ref: 6c06e97860e82dbc8a4bd3a90ed36057046e52ec
dir: /src/ft2_sysreqs.c/
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "ft2_config.h" #include "ft2_gui.h" #include "ft2_mouse.h" #include "ft2_keyboard.h" #include "ft2_textboxes.h" #include "ft2_video.h" #define SYSTEM_REQUEST_H 67 #define SYSTEM_REQUEST_Y 249 #define SYSTEM_REQUEST_Y_EXT 91 #define NUM_SYSREQ_TYPES 10 static char *buttonText[NUM_SYSREQ_TYPES][5] = { { "OK", "","","","" }, { "OK", "Cancel", "","","" }, { "Yes", "No", "","","" }, { "=(", "Rules","","","" }, { "All", "Song", "Instruments", "Cancel", "" }, { "Read left", "Read right", "Convert", "", "" }, { "OK", "","","","" }, { "OK", "","","","" }, { "Sorry...", "","","","" }, { "Mono", "Stereo", "Cancel", "","" } }; static SDL_Keycode shortCut[NUM_SYSREQ_TYPES][5] = { { SDLK_o, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { SDLK_o, SDLK_c, 0, 0, 0 }, { SDLK_y, SDLK_n, 0, 0, 0 }, { SDLK_s, SDLK_r, 0, 0, 0 }, { SDLK_a, SDLK_s, SDLK_i, SDLK_c, 0 }, { SDLK_l, SDLK_r, SDLK_c, 0, 0 }, { SDLK_o, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { SDLK_o, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { SDLK_s, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { SDLK_m, SDLK_s, SDLK_c, 0, 0 }, }; typedef struct quitType_t { const char *text; uint8_t typ; } quitType_t; #define QUIT_MESSAGES 16 // 8bitbubsy: Removed the MS-DOS ones... static quitType_t quitMessage[QUIT_MESSAGES] = { { "Do you really want to quit?", 2 }, { "Musicians, press >Cancel<. Lamers, press >OK<", 1 }, { "Tired already?", 2 }, { "Dost thou wish to leave with such hasty abandon?", 2 }, { "So, you think you can quit this easily, huh?", 2 }, { "Hey, what is the matter? You are not quiting now, are you?", 2 }, { "Rome was not built in one day! Quit really?", 2 }, { "For Work and Worry, press YES. For Delectation and Demos, press NO.", 2 }, { "Did you really press the right key?", 2 }, { "You are a lamer, aren't you? Press >OK< to confirm.", 1 }, { "Hope ya did some good. Press >OK< to quit.", 1 }, { "Quit? Only for a good reason you are allowed to press >OK<.", 1 }, { "Are we at the end of a Fasttracker round?", 2 }, { "Are you just another boring user?", 2 }, { "Hope you're doing the compulsory \"Exit ceremony\" before pressing >OK<.", 1 }, { "Fasttracker...", 3 } }; static void drawWindow(uint16_t w) { const uint16_t h = SYSTEM_REQUEST_H; uint16_t x, y; x = (SCREEN_W - w) / 2; y = editor.ui.extended ? 91 : SYSTEM_REQUEST_Y; // main fill fillRect(x + 1, y + 1, w - 2, h - 2, PAL_BUTTONS); // outer border vLine(x, y, h - 1, PAL_BUTTON1); hLine(x + 1, y, w - 2, PAL_BUTTON1); vLine(x + w - 1, y, h, PAL_BUTTON2); hLine(x, y + h - 1, w - 1, PAL_BUTTON2); // inner border vLine(x + 2, y + 2, h - 5, PAL_BUTTON2); hLine(x + 3, y + 2, w - 6, PAL_BUTTON2); vLine(x + w - 3, y + 2, h - 4, PAL_BUTTON1); hLine(x + 2, y + h - 3, w - 4, PAL_BUTTON1); // title bottom line hLine(x + 3, y + 16, w - 6, PAL_BUTTON2); hLine(x + 3, y + 17, w - 6, PAL_BUTTON1); } static bool mouseButtonDownLogic(uint8_t mouseButton) { // if already holding left button and clicking right, don't do mouse down handling if (mouseButton == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT && mouse.leftButtonPressed) { mouse.rightButtonPressed = true; return false; } // if already holding right button and clicking left, don't do mouse down handling if (mouseButton == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT && mouse.rightButtonPressed) { mouse.leftButtonPressed = true; return false; } if (mouseButton == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) mouse.leftButtonPressed = true; else if (mouseButton == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) mouse.rightButtonPressed = true; // don't do mouse down testing here if we already are using an object if (mouse.lastUsedObjectType != OBJECT_NONE) return false; // kludge #2 if (mouse.lastUsedObjectType != OBJECT_PUSHBUTTON && mouse.lastUsedObjectID != OBJECT_ID_NONE) return false; // kludge #3 if (!mouse.rightButtonPressed) mouse.lastUsedObjectID = OBJECT_ID_NONE; return true; } static bool mouseButtonUpLogic(uint8_t mouseButton) { if (mouseButton == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) mouse.leftButtonPressed = false; else if (mouseButton == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) mouse.rightButtonPressed = false; editor.textCursorBlinkCounter = 0; // if we used both mouse button at the same time and released *one*, don't release GUI object if ( mouse.leftButtonPressed && !mouse.rightButtonPressed) return false; if (!mouse.leftButtonPressed && mouse.rightButtonPressed) return false; return true; } // WARNING: This routine must ONLY be called from the main input/video thread! int16_t okBox(int16_t typ, const char *headline, const char *text) { #define PUSHBUTTON_W 80 int16_t returnVal, oldLastUsedObjectID, oldLastUsedObjectType; uint16_t x, y, i, tlen, hlen, wlen, tx, knp, headlineX, textX; SDL_Event inputEvent; pushButton_t *p; checkBox_t *c; #ifndef __APPLE__ if (!video.fullscreen) // release mouse button trap SDL_SetWindowGrab(video.window, SDL_FALSE); #endif if (editor.editTextFlag) exitTextEditing(); // revert "delete/rename" mouse modes (disk op.) if (mouse.mode != MOUSE_MODE_NORMAL) setMouseMode(MOUSE_MODE_NORMAL); if (editor.ui.sysReqShown) return 0; SDL_EventState(SDL_DROPFILE, SDL_DISABLE); editor.ui.sysReqShown = true; mouseAnimOff(); oldLastUsedObjectID = mouse.lastUsedObjectID; oldLastUsedObjectType = mouse.lastUsedObjectType; // count number of buttons knp = 0; while (buttonText[typ][knp][0] != '\0' && knp < 5) knp++; tlen = textWidth(text); hlen = textWidth(headline); wlen = tlen; if (hlen > tlen) wlen = hlen; tx = (knp * 100) - 20; if (tx > wlen) wlen = tx; wlen += 100; if (wlen > 600) wlen = 600; headlineX = (SCREEN_W - hlen) / 2; textX = (SCREEN_W - tlen) / 2; x = (SCREEN_W - wlen) / 2; // the box y position differs in extended pattern editor mode y = editor.ui.extended ? SYSTEM_REQUEST_Y_EXT : SYSTEM_REQUEST_Y; // set up buttons for (i = 0; i < knp; i++) { p = &pushButtons[i]; p->x = ((SCREEN_W - tx) / 2) + (i * 100); p->y = y + 42; p->w = PUSHBUTTON_W; p->h = 16; p->caption = buttonText[typ][i]; p->visible = true; } // set up checkbox (special okBox types only!) if (typ >= 6 && typ <= 7) { c = &checkBoxes[0]; c->x = x + 5; c->y = y + 50; c->clickAreaWidth = 116; c->clickAreaHeight = 12; c->checked = false; if (typ == 6) { // S3M load warning c->callbackFunc = configToggleS3MLoadWarning; } else if (typ == 7) { // "setting not yet applied" c->callbackFunc = configToggleNotYetAppliedWarning; } c->visible = true; } mouse.lastUsedObjectType = OBJECT_NONE; mouse.lastUsedObjectID = OBJECT_ID_NONE; mouse.leftButtonPressed = 0; mouse.rightButtonPressed = 0; // input/rendering loop returnVal = 0; while (editor.ui.sysReqShown) { beginFPSCounter(); readMouseXY(); setSyncedReplayerVars(); if (mouse.leftButtonPressed || mouse.rightButtonPressed) { if (mouse.lastUsedObjectType == OBJECT_PUSHBUTTON) handlePushButtonsWhileMouseDown(); else if (mouse.lastUsedObjectType == OBJECT_CHECKBOX) handleCheckBoxesWhileMouseDown(); } while (SDL_PollEvent(&inputEvent)) { if (inputEvent.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { if (inputEvent.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) { returnVal = 0; editor.ui.sysReqShown = false; } else if (inputEvent.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN) { returnVal = 1; editor.ui.sysReqShown = false; keyb.ignoreCurrKeyUp = true; // don't handle key up event for any keys that were pressed } for (i = 0; i < knp; i++) { if (shortCut[typ][i] == inputEvent.key.keysym.sym) { returnVal = i + 1; editor.ui.sysReqShown = false; keyb.ignoreCurrKeyUp = true; // don't handle key up event for any keys that were pressed break; } } } else if (inputEvent.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) { if (mouseButtonUpLogic(inputEvent.button.button)) { if (typ >= 6 && typ <= 7) testCheckBoxMouseRelease(); returnVal = testPushButtonMouseRelease(false) + 1; if (returnVal > 0) editor.ui.sysReqShown = false; mouse.lastUsedObjectID = OBJECT_ID_NONE; mouse.lastUsedObjectType = OBJECT_NONE; } } else if (inputEvent.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { if (mouseButtonDownLogic(inputEvent.button.button)) { if (testPushButtonMouseDown()) continue; if (testCheckBoxMouseDown()) continue; } } if (!editor.ui.sysReqShown) break; } if (!editor.ui.sysReqShown) break; handleRedrawing(); // draw OK box drawWindow(wlen); textOutShadow(headlineX, y + 4, PAL_BUTTON1, PAL_BUTTON2, headline); textOutShadow(textX, y + 24, PAL_BUTTON1, PAL_BUTTON2, text); for (i = 0; i < knp; i++) drawPushButton(i); if (typ >= 6 && typ <= 7) { drawCheckBox(0); textOutShadow(x + 21, y + 52, PAL_BUTTON1, PAL_BUTTON2, "Don't show again"); } flipFrame(); endFPSCounter(); } for (i = 0; i < knp; i++) hidePushButton(i); if (typ >= 6 && typ <= 7) hideCheckBox(0); mouse.lastUsedObjectID = oldLastUsedObjectID; mouse.lastUsedObjectType = oldLastUsedObjectType; unstuckLastUsedGUIElement(); showBottomScreen(); SDL_EventState(SDL_DROPFILE, SDL_ENABLE); return returnVal; } /* WARNING: ** - This routine must ONLY be called from the main input/video thread!! ** - edText must be null-terminated */ int16_t inputBox(int16_t typ, const char *headline, char *edText, uint16_t maxStrLen) { #define PUSHBUTTON_W 80 #define TEXTBOX_W 250 char *inputText; int16_t returnVal, oldLastUsedObjectID, oldLastUsedObjectType; uint16_t y, wlen, tx, knp, headlineX, i; SDL_Event inputEvent; pushButton_t *p; textBox_t *t; if (editor.editTextFlag) exitTextEditing(); // revert "delete/rename" mouse modes (disk op.) if (mouse.mode != MOUSE_MODE_NORMAL) setMouseMode(MOUSE_MODE_NORMAL); if (editor.ui.sysReqShown) return 0; oldLastUsedObjectID = mouse.lastUsedObjectID; oldLastUsedObjectType = mouse.lastUsedObjectType; t = &textBoxes[0]; // set up text box memset(t, 0, sizeof (textBox_t)); t->w = TEXTBOX_W; t->h = 12; t->tx = 2; t->ty = 1; t->textPtr = edText; t->maxChars = maxStrLen; t->changeMouseCursor = true; t->renderBufW = (9 + 1) * t->maxChars; // 9 = max character/glyph width possible t->renderBufH = 10; // 10 = max character height possible t->renderW = t->w - (t->tx * 2); t->renderBuf = (uint8_t *)malloc(t->renderBufW * t->renderBufH * sizeof (int8_t)); if (t->renderBuf == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "Not enough memory!"); return 0; } #ifndef __APPLE__ if (!video.fullscreen) // release mouse button trap SDL_SetWindowGrab(video.window, SDL_FALSE); #endif SDL_EventState(SDL_DROPFILE, SDL_DISABLE); editor.ui.sysReqShown = true; mouseAnimOff(); wlen = textWidth(headline); headlineX = (SCREEN_W - wlen) / 2; // count number of buttons knp = 0; while (buttonText[typ][knp][0] != '\0' && knp < 5) knp++; tx = TEXTBOX_W; if (tx > wlen) wlen = tx; tx = (knp * 100) - 20; if (tx > wlen) wlen = tx; wlen += 100; if (wlen > 600) wlen = 600; // the box y position differs in extended pattern editor mode y = editor.ui.extended ? SYSTEM_REQUEST_Y_EXT : SYSTEM_REQUEST_Y; // set further text box settings t->x = (SCREEN_W - TEXTBOX_W) / 2; t->y = y + 24; t->visible = true; // setup buttons for (i = 0; i < knp; i++) { p = &pushButtons[i]; p->w = PUSHBUTTON_W; p->h = 16; p->x = ((SCREEN_W - tx) / 2) + (i * 100); p->y = y + 42; p->caption = buttonText[typ][i]; p->visible = true; } keyb.leftShiftPressed = false; // kludge setTextCursorToEnd(t); mouse.lastEditBox = 0; editor.editTextFlag = true; SDL_StartTextInput(); mouse.lastUsedObjectType = OBJECT_NONE; mouse.lastUsedObjectID = OBJECT_ID_NONE; mouse.leftButtonPressed = 0; mouse.rightButtonPressed = 0; // input/rendering loop returnVal = 0; while (editor.ui.sysReqShown) { beginFPSCounter(); readMouseXY(); readKeyModifiers(); setSyncedReplayerVars(); if (mouse.leftButtonPressed || mouse.rightButtonPressed) { if (mouse.lastUsedObjectType == OBJECT_PUSHBUTTON) handlePushButtonsWhileMouseDown(); else if (mouse.lastUsedObjectType == OBJECT_TEXTBOX) handleTextBoxWhileMouseDown(); } while (SDL_PollEvent(&inputEvent)) { if (inputEvent.type == SDL_TEXTINPUT) { if (editor.editTextFlag) { if (keyb.ignoreTextEditKey) { keyb.ignoreTextEditKey = false; continue; } inputText = utf8ToCp437(inputEvent.text.text, false); if (inputText != NULL) { if (inputText[0] != '\0') handleTextEditInputChar(inputText[0]); free(inputText); } } } else if (inputEvent.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { if (inputEvent.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) { returnVal = 0; editor.ui.sysReqShown = false; } else if (inputEvent.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN) { returnVal = 1; editor.ui.sysReqShown = false; keyb.ignoreCurrKeyUp = true; // don't handle key up event for any keys that were pressed } if (editor.editTextFlag) { handleTextEditControl(inputEvent.key.keysym.sym); } else { for (i = 0; i < knp; i++) { if (shortCut[1][i] == inputEvent.key.keysym.sym) { returnVal = i + 1; editor.ui.sysReqShown = false; keyb.ignoreCurrKeyUp = true; // don't handle key up event for any keys that were pressed break; } } } } else if (inputEvent.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) { if (mouseButtonUpLogic(inputEvent.button.button)) { returnVal = testPushButtonMouseRelease(false) + 1; if (returnVal > 0) editor.ui.sysReqShown = false; mouse.lastUsedObjectID = OBJECT_ID_NONE; mouse.lastUsedObjectType = OBJECT_NONE; } } else if (inputEvent.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { if (mouseButtonDownLogic(inputEvent.button.button)) { if (testTextBoxMouseDown()) continue; if (testPushButtonMouseDown()) continue; } } if (!editor.ui.sysReqShown) break; } if (!editor.ui.sysReqShown) break; handleRedrawing(); // draw input box drawWindow(wlen); textOutShadow(headlineX, y + 4, PAL_BUTTON1, PAL_BUTTON2, headline); clearRect(t->x, t->y, t->w, t->h); hLine(t->x - 1, t->y - 1, t->w + 2, PAL_BUTTON2); vLine(t->x - 1, t->y, t->h + 1, PAL_BUTTON2); hLine(t->x, t->y + t->h, t->w + 1, PAL_BUTTON1); vLine(t->x + t->w, t->y, t->h, PAL_BUTTON1); drawTextBox(0); for (i = 0; i < knp; i++) drawPushButton(i); flipFrame(); endFPSCounter(); } editor.editTextFlag = false; SDL_StopTextInput(); for (i = 0; i < knp; i++) hidePushButton(i); hideTextBox(0); free(t->renderBuf); mouse.lastUsedObjectID = oldLastUsedObjectID; mouse.lastUsedObjectType = oldLastUsedObjectType; unstuckLastUsedGUIElement(); showBottomScreen(); SDL_EventState(SDL_DROPFILE, SDL_ENABLE); return returnVal; } // WARNING: This routine must NOT be called from the main input/video thread! int16_t okBoxThreadSafe(int16_t typ, const char *headline, const char *text) { if (!editor.mainLoopOngoing) return 0; // main loop was not even started yet, bail out. // block multiple calls before they are completed (for safety) while ( SDL_Delay(1000 / VBLANK_HZ); okBoxData.typ = typ; okBoxData.headline = headline; okBoxData.text = text; = true; while ( SDL_Delay(1000 / VBLANK_HZ); return okBoxData.returnData; } static bool askQuit_RandomMsg(void) { uint8_t msg = rand() % QUIT_MESSAGES; int16_t button = okBox(quitMessage[msg].typ, "System request", quitMessage[msg].text); return (button == 1) ? true : false; } bool askUnsavedChanges(uint8_t type) { int16_t button; if (type == ASK_TYPE_QUIT) { button = okBox(2, "System request", "You have unsaved changes in your song. Do you still want to quit and lose ALL changes?"); } else { button = okBox(2, "System request", "You have unsaved changes in your song. Load new song and lose ALL changes?"); } return (button == 1) ? true : false; } int16_t quitBox(bool skipQuitMsg) { if (editor.ui.sysReqShown) return 0; if (!song.isModified && skipQuitMsg) return 1; if (song.isModified) return askUnsavedChanges(ASK_TYPE_QUIT); return askQuit_RandomMsg(); }