) envelopeLine(nr, 8, 33, 335, 33, PAL_BLCKMRK); if (ins == NULL) return; // collect variables if (nr == 0) { nd = ins->envVPAnt; if (ins->envVTyp & 2) sp = ins->envVSust; else sp = -1; if (ins->envVTyp & 4) { ls = ins->envVRepS; le = ins->envVRepE; } else { ls = -1; le = -1; } curEnvP = ins->envVP; selected = editor.currVolEnvPoint; } else { nd = ins->envPPAnt; if (ins->envPTyp & 2) sp = ins->envPSust; else sp = -1; if (ins->envPTyp & 4) { ls = ins->envPRepS; le = ins->envPRepE; } else { ls = -1; le = -1; } curEnvP = ins->envPP; selected = editor.currPanEnvPoint; } if (nd > 12) nd = 12; lx = 0; ly = 0; // draw envelope for (i = 0; i < nd; i++) { x = curEnvP[i][0]; x = CLAMP(x, 0, 340); y = curEnvP[i][1]; y = CLAMP(y, 0, 64); envelopeDot(nr, 7 + x, 64 - y); // draw "envelope selected" data if (i == selected) { envelopeLine(nr, 5 + x, 64 - y, 5 + x, 66 - y, PAL_BLCKTXT); envelopeLine(nr, 11 + x, 64 - y, 11 + x, 66 - y, PAL_BLCKTXT); envelopePixel(nr, 5, 65 - y, PAL_BLCKTXT); envelopePixel(nr, 8 + x, 65, PAL_BLCKTXT); } // draw loop start marker if (i == ls) { envelopeLine(nr, x + 6, 1, x + 10, 1, PAL_PATTEXT); envelopeLine(nr, x + 7, 2, x + 9, 2, PAL_PATTEXT); envelopeVertLine(nr, x + 8, 1, PAL_PATTEXT); } // draw sustain marker if (i == sp) envelopeVertLine(nr, x + 8, 1, PAL_BLCKTXT); // draw loop end marker if (i == le) { envelopeLine(nr, x + 6, 65, x + 10, 65, PAL_PATTEXT); envelopeLine(nr, x + 7, 64, x + 9, 64, PAL_PATTEXT); envelopeVertLine(nr, x + 8, 1, PAL_PATTEXT); } // draw envelope line if (i > 0 && lx < x) envelopeLine(nr, lx + 8, 65 - ly, x + 8, 65 - y, PAL_PATTEXT); lx = x; ly = y; } } void handleInstEditorRedrawing(void) { if (updateVolEnv) { updateVolEnv = false; writeEnvelope(0); } if (updatePanEnv) { updatePanEnv = false; writeEnvelope(1); } } void hideInstEditor(void) { editor.ui.instEditorShown = false; hideScrollBar(SB_INST_VOL); hideScrollBar(SB_INST_PAN); hideScrollBar(SB_INST_FTUNE); hideScrollBar(SB_INST_FADEOUT); hideScrollBar(SB_INST_VIBSPEED); hideScrollBar(SB_INST_VIBDEPTH); hideScrollBar(SB_INST_VIBSWEEP); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VDEF1); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VDEF2); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VDEF3); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VDEF4); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VDEF5); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VDEF6); hidePushButton(PB_INST_PDEF1); hidePushButton(PB_INST_PDEF2); hidePushButton(PB_INST_PDEF3); hidePushButton(PB_INST_PDEF4); hidePushButton(PB_INST_PDEF5); hidePushButton(PB_INST_PDEF6); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VP_ADD); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VP_DEL); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VS_UP); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VS_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VREPS_UP); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VREPS_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VREPE_UP); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VREPE_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_INST_PP_ADD); hidePushButton(PB_INST_PP_DEL); hidePushButton(PB_INST_PS_UP); hidePushButton(PB_INST_PS_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_INST_PREPS_UP); hidePushButton(PB_INST_PREPS_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_INST_PREPE_UP); hidePushButton(PB_INST_PREPE_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VOL_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VOL_UP); hidePushButton(PB_INST_PAN_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_INST_PAN_UP); hidePushButton(PB_INST_FTUNE_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_INST_FTUNE_UP); hidePushButton(PB_INST_FADEOUT_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_INST_FADEOUT_UP); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VIBSPEED_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VIBSPEED_UP); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VIBDEPTH_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VIBDEPTH_UP); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VIBSWEEP_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_INST_VIBSWEEP_UP); hidePushButton(PB_INST_EXIT); hidePushButton(PB_INST_OCT_UP); hidePushButton(PB_INST_HALFTONE_UP); hidePushButton(PB_INST_OCT_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_INST_HALFTONE_DOWN); hideCheckBox(CB_INST_VENV); hideCheckBox(CB_INST_VENV_SUS); hideCheckBox(CB_INST_VENV_LOOP); hideCheckBox(CB_INST_PENV); hideCheckBox(CB_INST_PENV_SUS); hideCheckBox(CB_INST_PENV_LOOP); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_INST_WAVEFORM); } void exitInstEditor(void) { hideInstEditor(); showPatternEditor(); } void updateInstEditor(void) { uint16_t tmpID; sampleTyp *s; instrTyp *ins = getCurDispInstr(); if (instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL) s = &ins->samp[0]; else s = &ins->samp[editor.curSmp]; // update instrument editor extension if (editor.ui.instEditorExtShown) { checkBoxes[CB_INST_EXT_MIDI].checked = ins->midiOn ? true : false; checkBoxes[CB_INST_EXT_MUTE].checked = ins->mute ? true : false; setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_CH, ins->midiChannel, false); setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_PRG, ins->midiProgram, false); setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_BEND, ins->midiBend, false); drawCheckBox(CB_INST_EXT_MIDI); drawCheckBox(CB_INST_EXT_MUTE); drawMIDICh(); drawMIDIPrg(); drawMIDIBend(); } if (!editor.ui.instEditorShown) return; drawVolEnvSus(); drawVolEnvRepS(); drawVolEnvRepE(); drawPanEnvSus(); drawPanEnvRepS(); drawPanEnvRepE(); drawVolume(); drawPanning(); drawFineTune(); drawFadeout(); drawVibSpeed(); drawVibDepth(); drawVibSweep(); drawRelTone(); // set scroll bars setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_VOL, s->vol, false); setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_PAN, s->pan, false); setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_FTUNE, 128 + s->fine, false); setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_FADEOUT, ins->fadeOut, false); setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_VIBSPEED, ins->vibRate, false); setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_VIBDEPTH, ins->vibDepth, false); setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_VIBSWEEP, ins->vibSweep, false); // set radio buttons uncheckRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_INST_WAVEFORM); switch (ins->vibTyp) { default: case 0: tmpID = RB_INST_WAVE_SINE; break; case 1: tmpID = RB_INST_WAVE_SQUARE; break; case 2: tmpID = RB_INST_WAVE_RAMP_DOWN; break; case 3: tmpID = RB_INST_WAVE_RAMP_UP; break; } radioButtons[tmpID].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; // set check boxes checkBoxes[CB_INST_VENV].checked = (ins->envVTyp & 1) ? true : false; checkBoxes[CB_INST_VENV_SUS].checked = (ins->envVTyp & 2) ? true : false; checkBoxes[CB_INST_VENV_LOOP].checked = (ins->envVTyp & 4) ? true : false; checkBoxes[CB_INST_PENV].checked = (ins->envPTyp & 1) ? true : false; checkBoxes[CB_INST_PENV_SUS].checked = (ins->envPTyp & 2) ? true : false; checkBoxes[CB_INST_PENV_LOOP].checked = (ins->envPTyp & 4) ? true : false; if (editor.currVolEnvPoint >= ins->envVPAnt) editor.currVolEnvPoint = 0; if (editor.currPanEnvPoint >= ins->envPPAnt) editor.currPanEnvPoint = 0; showRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_INST_WAVEFORM); drawCheckBox(CB_INST_VENV); drawCheckBox(CB_INST_VENV_SUS); drawCheckBox(CB_INST_VENV_LOOP); drawCheckBox(CB_INST_PENV); drawCheckBox(CB_INST_PENV_SUS); drawCheckBox(CB_INST_PENV_LOOP); updateVolEnv = true; updatePanEnv = true; redrawPiano(); } void showInstEditor(void) { if (editor.ui.extended) exitPatternEditorExtended(); if (editor.ui.sampleEditorShown) hideSampleEditor(); if (editor.ui.sampleEditorExtShown) hideSampleEditorExt(); hidePatternEditor(); editor.ui.instEditorShown = true; drawFramework(0, 173, 438, 87, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(0, 260, 438, 87, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(0, 347, 632, 53, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(438, 173, 194, 45, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(438, 218, 194, 76, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(438, 294, 194, 53, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(2, 188, 337, 70, FRAMEWORK_TYPE2); drawFramework(2, 275, 337, 70, FRAMEWORK_TYPE2); drawFramework(2, 349, 628, 49, FRAMEWORK_TYPE2); drawFramework(590, 296, 40, 15, FRAMEWORK_TYPE2); textOutShadow(20, 176, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Volume envelope:"); textOutShadow(153, 176, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Predef."); textOutShadow(358, 193, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Sustain:"); textOutShadow(342, 206, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Point"); textOutShadow(358, 219, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Env.loop:"); textOutShadow(342, 234, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Start"); textOutShadow(342, 247, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "End"); textOutShadow(20, 263, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Panning envelope:"); textOutShadow(152, 263, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Predef."); textOutShadow(358, 280, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Sustain:"); textOutShadow(342, 293, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Point"); textOutShadow(358, 306, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Env.loop:"); textOutShadow(342, 321, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Start"); textOutShadow(342, 334, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "End"); textOutShadow(443, 177, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Volume"); textOutShadow(443, 191, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Panning"); textOutShadow(443, 205, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Tune"); textOutShadow(442, 222, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Fadeout"); textOutShadow(442, 236, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Vib.speed"); textOutShadow(442, 250, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Vib.depth"); textOutShadow(442, 264, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Vib.sweep"); textOutShadow(453, 299, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Tone relative to C-4:"); showScrollBar(SB_INST_VOL); showScrollBar(SB_INST_PAN); showScrollBar(SB_INST_FTUNE); showScrollBar(SB_INST_FADEOUT); showScrollBar(SB_INST_VIBSPEED); showScrollBar(SB_INST_VIBDEPTH); showScrollBar(SB_INST_VIBSWEEP); showPushButton(PB_INST_VDEF1); showPushButton(PB_INST_VDEF2); showPushButton(PB_INST_VDEF3); showPushButton(PB_INST_VDEF4); showPushButton(PB_INST_VDEF5); showPushButton(PB_INST_VDEF6); showPushButton(PB_INST_PDEF1); showPushButton(PB_INST_PDEF2); showPushButton(PB_INST_PDEF3); showPushButton(PB_INST_PDEF4); showPushButton(PB_INST_PDEF5); showPushButton(PB_INST_PDEF6); showPushButton(PB_INST_VP_ADD); showPushButton(PB_INST_VP_DEL); showPushButton(PB_INST_VS_UP); showPushButton(PB_INST_VS_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_INST_VREPS_UP); showPushButton(PB_INST_VREPS_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_INST_VREPE_UP); showPushButton(PB_INST_VREPE_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_INST_PP_ADD); showPushButton(PB_INST_PP_DEL); showPushButton(PB_INST_PS_UP); showPushButton(PB_INST_PS_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_INST_PREPS_UP); showPushButton(PB_INST_PREPS_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_INST_PREPE_UP); showPushButton(PB_INST_PREPE_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_INST_VOL_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_INST_VOL_UP); showPushButton(PB_INST_PAN_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_INST_PAN_UP); showPushButton(PB_INST_FTUNE_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_INST_FTUNE_UP); showPushButton(PB_INST_FADEOUT_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_INST_FADEOUT_UP); showPushButton(PB_INST_VIBSPEED_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_INST_VIBSPEED_UP); showPushButton(PB_INST_VIBDEPTH_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_INST_VIBDEPTH_UP); showPushButton(PB_INST_VIBSWEEP_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_INST_VIBSWEEP_UP); showPushButton(PB_INST_EXIT); showPushButton(PB_INST_OCT_UP); showPushButton(PB_INST_HALFTONE_UP); showPushButton(PB_INST_OCT_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_INST_HALFTONE_DOWN); showCheckBox(CB_INST_VENV); showCheckBox(CB_INST_VENV_SUS); showCheckBox(CB_INST_VENV_LOOP); showCheckBox(CB_INST_PENV); showCheckBox(CB_INST_PENV_SUS); showCheckBox(CB_INST_PENV_LOOP); // draw auto-vibrato waveforms blitFast(455, 279, &vibWaveformBitmap[(12*10)*0], 12, 10); blitFast(485, 279, &vibWaveformBitmap[(12*10)*1], 12, 10); blitFast(515, 279, &vibWaveformBitmap[(12*10)*2], 12, 10); blitFast(545, 279, &vibWaveformBitmap[(12*10)*3], 12, 10); showRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_INST_WAVEFORM); updateInstEditor(); redrawPiano(); } void toggleInstEditor(void) { if (editor.ui.sampleEditorShown) hideSampleEditor(); if (editor.ui.instEditorShown) { exitInstEditor(); } else { hidePatternEditor(); showInstEditor(); } } bool testInstrVolEnvMouseDown(bool mouseButtonDown) { uint8_t ant; int32_t x, y, mx, my, minX, maxX; instrTyp *ins; if (!editor.ui.instEditorShown || editor.curInstr == 0 || instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL) return false; ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; ant = ins->envVPAnt; if (ant > 12) ant = 12; mx = mouse.x; my = mouse.y; if (!mouseButtonDown) { if (my < 189 || my > 256 || mx < 7 || mx > 334) return false; if (ins->envVPAnt == 0) return true; lastMouseX = mx; lastMouseY = my; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ant; i++) { x = 8 + ins->envVP[i][0]; y = 190 + (64 - ins->envVP[i][1]); if (mx >= x-2 && mx <= x+2 && my >= y-2 && my <= y+2) { editor.currVolEnvPoint = i; mouse.lastUsedObjectType = OBJECT_INSVOLENV; saveMouseX = 8 + (lastMouseX - x); saveMouseY = 190 + (lastMouseY - y); updateVolEnv = true; break; } } return true; } if (ins->envVPAnt == 0) return true; if (mx != lastMouseX) { lastMouseX = mx; if (ant > 1 && editor.currVolEnvPoint > 0) { mx -= saveMouseX; mx = CLAMP(mx, 0, 324); if (editor.currVolEnvPoint == ant-1) { minX = ins->envVP[editor.currVolEnvPoint-1][0] + 1; maxX = 325; } else { minX = ins->envVP[editor.currVolEnvPoint-1][0] + 1; maxX = ins->envVP[editor.currVolEnvPoint+1][0] - 1; } ins->envVP[editor.currVolEnvPoint][0] = (int16_t)(CLAMP(mx, minX, maxX)); updateVolEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } } if (my != lastMouseY) { lastMouseY = my; my -= saveMouseY; my = 64 - CLAMP(my, 0, 64); ins->envVP[editor.currVolEnvPoint][1] = (int16_t)my; updateVolEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } return true; } bool testInstrPanEnvMouseDown(bool mouseButtonDown) { uint8_t ant; int32_t x, y, mx, my, minX, maxX; instrTyp *ins; if (!editor.ui.instEditorShown || editor.curInstr == 0 || instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL) return false; ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; ant = ins->envPPAnt; if (ant > 12) ant = 12; mx = mouse.x; my = mouse.y; if (!mouseButtonDown) { if (my < 277 || my > 343 || mx < 7 || mx > 334) return false; if (ins->envPPAnt == 0) return true; lastMouseX = mx; lastMouseY = my; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ant; i++) { x = 8 + ins->envPP[i][0]; y = 277 + (63 - ins->envPP[i][1]); if (mx >= x-2 && mx <= x+2 && my >= y-2 && my <= y+2) { editor.currPanEnvPoint = i; mouse.lastUsedObjectType = OBJECT_INSPANENV; saveMouseX = lastMouseX - x + 8; saveMouseY = lastMouseY - y + 277; updatePanEnv = true; break; } } return true; } if (ins->envPPAnt == 0) return true; if (mx != lastMouseX) { lastMouseX = mx; if (ant > 1 && editor.currPanEnvPoint > 0) { mx -= saveMouseX; mx = CLAMP(mx, 0, 324); if (editor.currPanEnvPoint == ant-1) { minX = ins->envPP[editor.currPanEnvPoint-1][0] + 1; maxX = 325; } else { minX = ins->envPP[editor.currPanEnvPoint-1][0] + 1; maxX = ins->envPP[editor.currPanEnvPoint+1][0] - 1; } ins->envPP[editor.currPanEnvPoint][0] = (int16_t)(CLAMP(mx, minX, maxX)); updatePanEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } } if (my != lastMouseY) { lastMouseY = my; my -= saveMouseY; my = 63 - CLAMP(my, 0, 63); ins->envPP[editor.currPanEnvPoint][1] = (int16_t)my; updatePanEnv = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } return true; } void cbInstMidiEnable(void) { if (editor.curInstr == 0 || instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL) { checkBoxes[CB_INST_EXT_MIDI].checked = false; drawCheckBox(CB_INST_EXT_MIDI); return; } instr[editor.curInstr]->midiOn ^= 1; setSongModifiedFlag(); } void cbInstMuteComputer(void) { if (editor.curInstr == 0 || instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL) { checkBoxes[CB_INST_EXT_MUTE].checked = false; drawCheckBox(CB_INST_EXT_MUTE); return; } instr[editor.curInstr]->mute ^= 1; setSongModifiedFlag(); } void drawInstEditorExt(void) { instrTyp *ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; drawFramework(0, 92, 291, 17, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(0, 109, 291, 19, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(0, 128, 291, 45, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); textOutShadow(4, 96, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Instrument Editor Extension:"); textOutShadow(20, 114, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Instrument MIDI enable"); textOutShadow(189, 114, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Mute computer"); textOutShadow(4, 133, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "MIDI transmit channel"); textOutShadow(4, 147, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "MIDI program"); textOutShadow(4, 160, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Bender range (halftones)"); if (ins == NULL) { checkBoxes[CB_INST_EXT_MIDI].checked = false; checkBoxes[CB_INST_EXT_MUTE].checked = false; setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_CH, 0, false); setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_PRG, 0, false); setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_BEND, 0, false); } else { checkBoxes[CB_INST_EXT_MIDI].checked = ins->midiOn ? true : false; checkBoxes[CB_INST_EXT_MUTE].checked = ins->mute ? true : false; setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_CH, ins->midiChannel, false); setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_PRG, ins->midiProgram, false); setScrollBarPos(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_BEND, ins->midiBend, false); } showCheckBox(CB_INST_EXT_MIDI); showCheckBox(CB_INST_EXT_MUTE); showScrollBar(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_CH); showScrollBar(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_PRG); showScrollBar(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_BEND); showPushButton(PB_INST_EXT_MIDI_CH_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_INST_EXT_MIDI_CH_UP); showPushButton(PB_INST_EXT_MIDI_PRG_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_INST_EXT_MIDI_PRG_UP); showPushButton(PB_INST_EXT_MIDI_BEND_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_INST_EXT_MIDI_BEND_UP); drawMIDICh(); drawMIDIPrg(); drawMIDIBend(); } void showInstEditorExt(void) { if (editor.ui.extended) exitPatternEditorExtended(); hideTopScreen(); showTopScreen(false); editor.ui.instEditorExtShown = true; editor.ui.scopesShown = false; drawInstEditorExt(); } void hideInstEditorExt(void) { hideScrollBar(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_CH); hideScrollBar(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_PRG); hideScrollBar(SB_INST_EXT_MIDI_BEND); hideCheckBox(CB_INST_EXT_MIDI); hideCheckBox(CB_INST_EXT_MUTE); hidePushButton(PB_INST_EXT_MIDI_CH_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_INST_EXT_MIDI_CH_UP); hidePushButton(PB_INST_EXT_MIDI_PRG_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_INST_EXT_MIDI_PRG_UP); hidePushButton(PB_INST_EXT_MIDI_BEND_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_INST_EXT_MIDI_BEND_UP); editor.ui.instEditorExtShown = false; editor.ui.scopesShown = true; drawScopeFramework(); } void toggleInstEditorExt(void) { if (editor.ui.instEditorExtShown) hideInstEditorExt(); else showInstEditorExt(); } static bool testInstrSwitcherNormal(void) // Welcome to the Jungle { uint8_t newEntry; if (mouse.x < 424 || mouse.x > 585) return false; if (mouse.y >= 5 && mouse.y <= 91) { // instruments if (mouse.x >= 446 && mouse.x <= 584) { mouse.lastUsedObjectType = OBJECT_INSTRSWITCH; if ((mouse.y-5) % 11 == 10) return true; // we clicked on the one-pixel spacer // destination instrument newEntry = (editor.instrBankOffset + 1) + (uint8_t)((mouse.y - 5) / 11); if (editor.curInstr != newEntry) { editor.curInstr = newEntry; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateNewInstrument(); } return true; } else if (mouse.x >= 424 && mouse.x <= 438) { mouse.lastUsedObjectType = OBJECT_INSTRSWITCH; if ((mouse.y-5) % 11 == 10) return true; // we clicked on the one-pixel spacer // source isntrument newEntry = (editor.instrBankOffset + 1) + (uint8_t)((mouse.y - 5) / 11); if (editor.srcInstr != newEntry) { editor.srcInstr = newEntry; updateInstrumentSwitcher(); if (editor.ui.advEditShown) updateAdvEdit(); } return true; } } else if (mouse.y >= 99 && mouse.y <= 152) { // samples if (mouse.x >= 446 && mouse.x <= 560) { mouse.lastUsedObjectType = OBJECT_INSTRSWITCH; if ((mouse.y-99) % 11 == 10) return true; // we clicked on the one-pixel spacer // destionation sample newEntry = editor.sampleBankOffset + (uint8_t)((mouse.y - 99) / 11); if (editor.curSmp != newEntry) { editor.curSmp = newEntry; updateInstrumentSwitcher(); updateSampleEditorSample(); if (editor.ui.sampleEditorShown) updateSampleEditor(); else if (editor.ui.instEditorShown) updateInstEditor(); } return true; } else if (mouse.x >= 423 && mouse.x <= 438) { mouse.lastUsedObjectType = OBJECT_INSTRSWITCH; if ((mouse.y-99) % 11 == 10) return true; // we clicked on the one-pixel spacer // source sample newEntry = editor.sampleBankOffset + (uint8_t)((mouse.y - 99) / 11); if (editor.srcSmp != newEntry) { editor.srcSmp = newEntry; updateInstrumentSwitcher(); } return true; } } return false; } static bool testInstrSwitcherExtended(void) // Welcome to the Jungle 2 - The Happening { uint8_t newEntry; if (mouse.y < 5 || mouse.y > 47) return false; if (mouse.x >= 511) { // right columns if (mouse.x <= 525) { mouse.lastUsedObjectType = OBJECT_INSTRSWITCH; if ((mouse.y-5) % 11 == 10) return true; // we clicked on the one-pixel spacer // source instrument newEntry = (editor.instrBankOffset + 5) + (uint8_t)((mouse.y - 5) / 11); if (editor.srcInstr != newEntry) { editor.srcInstr = newEntry; updateInstrumentSwitcher(); if (editor.ui.advEditShown) updateAdvEdit(); } return true; } else if (mouse.x >= 529 && mouse.x <= 626) { mouse.lastUsedObjectType = OBJECT_INSTRSWITCH; if ((mouse.y-5) % 11 == 10) return true; // we clicked on the one-pixel spacer // destination instrument newEntry = (editor.instrBankOffset + 5) + (uint8_t)((mouse.y - 5) / 11); if (editor.curInstr != newEntry) { editor.curInstr = newEntry; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateNewInstrument(); } return true; } } else if (mouse.x >= 388) { // left columns if (mouse.x <= 402) { mouse.lastUsedObjectType = OBJECT_INSTRSWITCH; if ((mouse.y-5) % 11 == 10) return true; // we clicked on the one-pixel spacer // source instrument newEntry = (editor.instrBankOffset + 1) + (uint8_t)((mouse.y - 5) / 11); if (editor.srcInstr != newEntry) { editor.srcInstr = newEntry; updateInstrumentSwitcher(); if (editor.ui.advEditShown) updateAdvEdit(); } return true; } else if (mouse.x >= 406 && mouse.x <= 503) { mouse.lastUsedObjectType = OBJECT_INSTRSWITCH; if ((mouse.y-5) % 11 == 10) return true; // we clicked on the one-pixel spacer // destination instrument newEntry = (editor.instrBankOffset + 1) + (uint8_t)((mouse.y - 5) / 11); if (editor.curInstr != newEntry) { editor.curInstr = newEntry; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateNewInstrument(); } return true; } } return false; } bool testInstrSwitcherMouseDown(void) { if (!editor.ui.instrSwitcherShown) return false; if (editor.ui.extended) return testInstrSwitcherExtended(); else return testInstrSwitcherNormal(); } static int32_t SDLCALL saveInstrThread(void *ptr) { int16_t n; size_t result; FILE *f; instrXIHeaderTyp ih; sampleTyp *srcSmp; sampleHeaderTyp *dstSmpHdr; (void)ptr; if (editor.tmpFilenameU == NULL) { okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "General I/O error during saving! Is the file in use?"); return false; } n = getUsedSamples(saveInstrNr); if (n == 0) { okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Instrument is empty!"); return false; } f = UNICHAR_FOPEN(editor.tmpFilenameU, "wb"); if (f == NULL) { okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "General I/O error during saving! Is the file in use?"); return false; } memset(&ih, 0, sizeof (ih)); memcpy(ih.sig, "Extended Instrument: ", 21); memset(, ' ', 22); memcpy(, song.instrName[saveInstrNr], strlen(song.instrName[saveInstrNr]));[22] = 0x1A; memcpy(ih.progName, PROG_NAME_STR, 20); ih.ver = 0x0102; memcpy(ih.ta, &instr[saveInstrNr], INSTR_SIZE); ih.antSamp = n; for (int16_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { srcSmp = &instr[saveInstrNr]->samp[i]; dstSmpHdr = &ih.samp[i]; memcpy(&dstSmpHdr->len, &srcSmp->len, 12+4+2 + strlen(srcSmp->name)); if (srcSmp->pek == NULL) dstSmpHdr->len = 0; } result = fwrite(&ih, INSTR_XI_HEADER_SIZE + (ih.antSamp * sizeof (sampleHeaderTyp)), 1, f); if (result != 1) { fclose(f); okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Error saving instrument: general I/O error!"); return false; } pauseAudio(); for (int16_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { srcSmp = &instr[saveInstrNr]->samp[i]; if (srcSmp->pek != NULL) { restoreSample(srcSmp); samp2Delta(srcSmp->pek, srcSmp->len, srcSmp->typ); result = fwrite(srcSmp->pek, 1, srcSmp->len, f); delta2Samp(srcSmp->pek, srcSmp->len, srcSmp->typ); fixSample(srcSmp); if (result != (size_t)srcSmp->len) // write not OK { resumeAudio(); fclose(f); okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Error saving instrument: general I/O error!"); return false; } } } resumeAudio(); fclose(f); editor.diskOpReadDir = true; // force diskop re-read setMouseBusy(false); return true; } void saveInstr(UNICHAR *filenameU, int16_t nr) { if (nr == 0) return; saveInstrNr = nr; UNICHAR_STRCPY(editor.tmpFilenameU, filenameU); mouseAnimOn(); thread = SDL_CreateThread(saveInstrThread, NULL, NULL); if (thread == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "Couldn't create thread!"); return; } SDL_DetachThread(thread); } static int16_t getPATNote(int32_t freq) { double dFreq; dFreq = ((log(freq / (440.0 * 1000.0)) / M_LN2) * 12.0) + 48.0 + 9.0; return (int16_t)round(dFreq); } static int32_t SDLCALL loadInstrThread(void *ptr) { bool stereoWarning; int8_t *newPtr; int16_t a, b; double dFreq; FILE *f; instrXIHeaderTyp ih; instrPATHeaderTyp ih_PAT; instrPATWaveHeaderTyp ih_PATWave; sampleTyp *s; instrTyp *ins; (void)ptr; stereoWarning = false; if (editor.tmpInstrFilenameU == NULL) { okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "General I/O error during loading! Is the file in use?"); return false; } f = UNICHAR_FOPEN(editor.tmpInstrFilenameU, "rb"); if (f == NULL) { okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "General I/O error during loading! Is the file in use?"); return false; } memset(&ih, 0, sizeof (ih)); fread(&ih, INSTR_XI_HEADER_SIZE, 1, f); if (!strncmp(ih.sig, "Extended Instrument: ", 21)) { // XI - Extended Instrument if (ih.ver != 0x0101 && ih.ver != 0x0102) { okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Incompatible format version!"); goto loadDone; } if (ih.ver == 0x0101) { fseek(f, -2 - 15 - 1 - 2, SEEK_CUR); ih.antSamp = ih.midiProgram; memset(&ih.midiProgram, 0, 2+15+1+2); } if (ih.antSamp > 16) { okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Incompatible instrument!"); goto loadDone; } memcpy(song.instrName[editor.curInstr],, 22); song.instrName[editor.curInstr][22] = '\0'; pauseAudio(); freeInstr(editor.curInstr); if (ih.antSamp > 0) { if (!allocateInstr(editor.curInstr)) { resumeAudio(); okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Not enough memory!"); goto loadDone; } // sanitize stuff for malicious instruments ih.midiProgram = CLAMP(ih.midiProgram, 0, 127); ih.midiBend = CLAMP(ih.midiBend, 0, 36); if (ih.midiChannel > 15) ih.midiChannel = 15; if (ih.mute != 1) ih.mute = 0; if (ih.midiOn!= 1) ih.midiOn = 0; if (ih.vibDepth > 0x0F) ih.vibDepth = 0x0F; if (ih.vibRate > 0x3F) ih.vibRate = 0x3F; if (ih.vibTyp > 3) ih.vibTyp = 0; for (int16_t i = 0; i < 96; i++) { if (ih.ta[i] > 15) ih.ta[i] = 15; } if (ih.envVPAnt > 12) ih.envVPAnt = 12; if (ih.envVRepS > 11) ih.envVRepS = 11; if (ih.envVRepE > 11) ih.envVRepE = 11; if (ih.envVSust > 11) ih.envVSust = 11; if (ih.envPPAnt > 12) ih.envPPAnt = 12; if (ih.envPRepS > 11) ih.envPRepS = 11; if (ih.envPRepE > 11) ih.envPRepE = 11; if (ih.envPSust > 11) ih.envPSust = 11; // ---------------------------------------- memcpy(instr[editor.curInstr]->ta, ih.ta, INSTR_SIZE); if (fread(ih.samp, sizeof (sampleHeaderTyp) * ih.antSamp, 1, f) != 1) { freeInstr(editor.curInstr); resumeAudio(); okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "General I/O error during loading! Is the file in use?"); goto loadDone; } for (int16_t i = 0; i < ih.antSamp; i++) memcpy(&instr[editor.curInstr]->samp[i], &ih.samp[i], 12 + 4 + 24); } for (int16_t i = 0; i < ih.antSamp; i++) { s = &instr[editor.curInstr]->samp[i]; // sanitize stuff for malicious modules if (s->vol > 64) s->vol = 64; s->relTon = CLAMP(s->relTon, -48, 71); // if a sample has both forward loop and pingpong loop set, make it pingpong loop only (FT2 behavior) if ((s->typ & 3) == 3) s->typ = 2; if (s->len > 0) { s->pek = (int8_t *)malloc(s->len + LOOP_FIX_LEN); if (s->pek == NULL) { freeInstr(editor.curInstr); resumeAudio(); okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Not enough memory!"); goto loadDone; } if (fread(s->pek, s->len, 1, f) != 1) { freeInstr(editor.curInstr); resumeAudio(); okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "General I/O error during loading! Is the file in use?"); goto loadDone; } delta2Samp(s->pek, s->len, s->typ); // stereo samples are handled here // check if it was a stereo sample if (s->typ & 32) { s->typ &= ~32; s->len /= 2; s->repL /= 2; s->repS /= 2; newPtr = (int8_t *)realloc(s->pek, s->len + LOOP_FIX_LEN); if (newPtr != NULL) s->pek = newPtr; stereoWarning = true; } fixSample(s); } } resumeAudio(); } else { rewind(f); fread(&ih_PAT, 1, sizeof (instrPATHeaderTyp), f); if (!memcmp(, "GF1PATCH110\0ID#000002\0", 22)) { // PAT - Gravis Ultrasound GF1 patch if (ih_PAT.layers > 1 || ih_PAT.antSamp > 16 || ih_PAT.antSamp == 0) { okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Incompatible instrument!"); goto loadDone; } pauseAudio(); freeInstr(editor.curInstr); if (!allocateInstr(editor.curInstr)) { okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Not enough memory!"); goto loadDone; } memset(song.instrName[editor.curInstr], 0, 22 + 1); memcpy(song.instrName[editor.curInstr], ih_PAT.instrName, 16); for (int16_t i = 0; i < ih_PAT.antSamp; i++) { s = &instr[editor.curInstr]->samp[i]; ins = instr[editor.curInstr]; if (fread(&ih_PATWave, 1, sizeof (ih_PATWave), f) != sizeof (ih_PATWave)) { freeInstr(editor.curInstr); resumeAudio(); okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "General I/O error during loading! Is the file in use?"); goto loadDone; } s->pek = (int8_t *)malloc(ih_PATWave.waveSize + LOOP_FIX_LEN); if (s->pek == NULL) { freeInstr(editor.curInstr); resumeAudio(); okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Not enough memory!"); goto loadDone; } if (i == 0) { ins->vibSweep = ih_PATWave.vibSweep; ins->vibRate = ih_PATWave.vibRate / 2; if (ins->vibRate > 0x3F) ins->vibRate = 0x3F; ins->vibDepth = ih_PATWave.vibDepth / 2; if (ins->vibDepth > 0x0F) ins->vibDepth = 0x0F; } s = &instr[editor.curInstr]->samp[i]; memcpy(s->name,, 7); s->typ = (ih_PATWave.mode & 1) << 4; // 16-bit flag if (ih_PATWave.mode & 4) // loop enabled? { if (ih_PATWave.mode & 8) s->typ |= 2; // pingpong loop else s->typ |= 1; // forward loop } s->pan = (ih_PATWave.pan == 8) ? 128 : (ih_PATWave.pan * 17); // FT2 does <<4 here, I don't like that! s->len = ih_PATWave.waveSize; s->repS = ih_PATWave.repS; if (s->repS > s->len) s->repS = 0; s->repL = ih_PATWave.repE - ih_PATWave.repS; if (s->typ & 16) { s->len &= 0xFFFFFFFE; s->repS &= 0xFFFFFFFE; s->repL &= 0xFFFFFFFE; } if (s->repL < 0) s->repL = 0; if (s->repS+s->repL > s->len) s->repL = s->len - s->repS; dFreq = round((1.0 + ih_PATWave.fineTune / 512.0) * ih_PATWave.sampleRate); tuneSample(s, (int32_t)dFreq); s->relTon -= (int8_t)(getPATNote(ih_PATWave.rootFrq) - (12 * 3)); s->relTon = CLAMP(s->relTon, -48, 71); a = getPATNote(ih_PATWave.lowFrq); a = CLAMP(a, 0, 95); b = getPATNote(ih_PATWave.highFreq); b = CLAMP(b, 0, 95); for (int16_t j = a; j <= b; j++) ins->ta[j] = (uint8_t)i; if (fread(s->pek, ih_PATWave.waveSize, 1, f) != 1) { freeInstr(editor.curInstr); resumeAudio(); okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "General I/O error during loading! Is the file in use?"); goto loadDone; } if (ih_PATWave.mode & 2) { if (s->typ & 16) conv16BitSample(s->pek, s->len, false); else conv8BitSample(s->pek, s->len, false); } fixSample(s); } resumeAudio(); } } loadDone: fclose(f); fixSampleName(editor.curInstr); editor.updateCurInstr = true; // setMouseBusy(false) is called in the input/video thread when done if (stereoWarning) okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "The instrument contains stereo samples! They were mixed to mono."); return true; } static bool fileIsInstr(UNICHAR *filename) { char header[22]; FILE *f; f = UNICHAR_FOPEN(filename, "rb"); if (f == NULL) return false; fread(header, 1, sizeof (header), f); fclose(f); if (!strncmp(header, "Extended Instrument: ", 21) || !memcmp(header, "GF1PATCH110\0ID#000002\0", 22)) return true; return false; } void loadInstr(UNICHAR *filenameU) { if (editor.curInstr == 0) { okBox(0, "System message", "The zero-instrument cannot hold intrument data."); return; } UNICHAR_STRCPY(editor.tmpInstrFilenameU, filenameU); if (fileIsInstr(filenameU)) { // load as instrument mouseAnimOn(); thread = SDL_CreateThread(loadInstrThread, NULL, NULL); if (thread == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "Couldn't create thread!"); return; } SDL_DetachThread(thread); } else { // load as sample into sample slot #0 (and clear instrument) loadSample(editor.tmpInstrFilenameU, 0, true); } }