ref: 6a594c824f0e29689297d1347faebaf451a1f382
dir: /src/ft2_palette.c/
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "ft2_palette.h" #include "ft2_gui.h" #include "ft2_config.h" #include "ft2_video.h" #include "ft2_palette.h" #include "ft2_tables.h" uint8_t cfg_ColorNr = 0; // globalized static uint8_t cfg_Red, cfg_Green, cfg_Blue, cfg_Contrast; static const uint8_t FTC_EditOrder[6] = { PAL_PATTEXT, PAL_BLCKMRK, PAL_BLCKTXT, PAL_MOUSEPT, PAL_DESKTOP, PAL_BUTTONS }; static const uint8_t scaleOrder[3] = { 8, 4, 9 }; static uint8_t palContrast[12][2] = // palette desktop/button contrasts { {59, 55}, {59, 53}, {56, 59}, {68, 55}, {57, 59}, {48, 55}, {66, 62}, {68, 57}, {58, 42}, {57, 55}, {62, 57}, {52, 57} }; void setCustomPalColor(uint32_t color) { video.palette[PAL_CUSTOM] = (PAL_CUSTOM << 24) | color; } void setPal16(pal16 *p, bool redrawScreen) { #define LOOP_PIN_COL_SUB 96 #define TEXT_MARK_COLOR 0x0078D7 #define BOX_SELECT_COLOR 0x7F7F7F int16_t r, g, b; // set main palette w/ 18-bit -> 24-bit conversion for (int32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { r = P6_TO_P8(p[i].r); // 0..63 -> 0..255 g = P6_TO_P8(p[i].g); b = P6_TO_P8(p[i].b); video.palette[i] = (i << 24) | RGB32(r, g, b); } // set custom FT2 clone palette entries video.palette[PAL_TEXTMRK] = (PAL_TEXTMRK << 24) | TEXT_MARK_COLOR; video.palette[PAL_BOXSLCT] = (PAL_BOXSLCT << 24) | BOX_SELECT_COLOR; r = RGB32_R(video.palette[PAL_PATTEXT]); g = RGB32_G(video.palette[PAL_PATTEXT]); b = RGB32_B(video.palette[PAL_PATTEXT]); r = MAX(r - LOOP_PIN_COL_SUB, 0); g = MAX(g - LOOP_PIN_COL_SUB, 0); b = MAX(b - LOOP_PIN_COL_SUB, 0); video.palette[PAL_LOOPPIN] = (PAL_LOOPPIN << 24) | RGB32(r, g, b); // update framebuffer pixels with new palette if (redrawScreen && video.frameBuffer != NULL) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < SCREEN_W*SCREEN_H; i++) video.frameBuffer[i] = video.palette[(video.frameBuffer[i] >> 24) & 15]; // ARGB alpha channel = palette index } } static void showColorErrorMsg(void) { okBox(0, "System message", "Default colors cannot be modified."); } static void showMouseColorErrorMsg(void) { okBox(0, "System message", "Mouse color can only be changed when \"Software mouse\" is enabled."); } static double palPow(double dX, double dY) { if (dY == 1.0) return dX; dY *= log(fabs(dX)); dY = CLAMP(dY, -86.0, 86.0); return exp(dY); } uint8_t palMax(int32_t c) { return (uint8_t)(CLAMP(c, 0, 63)); } static void drawCurrentPaletteColor(void) { const uint8_t palIndex = FTC_EditOrder[cfg_ColorNr]; const uint8_t r = P6_TO_P8(cfg_Red); const uint8_t g = P6_TO_P8(cfg_Green); const uint8_t b = P6_TO_P8(cfg_Blue); textOutShadow(516, 3, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Palette:"); hexOutBg(573, 3, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, RGB32(r, g, b) & 0xFFFFFF, 6); clearRect(616, 2, 12, 10); fillRect(617, 3, 10, 8, palIndex); } static void updatePaletteEditor(void) { const uint8_t nr = FTC_EditOrder[cfg_ColorNr]; cfg_Red = palTable[config.cfg_StdPalNr][nr].r; cfg_Green = palTable[config.cfg_StdPalNr][nr].g; cfg_Blue = palTable[config.cfg_StdPalNr][nr].b; if (cfg_ColorNr == 4 || cfg_ColorNr == 5) cfg_Contrast = palContrast[config.cfg_StdPalNr][cfg_ColorNr-4]; else cfg_Contrast = 0; setScrollBarPos(SB_PAL_R, cfg_Red, false); setScrollBarPos(SB_PAL_G, cfg_Green, false); setScrollBarPos(SB_PAL_B, cfg_Blue, false); setScrollBarPos(SB_PAL_CONTRAST, cfg_Contrast, false); drawCurrentPaletteColor(); } static void paletteDragMoved(void) { if (config.cfg_StdPalNr != PAL_USER_DEFINED) { updatePaletteEditor(); // resets colors/contrast vars showColorErrorMsg(); return; } if ((config.specialFlags2 & HARDWARE_MOUSE) && cfg_ColorNr == 3) { updatePaletteEditor(); // resets colors/contrast vars showMouseColorErrorMsg(); return; } const uint8_t nr = FTC_EditOrder[cfg_ColorNr]; const uint8_t p = (uint8_t)config.cfg_StdPalNr; palTable[p][nr].r = cfg_Red; palTable[p][nr].g = cfg_Green; palTable[p][nr].b = cfg_Blue; if (cfg_ColorNr == 4 || cfg_ColorNr == 5) { double dRed = cfg_Red; double dGreen = cfg_Green; double dBlue = cfg_Blue; int32_t contrast = cfg_Contrast; if (contrast < 1) contrast = 1; const double dContrast = contrast * (1.0 / 40.0); for (int32_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const int32_t k = scaleOrder[i] + (cfg_ColorNr - 4) * 2; double dMul = palPow((i + 1) * (1.0 / 2.0), dContrast); palTable[p][k].r = palMax((int32_t)((dRed * dMul) + 0.5)); palTable[p][k].g = palMax((int32_t)((dGreen * dMul) + 0.5)); palTable[p][k].b = palMax((int32_t)((dBlue * dMul) + 0.5)); } palContrast[p][cfg_ColorNr-4] = cfg_Contrast; } else { cfg_Contrast = 0; setScrollBarPos(SB_PAL_R, cfg_Red, false); setScrollBarPos(SB_PAL_G, cfg_Green, false); setScrollBarPos(SB_PAL_B, cfg_Blue, false); } setScrollBarPos(SB_PAL_CONTRAST, cfg_Contrast, false); setPal16(palTable[config.cfg_StdPalNr], true); drawCurrentPaletteColor(); } void sbPalRPos(uint32_t pos) { if (cfg_Red != (uint8_t)pos) { cfg_Red = (uint8_t)pos; paletteDragMoved(); } } void sbPalGPos(uint32_t pos) { if (cfg_Green != (uint8_t)pos) { cfg_Green = (uint8_t)pos; paletteDragMoved(); } } void sbPalBPos(uint32_t pos) { if (cfg_Blue != (uint8_t)pos) { cfg_Blue = (uint8_t)pos; paletteDragMoved(); } } void sbPalContrastPos(uint32_t pos) { if (cfg_Contrast != (uint8_t)pos) { cfg_Contrast = (uint8_t)pos; paletteDragMoved(); } } void configPalRDown(void) { if (config.cfg_StdPalNr != PAL_USER_DEFINED) showColorErrorMsg(); else if ((config.specialFlags2 & HARDWARE_MOUSE) && cfg_ColorNr == 3) showMouseColorErrorMsg(); else scrollBarScrollLeft(SB_PAL_R, 1); } void configPalRUp(void) { if (config.cfg_StdPalNr != PAL_USER_DEFINED) showColorErrorMsg(); else if ((config.specialFlags2 & HARDWARE_MOUSE) && cfg_ColorNr == 3) showMouseColorErrorMsg(); else scrollBarScrollRight(SB_PAL_R, 1); } void configPalGDown(void) { if (config.cfg_StdPalNr != PAL_USER_DEFINED) showColorErrorMsg(); else if ((config.specialFlags2 & HARDWARE_MOUSE) && cfg_ColorNr == 3) showMouseColorErrorMsg(); else scrollBarScrollLeft(SB_PAL_G, 1); } void configPalGUp(void) { if (config.cfg_StdPalNr != PAL_USER_DEFINED) showColorErrorMsg(); else if ((config.specialFlags2 & HARDWARE_MOUSE) && cfg_ColorNr == 3) showMouseColorErrorMsg(); else scrollBarScrollRight(SB_PAL_G, 1); } void configPalBDown(void) { if (config.cfg_StdPalNr != PAL_USER_DEFINED) showColorErrorMsg(); else if ((config.specialFlags2 & HARDWARE_MOUSE) && cfg_ColorNr == 3) showMouseColorErrorMsg(); else scrollBarScrollLeft(SB_PAL_B, 1); } void configPalBUp(void) { if (config.cfg_StdPalNr != PAL_USER_DEFINED) showColorErrorMsg(); else if ((config.specialFlags2 & HARDWARE_MOUSE) && cfg_ColorNr == 3) showMouseColorErrorMsg(); else scrollBarScrollRight(SB_PAL_B, 1); } void configPalContDown(void) { if (config.cfg_StdPalNr != PAL_USER_DEFINED) showColorErrorMsg(); else if ((config.specialFlags2 & HARDWARE_MOUSE) && cfg_ColorNr == 3) showMouseColorErrorMsg(); else scrollBarScrollLeft(SB_PAL_CONTRAST, 1); } void configPalContUp(void) { if (config.cfg_StdPalNr != PAL_USER_DEFINED) showColorErrorMsg(); else if ((config.specialFlags2 & HARDWARE_MOUSE) && cfg_ColorNr == 3) showMouseColorErrorMsg(); else scrollBarScrollRight(SB_PAL_CONTRAST, 1); } void showPaletteEditor(void) { charOutShadow(503, 17, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, 'R'); charOutShadow(503, 31, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, 'G'); charOutShadow(503, 45, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, 'B'); showScrollBar(SB_PAL_R); showScrollBar(SB_PAL_G); showScrollBar(SB_PAL_B); showPushButton(PB_CONFIG_PAL_R_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_CONFIG_PAL_R_UP); showPushButton(PB_CONFIG_PAL_G_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_CONFIG_PAL_G_UP); showPushButton(PB_CONFIG_PAL_B_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_CONFIG_PAL_B_UP); showRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_CONFIG_PAL_ENTRIES); textOutShadow(516, 59, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Contrast:"); showScrollBar(SB_PAL_CONTRAST); showPushButton(PB_CONFIG_PAL_CONT_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_CONFIG_PAL_CONT_UP); updatePaletteEditor(); } void rbConfigPalPatternText(void) { cfg_ColorNr = 0; checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_PAL_PATTERNTEXT); updatePaletteEditor(); } void rbConfigPalBlockMark(void) { cfg_ColorNr = 1; checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_PAL_BLOCKMARK); updatePaletteEditor(); } void rbConfigPalTextOnBlock(void) { cfg_ColorNr = 2; checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_PAL_TEXTONBLOCK); updatePaletteEditor(); } void rbConfigPalMouse(void) { cfg_ColorNr = 3; checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_PAL_MOUSE); updatePaletteEditor(); } void rbConfigPalDesktop(void) { cfg_ColorNr = 4; checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_PAL_DESKTOP); updatePaletteEditor(); } void rbConfigPalButttons(void) { cfg_ColorNr = 5; checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_PAL_BUTTONS); updatePaletteEditor(); } void rbConfigPalArctic(void) { config.cfg_StdPalNr = PAL_ARCTIC; updatePaletteEditor(); setPal16(palTable[config.cfg_StdPalNr], true); checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_PAL_ARCTIC); } void rbConfigPalLitheDark(void) { config.cfg_StdPalNr = PAL_LITHE_DARK; updatePaletteEditor(); setPal16(palTable[config.cfg_StdPalNr], true); checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_PAL_LITHE_DARK); } void rbConfigPalAuroraBorealis(void) { config.cfg_StdPalNr = PAL_AURORA_BOREALIS; updatePaletteEditor(); setPal16(palTable[config.cfg_StdPalNr], true); checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_PAL_AURORA_BOREALIS); } void rbConfigPalRose(void) { config.cfg_StdPalNr = PAL_ROSE; updatePaletteEditor(); setPal16(palTable[config.cfg_StdPalNr], true); checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_PAL_ROSE); } void rbConfigPalBlues(void) { config.cfg_StdPalNr = PAL_BLUES; updatePaletteEditor(); setPal16(palTable[config.cfg_StdPalNr], true); checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_PAL_BLUES); } void rbConfigPalDarkMode(void) { config.cfg_StdPalNr = PAL_DARK_MODE; updatePaletteEditor(); setPal16(palTable[config.cfg_StdPalNr], true); checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_PAL_DARK_MODE); } void rbConfigPalGold(void) { config.cfg_StdPalNr = PAL_GOLD; updatePaletteEditor(); setPal16(palTable[config.cfg_StdPalNr], true); checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_PAL_GOLD); } void rbConfigPalViolent(void) { config.cfg_StdPalNr = PAL_VIOLENT; updatePaletteEditor(); setPal16(palTable[config.cfg_StdPalNr], true); checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_PAL_VIOLENT); } void rbConfigPalHeavyMetal(void) { config.cfg_StdPalNr = PAL_HEAVY_METAL; updatePaletteEditor(); setPal16(palTable[config.cfg_StdPalNr], true); checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_PAL_HEAVY_METAL); } void rbConfigPalWhyColors(void) { config.cfg_StdPalNr = PAL_WHY_COLORS; updatePaletteEditor(); setPal16(palTable[config.cfg_StdPalNr], true); checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_PAL_WHY_COLORS); } void rbConfigPalJungle(void) { config.cfg_StdPalNr = PAL_JUNGLE; updatePaletteEditor(); setPal16(palTable[config.cfg_StdPalNr], true); checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_PAL_JUNGLE); } void rbConfigPalUserDefined(void) { config.cfg_StdPalNr = PAL_USER_DEFINED; updatePaletteEditor(); setPal16(palTable[config.cfg_StdPalNr], true); checkRadioButton(RB_CONFIG_PAL_USER_DEFINED); }