ref: 1180597e6d69c6012d3d70259e559b3010df6a87
dir: /read.c/
#include "llt.h" #include "flisp.h" #include "cvalues.h" #include "read.h" enum { TOK_NONE, TOK_OPEN, TOK_CLOSE, TOK_DOT, TOK_QUOTE, TOK_SYM, TOK_NUM, TOK_BQ, TOK_COMMA, TOK_COMMAAT, TOK_COMMADOT, TOK_SHARPDOT, TOK_LABEL, TOK_BACKREF, TOK_SHARPQUOTE, TOK_SHARPOPEN, TOK_OPENB, TOK_CLOSEB, TOK_SHARPSYM, TOK_GENSYM, TOK_DOUBLEQUOTE, TOK_OPENC, TOK_CLOSEC, }; static value_t do_read_sexpr(value_t label); #if defined(__plan9__) static int errno; #define VLONG_MAX ~(1LL<<63) #define VLONG_MIN (1LL<<63) #define UVLONG_MAX (~0ULL) static mpint *mp_vlong_min, *mp_vlong_max, *mp_uvlong_max; #endif static int64_t strtoll_mp(char *nptr, char **rptr, int base, mpint **mp) { int64_t x; mpint *m; *mp = nil; errno = 0; x = strtoll(nptr, rptr, base); #if defined(__plan9__) if((x != VLONG_MAX && x != VLONG_MIN) || *rptr == nptr) return x; mpint *c; m = strtomp(nptr, rptr, base, nil); if(x == VLONG_MAX){ if(mp_vlong_max == nil) mp_vlong_max = vtomp(VLONG_MAX, nil); c = mp_vlong_max; }else{ if(mp_vlong_min == nil) mp_vlong_min = vtomp(VLONG_MIN, nil); c = mp_vlong_min; } if(mpcmp(c, m) == 0){ mpfree(m); m = nil; } #else m = nil; if(errno == ERANGE && (x == LLONG_MAX || x == LLONG_MIN)) m = strtomp(nptr, rptr, base, nil); #endif *mp = m; return x; } static uint64_t strtoull_mp(char *nptr, char **rptr, int base, mpint **mp) { uint64_t x; mpint *m; *mp = nil; errno = 0; x = strtoull(nptr, rptr, base); #if defined(__plan9__) if(x != UVLONG_MAX || *rptr == nptr) return x; m = strtomp(nptr, rptr, base, nil); if(mp_uvlong_max == nil) mp_uvlong_max = uvtomp(UVLONG_MAX, nil); if(mpcmp(mp_uvlong_max, m) == 0){ mpfree(m); m = nil; } #else m = nil; if(errno == ERANGE && x == ULLONG_MAX) m = strtomp(nptr, rptr, base, nil); #endif *mp = m; return x; } #define F value2c(ios_t*, readstate->source) int isnumtok_base(char *tok, value_t *pval, int base) { char *end; int64_t i64; uint64_t ui64; double d; mpint *mp = nil; if(*tok == '\0') return 0; if(!((tok[0] == '0' && tok[1] == 'x') || (base >= 15)) && strpbrk(tok, ".eEpP")){ d = strtod(tok, &end); if(*end == '\0'){ if(pval) *pval = mk_double(d); return 1; } // floats can end in f or f0 if(end > tok && end[0] == 'f' && (end[1] == '\0' || (end[1] == '0' && end[2] == '\0'))){ if(pval) *pval = mk_float((float)d); return 1; } } if(tok[0] == '+'){ if(!strcmp(tok, "+NaN") || !strcasecmp(tok, "+nan.0")){ if(pval) *pval = mk_double(D_PNAN); return 1; } if(!strcmp(tok, "+Inf") || !strcasecmp(tok, "+inf.0")){ if(pval) *pval = mk_double(D_PINF); return 1; } }else if(tok[0] == '-'){ if(!strcmp(tok, "-NaN") || !strcasecmp(tok, "-nan.0")){ if(pval) *pval = mk_double(D_NNAN); return 1; } if(!strcmp(tok, "-Inf") || !strcasecmp(tok, "-inf.0")){ if(pval) *pval = mk_double(D_NINF); return 1; } i64 = strtoll_mp(tok, &end, base, &mp); if(pval) *pval = mp == nil ? return_from_int64(i64) : mk_mpint(mp); return *end == '\0'; } ui64 = strtoull_mp(tok, &end, base, &mp); if(pval) *pval = mp == nil ? return_from_uint64(ui64) : mk_mpint(mp); return *end == '\0'; } int isnumtok(char *tok, value_t *pval) { return isnumtok_base(tok, pval, 0); } static int read_numtok(char *tok, value_t *pval, int base) { return isnumtok_base(tok, pval, base); } static uint32_t toktype = TOK_NONE; static value_t tokval; static char buf[256]; static char nextchar(void) { int ch; char c; ios_t *f = F; do{ if(f->bpos < f->size){ ch = f->buf[f->bpos++]; }else{ ch = ios_getc(f); if(ch == IOS_EOF) return 0; } c = (char)ch; if(c == ';'){ // single-line comment do{ ch = ios_getc(f); if(ch == IOS_EOF) return 0; }while((char)ch != '\n'); c = (char)ch; } }while(c == ' ' || isspace(c)); return c; } static void take(void) { toktype = TOK_NONE; } static void accumchar(char c, int *pi) { buf[(*pi)++] = c; if(*pi >= (int)(sizeof(buf)-1)) lerrorf(ParseError, "token too long"); } // return: 1 if escaped (forced to be symbol) static int read_token(char c, int digits) { int i = 0, ch, escaped = 0, issym = 0, nc = 0; while(1){ if(nc != 0){ if(nc != 1) ios_getc(F); ch = ios_peekc(F); if(ch == IOS_EOF) goto terminate; c = (char)ch; } if(c == '|'){ issym = 1; escaped = !escaped; }else if(c == '\\'){ issym = 1; ios_getc(F); ch = ios_peekc(F); if(ch == IOS_EOF) goto terminate; accumchar((char)ch, &i); }else if(!escaped && !(symchar(c) && (!digits || isdigit(c)))){ break; }else{ accumchar(c, &i); } nc++; } if(nc == 0) ios_skip(F, -1); terminate: buf[i++] = '\0'; return issym; } static int isdigit_base(char c, int base) { if(base < 11) return c >= '0' && c < '0'+base; return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c < 'a'+base-10) || (c >= 'A' && c < 'A'+base-10); } static uint32_t peek(void) { char c, *end; fixnum_t x; int ch, base; if(toktype != TOK_NONE) return toktype; c = nextchar(); if(ios_eof(F)) return TOK_NONE; if(c == '(') toktype = TOK_OPEN; else if(c == ')') toktype = TOK_CLOSE; else if(c == '[') toktype = TOK_OPENB; else if(c == ']') toktype = TOK_CLOSEB; else if(c == '{') toktype = TOK_OPENC; else if(c == '}') toktype = TOK_CLOSEC; else if(c == '\'') toktype = TOK_QUOTE; else if(c == '`') toktype = TOK_BQ; else if(c == '"') toktype = TOK_DOUBLEQUOTE; else if(c == '#'){ ch = ios_getc(F); c = (char)ch; if(ch == IOS_EOF) lerrorf(ParseError, "invalid read macro"); if(c == '.') toktype = TOK_SHARPDOT; else if(c == '\'') toktype = TOK_SHARPQUOTE; else if(c == '\\'){ Rune cval; if(ios_getutf8(F, &cval) == IOS_EOF) lerrorf(ParseError, "end of input in character constant"); if(cval == 'u' || cval == 'U' || cval == 'x'){ read_token('u', 0); if(buf[1] != '\0'){ // not a solitary 'u','U','x' if(!read_numtok(&buf[1], &tokval, 16)) lerrorf(ParseError, "invalid hex character constant"); cval = numval(tokval); } }else if(cval >= 'a' && cval <= 'z'){ read_token((char)cval, 0); tokval = symbol(buf); if(buf[1] == '\0') USED(cval); /* one character */ else if(tokval == nulsym) cval = 0x00; else if(tokval == alarmsym) cval = 0x07; else if(tokval == backspacesym) cval = 0x08; else if(tokval == tabsym) cval = 0x09; else if(tokval == linefeedsym) cval = 0x0A; else if(tokval == newlinesym) cval = 0x0A; else if(tokval == vtabsym) cval = 0x0B; else if(tokval == pagesym) cval = 0x0C; else if(tokval == returnsym) cval = 0x0D; else if(tokval == escsym) cval = 0x1B; else if(tokval == spacesym) cval = 0x20; else if(tokval == deletesym) cval = 0x7F; else lerrorf(ParseError, "unknown character #\\%s", buf); } toktype = TOK_NUM; tokval = mk_rune(cval); }else if(c == '('){ toktype = TOK_SHARPOPEN; }else if(c == '<'){ lerrorf(ParseError, "unreadable object"); }else if(isdigit(c)){ read_token(c, 1); c = (char)ios_getc(F); if(c == '#') toktype = TOK_BACKREF; else if(c == '=') toktype = TOK_LABEL; else lerrorf(ParseError, "invalid label"); x = strtoll(buf, &end, 10); if(*end != '\0') lerrorf(ParseError, "invalid label"); tokval = fixnum(x); }else if(c == '!'){ // #! single line comment for shbang script support do{ ch = ios_getc(F); }while(ch != IOS_EOF && (char)ch != '\n'); return peek(); }else if(c == '|'){ // multiline comment int commentlevel = 1; while(1){ ch = ios_getc(F); hashpipe_gotc: if(ch == IOS_EOF) lerrorf(ParseError, "eof within comment"); if((char)ch == '|'){ ch = ios_getc(F); if((char)ch == '#'){ commentlevel--; if(commentlevel == 0) break; else continue; } goto hashpipe_gotc; }else if((char)ch == '#'){ ch = ios_getc(F); if((char)ch == '|') commentlevel++; else goto hashpipe_gotc; } } // this was whitespace, so keep peeking return peek(); }else if(c == ';'){ // datum comment (void)do_read_sexpr(UNBOUND); // skip return peek(); }else if(c == ':'){ // gensym ch = ios_getc(F); if((char)ch == 'g') ch = ios_getc(F); read_token((char)ch, 0); x = strtol(buf, &end, 10); if(*end != '\0' || buf[0] == '\0') lerrorf(ParseError, "invalid gensym label"); toktype = TOK_GENSYM; tokval = fixnum(x); }else if(symchar(c)){ read_token(ch, 0); if(((c == 'b' && (base = 2)) || (c == 'o' && (base = 8)) || (c == 'd' && (base = 10)) || (c == 'x' && (base = 16))) && (isdigit_base(buf[1], base) || buf[1] == '-')){ if(!read_numtok(&buf[1], &tokval, base)) lerrorf(ParseError, "invalid base %d constant", base); return (toktype = TOK_NUM); } toktype = TOK_SHARPSYM; tokval = symbol(buf); }else{ lerrorf(ParseError, "unknown read macro"); } }else if(c == ','){ toktype = TOK_COMMA; ch = ios_peekc(F); if(ch == IOS_EOF) return toktype; if((char)ch == '@') toktype = TOK_COMMAAT; else if((char)ch == '.') toktype = TOK_COMMADOT; else return toktype; ios_getc(F); }else{ if(!read_token(c, 0)){ if(buf[0] == '.' && buf[1] == '\0') return (toktype = TOK_DOT); if(read_numtok(buf, &tokval, 0)) return (toktype = TOK_NUM); } toktype = TOK_SYM; tokval = symbol((uint8_t)buf[0] == 0xce && (uint8_t)buf[1] == 0xbb ? "lambda" : buf); } return toktype; } // NOTE: this is NOT an efficient operation. it is only used by the // reader, and requires at least 1 and up to 3 garbage collections! static value_t vector_grow(value_t v) { size_t i, s = vector_size(v); size_t d = vector_grow_amt(s); PUSH(v); assert(s+d > s); value_t newv = alloc_vector(s+d, 1); v = Stack[SP-1]; for(i = 0; i < s; i++) vector_elt(newv, i) = vector_elt(v, i); // use gc to rewrite references from the old vector to the new Stack[SP-1] = newv; if(s > 0){ ((size_t*)ptr(v))[0] |= 0x1; vector_elt(v, 0) = newv; gc(0); } return POP(); } static value_t read_vector(value_t label, uint32_t closer) { value_t v = the_empty_vector, elt; uint32_t i = 0; PUSH(v); if(label != UNBOUND) ptrhash_put(&readstate->backrefs, (void*)label, (void*)v); while(peek() != closer){ if(ios_eof(F)) lerrorf(ParseError, "unexpected end of input"); if(i >= vector_size(v)){ v = Stack[SP-1] = vector_grow(v); if(label != UNBOUND) ptrhash_put(&readstate->backrefs, (void*)label, (void*)v); } elt = do_read_sexpr(UNBOUND); v = Stack[SP-1]; assert(i < vector_size(v)); vector_elt(v, i) = elt; i++; } take(); if(i > 0) vector_setsize(v, i); return POP(); } static value_t read_string(void) { char *buf, *temp; char eseq[10]; size_t i = 0, j, sz = 64, ndig; int c; value_t s; Rune r = 0; buf = LLT_ALLOC(sz); while(1){ if(i >= sz-4){ // -4: leaves room for longest utf8 sequence sz *= 2; temp = LLT_REALLOC(buf, sz); if(temp == nil){ LLT_FREE(buf); lerrorf(ParseError, "out of memory reading string"); } buf = temp; } c = ios_getc(F); if(c == IOS_EOF){ LLT_FREE(buf); lerrorf(ParseError, "unexpected end of input in string"); } if(c == '"') break; else if(c == '\\'){ c = ios_getc(F); if(c == IOS_EOF){ LLT_FREE(buf); lerrorf(ParseError, "end of input in escape sequence"); } j = 0; if(octal_digit(c)){ while(1){ eseq[j++] = c; c = ios_peekc(F); if(c == IOS_EOF || !octal_digit(c) || j >= 3) break; ios_getc(F); } eseq[j] = '\0'; r = strtol(eseq, nil, 8); // \DDD and \xXX read bytes, not characters buf[i++] = (char)r; }else if((c == 'x' && (ndig = 2)) || (c == 'u' && (ndig = 4)) || (c == 'U' && (ndig = 8))){ while(1){ c = ios_peekc(F); if(c == IOS_EOF || !hex_digit(c) || j >= ndig) break; eseq[j++] = c; ios_getc(F); } eseq[j] = '\0'; if(j) r = strtol(eseq, nil, 16); if(!j || r > Runemax){ LLT_FREE(buf); lerrorf(ParseError, "invalid escape sequence"); } if(ndig == 2) buf[i++] = (char)r; else i += runetochar(&buf[i], &r); }else{ char esc = read_escape_control_char((char)c); if(esc == (char)c && !strchr("\\'\"`", esc)){ LLT_FREE(buf); lerrorf(ParseError, "invalid escape sequence: \\%c", (char)c); } buf[i++] = esc; } }else{ buf[i++] = c; } } s = cvalue_string(i); memmove(cvalue_data(s), buf, i); LLT_FREE(buf); return s; } // build a list of conses. this is complicated by the fact that all conses // can move whenever a new cons is allocated. we have to refer to every cons // through a handle to a relocatable pointer (i.e. a pointer on the stack). static void read_list(value_t *pval, value_t label, uint32_t closer) { value_t c, *pc; uint32_t t; PUSH(NIL); pc = &Stack[SP-1]; // to keep track of current cons cell t = peek(); while(t != closer){ if(ios_eof(F)) lerrorf(ParseError, "unexpected end of input"); c = mk_cons(); car_(c) = cdr_(c) = NIL; if(iscons(*pc)) cdr_(*pc) = c; else{ *pval = c; if(label != UNBOUND) ptrhash_put(&readstate->backrefs, (void*)label, (void*)c); } *pc = c; c = do_read_sexpr(UNBOUND); // must be on separate lines due to car_(*pc) = c; // undefined evaluation order t = peek(); if(t == TOK_DOT){ take(); c = do_read_sexpr(UNBOUND); cdr_(*pc) = c; t = peek(); if(ios_eof(F)) lerrorf(ParseError, "unexpected end of input"); if(t != closer){ take(); lerrorf( ParseError, "expected '%c'", closer == TOK_CLOSEB ? ']' : (closer == TOK_CLOSEC ? '}' : ')') ); } } } take(); c = POP(); USED(c); } // label is the backreference we'd like to fix up with this read static value_t do_read_sexpr(value_t label) { value_t v, sym, oldtokval, *head; value_t *pv; uint32_t t; char c; t = peek(); take(); switch(t){ case TOK_CLOSE: lerrorf(ParseError, "unexpected ')'"); case TOK_CLOSEB: lerrorf(ParseError, "unexpected ']'"); case TOK_CLOSEC: lerrorf(ParseError, "unexpected '}'"); case TOK_DOT: lerrorf(ParseError, "unexpected '.'"); case TOK_SYM: case TOK_NUM: return tokval; case TOK_COMMA: head = &COMMA; goto listwith; case TOK_COMMAAT: head = &COMMAAT; goto listwith; case TOK_COMMADOT: head = &COMMADOT; goto listwith; case TOK_BQ: head = &BACKQUOTE; goto listwith; case TOK_QUOTE: head = "E; listwith: v = cons_reserve(2); car_(v) = *head; cdr_(v) = tagptr(((cons_t*)ptr(v))+1, TAG_CONS); car_(cdr_(v)) = cdr_(cdr_(v)) = NIL; PUSH(v); if(label != UNBOUND) ptrhash_put(&readstate->backrefs, (void*)label, (void*)v); v = do_read_sexpr(UNBOUND); car_(cdr_(Stack[SP-1])) = v; return POP(); case TOK_SHARPQUOTE: // femtoLisp doesn't need symbol-function, so #' does nothing return do_read_sexpr(label); case TOK_OPEN: PUSH(NIL); read_list(&Stack[SP-1], label, TOK_CLOSE); return POP(); case TOK_OPENB: PUSH(NIL); read_list(&Stack[SP-1], label, TOK_CLOSEB); return POP(); case TOK_OPENC: PUSH(NIL); read_list(&Stack[SP-1], label, TOK_CLOSEC); return POP(); case TOK_SHARPSYM: sym = tokval; if(sym == tsym || sym == Tsym) return FL_T; if(sym == fsym || sym == Fsym) return FL_F; // constructor notation c = nextchar(); if(c != '('){ take(); lerrorf(ParseError, "expected argument list for %s", symbol_name(tokval)); } PUSH(NIL); read_list(&Stack[SP-1], UNBOUND, TOK_CLOSE); if(sym == vu8sym){ sym = arraysym; Stack[SP-1] = fl_cons(uint8sym, Stack[SP-1]); }else if(sym == fnsym){ sym = FUNCTION; } v = symbol_value(sym); if(v == UNBOUND) unbound_error(sym); return fl_apply(v, POP()); case TOK_SHARPOPEN: return read_vector(label, TOK_CLOSE); case TOK_SHARPDOT: // eval-when-read // evaluated expressions can refer to existing backreferences, but they // cannot see pending labels. in other words: // (... #2=#.#0# ... ) OK // (... #2=#.(#2#) ... ) DO NOT WANT sym = do_read_sexpr(UNBOUND); if(issymbol(sym)){ v = symbol_value(sym); if(v == UNBOUND) unbound_error(sym); return v; } return fl_toplevel_eval(sym); case TOK_LABEL: // create backreference label if(ptrhash_has(&readstate->backrefs, (void*)tokval)) lerrorf(ParseError, "label %"PRIdPTR" redefined", numval(tokval)); oldtokval = tokval; v = do_read_sexpr(tokval); ptrhash_put(&readstate->backrefs, (void*)oldtokval, (void*)v); return v; case TOK_BACKREF: // look up backreference v = (value_t)ptrhash_get(&readstate->backrefs, (void*)tokval); if(v == (value_t)HT_NOTFOUND) lerrorf(ParseError, "undefined label %"PRIdPTR, numval(tokval)); return v; case TOK_GENSYM: pv = (value_t*)ptrhash_bp(&readstate->gensyms, (void*)tokval); if(*pv == (value_t)HT_NOTFOUND) *pv = gensym(); return *pv; case TOK_DOUBLEQUOTE: return read_string(); } return FL_UNSPECIFIED; } value_t fl_read_sexpr(value_t f) { value_t v; fl_readstate_t state; state.prev = readstate; htable_new(&state.backrefs, 8); htable_new(&state.gensyms, 8); state.source = f; readstate = &state; assert(toktype == TOK_NONE); fl_gc_handle(&tokval); v = do_read_sexpr(UNBOUND); fl_free_gc_handles(1); readstate = state.prev; free_readstate(&state); return v; }