ref: d66b628e7ce513210cf583e5a3d91e328267ba01
dir: /tiny/eval1/
value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, value_t *penv) { value_t f, v, bind, headsym, asym, labl=0, *pv, *argsyms, *body, *lenv; value_t *rest; cons_t *c; symbol_t *sym; uint32_t saveSP; int i, nargs, noeval=0; number_t s, n; if (issymbol(e)) { sym = (symbol_t*)ptr(e); if (sym->constant != UNBOUND) return sym->constant; v = *penv; while (iscons(v)) { bind = car_(v); if (iscons(bind) && car_(bind) == e) return cdr_(bind); v = cdr_(v); } if ((v = sym->binding) == UNBOUND) lerror("eval: error: variable %s has no value\n", sym->name); return v; } if ((unsigned)(char*)&nargs < (unsigned)stack_bottom || SP>=(N_STACK-100)) lerror("eval: error: stack overflow\n"); saveSP = SP; PUSH(e); f = eval(car_(e), penv); if (isbuiltin(f)) { // handle builtin function if (!isspecial(f)) { // evaluate argument list, placing arguments on stack v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); while (iscons(v)) { v = eval(car_(v), penv); PUSH(v); v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); } } apply_builtin: nargs = SP - saveSP - 1; switch (intval(f)) { // special forms case F_QUOTE: v = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); if (!iscons(v)) lerror("quote: error: expected argument\n"); v = car_(v); break; case F_MACRO: case F_LAMBDA: v = Stack[saveSP]; if (*penv != NIL) { // build a closure (lambda args body . env) v = cdr_(v); PUSH(car(v)); argsyms = &Stack[SP-1]; PUSH(car(cdr_(v))); body = &Stack[SP-1]; v = cons_(intval(f)==F_LAMBDA ? &LAMBDA : &MACRO, cons(argsyms, cons(body, penv))); } break; case F_LABEL: v = Stack[saveSP]; if (*penv != NIL) { v = cdr_(v); PUSH(car(v)); // name pv = &Stack[SP-1]; PUSH(car(cdr_(v))); // function body = &Stack[SP-1]; *body = eval(*body, penv); // evaluate lambda v = cons_(&LABEL, cons(pv, cons(body, &NIL))); } break; case F_IF: v = car(cdr_(Stack[saveSP])); if (eval(v, penv) != NIL) v = car(cdr_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]))); else v = car(cdr(cdr_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP])))); v = eval(v, penv); break; case F_COND: Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL; while (iscons(*pv)) { c = tocons(car_(*pv), "cond"); if ((v=eval(c->car, penv)) != NIL) { *pv = cdr_(car_(*pv)); // evaluate body forms while (iscons(*pv)) { v = eval(car_(*pv), penv); *pv = cdr_(*pv); } break; } *pv = cdr_(*pv); } break; case F_AND: Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = T; while (iscons(*pv)) { if ((v=eval(car_(*pv), penv)) == NIL) break; *pv = cdr_(*pv); } break; case F_OR: Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL; while (iscons(*pv)) { if ((v=eval(car_(*pv), penv)) != NIL) break; *pv = cdr_(*pv); } break; case F_WHILE: PUSH(car(cdr(cdr_(Stack[saveSP])))); body = &Stack[SP-1]; Stack[saveSP] = car_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP])); value_t *cond = &Stack[saveSP]; PUSH(NIL); pv = &Stack[SP-1]; while (eval(*cond, penv) != NIL) *pv = eval(*body, penv); v = *pv; break; case F_PROGN: // return last arg Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL; while (iscons(*pv)) { v = eval(car_(*pv), penv); *pv = cdr_(*pv); } break; // ordinary functions case F_SET: argcount("set", nargs, 2); e = Stack[SP-2]; v = *penv; while (iscons(v)) { bind = car_(v); if (iscons(bind) && car_(bind) == e) { cdr_(bind) = (v=Stack[SP-1]); SP=saveSP; return v; } v = cdr_(v); } tosymbol(e, "set")->binding = (v=Stack[SP-1]); break; case F_BOUNDP: argcount("boundp", nargs, 1); if (tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "boundp")->binding == UNBOUND) v = NIL; else v = T; break; case F_EQ: argcount("eq", nargs, 2); v = ((Stack[SP-2] == Stack[SP-1]) ? T : NIL); break; case F_CONS: argcount("cons", nargs, 2); v = mk_cons(); car_(v) = Stack[SP-2]; cdr_(v) = Stack[SP-1]; break; case F_CAR: argcount("car", nargs, 1); v = car(Stack[SP-1]); break; case F_CDR: argcount("cdr", nargs, 1); v = cdr(Stack[SP-1]); break; case F_RPLACA: argcount("rplaca", nargs, 2); car(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1]; break; case F_RPLACD: argcount("rplacd", nargs, 2); cdr(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1]; break; case F_ATOM: argcount("atom", nargs, 1); v = ((!iscons(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL); break; case F_SYMBOLP: argcount("symbolp", nargs, 1); v = ((issymbol(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL); break; case F_NUMBERP: argcount("numberp", nargs, 1); v = ((isnumber(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL); break; case F_ADD: s = 0; for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++) { n = tonumber(Stack[i], "+"); s += n; } v = number(s); break; case F_SUB: if (nargs < 1) lerror("-: error: too few arguments\n"); i = saveSP+1; s = (nargs==1) ? 0 : tonumber(Stack[i++], "-"); for (; i < (int)SP; i++) { n = tonumber(Stack[i], "-"); s -= n; } v = number(s); break; case F_MUL: s = 1; for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++) { n = tonumber(Stack[i], "*"); s *= n; } v = number(s); break; case F_DIV: if (nargs < 1) lerror("/: error: too few arguments\n"); i = saveSP+1; s = (nargs==1) ? 1 : tonumber(Stack[i++], "/"); for (; i < (int)SP; i++) { n = tonumber(Stack[i], "/"); if (n == 0) lerror("/: error: division by zero\n"); s /= n; } v = number(s); break; case F_LT: argcount("<", nargs, 2); if (tonumber(Stack[SP-2],"<") < tonumber(Stack[SP-1],"<")) v = T; else v = NIL; break; case F_NOT: argcount("not", nargs, 1); v = ((Stack[SP-1] == NIL) ? T : NIL); break; case F_EVAL: argcount("eval", nargs, 1); v = eval(Stack[SP-1], &NIL); break; case F_PRINT: for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++) print(stdout, v=Stack[i]); break; case F_READ: argcount("read", nargs, 0); v = read_sexpr(stdin); break; case F_LOAD: argcount("load", nargs, 1); v = load_file(tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "load")->name); break; case F_PROG1: // return first arg if (nargs < 1) lerror("prog1: error: too few arguments\n"); v = Stack[saveSP+1]; break; case F_APPLY: // unpack a list onto the stack argcount("apply", nargs, 2); v = Stack[saveSP] = Stack[SP-1]; // second arg is new arglist f = Stack[SP-2]; // first arg is new function POPN(2); // pop apply's args if (isbuiltin(f)) { if (isspecial(f)) lerror("apply: error: cannot apply special operator " "%s\n", builtin_names[intval(f)]); while (iscons(v)) { PUSH(car_(v)); v = cdr_(v); } goto apply_builtin; } noeval = 1; goto apply_lambda; } SP = saveSP; return v; } else { v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); } apply_lambda: if (iscons(f)) { headsym = car_(f); if (headsym == LABEL) { // (label name (lambda ...)) behaves the same as the lambda // alone, except with name bound to the whole label expression labl = f; f = car(cdr(cdr_(labl))); headsym = car(f); } // apply lambda or macro expression PUSH(cdr(cdr(cdr_(f)))); lenv = &Stack[SP-1]; PUSH(car_(cdr_(f))); argsyms = &Stack[SP-1]; PUSH(car_(cdr_(cdr_(f)))); body = &Stack[SP-1]; if (labl) { // add label binding to environment PUSH(labl); PUSH(car_(cdr_(labl))); *lenv = cons_(cons(&Stack[SP-1], &Stack[SP-2]), lenv); POPN(3); v = Stack[saveSP]; // refetch arglist } if (headsym == MACRO) noeval = 1; else if (headsym != LAMBDA) lerror("apply: error: head must be lambda, macro, or label\n"); // build a calling environment for the lambda // the environment is the argument binds on top of the captured // environment while (iscons(v)) { // bind args if (!iscons(*argsyms)) { if (*argsyms == NIL) lerror("apply: error: too many arguments\n"); break; } asym = car_(*argsyms); if (!issymbol(asym)) lerror("apply: error: formal argument not a symbol\n"); v = car_(v); if (!noeval) v = eval(v, penv); PUSH(v); *lenv = cons_(cons(&asym, &Stack[SP-1]), lenv); POPN(2); *argsyms = cdr_(*argsyms); v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); } if (*argsyms != NIL) { if (issymbol(*argsyms)) { if (noeval) { *lenv = cons_(cons(argsyms, &Stack[saveSP]), lenv); } else { PUSH(NIL); PUSH(NIL); rest = &Stack[SP-1]; // build list of rest arguments // we have to build it forwards, which is tricky while (iscons(v)) { v = eval(car_(v), penv); PUSH(v); v = cons_(&Stack[SP-1], &NIL); POP(); if (iscons(*rest)) cdr_(*rest) = v; else Stack[SP-2] = v; *rest = v; v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); } *lenv = cons_(cons(argsyms, &Stack[SP-2]), lenv); } } else if (iscons(*argsyms)) { lerror("apply: error: too few arguments\n"); } } SP = saveSP; // free temporary stack space PUSH(*lenv); // preserve environment on stack lenv = &Stack[SP-1]; v = eval(*body, lenv); POP(); // macro: evaluate expansion in the calling environment if (headsym == MACRO) return eval(v, penv); return v; } type_error("apply", "function", f); return NIL; }