set *os-name*
quick & dirty arm64 support
add libllt.a to CLEANFILES
effective_numerictype: same issue here
fix truncate (does not play well with conversion to double)
no idea what this assert is about tbh
fix time.fromstring
fix time.string
mkfile: add more deps
fix more warnings
fix more warnings
fix uint64 printint
fix lognot for 8 and 16-bit numbers
fix more floating point issues
compile with NDEBUG
disable FPZDIV
add mkfiles
first working version
Use intptr_t and uintptr_t
Use uint32_t instead of u_int32_t
Make GitHub detect lisp files as Scheme.
Add NetBSD support
Use stdint.h instead of sys/types.h
Use NUM_FORMAT in all tiny interpreters
Fix 64-bit builds of tiny interpreters
Merge pull request #54 from pouar/xopen
replace use of "TCO" in README. closes #55
fix part of #53, assertion failure on invalid dotted list
fix part of #53, error check for invalid `set!` location
fix part of #53, assertion failure in print_traverse
use _XOPEN_SOURCE instead of manually prototyping wcwidth, also avoids a
Merge pull request #52 from jniewerth/patch-2
Fix "use-after-relocate" in stream_to_string
add math library functions sqrt, exp, log, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan
don't print-circle in `princ` mode
add function `char-alphabetic?`
fix bug in printing the character #\x0
lower `BOUNDED_COMPARE_BOUND`, allowing r7rs `equal` benchmark to complete
some printing improvements
Merge pull request #51 from dcurrie/type-artype-overconstrained
Merge pull request #50 from catull/fix-warnings
Eliminated caching of overconstrained array types for cvalues
Both clang and gcc define both MACOSX and ARCH_X86_64, no need to explicitly define them in the Makfiles.
Argument to abs() is actually long, not int, thus use labs().
Fix dropped GC root in fl_vector_alloc (#48)
Merge pull request #49 from dcurrie/fl_add_any-and-fl_mul_any_should-not-inexact-
Fix * and + to return inexact when given inexact args.
Merge pull request #47 from jniewerth/patch-1
gc_handle buf earlier in fl_string to prevent segfaults
Merge pull request #40 from Ismael-VC/patch-1
Add Gitter badge.
Merge pull request #37 from dcurrie/issue-#34
Fix parsetime to initialize timezone, issue #34.
fix issue #33 Negating most-negative-fixnum doesn't. (#35)
get_exename() for OpenBSD. (#17)
update README: `map` is now built in. fixes #26
Merge pull request #18 from schani/master
fix #24, make `<=` and `>=` work on strings
get_exename() for OSX >= 10.9
Merge pull request #16 from cryptorick/freebsd-first-class
Make FreeBSD a "first class citizen" among femtolisp's build OSes.
fix a small bug in quasiquote
fix bug in file-not-found due to incomplete init of the ios_t
Merge pull request #12 from tluyben/master
Femtolisp works now on modern macs (fix from Julia)
fix a use-after-free memory bug
fix lack of error when calling builtins with the wrong number of args
simpler proxy function for list builtin
remove and clean up some old files
Merge branch 'master' of
fix argument handling bug in fl_map1
Merge branch 'master' of
several minor changes and additions:
Merge pull request #8 from jturner/master
Allow the defining of an init file at build time
Merge pull request #7 from jondistad/osx-update
Updated carbon path and pointer size check
fix bug printing custom cvalue types that lack print methods
Merge pull request #6 from nroza/master
trying some preprocessor platform detection
update tiny/lisp.c for 64-bit
some fixes to macosx makefiles
fixing large int64 comparison bug
setting numeric locale to "C" to make sure literals are parsed correctly
removing leading/trailing underscores from preprocessor symbols
moving some flisp-specific code out of library
removing some unused stuff