ref: c950e7101bdf5f7117bfca816984a21e550509f0
dir: /src/warpmv.c/
/* * Copyright © 2018, VideoLAN and dav1d authors * Copyright © 2018, Two Orioles, LLC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "common/intops.h" #include "src/warpmv.h" static const uint16_t div_lut[257] = { 16384, 16320, 16257, 16194, 16132, 16070, 16009, 15948, 15888, 15828, 15768, 15709, 15650, 15592, 15534, 15477, 15420, 15364, 15308, 15252, 15197, 15142, 15087, 15033, 14980, 14926, 14873, 14821, 14769, 14717, 14665, 14614, 14564, 14513, 14463, 14413, 14364, 14315, 14266, 14218, 14170, 14122, 14075, 14028, 13981, 13935, 13888, 13843, 13797, 13752, 13707, 13662, 13618, 13574, 13530, 13487, 13443, 13400, 13358, 13315, 13273, 13231, 13190, 13148, 13107, 13066, 13026, 12985, 12945, 12906, 12866, 12827, 12788, 12749, 12710, 12672, 12633, 12596, 12558, 12520, 12483, 12446, 12409, 12373, 12336, 12300, 12264, 12228, 12193, 12157, 12122, 12087, 12053, 12018, 11984, 11950, 11916, 11882, 11848, 11815, 11782, 11749, 11716, 11683, 11651, 11619, 11586, 11555, 11523, 11491, 11460, 11429, 11398, 11367, 11336, 11305, 11275, 11245, 11215, 11185, 11155, 11125, 11096, 11067, 11038, 11009, 10980, 10951, 10923, 10894, 10866, 10838, 10810, 10782, 10755, 10727, 10700, 10673, 10645, 10618, 10592, 10565, 10538, 10512, 10486, 10460, 10434, 10408, 10382, 10356, 10331, 10305, 10280, 10255, 10230, 10205, 10180, 10156, 10131, 10107, 10082, 10058, 10034, 10010, 9986, 9963, 9939, 9916, 9892, 9869, 9846, 9823, 9800, 9777, 9754, 9732, 9709, 9687, 9664, 9642, 9620, 9598, 9576, 9554, 9533, 9511, 9489, 9468, 9447, 9425, 9404, 9383, 9362, 9341, 9321, 9300, 9279, 9259, 9239, 9218, 9198, 9178, 9158, 9138, 9118, 9098, 9079, 9059, 9039, 9020, 9001, 8981, 8962, 8943, 8924, 8905, 8886, 8867, 8849, 8830, 8812, 8793, 8775, 8756, 8738, 8720, 8702, 8684, 8666, 8648, 8630, 8613, 8595, 8577, 8560, 8542, 8525, 8508, 8490, 8473, 8456, 8439, 8422, 8405, 8389, 8372, 8355, 8339, 8322, 8306, 8289, 8273, 8257, 8240, 8224, 8208, 8192, }; static inline int iclip_wmp(const int v) { const int cv = iclip(v, INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX); return apply_sign((abs(cv) + 32) >> 6, cv) * (1 << 6); } static inline int resolve_divisor_32(const unsigned d, int *const shift) { *shift = ulog2(d); const int e = d - (1 << *shift); const int f = *shift > 8 ? (e + (1 << (*shift - 9))) >> (*shift - 8) : e << (8 - *shift); assert(f <= 256); *shift += 14; // Use f as lookup into the precomputed table of multipliers return div_lut[f]; } int dav1d_get_shear_params(Dav1dWarpedMotionParams *const wm) { const int32_t *const mat = wm->matrix; if (mat[2] <= 0) return 1; wm->alpha = iclip_wmp(mat[2] - 0x10000); wm->beta = iclip_wmp(mat[3]); int shift; const int y = apply_sign(resolve_divisor_32(abs(mat[2]), &shift), mat[2]); const int64_t v1 = ((int64_t) mat[4] * 0x10000) * y; const int rnd = (1 << shift) >> 1; wm->gamma = iclip_wmp(apply_sign64((int) ((llabs(v1) + rnd) >> shift), v1)); const int64_t v2 = ((int64_t) mat[3] * mat[4]) * y; wm->delta = iclip_wmp(mat[5] - apply_sign64((int) ((llabs(v2) + rnd) >> shift), v2) - 0x10000); return (4 * abs(wm->alpha) + 7 * abs(wm->beta) >= 0x10000) || (4 * abs(wm->gamma) + 4 * abs(wm->delta) >= 0x10000); } static int resolve_divisor_64(const uint64_t d, int *const shift) { *shift = u64log2(d); const int64_t e = d - (1LL << *shift); const int64_t f = *shift > 8 ? (e + (1LL << (*shift - 9))) >> (*shift - 8) : e << (8 - *shift); assert(f <= 256); *shift += 14; // Use f as lookup into the precomputed table of multipliers return div_lut[f]; } static int get_mult_shift_ndiag(const int64_t px, const int idet, const int shift) { const int64_t v1 = px * idet; const int v2 = apply_sign64((int) ((llabs(v1) + ((1LL << shift) >> 1)) >> shift), v1); return iclip(v2, -0x1fff, 0x1fff); } static int get_mult_shift_diag(const int64_t px, const int idet, const int shift) { const int64_t v1 = px * idet; const int v2 = apply_sign64((int) ((llabs(v1) + ((1LL << shift) >> 1)) >> shift), v1); return iclip(v2, 0xe001, 0x11fff); } int dav1d_find_affine_int(const int (*pts)[2][2], const int np, const int bw4, const int bh4, const mv mv, Dav1dWarpedMotionParams *const wm, const int bx4, const int by4) { int32_t *const mat = wm->matrix; int a[2][2] = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }; int bx[2] = { 0, 0 }; int by[2] = { 0, 0 }; const int rsuy = 2 * bh4 - 1; const int rsux = 2 * bw4 - 1; const int suy = rsuy * 8; const int sux = rsux * 8; const int duy = suy + mv.y; const int dux = sux + mv.x; const int isuy = by4 * 4 + rsuy; const int isux = bx4 * 4 + rsux; for (int i = 0; i < np; i++) { const int dx = pts[i][1][0] - dux; const int dy = pts[i][1][1] - duy; const int sx = pts[i][0][0] - sux; const int sy = pts[i][0][1] - suy; if (abs(sx - dx) < 256 && abs(sy - dy) < 256) { a[0][0] += ((sx * sx) >> 2) + sx * 2 + 8; a[0][1] += ((sx * sy) >> 2) + sx + sy + 4; a[1][1] += ((sy * sy) >> 2) + sy * 2 + 8; bx[0] += ((sx * dx) >> 2) + sx + dx + 8; bx[1] += ((sy * dx) >> 2) + sy + dx + 4; by[0] += ((sx * dy) >> 2) + sx + dy + 4; by[1] += ((sy * dy) >> 2) + sy + dy + 8; } } // compute determinant of a const int64_t det = (int64_t) a[0][0] * a[1][1] - (int64_t) a[0][1] * a[0][1]; if (det == 0) return 1; int shift, idet = apply_sign64(resolve_divisor_64(llabs(det), &shift), det); shift -= 16; if (shift < 0) { idet <<= -shift; shift = 0; } // solve the least-squares mat[2] = get_mult_shift_diag((int64_t) a[1][1] * bx[0] - (int64_t) a[0][1] * bx[1], idet, shift); mat[3] = get_mult_shift_ndiag((int64_t) a[0][0] * bx[1] - (int64_t) a[0][1] * bx[0], idet, shift); mat[4] = get_mult_shift_ndiag((int64_t) a[1][1] * by[0] - (int64_t) a[0][1] * by[1], idet, shift); mat[5] = get_mult_shift_diag((int64_t) a[0][0] * by[1] - (int64_t) a[0][1] * by[0], idet, shift); mat[0] = iclip(mv.x * 0x2000 - (isux * (mat[2] - 0x10000) + isuy * mat[3]), -0x800000, 0x7fffff); mat[1] = iclip(mv.y * 0x2000 - (isux * mat[4] + isuy * (mat[5] - 0x10000)), -0x800000, 0x7fffff); return 0; }