ref: 065a79216e2697245dc175423fe4a85f27106ede
dir: /src/ft2_pattern_ed.c/
// for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "ft2_header.h" #include "ft2_config.h" #include "ft2_pattern_ed.h" #include "ft2_gui.h" #include "ft2_sample_ed.h" #include "ft2_pattern_draw.h" #include "ft2_inst_ed.h" #include "ft2_scopes.h" #include "ft2_diskop.h" #include "ft2_audio.h" #include "ft2_wav_renderer.h" #include "ft2_mouse.h" #include "ft2_video.h" #include "ft2_tables.h" #include "ft2_bmp.h" #include "ft2_structs.h" pattMark_t pattMark; // globalized // for pattern marking w/ keyboard static int8_t lastChMark; static int16_t lastRowMark; // for pattern marking w/ mouse static int32_t lastMarkX1 = -1, lastMarkX2 = -1, lastMarkY1 = -1, lastMarkY2 = -1; static const uint8_t ptnAntLine[8] = { 27, 25, 20, 19, 42, 40, 31, 30 }; static const uint8_t ptnLineSub[8] = { 13, 12, 9, 9, 20, 19, 15, 14 }; static const uint8_t iSwitchExtW[4] = { 40, 40, 40, 39 }; static const uint8_t iSwitchExtY[8] = { 2, 2, 2, 2, 19, 19, 19, 19 }; static const uint8_t iSwitchY[8] = { 2, 19, 36, 53, 73, 90, 107, 124 }; static const uint16_t iSwitchExtX[4] = { 221, 262, 303, 344 }; static int32_t lastMouseX, lastMouseY; static int32_t last_TimeH, last_TimeM, last_TimeS; bool allocatePattern(uint16_t nr) // for tracker use only, not in loader! { const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); if (patt[nr] == NULL) { /* Original FT2 allocates only the amount of rows needed, but we don't ** do that to avoid out of bondary row look-up between out-of-sync replayer ** state and tracker state (yes it used to happen, rarely). We're not wasting ** too much RAM for a modern computer anyway. Worst case: 256 allocated ** patterns would be ~10MB. **/ patt[nr] = (tonTyp *)calloc((MAX_PATT_LEN * TRACK_WIDTH) + 16, 1); if (patt[nr] == NULL) { if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); return false; } // XXX: Do we really need this? Sounds redundant. song.pattLen = pattLens[nr]; } if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); return true; } void killPatternIfUnused(uint16_t nr) // for tracker use only, not in loader! { const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); if (patternEmpty(nr)) { if (patt[nr] != NULL) { free(patt[nr]); patt[nr] = NULL; } } if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } uint8_t getMaxVisibleChannels(void) { if (config.ptnS3M) { if (config.ptnMaxChannels == 0) return 4; else if (config.ptnMaxChannels == 1) return 6; else if (config.ptnMaxChannels == 2) return 8; else if (config.ptnMaxChannels == 3) return 8; } else { if (config.ptnMaxChannels == 0) return 4; else if (config.ptnMaxChannels == 1) return 6; else if (config.ptnMaxChannels == 2) return 8; else if (config.ptnMaxChannels == 3) return 12; } return 8; } void updatePatternWidth(void) { if (ui.numChannelsShown > ui.maxVisibleChannels) ui.numChannelsShown = ui.maxVisibleChannels; assert(ui.numChannelsShown >= 2 && ui.numChannelsShown <= 12); ui.patternChannelWidth = chanWidths[(ui.numChannelsShown / 2) - 1] + 3; } void updateAdvEdit(void) { hexOutBg(92, 113, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, editor.srcInstr, 2); hexOutBg(92, 126, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, editor.curInstr, 2); } void setAdvEditCheckBoxes(void) { checkBoxes[CB_ENABLE_MASKING].checked = editor.copyMaskEnable; checkBoxes[CB_COPY_MASK_0].checked = editor.copyMask[0]; checkBoxes[CB_COPY_MASK_1].checked = editor.copyMask[1]; checkBoxes[CB_COPY_MASK_2].checked = editor.copyMask[2]; checkBoxes[CB_COPY_MASK_3].checked = editor.copyMask[3]; checkBoxes[CB_COPY_MASK_4].checked = editor.copyMask[4]; checkBoxes[CB_PASTE_MASK_0].checked = editor.pasteMask[0]; checkBoxes[CB_PASTE_MASK_1].checked = editor.pasteMask[1]; checkBoxes[CB_PASTE_MASK_2].checked = editor.pasteMask[2]; checkBoxes[CB_PASTE_MASK_3].checked = editor.pasteMask[3]; checkBoxes[CB_PASTE_MASK_4].checked = editor.pasteMask[4]; checkBoxes[CB_TRANSP_MASK_0].checked = editor.transpMask[0]; checkBoxes[CB_TRANSP_MASK_1].checked = editor.transpMask[1]; checkBoxes[CB_TRANSP_MASK_2].checked = editor.transpMask[2]; checkBoxes[CB_TRANSP_MASK_3].checked = editor.transpMask[3]; checkBoxes[CB_TRANSP_MASK_4].checked = editor.transpMask[4]; showCheckBox(CB_ENABLE_MASKING); showCheckBox(CB_COPY_MASK_0); showCheckBox(CB_COPY_MASK_1); showCheckBox(CB_COPY_MASK_2); showCheckBox(CB_COPY_MASK_3); showCheckBox(CB_COPY_MASK_4); showCheckBox(CB_PASTE_MASK_0); showCheckBox(CB_PASTE_MASK_1); showCheckBox(CB_PASTE_MASK_2); showCheckBox(CB_PASTE_MASK_3); showCheckBox(CB_PASTE_MASK_4); showCheckBox(CB_TRANSP_MASK_0); showCheckBox(CB_TRANSP_MASK_1); showCheckBox(CB_TRANSP_MASK_2); showCheckBox(CB_TRANSP_MASK_3); showCheckBox(CB_TRANSP_MASK_4); } void drawAdvEdit(void) { drawFramework( 0, 92, 110, 17, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework( 0, 109, 110, 64, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(110, 92, 124, 81, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(234, 92, 19, 81, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(253, 92, 19, 81, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(272, 92, 19, 81, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); textOutShadow( 4, 96, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Instr. remap:"); textOutShadow( 4, 113, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Old number"); textOutShadow( 4, 126, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "New number"); textOutShadow(129, 96, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Masking enable"); textOutShadow(114, 109, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Note"); textOutShadow(114, 122, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Instrument number"); textOutShadow(114, 135, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Volume column"); textOutShadow(114, 148, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Effect digit 1"); textOutShadow(114, 161, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Effect digit 2,3"); charOutShadow(239, 95, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, 'C'); charOutShadow(258, 95, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, 'P'); charOutShadow(277, 95, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, 'T'); showPushButton(PB_REMAP_TRACK); showPushButton(PB_REMAP_PATTERN); showPushButton(PB_REMAP_SONG); showPushButton(PB_REMAP_BLOCK); setAdvEditCheckBoxes(); updateAdvEdit(); } void hideAdvEdit(void) { ui.advEditShown = false; hidePushButton(PB_REMAP_TRACK); hidePushButton(PB_REMAP_PATTERN); hidePushButton(PB_REMAP_SONG); hidePushButton(PB_REMAP_BLOCK); hideCheckBox(CB_ENABLE_MASKING); hideCheckBox(CB_COPY_MASK_0); hideCheckBox(CB_COPY_MASK_1); hideCheckBox(CB_COPY_MASK_2); hideCheckBox(CB_COPY_MASK_3); hideCheckBox(CB_COPY_MASK_4); hideCheckBox(CB_PASTE_MASK_0); hideCheckBox(CB_PASTE_MASK_1); hideCheckBox(CB_PASTE_MASK_2); hideCheckBox(CB_PASTE_MASK_3); hideCheckBox(CB_PASTE_MASK_4); hideCheckBox(CB_TRANSP_MASK_0); hideCheckBox(CB_TRANSP_MASK_1); hideCheckBox(CB_TRANSP_MASK_2); hideCheckBox(CB_TRANSP_MASK_3); hideCheckBox(CB_TRANSP_MASK_4); ui.scopesShown = true; drawScopeFramework(); } void showAdvEdit(void) { if (ui.extended) exitPatternEditorExtended(); hideTopScreen(); showTopScreen(false); ui.advEditShown = true; ui.scopesShown = false; drawAdvEdit(); } void toggleAdvEdit(void) { if (ui.advEditShown) hideAdvEdit(); else showAdvEdit(); } void drawTranspose(void) { drawFramework(0, 92, 53, 16, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(53, 92, 119, 16, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(172, 92, 119, 16, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(0, 108, 53, 65, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(53, 108, 119, 65, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(172, 108, 119, 65, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); textOutShadow(4, 95, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Transp."); textOutShadow(58, 95, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Current instrument"); textOutShadow(188, 95, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "All instruments"); textOutShadow(4, 114, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Track"); textOutShadow(4, 129, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Pattern"); textOutShadow(4, 144, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Song"); textOutShadow(4, 159, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Block"); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_TRK_UP); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_TRK_DN); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_TRK_12UP); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_TRK_12DN); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_TRK_UP); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_TRK_DN); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_TRK_12UP); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_TRK_12DN); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_PAT_UP); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_PAT_DN); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_PAT_12UP); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_PAT_12DN); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_PAT_UP); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_PAT_DN); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_PAT_12UP); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_PAT_12DN); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_SNG_UP); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_SNG_DN); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_SNG_12UP); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_SNG_12DN); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_SNG_UP); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_SNG_DN); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_SNG_12UP); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_SNG_12DN); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_BLK_UP); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_BLK_DN); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_BLK_12UP); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_BLK_12DN); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_BLK_UP); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_BLK_DN); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_BLK_12UP); showPushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_BLK_12DN); } void showTranspose(void) { if (ui.extended) exitPatternEditorExtended(); hideTopScreen(); showTopScreen(false); ui.transposeShown = true; ui.scopesShown = false; drawTranspose(); } void hideTranspose(void) { hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_TRK_UP); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_TRK_DN); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_TRK_12UP); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_TRK_12DN); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_TRK_UP); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_TRK_DN); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_TRK_12UP); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_TRK_12DN); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_PAT_UP); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_PAT_DN); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_PAT_12UP); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_PAT_12DN); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_PAT_UP); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_PAT_DN); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_PAT_12UP); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_PAT_12DN); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_SNG_UP); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_SNG_DN); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_SNG_12UP); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_SNG_12DN); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_SNG_UP); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_SNG_DN); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_SNG_12UP); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_SNG_12DN); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_BLK_UP); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_BLK_DN); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_BLK_12UP); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_CUR_INS_BLK_12DN); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_BLK_UP); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_BLK_DN); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_BLK_12UP); hidePushButton(PB_TRANSP_ALL_INS_BLK_12DN); ui.transposeShown = false; ui.scopesShown = true; drawScopeFramework(); } void toggleTranspose(void) { if (ui.transposeShown) hideTranspose(); else showTranspose(); } // ----- PATTERN CURSOR FUNCTIONS ----- void cursorChannelLeft(void) { cursor.object = CURSOR_EFX2; if ( == 0) { = (uint8_t)(song.antChn - 1); if (ui.pattChanScrollShown) setScrollBarPos(SB_CHAN_SCROLL, song.antChn, true); } else {; if (ui.pattChanScrollShown) { if ( < ui.channelOffset) scrollBarScrollUp(SB_CHAN_SCROLL, 1); } } } void cursorChannelRight(void) { cursor.object = CURSOR_NOTE; if ( >= song.antChn-1) { = 0; if (ui.pattChanScrollShown) setScrollBarPos(SB_CHAN_SCROLL, 0, true); } else {; if (ui.pattChanScrollShown && >= ui.channelOffset+ui.numChannelsShown) scrollBarScrollDown(SB_CHAN_SCROLL, 1); } } void cursorTabLeft(void) { if (cursor.object == CURSOR_NOTE) cursorChannelLeft(); cursor.object = CURSOR_NOTE; ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } void cursorTabRight(void) { cursorChannelRight(); cursor.object = CURSOR_NOTE; ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } void chanLeft(void) { cursorChannelLeft(); cursor.object = CURSOR_NOTE; ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } void chanRight(void) { cursorChannelRight(); cursor.object = CURSOR_NOTE; ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } void cursorLeft(void) { cursor.object--; if (!config.ptnS3M) { while (cursor.object == CURSOR_VOL1 || cursor.object == CURSOR_VOL2) cursor.object--; } if (cursor.object == -1) { cursor.object = CURSOR_EFX2; cursorChannelLeft(); } ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } void cursorRight(void) { cursor.object++; if (!config.ptnS3M) { while (cursor.object == CURSOR_VOL1 || cursor.object == CURSOR_VOL2) cursor.object++; } if (cursor.object == 8) { cursor.object = CURSOR_NOTE; cursorChannelRight(); } ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } void showPatternEditor(void) { ui.patternEditorShown = true; updateChanNums(); drawPatternBorders(); ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } void hidePatternEditor(void) { hideScrollBar(SB_CHAN_SCROLL); hidePushButton(PB_CHAN_SCROLL_LEFT); hidePushButton(PB_CHAN_SCROLL_RIGHT); ui.patternEditorShown = false; } static void updatePatternEditorGUI(void) { uint8_t i; pushButton_t *p; textBox_t *t; if (ui.extended) { // extended pattern editor // instrument names for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { t = &textBoxes[TB_INST1+i]; if (i < 4) { t->x = 406; t->y = 5 + (i * 11); } else { t->x = 529; t->y = 5 + ((i - 4) * 11); } t->w = 99; t->renderW = t->w - (t->tx * 2); } scrollBars[SB_POS_ED].h = 23; pushButtons[PB_POSED_POS_DOWN].y = 38; pushButtons[PB_POSED_PATT_UP].y = 20; pushButtons[PB_POSED_PATT_DOWN].y = 20; pushButtons[PB_POSED_DEL].y = 35; pushButtons[PB_SWAP_BANK].caption = "Swap B."; pushButtons[PB_SWAP_BANK].caption2 = NULL; pushButtons[PB_SWAP_BANK].x = 162; pushButtons[PB_SWAP_BANK].y = 35; pushButtons[PB_SWAP_BANK].w = 53; pushButtons[PB_SWAP_BANK].h = 16; pushButtons[PB_POSED_LEN_UP].x = 180; pushButtons[PB_POSED_LEN_UP].y = 3; pushButtons[PB_POSED_LEN_DOWN].x = 197; pushButtons[PB_POSED_LEN_DOWN].y = 3; pushButtons[PB_POSED_REP_UP].x = 180; pushButtons[PB_POSED_REP_UP].y = 17; pushButtons[PB_POSED_REP_DOWN].x = 197; pushButtons[PB_POSED_REP_DOWN].y = 17; pushButtons[PB_PATT_UP].x = 267; pushButtons[PB_PATT_UP].y = 37; pushButtons[PB_PATT_DOWN].x = 284; pushButtons[PB_PATT_DOWN].y = 37; pushButtons[PB_PATTLEN_UP].x = 348; pushButtons[PB_PATTLEN_UP].y = 37; pushButtons[PB_PATTLEN_DOWN].x = 365; pushButtons[PB_PATTLEN_DOWN].y = 37; // instrument switcher for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { p = &pushButtons[PB_RANGE1+i]; p->w = iSwitchExtW[i & 3]; p->x = iSwitchExtX[i & 3]; p->y = iSwitchExtY[i & 7]; } } else { // instrument names for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { t = &textBoxes[TB_INST1+i]; t->y = 5 + (i * 11); t->x = 446; t->w = 140; t->renderW = t->w - (t->tx * 2); } // normal pattern editor scrollBars[SB_POS_ED].h = 21; pushButtons[PB_POSED_POS_DOWN].y = 36; pushButtons[PB_POSED_PATT_UP].y = 19; pushButtons[PB_POSED_PATT_DOWN].y = 19; pushButtons[PB_POSED_DEL].y = 33; pushButtons[PB_SWAP_BANK].caption = "Swap"; pushButtons[PB_SWAP_BANK].caption2 = "Bank"; pushButtons[PB_SWAP_BANK].x = 590; pushButtons[PB_SWAP_BANK].y = 144; pushButtons[PB_SWAP_BANK].w = 39; pushButtons[PB_SWAP_BANK].h = 27; pushButtons[PB_POSED_LEN_UP].x = 74; pushButtons[PB_POSED_LEN_UP].y = 50; pushButtons[PB_POSED_LEN_DOWN].x = 91; pushButtons[PB_POSED_LEN_DOWN].y = 50; pushButtons[PB_POSED_REP_UP].x = 74; pushButtons[PB_POSED_REP_UP].y = 62; pushButtons[PB_POSED_REP_DOWN].x = 91; pushButtons[PB_POSED_REP_DOWN].y = 62; pushButtons[PB_PATT_UP].x = 253; pushButtons[PB_PATT_UP].y = 34; pushButtons[PB_PATT_DOWN].x = 270; pushButtons[PB_PATT_DOWN].y = 34; pushButtons[PB_PATTLEN_UP].x = 253; pushButtons[PB_PATTLEN_UP].y = 48; pushButtons[PB_PATTLEN_DOWN].x = 270; pushButtons[PB_PATTLEN_DOWN].y = 48; // instrument switcher for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { p = &pushButtons[PB_RANGE1+i]; p->w = 39; p->x = 590; p->y = iSwitchY[i & 7]; } } // force update even if new values were to be the same as the old ones scrollBars[SB_POS_ED].oldEnd = 0xFFFFFFFF; scrollBars[SB_POS_ED].oldPage = 0xFFFFFFFF; scrollBars[SB_POS_ED].oldPos = 0xFFFFFFFF; } void patternEditorExtended(void) { // backup old screen flags ui._aboutScreenShown = ui.aboutScreenShown; ui._helpScreenShown = ui.helpScreenShown; ui._configScreenShown = ui.configScreenShown; ui._diskOpShown = ui.diskOpShown; ui._nibblesShown = ui.nibblesShown; ui._transposeShown = ui.transposeShown; ui._instEditorShown = ui.instEditorShown; ui._instEditorExtShown = ui.instEditorExtShown; ui._sampleEditorExtShown = ui.sampleEditorExtShown; ui._patternEditorShown = ui.patternEditorShown; ui._sampleEditorShown = ui.sampleEditorShown; ui._advEditShown= ui.advEditShown; ui._wavRendererShown = ui.wavRendererShown; ui._trimScreenShown = ui.trimScreenShown; hideTopScreen(); hideSampleEditor(); hideInstEditor(); ui.extended = true; ui.patternEditorShown = true; updatePatternEditorGUI(); // change pattern editor layout (based on ui.extended flag) ui.updatePatternEditor = true; // redraw pattern editor drawFramework(0, 0, 112, 53, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(112, 0, 106, 33, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(112, 33, 106, 20, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(218, 0, 168, 53, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); // pos ed. stuff drawFramework(2, 2, 51, 20, FRAMEWORK_TYPE2); drawFramework(2, 31, 51, 20, FRAMEWORK_TYPE2); showScrollBar(SB_POS_ED); showPushButton(PB_POSED_POS_UP); showPushButton(PB_POSED_POS_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_POSED_INS); showPushButton(PB_POSED_PATT_UP); showPushButton(PB_POSED_PATT_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_POSED_DEL); showPushButton(PB_POSED_LEN_UP); showPushButton(PB_POSED_LEN_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_POSED_REP_UP); showPushButton(PB_POSED_REP_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_SWAP_BANK); showPushButton(PB_PATT_UP); showPushButton(PB_PATT_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_PATTLEN_UP); showPushButton(PB_PATTLEN_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_EXIT_EXT_PATT); textOutShadow(116, 5, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Sng.len."); textOutShadow(116, 19, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Repst."); textOutShadow(222, 39, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Ptn."); textOutShadow(305, 39, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Ln."); ui.instrSwitcherShown = true; showInstrumentSwitcher(); drawSongLength(); drawSongRepS(); drawEditPattern(editor.editPattern); drawPatternLength(editor.editPattern); drawPosEdNums(editor.songPos); ui.updatePosSections = true; // kludge to fix scrollbar thumb when the scrollbar height changes during playback if (songPlaying) setScrollBarPos(SB_POS_ED, editor.songPos, false); } void exitPatternEditorExtended(void) { ui.extended = false; updatePatternEditorGUI(); hidePushButton(PB_EXIT_EXT_PATT); // set back top screen button maps // set back old screen flags ui.aboutScreenShown = ui._aboutScreenShown; ui.helpScreenShown = ui._helpScreenShown; ui.configScreenShown = ui._configScreenShown; ui.diskOpShown = ui._diskOpShown; ui.nibblesShown = ui._nibblesShown; ui.transposeShown = ui._transposeShown; ui.instEditorShown = ui._instEditorShown; ui.instEditorExtShown = ui._instEditorExtShown; ui.sampleEditorExtShown = ui._sampleEditorExtShown; ui.patternEditorShown = ui._patternEditorShown; ui.sampleEditorShown = ui._sampleEditorShown; ui.advEditShown = ui._advEditShown; ui.wavRendererShown = ui._wavRendererShown; ui.trimScreenShown = ui.trimScreenShown; showTopScreen(true); showBottomScreen(); // kludge to fix scrollbar thumb when the scrollbar height changes during playback if (songPlaying) setScrollBarPos(SB_POS_ED, editor.songPos, false); } void togglePatternEditorExtended(void) { if (ui.extended) exitPatternEditorExtended(); else patternEditorExtended(); } void clearPattMark(void) { memset(&pattMark, 0, sizeof (pattMark)); lastMarkX1 = -1; lastMarkX2 = -1; lastMarkY1 = -1; lastMarkY2 = -1; } void checkMarkLimits(void) { uint16_t limit; limit = pattLens[editor.editPattern]; pattMark.markY1 = CLAMP(pattMark.markY1, 0, limit); pattMark.markY2 = CLAMP(pattMark.markY2, 0, limit); limit = (uint16_t)(song.antChn - 1); pattMark.markX1 = CLAMP(pattMark.markX1, 0, limit); pattMark.markX2 = CLAMP(pattMark.markX2, 0, limit); // will probably never happen? FT2 has this in CheckMarkLimits() though... if (pattMark.markX1 > pattMark.markX2) pattMark.markX1 = pattMark.markX2; } static int8_t mouseXToCh(void) // used to get channel num from mouse x (for pattern marking) { int8_t ch, chEnd; int32_t mouseX; assert(ui.patternChannelWidth > 0); if (ui.patternChannelWidth == 0) return 0; mouseX = mouse.x - 29; mouseX = CLAMP(mouseX, 0, 573); chEnd = (ui.channelOffset + ui.numChannelsShown) - 1; ch = ui.channelOffset + (int8_t)(mouseX / ui.patternChannelWidth); ch = CLAMP(ch, 0, chEnd); // in some setups there can be non-used channels to the right, do clamping if (ch >= song.antChn) ch = (int8_t)(song.antChn - 1); return ch; } static int16_t mouseYToRow(void) // used to get row num from mouse y (for pattern marking) { uint8_t charHeight, mode; int16_t row, patternLen, my, maxY, maxRow; const pattCoordsMouse_t *pattCoordsMouse; pattCoordsMouse = &pattCoordMouseTable[config.ptnUnpressed][ui.pattChanScrollShown][ui.extended]; // clamp mouse y to boundaries maxY = ui.pattChanScrollShown ? 382 : 396; my = (int16_t)(CLAMP(mouse.y, pattCoordsMouse->upperRowsY, maxY)); charHeight = config.ptnUnpressed ? 11 : 8; // test top/middle/bottom rows if (my < pattCoordsMouse->midRowY) { // top rows row = editor.pattPos - (pattCoordsMouse->numUpperRows - ((my - pattCoordsMouse->upperRowsY) / charHeight)); if (row < 0) row = 0; return row; } else if (my >= pattCoordsMouse->midRowY && my <= pattCoordsMouse->midRowY+10) { // current row (middle) return editor.pattPos; } else { // bottom rows row = (editor.pattPos + 1) + ((my - pattCoordsMouse->lowerRowsY) / charHeight); // prevent being able to mark the next unseen row on the bottom (in some configurations) mode = (ui.extended * 4) + (config.ptnUnpressed * 2) + ui.pattChanScrollShown; maxRow = (ptnAntLine[mode] + (editor.pattPos - ptnLineSub[mode])) - 1; if (row > maxRow) row = maxRow; // clamp to pattern length patternLen = pattLens[editor.editPattern]; if (row >= patternLen) row = patternLen - 1; return row; } } void handlePatternDataMouseDown(bool mouseButtonHeld) { bool forceMarking; int8_t chTmp; int16_t y1, y2, rowTmp, pattLen; // non-FT2 feature: Use right mouse button to remove pattern marking if (mouse.rightButtonPressed) { clearPattMark(); ui.updatePatternEditor = true; return; } if (!mouseButtonHeld) { // we clicked inside the pattern data area for the first time, set initial vars mouse.lastUsedObjectType = OBJECT_PATTERNMARK; lastMouseX = mouse.x; lastMouseY = mouse.y; lastChMark = mouseXToCh(); lastRowMark = mouseYToRow(); pattMark.markX1 = lastChMark; pattMark.markX2 = lastChMark; pattMark.markY1 = lastRowMark; pattMark.markY2 = lastRowMark + 1; checkMarkLimits(); ui.updatePatternEditor = true; return; } // we're holding down the mouse button inside the pattern data area forceMarking = songPlaying; // scroll left/right with mouse if (ui.pattChanScrollShown) { if (mouse.x < 29) { scrollBarScrollUp(SB_CHAN_SCROLL, 1); forceMarking = true; } else if (mouse.x > 604) { scrollBarScrollDown(SB_CHAN_SCROLL, 1); forceMarking = true; } } // mark channels if (forceMarking || lastMouseX != mouse.x) { lastMouseX = mouse.x; chTmp = mouseXToCh(); if (chTmp < lastChMark) { pattMark.markX1 = chTmp; pattMark.markX2 = lastChMark; } else { pattMark.markX2 = chTmp; pattMark.markX1 = lastChMark; } if (lastMarkX1 != pattMark.markX1 || lastMarkX2 != pattMark.markX2) { checkMarkLimits(); ui.updatePatternEditor = true; lastMarkX1 = pattMark.markX1; lastMarkX2 = pattMark.markX2; } } // scroll down/up with mouse (if song is not playing) if (!songPlaying) { y1 = ui.extended ? 56 : 176; y2 = ui.pattChanScrollShown ? 382 : 396; if (mouse.y < y1) { pattLen = pattLens[editor.editPattern]; if (editor.pattPos > 0) setPos(-1, editor.pattPos - 1, true); forceMarking = true; ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } else if (mouse.y > y2) { pattLen = pattLens[editor.editPattern]; if (editor.pattPos < (pattLen - 1)) setPos(-1, editor.pattPos + 1, true); forceMarking = true; ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } } // mark rows if (forceMarking || lastMouseY != mouse.y) { lastMouseY = mouse.y; rowTmp = mouseYToRow(); if (rowTmp < lastRowMark) { pattMark.markY1 = rowTmp; pattMark.markY2 = lastRowMark + 1; } else { pattMark.markY2 = rowTmp + 1; pattMark.markY1 = lastRowMark; } if (lastMarkY1 != pattMark.markY1 || lastMarkY2 != pattMark.markY2) { checkMarkLimits(); ui.updatePatternEditor = true; lastMarkY1 = pattMark.markY1; lastMarkY2 = pattMark.markY2; } } } void rowOneUpWrap(void) { const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); song.pattPos = (song.pattPos - 1 + song.pattLen) % song.pattLen; if (!songPlaying) { editor.pattPos = (uint8_t)song.pattPos; ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void rowOneDownWrap(void) { const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); if (songPlaying) { song.timer = 2; } else { song.pattPos = (song.pattPos + 1 + song.pattLen) % song.pattLen; editor.pattPos = (uint8_t)song.pattPos; ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void rowUp(uint16_t amount) { const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); song.pattPos -= amount; if (song.pattPos < 0) song.pattPos = 0; if (!songPlaying) { editor.pattPos = (uint8_t)song.pattPos; ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void rowDown(uint16_t amount) { const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); song.pattPos += amount; if (song.pattPos >= song.pattLen) song.pattPos = song.pattLen - 1; if (!songPlaying) { editor.pattPos = (uint8_t)song.pattPos; ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void keybPattMarkUp(void) { int8_t xPos; int16_t pattPos; xPos =; pattPos = editor.pattPos; if (xPos != pattMark.markX1 && xPos != pattMark.markX2) { pattMark.markX1 = xPos; pattMark.markX2 = xPos; pattMark.markY1 = pattPos; pattMark.markY2 = pattPos + 1; } if (pattPos == pattMark.markY1-1) { pattMark.markY1 = pattPos; } else if (pattPos == pattMark.markY2) { pattMark.markY2 = pattPos - 1; } else if (pattPos != pattMark.markY1 && pattPos != pattMark.markY2) { pattMark.markX1 = xPos; pattMark.markX2 = xPos; pattMark.markY1 = pattPos; pattMark.markY2 = pattPos + 1; } checkMarkLimits(); rowOneUpWrap(); } void keybPattMarkDown(void) { int8_t xPos; int16_t pattPos; xPos =; pattPos = editor.pattPos; if (xPos != pattMark.markX1 && xPos != pattMark.markX2) { pattMark.markX1 = xPos; pattMark.markX2 = xPos; pattMark.markY1 = pattPos; pattMark.markY2 = pattPos + 1; } if (pattPos == pattMark.markY2) { pattMark.markY2 = pattPos + 1; } else if (pattPos == pattMark.markY1-1) { pattMark.markY1 = pattPos + 2; } else if (pattPos != pattMark.markY1 && pattPos != pattMark.markY2) { pattMark.markX1 = xPos; pattMark.markX2 = xPos; pattMark.markY1 = pattPos; pattMark.markY2 = pattPos + 1; } checkMarkLimits(); rowOneDownWrap(); } void keybPattMarkLeft(void) { int8_t xPos; int16_t pattPos; xPos =; pattPos = editor.pattPos; if (pattPos != pattMark.markY1-1 && pattPos != pattMark.markY2) { pattMark.markY1 = pattPos - 1; pattMark.markY2 = pattPos; } if (xPos == pattMark.markX1) { pattMark.markX1 = xPos - 1; } else if (xPos == pattMark.markX2) { pattMark.markX2 = xPos - 1; } else if (xPos != pattMark.markX1 && xPos != pattMark.markX2) { pattMark.markX1 = xPos - 1; pattMark.markX2 = xPos; pattMark.markY1 = pattPos - 1; pattMark.markY2 = pattPos; } checkMarkLimits(); chanLeft(); } void keybPattMarkRight(void) { int8_t xPos; int16_t pattPos; xPos =; pattPos = editor.pattPos; if (pattPos != pattMark.markY1-1 && pattPos != pattMark.markY2) { pattMark.markY1 = pattPos - 1; pattMark.markY2 = pattPos; } if (xPos == pattMark.markX2) { pattMark.markX2 = xPos + 1; } else if (xPos == pattMark.markX1) { pattMark.markX1 = xPos + 1; } else if (xPos != pattMark.markX1 && xPos != pattMark.markX2) { pattMark.markX1 = xPos; pattMark.markX2 = xPos + 1; pattMark.markY1 = pattPos - 1; pattMark.markY2 = pattPos; } checkMarkLimits(); chanRight(); } bool loadTrack(UNICHAR *filenameU) { FILE *f; uint16_t nr, pattLen; tonTyp *pattPtr, loadBuff[MAX_PATT_LEN]; trackHeaderType th; f = UNICHAR_FOPEN(filenameU, "rb"); if (f == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "General I/O error during loading! Is the file in use?"); return false; } nr = editor.editPattern; pattLen = pattLens[nr]; if (fread(&th, 1, sizeof (th), f) != sizeof (th)) { okBox(0, "System message", "General I/O error during loading! Is the file in use?"); goto trackLoadError; } if (th.ver != 1) { okBox(0, "System message", "Incompatible format version!"); goto trackLoadError; } if (th.len > MAX_PATT_LEN) th.len = MAX_PATT_LEN; if (pattLen > th.len) pattLen = th.len; if (fread(loadBuff, pattLen * sizeof (tonTyp), 1, f) != 1) { okBox(0, "System message", "General I/O error during loading! Is the file in use?"); goto trackLoadError; } if (!allocatePattern(nr)) { okBox(0, "System message", "Not enough memory!"); goto trackLoadError; } pattPtr = patt[nr]; lockMixerCallback(); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < pattLen; i++) { pattPtr = &patt[nr][(i * MAX_VOICES) +]; *pattPtr = loadBuff[i]; // non-FT2 security fix: remove overflown (illegal) stuff if (pattPtr->ton > 97) pattPtr->ton = 0; if (pattPtr->effTyp > 35) { pattPtr->effTyp = 0; pattPtr->eff = 0; } } unlockMixerCallback(); fclose(f); ui.updatePatternEditor = true; ui.updatePosSections = true; diskOpSetFilename(DISKOP_ITEM_TRACK, filenameU); setSongModifiedFlag(); return true; trackLoadError: fclose(f); return false; } bool saveTrack(UNICHAR *filenameU) { FILE *f; uint16_t nr, pattLen, i; tonTyp *pattPtr, saveBuff[MAX_PATT_LEN]; trackHeaderType th; nr = editor.editPattern; pattPtr = patt[nr]; if (pattPtr == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "The current pattern is empty!"); return false; } f = UNICHAR_FOPEN(filenameU, "wb"); if (f == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "General I/O error during saving! Is the file in use?"); return false; } pattLen = pattLens[nr]; for (i = 0; i < pattLen; i++) saveBuff[i] = pattPtr[(i * MAX_VOICES) +]; th.len = pattLen; th.ver = 1; if (fwrite(&th, sizeof (th), 1, f) != 1) { fclose(f); okBox(0, "System message", "General I/O error during saving! Is the file in use?"); return false; } if (fwrite(saveBuff, pattLen * sizeof (tonTyp), 1, f) != 1) { fclose(f); okBox(0, "System message", "General I/O error during saving! Is the file in use?"); return false; } fclose(f); return true; } bool loadPattern(UNICHAR *filenameU) { FILE *f; uint16_t nr, pattLen; tonTyp *pattPtr; patternHeaderType th; f = UNICHAR_FOPEN(filenameU, "rb"); if (f == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "General I/O error during loading! Is the file in use?"); return false; } nr = editor.editPattern; if (!allocatePattern(nr)) { okBox(0, "System message", "Not enough memory!"); goto loadPattError; } pattPtr = patt[nr]; pattLen = pattLens[nr]; if (fread(&th, 1, sizeof (th), f) != sizeof (th)) { okBox(0, "System message", "General I/O error during loading! Is the file in use?"); goto loadPattError; } if (th.ver != 1) { okBox(0, "System message", "Incompatible format version!"); goto loadPattError; } if (th.len > MAX_PATT_LEN) th.len = MAX_PATT_LEN; if (pattLen > th.len) pattLen = th.len; lockMixerCallback(); if (fread(pattPtr, pattLen * TRACK_WIDTH, 1, f) != 1) { unlockMixerCallback(); okBox(0, "System message", "General I/O error during loading! Is the file in use?"); goto loadPattError; } // non-FT2 security fix: remove overflown (illegal) stuff for (uint16_t i = 0; i < pattLen; i++) { for (uint16_t j = 0; j < MAX_VOICES; j++) { pattPtr = &patt[nr][(i * MAX_VOICES) + j]; if (pattPtr->ton > 97) pattPtr->ton = 0; if (pattPtr->effTyp > 35) { pattPtr->effTyp = 0; pattPtr->eff = 0; } } } unlockMixerCallback(); fclose(f); ui.updatePatternEditor = true; ui.updatePosSections = true; diskOpSetFilename(DISKOP_ITEM_PATTERN, filenameU); setSongModifiedFlag(); return true; loadPattError: fclose(f); return false; } bool savePattern(UNICHAR *filenameU) { FILE *f; uint16_t nr, pattLen; tonTyp *pattPtr; patternHeaderType th; nr = editor.editPattern; pattPtr = patt[nr]; if (pattPtr == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "The current pattern is empty!"); return false; } f = UNICHAR_FOPEN(filenameU, "wb"); if (f == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "General I/O error during saving! Is the file in use?"); return false; } pattLen = pattLens[nr]; th.len = pattLen; th.ver = 1; if (fwrite(&th, 1, sizeof (th), f) != sizeof (th)) { fclose(f); okBox(0, "System message", "General I/O error during saving! Is the file in use?"); return false; } if (fwrite(pattPtr, pattLen * TRACK_WIDTH, 1, f) != 1) { fclose(f); okBox(0, "System message", "General I/O error during saving! Is the file in use?"); return false; } fclose(f); return true; } void scrollChannelLeft(void) { scrollBarScrollLeft(SB_CHAN_SCROLL, 1); } void scrollChannelRight(void) { scrollBarScrollRight(SB_CHAN_SCROLL, 1); } void setChannelScrollPos(uint32_t pos) { if (!ui.pattChanScrollShown) { ui.channelOffset = 0; return; } if (ui.channelOffset == (uint8_t)pos) return; ui.channelOffset = (uint8_t)pos; assert(song.antChn > ui.numChannelsShown); if (ui.channelOffset >= song.antChn-ui.numChannelsShown) ui.channelOffset = (uint8_t)(song.antChn-ui.numChannelsShown); if ( >= ui.channelOffset+ui.numChannelsShown) { cursor.object = CURSOR_NOTE; = (ui.channelOffset + ui.numChannelsShown) - 1; } else if ( < ui.channelOffset) { cursor.object = CURSOR_NOTE; = ui.channelOffset; } ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } void jumpToChannel(uint8_t channel) // for ALT+q..i ALT+a..k { if (ui.sampleEditorShown || ui.instEditorShown) return; channel %= song.antChn; if ( == channel) return; if (ui.pattChanScrollShown) { assert(song.antChn > ui.numChannelsShown); if (channel >= ui.channelOffset+ui.numChannelsShown) scrollBarScrollDown(SB_CHAN_SCROLL, (channel - (ui.channelOffset + ui.numChannelsShown)) + 1); else if (channel < ui.channelOffset) scrollBarScrollUp(SB_CHAN_SCROLL, ui.channelOffset - channel); } = channel; // set it here since scrollBarScrollX() changes it... ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } void sbPosEdPos(uint32_t pos) { const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); if (song.songPos != (int16_t)pos) setPos((int16_t)pos, 0, true); if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void pbPosEdPosUp(void) { const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); if (song.songPos < song.len-1) setPos(song.songPos + 1, 0, true); if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void pbPosEdPosDown(void) { const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); if (song.songPos > 0) setPos(song.songPos - 1, 0, true); if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void pbPosEdIns(void) { uint8_t oldPatt; if (song.len >= 255) return; lockMixerCallback(); oldPatt = song.songTab[song.songPos]; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 255-song.songPos; i++) song.songTab[255-i] = song.songTab[254-i]; song.songTab[song.songPos] = oldPatt; song.len++; ui.updatePosSections = true; ui.updatePosEdScrollBar = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); unlockMixerCallback(); } void pbPosEdDel(void) { if (song.len <= 1) return; lockMixerCallback(); if (song.songPos < 254) { for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 254-song.songPos; i++) song.songTab[song.songPos+i] = song.songTab[song.songPos+1+i]; } song.len--; if (song.repS >= song.len) song.repS = song.len - 1; if (song.songPos > song.len-1) { editor.songPos = song.songPos = song.len-1; setPos(song.songPos, -1, false); } ui.updatePosSections = true; ui.updatePosEdScrollBar = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); unlockMixerCallback(); } void pbPosEdPattUp(void) { if (song.songTab[song.songPos] == 255) return; lockMixerCallback(); if (song.songTab[song.songPos] < 255) { song.songTab[song.songPos]++; song.pattNr = song.songTab[song.songPos]; editor.editPattern = (uint8_t)song.pattNr; song.pattLen = pattLens[editor.editPattern]; ui.updatePatternEditor = true; ui.updatePosSections = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } unlockMixerCallback(); } void pbPosEdPattDown(void) { if (song.songTab[song.songPos] == 0) return; lockMixerCallback(); if (song.songTab[song.songPos] > 0) { song.songTab[song.songPos]--; song.pattNr = song.songTab[song.songPos]; editor.editPattern = (uint8_t)song.pattNr; song.pattLen = pattLens[editor.editPattern]; ui.updatePatternEditor = true; ui.updatePosSections = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } unlockMixerCallback(); } void pbPosEdLenUp(void) { if (song.len >= 255) return; const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); song.len++; ui.updatePosSections = true; ui.updatePosEdScrollBar = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void pbPosEdLenDown(void) { if (song.len <= 1) return; const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); song.len--; if (song.repS >= song.len) song.repS = song.len - 1; if (song.songPos >= song.len) { song.songPos = song.len - 1; setPos(song.songPos, -1, false); } ui.updatePosSections = true; ui.updatePosEdScrollBar = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void pbPosEdRepSUp(void) { const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); if (song.repS < song.len-1) { song.repS++; ui.updatePosSections = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void pbPosEdRepSDown(void) { const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); if (song.repS > 0) { song.repS--; ui.updatePosSections = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); } if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void pbBPMUp(void) { if (song.speed == 255) return; const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); if (song.speed < 255) { song.speed++; setSpeed(song.speed); // if song is playing, the update is handled in the audio/video sync queue if (!songPlaying) { editor.speed = song.speed; drawSongBPM(song.speed); } } if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void pbBPMDown(void) { if (song.speed == 32) return; const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); if (song.speed > 32) { song.speed--; setSpeed(song.speed); // if song is playing, the update is handled in the audio/video sync queue if (!songPlaying) { editor.speed = song.speed; drawSongBPM(editor.speed); } } if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void pbSpeedUp(void) { if (song.tempo == 31) return; const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); if (song.tempo < 31) { song.tempo++; // if song is playing, the update is handled in the audio/video sync queue if (!songPlaying) { editor.tempo = song.tempo; drawSongSpeed(editor.tempo); } } if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void pbSpeedDown(void) { if (song.tempo == 0) return; const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); if (song.tempo > 0) { song.tempo--; // if song is playing, the update is handled in the audio/video sync queue if (!songPlaying) { editor.tempo = song.tempo; drawSongSpeed(editor.tempo); } } if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void pbIncAdd(void) { if (editor.ID_Add == 16) editor.ID_Add = 0; else editor.ID_Add++; drawIDAdd(); } void pbDecAdd(void) { if (editor.ID_Add == 0) editor.ID_Add = 16; else editor.ID_Add--; drawIDAdd(); } void pbAddChan(void) { if (song.antChn > 30) return; lockMixerCallback(); song.antChn += 2; hideTopScreen(); showTopLeftMainScreen(true); showTopRightMainScreen(); if (ui.patternEditorShown) showPatternEditor(); setSongModifiedFlag(); unlockMixerCallback(); } void pbSubChan(void) { if (song.antChn < 4) return; lockMixerCallback(); song.antChn -= 2; checkMarkLimits(); hideTopScreen(); showTopLeftMainScreen(true); showTopRightMainScreen(); if (ui.patternEditorShown) showPatternEditor(); setSongModifiedFlag(); unlockMixerCallback(); } static void updatePtnLen(void) { uint16_t len = pattLens[editor.editPattern]; song.pattLen = len; if (song.pattPos >= len) { song.pattPos = len - 1; editor.pattPos = song.pattPos; } checkMarkLimits(); } void pbEditPattUp(void) { const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); if (songPlaying) { if (song.pattNr < 255) { song.pattNr++; updatePtnLen(); ui.updatePatternEditor = true; ui.updatePosSections = true; } } else { if (editor.editPattern < 255) { editor.editPattern++; song.pattNr = editor.editPattern; updatePtnLen(); ui.updatePatternEditor = true; ui.updatePosSections = true; } } if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void pbEditPattDown(void) { const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); if (songPlaying) { if (song.pattNr > 0) { song.pattNr--; updatePtnLen(); ui.updatePatternEditor = true; ui.updatePosSections = true; } } else { if (editor.editPattern > 0) { editor.editPattern--; song.pattNr = editor.editPattern; updatePtnLen(); ui.updatePatternEditor = true; ui.updatePosSections = true; } } if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void pbPattLenUp(void) { const uint16_t pattLen = pattLens[editor.editPattern]; if (pattLen >= 256) return; const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); setPatternLen(editor.editPattern, pattLen + 1); checkMarkLimits(); ui.updatePatternEditor = true; ui.updatePosSections = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void pbPattLenDown(void) { const uint16_t pattLen = pattLens[editor.editPattern]; if (pattLen <= 1) return; const bool audioWasntLocked = !audio.locked; if (audioWasntLocked) lockAudio(); setPatternLen(editor.editPattern, pattLen - 1); checkMarkLimits(); ui.updatePatternEditor = true; ui.updatePosSections = true; setSongModifiedFlag(); if (audioWasntLocked) unlockAudio(); } void drawPosEdNums(int16_t songPos) { uint8_t y; int16_t entry; uint32_t color1, color2; color1 = video.palette[PAL_PATTEXT]; color2 = video.palette[PAL_FORGRND]; if (songPos >= song.len) songPos = song.len - 1; // clear if (ui.extended) { clearRect(8, 4, 39, 16); fillRect(8, 23, 39, 7, PAL_DESKTOP); clearRect(8, 33, 39, 16); } else { clearRect(8, 4, 39, 15); fillRect(8, 22, 39, 7, PAL_DESKTOP); clearRect(8, 32, 39, 15); } // top two for (y = 0; y < 2; y++) { entry = songPos - (2 - y); if (entry < 0) continue; assert(entry < 256); if (ui.extended) { pattTwoHexOut(8, 4 + (y * 9), (uint8_t)entry, color1); pattTwoHexOut(32, 4 + (y * 9), song.songTab[entry], color1); } else { pattTwoHexOut(8, 4 + (y * 8), (uint8_t)entry, color1); pattTwoHexOut(32, 4 + (y * 8), song.songTab[entry], color1); } } assert(songPos < 256); // middle if (ui.extended) { pattTwoHexOut(8, 23, (uint8_t)songPos, color2); pattTwoHexOut(32, 23, song.songTab[songPos], color2); } else { pattTwoHexOut(8, 22, (uint8_t)songPos, color2); pattTwoHexOut(32, 22, song.songTab[songPos], color2); } // bottom two for (y = 0; y < 2; y++) { entry = songPos + (1 + y); if (entry >= song.len) break; if (ui.extended) { pattTwoHexOut(8, 33 + (y * 9), (uint8_t)entry, color1); pattTwoHexOut(32, 33 + (y * 9), song.songTab[entry], color1); } else { pattTwoHexOut(8, 32 + (y * 8), (uint8_t)entry, color1); pattTwoHexOut(32, 32 + (y * 8), song.songTab[entry], color1); } } } void drawSongLength(void) { int16_t x, y; if (ui.extended) { x = 165; y = 5; } else { x = 59; y = 52; } hexOutBg(x, y, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, (uint8_t)song.len, 2); } void drawSongRepS(void) { int16_t x, y; if (ui.extended) { x = 165; y = 19; } else { x = 59; y = 64; } hexOutBg(x, y, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, (uint8_t)song.repS, 2); } void drawSongBPM(uint16_t val) { char str[4]; const char *strOut; if (ui.extended) return; if (val <= 255) { strOut = dec3StrTab[val]; } else { if (val > MAX_BPM) val = MAX_BPM; assert(MAX_BPM == 999); str[0] = '0' + (char)(val / 100); str[1] = '0' + ((val / 10) % 10); str[2] = '0' + (val % 10); str[3] = 0; strOut = str; } textOutFixed(145, 36, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, strOut); } void drawSongSpeed(uint16_t val) { if (ui.extended) return; if (val > 99) val = 99; textOutFixed(152, 50, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, dec2StrTab[val]); } void drawEditPattern(uint16_t editPattern) { int16_t x, y; if (ui.extended) { x = 252; y = 39; } else { x = 237; y = 36; } hexOutBg(x, y, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, editPattern, 2); } void drawPatternLength(uint16_t editPattern) { int16_t x, y; if (ui.extended) { x = 326; y = 39; } else { x = 230; y = 50; } hexOutBg(x, y, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, pattLens[editPattern], 3); } void drawGlobalVol(uint16_t val) { if (ui.extended) return; assert(val <= 64); textOutFixed(87, 80, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, dec2StrTab[val]); } void drawIDAdd(void) { assert(editor.ID_Add <= 16); textOutFixed(152, 64, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, dec2StrTab[editor.ID_Add]); } void resetPlaybackTime(void) { song.musicTime64 = 0; last_TimeH = 0; last_TimeM = 0; last_TimeS = 0; } void drawPlaybackTime(void) { if (songPlaying) { uint32_t seconds = song.musicTime64 >> 32; last_TimeH = seconds / 3600; seconds -= last_TimeH * 3600; last_TimeM = seconds / 60; seconds -= last_TimeM * 60; last_TimeS = seconds; } textOutFixed(235, 80, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, dec2StrTab[last_TimeH]); textOutFixed(255, 80, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, dec2StrTab[last_TimeM]); textOutFixed(275, 80, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, dec2StrTab[last_TimeS]); } void drawSongName(void) { drawFramework(421, 155, 166, 18, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(423, 157, 162, 14, FRAMEWORK_TYPE2); drawTextBox(TB_SONG_NAME); } void changeLogoType(uint8_t logoType) { pushButtons[PB_LOGO].bitmapFlag = true; if (logoType == 0) { pushButtons[PB_LOGO].bitmapUnpressed = &bmp.ft2LogoBadges[(154 * 32) * 0]; pushButtons[PB_LOGO].bitmapPressed = &bmp.ft2LogoBadges[(154 * 32) * 1]; } else { pushButtons[PB_LOGO].bitmapUnpressed = &bmp.ft2LogoBadges[(154 * 32) * 2]; pushButtons[PB_LOGO].bitmapPressed = &bmp.ft2LogoBadges[(154 * 32) * 3]; } drawPushButton(PB_LOGO); } void changeBadgeType(uint8_t badgeType) { pushButtons[PB_BADGE].bitmapFlag = true; if (badgeType == 0) { pushButtons[PB_BADGE].bitmapUnpressed = &bmp.ft2ByBadges[(25 * 32) * 0]; pushButtons[PB_BADGE].bitmapPressed = &bmp.ft2ByBadges[(25 * 32) * 1]; } else { pushButtons[PB_BADGE].bitmapUnpressed = &bmp.ft2ByBadges[(25 * 32) * 2]; pushButtons[PB_BADGE].bitmapPressed = &bmp.ft2ByBadges[(25 * 32) * 3]; } drawPushButton(PB_BADGE); } void updateInstrumentSwitcher(void) { int8_t i; int16_t y; if (ui.extended) // extended pattern editor { //INSTRUMENTS clearRect(388, 5, 116, 43); // left box clearRect(511, 5, 116, 43); // right box // draw source instrument selection if (editor.srcInstr >= editor.instrBankOffset && editor.srcInstr <= editor.instrBankOffset+8) { y = 5 + ((editor.srcInstr - editor.instrBankOffset - 1) * 11); if (y >= 5 && y <= 82) { if (y <= 47) fillRect(388, y, 15, 10, PAL_BUTTONS); // left box else fillRect(511, y - 44, 15, 10, PAL_BUTTONS); // right box } } // draw destination instrument selection if (editor.curInstr >= editor.instrBankOffset && editor.curInstr <= editor.instrBankOffset+8) { y = 5 + ((editor.curInstr - editor.instrBankOffset - 1) * 11); y = 5 + ((editor.curInstr - editor.instrBankOffset - 1) * 11); if (y >= 5 && y <= 82) { if (y <= 47) fillRect(406, y, 98, 10, PAL_BUTTONS); // left box else fillRect(529, y - 44, 98, 10, PAL_BUTTONS); // right box } } // draw numbers and texts for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { hexOut(388, 5 + (i * 11), PAL_FORGRND, 1 + editor.instrBankOffset + i, 2); hexOut(511, 5 + (i * 11), PAL_FORGRND, 5 + editor.instrBankOffset + i, 2); drawTextBox(TB_INST1 + i); drawTextBox(TB_INST5 + i); } } else // normal pattern editor { // INSTRUMENTS clearRect(424, 5, 15, 87); // src instrument clearRect(446, 5, 139, 87); // main instrument // draw source instrument selection if (editor.srcInstr >= editor.instrBankOffset && editor.srcInstr <= editor.instrBankOffset+8) { y = 5 + ((editor.srcInstr - editor.instrBankOffset - 1) * 11); if (y >= 5 && y <= 82) fillRect(424, y, 15, 10, PAL_BUTTONS); } // draw destination instrument selection if (editor.curInstr >= editor.instrBankOffset && editor.curInstr <= editor.instrBankOffset+8) { y = 5 + ((editor.curInstr - editor.instrBankOffset - 1) * 11); if (y >= 5 && y <= 82) fillRect(446, y, 139, 10, PAL_BUTTONS); } // draw numbers and texts for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { hexOut(424, 5 + (i * 11), PAL_FORGRND, 1 + editor.instrBankOffset + i, 2); drawTextBox(TB_INST1 + i); } // SAMPLES clearRect(424, 99, 15, 54); // src sample clearRect(446, 99, 115, 54); // main sample // draw source sample selection if (editor.srcSmp >= editor.sampleBankOffset && editor.srcSmp <= editor.sampleBankOffset+4) { y = 99 + ((editor.srcSmp - editor.sampleBankOffset) * 11); if (y >= 36 && y <= 143) fillRect(424, y, 15, 10, PAL_BUTTONS); } // draw destination sample selection if (editor.curSmp >= editor.sampleBankOffset && editor.curSmp <= editor.sampleBankOffset+4) { y = 99 + ((editor.curSmp - editor.sampleBankOffset) * 11); if (y >= 36 && y <= 143) fillRect(446, y, 115, 10, PAL_BUTTONS); } // draw numbers and texts for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { hexOut(424, 99 + (i * 11), PAL_FORGRND, editor.sampleBankOffset + i, 2); drawTextBox(TB_SAMP1 + i); } } } void showInstrumentSwitcher(void) { uint16_t i; if (!ui.instrSwitcherShown) return; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) showTextBox(TB_INST1 + i); if (ui.extended) { hidePushButton(PB_SAMPLE_LIST_UP); hidePushButton(PB_SAMPLE_LIST_DOWN); hideScrollBar(SB_SAMPLE_LIST); drawFramework(386, 0, 246, 3, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(506, 3, 3, 47, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(386, 50, 246, 3, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(629, 3, 3, 47, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); clearRect(386, 3, 120, 47); clearRect(509, 3, 120, 47); } else { drawFramework(421, 0, 166, 3, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(442, 3, 3, 91, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(421, 94, 166, 3, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(442, 97, 3, 58, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(563, 97, 24, 58, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(587, 0, 45, 71, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(587, 71, 45, 71, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(587, 142, 45, 31, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); fillRect(421, 3, 21, 91, PAL_BCKGRND); fillRect(445, 3, 142, 91, PAL_BCKGRND); fillRect(421, 97, 21, 58, PAL_BCKGRND); fillRect(445, 97, 118, 58, PAL_BCKGRND); showPushButton(PB_SAMPLE_LIST_UP); showPushButton(PB_SAMPLE_LIST_DOWN); showScrollBar(SB_SAMPLE_LIST); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) showTextBox(TB_SAMP1 + i); } updateInstrumentSwitcher(); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) showPushButton(PB_RANGE1 + i + (editor.instrBankSwapped * 8)); showPushButton(PB_SWAP_BANK); } void hideInstrumentSwitcher(void) { uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) hidePushButton(PB_RANGE1 + i); hidePushButton(PB_SWAP_BANK); hidePushButton(PB_SAMPLE_LIST_UP); hidePushButton(PB_SAMPLE_LIST_DOWN); hideScrollBar(SB_SAMPLE_LIST); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) hideTextBox(TB_INST1 + i); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) hideTextBox(TB_SAMP1 + i); } void pbSwapInstrBank(void) { editor.instrBankSwapped ^= 1; if (editor.instrBankSwapped) editor.instrBankOffset += (8 * 8); else editor.instrBankOffset -= (8 * 8); updateTextBoxPointers(); if (ui.instrSwitcherShown) { updateInstrumentSwitcher(); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { hidePushButton(PB_RANGE1 + i + (!editor.instrBankSwapped * 8)); showPushButton(PB_RANGE1 + i + ( editor.instrBankSwapped * 8)); } } } void pbSetInstrBank1(void) { editor.instrBankOffset = 0 * 8; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateInstrumentSwitcher(); } void pbSetInstrBank2(void) { editor.instrBankOffset = 1 * 8; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateInstrumentSwitcher(); } void pbSetInstrBank3(void) { editor.instrBankOffset = 2 * 8; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateInstrumentSwitcher(); } void pbSetInstrBank4(void) { editor.instrBankOffset = 3 * 8; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateInstrumentSwitcher(); } void pbSetInstrBank5(void) { editor.instrBankOffset = 4 * 8; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateInstrumentSwitcher(); } void pbSetInstrBank6(void) { editor.instrBankOffset = 5 * 8; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateInstrumentSwitcher(); } void pbSetInstrBank7(void) { editor.instrBankOffset = 6 * 8; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateInstrumentSwitcher(); } void pbSetInstrBank8(void) { editor.instrBankOffset = 7 * 8; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateInstrumentSwitcher(); } void pbSetInstrBank9(void) { editor.instrBankOffset = 8 * 8; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateInstrumentSwitcher(); } void pbSetInstrBank10(void) { editor.instrBankOffset = 9 * 8; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateInstrumentSwitcher(); } void pbSetInstrBank11(void) { editor.instrBankOffset = 10 * 8; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateInstrumentSwitcher(); } void pbSetInstrBank12(void) { editor.instrBankOffset = 11 * 8; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateInstrumentSwitcher(); } void pbSetInstrBank13(void) { editor.instrBankOffset = 12 * 8; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateInstrumentSwitcher(); } void pbSetInstrBank14(void) { editor.instrBankOffset = 13 * 8; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateInstrumentSwitcher(); } void pbSetInstrBank15(void) { editor.instrBankOffset = 14 * 8; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateInstrumentSwitcher(); } void pbSetInstrBank16(void) { editor.instrBankOffset = 15 * 8; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateInstrumentSwitcher(); } void setNewInstr(int16_t ins) { if (ins <= MAX_INST) { editor.curInstr = (uint8_t)ins; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateInstrumentSwitcher(); updateNewInstrument(); } } void sampleListScrollUp(void) { scrollBarScrollUp(SB_SAMPLE_LIST, 1); } void sampleListScrollDown(void) { scrollBarScrollDown(SB_SAMPLE_LIST, 1); } static void zapSong(void) { lockMixerCallback(); song.len = 1; song.repS = 0; // Silly: FT2 doesn't do this! song.speed = 125; song.tempo = 6; song.songPos = 0; song.globVol = 64; memset(, 0, sizeof (; memset(song.songTab, 0, sizeof (song.songTab)); // zero all pattern data and reset pattern lengths freeAllPatterns(); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < MAX_PATTERNS; i++) pattLens[i] = 64; song.pattLen = pattLens[song.pattNr]; resetMusic(); setSpeed(song.speed); editor.songPos = song.songPos; editor.editPattern = song.pattNr; editor.speed = song.speed; editor.tempo = song.tempo; editor.globalVol = song.globVol; editor.timer = 1; resetPlaybackTime(); if (!audio.linearFreqTable) setFrqTab(true); clearPattMark(); resetWavRenderer(); resetChannels(); unlockMixerCallback(); setScrollBarPos(SB_POS_ED, 0, false); setScrollBarEnd(SB_POS_ED, (song.len - 1) + 5); updateWindowTitle(true); } static void zapInstrs(void) { lockMixerCallback(); for (int16_t i = 1; i <= MAX_INST; i++) { freeInstr(i); memset(song.instrName[i], 0, 22 + 1); } updateNewInstrument(); editor.currVolEnvPoint = 0; editor.currPanEnvPoint = 0; updateSampleEditorSample(); if (ui.sampleEditorShown) updateSampleEditor(); else if (ui.instEditorShown || ui.instEditorExtShown) updateInstEditor(); unlockMixerCallback(); } void pbZap(void) { int16_t choice = okBox(4, "System request", "Total devastation of the..."); if (choice == 1) // zap all { zapSong(); zapInstrs(); } else if (choice == 2) // zap song { zapSong(); } else if (choice == 3) // zap instruments { zapInstrs(); } if (choice >= 1 && choice <= 3) { // redraw top screens hideTopScreen(); showTopScreen(true); setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void sbSmpBankPos(uint32_t pos) { if (editor.sampleBankOffset != pos) { editor.sampleBankOffset = (uint8_t)pos; updateTextBoxPointers(); updateInstrumentSwitcher(); } } void pbToggleLogo(void) { config.id_FastLogo ^= 1; changeLogoType(config.id_FastLogo); } void pbToggleBadge(void) { config.id_TritonProd ^= 1; changeBadgeType(config.id_TritonProd); } void resetChannelOffset(void) { ui.pattChanScrollShown = song.antChn > getMaxVisibleChannels(); cursor.object = CURSOR_NOTE; = 0; setScrollBarPos(SB_CHAN_SCROLL, 0, true); ui.channelOffset = 0; } void shrinkPattern(void) { uint16_t nr, pattLen; tonTyp *pattPtr; if (okBox(2, "System request", "Shrink pattern?") != 1) return; nr = editor.editPattern; pattLen = pattLens[nr]; if (pattLen > 1) { lockMixerCallback(); pattPtr = patt[nr]; if (pattPtr != NULL) { for (uint16_t i = 0; i < pattLen/2; i++) { for (uint16_t j = 0; j < MAX_VOICES; j++) pattPtr[(i * MAX_VOICES) + j] = pattPtr[((i * 2) * MAX_VOICES) + j]; } } pattLens[nr] /= 2; if (song.pattNr == nr) song.pattLen = pattLens[nr]; song.pattPos /= 2; if (song.pattPos >= pattLens[nr]) song.pattPos = pattLens[nr] - 1; editor.pattPos = song.pattPos; ui.updatePatternEditor = true; ui.updatePosSections = true; unlockMixerCallback(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } } void expandPattern(void) { uint16_t nr, pattLen; tonTyp *tmpPtn; nr = editor.editPattern; pattLen = pattLens[nr]; if (pattLen > 128) { okBox(0, "System message", "Pattern is too long to be expanded."); } else { lockMixerCallback(); if (patt[nr] != NULL) { tmpPtn = (tonTyp *)malloc((pattLen * 2) * TRACK_WIDTH); if (tmpPtn == NULL) { unlockMixerCallback(); okBox(0, "System message", "Not enough memory!"); return; } for (uint16_t i = 0; i < pattLen; i++) { for (uint16_t j = 0; j < MAX_VOICES; j++) tmpPtn[((i * 2) * MAX_VOICES) + j] = patt[nr][(i * MAX_VOICES) + j]; memset(&tmpPtn[((i * 2) + 1) * MAX_VOICES], 0, TRACK_WIDTH); } free(patt[nr]); patt[nr] = tmpPtn; } pattLens[nr] *= 2; if (song.pattNr == nr) song.pattLen = pattLens[nr]; song.pattPos *= 2; if (song.pattPos >= pattLens[nr]) song.pattPos = pattLens[nr] - 1; editor.pattPos = song.pattPos; ui.updatePatternEditor = true; ui.updatePosSections = true; unlockMixerCallback(); setSongModifiedFlag(); } }