ref: 065a79216e2697245dc175423fe4a85f27106ede
dir: /src/ft2_module_saver.c/
// for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "ft2_header.h" #include "ft2_audio.h" #include "ft2_gui.h" #include "ft2_mouse.h" #include "ft2_sample_ed.h" #include "ft2_module_loader.h" #include "ft2_tables.h" #include "ft2_structs.h" /* These savers are directly ported, so they should act identical to FT2 ** except for some very minor changes. */ static SDL_Thread *thread; static uint8_t packedPattData[65536]; static uint16_t packPatt(uint8_t *writePtr, uint8_t *pattPtr, uint16_t numRows); static const char modSig[32][5] = { "1CHN", "2CHN", "3CHN", "4CHN", "5CHN", "6CHN", "7CHN", "8CHN", "9CHN", "10CH", "11CH", "12CH", "13CH", "14CH", "15CH", "16CH", "17CH", "18CH", "19CH", "20CH", "21CH", "22CH", "23CH", "24CH", "25CH", "26CH", "27CH", "28CH", "29CH", "30CH", "31CH", "32CH" }; bool saveXM(UNICHAR *filenameU) { int16_t ap, ai, i, j, k, a; size_t result; songHeaderTyp h; patternHeaderTyp ph; instrTyp *ins; instrHeaderTyp ih; sampleTyp *s; sampleHeaderTyp *dst; FILE *f; f = UNICHAR_FOPEN(filenameU, "wb"); if (f == NULL) { okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Error opening file for saving, is it in use?"); return false; } memcpy(h.sig, "Extended Module: ", 17); memset(, ' ', 20);[20] = 0x1A; memcpy(,, strlen(; memcpy(h.progName, PROG_NAME_STR, 20); h.ver = 0x0104; h.headerSize = 20 + 256; h.len = song.len; h.repS = song.repS; h.antChn = (uint16_t)song.antChn; h.defTempo = song.tempo; h.defSpeed = song.speed; // count number of patterns ap = MAX_PATTERNS; do { if (patternEmpty(ap - 1)) ap--; else break; } while (ap > 0); h.antPtn = ap; // count number of instruments ai = 128; while (ai > 0 && getUsedSamples(ai) == 0 && song.instrName[ai][0] == '\0') ai--; h.antInstrs = ai; h.flags = audio.linearFreqTable; memcpy(h.songTab, song.songTab, sizeof (song.songTab)); if (fwrite(&h, sizeof (h), 1, f) != 1) { fclose(f); okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Error saving module: general I/O error!"); return false; } for (i = 0; i < ap; i++) { if (patternEmpty(i)) { if (patt[i] != NULL) { free(patt[i]); patt[i] = NULL; } pattLens[i] = 64; } ph.patternHeaderSize = sizeof (patternHeaderTyp); ph.pattLen = pattLens[i]; ph.typ = 0; if (patt[i] == NULL) { ph.dataLen = 0; if (fwrite(&ph, ph.patternHeaderSize, 1, f) != 1) { fclose(f); okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Error saving module: general I/O error!"); return false; } } else { ph.dataLen = packPatt(packedPattData, (uint8_t *)patt[i], pattLens[i]); result = fwrite(&ph, ph.patternHeaderSize, 1, f); result += fwrite(packedPattData, ph.dataLen, 1, f); if (result != 2) // write was not OK { fclose(f); okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Error saving module: general I/O error!"); return false; } } } memset(&ih, 0, sizeof (ih)); // important, clears reserved stuff for (i = 1; i <= ai; i++) { if (instr[i] == NULL) j = 0; else j = i; a = getUsedSamples(i); memset(, 0, 22); memcpy(, song.instrName[i], strlen(song.instrName[i])); ih.typ = 0; ih.antSamp = a; ih.sampleSize = sizeof (sampleHeaderTyp); if (a > 0) { ins = instr[j]; memcpy(ih.ta, ins->ta, 96); memcpy(ih.envVP, ins->envVP, 12*2*sizeof(int16_t)); memcpy(ih.envPP, ins->envPP, 12*2*sizeof(int16_t)); ih.envVPAnt = ins->envVPAnt; ih.envPPAnt = ins->envPPAnt; ih.envVSust = ins->envVSust; ih.envVRepS = ins->envVRepS; ih.envVRepE = ins->envVRepE; ih.envPSust = ins->envPSust; ih.envPRepS = ins->envPRepS; ih.envPRepE = ins->envPRepE; ih.envVTyp = ins->envVTyp; ih.envPTyp = ins->envPTyp; ih.vibTyp = ins->vibTyp; ih.vibSweep = ins->vibSweep; ih.vibDepth = ins->vibDepth; ih.vibRate = ins->vibRate; ih.fadeOut = ins->fadeOut; ih.midiOn = ins->midiOn ? 1 : 0; ih.midiChannel = ins->midiChannel; ih.midiProgram = ins->midiProgram; ih.midiBend = ins->midiBend; ih.mute = ins->mute ? 1 : 0; ih.instrSize = INSTR_HEADER_SIZE; for (k = 0; k < a; k++) { s = &instr[j]->samp[k]; dst = &ih.samp[k]; dst->len = s->len; dst->repS = s->repS; dst->repL = s->repL; dst->vol = s->vol; dst->fine = s->fine; dst->typ = s->typ; dst->pan = s->pan; dst->relTon = s->relTon; uint8_t nameLen = (uint8_t)strlen(s->name); dst->nameLen = nameLen; memset(dst->name, ' ', 22); memcpy(dst->name, s->name, nameLen); if (s->pek == NULL) dst->len = 0; } } else { ih.instrSize = 22 + 11; } if (fwrite(&ih, ih.instrSize + (a * sizeof (sampleHeaderTyp)), 1, f) != 1) { fclose(f); okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Error saving module: general I/O error!"); return false; } for (k = 1; k <= a; k++) { s = &instr[j]->samp[k-1]; if (s->pek != NULL) { restoreSample(s); samp2Delta(s->pek, s->len, s->typ); result = fwrite(s->pek, 1, s->len, f); delta2Samp(s->pek, s->len, s->typ); fixSample(s); if (result != (size_t)s->len) // write not OK { fclose(f); okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Error saving module: general I/O error!"); return false; } } } } removeSongModifiedFlag(); fclose(f); editor.diskOpReadDir = true; // force diskop re-read setMouseBusy(false); return true; } static bool saveMOD(UNICHAR *filenameU) { bool test, tooManyInstr, incompatEfx, noteUnderflow; int8_t *srcPtr, *dstPtr; uint8_t ton, inst, pattBuff[64*4*32]; int16_t a, i, ap; int32_t j, k, l1, l2, l3, writeLen, bytesToWrite, bytesWritten; FILE *f; instrTyp *ins; sampleTyp *smp; tonTyp *t; songMOD31HeaderTyp hm; tooManyInstr = false; incompatEfx = false; noteUnderflow = false; if (audio.linearFreqTable) okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Linear frequency table used!"); // sanity checking test = false; if (song.len > 128) test = true; for (i = 100; i < 256; i++) { if (patt[i] != NULL) { test = true; break; } } if (test) okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Too many patterns!"); for (i = 32; i <= 128; i++) { if (getRealUsedSamples(i) > 0) { okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Too many instruments!"); break; } } test = false; for (i = 1; i <= 31; i++) { ins = instr[i]; if (ins == NULL) continue; smp = &ins->samp[0]; j = getRealUsedSamples(i); if (j > 1) { test = true; break; } if (j == 1) { if (smp->len > 65534 || ins->fadeOut != 0 || ins->envVTyp != 0 || ins->envPTyp != 0 || (smp->typ & 3) == 2 || smp->relTon != 0 || ins->midiOn) { test = true; break; } } } if (test) okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Incompatible instruments!"); for (i = 0; i < 99; i++) { if (patt[i] != NULL) { if (pattLens[i] != 64) { okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Unable to convert module. (Illegal pattern length)"); return false; } for (j = 0; j < 64; j++) { for (k = 0; k < song.antChn; k++) { t = &patt[i][(j * MAX_VOICES) + k]; if (t->instr > 31) tooManyInstr = true; if (t->effTyp > 15 || t->vol != 0) incompatEfx = true; // added security that wasn't present in FT2 if (t->ton > 0 && t->ton < 10) noteUnderflow = true; } } } } if (tooManyInstr) okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Instrument(s) above 31 was found in pattern data!"); if (incompatEfx) okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Incompatible effect(s) was found in pattern data!"); if (noteUnderflow) okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Note(s) below A-0 were found in pattern data!"); // setup header buffer memset(&hm, 0, sizeof (hm)); memcpy(,, sizeof (; hm.len = (uint8_t)song.len; if (hm.len > 128) hm.len = 128; hm.repS = (uint8_t)song.repS; if (hm.repS > 127) hm.repS = 0; memcpy(hm.songTab, song.songTab, song.len); // calculate number of patterns ap = 0; for (i = 0; i < song.len; i++) { if (song.songTab[i] > ap) ap = song.songTab[i]; } if (song.antChn == 4) memcpy(hm.sig, (ap > 64) ? "M!K!" : "M.K.", 4); else memcpy(hm.sig, modSig[song.antChn-1], 4); // read sample information into header buffer for (i = 1; i <= 31; i++) { songMODInstrHeaderTyp *modIns = &hm.instr[i-1]; memcpy(modIns->name, song.instrName[i], sizeof (modIns->name)); if (instr[i] != NULL && getRealUsedSamples(i) != 0) { smp = &instr[i]->samp[0]; l1 = smp->len >> 1; l2 = smp->repS >> 1; l3 = smp->repL >> 1; if (smp->typ & 16) { l1 >>= 1; l2 >>= 1; l3 >>= 1; } if (l1 > 32767) l1 = 32767; if (l2 > l1) l2 = l1; if (l2+l3 > l1) l3 = l1 - l2; // FT2 bug-fix if (l3 < 1) { l2 = 0; l3 = 1; } modIns->len = (uint16_t)(SWAP16(l1)); modIns->fine = ((smp->fine + 128) >> 4) ^ 8; modIns->vol = smp->vol; if ((smp->typ & 3) == 0) { modIns->repS = 0; modIns->repL = SWAP16(1); } else { modIns->repS = (uint16_t)(SWAP16(l2)); modIns->repL = (uint16_t)(SWAP16(l3)); } } // FT2 bugfix: never allow replen being below 2 (1) if (SWAP16(modIns->repL) < 1) { modIns->repS = SWAP16(0); modIns->repL = SWAP16(1); } } f = UNICHAR_FOPEN(filenameU, "wb"); if (f == NULL) { okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Error opening file for saving, is it in use?"); return false; } // write header if (fwrite(&hm, 1, sizeof (hm), f) != sizeof (hm)) { okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Error saving module: general I/O error!"); goto modSaveError; } // write pattern data for (i = 0; i <= ap; i++) { if (patt[i] == NULL) { // empty pattern memset(pattBuff, 0, song.antChn * (64 * 4)); } else { a = 0; for (j = 0; j < 64; j++) { for (k = 0; k < song.antChn; k++) { t = &patt[i][(j * MAX_VOICES) + k]; inst = t->instr; ton = t->ton; // FT2 bugfix: prevent overflow if (inst > 31) inst = 0; // FT2 bugfix: convert note-off into no note if (ton == 97) ton = 0; // FT2 bugfix: clamp notes below 10 (A-0) to prevent 12-bit period overflow if (ton > 0 && ton < 10) ton = 10; if (ton == 0) { pattBuff[a+0] = inst & 0xF0; pattBuff[a+1] = 0; } else { pattBuff[a+0] = (inst & 0xF0) | ((amigaPeriod[ton-1] >> 8) & 0x0F); pattBuff[a+1] = amigaPeriod[ton-1] & 0xFF; } // FT2 bugfix: if effect is overflowing (0xF in .MOD), set effect and param to 0 if (t->effTyp > 0x0F) { pattBuff[a+2] = (inst & 0x0F) << 4; pattBuff[a+3] = 0; } else { pattBuff[a+2] = ((inst & 0x0F) << 4) | (t->effTyp & 0x0F); pattBuff[a+3] = t->eff; } a += 4; } } } if (fwrite(pattBuff, 1, song.antChn * (64 * 4), f) != (size_t)(song.antChn * (64 * 4))) { okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Error saving module: general I/O error!"); goto modSaveError; } } // write sample data for (i = 0; i < 31; i++) { if (instr[1+i] == NULL || getRealUsedSamples(1+i) == 0) continue; smp = &instr[1+i]->samp[0]; if (smp->pek == NULL || smp->len <= 0) continue; restoreSample(smp); l1 = smp->len >> 1; if (smp->typ & 16) // 16-bit sample (convert to 8-bit) { if (l1 > 65534) l1 = 65534; // let's borrow "pattBuff" here dstPtr = (int8_t *)pattBuff; writeLen = l1; bytesWritten = 0; while (bytesWritten < writeLen) // write in 8K blocks { bytesToWrite = sizeof (pattBuff); if (bytesWritten+bytesToWrite > writeLen) bytesToWrite = writeLen - bytesWritten; srcPtr = &smp->pek[(bytesWritten << 1) + 1]; // +1 to align to high byte for (j = 0; j < bytesToWrite; j++) dstPtr[j] = srcPtr[j << 1]; if (fwrite(dstPtr, 1, bytesToWrite, f) != (size_t)bytesToWrite) { fixSample(smp); okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Error saving module: general I/O error!"); goto modSaveError; } bytesWritten += bytesToWrite; } } else { // 8-bit sample if (l1 > 32767) l1 = 32767; l1 <<= 1; if (fwrite(smp->pek, 1, l1, f) != (size_t)l1) { fixSample(smp); okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Error saving module: general I/O error!"); goto modSaveError; } } fixSample(smp); } fclose(f); removeSongModifiedFlag(); editor.diskOpReadDir = true; // force diskop re-read setMouseBusy(false); return true; modSaveError: fclose(f); return false; } static int32_t SDLCALL saveMusicThread(void *ptr) { (void)ptr; assert(editor.tmpFilenameU != NULL); if (editor.tmpFilenameU == NULL) return false; pauseAudio(); if (editor.moduleSaveMode == 1) saveXM(editor.tmpFilenameU); else saveMOD(editor.tmpFilenameU); resumeAudio(); return true; } void saveMusic(UNICHAR *filenameU) { UNICHAR_STRCPY(editor.tmpFilenameU, filenameU); mouseAnimOn(); thread = SDL_CreateThread(saveMusicThread, NULL, NULL); if (thread == NULL) { okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Couldn't create thread!"); return; } SDL_DetachThread(thread); } static uint16_t packPatt(uint8_t *writePtr, uint8_t *pattPtr, uint16_t numRows) { uint8_t bytes[5], packBits, *firstBytePtr; uint16_t totalPackLen; totalPackLen = 0; if (pattPtr == NULL) return 0; for (uint16_t row = 0; row < numRows; row++) { for (uint16_t chn = 0; chn < song.antChn; chn++) { bytes[0] = *pattPtr++; bytes[1] = *pattPtr++; bytes[2] = *pattPtr++; bytes[3] = *pattPtr++; bytes[4] = *pattPtr++; firstBytePtr = writePtr++; packBits = 0; if (bytes[0] > 0) { packBits |= 1; *writePtr++ = bytes[0]; } // note if (bytes[1] > 0) { packBits |= 2; *writePtr++ = bytes[1]; } // instrument if (bytes[2] > 0) { packBits |= 4; *writePtr++ = bytes[2]; } // volume column if (bytes[3] > 0) { packBits |= 8; *writePtr++ = bytes[3]; } // effect if (packBits == 15) // first four bits set? { // no packing needed, write pattern data as is // point to first byte (and overwrite data) writePtr = firstBytePtr; *writePtr++ = bytes[0]; *writePtr++ = bytes[1]; *writePtr++ = bytes[2]; *writePtr++ = bytes[3]; *writePtr++ = bytes[4]; totalPackLen += 5; continue; } if (bytes[4] > 0) { packBits |= 16; *writePtr++ = bytes[4]; } // effect parameter *firstBytePtr = packBits | 128; // write pack bits byte totalPackLen += (uint16_t)(writePtr - firstBytePtr); // bytes writen } // skip unused channels (unpacked patterns always have 32 channels) pattPtr += sizeof (tonTyp) * (MAX_VOICES - song.antChn); } return totalPackLen; }