ref: 6c06e97860e82dbc8a4bd3a90ed36057046e52ec
dir: /src/ft2_keyboard.c/
// for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdint.h> #include "ft2_header.h" #include "ft2_keyboard.h" #include "ft2_gui.h" #include "ft2_about.h" #include "ft2_video.h" #include "ft2_edit.h" #include "ft2_config.h" #include "ft2_help.h" #include "ft2_mouse.h" #include "ft2_nibbles.h" #include "ft2_inst_ed.h" #include "ft2_pattern_ed.h" #include "ft2_diskop.h" #include "ft2_wav_renderer.h" #include "ft2_sample_ed.h" #include "ft2_audio.h" #include "ft2_trim.h" #include "ft2_sample_ed_features.h" static void handleKeys(SDL_Keycode keycode, SDL_Scancode scanKey); static bool checkModifiedKeys(SDL_Keycode keycode); static const uint8_t scancodeKey2Note[52] = // keys (USB usage page standard) to FT2 notes look-up table { 0x08, 0x05, 0x04, 0x11, 0x00, 0x07, 0x09, 0x19, 0x0B, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x0A, 0x1B, 0x1D, 0x0D, 0x12, 0x02, 0x14, 0x18, 0x06, 0x0F, 0x03, 0x16, 0x01, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x10, 0x00, 0x13, 0x15, 0x17, 0x00, 0x1A, 0x1C, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x1E, 0x20, 0x13, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0D, 0x0F, 0x11 }; int8_t scancodeKeyToNote(SDL_Scancode scancode) { int8_t note; if (scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_CAPSLOCK || scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_NONUSBACKSLASH) return 97; // key off // translate key to note note = 0; if (scancode >= SDL_SCANCODE_B && scancode <= SDL_SCANCODE_SLASH) note = scancodeKey2Note[(int32_t)scancode - SDL_SCANCODE_B]; if (note == 0) return -1; // not a note key, do further key handling return note + (editor.curOctave * 12); } void readKeyModifiers(void) { SDL_Keymod modState; modState = SDL_GetModState(); keyb.ctrlPressed = (modState & (KMOD_LCTRL | KMOD_RCTRL)) ? true : false; keyb.leftCtrlPressed = (modState & KMOD_LCTRL) ? true : false; keyb.leftAltPressed = (modState & KMOD_LALT) ? true : false; keyb.leftShiftPressed = (modState & KMOD_LSHIFT) ? true : false; #ifdef __APPLE__ keyb.commandPressed = (modState & (KMOD_LGUI | KMOD_RGUI)) ? true : false; keyb.leftCommandPressed = (modState & KMOD_LGUI) ? true : false; #endif keyb.keyModifierDown = (modState & (KMOD_LSHIFT | KMOD_LCTRL | KMOD_LALT | KMOD_LGUI)) ? true : false; } void keyUpHandler(SDL_Scancode scancode, SDL_Keycode keycode) { (void)keycode; if (editor.editTextFlag || editor.ui.sysReqShown) return; // kludge: don't handle key up! (XXX: Is this hack really needed anymore?) /* Yet another kludge for not leaving a ghost key-up event after an inputBox/okBox ** was exited with a key press. They could be picked up as note release events. */ if (keyb.ignoreCurrKeyUp) { keyb.ignoreCurrKeyUp = false; return; } if (editor.cursor.object == CURSOR_NOTE && !keyb.keyModifierDown) testNoteKeysRelease(scancode); if (scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_KP_PLUS) keyb.numPadPlusPressed = false; keyb.keyRepeat = false; } void keyDownHandler(SDL_Scancode scancode, SDL_Keycode keycode, bool keyWasRepeated) { if (keycode == SDLK_UNKNOWN) return; // revert "delete/rename" mouse modes (disk op.) if (mouse.mode != MOUSE_MODE_NORMAL) setMouseMode(MOUSE_MODE_NORMAL); if (editor.ui.sysReqShown) { if (keycode == SDLK_RETURN) editor.ui.sysReqEnterPressed = true; else if (keycode == SDLK_ESCAPE) editor.ui.sysReqShown = false; return; } if (testNibblesCheatCodes(keycode)) return; // current key (+ modifiers) matches nibbles cheat code sequence, ignore current key here if (keyWasRepeated) { if (editor.NI_Play || !keyb.keyRepeat) return; // do NOT repeat keys in Nibbles or if keyRepeat is disabled } keyb.keyRepeat = true; // handle certain keys (home/end/left/right etc) when editing text if (editor.editTextFlag) { handleTextEditControl(keycode); return; } if (editor.NI_Play) { nibblesKeyAdministrator(scancode); return; } if (keycode == SDLK_ESCAPE) { if (quitBox(false) == 1) editor.throwExit = true; return; } if (scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_KP_PLUS) keyb.numPadPlusPressed = true; if (handleEditKeys(keycode, scancode)) return; if (keyb.keyModifierDown && checkModifiedKeys(keycode)) return; handleKeys(keycode, scancode); // no pattern editing, do general key handling } static void handleKeys(SDL_Keycode keycode, SDL_Scancode scanKey) { bool audioWasntLocked; uint16_t pattLen; // if we're holding numpad plus but not pressing bank keys, don't check any other key if (keyb.numPadPlusPressed) { if (scanKey != SDL_SCANCODE_NUMLOCKCLEAR && scanKey != SDL_SCANCODE_KP_DIVIDE && scanKey != SDL_SCANCODE_KP_MULTIPLY && scanKey != SDL_SCANCODE_KP_MINUS) { return; } } // handle scankeys (actual key on keyboard, using US keyb. layout) switch (scanKey) { case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_ENTER: pbSwapInstrBank(); return; case SDL_SCANCODE_NUMLOCKCLEAR: { if (keyb.numPadPlusPressed) { if (editor.instrBankSwapped) pbSetInstrBank13(); else pbSetInstrBank5(); } else { if (editor.instrBankSwapped) pbSetInstrBank9(); else pbSetInstrBank1(); } } return; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_DIVIDE: { if (keyb.numPadPlusPressed) { if (editor.instrBankSwapped) pbSetInstrBank14(); else pbSetInstrBank6(); } else { if (editor.instrBankSwapped) pbSetInstrBank10(); else pbSetInstrBank2(); } } return; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_MULTIPLY: { if (keyb.numPadPlusPressed) { if (editor.instrBankSwapped) pbSetInstrBank15(); else pbSetInstrBank7(); } else { if (editor.instrBankSwapped) pbSetInstrBank11(); else pbSetInstrBank3(); } } return; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_MINUS: { if (keyb.numPadPlusPressed) { if (editor.instrBankSwapped) pbSetInstrBank16(); else pbSetInstrBank8(); } else { if (editor.instrBankSwapped) pbSetInstrBank12(); else pbSetInstrBank4(); } } return; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_PERIOD: { if (editor.curInstr > 0) { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) // this only triggers if num lock is off. Probably an SDL bug... { clearSample(); } else { if (editor.curInstr == 0 || instr[editor.curInstr] == NULL) return; if (okBox(1, "System request", "Clear instrument?") == 1) { freeInstr(editor.curInstr); updateNewInstrument(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } } } } return; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_0: setNewInstr(0); return; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_1: setNewInstr(editor.instrBankOffset+1); return; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_2: setNewInstr(editor.instrBankOffset+2); return; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_3: setNewInstr(editor.instrBankOffset+3); return; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_4: setNewInstr(editor.instrBankOffset+4); return; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_5: setNewInstr(editor.instrBankOffset+5); return; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_6: setNewInstr(editor.instrBankOffset+6); return; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_7: setNewInstr(editor.instrBankOffset+7); return; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_8: setNewInstr(editor.instrBankOffset+8); return; case SDL_SCANCODE_GRAVE: // "key below esc" { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) { // decrease edit skip if (editor.ID_Add == 0) editor.ID_Add = 16; else editor.ID_Add--; } else { // increase edit skip if (editor.ID_Add == 16) editor.ID_Add = 0; else editor.ID_Add++; } if (!editor.ui.nibblesShown && !editor.ui.configScreenShown && !editor.ui.aboutScreenShown && !editor.ui.diskOpShown && !editor.ui.helpScreenShown && !editor.ui.extended) { drawIDAdd(); } } return; default: break; } // no normal key (keycode) pressed (XXX: shouldn't happen? Whatever...) if (keycode == SDLK_UNKNOWN) return; // handle normal keys (keycodes - affected by keyb. layout in OS) switch (keycode) { default: return; case SDLK_DELETE: // non-FT2 addition { if (editor.ui.sampleEditorShown) sampCut(); } break; // note off case SDLK_LESS: case SDLK_CAPSLOCK: { if (playMode == PLAYMODE_EDIT || playMode == PLAYMODE_RECPATT || playMode == PLAYMODE_RECSONG) { if (!allocatePattern(editor.editPattern)) break; patt[editor.editPattern][(editor.pattPos * MAX_VOICES) +].ton = 97; pattLen = pattLens[editor.editPattern]; if (playMode == PLAYMODE_EDIT && pattLen >= 1) setPos(-1, (editor.pattPos + editor.ID_Add) % pattLen, true); editor.ui.updatePatternEditor = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } } break; //case SDLK_PRINTSCREEN: togglePatternEditorExtended(); break; // EDIT/PLAY KEYS // record song case SDLK_RSHIFT: startPlaying(PLAYMODE_RECSONG, 0); break; // play song #ifdef __APPLE__ case SDLK_RGUI: // fall-through for Apple keyboards #endif case SDLK_RCTRL: startPlaying(PLAYMODE_SONG, 0); break; // play pattern case SDLK_RALT: startPlaying(PLAYMODE_PATT, 0); break; case SDLK_SPACE: { if (playMode == PLAYMODE_IDLE) { lockMixerCallback(); memset(editor.keyOnTab, 0, sizeof (editor.keyOnTab)); playMode = PLAYMODE_EDIT; editor.ui.updatePosSections = true; // for updating mode text unlockMixerCallback(); } else { stopPlaying(); } } break; case SDLK_TAB: { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) cursorTabLeft(); else cursorTabRight(); } break; case SDLK_LEFT: cursorLeft(); break; case SDLK_RIGHT: cursorRight(); break; // function Keys (F1..F12) case SDLK_F1: { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) trackTranspAllInsDn(); else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) pattTranspAllInsDn(); else if (keyb.leftAltPressed) blockTranspAllInsDn(); else editor.curOctave = 0; } break; case SDLK_F2: { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) trackTranspAllInsUp(); else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) pattTranspAllInsUp(); else if (keyb.leftAltPressed) blockTranspAllInsUp(); else editor.curOctave = 1; } break; case SDLK_F3: { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) cutTrack(); else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) cutPattern(); else if (keyb.leftAltPressed) cutBlock(); else editor.curOctave = 2; } break; case SDLK_F4: { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) copyTrack(); else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) copyPattern(); else if (keyb.leftAltPressed) copyBlock(); else editor.curOctave = 3; } break; case SDLK_F5: { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) pasteTrack(); else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) pastePattern(); else if (keyb.leftAltPressed) pasteBlock(); else editor.curOctave = 4; } break; case SDLK_F6: editor.curOctave = 5; break; case SDLK_F7: { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) trackTranspCurInsDn(); else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) pattTranspCurInsDn(); else if (keyb.leftAltPressed) blockTranspCurInsDn(); else editor.curOctave = 6; } break; case SDLK_F8: { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) trackTranspCurInsUp(); else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) pattTranspCurInsUp(); else if (keyb.leftAltPressed) blockTranspCurInsUp(); else editor.curOctave = 6; } break; case SDLK_F9: { lockAudio(); song.pattPos = editor.ptnJumpPos[0]; if (song.pattPos >= song.pattLen) song.pattPos = song.pattLen - 1; if (!songPlaying) { editor.pattPos = (uint8_t)song.pattPos; editor.ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } unlockAudio(); } break; case SDLK_F10: { lockAudio(); song.pattPos = editor.ptnJumpPos[1]; if (song.pattPos >= song.pattLen) song.pattPos = song.pattLen - 1; if (!songPlaying) { editor.pattPos = (uint8_t)song.pattPos; editor.ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } unlockAudio(); } break; case SDLK_F11: { lockAudio(); song.pattPos = editor.ptnJumpPos[2]; if (song.pattPos >= song.pattLen) song.pattPos = song.pattLen - 1; if (!songPlaying) { editor.pattPos = (uint8_t)song.pattPos; editor.ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } unlockAudio(); } break; case SDLK_F12: { lockAudio(); song.pattPos = editor.ptnJumpPos[3]; if (song.pattPos >= song.pattLen) song.pattPos = song.pattLen - 1; if (!songPlaying) { editor.pattPos = (uint8_t)song.pattPos; editor.ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } unlockAudio(); } break; // PATTERN EDITOR POSITION KEYS case SDLK_INSERT: { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) insertPatternLine(); else insertPatternNote(); } break; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: { if (editor.ui.diskOpShown) diskOpGoParent(); else if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) deletePatternLine(); else deletePatternNote(); } break; case SDLK_UP: { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) { decCurIns(); } else { if (keyb.leftAltPressed) keybPattMarkUp(); else rowOneUpWrap(); } break; } break; case SDLK_DOWN: { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) { incCurIns(); } else { if (keyb.leftAltPressed) keybPattMarkDown(); else rowOneDownWrap(); } } break; case SDLK_PAGEUP: { audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); if (song.pattPos >= 16) song.pattPos -= 16; else song.pattPos = 0; if (!songPlaying) { editor.pattPos = (uint8_t)song.pattPos; editor.ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } break; case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: { audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); if (song.pattPos < (song.pattLen - 16)) song.pattPos += 16; else song.pattPos = song.pattLen - 1; if (!songPlaying) { editor.pattPos = (uint8_t)song.pattPos; editor.ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } break; case SDLK_HOME: { audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); song.pattPos = 0; if (!songPlaying) { editor.pattPos = (uint8_t)song.pattPos; editor.ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } break; case SDLK_END: { audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); song.pattPos = pattLens[song.pattNr] - 1; if (!songPlaying) { editor.pattPos = (uint8_t)song.pattPos; editor.ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } break; } } static bool checkModifiedKeys(SDL_Keycode keycode) { // normal keys switch (keycode) { default: break; case SDLK_KP_ENTER: case SDLK_RETURN: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { toggleFullScreen(); // prevent fullscreen toggle from firing twice on certain SDL2 Linux ports #ifdef __unix__ SDL_Delay(100); #endif return true; } break; case SDLK_F9: if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { startPlaying(PLAYMODE_PATT, editor.ptnJumpPos[0]); return true; } else if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) { editor.ptnJumpPos[0] = (uint8_t)editor.pattPos; return true; } break; case SDLK_F10: if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { startPlaying(PLAYMODE_PATT, editor.ptnJumpPos[1]); return true; } else if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) { editor.ptnJumpPos[1] = (uint8_t)editor.pattPos; return true; } break; case SDLK_F11: if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { startPlaying(PLAYMODE_PATT, editor.ptnJumpPos[2]); return true; } else if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) { editor.ptnJumpPos[2] = (uint8_t)editor.pattPos; return true; } break; case SDLK_F12: if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { startPlaying(PLAYMODE_PATT, editor.ptnJumpPos[3]); return true; } else if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) { editor.ptnJumpPos[3] = (uint8_t)editor.pattPos; return true; } break; case SDLK_a: if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed || keyb.leftCommandPressed) { if (editor.ui.sampleEditorShown) rangeAll(); else showAdvEdit(); return true; } else if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { if (editor.ui.sampleEditorShown) rangeAll(); else jumpToChannel(8); return true; } break; case SDLK_b: if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { if (!editor.ui.aboutScreenShown) showAboutScreen(); return true; } break; case SDLK_c: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { if (editor.ui.sampleEditorShown) { sampCopy(); } else { // mark current track (non-FT2 feature) pattMark.markX1 =; pattMark.markX2 = pattMark.markX1; pattMark.markY1 = 0; pattMark.markY2 = pattLens[editor.editPattern]; editor.ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } return true; } else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed || keyb.leftCommandPressed) { if (editor.ui.sampleEditorShown) sampCopy(); else showConfigScreen(); return true; } break; case SDLK_d: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { jumpToChannel(10); return true; } else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { if (!editor.ui.diskOpShown) showDiskOpScreen(); return true; } break; case SDLK_e: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { jumpToChannel(2); return true; } else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { if (editor.ui.aboutScreenShown) hideAboutScreen(); if (editor.ui.configScreenShown) hideConfigScreen(); if (editor.ui.helpScreenShown) hideHelpScreen(); if (editor.ui.nibblesShown) hideNibblesScreen(); showSampleEditorExt(); return true; } break; case SDLK_f: #ifdef __APPLE__ if (keyb.leftCommandPressed && keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { toggleFullScreen(); return true; } else #endif if (keyb.leftShiftPressed && keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { resetFPSCounter(); video.showFPSCounter ^= 1; if (!video.showFPSCounter) { if (editor.ui.extended) // yet another kludge... exitPatternEditorExtended(); showTopScreen(false); } } else if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { jumpToChannel(11); return true; } break; case SDLK_g: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { jumpToChannel(12); return true; } break; case SDLK_h: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { jumpToChannel(13); return true; } else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { showHelpScreen(); return true; } break; case SDLK_i: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { jumpToChannel(7); return true; } else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { showInstEditor(); return true; } break; case SDLK_j: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { jumpToChannel(14); return true; } break; case SDLK_k: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { jumpToChannel(15); return true; } break; case SDLK_m: if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { if (editor.ui.aboutScreenShown) hideAboutScreen(); if (editor.ui.configScreenShown) hideConfigScreen(); if (editor.ui.helpScreenShown) hideHelpScreen(); if (editor.ui.nibblesShown) hideNibblesScreen(); showInstEditorExt(); return true; } break; case SDLK_n: if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { showNibblesScreen(); return true; } break; case SDLK_p: if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { if (!editor.ui.patternEditorShown) { if (editor.ui.sampleEditorShown) hideSampleEditor(); if (editor.ui.sampleEditorExtShown) hideSampleEditorExt(); if (editor.ui.instEditorShown) hideInstEditor(); showPatternEditor(); } return true; } break; case SDLK_q: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { jumpToChannel(0); return true; } break; case SDLK_r: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { if (editor.ui.sampleEditorShown) sampCrop(); else jumpToChannel(3); return true; } else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { showTrimScreen(); return true; } break; case SDLK_s: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { if (editor.ui.sampleEditorShown) showRange(); else jumpToChannel(9); return true; } else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { showSampleEditor(); return true; } break; case SDLK_t: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { jumpToChannel(4); return true; } else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { showTranspose(); return true; } break; case SDLK_u: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { jumpToChannel(6); return true; } break; case SDLK_v: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { if (editor.ui.sampleEditorShown) sampPaste(); else if (!editor.ui.instEditorShown) scaleFadeVolumeBlock(); return true; } else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed || keyb.leftCommandPressed) { if (editor.ui.sampleEditorShown) sampPaste(); else if (!editor.ui.instEditorShown) scaleFadeVolumePattern(); return true; } else if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) { if (!editor.ui.sampleEditorShown && !editor.ui.instEditorShown) { keyb.ignoreTextEditKey = true; // ignore key from first frame scaleFadeVolumeTrack(); } return true; } break; case SDLK_w: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { jumpToChannel(1); return true; } break; case SDLK_x: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { if (editor.ui.sampleEditorShown) sampCut(); return true; } else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed || keyb.leftCommandPressed) { if (editor.ui.extended) exitPatternEditorExtended(); if (editor.ui.sampleEditorShown) hideSampleEditor(); if (editor.ui.sampleEditorExtShown) hideSampleEditorExt(); if (editor.ui.instEditorShown) hideInstEditor(); if (editor.ui.instEditorExtShown) hideInstEditorExt(); if (editor.ui.transposeShown) hideTranspose(); if (editor.ui.aboutScreenShown) hideAboutScreen(); if (editor.ui.configScreenShown) hideConfigScreen(); if (editor.ui.helpScreenShown) hideHelpScreen(); if (editor.ui.nibblesShown) hideNibblesScreen(); if (editor.ui.diskOpShown) hideDiskOpScreen(); if (editor.ui.advEditShown) hideAdvEdit(); if (editor.ui.wavRendererShown) hideWavRenderer(); if (editor.ui.trimScreenShown) hideTrimScreen(); showTopScreen(false); showBottomScreen(); showPatternEditor(); return true; } break; case SDLK_y: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { jumpToChannel(5); return true; } break; case SDLK_z: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { if (editor.ui.sampleEditorShown) zoomOut(); return true; } else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { togglePatternEditorExtended(); return true; } break; case SDLK_1: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) writeToMacroSlot(1-1); else writeFromMacroSlot(1-1); return true; } else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { editor.currConfigScreen = 0; showConfigScreen(); checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_IO_DEVICES); return true; } break; case SDLK_2: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) writeToMacroSlot(2-1); else writeFromMacroSlot(2-1); return true; } else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { editor.currConfigScreen = 1; showConfigScreen(); checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_LAYOUT); return true; } break; case SDLK_3: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) writeToMacroSlot(3-1); else writeFromMacroSlot(3-1); return true; } else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { editor.currConfigScreen = 2; showConfigScreen(); checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_MISCELLANEOUS); return true; } break; case SDLK_4: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) writeToMacroSlot(4-1); else writeFromMacroSlot(4-1); return true; } #ifdef HAS_MIDI else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { editor.currConfigScreen = 3; showConfigScreen(); checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_MIDI_INPUT); return true; } #endif break; case SDLK_5: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) writeToMacroSlot(5-1); else writeFromMacroSlot(5-1); return true; } break; case SDLK_6: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) writeToMacroSlot(6-1); else writeFromMacroSlot(6-1); return true; } break; case SDLK_7: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) writeToMacroSlot(7-1); else writeFromMacroSlot(7-1); return true; } break; case SDLK_8: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) writeToMacroSlot(8-1); else writeFromMacroSlot(8-1); return true; } break; case SDLK_9: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) writeToMacroSlot(9-1); else writeFromMacroSlot(9-1); return true; } break; case SDLK_0: if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) writeToMacroSlot(10-1); else writeFromMacroSlot(10-1); return true; } break; case SDLK_LEFT: if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) { decSongPos(); return true; } else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { pbEditPattDown(); return true; } else if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { keybPattMarkLeft(); return true; } break; case SDLK_RIGHT: if (keyb.leftShiftPressed) { incSongPos(); return true; } else if (keyb.leftCtrlPressed) { pbEditPattUp(); return true; } else if (keyb.leftAltPressed) { keybPattMarkRight(); return true; } break; } return false; }