ref: 3a734ed06d829dae5e48c0290a6d7269a117dba2
dir: /src/ft2_nibbles.c/
// directly ported from FT2 source code (except some routines) #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> // round() #include "ft2_keyboard.h" #include "ft2_config.h" #include "ft2_video.h" #include "ft2_gui.h" #include "ft2_pattern_ed.h" #include "ft2_gfxdata.h" #define NI_MAXLEVEL 30 static const char *NI_HelpText[] = { "Player 1 uses cursor keys to control movement.", "Player 2 uses the following keys:", "", " (W=Up)", " (A=Left) (S=Down) (D=Right)", "", "The \"Wrap\" option controls whether it's possible to walk through", "the screen edges or not. Turn it on and use your brain to get", "the maximum out of this feature.", "The \"Surround\" option turns nibbles into a completely different", "game. Don't change this option during play! (You'll see why)", "We wish you many hours of fun playing this game." }; #define NIBBLES_HELP_LINES (sizeof (NI_HelpText) / sizeof (char *)) typedef struct { int16_t antal; uint8_t data[8]; } nibbleBufferTyp; typedef struct { uint8_t x, y; } nibbleCrd; static const char nibblesCheatCode1[] = "skip", nibblesCheatCode2[] = "triton"; static char nibblesCheatBuffer[16]; const char convHexTable2[10] = { 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18 }; static const uint8_t NI_Speeds[4] = { 12, 8, 6, 4 }; static bool NI_EternalLives; static uint8_t NI_CheatIndex, NI_CurSpeed, NI_CurTick60Hz, NI_CurSpeed60Hz, NI_Screen[51][23], NI_Level; static int16_t NI_P1Dir, NI_P2Dir, NI_P1Len, NI_P2Len, NI_Number, NI_NumberX, NI_NumberY, NI_P1NoRens, NI_P2NoRens; static uint16_t NI_P1Lives, NI_P2Lives; static int32_t NI_P1Score, NI_P2Score; static nibbleCrd NI_P1[256], NI_P2[256]; static nibbleBufferTyp nibblesBuffer[2]; static void redrawNibblesScreen(void) { uint8_t x, y, c; int16_t xs, ys; if (!editor.NI_Play) return; for (x = 0; x < 51; x++) { for (y = 0; y < 23; y++) { xs = 152 + (x * 8); ys = 7 + (y * 7); c = NI_Screen[x][y]; if (c < 16) { if (config.NI_Grid) { fillRect(xs + 0, ys + 0, 8 - 0, 7 - 0, PAL_BUTTON2); fillRect(xs + 1, ys + 1, 8 - 1, 7 - 1, c); } else { fillRect(xs, ys, 8, 7, c); } } else { charOut(xs + 2, ys, PAL_FORGRND, convHexTable2[NI_Number]); } } } // fix wrongly rendered grid if (config.NI_Grid) { vLine(560, 7, 161, PAL_BUTTON2); hLine(152, 168, 409, PAL_BUTTON2); } else { // if we turned grid off, clear lines vLine(560, 7, 161, PAL_BCKGRND); hLine(152, 168, 409, PAL_BCKGRND); } } static void nibblesAddBuffer(int16_t nr, uint8_t typ) { nibbleBufferTyp *n; n = &nibblesBuffer[nr]; if (n->antal < 8) { n->data[n->antal] = typ; n->antal++; } } static bool nibblesBufferFull(int16_t nr) { return (nibblesBuffer[nr].antal > 0); } static int16_t nibblesGetBuffer(int16_t nr) { int16_t dataOut; nibbleBufferTyp *n; n = &nibblesBuffer[nr]; if (n->antal > 0) { dataOut = n->data[0]; memmove(&n->data[0], &n->data[1], 7); n->antal--; return dataOut; } return -1; } static void nibblesGetLevel(int16_t nr) { int16_t readX, readY, x, y; readX = 1 + ((51+2) * (nr % 10)); readY = 1 + ((23+2) * (nr / 10)); for (x = 0; x < 51; x++) { for (y = 0; y < 23; y++) NI_Screen[x][y] = nibblesStages[((readY + y) * 530) + (readX + x)]; } } static void nibblesCreateLevel(int16_t nr) { uint8_t c; int16_t x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2; if (nr >= NI_MAXLEVEL) nr = NI_MAXLEVEL - 1; nibblesGetLevel(nr); x1 = 0; x2 = 0; y1 = 0; y2 = 0; for (y = 0; y < 23; y++) { for (x = 0; x < 51; x++) { if (NI_Screen[x][y] == 1 || NI_Screen[x][y] == 3) { c = NI_Screen[x][y]; if (c == 3) { x1 = x; y1 = y; } if (c == 1) { x2 = x; y2 = y; } NI_Screen[x][y] = 0; } } } x = (51 + 2) * (nr % 10); y = (23 + 2) * (nr / 10); NI_P1Dir = nibblesStages[(y * 530) + (x + 1)]; NI_P2Dir = nibblesStages[(y * 530) + (x + 0)]; NI_P1Len = 5; NI_P2Len = 5; NI_P1NoRens = 0; NI_P2NoRens = 0; NI_Number = 0; nibblesBuffer[0].antal = 0; nibblesBuffer[1].antal = 0; for (int16_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) { NI_P1[i].x = (uint8_t)x1; NI_P1[i].y = (uint8_t)y1; NI_P2[i].x = (uint8_t)x2; NI_P2[i].y = (uint8_t)y2; } } static void nibbleWriteLevelSprite(int16_t xOut, int16_t yOut, int16_t nr) { uint8_t *src; uint16_t readX, readY; uint32_t *dst; readX = (51 + 2) * (nr % 10); readY = (23 + 2) * (nr / 10); src = (uint8_t *)&nibblesStages[(readY * 530) + readX]; dst = &video.frameBuffer[(yOut * SCREEN_W) + xOut]; for (uint16_t y = 0; y < 23+2; y++) { for (uint16_t x = 0; x < 51+2; x++) *dst++ = video.palette[*src++]; src += 530 - (51+2); dst += SCREEN_W - (51+2); } // overwrite start position pixels video.frameBuffer[(yOut * SCREEN_W) + (xOut + 0)] = video.palette[PAL_FORGRND]; video.frameBuffer[(yOut * SCREEN_W) + (xOut + 1)] = video.palette[PAL_FORGRND]; } static void highScoreTextOutClipX(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint8_t paletteIndex, uint8_t shadowPaletteIndex, const char *textPtr, uint16_t clipX) { char ch; uint16_t currX; assert(textPtr != NULL); currX = x; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 22; i++) { ch = textPtr[i]; if (ch == '\0') break; charOutClipX(currX + 1, y + 1, shadowPaletteIndex, ch, clipX); // shadow charOutClipX(currX, y, paletteIndex, ch, clipX); // foreground currX += charWidth(ch); if (currX >= clipX) break; } } void nibblesHighScore(void) { if (editor.NI_Play) { okBox(0, "System message", "No highscoretable is available during play."); return; } clearRect(152, 7, 409, 162); bigTextOut(160, 10, PAL_FORGRND, "Fasttracker Nibbles Highscore"); for (int16_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) { highScoreTextOutClipX(160, 42 + (26 * i), PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, config.NI_HighScore[i].name, 160 + 70); hexOutShadow(160 + 76, 42 + (26 * i), PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, config.NI_HighScore[i].score, 8); nibbleWriteLevelSprite(160 + 136, (42 - 9) + (26 * i), config.NI_HighScore[i].level); highScoreTextOutClipX(360, 42 + (26 * i), PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, config.NI_HighScore[i+5].name, 360 + 70); hexOutShadow(360 + 76, 42 + (26 * i), PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, config.NI_HighScore[i+5].score, 8); nibbleWriteLevelSprite(360 + 136, (42 - 9) + (26 * i), config.NI_HighScore[i+5].level); } } static void setNibbleDot(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t c) { uint16_t xs, ys; xs = 152 + (x * 8); ys = 7 + (y * 7); if (config.NI_Grid) { fillRect(xs + 0, ys + 0, 8 - 0, 7 - 0, PAL_BUTTON2); fillRect(xs + 1, ys + 1, 8 - 1, 7 - 1, c); } else { fillRect(xs, ys, 8, 7, c); } NI_Screen[x][y] = c; } static void nibblesGenNewNumber(void) { int16_t x, y, xs, ys; while (true) { x = rand() % 51; y = rand() % 23; if (NI_Screen[x][y] == 0 && NI_Screen[x][y+1] == 0) { NI_Number++; NI_Screen[x][y] = (uint8_t)(16 + NI_Number); NI_NumberX = x; NI_NumberY = y; xs = 152 + (x * 8); ys = 7 + (y * 7); if (config.NI_Grid) { fillRect(xs + 0, ys + 0, 8 - 0, 7 - 0, PAL_BUTTON2); fillRect(xs + 1, ys + 1, 8 - 1, 7 - 1, PAL_BCKGRND); } else { fillRect(xs, ys, 8, 7, PAL_BCKGRND); } charOut((x * 8) + 154, (y * 7) + 7, PAL_FORGRND, convHexTable2[NI_Number]); break; } } } static void newNibblesGame(void) { nibblesCreateLevel(NI_Level); redrawNibblesScreen(); setNibbleDot(NI_P1[0].x, NI_P1[0].y, 6); if (config.NI_AntPlayers == 1) setNibbleDot(NI_P2[0].x, NI_P2[0].y, 7); if (!config.NI_Surround) nibblesGenNewNumber(); } static bool nibblesInvalid(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t d) { if (!config.NI_Wrap) { if ((x == 0 && d == 0) || (x == 50 && d == 2) || (y == 0 && d == 3) || (y == 22 && d == 1)) return true; } assert(x >= 0 && x < 51 && y >= 0 && y < 23); return (NI_Screen[x][y] >= 1 && NI_Screen[x][y] <= 15); } static void drawScoresLives(void) { char str[8]; // player 1 hexOutBg(89, 27, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, NI_P1Score, 8); assert(NI_P1Lives < 100); sprintf(str, "%02d", NI_P1Lives); textOutFixed(131, 39, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, str); // player 2 hexOutBg(89, 75, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, NI_P2Score, 8); assert(NI_P2Lives < 100); sprintf(str, "%02d", NI_P2Lives); textOutFixed(131, 87, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, str); } static void nibblesDecLives(int16_t l1, int16_t l2) { char name[21 + 1]; int16_t i, k; highScoreType *h; if (!NI_EternalLives) { NI_P1Lives -= l1; NI_P2Lives -= l2; } drawScoresLives(); if (l1+l2 == 2) { okBox(0, "Nibbles message", "Both players died!"); } else { if (l2 == 0) okBox(0, "Nibbles message", "Player 1 died!"); else okBox(0, "Nibbles message", "Player 2 died!"); } if (NI_P1Lives == 0 || NI_P2Lives == 0) { editor.NI_Play = false; okBox(0, "Nibbles message", "GAME OVER"); if (NI_P1Score > config.NI_HighScore[9].score) { strcpy(name, "Unknown"); inputBox(0, "Player 1 - Enter your name:", name, sizeof (name) - 1); i = 0; while (NI_P1Score <= config.NI_HighScore[i].score) i++; for (k = 8; k >= i; k--) memcpy(&config.NI_HighScore[k+1], &config.NI_HighScore[k], sizeof (highScoreType)); if (i == 0) okBox(0, "Nibbles message", "You've probably cheated!"); h = &config.NI_HighScore[i]; k = (int16_t)strlen(name); memset(h->name, 0, sizeof (h->name)); memcpy(h->name, name, k); h->nameLen = (uint8_t)k; h->score = NI_P1Score; h->level = NI_Level; } if (NI_P2Score > config.NI_HighScore[9].score) { strcpy(name, "Unknown"); inputBox(0, "Player 2 - Enter your name:", name, sizeof (name) - 1); i = 0; while (NI_P2Score <= config.NI_HighScore[i].score) i++; for (k = 8; k >= i; k--) memcpy(&config.NI_HighScore[k+1], &config.NI_HighScore[k], sizeof (highScoreType)); if (i == 0) okBox(0, "Nibbles message", "You've probably cheated!"); h = &config.NI_HighScore[i]; k = (int16_t)strlen(name); memset(h->name, 0, sizeof (h->name)); memcpy(h->name, name, k); h->nameLen = (uint8_t)k; h->score = NI_P2Score; h->level = NI_Level; } nibblesHighScore(); } else { editor.NI_Play = true; newNibblesGame(); } } static void nibblesEraseNumber(void) { if (!config.NI_Surround) setNibbleDot((uint8_t)NI_NumberX, (uint8_t)NI_NumberY, 0); } static void nibblesNewLevel(void) { char text[24]; sprintf(text, "Level %d finished!", NI_Level + 1); okBox(0, "Nibbles message", text); // cast to int16_t to simulate a bug in FT2 NI_P1Score += 0x10000 + (int16_t)((12 - NI_CurSpeed) * 0x2000); if (config.NI_AntPlayers == 1) NI_P2Score += 0x10000; NI_Level++; if (NI_P1Lives < 99) NI_P1Lives++; if (config.NI_AntPlayers == 1) { if (NI_P2Lives < 99) NI_P2Lives++; } NI_Number = 0; nibblesCreateLevel(NI_Level); redrawNibblesScreen(); nibblesGenNewNumber(); } void moveNibblePlayers(void) { int16_t i, j; if (editor.ui.sysReqShown || --NI_CurTick60Hz != 0) return; if (nibblesBufferFull(0)) { switch (nibblesGetBuffer(0)) { case 0: if (NI_P1Dir != 2) NI_P1Dir = 0; break; case 1: if (NI_P1Dir != 3) NI_P1Dir = 1; break; case 2: if (NI_P1Dir != 0) NI_P1Dir = 2; break; case 3: if (NI_P1Dir != 1) NI_P1Dir = 3; break; default: break; } } if (nibblesBufferFull(1)) { switch (nibblesGetBuffer(1)) { case 0: if (NI_P2Dir != 2) NI_P2Dir = 0; break; case 1: if (NI_P2Dir != 3) NI_P2Dir = 1; break; case 2: if (NI_P2Dir != 0) NI_P2Dir = 2; break; case 3: if (NI_P2Dir != 1) NI_P2Dir = 3; break; default: break; } } memmove(&NI_P1[1], &NI_P1[0], 255 * sizeof (nibbleCrd)); if (config.NI_AntPlayers == 1) memmove(&NI_P2[1], &NI_P2[0], 255 * sizeof (nibbleCrd)); switch (NI_P1Dir) { case 0: NI_P1[0].x++; break; case 1: NI_P1[0].y--; break; case 2: NI_P1[0].x--; break; case 3: NI_P1[0].y++; break; default: break; } if (config.NI_AntPlayers == 1) { switch (NI_P2Dir) { case 0: NI_P2[0].x++; break; case 1: NI_P2[0].y--; break; case 2: NI_P2[0].x--; break; case 3: NI_P2[0].y++; break; default: break; } } if (NI_P1[0].x == 255) NI_P1[0].x = 50; if (NI_P2[0].x == 255) NI_P2[0].x = 50; if (NI_P1[0].y == 255) NI_P1[0].y = 22; if (NI_P2[0].y == 255) NI_P2[0].y = 22; NI_P1[0].x %= 51; NI_P1[0].y %= 23; NI_P2[0].x %= 51; NI_P2[0].y %= 23; if (config.NI_AntPlayers == 1) { if (nibblesInvalid(NI_P1[0].x, NI_P1[0].y, NI_P1Dir) && nibblesInvalid(NI_P2[0].x, NI_P2[0].y, NI_P2Dir)) { nibblesDecLives(1, 1); goto NoMove; } else if (nibblesInvalid(NI_P1[0].x, NI_P1[0].y, NI_P1Dir)) { nibblesDecLives(1, 0); goto NoMove; } else if (nibblesInvalid(NI_P2[0].x, NI_P2[0].y, NI_P2Dir)) { nibblesDecLives(0, 1); goto NoMove; } else if (NI_P1[0].x == NI_P2[0].x && NI_P1[0].y == NI_P2[0].y) { nibblesDecLives(1, 1); goto NoMove; } } else { if (nibblesInvalid(NI_P1[0].x, NI_P1[0].y, NI_P1Dir)) { nibblesDecLives(1, 0); goto NoMove; } } j = 0; i = NI_Screen[NI_P1[0].x][NI_P1[0].y]; if (i >= 16) { NI_P1Score += (i & 15) * 999 * (NI_Level + 1); nibblesEraseNumber(); j = 1; NI_P1NoRens = NI_P1Len / 2; } if (config.NI_AntPlayers == 1) { i = NI_Screen[NI_P2[0].x][NI_P2[0].y]; if (i >= 16) { NI_P2Score += ((i & 15) * 999 * (NI_Level + 1)); nibblesEraseNumber(); j = 1; NI_P2NoRens = NI_P2Len / 2; } } NI_P1Score -= 17; if (config.NI_AntPlayers == 1) NI_P2Score -= 17; if (NI_P1Score < 0) NI_P1Score = 0; if (NI_P2Score < 0) NI_P2Score = 0; if (!config.NI_Surround) { if (NI_P1NoRens > 0 && NI_P1Len < 255) { NI_P1NoRens--; NI_P1Len++; } else { setNibbleDot(NI_P1[NI_P1Len].x, NI_P1[NI_P1Len].y, 0); } if (config.NI_AntPlayers == 1) { if (NI_P2NoRens > 0 && NI_P2Len < 255) { NI_P2NoRens--; NI_P2Len++; } else { setNibbleDot(NI_P2[NI_P2Len].x, NI_P2[NI_P2Len].y, 0); } } } setNibbleDot(NI_P1[0].x, NI_P1[0].y, 6); if (config.NI_AntPlayers == 1) setNibbleDot(NI_P2[0].x, NI_P2[0].y, 5); if (j == 1 && !config.NI_Surround) { if (NI_Number == 9) { nibblesNewLevel(); NI_CurTick60Hz = NI_CurSpeed60Hz; return; } nibblesGenNewNumber(); } NoMove: NI_CurTick60Hz = NI_CurSpeed60Hz; drawScoresLives(); } void showNibblesScreen(void) { if (editor.ui.extended) exitPatternEditorExtended(); hideTopScreen(); editor.ui.nibblesShown = true; drawFramework(0, 0, 632, 3, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(0, 3, 148, 49, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(0, 52, 148, 49, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(0, 101, 148, 72, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(148, 3, 417, 170, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(150, 5, 413, 166, FRAMEWORK_TYPE2); drawFramework(565, 3, 67, 170, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); bigTextOutShadow(4, 6, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Player 1"); bigTextOutShadow(4, 55, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Player 2"); textOutShadow(4, 27, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Score"); textOutShadow(4, 75, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Score"); textOutShadow(4, 39, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Lives"); textOutShadow(4, 87, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Lives"); textOutShadow(18, 106, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "1 player"); textOutShadow(18, 120, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "2 players"); textOutShadow(20, 135, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Surround"); textOutShadow(20, 148, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Grid"); textOutShadow(20, 161, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Wrap"); textOutShadow(80, 105, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Difficulty:"); textOutShadow(93, 118, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Novice"); textOutShadow(93, 132, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Average"); textOutShadow(93, 146, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Pro"); textOutShadow(93, 160, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Triton"); drawScoresLives(); blitFast(569, 7, nibblesLogo, 59, 91); showPushButton(PB_NIBBLES_PLAY); showPushButton(PB_NIBBLES_HELP); showPushButton(PB_NIBBLES_HIGHS); showPushButton(PB_NIBBLES_EXIT); checkBoxes[CB_NIBBLES_SURROUND].checked = config.NI_Surround ? true : false; checkBoxes[CB_NIBBLES_GRID].checked = config.NI_Grid ? true : false; checkBoxes[CB_NIBBLES_WRAP].checked = config.NI_Wrap ? true : false; showCheckBox(CB_NIBBLES_SURROUND); showCheckBox(CB_NIBBLES_GRID); showCheckBox(CB_NIBBLES_WRAP); uncheckRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_NIBBLES_PLAYERS); if (config.NI_AntPlayers == 0) radioButtons[RB_NIBBLES_1PLAYER].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; else radioButtons[RB_NIBBLES_2PLAYERS].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; showRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_NIBBLES_PLAYERS); uncheckRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_NIBBLES_DIFFICULTY); switch (config.NI_Speed) { default: case 0: radioButtons[RB_NIBBLES_NOVICE].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; break; case 1: radioButtons[RB_NIBBLES_AVERAGE].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; break; case 2: radioButtons[RB_NIBBLES_PRO].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; break; case 3: radioButtons[RB_NIBBLES_MANIAC].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; break; } showRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_NIBBLES_DIFFICULTY); } void hideNibblesScreen(void) { hidePushButton(PB_NIBBLES_PLAY); hidePushButton(PB_NIBBLES_HELP); hidePushButton(PB_NIBBLES_HIGHS); hidePushButton(PB_NIBBLES_EXIT); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_NIBBLES_PLAYERS); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_NIBBLES_DIFFICULTY); hideCheckBox(CB_NIBBLES_SURROUND); hideCheckBox(CB_NIBBLES_GRID); hideCheckBox(CB_NIBBLES_WRAP); editor.ui.nibblesShown = false; } void exitNibblesScreen(void) { hideNibblesScreen(); showTopScreen(true); } // PUSH BUTTONS void nibblesPlay(void) { if (editor.NI_Play) { if (okBox(2, "Nibbles request", "Restart the current game of nibbles?") != 1) return; } if (config.NI_Surround && config.NI_AntPlayers == 0) { okBox(0, "Nibbles message", "\"Surround\" is not appropriate in one-player mode."); return; } assert(config.NI_Speed < 4); NI_CurSpeed = NI_Speeds[config.NI_Speed]; // adjust for 70Hz -> 60Hz frames NI_CurSpeed60Hz = (uint8_t)round(NI_CurSpeed * ((double)VBLANK_HZ / FT2_VBLANK_HZ)); NI_CurTick60Hz = (uint8_t)round(NI_Speeds[2] * ((double)VBLANK_HZ / FT2_VBLANK_HZ)); editor.NI_Play = true; NI_P1Score = 0; NI_P2Score = 0; NI_P1Lives = 5; NI_P2Lives = 5; NI_Level = 0; newNibblesGame(); } void nibblesHelp(void) { if (editor.NI_Play) { okBox(0, "System message", "No help available during play."); return; } clearRect(152, 7, 409, 162); bigTextOut(160, 10, PAL_FORGRND, "Fasttracker Nibbles Help"); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NIBBLES_HELP_LINES; i++) textOut(160, 36 + (11 * i), PAL_BUTTONS, NI_HelpText[i]); } void nibblesExit(void) { if (editor.NI_Play) { if (okBox(2, "System request", "Quit current game of nibbles?") == 1) { editor.NI_Play = false; exitNibblesScreen(); } return; } exitNibblesScreen(); } // RADIO BUTTONS void nibblesSet1Player(void) { config.NI_AntPlayers = 0; checkRadioButton(RB_NIBBLES_1PLAYER); } void nibblesSet2Players(void) { config.NI_AntPlayers = 1; checkRadioButton(RB_NIBBLES_2PLAYERS); } void nibblesSetNovice(void) { config.NI_Speed = 0; checkRadioButton(RB_NIBBLES_NOVICE); } void nibblesSetAverage(void) { config.NI_Speed = 1; checkRadioButton(RB_NIBBLES_AVERAGE); } void nibblesSetPro(void) { config.NI_Speed = 2; checkRadioButton(RB_NIBBLES_PRO); } void nibblesSetTriton(void) { config.NI_Speed = 3; checkRadioButton(RB_NIBBLES_MANIAC); } // CHECK BOXES void nibblesToggleSurround(void) { config.NI_Surround ^= 1; checkBoxes[CB_NIBBLES_SURROUND].checked = config.NI_Surround ? true : false; showCheckBox(CB_NIBBLES_SURROUND); } void nibblesToggleGrid(void) { config.NI_Grid ^= 1; checkBoxes[CB_NIBBLES_GRID].checked = config.NI_Grid ? true : false; showCheckBox(CB_NIBBLES_GRID); if (editor.NI_Play) redrawNibblesScreen(); } void nibblesToggleWrap(void) { config.NI_Wrap ^= 1; checkBoxes[CB_NIBBLES_WRAP].checked = config.NI_Wrap ? true : false; showCheckBox(CB_NIBBLES_WRAP); } // GLOBAL FUNCTIONS void nibblesKeyAdministrator(SDL_Scancode scancode) { if (scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE) { if (okBox(2, "System request", "Quit current game of nibbles?") == 1) { editor.NI_Play = false; exitNibblesScreen(); } return; } switch (scancode) { // player 1 case SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT: nibblesAddBuffer(0, 0); break; case SDL_SCANCODE_UP: nibblesAddBuffer(0, 1); break; case SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT: nibblesAddBuffer(0, 2); break; case SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN: nibblesAddBuffer(0, 3); break; // player 2 case SDL_SCANCODE_D: nibblesAddBuffer(1, 0); break; case SDL_SCANCODE_W: nibblesAddBuffer(1, 1); break; case SDL_SCANCODE_A: nibblesAddBuffer(1, 2); break; case SDL_SCANCODE_S: nibblesAddBuffer(1, 3); break; default: break; } } bool testNibblesCheatCodes(SDL_Keycode keycode) // not directly ported, but same cheatcodes { const char *codeStringPtr; uint8_t codeStringLen; // nibbles cheat codes can only be typed in while holding down left SHIFT+CTRL+ALT if (keyb.leftShiftPressed && keyb.leftCtrlPressed && keyb.leftAltPressed) { if (editor.NI_Play) { // during game: "S", "K", "I", "P" (skip to next level) codeStringPtr = nibblesCheatCode1; codeStringLen = sizeof (nibblesCheatCode1) - 1; } else { // not during game: "T", "R", "I", "T", "O", "N" (enable infinite lives) codeStringPtr = nibblesCheatCode2; codeStringLen = sizeof (nibblesCheatCode2) - 1; } nibblesCheatBuffer[NI_CheatIndex] = (char)keycode; if (nibblesCheatBuffer[NI_CheatIndex] != codeStringPtr[NI_CheatIndex]) { NI_CheatIndex = 0; // start over again, one letter didn't match return true; } if (++NI_CheatIndex == codeStringLen) // cheat code was successfully entered { NI_CheatIndex = 0; if (editor.NI_Play) { nibblesNewLevel(); } else { NI_EternalLives ^= 1; if (NI_EternalLives) okBox(0, "Triton productions declares:", "Eternal lives activated!"); else okBox(0, "Triton productions declares:", "Eternal lives deactivated!"); } } return true; // SHIFT+CTRL+ALT held down, don't test other keys } return false; // SHIFT+CTRL+ALT not held down, test other keys } void pbNibbles(void) { showNibblesScreen(); }