ref: 065a79216e2697245dc175423fe4a85f27106ede
dir: /src/ft2_diskop.c/
// for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_MEAN_AND_LEAN #include <shlwapi.h> #include <windows.h> #include <direct.h> #include <shlobj.h> // SHGetFolderPathW() #else #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fts.h> // for fts_open() and stuff in recursiveDelete() #include <unistd.h> #include <dirent.h> #endif #include <wchar.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include "ft2_header.h" #include "ft2_unicode.h" #include "ft2_config.h" #include "ft2_mouse.h" #include "ft2_gui.h" #include "ft2_pattern_ed.h" #include "ft2_sample_loader.h" #include "ft2_sample_saver.h" #include "ft2_diskop.h" #include "ft2_wav_renderer.h" #include "ft2_module_loader.h" #include "ft2_module_saver.h" #include "ft2_events.h" #include "ft2_video.h" #include "ft2_inst_ed.h" #include "ft2_structs.h" // hide POSIX warnings for chdir() #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable: 4996) #endif #define FILENAME_TEXT_X 170 #define FILESIZE_TEXT_X 295 #define DISKOP_MAX_DRIVE_BUTTONS 8 #ifdef _WIN32 #define PARENT_DIR_STR L".." static HANDLE hFind; #else #define PARENT_DIR_STR ".." static DIR *hFind; #endif // "look for file" flags enum { LFF_DONE = 0, LFF_SKIP = 1, LFF_OK = 2 }; typedef struct DirRec { UNICHAR *nameU; bool isDir; int32_t filesize; } DirRec; static char FReq_SysReqText[196], *FReq_FileName, *FReq_NameTemp; static char *modTmpFName, *insTmpFName, *smpTmpFName, *patTmpFName, *trkTmpFName; static char *modTmpFNameUTF8; // for window title static uint8_t FReq_Item; static bool FReq_ShowAllFiles, insPathSet, smpPathSet, patPathSet, trkPathSet, firstTimeOpeningDiskOp = true; static int32_t FReq_EntrySelected = -1, FReq_FileCount, FReq_DirPos, lastMouseY; static UNICHAR *FReq_CurPathU, *FReq_ModCurPathU, *FReq_InsCurPathU, *FReq_SmpCurPathU, *FReq_PatCurPathU, *FReq_TrkCurPathU; static DirRec *FReq_Buffer; static SDL_Thread *thread; static void setDiskOpItem(uint8_t item); int32_t getFileSize(UNICHAR *fileNameU) // returning -1 = filesize over 2GB { #ifdef _WIN32 FILE *f; #else struct stat st; #endif int64_t fSize; #ifdef _WIN32 f = UNICHAR_FOPEN(fileNameU, "rb"); if (f == NULL) return 0; _fseeki64(f, 0, SEEK_END); fSize = _ftelli64(f); fclose(f); #else if (stat(fileNameU, &st) != 0) return 0; fSize = (int64_t)st.st_size; #endif if (fSize < 0) fSize = 0; if (fSize > INT32_MAX) return -1; return fSize & 0xFFFFFFFF; } uint8_t getDiskOpItem(void) { return FReq_Item; } char *getCurrSongFilename(void) // for window title { return modTmpFNameUTF8; } void updateCurrSongFilename(void) // for window title { if (modTmpFNameUTF8 != NULL) { free(modTmpFNameUTF8); modTmpFNameUTF8 = NULL; } if (modTmpFName == NULL) return; modTmpFNameUTF8 = cp437ToUtf8(modTmpFName); } // drive buttons for Windows #ifdef _WIN32 static char logicalDriveNames[26][3] = { "A:", "B:", "C:", "D:", "E:", "F:", "G:", "H:", "I:", "J:", "K:", "L:", "M:", "N:", "O:", "P:", "Q:", "R:", "S:", "T:", "U:", "V:", "W:", "X:", "Y:", "Z:" }; static uint32_t numLogicalDrives; static uint32_t driveIndexes[DISKOP_MAX_DRIVE_BUTTONS]; #endif char *getDiskOpFilename(void) { return FReq_FileName; } const UNICHAR *getDiskOpCurPath(void) { return FReq_CurPathU; } const UNICHAR *getDiskOpModPath(void) { return FReq_ModCurPathU; } const UNICHAR *getDiskOpSmpPath(void) { return FReq_SmpCurPathU; } static void setupInitialPaths(void) { // the UNICHAR paths are already zeroed out #ifdef _WIN32 if (config.modulesPath[0] != '\0') MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, config.modulesPath, -1, FReq_ModCurPathU, 80); if (config.instrPath[0] != '\0') { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, config.instrPath, -1, FReq_InsCurPathU, 80); insPathSet = true; } if (config.samplesPath[0] != '\0') { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, config.samplesPath, -1, FReq_SmpCurPathU, 80); smpPathSet = true; } if (config.patternsPath[0] != '\0') { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, config.patternsPath, -1, FReq_PatCurPathU, 80); patPathSet = true; } if (config.tracksPath[0] != '\0') { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, config.tracksPath, -1, FReq_TrkCurPathU, 80); trkPathSet = true; } #else if (config.modulesPath[0] != '\0') strncpy(FReq_ModCurPathU, config.modulesPath, 80); if (config.instrPath[0] != '\0') { strncpy(FReq_InsCurPathU, config.instrPath, 80); insPathSet = true; } if (config.samplesPath[0] != '\0') { strncpy(FReq_SmpCurPathU, config.samplesPath, 80); smpPathSet = true; } if (config.patternsPath[0] != '\0') { strncpy(FReq_PatCurPathU, config.patternsPath, 80); patPathSet = true; } if (config.tracksPath[0] != '\0') { strncpy(FReq_TrkCurPathU, config.tracksPath, 80); trkPathSet = true; } #endif } static void freeDirRecBuffer(void) { if (FReq_Buffer != NULL) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < FReq_FileCount; i++) { if (FReq_Buffer[i].nameU != NULL) free(FReq_Buffer[i].nameU); } free(FReq_Buffer); FReq_Buffer = NULL; } FReq_FileCount = 0; } void freeDiskOp(void) { if (editor.tmpFilenameU != NULL) { free(editor.tmpFilenameU); editor.tmpFilenameU = NULL; } if (editor.tmpInstrFilenameU != NULL) { free(editor.tmpInstrFilenameU); editor.tmpInstrFilenameU = NULL; } if (modTmpFName != NULL) { free(modTmpFName); modTmpFName = NULL; } if (insTmpFName != NULL) { free(insTmpFName); insTmpFName = NULL; } if (smpTmpFName != NULL) { free(smpTmpFName); smpTmpFName = NULL; } if (patTmpFName != NULL) { free(patTmpFName); patTmpFName = NULL; } if (trkTmpFName != NULL) { free(trkTmpFName); trkTmpFName = NULL; } if (FReq_NameTemp != NULL) { free(FReq_NameTemp); FReq_NameTemp = NULL; } if (FReq_ModCurPathU != NULL) { free(FReq_ModCurPathU); FReq_ModCurPathU = NULL; } if (FReq_InsCurPathU != NULL) { free(FReq_InsCurPathU); FReq_InsCurPathU = NULL; } if (FReq_SmpCurPathU != NULL) { free(FReq_SmpCurPathU); FReq_SmpCurPathU = NULL; } if (FReq_PatCurPathU != NULL) { free(FReq_PatCurPathU); FReq_PatCurPathU = NULL; } if (FReq_TrkCurPathU != NULL) { free(FReq_TrkCurPathU); FReq_TrkCurPathU = NULL; } if (modTmpFNameUTF8 != NULL) { free(modTmpFNameUTF8); modTmpFNameUTF8 = NULL; } freeDirRecBuffer(); } bool setupDiskOp(void) { modTmpFName = (char *)calloc(PATH_MAX + 1, sizeof (char)); insTmpFName = (char *)calloc(PATH_MAX + 1, sizeof (char)); smpTmpFName = (char *)calloc(PATH_MAX + 1, sizeof (char)); patTmpFName = (char *)calloc(PATH_MAX + 1, sizeof (char)); trkTmpFName = (char *)calloc(PATH_MAX + 1, sizeof (char)); FReq_NameTemp = (char *)calloc(PATH_MAX + 1, sizeof (char)); FReq_ModCurPathU = (UNICHAR *)calloc(PATH_MAX + 2, sizeof (UNICHAR)); FReq_InsCurPathU = (UNICHAR *)calloc(PATH_MAX + 2, sizeof (UNICHAR)); FReq_SmpCurPathU = (UNICHAR *)calloc(PATH_MAX + 2, sizeof (UNICHAR)); FReq_PatCurPathU = (UNICHAR *)calloc(PATH_MAX + 2, sizeof (UNICHAR)); FReq_TrkCurPathU = (UNICHAR *)calloc(PATH_MAX + 2, sizeof (UNICHAR)); if (modTmpFName == NULL || insTmpFName == NULL || smpTmpFName == NULL || patTmpFName == NULL || trkTmpFName == NULL || FReq_NameTemp == NULL || FReq_ModCurPathU == NULL || FReq_InsCurPathU == NULL || FReq_SmpCurPathU == NULL || FReq_PatCurPathU == NULL || FReq_TrkCurPathU == NULL) { // allocated memory is free'd lateron showErrorMsgBox("Not enough memory!"); return false; } strcpy(modTmpFName, "untitled.xm"); strcpy(insTmpFName, "untitled.xi"); strcpy(smpTmpFName, "untitled.wav"); strcpy(patTmpFName, "untitled.xp"); strcpy(trkTmpFName, "untitled.xt"); setupInitialPaths(); setDiskOpItem(0); updateCurrSongFilename(); // for window title updateWindowTitle(true); return true; } int32_t getExtOffset(char *s, int32_t stringLen) // get byte offset of file extension (last '.') { if (s == NULL || stringLen < 1) return -1; for (int32_t i = stringLen - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i != 0 && s[i] == '.') return i; } return -1; } static void removeQuestionmarksFromString(char *s) { int32_t len; if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') return; len = (int32_t)strlen(s); for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (s[i] == '?') s[i] = ' ' ; } } #ifdef _WIN32 // WINDOWS SPECIFIC FILE OPERATION ROUTINES bool fileExistsAnsi(char *str) { int32_t retVal; UNICHAR *strU; strU = cp437ToUnichar(str); if (strU == NULL) return false; retVal = PathFileExistsW(strU); free(strU); return retVal; } static bool deleteDirRecursive(UNICHAR *strU) { SHFILEOPSTRUCTW shfo; memset(&shfo, 0, sizeof (shfo)); shfo.wFunc = FO_DELETE; shfo.fFlags = FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOERRORUI | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION; shfo.pFrom = strU; return (SHFileOperationW(&shfo) == 0); } static bool makeDirAnsi(char *str) { int32_t retVal; UNICHAR *strU; strU = cp437ToUnichar(str); if (strU == NULL) return false; retVal = _wmkdir(strU); free(strU); return (retVal == 0); } static bool renameAnsi(UNICHAR *oldNameU, char *newName) { int32_t retVal; UNICHAR *newNameU; newNameU = cp437ToUnichar(newName); if (newNameU == NULL) return false; retVal = UNICHAR_RENAME(oldNameU, newNameU); free(newNameU); return (retVal == 0); } static void setupDiskOpDrives(void) // Windows only { uint16_t i; uint32_t drivesBitmask; fillRect(134, 29, 31, 111, PAL_DESKTOP); numLogicalDrives = 0; // get number of drives and drive names drivesBitmask = GetLogicalDrives(); for (i = 0; i < 8*sizeof (uint32_t); i++) { if ((drivesBitmask & (1 << i)) != 0) { driveIndexes[numLogicalDrives++] = i; if (numLogicalDrives == DISKOP_MAX_DRIVE_BUTTONS) break; } } // hide all buttons for (i = 0; i < DISKOP_MAX_DRIVE_BUTTONS; i++) hidePushButton(PB_DISKOP_DRIVE1 + i); // set button names and show buttons for (i = 0; i < numLogicalDrives; i++) { pushButtons[PB_DISKOP_DRIVE1 + i].caption = logicalDriveNames[driveIndexes[i]]; showPushButton(PB_DISKOP_DRIVE1 + i); } } static void openDrive(char *str) // Windows only { if (mouse.mode == MOUSE_MODE_DELETE) { okBox(8, "System complaint", "Very funny."); return; } if (str == NULL || *str == '\0') { okBox(0, "System message", "Couldn't open drive!"); return; } if (chdir(str) != 0) okBox(0, "System message", "Couldn't open drive! Please make sure there's a disk in it."); else editor.diskOpReadDir = true; } #else // NON-WINDOWS SPECIFIC FILE OPERATION ROUTINES bool fileExistsAnsi(char *str) { int32_t retVal; UNICHAR *strU; strU = cp437ToUnichar(str); if (strU == NULL) return false; retVal = access(strU, F_OK); free(strU); return (retVal != -1); } static bool deleteDirRecursive(UNICHAR *strU) { int32_t ret; FTS *ftsp; FTSENT *curr; char *files[] = { (char *)(strU), NULL }; ftsp = NULL; ftsp = fts_open(files, FTS_NOCHDIR | FTS_PHYSICAL | FTS_XDEV, NULL); if (!ftsp) return false; ret = true; while ((curr = fts_read(ftsp))) { switch (curr->fts_info) { default: case FTS_NS: case FTS_DNR: case FTS_ERR: ret = false; break; case FTS_D: case FTS_DC: case FTS_DOT: case FTS_NSOK: break; case FTS_DP: case FTS_F: case FTS_SL: case FTS_SLNONE: case FTS_DEFAULT: { if (remove(curr->fts_accpath) < 0) ret = false; } break; } } if (ftsp != NULL) fts_close(ftsp); return ret; } static bool makeDirAnsi(char *str) { int32_t retVal; UNICHAR *strU; strU = cp437ToUnichar(str); if (strU == NULL) return false; retVal = mkdir(str, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); free(strU); return (retVal == 0); } static bool renameAnsi(UNICHAR *oldNameU, char *newName) { int32_t retVal; UNICHAR *newNameU; newNameU = cp437ToUnichar(newName); if (newNameU == NULL) return false; retVal = UNICHAR_RENAME(oldNameU, newNameU); free(newNameU); return (retVal == 0); } #endif static void openDirectory(UNICHAR *strU) { if (strU == NULL || UNICHAR_STRLEN(strU) == 0) { okBox(0, "System message", "Couldn't open directory! No permission or in use?"); return; } if (UNICHAR_CHDIR(strU) != 0) okBox(0, "System message", "Couldn't open directory! No permission or in use?"); else editor.diskOpReadDir = true; } bool diskOpGoParent(void) { if (chdir("..") == 0) { editor.diskOpReadDir = true; FReq_EntrySelected = -1; return true; } return false; } static char *getFilenameFromPath(char *p) { int32_t i, len; if (p == NULL || p[0] == '\0') return p; len = (int32_t)strlen(p); if (len < 2 || p[len-1] == DIR_DELIMITER) return p; // search for last directory delimiter for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (p[i] == DIR_DELIMITER) break; } if (i != 0) p += i+1; // we found a directory delimiter - skip to the last one return p; } void sanitizeFilename(const char *src) { // some of these are legal on GNU/Linux and macOS, but whatever... const char illegalChars[] = "\\/:*?\"<>|"; char *ptr; if (src == NULL || src[0] == '\0') return; // convert illegal characters to space (for making a filename the OS will accept) while ((ptr = (char *)strpbrk(src, illegalChars)) != NULL) *ptr = ' '; } void diskOpSetFilename(uint8_t type, UNICHAR *pathU) { char *ansiPath, *filename; ansiPath = unicharToCp437(pathU, true); if (ansiPath == NULL) return; filename = getFilenameFromPath(ansiPath); if (strlen(filename) > PATH_MAX-1) { free(ansiPath); return; // filename is too long, don't bother to copy it over } sanitizeFilename(filename); switch (type) { default: case DISKOP_ITEM_MODULE: { strcpy(modTmpFName, filename); updateCurrSongFilename(); // for window title updateWindowTitle(true); } break; case DISKOP_ITEM_INSTR: strcpy(insTmpFName, filename); break; case DISKOP_ITEM_SAMPLE: strcpy(smpTmpFName, filename); break; case DISKOP_ITEM_PATTERN: strcpy(patTmpFName, filename); break; case DISKOP_ITEM_TRACK: strcpy(trkTmpFName, filename); break; } free(ansiPath); if (ui.diskOpShown) drawTextBox(TB_DISKOP_FILENAME); } static void openFile(UNICHAR *filenameU, bool songModifiedCheck) { int32_t filesize; FILE *f; // first check if we can actually open the requested file f = UNICHAR_FOPEN(filenameU, "rb"); if (f == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "Couldn't open file/directory! No permission or in use?"); return; } fclose(f); filesize = getFileSize(filenameU); if (filesize == -1) // >2GB { okBox(0, "System message", "The file is too big and can't be loaded (over 2GB)."); return; } if (filesize >= 128L*1024*1024) // 128MB { if (okBox(2, "System request", "Are you sure you want to load such a big file?") != 1) return; } // file is readable, handle file... switch (FReq_Item) { default: case DISKOP_ITEM_MODULE: { if (songModifiedCheck && song.isModified) { // remove file selection FReq_EntrySelected = -1; diskOp_DrawDirectory(); if (okBox(2, "System request", "You have unsaved changes in your song. Load new song and lose all changes?") != 1) return; } editor.loadMusicEvent = EVENT_LOADMUSIC_DISKOP; loadMusic(filenameU); } break; case DISKOP_ITEM_INSTR: loadInstr(filenameU); break; case DISKOP_ITEM_SAMPLE: loadSample(filenameU, editor.curSmp, false); break; case DISKOP_ITEM_PATTERN: loadPattern(filenameU); break; case DISKOP_ITEM_TRACK: loadTrack(filenameU); break; } } static void removeFilenameExt(char *name) { int32_t extOffset, len; if (name == NULL || *name == '\0') return; len = (int32_t)strlen(name); extOffset = getExtOffset(name, len); if (extOffset != -1) name[extOffset] = '\0'; } void changeFilenameExt(char *name, char *ext, int32_t nameMaxLen) { int32_t len, extLen; if (name == NULL || name[0] == '\0' || ext == NULL) return; removeFilenameExt(name); len = (int32_t)strlen(name); extLen = (int32_t)strlen(ext); if (len + extLen > nameMaxLen-1) name[(nameMaxLen-1) - extLen] = '\0'; strcat(name, ext); if (ui.diskOpShown) diskOp_DrawDirectory(); } void diskOpChangeFilenameExt(char *ext) { changeFilenameExt(FReq_FileName, ext, PATH_MAX); if (ui.diskOpShown) diskOp_DrawDirectory(); } void trimEntryName(char *name, bool isDir) { char extBuffer[24]; int32_t j, extOffset, extLen; j = (int32_t)strlen(name); extOffset = getExtOffset(name, j); extLen = (int32_t)strlen(&name[extOffset]); j--; if (isDir) { // directory while (textWidth(name) > 160-8 && j >= 2) { name[j-2] = '.'; name[j-1] = '.'; name[j-0] = '\0'; j--; } return; } if (extOffset != -1 && extLen <= 4) { // has extension sprintf(extBuffer, ".. %s", &name[extOffset]); // "testtestte... .xm" extLen = (int32_t)strlen(extBuffer); while (textWidth(name) >= FILESIZE_TEXT_X-FILENAME_TEXT_X && j >= extLen+1) { memcpy(&name[j - extLen], extBuffer, extLen + 1); j--; } } else { // no extension while (textWidth(name) >= FILESIZE_TEXT_X-FILENAME_TEXT_X && j >= 2) { name[j-2] = '.'; name[j-1] = '.'; name[j-0] = '\0'; j--; } } } static void createOverwriteText(char *name) { char nameTmp[128]; uint32_t nameLen; // read entry name to a small buffer nameLen = (uint32_t)strlen(name); memcpy(nameTmp, name, (nameLen >= sizeof (nameTmp)) ? sizeof (nameTmp) : (nameLen + 1)); nameTmp[sizeof (nameTmp) - 1] = '\0'; trimEntryName(nameTmp, false); sprintf(FReq_SysReqText, "Overwrite file \"%s\"?", nameTmp); } static void diskOpSave(bool checkOverwrite) { UNICHAR *fileNameU; if (FReq_FileName[0] == '\0') { okBox(0, "System message", "Filename can't be empty!"); return; } // test if the very first character has a dot... if (FReq_FileName[0] == '.') { okBox(0, "System message", "The very first character in the filename can't be '.' (dot)!"); return; } // test for illegal file name if (FReq_FileName[0] == '\0' || strpbrk(FReq_FileName, "\\/:*?\"<>|") != NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "The filename can't contain the following characters: \\ / : * ? \" < > |"); return; } switch (FReq_Item) { default: case DISKOP_ITEM_MODULE: { switch (editor.moduleSaveMode) { case MOD_SAVE_MODE_MOD: diskOpChangeFilenameExt(".mod"); break; default: case MOD_SAVE_MODE_XM: diskOpChangeFilenameExt(".xm"); break; case MOD_SAVE_MODE_WAV: diskOpChangeFilenameExt(".wav"); break; } // enter WAV renderer if needed if (editor.moduleSaveMode == MOD_SAVE_MODE_WAV) { exitDiskOpScreen(); showWavRenderer(); return; } if (checkOverwrite && fileExistsAnsi(FReq_FileName)) { createOverwriteText(FReq_FileName); if (okBox(2, "System request", FReq_SysReqText) != 1) return; } fileNameU = cp437ToUnichar(FReq_FileName); if (fileNameU == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "General I/O error during saving! Is the file in use?"); return; } saveMusic(fileNameU); free(fileNameU); // sets editor.diskOpReadDir after thread is done } break; case DISKOP_ITEM_INSTR: { diskOpChangeFilenameExt(".xi"); if (checkOverwrite && fileExistsAnsi(FReq_FileName)) { createOverwriteText(FReq_FileName); if (okBox(2, "System request", FReq_SysReqText) != 1) return; } fileNameU = cp437ToUnichar(FReq_FileName); if (fileNameU == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "General I/O error during saving! Is the file in use?"); return; } saveInstr(fileNameU, editor.curInstr); free(fileNameU); // editor.diskOpReadDir is set after thread is done } break; case DISKOP_ITEM_SAMPLE: { switch (editor.sampleSaveMode) { case SMP_SAVE_MODE_RAW: diskOpChangeFilenameExt(".raw"); break; case SMP_SAVE_MODE_IFF: diskOpChangeFilenameExt(".iff"); break; default: case SMP_SAVE_MODE_WAV: diskOpChangeFilenameExt(".wav"); break; } if (checkOverwrite && fileExistsAnsi(FReq_FileName)) { createOverwriteText(FReq_FileName); if (okBox(2, "System request", FReq_SysReqText) != 1) return; } fileNameU = cp437ToUnichar(FReq_FileName); if (fileNameU == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "General I/O error during saving! Is the file in use?"); return; } saveSample(fileNameU, SAVE_NORMAL); free(fileNameU); // editor.diskOpReadDir is set after thread is done } break; case DISKOP_ITEM_PATTERN: { diskOpChangeFilenameExt(".xp"); if (checkOverwrite && fileExistsAnsi(FReq_FileName)) { createOverwriteText(FReq_FileName); if (okBox(2, "System request", FReq_SysReqText) != 1) return; } fileNameU = cp437ToUnichar(FReq_FileName); if (fileNameU == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "General I/O error during saving! Is the file in use?"); return; } editor.diskOpReadDir = savePattern(fileNameU); free(fileNameU); } break; case DISKOP_ITEM_TRACK: { diskOpChangeFilenameExt(".xt"); if (checkOverwrite && fileExistsAnsi(FReq_FileName)) { createOverwriteText(FReq_FileName); if (okBox(2, "System request", FReq_SysReqText) != 1) return; } fileNameU = cp437ToUnichar(FReq_FileName); if (fileNameU == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "General I/O error during saving! Is the file in use?"); return; } editor.diskOpReadDir = saveTrack(fileNameU); free(fileNameU); } break; } } void pbDiskOpSave(void) { diskOpSave(config.cfg_OverwriteWarning ? true : false); // check if about to overwrite } static void fileListPressed(int32_t index) { char *nameTmp; int8_t mode; int32_t result, entryIndex; DirRec *dirEntry; entryIndex = FReq_DirPos + index; if (entryIndex >= FReq_FileCount || FReq_FileCount == 0) return; // illegal entry mode = mouse.mode; // set normal mouse cursor if (mouse.mode != MOUSE_MODE_NORMAL) setMouseMode(MOUSE_MODE_NORMAL); // remove file selection FReq_EntrySelected = -1; diskOp_DrawDirectory(); dirEntry = &FReq_Buffer[entryIndex]; switch (mode) { // open file/folder default: case MOUSE_MODE_NORMAL: { if (dirEntry->isDir) openDirectory(dirEntry->nameU); else openFile(dirEntry->nameU, true); } break; // delete file/folder case MOUSE_MODE_DELETE: { if (!dirEntry->isDir || UNICHAR_STRCMP(dirEntry->nameU, PARENT_DIR_STR)) // don't handle ".." dir { nameTmp = unicharToCp437(dirEntry->nameU, true); if (nameTmp == NULL) break; trimEntryName(nameTmp, dirEntry->isDir); if (dirEntry->isDir) sprintf(FReq_SysReqText, "Delete directory \"%s\"?", nameTmp); else sprintf(FReq_SysReqText, "Delete file \"%s\"?", nameTmp); free(nameTmp); if (okBox(2, "System request", FReq_SysReqText) == 1) { if (dirEntry->isDir) { result = deleteDirRecursive(dirEntry->nameU); if (!result) okBox(0, "System message", "Couldn't delete folder: Access denied!"); else editor.diskOpReadDir = true; } else { result = (UNICHAR_REMOVE(dirEntry->nameU) == 0); if (!result) okBox(0, "System message", "Couldn't delete file: Access denied!"); else editor.diskOpReadDir = true; } } } } break; // rename file/folder case MOUSE_MODE_RENAME: { if (dirEntry->isDir || UNICHAR_STRCMP(dirEntry->nameU, PARENT_DIR_STR)) // don't handle ".." dir { nameTmp = unicharToCp437(dirEntry->nameU, true); if (nameTmp == NULL) break; strncpy(FReq_NameTemp, nameTmp, PATH_MAX - 1); free(nameTmp); // in case of UTF8 -> CP437 encoding failure, there can be question marks. Remove them... removeQuestionmarksFromString(FReq_NameTemp); if (inputBox(1, dirEntry->isDir ? "Enter new directory name:" : "Enter new filename:", FReq_NameTemp, PATH_MAX - 1) == 1) { if ((FReq_NameTemp == NULL) || (FReq_NameTemp[0] == '\0')) { okBox(0, "System message", "New name can't be empty!"); break; } if (!renameAnsi(dirEntry->nameU, FReq_NameTemp)) { if (dirEntry->isDir) okBox(0, "System message", "Couldn't rename directory: Access denied, or dir already exists!"); else okBox(0, "System message", "Couldn't rename file: Access denied, or file already exists!"); } else { editor.diskOpReadDir = true; } } } } break; } } bool testDiskOpMouseDown(bool mouseHeldDlown) { int32_t tmpEntry, max; if (!ui.diskOpShown || FReq_FileCount == 0) return false; max = FReq_FileCount - FReq_DirPos; if (max > DISKOP_ENTRY_NUM) // needed kludge when mouse-scrolling max = DISKOP_ENTRY_NUM; if (!mouseHeldDlown) { FReq_EntrySelected = -1; if (mouse.x >= 169 && mouse.x <= 331 && mouse.y >= 4 && mouse.y <= 168) { tmpEntry = (mouse.y - 4) / (FONT1_CHAR_H + 1); if (tmpEntry >= 0 && tmpEntry < max) { FReq_EntrySelected = tmpEntry; diskOp_DrawDirectory(); } mouse.lastUsedObjectType = OBJECT_DISKOPLIST; return true; } return false; } // handle scrolling if outside of disk op. list area if (mouse.y < 4) { scrollBarScrollUp(SB_DISKOP_LIST, 1); FReq_EntrySelected = -1; } else if (mouse.y > 168) { scrollBarScrollDown(SB_DISKOP_LIST, 1); FReq_EntrySelected = -1; } if (mouse.y == lastMouseY) return true; lastMouseY = mouse.y; tmpEntry = (mouse.y - 4) / (FONT1_CHAR_H + 1); if (mouse.x < 169 || mouse.x > 331 || mouse.y < 4 || tmpEntry < 0 || tmpEntry >= max) { FReq_EntrySelected = -1; diskOp_DrawDirectory(); return true; } if (tmpEntry != FReq_EntrySelected) { FReq_EntrySelected = tmpEntry; diskOp_DrawDirectory(); } return true; } void testDiskOpMouseRelease(void) { if (ui.diskOpShown && FReq_EntrySelected != -1) { if (mouse.x >= 169 && mouse.x <= 329 && mouse.y >= 4 && mouse.y <= 168) fileListPressed((mouse.y - 4) / (FONT1_CHAR_H + 1)); FReq_EntrySelected = -1; diskOp_DrawDirectory(); } } static uint8_t handleEntrySkip(UNICHAR *nameU, bool isDir) { char *name, *extPtr; int32_t nameLen, extOffset, extLen; // skip if illegal name or filesize >32-bit if (nameU == NULL) return true; name = unicharToCp437(nameU, false); if (name == NULL) return true; if (name[0] == '\0') goto skipEntry; nameLen = (int32_t)strlen(name); // skip ".name" dirs/files if (nameLen >= 2 && name[0] == '.' && name[1] != '.') goto skipEntry; if (isDir) { // skip '.' directory if (nameLen == 1 && name[0] == '.') goto skipEntry; // macOS/Linux: skip '..' directory if we're in root #ifndef _WIN32 if (nameLen == 2 && name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '.') { if (FReq_CurPathU[0] == '/' && FReq_CurPathU[1] == '\0') goto skipEntry; } #endif } else if (!FReq_ShowAllFiles) { extOffset = getExtOffset(name, nameLen); if (extOffset == -1) goto skipEntry; extLen = (int32_t)strlen(&name[extOffset]); if (extLen < 3 || extLen > 5) goto skipEntry; // no possibly known extensions to filter out extPtr = &name[extOffset]; // decide what entries to keep based on file extension switch (FReq_Item) { default: case DISKOP_ITEM_MODULE: { if (extLen == 3) { if (_stricmp(".xm", extPtr) && _stricmp(".ft", extPtr)) goto skipEntry; // skip, none of the extensions above } else if (extLen == 4) { if (_stricmp(".nst", extPtr) && _stricmp(".mod", extPtr) && _stricmp(".s3m", extPtr) && _stricmp(".stm", extPtr) && _stricmp(".fst", extPtr) && _stricmp(".wav", extPtr)) { goto skipEntry; // skip, none of the extensions above } } else { goto skipEntry; } } break; case DISKOP_ITEM_INSTR: { if (extLen == 3) { if (_stricmp(".xi", extPtr)) goto skipEntry; // skip, none of the extensions above } else if (extLen == 4) { if (_stricmp(".iff", extPtr) && _stricmp(".raw", extPtr) && _stricmp(".wav", extPtr) && _stricmp(".snd", extPtr) && _stricmp(".smp", extPtr) && _stricmp(".sam", extPtr) && _stricmp(".aif", extPtr) && _stricmp(".pat", extPtr)) { goto skipEntry; // skip, none of the extensions above } } else if (extLen == 5) { if (_stricmp(".aiff", extPtr)) goto skipEntry; // skip, not the extension above } else { goto skipEntry; } } break; case DISKOP_ITEM_SAMPLE: { if (extLen == 4) { if (_stricmp(".iff", extPtr) && _stricmp(".raw", extPtr) && _stricmp(".wav", extPtr) && _stricmp(".snd", extPtr) && _stricmp(".smp", extPtr) && _stricmp(".sam", extPtr) && _stricmp(".aif", extPtr)) { goto skipEntry; // skip, none of the extensions above } } else if (extLen == 5) { if (_stricmp(".aiff", extPtr)) goto skipEntry; // skip, not the extension above } else { goto skipEntry; } } break; case DISKOP_ITEM_PATTERN: { if (extLen == 3) { if (_stricmp(".xp", extPtr)) goto skipEntry; // skip, not the extension above } else { goto skipEntry; } } break; case DISKOP_ITEM_TRACK: { if (extLen == 3) { if (_stricmp(".xt", extPtr)) goto skipEntry; // skip, not the extension above } else { goto skipEntry; } } break; } } free(name); return false; // "Show All Files" mode is enabled, don't skip entry skipEntry: free(name); return true; } static int8_t findFirst(DirRec *searchRec) { #ifdef _WIN32 WIN32_FIND_DATAW fData; #else struct dirent *fData; struct stat st; int64_t fSize; #endif #if defined(__sun) || defined(sun) struct stat s; #endif searchRec->nameU = NULL; // this one must be initialized #ifdef _WIN32 hFind = FindFirstFileW(L"*", &fData); if (hFind == NULL || hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return LFF_DONE; searchRec->nameU = UNICHAR_STRDUP(fData.cFileName); if (searchRec->nameU == NULL) return LFF_SKIP; searchRec->filesize = (fData.nFileSizeHigh > 0) ? -1 : fData.nFileSizeLow; searchRec->isDir = (fData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ? true : false; #else hFind = opendir("."); if (hFind == NULL) return LFF_DONE; fData = readdir(hFind); if (fData == NULL) return LFF_DONE; searchRec->nameU = UNICHAR_STRDUP(fData->d_name); if (searchRec->nameU == NULL) return LFF_SKIP; searchRec->filesize = 0; #if defined(__sun) || defined(sun) stat(fData->d_name, &s); searchRec->isDir = (s.st_mode != S_IFDIR) ? true : false; #else searchRec->isDir = (fData->d_type == DT_DIR) ? true : false; #endif #if defined(__sun) || defined(sun) if (s.st_mode == S_IFLNK) #else if (fData->d_type == DT_UNKNOWN || fData->d_type == DT_LNK) #endif { if (stat(fData->d_name, &st) == 0) { fSize = (int64_t)st.st_size; searchRec->filesize = (fSize > INT32_MAX) ? -1 : (fSize & 0xFFFFFFFF); if ((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) searchRec->isDir = true; } } else if (!searchRec->isDir) { if (stat(fData->d_name, &st) == 0) { fSize = (int64_t)st.st_size; searchRec->filesize = (fSize > INT32_MAX) ? -1 : (fSize & 0xFFFFFFFF); } } #endif if (searchRec->filesize < -1) searchRec->filesize = -1; if (handleEntrySkip(searchRec->nameU, searchRec->isDir)) { // skip file free(searchRec->nameU); searchRec->nameU = NULL; return LFF_SKIP; } return LFF_OK; } static int8_t findNext(DirRec *searchRec) { #ifdef _WIN32 WIN32_FIND_DATAW fData; #else struct dirent *fData; struct stat st; int64_t fSize; #endif #if defined(__sun) || defined(sun) struct stat s; #endif searchRec->nameU = NULL; // important #ifdef _WIN32 if (hFind == NULL || FindNextFileW(hFind, &fData) == 0) return LFF_DONE; searchRec->nameU = UNICHAR_STRDUP(fData.cFileName); if (searchRec->nameU == NULL) return LFF_SKIP; searchRec->filesize = (fData.nFileSizeHigh > 0) ? -1 : fData.nFileSizeLow; searchRec->isDir = (fData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ? true : false; #else if (hFind == NULL || (fData = readdir(hFind)) == NULL) return LFF_DONE; searchRec->nameU = UNICHAR_STRDUP(fData->d_name); if (searchRec->nameU == NULL) return LFF_SKIP; searchRec->filesize = 0; #if defined(__sun) || defined(sun) stat(fData->d_name, &s); searchRec->isDir = (s.st_mode != S_IFDIR) ? true : false; #else searchRec->isDir = (fData->d_type == DT_DIR) ? true : false; #endif #if defined(__sun) || defined(sun) if (s.st_mode == S_IFLNK) #else if (fData->d_type == DT_UNKNOWN || fData->d_type == DT_LNK) #endif { if (stat(fData->d_name, &st) == 0) { fSize = (int64_t)st.st_size; searchRec->filesize = (fSize > INT32_MAX) ? -1 : (fSize & 0xFFFFFFFF); if ((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) searchRec->isDir = true; } } else if (!searchRec->isDir) { if (stat(fData->d_name, &st) == 0) { fSize = (int64_t)st.st_size; searchRec->filesize = (fSize > INT32_MAX) ? -1 : (fSize & 0xFFFFFFFF); } } #endif if (searchRec->filesize < -1) searchRec->filesize = -1; if (handleEntrySkip(searchRec->nameU, searchRec->isDir)) { // skip file free(searchRec->nameU); searchRec->nameU = NULL; return LFF_SKIP; } return LFF_OK; } static void findClose(void) { if (hFind != NULL) { #ifdef _WIN32 FindClose(hFind); #else closedir(hFind); #endif hFind = NULL; } } static bool swapBufferEntry(int32_t a, int32_t b) // used for sorting { DirRec tmpBuffer; if (a >= FReq_FileCount || b >= FReq_FileCount) return false; tmpBuffer = FReq_Buffer[a]; FReq_Buffer[a] = FReq_Buffer[b]; FReq_Buffer[b] = tmpBuffer; return true; } static char *ach(int32_t rad) // used for sortDirectory() { char *p, *name; int32_t i, nameLen, extLen; DirRec *dirEntry; dirEntry = &FReq_Buffer[rad]; name = unicharToCp437(dirEntry->nameU, true); if (name == NULL) return NULL; nameLen = (int32_t)strlen(name); if (nameLen == 0) { free(name); return NULL; } p = (char *)malloc(nameLen + 2); if (p == NULL) { free(name); return NULL; } if (dirEntry->isDir) { // directory if (nameLen == 2 && name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '.') p[0] = 0x01; // make ".." directory first priority else p[0] = 0x02; // make second priority strcpy(&p[1], name); free(name); return p; } else { // file i = getExtOffset(name, nameLen); if (config.cfg_SortPriority == 1 || i == -1) { // sort by filename strcpy(p, name); free(name); return p; } else { // sort by filename extension extLen = nameLen - i; if (extLen <= 1) { strcpy(p, name); free(name); return p; } // FILENAME.EXT -> EXT.FILENAME (for sorting) memcpy(p, &name[i+1], extLen - 1); memcpy(&p[extLen-1], name, i); p[nameLen-1] = '\0'; free(name); return p; } } } static void sortDirectory(void) { bool didSwap; char *p1, *p2; uint32_t offset, limit, i; if (FReq_FileCount < 2) return; // no need to sort offset = FReq_FileCount / 2; while (offset > 0) { limit = FReq_FileCount - offset; do { didSwap = false; for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) { p1 = ach(i); p2 = ach(offset + i); if (p1 == NULL || p2 == NULL) { if (p1 != NULL) free(p1); if (p2 != NULL) free(p2); okBox(0, "System message", "Not enough memory!"); return; } if (_stricmp(p1, p2) > 0) { if (!swapBufferEntry(i, offset + i)) { free(p1); free(p2); return; } didSwap = true; } free(p1); free(p2); } } while (didSwap); offset /= 2; } } static uint8_t numDigits32(uint32_t x) { if (x >= 1000000000) return 10; if (x >= 100000000) return 9; if (x >= 10000000) return 8; if (x >= 1000000) return 7; if (x >= 100000) return 6; if (x >= 10000) return 5; if (x >= 1000) return 4; if (x >= 100) return 3; if (x >= 10) return 2; return 1; } static void printFormattedFilesize(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint32_t bufEntry) { char sizeStrBuffer[16]; int32_t filesize, printFilesize; filesize = FReq_Buffer[bufEntry].filesize; if (filesize == -1) { x += 6; textOut(x, y, PAL_BLCKTXT, ">2GB"); return; } assert(filesize >= 0); if (filesize >= 1024*1024*10) // >= 10MB? { forceMB: printFilesize = (int32_t)ceil(filesize / (1024.0*1024.0)); x += (4 - numDigits32(printFilesize)) * (FONT1_CHAR_W - 1); sprintf(sizeStrBuffer, "%dM", printFilesize); } else if (filesize >= 1024*10) // >= 10kB? { printFilesize = (int32_t)ceil(filesize / 1024.0); if (printFilesize > 9999) goto forceMB; // ceil visual overflow kludge x += (4 - numDigits32(printFilesize)) * (FONT1_CHAR_W - 1); sprintf(sizeStrBuffer, "%dk", printFilesize); } else // bytes { printFilesize = filesize; x += (5 - numDigits32(printFilesize)) * (FONT1_CHAR_W - 1); sprintf(sizeStrBuffer, "%d", printFilesize); } textOut(x, y, PAL_BLCKTXT, sizeStrBuffer); } static void displayCurrPath(void) { char *p, *delimiter, *asciiPath; int32_t j; uint32_t pathLen; fillRect(4, 145, 162, 10, PAL_DESKTOP); pathLen = (uint32_t)UNICHAR_STRLEN(FReq_CurPathU); if (pathLen == 0) return; asciiPath = unicharToCp437(FReq_CurPathU, true); if (asciiPath == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "Not enough memory!"); return; } p = asciiPath; if (textWidth(p) <= 162) { // path fits, print it all textOut(4, 145, PAL_FORGRND, p); } else { // path doesn't fit, print drive + ".." + last directory memset(FReq_NameTemp, 0, PATH_MAX + 1); #ifdef _WIN32 strncpy(FReq_NameTemp, p, 3); strcat(FReq_NameTemp, ".\001"); // special character in font #else strcpy(FReq_NameTemp, "/"); strcat(FReq_NameTemp, ".."); #endif delimiter = strrchr(p, DIR_DELIMITER); if (delimiter != NULL) { #ifdef _WIN32 strcat(FReq_NameTemp, delimiter + 1); #else strcat(FReq_NameTemp, delimiter); #endif } j = (int32_t)strlen(FReq_NameTemp); if (j > 6) { j--; p = FReq_NameTemp; while (j >= 6 && textWidth(p) >= 162) { p[j - 2] = '.'; p[j - 1] = '.'; p[j - 0] = '\0'; j--; } } textOutClipX(4, 145, PAL_FORGRND, FReq_NameTemp, 165); } free(asciiPath); } void diskOp_DrawDirectory(void) { char *readName; uint16_t y; int32_t bufEntry; clearRect(FILENAME_TEXT_X - 1, 4, 162, 164); drawTextBox(TB_DISKOP_FILENAME); if (FReq_EntrySelected != -1) { y = 4 + (uint16_t)((FONT1_CHAR_H + 1) * FReq_EntrySelected); fillRect(FILENAME_TEXT_X - 1, y, 162, FONT1_CHAR_H, PAL_PATTEXT); } displayCurrPath(); #ifdef _WIN32 setupDiskOpDrives(); #endif if (FReq_FileCount == 0) return; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < DISKOP_ENTRY_NUM; i++) { bufEntry = FReq_DirPos + i; if (bufEntry >= FReq_FileCount) break; if (FReq_Buffer[bufEntry].nameU == NULL) continue; // convert unichar name to codepage 437 readName = unicharToCp437(FReq_Buffer[bufEntry].nameU, true); if (readName == NULL) continue; y = 4 + (i * (FONT1_CHAR_H + 1)); // shrink entry name and add ".." if it doesn't fit on screen trimEntryName(readName, FReq_Buffer[bufEntry].isDir); if (FReq_Buffer[bufEntry].isDir) { // directory charOut(FILENAME_TEXT_X, y, PAL_BLCKTXT, DIR_DELIMITER); textOut(FILENAME_TEXT_X + FONT1_CHAR_W, y, PAL_BLCKTXT, readName); } else { // filename textOut(FILENAME_TEXT_X, y, PAL_BLCKTXT, readName); } free(readName); if (!FReq_Buffer[bufEntry].isDir) printFormattedFilesize(FILESIZE_TEXT_X, y, bufEntry); } setScrollBarPos(SB_DISKOP_LIST, FReq_DirPos, true); setScrollBarEnd(SB_DISKOP_LIST, FReq_FileCount); } static DirRec *bufferCreateEmptyDir(void) // special case: creates a dir entry with a ".." directory { DirRec *dirEntry; dirEntry = (DirRec *)malloc(sizeof (DirRec)); if (dirEntry == NULL) return NULL; dirEntry->nameU = UNICHAR_STRDUP(PARENT_DIR_STR); if (dirEntry->nameU == NULL) { free(dirEntry); return NULL; } dirEntry->isDir = true; dirEntry->filesize = 0; return dirEntry; } static int32_t SDLCALL diskOp_ReadDirectoryThread(void *ptr) { uint8_t lastFindFileFlag; DirRec tmpBuffer, *newPtr; FReq_DirPos = 0; // free old buffer freeDirRecBuffer(); UNICHAR_GETCWD(FReq_CurPathU, PATH_MAX); // read first file lastFindFileFlag = findFirst(&tmpBuffer); if (lastFindFileFlag != LFF_DONE && lastFindFileFlag != LFF_SKIP) { FReq_Buffer = (DirRec *)malloc(sizeof (DirRec) * (FReq_FileCount + 1)); if (FReq_Buffer == NULL) { findClose(); okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Not enough memory!"); FReq_Buffer = bufferCreateEmptyDir(); if (FReq_Buffer != NULL) FReq_FileCount = 1; else okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Not enough memory!"); setMouseBusy(false); return false; } memcpy(&FReq_Buffer[FReq_FileCount], &tmpBuffer, sizeof (DirRec)); FReq_FileCount++; } // read remaining files while (lastFindFileFlag != LFF_DONE) { lastFindFileFlag = findNext(&tmpBuffer); if (lastFindFileFlag != LFF_DONE && lastFindFileFlag != LFF_SKIP) { newPtr = (DirRec *)realloc(FReq_Buffer, sizeof (DirRec) * (FReq_FileCount + 1)); if (newPtr == NULL) { freeDirRecBuffer(); okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Not enough memory!"); break; } FReq_Buffer = newPtr; memcpy(&FReq_Buffer[FReq_FileCount], &tmpBuffer, sizeof (DirRec)); FReq_FileCount++; } } findClose(); if (FReq_FileCount > 0) { sortDirectory(); } else { // access denied or out of memory - create parent directory link FReq_Buffer = bufferCreateEmptyDir(); if (FReq_Buffer != NULL) FReq_FileCount = 1; else okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Not enough memory!"); } editor.diskOpReadDone = true; setMouseBusy(false); (void)ptr; return true; } void diskOp_StartDirReadThread(void) { editor.diskOpReadDone = false; mouseAnimOn(); thread = SDL_CreateThread(diskOp_ReadDirectoryThread, NULL, NULL); if (thread == NULL) { editor.diskOpReadDone = true; okBox(0, "System message", "Couldn't create thread!"); return; } SDL_DetachThread(thread); } static void drawSaveAsElements(void) { switch (FReq_Item) { default: case DISKOP_ITEM_MODULE: { textOutShadow(19, 101, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "MOD"); textOutShadow(19, 115, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "XM"); textOutShadow(19, 129, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "WAV"); } break; case DISKOP_ITEM_INSTR: textOutShadow(19, 101, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "XI"); break; case DISKOP_ITEM_SAMPLE: { textOutShadow(19, 101, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "RAW"); textOutShadow(19, 115, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "IFF"); textOutShadow(19, 129, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "WAV"); } break; case DISKOP_ITEM_PATTERN: textOutShadow(19, 101, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "XP"); break; case DISKOP_ITEM_TRACK: textOutShadow(19, 101, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "XT"); break; } } static void setDiskOpItemRadioButtons(void) { uncheckRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_MOD_SAVEAS); uncheckRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_INS_SAVEAS); uncheckRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_SMP_SAVEAS); uncheckRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_PAT_SAVEAS); uncheckRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_TRK_SAVEAS); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_MOD_SAVEAS); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_INS_SAVEAS); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_SMP_SAVEAS); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_PAT_SAVEAS); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_TRK_SAVEAS); if (editor.moduleSaveMode > 3) editor.moduleSaveMode = 3; if (editor.sampleSaveMode > 3) editor.sampleSaveMode = 3; radioButtons[RB_DISKOP_MOD_SAVEAS_MOD + editor.moduleSaveMode].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; radioButtons[RB_DISKOP_SMP_SAVEAS_RAW + editor.sampleSaveMode].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; if (FReq_Item == DISKOP_ITEM_INSTR) radioButtons[RB_DISKOP_INS_SAVEAS_XI].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; if (FReq_Item == DISKOP_ITEM_PATTERN) radioButtons[RB_DISKOP_PAT_SAVEAS_XP].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; if (FReq_Item == DISKOP_ITEM_TRACK) radioButtons[RB_DISKOP_TRK_SAVEAS_XT].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; if (ui.diskOpShown) { switch (FReq_Item) { default: case DISKOP_ITEM_MODULE: showRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_MOD_SAVEAS); break; case DISKOP_ITEM_INSTR: showRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_INS_SAVEAS); break; case DISKOP_ITEM_SAMPLE: showRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_SMP_SAVEAS); break; case DISKOP_ITEM_PATTERN: showRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_PAT_SAVEAS); break; case DISKOP_ITEM_TRACK: showRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_TRK_SAVEAS); break; } } } static void setDiskOpItem(uint8_t item) { int32_t pathLen; hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_MOD_SAVEAS); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_INS_SAVEAS); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_SMP_SAVEAS); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_PAT_SAVEAS); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_TRK_SAVEAS); if (item > 4) item = 4; FReq_Item = item; switch (FReq_Item) { default: case DISKOP_ITEM_MODULE: { FReq_FileName = modTmpFName; // FReq_ModCurPathU is always set at this point FReq_CurPathU = FReq_ModCurPathU; if (FReq_CurPathU != NULL) UNICHAR_CHDIR(FReq_CurPathU); } break; case DISKOP_ITEM_INSTR: { FReq_FileName = insTmpFName; if (!insPathSet) { UNICHAR_STRCPY(FReq_InsCurPathU, FReq_CurPathU); insPathSet = true; } FReq_CurPathU = FReq_InsCurPathU; if (FReq_CurPathU != NULL) UNICHAR_CHDIR(FReq_CurPathU); } break; case DISKOP_ITEM_SAMPLE: { FReq_FileName = smpTmpFName; if (!smpPathSet) { UNICHAR_STRCPY(FReq_SmpCurPathU, FReq_CurPathU); smpPathSet = true; } FReq_CurPathU = FReq_SmpCurPathU; if (FReq_CurPathU != NULL) UNICHAR_CHDIR(FReq_CurPathU); } break; case DISKOP_ITEM_PATTERN: { FReq_FileName = patTmpFName; if (!patPathSet) { UNICHAR_STRCPY(FReq_PatCurPathU, FReq_CurPathU); patPathSet = true; } FReq_CurPathU = FReq_PatCurPathU; if (FReq_CurPathU != NULL) UNICHAR_CHDIR(FReq_CurPathU); } break; case DISKOP_ITEM_TRACK: { FReq_FileName = trkTmpFName; if (!trkPathSet) { UNICHAR_STRCPY(FReq_TrkCurPathU, FReq_CurPathU); trkPathSet = true; } FReq_CurPathU = FReq_TrkCurPathU; if (FReq_CurPathU != NULL) UNICHAR_CHDIR(FReq_CurPathU); } break; } pathLen = (int32_t)UNICHAR_STRLEN(FReq_CurPathU); if (pathLen == 0) { memset(FReq_CurPathU, 0, (PATH_MAX + 2) * sizeof (UNICHAR)); UNICHAR_STRCPY(FReq_CurPathU, FReq_ModCurPathU); } textBoxes[TB_DISKOP_FILENAME].textPtr = FReq_FileName; FReq_ShowAllFiles = false; if (ui.diskOpShown) { editor.diskOpReadDir = true; fillRect(4, 101, 40, 38, PAL_DESKTOP); drawSaveAsElements(); setDiskOpItemRadioButtons(); diskOp_DrawDirectory(); drawTextBox(TB_DISKOP_FILENAME); } else { editor.diskOpReadOnOpen = true; } } static void drawDiskOpScreen(void) { drawFramework(0, 0, 67, 86, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(67, 0, 64, 142, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(131, 0, 37, 142, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(0, 86, 67, 56, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(0, 142, 168, 31, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(168, 0, 164, 3, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(168, 170, 164, 3, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(332, 0, 24, 173, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(30, 157, 136, 14, FRAMEWORK_TYPE2); clearRect(168, 2, 164, 168); showPushButton(PB_DISKOP_SAVE); showPushButton(PB_DISKOP_DELETE); showPushButton(PB_DISKOP_RENAME); showPushButton(PB_DISKOP_MAKEDIR); showPushButton(PB_DISKOP_REFRESH); showPushButton(PB_DISKOP_EXIT); showPushButton(PB_DISKOP_PARENT); showPushButton(PB_DISKOP_ROOT); showPushButton(PB_DISKOP_SHOW_ALL); showPushButton(PB_DISKOP_SET_PATH); showPushButton(PB_DISKOP_LIST_UP); showPushButton(PB_DISKOP_LIST_DOWN); showScrollBar(SB_DISKOP_LIST); showTextBox(TB_DISKOP_FILENAME); textBoxes[TB_DISKOP_FILENAME].textPtr = FReq_FileName; if (FReq_Item > 4) FReq_Item = 4; uncheckRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_ITEM); radioButtons[RB_DISKOP_MODULE + FReq_Item].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; showRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_ITEM); // item selector textOutShadow(5, 3, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Item:"); textOutShadow(19, 17, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Module"); textOutShadow(19, 31, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Instr."); textOutShadow(19, 45, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Sample"); textOutShadow(19, 59, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Pattern"); textOutShadow(19, 73, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Track"); // file format textOutShadow(5, 89, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Save as:"); drawSaveAsElements(); setDiskOpItemRadioButtons(); // filename textOutShadow(4, 159, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "File:"); diskOp_DrawDirectory(); } void showDiskOpScreen(void) { // if first time opening Disk Op., set initial directory if (firstTimeOpeningDiskOp) { assert(FReq_ModCurPathU != NULL); // first test if we can change the dir to the one stored in the config (if present) if (UNICHAR_STRLEN(FReq_ModCurPathU) == 0 || UNICHAR_CHDIR(FReq_ModCurPathU) != 0) { // nope, couldn't do that, set Disk Op. path to user/home directory #ifdef _WIN32 SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_PROFILE, NULL, 0, FReq_ModCurPathU); #else if (getenv("HOME") != NULL) UNICHAR_STRCPY(FReq_ModCurPathU, getenv("HOME")); #endif UNICHAR_CHDIR(FReq_ModCurPathU); } UNICHAR_GETCWD(FReq_ModCurPathU, PATH_MAX); firstTimeOpeningDiskOp = false; } if (ui.extended) exitPatternEditorExtended(); hideTopScreen(); ui.diskOpShown = true; ui.scopesShown = false; showTopRightMainScreen(); drawDiskOpScreen(); // a flag that says if we need to update the filelist after disk op. was shown if (editor.diskOpReadOnOpen) { editor.diskOpReadOnOpen = false; diskOp_StartDirReadThread(); } } void hideDiskOpScreen(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 for (uint16_t i = 0; i < DISKOP_MAX_DRIVE_BUTTONS; i++) hidePushButton(PB_DISKOP_DRIVE1 + i); #endif hidePushButton(PB_DISKOP_SAVE); hidePushButton(PB_DISKOP_DELETE); hidePushButton(PB_DISKOP_RENAME); hidePushButton(PB_DISKOP_MAKEDIR); hidePushButton(PB_DISKOP_REFRESH); hidePushButton(PB_DISKOP_EXIT); hidePushButton(PB_DISKOP_PARENT); hidePushButton(PB_DISKOP_ROOT); hidePushButton(PB_DISKOP_SHOW_ALL); hidePushButton(PB_DISKOP_SET_PATH); hidePushButton(PB_DISKOP_LIST_UP); hidePushButton(PB_DISKOP_LIST_DOWN); hideScrollBar(SB_DISKOP_LIST); hideTextBox(TB_DISKOP_FILENAME); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_ITEM); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_MOD_SAVEAS); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_INS_SAVEAS); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_SMP_SAVEAS); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_PAT_SAVEAS); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_DISKOP_TRK_SAVEAS); ui.diskOpShown = false; } void exitDiskOpScreen(void) { hideDiskOpScreen(); ui.oldTopLeftScreen = 0; // disk op. ignores previously opened top screens showTopScreen(true); } void toggleDiskOpScreen(void) { if (ui.diskOpShown) exitDiskOpScreen(); else showDiskOpScreen(); } void sbDiskOpSetPos(uint32_t pos) { if ((int32_t)pos != FReq_DirPos && FReq_FileCount > DISKOP_ENTRY_NUM) { FReq_DirPos = (int32_t)pos; diskOp_DrawDirectory(); } } void pbDiskOpListUp(void) { if (FReq_DirPos > 0 && FReq_FileCount > DISKOP_ENTRY_NUM) scrollBarScrollUp(SB_DISKOP_LIST, 1); } void pbDiskOpListDown(void) { if (FReq_DirPos < FReq_FileCount-DISKOP_ENTRY_NUM && FReq_FileCount > DISKOP_ENTRY_NUM) scrollBarScrollDown(SB_DISKOP_LIST, 1); } void pbDiskOpParent(void) { diskOpGoParent(); } void pbDiskOpRoot(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 openDirectory(L"\\"); #else openDirectory("/"); #endif } void pbDiskOpShowAll(void) { FReq_ShowAllFiles = true; editor.diskOpReadDir = true; // refresh dir } #ifdef _WIN32 void pbDiskOpDrive1(void) { openDrive(logicalDriveNames[driveIndexes[0]]); } void pbDiskOpDrive2(void) { openDrive(logicalDriveNames[driveIndexes[1]]); } void pbDiskOpDrive3(void) { openDrive(logicalDriveNames[driveIndexes[2]]); } void pbDiskOpDrive4(void) { openDrive(logicalDriveNames[driveIndexes[3]]); } void pbDiskOpDrive5(void) { openDrive(logicalDriveNames[driveIndexes[4]]); } void pbDiskOpDrive6(void) { openDrive(logicalDriveNames[driveIndexes[5]]); } void pbDiskOpDrive7(void) { openDrive(logicalDriveNames[driveIndexes[6]]); } void pbDiskOpDrive8(void) { openDrive(logicalDriveNames[driveIndexes[7]]); } #endif void pbDiskOpDelete(void) { setMouseMode(MOUSE_MODE_DELETE); } void pbDiskOpRename(void) { setMouseMode(MOUSE_MODE_RENAME); } void pbDiskOpMakeDir(void) { FReq_NameTemp[0] = '\0'; if (inputBox(1, "Enter directory name:", FReq_NameTemp, PATH_MAX - 1) == 1) { if (FReq_NameTemp[0] == '\0') { okBox(0, "System message", "Name can't be empty!"); return; } if (makeDirAnsi(FReq_NameTemp)) editor.diskOpReadDir = true; else okBox(0, "System message", "Couldn't create directory: Access denied, or a dir with the same name already exists!"); } } void pbDiskOpRefresh(void) { editor.diskOpReadDir = true; // refresh dir #ifdef _WIN32 setupDiskOpDrives(); #endif } void pbDiskOpSetPath(void) { FReq_NameTemp[0] = '\0'; if (inputBox(1, "Enter new directory path:", FReq_NameTemp, PATH_MAX - 1) == 1) { if (FReq_NameTemp[0] == '\0') { okBox(0, "System message", "Name can't be empty!"); return; } if (chdir(FReq_NameTemp) == 0) editor.diskOpReadDir = true; else okBox(0, "System message", "Couldn't set directory path!"); } } void pbDiskOpExit(void) { exitDiskOpScreen(); } void rbDiskOpModule(void) { checkRadioButton(RB_DISKOP_MODULE); setDiskOpItem(DISKOP_ITEM_MODULE); } void rbDiskOpInstr(void) { checkRadioButton(RB_DISKOP_INSTR); setDiskOpItem(DISKOP_ITEM_INSTR); } void rbDiskOpSample(void) { checkRadioButton(RB_DISKOP_SAMPLE); setDiskOpItem(DISKOP_ITEM_SAMPLE); } void rbDiskOpPattern(void) { checkRadioButton(RB_DISKOP_PATTERN); setDiskOpItem(DISKOP_ITEM_PATTERN); } void rbDiskOpTrack(void) { checkRadioButton(RB_DISKOP_TRACK); setDiskOpItem(DISKOP_ITEM_TRACK); } void rbDiskOpModSaveMod(void) { editor.moduleSaveMode = MOD_SAVE_MODE_MOD; checkRadioButton(RB_DISKOP_MOD_SAVEAS_MOD); diskOpChangeFilenameExt(".mod"); updateCurrSongFilename(); // for window title updateWindowTitle(true); } void rbDiskOpModSaveXm(void) { editor.moduleSaveMode = MOD_SAVE_MODE_XM; checkRadioButton(RB_DISKOP_MOD_SAVEAS_XM); diskOpChangeFilenameExt(".xm"); updateCurrSongFilename(); // for window title updateWindowTitle(true); } void rbDiskOpModSaveWav(void) { editor.moduleSaveMode = MOD_SAVE_MODE_WAV; checkRadioButton(RB_DISKOP_MOD_SAVEAS_WAV); diskOpChangeFilenameExt(".wav"); updateCurrSongFilename(); // for window title updateWindowTitle(true); } void rbDiskOpSmpSaveRaw(void) { editor.sampleSaveMode = SMP_SAVE_MODE_RAW; checkRadioButton(RB_DISKOP_SMP_SAVEAS_RAW); diskOpChangeFilenameExt(".raw"); } void rbDiskOpSmpSaveIff(void) { editor.sampleSaveMode = SMP_SAVE_MODE_IFF; checkRadioButton(RB_DISKOP_SMP_SAVEAS_IFF); diskOpChangeFilenameExt(".iff"); } void rbDiskOpSmpSaveWav(void) { editor.sampleSaveMode = SMP_SAVE_MODE_WAV; checkRadioButton(RB_DISKOP_SMP_SAVEAS_WAV); diskOpChangeFilenameExt(".wav"); }