ref: 01c80a14685fe493b019a4e1e02cdababf452825
dir: /src/ft2_video.c/
// for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <math.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_MEAN_AND_LEAN #include <windows.h> #include <SDL2/SDL_syswm.h> #else #include <unistd.h> // usleep() #endif #include "ft2_header.h" #include "ft2_config.h" #include "ft2_gui.h" #include "ft2_video.h" #include "ft2_events.h" #include "ft2_mouse.h" #include "ft2_scopes.h" #include "ft2_pattern_ed.h" #include "ft2_pattern_draw.h" #include "ft2_sample_ed.h" #include "ft2_nibbles.h" #include "ft2_inst_ed.h" #include "ft2_diskop.h" #include "ft2_about.h" #include "ft2_trim.h" #include "ft2_sampling.h" #include "ft2_module_loader.h" #include "ft2_midi.h" #include "ft2_bmp.h" #include "ft2_structs.h" static const uint8_t textCursorData[12] = { PAL_FORGRND, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_FORGRND }; video_t video; // globalized static bool songIsModified; static char wndTitle[128 + PATH_MAX]; static uint64_t timeNext64, timeNext64Frac; static sprite_t sprites[SPRITE_NUM]; // for FPS counter #define FPS_SCAN_FRAMES 60 #define FPS_RENDER_W 285 #define FPS_RENDER_H (((FONT1_CHAR_H + 1) * 8) + 1) #define FPS_RENDER_X 2 #define FPS_RENDER_Y 2 static char fpsTextBuf[1024]; static uint64_t frameStartTime; static double dRunningFPS, dFrameTime, dAvgFPS; // ------------------ static void drawReplayerData(void); void resetFPSCounter(void) { editor.framesPassed = 0; fpsTextBuf[0] = '\0'; dRunningFPS = VBLANK_HZ; dFrameTime = 1000.0 / VBLANK_HZ; } void beginFPSCounter(void) { if (video.showFPSCounter) frameStartTime = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter(); } static void drawFPSCounter(void) { if (editor.framesPassed >= FPS_SCAN_FRAMES && (editor.framesPassed % FPS_SCAN_FRAMES) == 0) { dAvgFPS = dRunningFPS * (1.0 / FPS_SCAN_FRAMES); if (dAvgFPS < 0.0 || dAvgFPS > 99999999.9999) dAvgFPS = 99999999.9999; // prevent number from overflowing text box dRunningFPS = 0.0; } clearRect(FPS_RENDER_X+2, FPS_RENDER_Y+2, FPS_RENDER_W, FPS_RENDER_H); vLineDouble(FPS_RENDER_X, FPS_RENDER_Y+1, FPS_RENDER_H+2, PAL_FORGRND); vLineDouble(FPS_RENDER_X+FPS_RENDER_W, FPS_RENDER_Y+1, FPS_RENDER_H+2, PAL_FORGRND); hLineDouble(FPS_RENDER_X+1, FPS_RENDER_Y, FPS_RENDER_W, PAL_FORGRND); hLineDouble(FPS_RENDER_X+1, FPS_RENDER_Y+FPS_RENDER_H+2, FPS_RENDER_W, PAL_FORGRND); // test if enough data is collected yet if (editor.framesPassed < FPS_SCAN_FRAMES) { textOut(FPS_RENDER_X+53, FPS_RENDER_Y+39, PAL_FORGRND, "Collecting frame information..."); return; } double dRefreshRate = video.dMonitorRefreshRate; if (dRefreshRate < 0.0 || dRefreshRate > 9999.9) dRefreshRate = 9999.9; // prevent number from overflowing text box double dAudLatency = audio.dAudioLatencyMs; if (dAudLatency < 0.0 || dAudLatency > 999999999.9999) dAudLatency = 999999999.9999; // prevent number from overflowing text box sprintf(fpsTextBuf, "Frames per second: %.4f\n" \ "Monitor refresh rate: %.1fHz (+/-)\n" \ "59..61Hz GPU VSync used: %s\n" \ "Audio frequency: %.1fkHz (expected %.1fkHz)\n" \ "Audio buffer samples: %d (expected %d)\n" \ "Audio channels: %d (expected %d)\n" \ "Audio latency: %.1fms (expected %.1fms)\n" \ "Press CTRL+SHIFT+F to close this box.\n", dAvgFPS, dRefreshRate, video.vsync60HzPresent ? "yes" : "no", audio.haveFreq * (1.0 / 1000.0), audio.wantFreq * (1.0 / 1000.0), audio.haveSamples, audio.wantSamples, audio.haveChannels, audio.wantChannels, dAudLatency, ((audio.wantSamples * 1000.0) / audio.wantFreq)); // draw text uint16_t xPos = FPS_RENDER_X+3; uint16_t yPos = FPS_RENDER_Y+3; char *textPtr = fpsTextBuf; while (*textPtr != '\0') { const char ch = *textPtr++; if (ch == '\n') { yPos += FONT1_CHAR_H+1; xPos = FPS_RENDER_X + 3; continue; } charOut(xPos, yPos, PAL_FORGRND, ch); xPos += charWidth(ch); } } void endFPSCounter(void) { if (video.showFPSCounter && frameStartTime > 0) { const uint64_t frameTimeDiff = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter() - frameStartTime; const double dHz = 1000.0 / (frameTimeDiff * editor.dPerfFreqMulMs); dRunningFPS += dHz; } } void flipFrame(void) { renderSprites(); if (video.showFPSCounter) drawFPSCounter(); SDL_UpdateTexture(video.texture, NULL, video.frameBuffer, SCREEN_W * sizeof (int32_t)); SDL_RenderClear(video.renderer); SDL_RenderCopy(video.renderer, video.texture, NULL, NULL); SDL_RenderPresent(video.renderer); eraseSprites(); if (!video.vsync60HzPresent) { waitVBL(); // we have no VSync, do crude thread sleeping to sync to ~60Hz } else { uint32_t windowFlags = SDL_GetWindowFlags(video.window); /* We have VSync, but it can unexpectedly get inactive in certain scenarios. ** We have to force thread sleeping (to ~60Hz) if so. */ #ifdef __APPLE__ // macOS: VSync gets disabled if the window is 100% covered by another window. Let's add a (crude) fix: if ((windowFlags & SDL_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) || !(windowFlags & SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS)) waitVBL(); #elif __unix__ // *NIX: VSync gets disabled in fullscreen mode (at least on some distros/systems). Let's add a fix: if ((windowFlags & SDL_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) || video.fullscreen) waitVBL(); #else if (windowFlags & SDL_WINDOW_MINIMIZED) waitVBL(); #endif } editor.framesPassed++; } void showErrorMsgBox(const char *fmt, ...) { char strBuf[256]; va_list args; // format the text string va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(strBuf, sizeof (strBuf), fmt, args); va_end(args); // window can be NULL here, no problem... SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, "Error", strBuf, video.window); } static void updateRenderSizeVars(void) { float fXScale, fYScale; SDL_DisplayMode dm; int32_t di = SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex(video.window); if (di < 0) di = 0; // return display index 0 (default) on error SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(di, &dm); video.displayW = dm.w; video.displayH = dm.h; if (video.fullscreen) { if (config.specialFlags2 & STRETCH_IMAGE) { video.renderW = video.displayW; video.renderH = video.displayH; video.renderX = 0; video.renderY = 0; } else { SDL_RenderGetScale(video.renderer, &fXScale, &fYScale); video.renderW = (int32_t)(SCREEN_W * fXScale); video.renderH = (int32_t)(SCREEN_H * fYScale); // retina high-DPI hackery (SDL2 is bad at reporting actual rendering sizes on macOS w/ high-DPI) #ifdef __APPLE__ int32_t actualScreenW, actualScreenH; SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize(video.window, &actualScreenW, &actualScreenH); const double dXUpscale = (const double)actualScreenW / video.displayW; const double dYUpscale = (const double)actualScreenH / video.displayH; // downscale back to correct sizes if (dXUpscale != 0.0) video.renderW = (int32_t)(video.renderW / dXUpscale); if (dYUpscale != 0.0) video.renderH = (int32_t)(video.renderH / dYUpscale); #endif video.renderX = (video.displayW - video.renderW) >> 1; video.renderY = (video.displayH - video.renderH) >> 1; } } else { SDL_GetWindowSize(video.window, &video.renderW, &video.renderH); video.renderX = 0; video.renderY = 0; } // for mouse cursor creation video.xScale = (uint32_t)round(video.renderW * (1.0 / SCREEN_W)); video.yScale = (uint32_t)round(video.renderH * (1.0 / SCREEN_H)); createMouseCursors(); } void enterFullscreen(void) { SDL_DisplayMode dm; if (config.specialFlags2 & STRETCH_IMAGE) { SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(0, &dm); SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(video.renderer, dm.w, dm.h); } else { SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(video.renderer, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); } SDL_SetWindowSize(video.window, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(video.window, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP); SDL_SetWindowGrab(video.window, SDL_TRUE); updateRenderSizeVars(); updateMouseScaling(); setMousePosToCenter(); } void leaveFullScreen(void) { SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(video.window, 0); SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(video.renderer, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); setWindowSizeFromConfig(false); // also updates mouse scaling and render size vars SDL_SetWindowSize(video.window, SCREEN_W * video.upscaleFactor, SCREEN_H * video.upscaleFactor); SDL_SetWindowPosition(video.window, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED); SDL_SetWindowGrab(video.window, SDL_FALSE); updateRenderSizeVars(); updateMouseScaling(); setMousePosToCenter(); } void toggleFullScreen(void) { video.fullscreen ^= 1; if (video.fullscreen) enterFullscreen(); else leaveFullScreen(); } bool setupSprites(void) { sprite_t *s; memset(sprites, 0, sizeof (sprites)); s = &sprites[SPRITE_MOUSE_POINTER]; s->data = bmp.mouseCursors; s->w = MOUSE_CURSOR_W; s->h = MOUSE_CURSOR_H; s = &sprites[SPRITE_LEFT_LOOP_PIN]; s->data = &bmp.loopPins[0*(154*16)]; s->w = 16; s->h = SAMPLE_AREA_HEIGHT; s = &sprites[SPRITE_RIGHT_LOOP_PIN]; s->data = &bmp.loopPins[2*(154*16)]; s->w = 16; s->h = SAMPLE_AREA_HEIGHT; s = &sprites[SPRITE_TEXT_CURSOR]; s->data = textCursorData; s->w = 1; s->h = 12; hideSprite(SPRITE_MOUSE_POINTER); hideSprite(SPRITE_LEFT_LOOP_PIN); hideSprite(SPRITE_RIGHT_LOOP_PIN); hideSprite(SPRITE_TEXT_CURSOR); // setup refresh buffer (used to clear sprites after each frame) s = sprites; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SPRITE_NUM; i++, s++) { s->refreshBuffer = (uint32_t *)malloc(s->w * s->h * sizeof (int32_t)); if (s->refreshBuffer == NULL) return false; } return true; } void changeSpriteData(int32_t sprite, const uint8_t *data) { sprites[sprite].data = data; memset(sprites[sprite].refreshBuffer, 0, sprites[sprite].w * sprites[sprite].h * sizeof (int32_t)); } void freeSprites(void) { sprite_t *s = sprites; for (int32_t i = 0; i < SPRITE_NUM; i++, s++) { if (s->refreshBuffer != NULL) { free(s->refreshBuffer); s->refreshBuffer = NULL; } } } void setLeftLoopPinState(bool clicked) { changeSpriteData(SPRITE_LEFT_LOOP_PIN, clicked ? &bmp.loopPins[1*(154*16)] : &bmp.loopPins[0*(154*16)]); } void setRightLoopPinState(bool clicked) { changeSpriteData(SPRITE_RIGHT_LOOP_PIN, clicked ? &bmp.loopPins[3*(154*16)] : &bmp.loopPins[2*(154*16)]); } int32_t getSpritePosX(int32_t sprite) { return sprites[sprite].x; } void setSpritePos(int32_t sprite, int32_t x, int32_t y) { sprites[sprite].newX = (int16_t)x; sprites[sprite].newY = (int16_t)y; } void hideSprite(int32_t sprite) { sprites[sprite].newX = SCREEN_W; } void eraseSprites(void) { sprite_t *s = &sprites[SPRITE_NUM-1]; for (int32_t i = SPRITE_NUM-1; i >= 0; i--, s--) // erasing must be done in reverse order { if (s->x >= SCREEN_W || s->y >= SCREEN_H) // sprite is hidden, don't draw nor fill clear buffer continue; assert(s->refreshBuffer != NULL); int32_t sw = s->w; int32_t sh = s->h; int32_t sx = s->x; int32_t sy = s->y; // if x is negative, adjust variables if (sx < 0) { sw += sx; // subtraction sx = 0; } // if y is negative, adjust variables if (sy < 0) { sh += sy; // subtraction sy = 0; } const uint32_t *src32 = s->refreshBuffer; uint32_t *dst32 = &video.frameBuffer[(sy * SCREEN_W) + sx]; // handle x/y clipping if (sx+sw >= SCREEN_W) sw = SCREEN_W - sx; if (sy+sh >= SCREEN_H) sh = SCREEN_H - sy; const int32_t srcPitch = s->w - sw; const int32_t dstPitch = SCREEN_W - sw; for (int32_t y = 0; y < sh; y++) { for (int32_t x = 0; x < sw; x++) *dst32++ = *src32++; src32 += srcPitch; dst32 += dstPitch; } } } void renderSprites(void) { sprite_t *s = sprites; for (int32_t i = 0; i < SPRITE_NUM; i++, s++) { if (i == SPRITE_LEFT_LOOP_PIN || i == SPRITE_RIGHT_LOOP_PIN) continue; // these need special drawing (done elsewhere) // don't render the text edit cursor if window is inactive if (i == SPRITE_TEXT_CURSOR) { assert(video.window != NULL); const uint32_t windowFlags = SDL_GetWindowFlags(video.window); if (!(windowFlags & SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS)) continue; } // set new sprite position s->x = s->newX; s->y = s->newY; if (s->x >= SCREEN_W || s->y >= SCREEN_H) // sprite is hidden, don't draw nor fill clear buffer continue; assert(s->data != NULL && s->refreshBuffer != NULL); int32_t sw = s->w; int32_t sh = s->h; int32_t sx = s->x; int32_t sy = s->y; const uint8_t *src8 = s->data; // if x is negative, adjust variables if (sx < 0) { sw += sx; // subtraction src8 -= sx; // addition sx = 0; } // if y is negative, adjust variables if (sy < 0) { sh += sy; // subtraction src8 += (-sy * s->w); // addition sy = 0; } if (sw <= 0 || sh <= 0) // sprite is hidden, don't draw nor fill clear buffer continue; uint32_t *dst32 = &video.frameBuffer[(sy * SCREEN_W) + sx]; uint32_t *clr32 = s->refreshBuffer; // handle x/y clipping if (sx+sw >= SCREEN_W) sw = SCREEN_W - sx; if (sy+sh >= SCREEN_H) sh = SCREEN_H - sy; const int32_t srcPitch = s->w - sw; const int32_t dstPitch = SCREEN_W - sw; if (mouse.mouseOverTextBox && i == SPRITE_MOUSE_POINTER) { // text edit mouse pointer (has color changing depending on content under it) for (int32_t y = 0; y < sh; y++) { for (int32_t x = 0; x < sw; x++) { *clr32++ = *dst32; // fill clear buffer if (*src8 != PAL_TRANSPR) { if (!(*dst32 & 0xFFFFFF) || *dst32 == video.palette[PAL_TEXTMRK]) *dst32 = 0xB3DBF6; else *dst32 = 0x004ECE; } dst32++; src8++; } clr32 += srcPitch; src8 += srcPitch; dst32 += dstPitch; } } else { // normal sprites for (int32_t y = 0; y < sh; y++) { for (int32_t x = 0; x < sw; x++) { *clr32++ = *dst32; // fill clear buffer if (*src8 != PAL_TRANSPR) { assert(*src8 < PAL_NUM); *dst32 = video.palette[*src8]; } dst32++; src8++; } clr32 += srcPitch; src8 += srcPitch; dst32 += dstPitch; } } } } void renderLoopPins(void) { const uint8_t *src8; int32_t sx, x, y, sw, sh, srcPitch, dstPitch; uint32_t *clr32, *dst32; // left loop pin sprite_t *s = &sprites[SPRITE_LEFT_LOOP_PIN]; assert(s->data != NULL && s->refreshBuffer != NULL); // set new sprite position s->x = s->newX; s->y = s->newY; if (s->x < SCREEN_W) // loop pin shown? { sw = s->w; sh = s->h; sx = s->x; src8 = s->data; clr32 = s->refreshBuffer; // if x is negative, adjust variables if (sx < 0) { sw += sx; // subtraction src8 -= sx; // addition sx = 0; } dst32 = &video.frameBuffer[(s->y * SCREEN_W) + sx]; // handle x clipping if (sx+sw >= SCREEN_W) sw = SCREEN_W - sx; srcPitch = s->w - sw; dstPitch = SCREEN_W - sw; for (y = 0; y < sh; y++) { for (x = 0; x < sw; x++) { *clr32++ = *dst32; // fill clear buffer if (*src8 != PAL_TRANSPR) { assert(*src8 < PAL_NUM); *dst32 = video.palette[*src8]; } dst32++; src8++; } src8 += srcPitch; clr32 += srcPitch; dst32 += dstPitch; } } // right loop pin s = &sprites[SPRITE_RIGHT_LOOP_PIN]; assert(s->data != NULL && s->refreshBuffer != NULL); // set new sprite position s->x = s->newX; s->y = s->newY; if (s->x < SCREEN_W) // loop pin shown? { s->x = s->newX; s->y = s->newY; sw = s->w; sh = s->h; sx = s->x; src8 = s->data; clr32 = s->refreshBuffer; // if x is negative, adjust variables if (sx < 0) { sw += sx; // subtraction src8 -= sx; // addition sx = 0; } dst32 = &video.frameBuffer[(s->y * SCREEN_W) + sx]; // handle x clipping if (sx+sw >= SCREEN_W) sw = SCREEN_W - sx; srcPitch = s->w - sw; dstPitch = SCREEN_W - sw; for (y = 0; y < sh; y++) { for (x = 0; x < sw; x++) { *clr32++ = *dst32; if (*src8 != PAL_TRANSPR) { assert(*src8 < PAL_NUM); if (y < 9 && *src8 == PAL_LOOPPIN) { // don't draw marker line on top of left loop pin's thumb graphics const uint8_t pal = *dst32 >> 24; if (pal != PAL_DESKTOP && pal != PAL_DSKTOP1 && pal != PAL_DSKTOP2) *dst32 = video.palette[*src8]; } else { *dst32 = video.palette[*src8]; } } dst32++; src8++; } src8 += srcPitch; clr32 += srcPitch; dst32 += dstPitch; } } } void setupWaitVBL(void) { // set next frame time timeNext64 = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter() + video.vblankTimeLen; timeNext64Frac = video.vblankTimeLenFrac; } void waitVBL(void) { // this routine almost never delays if we have 60Hz vsync, but it's still needed in some occasions uint64_t time64 = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter(); if (time64 < timeNext64) { time64 = timeNext64 - time64; if (time64 > INT32_MAX) time64 = INT32_MAX; const int32_t diff32 = (int32_t)time64; // convert and round to microseconds const int32_t time32 = (int32_t)((diff32 * editor.dPerfFreqMulMicro) + 0.5); // delay until we have reached the next frame if (time32 > 0) usleep(time32); } // update next frame time timeNext64 += video.vblankTimeLen; timeNext64Frac += video.vblankTimeLenFrac; if (timeNext64Frac > UINT32_MAX) { timeNext64Frac &= UINT32_MAX; timeNext64++; } } void closeVideo(void) { if (video.texture != NULL) { SDL_DestroyTexture(video.texture); video.texture = NULL; } if (video.renderer != NULL) { SDL_DestroyRenderer(video.renderer); video.renderer = NULL; } if (video.window != NULL) { SDL_DestroyWindow(video.window); video.window = NULL; } if (video.frameBufferUnaligned != NULL) { free(video.frameBufferUnaligned); video.frameBufferUnaligned = NULL; } video.frameBuffer = NULL; } void setWindowSizeFromConfig(bool updateRenderer) { #define MAX_UPSCALE_FACTOR 16 // 10112x6400 - ought to be good enough for many years to come uint8_t i; SDL_DisplayMode dm; /* Kludge for Raspbarry Pi. Upscaling of 3x or higher makes everything slow as a snail. ** This hack unfortunately applies to any ARM based device, but I doubt 3x/4x would run ** smooth on any ARM device suitable for the FT2 clone anyway (excluding tablets/phones). */ #ifdef __arm__ if ((config.windowFlags & WINSIZE_3X) || (config.windowFlags & WINSIZE_4X)) { config.windowFlags &= ~(WINSIZE_1X + WINSIZE_2X + WINSIZE_3X + WINSIZE_4X); config.windowFlags |= WINSIZE_AUTO; } #endif uint8_t oldUpscaleFactor = video.upscaleFactor; if (config.windowFlags & WINSIZE_AUTO) { // find out which upscaling factor is the biggest to fit on screen if (SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(0, &dm) == 0) { for (i = MAX_UPSCALE_FACTOR; i >= 1; i--) { // slightly bigger than 632x400 because of window title, window borders and taskbar/menu if (dm.w >= 640*i && dm.h >= 450*i) { video.upscaleFactor = i; break; } } if (i == 0) video.upscaleFactor = 1; // 1x is not going to fit, but use 1x anyways... // kludge (read comment above) #ifdef __arm__ if (video.upscaleFactor > 2) video.upscaleFactor = 2; #endif } else { // couldn't get screen resolution, set to 1x video.upscaleFactor = 1; } } else if (config.windowFlags & WINSIZE_1X) video.upscaleFactor = 1; else if (config.windowFlags & WINSIZE_2X) video.upscaleFactor = 2; else if (config.windowFlags & WINSIZE_3X) video.upscaleFactor = 3; else if (config.windowFlags & WINSIZE_4X) video.upscaleFactor = 4; if (updateRenderer) { SDL_SetWindowSize(video.window, SCREEN_W * video.upscaleFactor, SCREEN_H * video.upscaleFactor); if (oldUpscaleFactor != video.upscaleFactor) SDL_SetWindowPosition(video.window, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED); updateRenderSizeVars(); updateMouseScaling(); setMousePosToCenter(); } } void updateWindowTitle(bool forceUpdate) { if (!forceUpdate && songIsModified == song.isModified) return; // window title is already set to the same char *songTitle = getCurrSongFilename(); if (songTitle != NULL) { if (song.isModified) sprintf(wndTitle, "Fasttracker II clone v%s - \"%s\" (unsaved)", PROG_VER_STR, songTitle); else sprintf(wndTitle, "Fasttracker II clone v%s - \"%s\"", PROG_VER_STR, songTitle); } else { if (song.isModified) sprintf(wndTitle, "Fasttracker II clone v%s - \"untitled\" (unsaved)", PROG_VER_STR); else sprintf(wndTitle, "Fasttracker II clone v%s - \"untitled\"", PROG_VER_STR); } SDL_SetWindowTitle(video.window, wndTitle); songIsModified = song.isModified; } bool recreateTexture(void) { if (video.texture != NULL) { SDL_DestroyTexture(video.texture); video.texture = NULL; } if (config.windowFlags & PIXEL_FILTER) SDL_SetHint("SDL_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY", "best"); else SDL_SetHint("SDL_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY", "nearest"); video.texture = SDL_CreateTexture(video.renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); if (video.texture == NULL) { showErrorMsgBox("Couldn't create a %dx%d GPU texture:\n\"%s\"\n\nIs your GPU (+ driver) too old?", SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H, SDL_GetError()); return false; } SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(video.texture, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); return true; } bool setupWindow(void) { SDL_DisplayMode dm; video.vsync60HzPresent = false; uint32_t windowFlags = SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI; #if defined (__APPLE__) || defined (_WIN32) // yet another quirk! windowFlags |= SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN; #endif setWindowSizeFromConfig(false); #if SDL_PATCHLEVEL >= 5 // SDL 2.0.5 or later SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_MOUSE_FOCUS_CLICKTHROUGH, "1"); #endif SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(0, &dm); video.dMonitorRefreshRate = (double)dm.refresh_rate; if (dm.refresh_rate >= 59 && dm.refresh_rate <= 61) video.vsync60HzPresent = true; if (config.windowFlags & FORCE_VSYNC_OFF) video.vsync60HzPresent = false; video.window = SDL_CreateWindow("", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SCREEN_W * video.upscaleFactor, SCREEN_H * video.upscaleFactor, windowFlags); if (video.window == NULL) { showErrorMsgBox("Couldn't create SDL window:\n%s", SDL_GetError()); return false; } #ifdef __APPLE__ // for macOS we need to do this here for reasons I have forgotten SDL_PumpEvents(); SDL_ShowWindow(video.window); #endif updateWindowTitle(true); return true; } bool setupRenderer(void) { uint32_t rendererFlags = 0; if (video.vsync60HzPresent) rendererFlags |= SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC; video.renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(video.window, -1, rendererFlags); if (video.renderer == NULL) { if (video.vsync60HzPresent) { // try again without vsync flag video.vsync60HzPresent = false; rendererFlags &= ~SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC; video.renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(video.window, -1, rendererFlags); } if (video.renderer == NULL) { showErrorMsgBox("Couldn't create SDL renderer:\n\"%s\"\n\nIs your GPU (+ driver) too old?", SDL_GetError()); return false; } } SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(video.renderer, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); #if SDL_PATCHLEVEL >= 5 SDL_RenderSetIntegerScale(video.renderer, SDL_TRUE); #endif SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(video.renderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); if (!recreateTexture()) { showErrorMsgBox("Couldn't create a %dx%d GPU texture:\n\"%s\"\n\nIs your GPU (+ driver) too old?", SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H, SDL_GetError()); return false; } // framebuffer used by SDL (for texture) video.frameBufferUnaligned = (uint32_t *)MALLOC_PAD(SCREEN_W * SCREEN_H * sizeof (int32_t), 256); if (video.frameBufferUnaligned == NULL) { showErrorMsgBox("Not enough memory!"); return false; } // we want an aligned pointer video.frameBuffer = (uint32_t *)ALIGN_PTR(video.frameBufferUnaligned, 256); if (!setupSprites()) return false; updateRenderSizeVars(); updateMouseScaling(); if (config.specialFlags2 & HARDWARE_MOUSE) SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_TRUE); else SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_FALSE); // Workaround: SDL_GetGlobalMouseState() doesn't work with KMSDRM video.useDesktopMouseCoords = true; const char *videoDriver = SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver(); if (videoDriver != NULL && strcmp("KMSDRM", videoDriver) == 0) video.useDesktopMouseCoords = false; return true; } void handleRedrawing(void) { if (!ui.configScreenShown && !ui.helpScreenShown) { if (ui.aboutScreenShown) { aboutFrame(); } else if (ui.nibblesShown) { if (editor.NI_Play) moveNibblePlayers(); } else { if (ui.updatePosSections) { ui.updatePosSections = false; if (!ui.diskOpShown) { drawSongRepS(); drawSongLength(); drawPosEdNums(editor.songPos); drawEditPattern(editor.editPattern); drawPatternLength(editor.editPattern); drawSongBPM(editor.speed); drawSongSpeed(editor.tempo); drawGlobalVol(editor.globalVol); if (!songPlaying || editor.wavIsRendering) setScrollBarPos(SB_POS_ED, editor.songPos, false); // draw current mode text (not while in extended pattern editor mode) if (!ui.extended) { fillRect(115, 80, 74, 10, PAL_DESKTOP); if (playMode == PLAYMODE_PATT) textOut(115, 80, PAL_FORGRND, "> Play ptn. <"); else if (playMode == PLAYMODE_EDIT) textOut(121, 80, PAL_FORGRND, "> Editing <"); else if (playMode == PLAYMODE_RECSONG) textOut(114, 80, PAL_FORGRND, "> Rec. sng. <"); else if (playMode == PLAYMODE_RECPATT) textOut(115, 80, PAL_FORGRND, "> Rec. ptn. <"); } } } if (ui.updatePosEdScrollBar) { ui.updatePosEdScrollBar = false; setScrollBarPos(SB_POS_ED, song.songPos, false); setScrollBarEnd(SB_POS_ED, (song.len - 1) + 5); } if (!ui.extended) { if (!ui.diskOpShown) drawPlaybackTime(); if (ui.sampleEditorExtShown) handleSampleEditorExtRedrawing(); else if (ui.scopesShown) drawScopes(); } } } drawReplayerData(); if (ui.instEditorShown) handleInstEditorRedrawing(); else if (ui.sampleEditorShown) handleSamplerRedrawing(); // blink text edit cursor if (editor.editTextFlag && mouse.lastEditBox != -1) { assert(mouse.lastEditBox >= 0 && mouse.lastEditBox < NUM_TEXTBOXES); textBox_t *txt = &textBoxes[mouse.lastEditBox]; if (editor.textCursorBlinkCounter < 256/2 && !textIsMarked() && !(mouse.leftButtonPressed | mouse.rightButtonPressed)) setSpritePos(SPRITE_TEXT_CURSOR, getTextCursorX(txt), getTextCursorY(txt) - 1); // show text cursor else hideSprite(SPRITE_TEXT_CURSOR); // hide text cursor editor.textCursorBlinkCounter += TEXT_CURSOR_BLINK_RATE; } if (editor.busy) animateBusyMouse(); renderLoopPins(); } static void drawReplayerData(void) { if (songPlaying) { if (ui.drawReplayerPianoFlag) { ui.drawReplayerPianoFlag = false; if (ui.instEditorShown && chSyncEntry != NULL) drawPiano(chSyncEntry); } bool drawPosText = true; if (ui.configScreenShown || ui.nibblesShown || ui.helpScreenShown || ui.aboutScreenShown || ui.diskOpShown) { drawPosText = false; } if (drawPosText) { if (ui.drawBPMFlag) { ui.drawBPMFlag = false; drawSongBPM(editor.speed); } if (ui.drawSpeedFlag) { ui.drawSpeedFlag = false; drawSongSpeed(editor.tempo); } if (ui.drawGlobVolFlag) { ui.drawGlobVolFlag = false; drawGlobalVol(editor.globalVol); } if (ui.drawPosEdFlag) { ui.drawPosEdFlag = false; drawPosEdNums(editor.songPos); setScrollBarPos(SB_POS_ED, editor.songPos, false); } if (ui.drawPattNumLenFlag) { ui.drawPattNumLenFlag = false; drawEditPattern(editor.editPattern); drawPatternLength(editor.editPattern); } } } else if (ui.instEditorShown) { drawPiano(NULL); } // handle pattern data updates if (ui.updatePatternEditor) { ui.updatePatternEditor = false; if (ui.patternEditorShown) writePattern(editor.pattPos, editor.editPattern); } }