ref: 6c06e97860e82dbc8a4bd3a90ed36057046e52ec
dir: /src/ft2_main.c/
// for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <math.h> // modf() #ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_MEAN_AND_LEAN #include <windows.h> #include <SDL2/SDL_syswm.h> #else #include <unistd.h> // chdir() #endif #include "ft2_header.h" #include "ft2_gui.h" #include "ft2_video.h" #include "ft2_audio.h" #include "ft2_mouse.h" #include "ft2_keyboard.h" #include "ft2_config.h" #include "ft2_sample_ed.h" #include "ft2_diskop.h" #include "ft2_scopes.h" #include "ft2_about.h" #include "ft2_pattern_ed.h" #include "ft2_module_loader.h" #include "ft2_sampling.h" #include "ft2_audioselector.h" #include "ft2_help.h" #include "ft2_midi.h" #include "ft2_events.h" #ifdef HAS_MIDI static SDL_Thread *initMidiThread; #endif static void setupPerfFreq(void); static void initializeVars(void); static void cleanUpAndExit(void); // never call this inside the main loop #ifdef __APPLE__ static void osxSetDirToProgramDirFromArgs(char **argv); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 static void disableWasapi(void); #endif int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #if defined _WIN32 || defined __APPLE__ SDL_version sdlVer; #endif // for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); #endif #if SDL_PATCHLEVEL < 5 #pragma message("WARNING: The SDL2 dev lib is older than ver 2.0.5. You'll get fullscreen mode issues and no audio input sampling.") #pragma message("At least version 2.0.7 is recommended.") #endif SDL_SetThreadPriority(SDL_THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGH); initializeVars(); setupCrashHandler(); // on Windows and macOS, test what version SDL2.DLL is (against library version used in compilation) #if defined _WIN32 || defined __APPLE__ SDL_GetVersion(&sdlVer); if (sdlVer.major != SDL_MAJOR_VERSION || sdlVer.minor != SDL_MINOR_VERSION || sdlVer.patch != SDL_PATCHLEVEL) { #ifdef _WIN32 showErrorMsgBox("SDL2.dll is not the expected version, the program will terminate.\n\n" \ "Loaded dll version: %d.%d.%d\n" \ "Required (compiled with) version: %d.%d.%d\n\n" \ "The needed SDL2.dll is located in the .zip from\n", sdlVer.major, sdlVer.minor, sdlVer.patch, SDL_MAJOR_VERSION, SDL_MINOR_VERSION, SDL_PATCHLEVEL); #else showErrorMsgBox("The loaded SDL2 library is not the expected version, the program will terminate.\n\n" \ "Loaded library version: %d.%d.%d\n" \ "Required (compiled with) version: %d.%d.%d", sdlVer.major, sdlVer.minor, sdlVer.patch, SDL_MAJOR_VERSION, SDL_MINOR_VERSION, SDL_PATCHLEVEL); #endif return 0; } #endif #if SDL_PATCHLEVEL >= 4 // SDL 2.0.4 or later SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_NO_CLOSE_ON_ALT_F4, "1"); // windows only - prevent ALT+F4 from exiting (FT2 uses ALT+F4) #endif #ifdef _WIN32 if (!cpu.hasSSE) { showErrorMsgBox("Your computer's processor doesn't have the SSE instruction set\n" \ "which is needed for this program to run. Sorry!"); return 0; } if (!cpu.hasSSE2) { showErrorMsgBox("Your computer's processor doesn't have the SSE2 instruction set\n" \ "which is needed for this program to run. Sorry!"); return 0; } setupWin32Usleep(); disableWasapi(); // disable problematic WASAPI SDL2 audio driver on Windows (causes clicks/pops sometimes...) #endif /* SDL 2.0.9 for Windows has a serious bug where you need to initialize the joystick subsystem ** (even if you don't use it) or else weird things happen like random stutters, keyboard (rarely) being ** reinitialized in Windows and what not. ** Ref.: */ #if defined _WIN32 && SDL_PATCHLEVEL == 9 if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK) != 0) #else if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) #endif { showErrorMsgBox("Couldn't initialize SDL:\n%s", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } SDL_EventState(SDL_DROPFILE, SDL_ENABLE); /* Text input is started by default in SDL2, turn it off to remove ~2ms spikes per key press. ** We manuallay start it again when a text edit box is activated, and stop it when done. ** Ref.: */ SDL_StopTextInput(); #ifdef __APPLE__ osxSetDirToProgramDirFromArgs(argv); #endif UNICHAR_GETCWD(editor.binaryPathU, PATH_MAX); loadConfigOrSetDefaults(); if (!setupWindow() || !setupRenderer()) { cleanUpAndExit(); return 1; } #ifdef _WIN32 // allow only one instance, and send arguments to it (what song to play) if (handleSingleInstancing(argc, argv)) { cleanUpAndExit(); return 0; // close current instance, the main instance got a message now } #endif if (!setupDiskOp()) { cleanUpAndExit(); return 1; } audio.currOutputDevice = getAudioOutputDeviceFromConfig(); audio.currInputDevice = getAudioInputDeviceFromConfig(); setupPerfFreq(); if (!setupAudio(CONFIG_HIDE_ERRORS)) { // one LAST attempt (with default audio device and settings) #ifdef __APPLE__ config.audioFreq = 44100; #else config.audioFreq = 48000; #endif // try 16-bit audio at 1024 samples (44.1kHz/48kHz) config.specialFlags &= ~(BITDEPTH_24 + BUFFSIZE_512 + BUFFSIZE_2048); config.specialFlags |= (BITDEPTH_16 + BUFFSIZE_1024); setToDefaultAudioOutputDevice(); if (!setupAudio(CONFIG_SHOW_ERRORS)) { cleanUpAndExit(); // still no go... return 1; } } if (!setupReplayer() || !setupGUI() || !initScopes()) { cleanUpAndExit(); return 1; } pauseAudio(); resumeAudio(); rescanAudioDevices(); #ifdef _WIN32 // on Windows we show the window at this point SDL_ShowWindow(video.window); #endif if (config.windowFlags & START_IN_FULLSCR) { video.fullscreen = true; enterFullscreen(); } #ifdef HAS_MIDI // set up MIDI input (in a thread because it can take quite a while on f.ex. macOS) initMidiThread = SDL_CreateThread(initMidiFunc, NULL, NULL); if (initMidiThread == NULL) { showErrorMsgBox("Couldn't create MIDI initialization thread!"); cleanUpAndExit(); return 1; } SDL_DetachThread(initMidiThread); // don't wait for this thread, let it clean up when done #endif setupWaitVBL(); // this is needed for potential okBox() calls in handleModuleLoadFromArg() handleModuleLoadFromArg(argc, argv); setupWaitVBL(); // yes, this is needed again for main loop editor.mainLoopOngoing = true; while (editor.programRunning) { beginFPSCounter(); handleThreadEvents(); readInput(); handleEvents(); handleRedrawing(); flipFrame(); endFPSCounter(); } if (config.cfg_AutoSave) saveConfig(CONFIG_HIDE_ERRORS); cleanUpAndExit(); return 0; } static void initializeVars(void) { int32_t i; cpu.hasSSE = SDL_HasSSE(); cpu.hasSSE2 = SDL_HasSSE2(); // clear common structs memset(&video, 0, sizeof (video)); memset(&keyb, 0, sizeof (keyb)); memset(&mouse, 0, sizeof (mouse)); memset(&editor, 0, sizeof (editor)); memset(&pattMark, 0, sizeof (pattMark)); memset(&pattSync, 0, sizeof (pattSync)); memset(&chSync, 0, sizeof (chSync)); memset(&song, 0, sizeof (song)); for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++) { lastChInstr[i].instrNr = 255; lastChInstr[i].sampleNr = 255; } // now set data that must be initialized to non-zero values... audio.locked = true; audio.rescanAudioDevicesSupported = true; strcpy(editor.ui.fullscreenButtonText, "Go fullscreen"); // set non-zero values editor.moduleSaveMode = MOD_SAVE_MODE_XM; editor.sampleSaveMode = SMP_SAVE_MODE_WAV; editor.ui.sampleDataOrLoopDrag = -1; mouse.lastUsedObjectID = OBJECT_ID_NONE; editor.ID_Add = 1; editor.srcInstr = 1; editor.curInstr = 1; editor.curOctave = 4; editor.smpEd_NoteNr = 48 + 1; // middle-C editor.ptnJumpPos[0] = 0x00; editor.ptnJumpPos[1] = 0x10; editor.ptnJumpPos[2] = 0x20; editor.ptnJumpPos[3] = 0x30; editor.copyMaskEnable = true; memset(editor.copyMask, 1, sizeof (editor.copyMask)); memset(editor.pasteMask, 1, sizeof (editor.pasteMask)); #ifdef HAS_MIDI midi.enable = true; #endif editor.diskOpReadOnOpen = true; editor.programRunning = true; } static void cleanUpAndExit(void) // never call this inside the main loop! { #ifdef HAS_MIDI if (midi.closeMidiOnExit) { closeMidiInDevice(); freeMidiIn(); } #endif closeAudio(); closeReplayer(); closeVideo(); freeSprites(); freeDiskOp(); clearCopyBuffer(); freeAudioDeviceSelectorBuffers(); #ifdef HAS_MIDI freeMidiInputDeviceList(); #endif windUpFTHelp(); freeTextBoxes(); freeMouseCursors(); #ifdef HAS_MIDI if (midi.inputDeviceName != NULL) { free(midi.inputDeviceName); midi.inputDeviceName = NULL; } #endif if (editor.audioDevConfigFileLocation != NULL) { free(editor.audioDevConfigFileLocation); editor.audioDevConfigFileLocation = NULL; } if (editor.configFileLocation != NULL) { free(editor.configFileLocation); editor.configFileLocation = NULL; } if (editor.midiConfigFileLocation != NULL) { free(editor.midiConfigFileLocation); editor.midiConfigFileLocation = NULL; } #ifdef _WIN32 freeWin32Usleep(); closeSingleInstancing(); #endif SDL_Quit(); } #ifdef __APPLE__ static void osxSetDirToProgramDirFromArgs(char **argv) { char *tmpPath; int32_t i, tmpPathLen; /* OS X/macOS: hackish way of setting the current working directory to the place where we double clicked ** on the icon (for protracker.ini loading) */ // if we launched from the terminal, argv[0][0] would be '.' if (argv[0] != NULL && argv[0][0] == DIR_DELIMITER) // don't do the hack if we launched from the terminal { tmpPath = strdup(argv[0]); if (tmpPath != NULL) { // cut off program filename tmpPathLen = strlen(tmpPath); for (i = tmpPathLen - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (tmpPath[i] == DIR_DELIMITER) { tmpPath[i] = '\0'; break; } } chdir(tmpPath); // path to binary chdir("../../../"); // we should now be in the directory where the config can be free(tmpPath); } } } #endif static void setupPerfFreq(void) { uint64_t perfFreq64; double dInt, dFrac; perfFreq64 = SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency(); assert(perfFreq64 != 0); editor.dPerfFreq = (double)perfFreq64; editor.dPerfFreqMulMicro = 1000000.0 / editor.dPerfFreq; editor.dPerfFreqMulMs = 1.0 / (editor.dPerfFreq / 1000.0); // calculate vblank time for performance counters and split into int/frac dFrac = modf(editor.dPerfFreq / VBLANK_HZ, &dInt); // integer part video.vblankTimeLen = (uint32_t)dInt; // fractional part scaled to 0..2^32-1 dFrac *= UINT32_MAX; video.vblankTimeLenFrac = (uint32_t)(dFrac + 0.5); } #ifdef _WIN32 static void disableWasapi(void) { const char *audioDriver; int32_t i, numAudioDrivers; // disable problematic WASAPI SDL2 audio driver on Windows (causes clicks/pops sometimes...) numAudioDrivers = SDL_GetNumAudioDrivers(); for (i = 0; i < numAudioDrivers; i++) { audioDriver = SDL_GetAudioDriver(i); if (audioDriver != NULL && strcmp("directsound", audioDriver) == 0) { SDL_setenv("SDL_AUDIODRIVER", "directsound", true); audio.rescanAudioDevicesSupported = false; break; } } if (i == numAudioDrivers) { // directsound is not available, try winmm for (i = 0; i < numAudioDrivers; i++) { audioDriver = SDL_GetAudioDriver(i); if (audioDriver != NULL && strcmp("winmm", audioDriver) == 0) { SDL_setenv("SDL_AUDIODRIVER", "winmm", true); audio.rescanAudioDevicesSupported = false; break; } } } // maybe we didn't find directsound or winmm, let's use wasapi after all then... } #endif