ref: 0418c645cf31011412e2bfaaca497130b8d5a658
dir: /tiny/lispf.c/
/* femtoLisp a minimal interpreter for a minimal lisp dialect this lisp dialect uses lexical scope and self-evaluating lambda. it supports 30-bit integers, symbols, conses, and full macros. it is case-sensitive. it features a simple compacting copying garbage collector. it uses a Scheme-style evaluation rule where any expression may appear in head position as long as it evaluates to a function. it uses Scheme-style varargs (dotted formal argument lists) lambdas can have only 1 body expression; use (progn ...) for multiple expressions. this is due to the closure representation (lambda args body . env) lispf is a fork that provides an #ifdef FLOAT option to use single-precision floating point numbers instead of integers, albeit with even less precision than usual---only 21 significant mantissa bits! it is now also being used to test a tail-recursive evaluator. by Jeff Bezanson Public Domain */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <sys/types.h> typedef u_int32_t value_t; #ifdef FLOAT typedef float number_t; #else typedef int32_t number_t; #endif typedef struct { value_t car; value_t cdr; } cons_t; typedef struct _symbol_t { value_t binding; // global value binding value_t constant; // constant binding (used only for builtins) struct _symbol_t *left; struct _symbol_t *right; char name[1]; } symbol_t; #define TAG_NUM 0x0 #define TAG_BUILTIN 0x1 #define TAG_SYM 0x2 #define TAG_CONS 0x3 #define UNBOUND ((value_t)TAG_SYM) // an invalid symbol pointer #define tag(x) ((x)&0x3) #define ptr(x) ((void*)((x)&(~(value_t)0x3))) #define tagptr(p,t) (((value_t)(p)) | (t)) #ifdef FLOAT #define number(x) ((*(value_t*)&(x))&~0x3) #define numval(x) (*(number_t*)&(x)) #define NUM_FORMAT "%f" extern float strtof(const char *nptr, char **endptr); #define strtonum(s, e) strtof(s, e) #else #define number(x) ((value_t)((x)<<2)) #define numval(x) (((number_t)(x))>>2) #define NUM_FORMAT "%d" #define strtonum(s, e) strtol(s, e, 10) #endif #define intval(x) (((int)(x))>>2) #define builtin(n) tagptr((((int)n)<<2), TAG_BUILTIN) #define iscons(x) (tag(x) == TAG_CONS) #define issymbol(x) (tag(x) == TAG_SYM) #define isnumber(x) (tag(x) == TAG_NUM) #define isbuiltin(x) (tag(x) == TAG_BUILTIN) // functions ending in _ are unsafe, faster versions #define car_(v) (((cons_t*)ptr(v))->car) #define cdr_(v) (((cons_t*)ptr(v))->cdr) #define car(v) (tocons((v),"car")->car) #define cdr(v) (tocons((v),"cdr")->cdr) #define set(s, v) (((symbol_t*)ptr(s))->binding = (v)) #define setc(s, v) (((symbol_t*)ptr(s))->constant = (v)) enum { // special forms F_QUOTE=0, F_COND, F_IF, F_AND, F_OR, F_WHILE, F_LAMBDA, F_MACRO, F_LABEL, F_PROGN, // functions F_EQ, F_ATOM, F_CONS, F_CAR, F_CDR, F_READ, F_EVAL, F_PRINT, F_SET, F_NOT, F_LOAD, F_SYMBOLP, F_NUMBERP, F_ADD, F_SUB, F_MUL, F_DIV, F_LT, F_PROG1, F_APPLY, F_RPLACA, F_RPLACD, F_BOUNDP, N_BUILTINS }; #define isspecial(v) (intval(v) <= (int)F_PROGN) static char *builtin_names[] = { "quote", "cond", "if", "and", "or", "while", "lambda", "macro", "label", "progn", "eq", "atom", "cons", "car", "cdr", "read", "eval", "print", "set", "not", "load", "symbolp", "numberp", "+", "-", "*", "/", "<", "prog1", "apply", "rplaca", "rplacd", "boundp" }; static char *stack_bottom; #define PROCESS_STACK_SIZE (2*1024*1024) #define N_STACK 49152 static value_t Stack[N_STACK]; static u_int32_t SP = 0; #define PUSH(v) (Stack[SP++] = (v)) #define POP() (Stack[--SP]) #define POPN(n) (SP-=(n)) value_t NIL, T, LAMBDA, MACRO, LABEL, QUOTE; value_t read_sexpr(FILE *f); void print(FILE *f, value_t v); value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, value_t *penv); value_t load_file(char *fname); // error utilities ------------------------------------------------------------ jmp_buf toplevel; void lerror(char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); vfprintf(stderr, format, args); va_end(args); longjmp(toplevel, 1); } void type_error(char *fname, char *expected, value_t got) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: expected %s, got ", fname, expected); print(stderr, got); lerror("\n"); } // safe cast operators -------------------------------------------------------- #define SAFECAST_OP(type,ctype,cnvt) \ ctype to##type(value_t v, char *fname) \ { \ if (is##type(v)) \ return (ctype)cnvt(v); \ type_error(fname, #type, v); \ return (ctype)0; \ } SAFECAST_OP(cons, cons_t*, ptr) SAFECAST_OP(symbol,symbol_t*,ptr) SAFECAST_OP(number,number_t, numval) // symbol table --------------------------------------------------------------- static symbol_t *symtab = NULL; static symbol_t *mk_symbol(char *str) { symbol_t *sym; sym = (symbol_t*)malloc(sizeof(symbol_t) + strlen(str)); sym->left = sym->right = NULL; sym->constant = sym->binding = UNBOUND; strcpy(&sym->name[0], str); return sym; } static symbol_t **symtab_lookup(symbol_t **ptree, char *str) { int x; while(*ptree != NULL) { x = strcmp(str, (*ptree)->name); if (x == 0) return ptree; if (x < 0) ptree = &(*ptree)->left; else ptree = &(*ptree)->right; } return ptree; } value_t symbol(char *str) { symbol_t **pnode; pnode = symtab_lookup(&symtab, str); if (*pnode == NULL) *pnode = mk_symbol(str); return tagptr(*pnode, TAG_SYM); } // initialization ------------------------------------------------------------- static unsigned char *fromspace; static unsigned char *tospace; static unsigned char *curheap; static unsigned char *lim; static u_int32_t heapsize = 64*1024;//bytes void lisp_init(void) { int i; fromspace = malloc(heapsize); tospace = malloc(heapsize); curheap = fromspace; lim = curheap+heapsize-sizeof(cons_t); NIL = symbol("nil"); setc(NIL, NIL); T = symbol("t"); setc(T, T); LAMBDA = symbol("lambda"); MACRO = symbol("macro"); LABEL = symbol("label"); QUOTE = symbol("quote"); for (i=0; i < (int)N_BUILTINS; i++) setc(symbol(builtin_names[i]), builtin(i)); setc(symbol("princ"), builtin(F_PRINT)); } // conses --------------------------------------------------------------------- void gc(void); static value_t mk_cons(void) { cons_t *c; if (curheap > lim) gc(); c = (cons_t*)curheap; curheap += sizeof(cons_t); return tagptr(c, TAG_CONS); } static value_t cons_(value_t *pcar, value_t *pcdr) { value_t c = mk_cons(); car_(c) = *pcar; cdr_(c) = *pcdr; return c; } value_t *cons(value_t *pcar, value_t *pcdr) { value_t c = mk_cons(); car_(c) = *pcar; cdr_(c) = *pcdr; PUSH(c); return &Stack[SP-1]; } // collector ------------------------------------------------------------------ static value_t relocate(value_t v) { value_t a, d, nc; if (!iscons(v)) return v; if (car_(v) == UNBOUND) return cdr_(v); nc = mk_cons(); car_(nc) = NIL; a = car_(v); d = cdr_(v); car_(v) = UNBOUND; cdr_(v) = nc; car_(nc) = relocate(a); cdr_(nc) = relocate(d); return nc; } static void trace_globals(symbol_t *root) { while (root != NULL) { root->binding = relocate(root->binding); trace_globals(root->left); root = root->right; } } void gc(void) { static int grew = 0; unsigned char *temp; u_int32_t i; curheap = tospace; lim = curheap+heapsize-sizeof(cons_t); for (i=0; i < SP; i++) Stack[i] = relocate(Stack[i]); trace_globals(symtab); #ifdef VERBOSEGC printf("gc found %d/%d live conses\n", (curheap-tospace)/8, heapsize/8); #endif temp = tospace; tospace = fromspace; fromspace = temp; // if we're using > 80% of the space, resize tospace so we have // more space to fill next time. if we grew tospace last time, // grow the other half of the heap this time to catch up. if (grew || ((lim-curheap) < (int)(heapsize/5))) { temp = realloc(tospace, grew ? heapsize : heapsize*2); if (temp == NULL) lerror("out of memory\n"); tospace = temp; if (!grew) heapsize*=2; grew = !grew; } if (curheap > lim) // all data was live gc(); } // read ----------------------------------------------------------------------- enum { TOK_NONE, TOK_OPEN, TOK_CLOSE, TOK_DOT, TOK_QUOTE, TOK_SYM, TOK_NUM }; static int symchar(char c) { static char *special = "()';\\|"; return (!isspace(c) && !strchr(special, c)); } static u_int32_t toktype = TOK_NONE; static value_t tokval; static char buf[256]; static char nextchar(FILE *f) { char c; int ch; do { ch = fgetc(f); if (ch == EOF) return 0; c = (char)ch; if (c == ';') { // single-line comment do { ch = fgetc(f); if (ch == EOF) return 0; } while ((char)ch != '\n'); c = (char)ch; } } while (isspace(c)); return c; } static void take(void) { toktype = TOK_NONE; } static void accumchar(char c, int *pi) { buf[(*pi)++] = c; if (*pi >= (int)(sizeof(buf)-1)) lerror("read: error: token too long\n"); } static int read_token(FILE *f, char c) { int i=0, ch, escaped=0; ungetc(c, f); while (1) { ch = fgetc(f); if (ch == EOF) goto terminate; c = (char)ch; if (c == '|') { escaped = !escaped; } else if (c == '\\') { ch = fgetc(f); if (ch == EOF) goto terminate; accumchar((char)ch, &i); } else if (!escaped && !symchar(c)) { break; } else { accumchar(c, &i); } } ungetc(c, f); terminate: buf[i++] = '\0'; return i; } static u_int32_t peek(FILE *f) { char c, *end; number_t x; if (toktype != TOK_NONE) return toktype; c = nextchar(f); if (feof(f)) return TOK_NONE; if (c == '(') { toktype = TOK_OPEN; } else if (c == ')') { toktype = TOK_CLOSE; } else if (c == '\'') { toktype = TOK_QUOTE; } else if (isdigit(c) || c=='-') { read_token(f, c); if (buf[0] == '-' && !isdigit(buf[1])) { toktype = TOK_SYM; tokval = symbol(buf); } else { x = strtonum(buf, &end); if (*end != '\0') lerror("read: error: invalid constant\n"); toktype = TOK_NUM; tokval = number(x); } } else { read_token(f, c); if (!strcmp(buf, ".")) { toktype = TOK_DOT; } else { toktype = TOK_SYM; tokval = symbol(buf); } } return toktype; } // build a list of conses. this is complicated by the fact that all conses // can move whenever a new cons is allocated. we have to refer to every cons // through a handle to a relocatable pointer (i.e. a pointer on the stack). static void read_list(FILE *f, value_t *pval) { value_t c, *pc; u_int32_t t; PUSH(NIL); pc = &Stack[SP-1]; // to keep track of current cons cell t = peek(f); while (t != TOK_CLOSE) { if (feof(f)) lerror("read: error: unexpected end of input\n"); c = mk_cons(); car_(c) = cdr_(c) = NIL; if (iscons(*pc)) cdr_(*pc) = c; else *pval = c; *pc = c; c = read_sexpr(f); // must be on separate lines due to undefined car_(*pc) = c; // evaluation order t = peek(f); if (t == TOK_DOT) { take(); c = read_sexpr(f); cdr_(*pc) = c; t = peek(f); if (feof(f)) lerror("read: error: unexpected end of input\n"); if (t != TOK_CLOSE) lerror("read: error: expected ')'\n"); } } take(); POP(); } value_t read_sexpr(FILE *f) { value_t v; switch (peek(f)) { case TOK_CLOSE: take(); lerror("read: error: unexpected ')'\n"); case TOK_DOT: take(); lerror("read: error: unexpected '.'\n"); case TOK_SYM: case TOK_NUM: take(); return tokval; case TOK_QUOTE: take(); v = read_sexpr(f); PUSH(v); v = cons_("E, cons(&Stack[SP-1], &NIL)); POPN(2); return v; case TOK_OPEN: take(); PUSH(NIL); read_list(f, &Stack[SP-1]); return POP(); } return NIL; } // print ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void print(FILE *f, value_t v) { value_t cd; switch (tag(v)) { case TAG_NUM: fprintf(f, NUM_FORMAT, numval(v)); break; case TAG_SYM: fprintf(f, "%s", ((symbol_t*)ptr(v))->name); break; case TAG_BUILTIN: fprintf(f, "#<builtin %s>", builtin_names[intval(v)]); break; case TAG_CONS: fprintf(f, "("); while (1) { print(f, car_(v)); cd = cdr_(v); if (!iscons(cd)) { if (cd != NIL) { fprintf(f, " . "); print(f, cd); } fprintf(f, ")"); break; } fprintf(f, " "); v = cd; } break; } } // eval ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static inline void argcount(char *fname, int nargs, int c) { if (nargs != c) lerror("%s: error: too %s arguments\n", fname, nargs<c ? "few":"many"); } #define eval(e, penv) ((tag(e)<0x2) ? (e) : eval_sexpr((e),penv)) #define tail_eval(xpr, env) do { SP = saveSP; \ if (tag(xpr)<0x2) { return (xpr); } \ else { e=(xpr); *penv=(env); goto eval_top; } } while (0) value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, value_t *penv) { value_t f, v, bind, headsym, asym, labl=0, *pv, *argsyms, *body, *lenv; value_t *rest; cons_t *c; symbol_t *sym; u_int32_t saveSP; int i, nargs, noeval=0; number_t s, n; eval_top: if (issymbol(e)) { sym = (symbol_t*)ptr(e); if (sym->constant != UNBOUND) return sym->constant; v = *penv; while (iscons(v)) { bind = car_(v); if (iscons(bind) && car_(bind) == e) return cdr_(bind); v = cdr_(v); } if ((v = sym->binding) == UNBOUND) lerror("eval: error: variable %s has no value\n", sym->name); return v; } if ((unsigned)(char*)&nargs < (unsigned)stack_bottom || SP>=(N_STACK-100)) lerror("eval: error: stack overflow\n"); saveSP = SP; PUSH(e); PUSH(*penv); f = eval(car_(e), penv); *penv = Stack[saveSP+1]; if (isbuiltin(f)) { // handle builtin function if (!isspecial(f)) { // evaluate argument list, placing arguments on stack v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); while (iscons(v)) { v = eval(car_(v), penv); *penv = Stack[saveSP+1]; PUSH(v); v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); } } apply_builtin: nargs = SP - saveSP - 2; switch (intval(f)) { // special forms case F_QUOTE: v = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); if (!iscons(v)) lerror("quote: error: expected argument\n"); v = car_(v); break; case F_MACRO: case F_LAMBDA: v = Stack[saveSP]; if (*penv != NIL) { // build a closure (lambda args body . env) v = cdr_(v); PUSH(car(v)); argsyms = &Stack[SP-1]; PUSH(car(cdr_(v))); body = &Stack[SP-1]; v = cons_(intval(f)==F_LAMBDA ? &LAMBDA : &MACRO, cons(argsyms, cons(body, penv))); } break; case F_LABEL: v = Stack[saveSP]; if (*penv != NIL) { v = cdr_(v); PUSH(car(v)); // name pv = &Stack[SP-1]; PUSH(car(cdr_(v))); // function body = &Stack[SP-1]; *body = eval(*body, penv); // evaluate lambda v = cons_(&LABEL, cons(pv, cons(body, &NIL))); } break; case F_IF: v = car(cdr_(Stack[saveSP])); if (eval(v, penv) != NIL) v = car(cdr_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP]))); else v = car(cdr(cdr_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP])))); tail_eval(v, Stack[saveSP+1]); break; case F_COND: Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL; while (iscons(*pv)) { c = tocons(car_(*pv), "cond"); v = eval(c->car, penv); *penv = Stack[saveSP+1]; if (v != NIL) { *pv = cdr_(car_(*pv)); // evaluate body forms if (iscons(*pv)) { while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) { v = eval(car_(*pv), penv); *penv = Stack[saveSP+1]; *pv = cdr_(*pv); } tail_eval(car_(*pv), *penv); } break; } *pv = cdr_(*pv); } break; case F_AND: Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = T; if (iscons(*pv)) { while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) { if ((v=eval(car_(*pv), penv)) == NIL) { SP = saveSP; return NIL; } *penv = Stack[saveSP+1]; *pv = cdr_(*pv); } tail_eval(car_(*pv), *penv); } break; case F_OR: Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL; if (iscons(*pv)) { while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) { if ((v=eval(car_(*pv), penv)) != NIL) { SP = saveSP; return v; } *penv = Stack[saveSP+1]; *pv = cdr_(*pv); } tail_eval(car_(*pv), *penv); } break; case F_WHILE: PUSH(car(cdr(cdr_(Stack[saveSP])))); body = &Stack[SP-1]; Stack[saveSP] = car_(cdr_(Stack[saveSP])); value_t *cond = &Stack[saveSP]; PUSH(NIL); pv = &Stack[SP-1]; while (eval(*cond, penv) != NIL) { *penv = Stack[saveSP+1]; *pv = eval(*body, penv); *penv = Stack[saveSP+1]; } v = *pv; break; case F_PROGN: // return last arg Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL; if (iscons(*pv)) { while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) { v = eval(car_(*pv), penv); *penv = Stack[saveSP+1]; *pv = cdr_(*pv); } tail_eval(car_(*pv), *penv); } break; // ordinary functions case F_SET: argcount("set", nargs, 2); e = Stack[SP-2]; v = *penv; while (iscons(v)) { bind = car_(v); if (iscons(bind) && car_(bind) == e) { cdr_(bind) = (v=Stack[SP-1]); SP=saveSP; return v; } v = cdr_(v); } tosymbol(e, "set")->binding = (v=Stack[SP-1]); break; case F_BOUNDP: argcount("boundp", nargs, 1); if (tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "boundp")->binding == UNBOUND) v = NIL; else v = T; break; case F_EQ: argcount("eq", nargs, 2); v = ((Stack[SP-2] == Stack[SP-1]) ? T : NIL); break; case F_CONS: argcount("cons", nargs, 2); v = mk_cons(); car_(v) = Stack[SP-2]; cdr_(v) = Stack[SP-1]; break; case F_CAR: argcount("car", nargs, 1); v = car(Stack[SP-1]); break; case F_CDR: argcount("cdr", nargs, 1); v = cdr(Stack[SP-1]); break; case F_RPLACA: argcount("rplaca", nargs, 2); car(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1]; break; case F_RPLACD: argcount("rplacd", nargs, 2); cdr(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1]; break; case F_ATOM: argcount("atom", nargs, 1); v = ((!iscons(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL); break; case F_SYMBOLP: argcount("symbolp", nargs, 1); v = ((issymbol(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL); break; case F_NUMBERP: argcount("numberp", nargs, 1); v = ((isnumber(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL); break; case F_ADD: s = 0; for (i=saveSP+2; i < (int)SP; i++) { n = tonumber(Stack[i], "+"); s += n; } v = number(s); break; case F_SUB: if (nargs < 1) lerror("-: error: too few arguments\n"); i = saveSP+2; s = (nargs==1) ? 0 : tonumber(Stack[i++], "-"); for (; i < (int)SP; i++) { n = tonumber(Stack[i], "-"); s -= n; } v = number(s); break; case F_MUL: s = 1; for (i=saveSP+2; i < (int)SP; i++) { n = tonumber(Stack[i], "*"); s *= n; } v = number(s); break; case F_DIV: if (nargs < 1) lerror("/: error: too few arguments\n"); i = saveSP+2; s = (nargs==1) ? 1 : tonumber(Stack[i++], "/"); for (; i < (int)SP; i++) { n = tonumber(Stack[i], "/"); if (n == 0) lerror("/: error: division by zero\n"); s /= n; } v = number(s); break; case F_LT: argcount("<", nargs, 2); if (tonumber(Stack[SP-2],"<") < tonumber(Stack[SP-1],"<")) v = T; else v = NIL; break; case F_NOT: argcount("not", nargs, 1); v = ((Stack[SP-1] == NIL) ? T : NIL); break; case F_EVAL: argcount("eval", nargs, 1); v = Stack[SP-1]; tail_eval(v, NIL); break; case F_PRINT: for (i=saveSP+2; i < (int)SP; i++) print(stdout, v=Stack[i]); break; case F_READ: argcount("read", nargs, 0); v = read_sexpr(stdin); break; case F_LOAD: argcount("load", nargs, 1); v = load_file(tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "load")->name); break; case F_PROG1: // return first arg if (nargs < 1) lerror("prog1: error: too few arguments\n"); v = Stack[saveSP+2]; break; case F_APPLY: argcount("apply", nargs, 2); v = Stack[saveSP] = Stack[SP-1]; // second arg is new arglist f = Stack[SP-2]; // first arg is new function POPN(2); // pop apply's args if (isbuiltin(f)) { if (isspecial(f)) lerror("apply: error: cannot apply special operator " "%s\n", builtin_names[intval(f)]); // unpack arglist onto the stack while (iscons(v)) { PUSH(car_(v)); v = cdr_(v); } goto apply_builtin; } noeval = 1; goto apply_lambda; } SP = saveSP; return v; } else { v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); } apply_lambda: if (iscons(f)) { headsym = car_(f); if (headsym == LABEL) { // (label name (lambda ...)) behaves the same as the lambda // alone, except with name bound to the whole label expression labl = f; f = car(cdr(cdr_(labl))); headsym = car(f); } // apply lambda or macro expression PUSH(cdr(cdr(cdr_(f)))); lenv = &Stack[SP-1]; PUSH(car_(cdr_(f))); argsyms = &Stack[SP-1]; PUSH(car_(cdr_(cdr_(f)))); body = &Stack[SP-1]; if (labl) { // add label binding to environment PUSH(labl); PUSH(car_(cdr_(labl))); *lenv = cons_(cons(&Stack[SP-1], &Stack[SP-2]), lenv); POPN(3); v = Stack[saveSP]; // refetch arglist } if (headsym == MACRO) noeval = 1; else if (headsym != LAMBDA) lerror("apply: error: head must be lambda, macro, or label\n"); // build a calling environment for the lambda // the environment is the argument binds on top of the captured // environment while (iscons(v)) { // bind args if (!iscons(*argsyms)) { if (*argsyms == NIL) lerror("apply: error: too many arguments\n"); break; } asym = car_(*argsyms); if (!issymbol(asym)) lerror("apply: error: formal argument not a symbol\n"); v = car_(v); if (!noeval) { v = eval(v, penv); *penv = Stack[saveSP+1]; } PUSH(v); *lenv = cons_(cons(&asym, &Stack[SP-1]), lenv); POPN(2); *argsyms = cdr_(*argsyms); v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); } if (*argsyms != NIL) { if (issymbol(*argsyms)) { if (noeval) { *lenv = cons_(cons(argsyms, &Stack[saveSP]), lenv); } else { PUSH(NIL); PUSH(NIL); rest = &Stack[SP-1]; // build list of rest arguments // we have to build it forwards, which is tricky while (iscons(v)) { v = eval(car_(v), penv); *penv = Stack[saveSP+1]; PUSH(v); v = cons_(&Stack[SP-1], &NIL); POP(); if (iscons(*rest)) cdr_(*rest) = v; else Stack[SP-2] = v; *rest = v; v = Stack[saveSP] = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]); } *lenv = cons_(cons(argsyms, &Stack[SP-2]), lenv); } } else if (iscons(*argsyms)) { lerror("apply: error: too few arguments\n"); } } noeval = 0; // macro: evaluate expansion in the calling environment if (headsym == MACRO) { SP = saveSP; PUSH(*lenv); lenv = &Stack[SP-1]; v = eval(*body, lenv); tail_eval(v, *penv); } else { tail_eval(*body, *lenv); } // not reached } type_error("apply", "function", f); return NIL; } // repl ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static char *infile = NULL; value_t toplevel_eval(value_t expr) { value_t v; PUSH(NIL); v = eval(expr, &Stack[SP-1]); POP(); return v; } value_t load_file(char *fname) { value_t e, v=NIL; char *lastfile = infile; FILE *f = fopen(fname, "r"); infile = fname; if (f == NULL) lerror("file not found\n"); while (1) { e = read_sexpr(f); if (feof(f)) break; v = toplevel_eval(e); } infile = lastfile; fclose(f); return v; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { value_t v; stack_bottom = ((char*)&v) - PROCESS_STACK_SIZE; lisp_init(); if (setjmp(toplevel)) { SP = 0; fprintf(stderr, "\n"); if (infile) { fprintf(stderr, "error loading file \"%s\"\n", infile); infile = NULL; } goto repl; } load_file("system.lsp"); if (argc > 1) { load_file(argv[1]); return 0; } printf("Welcome to femtoLisp ----------------------------------------------------------\n"); repl: while (1) { printf("> "); v = read_sexpr(stdin); if (feof(stdin)) break; print(stdout, v=toplevel_eval(v)); set(symbol("that"), v); printf("\n\n"); } return 0; }