ref: 0c1f9008cbcd43eaae3f396c6d0a4d1b035586fd
dir: /src/ft2_help.c/
// for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "ft2_header.h" #include "ft2_gui.h" #include "ft2_help.h" #include "ft2_video.h" #include "ft2_pattern_ed.h" #include "ft2_bmp.h" #include "ft2_structs.h" #include "helpdata/ft2_help_data.h" typedef struct { bool bigFont, noLine; uint8_t color; int16_t xPos; char text[100]; } helpRec; #define HELP_LINES 15 #define MAX_HELP_LINES 768 #define HELP_SIZE sizeof (helpRec) #define MAX_SUBJ 10 #define HELP_KOL 135 #define HELP_WIDTH (596 - HELP_KOL) static uint8_t fHlp_Nr; static int16_t textLine, fHlp_Line, subjLen[MAX_SUBJ]; static int32_t helpBufferPos; static helpRec *subjPtrArr[MAX_SUBJ]; static void addText(helpRec *t, int16_t xPos, uint8_t color, char *text) { if (*text == '\0') return; t->xPos = xPos; t->color = color; t->bigFont = false; t->noLine = false; strcpy(t->text, text); *text = '\0'; // empty old string textLine++; } static bool getLine(char *output) { uint8_t strLen; if (helpBufferPos >= (int32_t)sizeof (helpData)) { *output = '\0'; return false; } strLen = helpData[helpBufferPos++]; memcpy(output, &helpData[helpBufferPos], strLen); output[strLen] = '\0'; helpBufferPos += strLen; return true; } static int16_t controlCodeToNum(const char *controlCode) { return (((controlCode[0]-'0')%10)*100) + (((controlCode[1]-'0')%10)*10) + ((controlCode[2]-'0')%10); } static char *ltrim(char *s) { if (*s == '\0') return (s); while (*s == ' ') s++; return s; } static char *rtrim(char *s) { int32_t i; if (*s == '\0') return (s); i = (int32_t)strlen(s) - 1; while (i >= 0) { if (s[i] != ' ') { s[i+1] = '\0'; break; } i--; } return s; } static void readHelp(void) // this is really messy, directly ported from Pascal code... { char text[256], text2[256], *s, *sEnd, *s2, *s3; uint8_t currColor; int16_t a, b, i, k, currKol, strLen; helpRec *tempText, *t; tempText = (helpRec *)malloc(HELP_SIZE * MAX_HELP_LINES); if (tempText == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "Not enough memory!"); return; } text[0] = '\0'; text2[0] = '\0'; s2 = text2; helpBufferPos = 0; for (int16_t subj = 0; subj < MAX_SUBJ; subj++) { textLine = 0; currKol = 0; currColor = PAL_FORGRND; getLine(text); s = text; while (strncmp(s, "END", 3) != 0) { if (*s == ';') { if (!getLine(text)) break; s = text; continue; } if (*(uint16_t *)s == 0x4C40) // @L - "big font" { addText(&tempText[textLine], currKol, currColor, s2); s += 2; if (*(uint16_t *)s == 0x5840) // @X - "change X position" { currKol = controlCodeToNum(&s[2]); s += 5; } if (*(uint16_t *)s == 0x4340) // @C - "change color { currColor = (uint8_t)controlCodeToNum(&s[2]); currColor = (currColor < 2) ? PAL_FORGRND : PAL_BUTTONS; s += 5; } t = &tempText[textLine]; t->xPos = currKol; t->color = currColor; t->bigFont = true; t->noLine = false; strcpy(t->text, s); textLine++; t = &tempText[textLine]; t->noLine = true; textLine++; } else { if (*s == '>') { addText(&tempText[textLine], currKol, currColor, s2); s++; } if (*(uint16_t *)s == 0x5840) // @X - "set X position (relative to help X start)" { currKol = controlCodeToNum(&s[2]); s += 5; } if (*(uint16_t *)s == 0x4340) // @C - "change color" { currColor = (uint8_t)controlCodeToNum(&s[2]); currColor = (currColor < 2) ? PAL_FORGRND : PAL_BUTTONS; s += 5; } s = ltrim(rtrim(s)); if (*s == '\0') { addText(&tempText[textLine], currKol, currColor, s2); strcpy(s2, " "); addText(&tempText[textLine], currKol, currColor, s2); } strLen = (int16_t)strlen(s); sEnd = &s[strLen]; while (s < sEnd) { if (strLen < 0) strLen = 0; i = 0; while (s[i] != ' ' && i < strLen) i++; i++; if (*(uint16_t *)s == 0x5440) // @T - "set absolute X position (in the middle of text)" { k = controlCodeToNum(&s[2]); s += 5; strLen -= 5; s3 = &s2[strlen(s2)]; while (textWidth(s2) + charWidth(' ') + 1 < k-currKol) { s3[0] = ' '; s3[1] = '\0'; s3++; } b = textWidth(s2) + 1; if (b < (k - currKol)) { s3 = &s2[strlen(s2)]; for (a = 0; a < k-b-currKol; a++) s3[a] = 127; // one-pixel spacer glyph s3[a] = '\0'; } } if (textWidth(s2)+textNWidth(s,i)+2 > HELP_WIDTH-currKol) addText(&tempText[textLine], currKol, currColor, s2); strncat(s2, s, i); s += i; strLen -= i; if ((*s == '\0') || (s >= sEnd)) strcat(s2, " "); } } if (textLine >= MAX_HELP_LINES || !getLine(text)) break; s = text; } subjPtrArr[subj] = (helpRec *)malloc(HELP_SIZE * textLine); if (subjPtrArr[subj] == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "Not enough memory!"); break; } memcpy(subjPtrArr[subj], tempText, HELP_SIZE * textLine); subjLen[subj] = textLine; } free(tempText); } static void bigTextOutHalf(uint16_t xPos, uint16_t yPos, uint8_t paletteIndex, bool lowerHalf, const char *textPtr) { char chr; const uint8_t *srcPtr; uint16_t currX; uint32_t *dstPtr, pixVal; assert(textPtr != NULL); currX = xPos; while (true) { chr = *textPtr++ & 0x7F; if (chr == '\0') break; if (chr != ' ') { srcPtr = &bmp.font2[chr * FONT2_CHAR_W]; if (!lowerHalf) srcPtr += (FONT2_CHAR_H / 2) * FONT2_WIDTH; dstPtr = &video.frameBuffer[(yPos * SCREEN_W) + currX]; pixVal = video.palette[paletteIndex]; for (uint32_t y = 0; y < FONT2_CHAR_H/2; y++) { for (uint32_t x = 0; x < FONT2_CHAR_W; x++) { if (srcPtr[x]) dstPtr[x] = pixVal; } srcPtr += FONT2_WIDTH; dstPtr += SCREEN_W; } } currX += charWidth16(chr); } } static void writeHelp(void) { int16_t k; helpRec *pek; pek = subjPtrArr[fHlp_Nr]; if (pek == NULL) return; for (int16_t i = 0; i < HELP_LINES; i++) { k = i + fHlp_Line; if (k >= subjLen[fHlp_Nr]) break; clearRect(HELP_KOL, 5 + (i * 11), HELP_WIDTH, 11); if (pek[k].noLine) { if (i == 0) bigTextOutHalf(HELP_KOL + pek[k-1].xPos, 5 + (i * 11), PAL_FORGRND, false, pek[k-1].text); } else { if (pek[k].bigFont) { if (i == (HELP_LINES - 1)) { bigTextOutHalf(HELP_KOL + pek[k].xPos, 5 + (i * 11), PAL_FORGRND, true, pek[k].text); return; } else { clearRect(HELP_KOL, 5 + ((i + 1) * 11), HELP_WIDTH, 11); bigTextOut(HELP_KOL + pek[k].xPos, 5 + (i * 11), PAL_FORGRND, pek[k].text); i++; } } else { textOut(HELP_KOL + pek[k].xPos, 5 + (i * 11), pek[k].color, pek[k].text); } } } } void helpScrollUp(void) { if (fHlp_Line > 0) { scrollBarScrollUp(SB_HELP_SCROLL, 1); writeHelp(); } } void helpScrollDown(void) { if (fHlp_Line < subjLen[fHlp_Nr]-1) { scrollBarScrollDown(SB_HELP_SCROLL, 1); writeHelp(); } } void helpScrollSetPos(uint32_t pos) { if (fHlp_Line != (int16_t)pos) { fHlp_Line = (int16_t)pos; writeHelp(); } } void showHelpScreen(void) { uint16_t tmpID; if (ui.extended) exitPatternEditorExtended(); hideTopScreen(); ui.helpScreenShown = true; drawFramework(0, 0, 128, 173, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(128, 0, 504, 173, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(130, 2, 479, 169, FRAMEWORK_TYPE2); showPushButton(PB_HELP_EXIT); showPushButton(PB_HELP_SCROLL_UP); showPushButton(PB_HELP_SCROLL_DOWN); uncheckRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_HELP); switch (fHlp_Nr) { default: case 0: tmpID = RB_HELP_FEATURES; break; case 1: tmpID = RB_HELP_EFFECTS; break; case 2: tmpID = RB_HELP_KEYBOARD; break; case 3: tmpID = RB_HELP_HOW_TO_USE_FT2; break; case 4: tmpID = RB_HELP_FAQ; break; case 5: tmpID = RB_HELP_KNOWN_BUGS; break; } radioButtons[tmpID].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; showRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_HELP); showScrollBar(SB_HELP_SCROLL); textOutShadow(4, 4, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Subjects:"); textOutShadow(21, 19, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Features"); textOutShadow(21, 35, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Effects"); textOutShadow(21, 51, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Keyboard"); textOutShadow(21, 67, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "How to use FT2"); textOutShadow(21, 83, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Problems/FAQ"); textOutShadow(21, 99, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Known bugs"); writeHelp(); } void hideHelpScreen(void) { hidePushButton(PB_HELP_EXIT); hidePushButton(PB_HELP_SCROLL_UP); hidePushButton(PB_HELP_SCROLL_DOWN); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_HELP); hideScrollBar(SB_HELP_SCROLL); ui.helpScreenShown = false; } void exitHelpScreen(void) { hideHelpScreen(); showTopScreen(true); } static void setHelpSubject(uint8_t Nr) { fHlp_Nr = Nr; fHlp_Line = 0; // force update even if new pos value was to be the same as old scrollBars[SB_HELP_SCROLL].oldPos = UINT32_MAX; setScrollBarEnd(SB_HELP_SCROLL, subjLen[fHlp_Nr]); setScrollBarPos(SB_HELP_SCROLL, 0, false); } void rbHelpFeatures(void) { checkRadioButton(RB_HELP_FEATURES); setHelpSubject(0); writeHelp(); } void rbHelpEffects(void) { checkRadioButton(RB_HELP_EFFECTS); setHelpSubject(1); writeHelp(); } void rbHelpKeyboard(void) { checkRadioButton(RB_HELP_KEYBOARD); setHelpSubject(2); writeHelp(); } void rbHelpHowToUseFT2(void) { checkRadioButton(RB_HELP_HOW_TO_USE_FT2); setHelpSubject(3); writeHelp(); } void rbHelpFAQ(void) { checkRadioButton(RB_HELP_FAQ); setHelpSubject(4); writeHelp(); } void rbHelpKnownBugs(void) { checkRadioButton(RB_HELP_KNOWN_BUGS); setHelpSubject(5); writeHelp(); } void initFTHelp(void) { readHelp(); setHelpSubject(0); } void windUpFTHelp(void) { for (int16_t i = 0; i < MAX_SUBJ; i++) { if (subjPtrArr[i] != NULL) { free(subjPtrArr[i]); subjPtrArr[i] = NULL; } } }